The Newsletter n°694 — 30 nov. 2015
La Lettre
Angel Sanchez Navarro
30 November 2015
Publication of the 3rd edition of the European Union Atlas
30 November 2015

MEPs want to step up the fight to counter on-line radicalisation
30 November 2015

Direct or indirect military support by EU members in French external operations
30 November 2015
German engagement in Syria and Mali
29 November 2015
Diplomatic meetings to coordinate the fight to counter IS
29 November 2015
Response to David Cameron regarding intervention in Syria
30 November 2015
Sweden can no longer receive asylum seekers en masse
29 November 2015

Progress regarding measures for refugees
29 November 2015
The British migratory balance at an historic high over one year at 336,000
29 November 2015
Perception of refugees by German businesses
29 November 2015
Finland adopts an integration action plan
30 November 2015
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
29 November 2015

A European deposit guarantee system
29 November 2015
Launch of European Semester 2016
29 November 2015
More transparency in insurance
30 November 2015

Adoption of the European Budget 2016
29 November 2015
Tax rulings
30 November 2015
Conclusions of the Youth, Education, Culture and Sports Council
29 November 2015

Conclusions of the Energy Council
29 November 2015
Letter to the Commission co-signed by 18 European Economy Ministers
29 November 2015
Conclusions of the Trade Council
30 November 2015
Competitiveness Council Conclusions
1 December 2015
Economic Summit between China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
30 November 2015

EU-Turkey Summit
30 November 2015
Financial Stability Report
30 November 2015

2016 budget in balance
30 November 2015

Launch of COP21
30 November 2015

Reconciliation in Northern Ireland and on the borders of Ireland
30 November 2015

The new Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa is sworn serment
29 November 2015

Fewer cuts made to the British budget
29 November 2015

British Strategy for national defence and security for the next five years
30 November 2015
Kosovo: 200,000 signatures against the agreement for normalisation with Serbia
30 November 2015

Russian economic sanctions against Turkey
30 November 2015

The lifting of bank secrecy as of 2017
29 November 2015

Ukraine temporarily suspends the delivery of merchandise to Crimea
30 November 2015

Ukraine bans Russian planes flying over its territory
30 November 2015
The Union's population
29 November 2015

High concentration of holdings and ageing farmers
30 November 2015
Europeans support the fight to counter climate change
29 November 2015

Alfons Mucha. The Slav Epic
30 November 2015

Toulouse-Lautrec Exhibition in Rome
30 November 2015
Calder exhibition at the Tate Modern London
30 November 2015
Christmas Markets
30 November 2015
Georgia O'Keeffe Exhibition at the Museum of Grenoble
30 November 2015
37th Transmusicales Rennes
30 November 2015
30th November and 1st December
Competitiveness Council (Brussels)
30th November to 11th December
UN Conference on Climate Change (Paris)
From 3rd to 4th December
"Justice and Internal Affairs" Council (Brussels)
3rd December
ECB Governors' Council ()
7th December
"Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer" Council (Brussels)
7th December
Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0
Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Nelson Pajot, Joséphine Staron, Frédéric Strack,Hyung Jun Yoon, Maximilian Zielke
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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