The Newsletter69430 nov. 2015

La Lettre

Angel Sanchez Navarro

30 November 2015

On 20th December next the Spanish will be called to ballot. Angel Sanchez Navarro, professor at the Complutense University of Madrid have reviewed the results of Mariano Rajoy's government since 2011 recalling the context of his victory and following the developments of the last four years in certain vital areas (economy, corruption, the party system and the situation in Catalonia). He also puts forward his view of the answers that have to be provided by the up-coming elections.

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Publication of the 3rd edition of the European Union Atlas

30 November 2015

The third edition of the European Union Atlas has just been published in paper and in digital form. The work presents the Union, its institutions, its 28 Member States and a novelty - their overseas territories. With 50 maps, historic information sheets and the most recent statistics, as well as current political affairs in the Member States, this work is a practical, unique tool for readers to learn everything they need to know about Europe.

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MEPs want to step up the fight to counter on-line radicalisation

30 November 2015

MEPs adopted a non-binding resolution on 25th November on the prevention of radicalisation. They believe that preventing radicalisation and the recruitment of fighters by the Islamic State in Europe must be undertaken via greater effort against jihadist propaganda on the internet.

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Direct or indirect military support by EU members in French external operations

30 November 2015

The 27 other EU Member States are to provide direct or indirect military support to France's external operations announced the French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian on 25th November. Moreover French MPs and Senators approved the extension of the commitment of air forces over Syrian territory.

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German engagement in Syria and Mali

29 November 2015

German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen is prepared to provide a frigate and reconnaissance airplanes as well as supplies in contribution to the fight to counter Islamic State. She would like to dispatch 650 soldiers to Mali.

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Diplomatic meetings to coordinate the fight to counter IS

29 November 2015

French President François Hollande met his American counterpart Barack Obama and Russian Vladimir Putin, as well as German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President of the Italian Council Matteo Renzi, to secure their support in the fight to counter IS. Although the coalition has allowed for coordination, political leaders all demonstrated their solidarity by promising to act alongside France.

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Response to David Cameron regarding intervention in Syria

30 November 2015

On 26th November the British Prime Minister David Cameron published his answer to the Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee regarding the extension of British military operations in Syria. Parliament is to deliver its decision in the next few days.

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Sweden can no longer receive asylum seekers en masse

29 November 2015

On 24th November the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven announced that Sweden could no longer receive mass numbers of asylum seekers.

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Progress regarding measures for refugees

29 November 2015

On 27th November the European Commission published the state of progress in terms of measures taken under the European agenda regarding migration with the aim of stabilising the present situation and to introduce a strong system that will withstand the test of time.

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The British migratory balance at an historic high over one year at 336,000

29 November 2015

636,000 people entered the UK legally over a period of one year whilst 300,000 people left (Britons, EU citizens, and third country citizens) according to figures published by the Office for National Statistics on 26th November.

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Perception of refugees by German businesses

29 November 2015

41% of more than 3000 businesses, which took part in a survey by the economic research institute Ifo, believe that the refugees, who are now coming to Germany, could be taken on as simple workers. 22% are able to consider them as qualified workers.

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Finland adopts an integration action plan

30 November 2015

On 27th November the Finnish government adopted an action plan for the management of migrant integration as the latter are arriving in the country in great numbers.

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International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

29 November 2015

On 25th November, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women, Federica Mogherini, the EU's High Representative and several European Commissioners published a joint declaration denouncing the extent of this type of violence. A new action plan on gender equality will enter into force in January 2016.

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A European deposit guarantee system

29 November 2015

On 24th November the European Commission put forward a certain number of measures that aim to strengthen banking union. Amongst these feature a bank deposit guarantee fund, an idea taken from the 5 Presidents' Report.

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Launch of European Semester 2016

29 November 2015

On 26th November the Commission launched the European Semester 2016 with its annual assessment of growth. It established economic and social priorities and recommends EU Member States to revive investments, continue structural reform and implement responsible fiscal policies to consolidate recovery and stimulate convergence.

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More transparency in insurance

30 November 2015

On 24th November MEPs approved a resolution modifying the rules surrounding insurance sales. These will now provide more room for transparency and consumer information.

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Adoption of the European Budget 2016

29 November 2015

On 25th November 2015 MEPs approved the draft EU budget 2016, which should notably help Member States overcome the migratory crisis, 516 votes in support, 179 against. The Council adopted it on 24th November.

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Tax rulings

30 November 2015

On 25th November MEPs approved a resolution, 508 votes against 108, encouraging the Member States to guarantee that the profits of a business be taxed in the State where they are generated.

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Conclusions of the Youth, Education, Culture and Sports Council

29 November 2015

On 24th November the EU's Youth, Education, Culture and Sports Ministers discussed strategies to integrate migrants and those with an immigrant background as far as education and training were concerned.

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Conclusions of the Energy Council

29 November 2015

On 26th November Ministers responsible for energy adopted conclusions regarding the labelling of energy efficacy and the governance of Energy Union.

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Letter to the Commission co-signed by 18 European Economy Ministers

29 November 2015

On 26th November, in a letter addressed to the First Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans, 18 European Economy Ministers said they wanted to define precise goals to relieve regulatory burden.

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Conclusions of the Trade Council

30 November 2015

On 27th November Ministers responsible for trade discussed various on-going trade negotiations, notably the TTIP - the Transatlantic trade and investment partnership.

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Competitiveness Council Conclusions

1 December 2015

A competitiveness Council took place on 30th November in Brussels during which the Luxembourg Presidency reviewed its work in terms of economic and competitiveness convergence. Also making better use of the "Better Regulation" programme in these two areas was discussed.

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Economic Summit between China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe

30 November 2015

On 24th November the 4th Economic Summit between China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe took place in Suzhou in China. China is forecasting investment funds of 500 million $ to support joint projects with these countries.

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EU-Turkey Summit

30 November 2015

European and Turkish leaders met on 29th November in Brussels to "revive" their relations and to "stem migratory flow".

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Financial Stability Report

30 November 2015

In its six-monthly report on financial stability, published on 25th November the ECB looked into the effects of the slowing of the Chinese economy and the future rise of the American FED's key interest rates.

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2016 budget in balance

30 November 2015

During debate in the Bundestag on the 2016 budget Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble stressed that the federal budget will still be balanced in 2016. The budget was adopted 466 votes against 114.

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Launch of COP21

30 November 2015

From 30th November to 11th December the 21st UN Conference on Climate Change is now running in Paris (COP21). 147 heads of State and government are present. The aim is to reach a new international agreement to maintain global warming below 2°C.

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Reconciliation in Northern Ireland and on the borders of Ireland

30 November 2015

On 30th November the European Commission adopted the new EU programme for peace and reconciliation to a total of nearly 270 million € in order to strengthen reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the border regions of Ireland.

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The new Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa is sworn serment

29 November 2015

The Portuguese government supported by the far left was sworn in on 26th November and the new Prime Minister Antonio Costa said that he would present his government programme to Parliament on 2nd December.

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Fewer cuts made to the British budget

29 November 2015

On 25th November the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne raised his end of decade budgetary surplus goal and gave up the controversial measure to reduce tax credits granted to poor workers.

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British Strategy for national defence and security for the next five years

30 November 2015

Prime Minister David Cameron presented his defence strategy for the next five years to the British Parliament for which he is forecasting a budget of £178 billion.

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Kosovo: 200,000 signatures against the agreement for normalisation with Serbia

30 November 2015

On 23rd November the opposition delivered a petition signed by more than 200,000 people to the Kosovar President. The petition demanded the relinquishment of the agreement, supported by the EU, aiming to normalise relations between Kosovo and Serbia

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Russian economic sanctions against Turkey

30 November 2015

In response to the shooting down of a Russian plane on 24th November by the Turkish army, Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to take several sanctions against the regime in Ankara.

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The lifting of bank secrecy as of 2017

29 November 2015

On 25th November the Swiss government adopted the agreement on the automatic exchange of information regarding tax with the EU and transferred it for the approval of both legislative chambers.

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Ukraine temporarily suspends the delivery of merchandise to Crimea

30 November 2015

Ukraine announced on 23rd November that it was suspending merchandise deliveries to Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula annexed by Russia in March 2014, which is facing an almost complete cut in electricity supplies.

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Ukraine bans Russian planes flying over its territory

30 November 2015

On 25th November the Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk announced the ban on Russian planes flying over Ukraine to prevent "provocation".

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The Union's population

29 November 2015

On 27th November Eurostat published a study regarding the EU's population structure. The population's profile has changed, partly due to the ageing of society, the development of family models and structures, as well as the change in the distribution of roles between men and women.

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High concentration of holdings and ageing farmers

30 November 2015

One farm in four disappeared from the EU between 2003 and 2013 and more than half of farmers are over 55 years of age highlights a survey published on 26th November by the Europe Office for Statistics.

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Europeans support the fight to counter climate change

29 November 2015

On 25th November the Commission published a Eurobarometer regarding European citizens' support in the fight to counter climate change. 93% of those interviewed approved work undertaken in this area and deem that the response should be global.

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Alfons Mucha. The Slav Epic

30 November 2015

You have until 31st December to visit the "Alfons Mucha. The Slav Epic" exhibition at the Narodni Galerie in Prague. On show are around twenty canvasses illustrating the history of the Slav peoples and their civilisation.

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Toulouse-Lautrec Exhibition in Rome

30 November 2015

From 4th December 2015 to 8th May 2016 the exhibition devoted to Toulouse-Lautrec will be run by the Ara Pacis Museum in Rome. Around 170 works by Toulouse-Lautrec provide visitors with an idea of Bohemian life in Paris at the end of the 19th century.

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Calder exhibition at the Tate Modern London

30 November 2015

The exhibition devoted to Alexander Calder is taking place at the Tate Modern in London until 3rd April 2016. This exhibition brings together work by this artist who invented "mobiles" in 1931.

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Christmas Markets

30 November 2015

With Advent many Christmas Markets have been opened across Europe, especially in Germany and Austria.

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Georgia O'Keeffe Exhibition at the Museum of Grenoble

30 November 2015

The Museum of Grenoble is showing "Georgia O'Keeffe and her Photographer Friends" until 7th February 2016. This is the first monography devoted to this artist in France.

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37th Transmusicales Rennes

30 November 2015

From 2nd to 6th December the Transmusicales are taking place in Rennes - this event has now become the venue for the music of tomorrow.

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30th November and 1st December

Competitiveness Council (Brussels)

30th November to 11th December

UN Conference on Climate Change (Paris)

From 3rd to 4th December

"Justice and Internal Affairs" Council (Brussels)

3rd December

ECB Governors' Council ()

7th December

"Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer" Council (Brussels)

7th December

Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Nelson Pajot, Joséphine Staron, Frédéric Strack,Hyung Jun Yoon, Maximilian Zielke

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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The Newsletter n°694- version of 30 nov. 2015