The Newsletter n°684 — 21 sept. 2015
La Lettre
21 September 2015
Alexis Tsipras (SYRIZA) wins the Greek general election
21 September 2015

More than 500,000 migrants since the beginning of 2015
19 September 2015

Germany sets up distribution centres for refugees
21 September 2015
MEPs validate the relocation of an additional 120,000 asylum seekers
19 September 2015
Croatia partially closes its borders due to the inflow of refugees
21 September 2015
213,200 asylum requests in the EU in the second quarter
19 September 2015
Hungary raises the barricades and builds a further fence on its Croatian border
21 September 2015
Appeal from intellectuals of Central Europe in support solidarity with the refugees
19 September 2015
Meeting of an extraordinary European Council on refugees
21 September 2015
Declaration by the French Prime Minister on the reception of refugees
21 September 2015
Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Visegrad Group in Prague
1 January 1970
France's sovereign rating taken down to Aa2
21 September 2015

Public consultation on citizenship
19 September 2015

The Commission has replaced the ISDS mechanism by the Investment Court System
19 September 2015
The Commission presents plan to help the long term unemployed back to work
19 September 2015
The Commission's work programme in 2016: what the European Parliament wants
19 September 2015

The European Union extends sanctions against Russia
19 September 2015

The Commission unveils financing of 500 million € in aid to farmers
20 September 2015
"Environment" Council: joint goals for the COP21 conference
19 September 2015
EU/South Korea Summit
19 September 2015

The European Court of Justice's decision on "welfare tourism"
19 September 2015

No success without equality between men and women
21 September 2015

VW has to prepare for heavy financial sanctions in the USA
21 September 2015
Nicos Anastasiades meets David Cameron
21 September 2015

Meeting between François Hollande and Matteo Renzi
19 September 2015

The Council backs a faster mobilisation of EU funds
19 September 2015

Luxembourg Prime Minister visits Italy and the Vatican
19 September 2015

King's Speech 2015
19 September 2015

Romanian Prime Minister will face trial for corruption
21 September 2015

Brexit-opinion divided amongst SMEs
19 September 2015

Anniversary of referendum on Scottish independence
21 September 2015
Presentation of 2016 budget
21 September 2015

The OSCE observes a rapid downturn in Human Rights since annexation
19 September 2015

Parliament approves the restructuring of the debt
19 September 2015
OECD Interim Economic Outlook
19 September 2015

EU and Euro zone international trade figures
20 September 2015

Employment up in the euro zone and the EU
20 September 2015
Inflation at 0.1% in the euro zone and 0% in the EU
20 September 2015
Book Fair Göteborg
20 September 2015

Villa Flora, les temps enchantés
20 September 2015
Launch of exhibition "Take me (I'm yours)"
21 September 2015
Edvard Munch and Vincent van Gogh exhibition - Amsterdam
20 September 2015
Botticelli, Italian Renaissance
21 September 2015
Edvard Munch exhibition at the Albertina
21 September 2015
Re-opening of the Carracci Gallery in Rome
21 September 2015
22nd September 2015
Justice and Home Affairs Council (Brussels)
22nd and 23rd September
Informal Meeting of Energy Ministers (Luxembourg)
23rd September 2015
Extraordinary European Council on Immigration and the Refugee Crisis (Brussels)
24th September 2015
Informal meeting of Employment, Social Policy and Healthcare Ministers (Luxembourg)
les 28th September-6th October
UN General Assembly (New York)
Technological and security issues: 2025, a pivotal year for women
The Italian economy and its European outlook
The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?
European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund
Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0
The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy ,Morgane Humbert, Nelson Pajot, Orsolya Topa, Hyung Jun Yoon, Maximilian Zielke
N°ISSN : 2729-6482
Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly
Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin
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