The Newsletter7104 avr. 2016

La Lettre

Thierry Chopin

4 April 2016

Since the start of the crisis thought about the reform to implement has been limited to the framework of the euro zone and to the response to provide to the deficit of political accountability that is affecting the democratic legitimacy of decision making at this level. But the challenge regarding democratic legitimacy being made to the European Union cannot just be restricted to the euro zone alone, nor can it be reduced to the simple question of accountability.

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Permanent Atlas of the European Union (3rd edition)

3 April 2016

The third edition of the Atlas of the European Union is a work of reference that presents the Union, its institutions, each of its 28 Member States and a new feature - their overseas territories - via their history, their culture and their reality. A must if you want to know everything there is to know about Europe.

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Europe and its security

4 April 2016

In an editorial published on his site on 4th April, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, the Foundation's Chairman, calls on the States of Europe to do more in terms of defence to rise to present security challenges.

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European Civil Protection Mechanism

4 April 2016

On 29th March a new delivery of equipment by way of the European civil protection mechanism took place notably in Greece. These deliveries are being made on the initiative of the Member States on a voluntary basis.

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UNHCR: conference on the distribution of Syrian refugees in Geneva

3 April 2016

On 30th March the Conference on the Distribution of Syrian Refugees in Geneva concluded with further offers of resettlement places and other types of admission on humanitarian grounds by the participating States.

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Greece: approval of law to return migrants

4 April 2016

On 1st April the Greek parliament approved a law that opens the way for the return of migrants arriving in Greece back to Turkey, under the EU-Turkey agreement that aims to stem migratory flows to Europe.

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Meeting of Central European Defence Ministers

4 April 2016

The Ministers for Defence Cooperation in Central Europe, i.e. Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro met on 31st March and 1st April in Vienna asked for Frontex's means to be strengthened to counter migration and to guarantee the protection of the external borders.

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Financial Crisis

Cyprus ends the international aid plan linked to the 2013 crisis

3 April 2016

On 31st March Cyprus officially and successfully concluded its financial assistance programme supported by the European Union and the IMF over the last three years, thanks to the implementation of structural reforms and the progressive recovery of its economy.

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In 2015 Spain government deficit worsened in 2015

3 April 2016

In 2015 Spain's public deficit worsened to lie at 5.16% of the GDP which is well over the figure forecast - this might oblige the next government to take austerity measures.

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Report by the World Bank on Ukraine's financial prospects

4 April 2016

The World Bank presented a report on the economic prospects of Ukraine on 1st April, which is still suffering following the conflict with the pro-Russian separatists in the east in the country.

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IMF Report on Portugal

4 April 2016

On April 1st the IMF published its conclusions on Portugal's third supervision programme. The country must continue its structural reforms and maintain those ongoing on the labour market and in the civil service.

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IMF Report on Slovenia

4 April 2016

In its conclusions on Slovenia on 29th March the IMF called on the government to step up private investment, to introduce fiscal adjustments and to make further efforts in terms of privatisation mechanisms.

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The IMF believes that an acceptable plan in the Greek crisis is still a long way off

4 April 2016

Discussions on the Greek debt are still far from complete in terms of an acceptable proposal on the part of the IMF, deemed Christine Lagarde, the IMF's General Director on 3rd April in a letter addressed to the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

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Programme to provide European milk to Syrian children

3 April 2016

On 30th March the European Commission adopted a 30 million € programme, the last part of a 500 million€ support package to farmers, for the purchase of European milk to be taken to Syrian children.

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Enabling insurers to invest in infrastructures more easily

3 April 2016

On 1st April the Official Journal published a modification to the delegated act Solvency II which entered into force on 2nd April. It aims to make investments in infrastructures more attractive and cheaper to insurers.

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Report on Nuclear

4 April 2016

On 4th April the European Commission presented the Nuclear Illustrative Programme (PINC) - a report devoted to investments in support of post-Fukushima safety which forms the base for discussion on trends in the area of nuclear energy for the period up to 2050.

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European Sanctions against three Libyan leaders

3 April 2016

On 31st March the EU adopted sanctions against three Libyan leaders for their "obstructive attitude" regarding the government of national unity which is trying to establish power in Tripoli.

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Sanctions against North Korea

3 April 2016

The 28 EU Member States approved a further round of sanctions against North Korea on 31st March - increasing the arsenal already in place, in response to a nuclear test and a rocket launch that were condemned by the international community.

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EU/India Summit

3 April 2016

On 30th March during the EU-India Summit leaders stepped up their economic, security, diplomatic and social cooperation with an agenda targeting 2020. In 2015 the EU registered a deficit of 1.3 billion € in its trade of goods with India, but a surplus of 0.3 billion € in the trade of services.

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Fourth summit on nuclear security in Washington

4 April 2016

American President Barack Obama convened on 31st March and 1st April in Washington the fourth summit on nuclear security, rallying more than 50 heads of State and government as well as representatives of various international organisations.

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Spain: negotiations between the PSOE and Podemos to form a government

4 April 2016

The leaders of the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) and Podemos (radical left) announced on 30th March that negotiations were starting again in view of forming a government. An agreement must be found before 2nd May, otherwise Spain will return to ballot.

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International Seminar at Bercy on international financial architecture

3 April 2016

French Finance Minister Michel Sapin called on 31st March to enhance the information system regarding financial flows that is affecting emerging countries in particular as he spoke at an international seminar at Bercy (Paris) on international financial architecture.

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Adoption of the SME initiative in Romania

3 April 2016

On 29th March the European Commission adopted the "SME Initiative" in Romania, an aid programme to a total of 100 million €.

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The Bank of England's concern about the referendum on the EU

3 April 2016

On 29th March the Bank of England published a press release on expressing its concern about the referendum that is to take place on 23rd June next. In its opinion the UK's exit from the EU is one of the main short term risks challenging the country's financial stability.

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Opening of the longest rail motorway in Europe

3 April 2016

The new freight railway line VIIA Britannica linking Spain to the UK, the longest rail motorway in Europe entered into service on 29th March.

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Entry into force of the Association and Stabilisation Agreement between the EU and Kosovo

3 April 2016

The Association and Stabilisation Agreement (ASA) between the EU and Kosovo entered into force on 1st April and should help support Kosovo in the implementation of its reforms.

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Visit by Milo Djukanovic in Brussels

4 April 2016

On 29th March Montenegrin Prime Minister Milo Djukanović travelled to Brussels where he met Donald Tusk, Jean-Claude Juncker and Federica Mogherini. European leaders welcomed the progress made by Montenegro and called for continued work in the context of future elections.

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Vojislav Seselj acquitted by the ICTY

4 April 2016

The Serb ultranationalist Vojislav Seselj, accused of having committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in the 1990's was acquitted against all expectation on 31st March by the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia).

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Amnesty International denounces the expulsion of Syrians by Turkey

3 April 2016

In a report published on 1st April Amnesty International speaks out against collective expulsions of Syrian refugees organised by Turkey to Syria - which is a war zone.

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UN: upkeep of sanctions against Libya

4 April 2016

On 31st March the UN Security Council extended permission and measures to sanction Libya until 31st July 2017 - which aim to prevent illegal oil exports notably via parallel institutions "that are escaping the authority of the government of national unity."

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The USA and China are the EU's main trading partners

3 April 2016

According to a press release by Eurostat on 31st March Europe's main trading partners in 2015 were the USA, the leading import country from the EU and China, the leading export country to the EU.

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Deflation of 0.1% in the euro zone in March

3 April 2016

According to a Eurostat press release published on 31st March the inflation rate in the euro zone was due to lie at -0.1% in March, i.e. 0.1 points more than in February.

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Unemployment at 8.9% in the EU and at 10.3% in the euro zone

4 April 2016

According to Eurostat on 4th April unemployment lay at 8.9% in the EU and at 10.3% in the euro zone in February 2016. This is the lowest figure registered in the EU since May 2009 and in the euro zone since August 2011.

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Monetary developments in the euro zone

4 April 2016

On 29th March the European Central Bank published a press release regarding monetary developments in the euro zone for February 2016 and on 1st April statistics on insurance businesses and pension funds in the euro zone.

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2015 Annual Report by the Council of Europe

3 April 2016

On 30th March the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe published its 2015 annual report on the monitoring of the implementation of the decisions taken by the European Court of Human Rights.

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Joan Miro Exhibition in Frankfurt

3 April 2016

The Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt is running an exhibition of major works by Joan Miro reflecting his fascination for the wall, used by the Catalan painter as a point of departure for his paintings.

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Paul Klee Exhibition at the Pompidou Centre in Paris

3 April 2016

The Pompidou Centre in Paris is running a retrospective until 1st August bringing together around 250 works from some of the biggest international collections at the Paul Klee Zentrum in Bern, Switzerland and also from private collections.

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EuropArt Music Festival in Brussels

3 April 2016

From 2nd to 9th April Brussels is hosting the EuropArt Music Festival which mixes different types of music - both romantic, impressionist and contemporary.

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From Kandinsky to Pollock - Exhibition in Florence

3 April 2016

The Palazzo Strozzi in Florence is hosting the exhibition "From Kandinsky to Pollock, the Art of the Guggenheim Collection" until 24th July, presenting European works of modern art as well as American paintings and sculptures from the 1950's and 60's.

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The books that have made Europe

4 April 2016

The Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome is exhibiting 186 manuscripts and incunabula of great value including the first printed edition of Dante's Divine Comedy. The exhibition "The Books that made Europe: Latin and Roman manuscripts from Charlemagne to the invention of the printing press," is running until 22nd July.

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Exhibition of "Dutch Flowers" at the National Gallery

4 April 2016

From 6th April to 29th August the National Gallery in London is running an exhibition devoted to Dutch painting "Dutch Flowers".

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Glasgow Art Festival

4 April 2016

From 8th to 25th April the 7th Contemporary Art Biennale will be taking place featuring many artists.

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6th April

ECB Council of Governors (Frankfurt/Main)

6th April

Referendum on the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine (Netherlands)

7th April

18th Franco-German Council of Ministers (Metz)

11th April

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Luxembourg)

11th to 14th April

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Rodolphe Baron, Angéline Garde, Emma Giraud,Morgane Mounier, Joséphine Staron, Laura Zani

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial, EU/India, Nuclear, Migrations, Cyprus, Libya


The Newsletter n°710- version of 4 avr. 2016