The Newsletter69918 janv. 2016

La Lettre

Franck Sylvan

18 January 2016

Transport is more than just a question of mobility: it is a factor of competitiveness. Without transport, there is no trade, no movement of goods or people, no Single Market and even less the European Union. From the beginning the European project has endeavoured to create a "European area of transport". At present the revival of the European economy is dependent on a revised, renewed "European transport policy". Although the European Commission has announced the financing of over 250 projects for a total of 13.1 billion €, as part of the European Interconnection Mechanism (EIM) we might question the choice of investments in terms of environmentally friendly, competitive modes of transport.

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Publication of the 3rd edition of the Atlas of the European Union

18 January 2016

The third edition of the Atlas of the European Union has just been published in paper and digital form. The work presents the Union, its institutions, its 28 Member States and a novelty - their overseas territories. Order now if you want to know everything there is to know about Europe!

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Franco-German Forum

18 January 2016

Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Foundation is taking part in the Franco-German Forum on 22nd January in Bonn on the theme "Beyond Friendship: Franco-German relations in a Europe in Crisis."

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Issues at stake in the negotiation of the transatlantic trade and investment partnership

18 January 2016

The Economic, Social and Environment Council has put on-line the hearing of the Foundation's Chairman Jean-Dominique Giuliani regarding the transatlantic trade and investment partnership.

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Vienna toughens up on asylum seekers

18 January 2016

The Austrian government has asked the Union to improve control of the flow of migrants on the Slovenian border and wants "to distinguish between economic refugees and those who are fleeing war."

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Germay toughens up on its rules to deport convicted refugees

18 January 2016

On 12th January the German coalition announced that people who were not German and who were sentenced to a prison term of over 3 years would have to leave the country if their life or health were not threatened in their country of origin.

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Increase in asylum requests in France

18 January 2016

The French Office for the Protection of Refugees and the Stateless published figures on 12th January regarding asylum requests in France which rose by 22% in 2015.

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Migrants: EU needs to act more

18 January 2016

According to the Commission on 13th January the measures taken in 2015 should be undertaken completely and faster than at present, and some emergency measures, such as the temporary controls of the borders should be brought to an end as quickly as possible.

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Migrants: the Pope launches a vibrant appeal to Europe

18 January 2016

On 11th January Pope Francis used the occasion of his message addressed to the diplomatic corps to call on Europeans to receive immigrants more generously, whilst acknowledging that integration was difficult to a backdrop of Islamic terrorism.

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The EU regrets insufficient action taken by Turkey to counter migrant flows

18 January 2016

On 11th January the European Commission deplored the slow progress made by Turkey in terms of slowing the flows of migrants crossing the Aegean Sea illegally.

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Financial Crisis

Euro zone: recovery resisting dangers

18 January 2016

According to an INSEE, Istat and IFO study published on 12th January recovery is now confirmed but will remain moderate in the euro zone. The volume of the GDP is due to rise by 1.5% on average annually in 2015, then by 0.4% per quarter in the first half of 2016.

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The IMF welcomes Slovakia's solid economic performance

18 January 2016

On 14th January the IMF concluded that the Slovakian economy is one of the strongest in the EU in part due to an effective employment policy.

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Conclusions of the Eurogroup meeting

18 January 2016

On 14th January the 19 Eurogroup ministers debated the Greek and Cypriot situations and reviewed the monetary policy undertaken in the euro zone by the ECB.

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The Commission assesses Chinese dumping and negotiates an investment agreement

18 January 2016

On 15th January the Commission and China came to agreement over the scope of an agreement on investment. On 13th January the Commission debated the Chinese dumping policy under the framework of the "possible achievement of market economy status by China."

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Press conference by the President of the European Commission

18 January 2016

On 15th January the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker declared what his priorities would be in 2016: growth and employment, and the management of the various crises that Europe has to face.

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Conclusions of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council

18 January 2016

On 15th January the 28 Economy and Finance Ministers came to agreement on the priorities to retain for 2016 amongst which feature investment, structural reform and a responsible fiscal policy.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council

19 January 2016

On Monday 18th January the Foreign Affairs Council expressed its support to the UN Security Council's resolution 2254 that aims to establish a roadmap for the peace process in Syria and a discussion timetable. Regarding Libya, the Council adopted conclusions and positioned itself in favour of the political agreement of 17th December last. The EU and its Members will acknowledge the government of national unity as the only legitimate government. Regarding the Middle East conclusions were also adopted and the Council reasserted its determination to establish a climate of confidence. Finally even though it was not on the programme the EU's High Representative informed ministers of the progress made in terms of the Iranian nuclear issue.

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Conclusions of the General Affairs Council

19 January 2016

On Monday 18th January Ministers exchanged views on the work programme of the Dutch presidency and welcomed the latter's commitment in terms of the challenges to be faced over the coming months. At the same time the General Affairs Council started preparatory work for the European Council of 18th and 19th February. This will provide an opportunity to come to a compromise agreement over the four requests made by the UK under the BREXIT negotiations and to see whether measures that aim to manage the migratory crisis have been correctly implemented.

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Agreement with Iran and the lifting of sanctions

18 January 2016

On 16th January, following the greenlight on the part of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which has acknowledged that Iran has implemented the Vienna agreement with the 5+1 group (USA, UK, France, Russia, China and Germany), the European Union lifted all economic and financial sanctions set on Iran until now.

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German GDP growth at 1.7% in 2015 in Germany

18 January 2016

The GDP in Germany grew by 1.7% in 2015, slightly more than in the previous year, said the federal statistics office Destatis on 14th January.

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German budgetary surplus of 12.1 billion € in 2015

18 January 2016

The German State budget ended 2015 in surplus, estimated at 12.1 billion €, a sum that will be used to finance the reception and integration of refugees in Germany, said the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble on 13th January.

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Catalonia: the new independentist president takes office

18 January 2016

Separatist Catalan, Carles Puigdemont took office on 12th January as the new executive president of Catalonia, with a clear roadmap: introducing the institutions necessary for the region's independence.

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Patxi Lopez elected leader of the Congress of Deputies

18 January 2016

On 13th January the Congress of Deputies elected Patxi Lopez (PSOE) as its leader. At the Senate Pio Garcia-Escudero (PP) was re-elected.

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The major issues at stake in Europe in 2016

18 January 2016

In a communication issued during the Council of Ministers on 13th January the French government laid out the European priorities of the year: Schengen, migratory challenges, terrorist threat, PNR, fight to counter arms trafficking, border guard corps, employment, fight to counter social dumping.

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New Prime Minister in Northern Ireland

18 January 2016

The Prime Minister of Northern Ireland, Peter Robinson, left office on 11th January, leaving his place to Finance Minister Arlene Foster, who will also be taking over his position as head of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) in view of the regional elections on May.

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New Prime Minister in Latvia

18 January 2016

On 13th January Latvian President Raimonds Vējonis appointed Māris Kučinskis of the Green Party as Prime Minister. This decision follows the resignation in December 2015 of Laimdota Straujuma.

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The Netherlands

New leader of the Dutch Parliament

18 January 2016

Khadija Arib, a Dutch woman of Moroccan origin, was elected as leader of the lower chamber of the parliament of the Netherlands on 13th January. She takes over from another woman, Anouchka van Miltenburg, who resigned in December. This is the first time in this country that a women of foreign origin will be occupying a post like this.

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The EU launches the early warning mechanism regarding Poland

18 January 2016

On 13th January the Commission decided to launch the early warning mechanism following several controversial laws that have been passed by the Polish government.

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David Cameron's letter to his minsters about the EU referendum

18 January 2016

British Prime Minister David Cameron wrote a letter to his ministers regarding the referendum on the EU on 11th January.

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Macedonia : resignation of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski

18 January 2016

Macedonian Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski, handed in his resignation on 15th January. Parliament voted in support of dissolution on 18th January thereby opening the way to early elections that will take place on 24th April.

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Early elections in Serbia

18 January 2016

Serb Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic spoke on 17th January in support of the organisation of early general elections so that Serbia "will be ready to join the EU" by 2020.

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Council of Europe

State of Emergency in France: the Council of Europe is concerned

18 January 2016

On 12th January the Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe, Nils Muiznieks warned France about anti-democratic excesses that the state of emergency might cause, notably with regard to the respect of citizens' fundamental rights.

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The Council of Europe votes in support of the neutrality of the internet

18 January 2016

On 13th January the Council of Europe revealed its guidelines regarding the neutrality of the network to protect the freedom of expression and the private lives of internet users, thereby aiming to prevent all types of discrimination and to guarantee equality.

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Denmark: danger of infringement of international legal standards

18 January 2016

On 15th January Nils Muižnieks, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe addressed a letter to the Danish Immigration Minister, Inger Stojberg in which he expresses his concern about the compatibility of measures taken by Denmark regarding asylum and immigration with the Declaration of Human Rights.

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Great diversity in tax systems in Europe

18 January 2016

On 15th January Eurostat published statistics on the taxation/GDP ratio in the 28 Member States which highlighted major diversity in their situations.

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Airbus: 1,036 orders in 2015 and a record 635 deliveries

18 January 2016

On 12th January Airbus announced that it had recorded 1,036 firm orders for planes to a total value of 137 billion $ in 2015 and that it had delivered a record 635 machines.

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British SMEs pay £4 billion in "hidden costs" for their transactions

18 January 2016

A study published by Accourt shows that British SMEs pay a yearly £4 billion to banks for their transactions in another currency.

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World Bank report on digital technologies and development

18 January 2016

On 13th January the World Bank published its report on the dissemination of and access to digital technologies. Regarding Europe the report notes a deep divide between households and the weak integration of the digital market.

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Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival

18 January 2016

The 40th Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival is running until 24th January. The Festival brings together the best circus acts from across the world and will select the winner of the award, the "Golden Clown".

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Pierre Soulages Exhibition at the Folkwang Museum - Essen

18 January 2016

Until 26th June the Folkwang Museum of Essen is running an exhibition devoted to Pierre Soulages, notably presenting three new pieces of work.

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28th edition of the London Art Fair

18 January 2016

The 28th edition of the London Art Fair will take place between 20th to 24th January and focus on contemporary work of the 20th and 21st centuries. It will also present two aspects of the work of new galleries (Art Project) and photography (Photo 50).

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18th January

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

18th January

General Affairs Council (Brussels)

18th to 21st January

Plenary session of European Parliament (Strasbourg)

20th to 23rd January

World Economic Forum (Davos)

21st January

Council of Governors of the European Central Bank (Frankfurt)

24th January

Presidential Election in Portugal (1st round) ()

Newsletter Archives

Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Fabian Clos, Joséphine Staron, Frédéric Strack,Hyung Jun Yoon, Maximilian Zielke

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Iran/Agreement, Warning/Poland, Priorities/Juncker, Refugees/Return


The Newsletter n°699- version of 18 janv. 2016