The Newsletter66613 avr. 2015

La Lettre

Jean-Dominique Giuliani

13 April 2015

The issue of migration is causing turmoil in the domestic policies of the European Union's Member States. Protest movements have taken hold of it, challenging both government action and the European institutions. Simplistic ideas are flourishing, criticising the Schengen Agreements, the inefficacy of national and European policies. Reality however is very different: Europe is facing a significant challenge that it will only be able to overcome with time. It requires constant effort, courage, imagination and certainly the reject of slogans. This paper to necessary thought is an updated version of a study that was published in December 2014 in the review CESM.

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Presidential election in Poland

13 April 2015

On 10th May next the Poles will be going to ballot in the first round of the presidential election. If none of the 11 candidates running manages to win an absolute majority, a second round will be organised two weeks later on 24th May. The most recent poll by IBRiS for the daily Rzeczpospolita published on 30th March credits outgoing President Bronislaw Komorowski (Civic Platform, PO) with 41% of the vote in the first round ahead of Andrzej Duda (Law and Justice, PiS), who is due to win 27%. Left wing candidate Magadelna Ogorek, Janusz Korwin-Mikke (Coalition for the restoration of freedom and hope for the Republic, KORWiN) and Adam Jarubas (People's Party, PSL) are due to win 5% each. Around 11% of those interviewed say that they still have not made their choice.

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The use of the Second World War in Russia's political discourse

13 April 2015

The European Forum for Ukraine and the Ukrainian Institute for National Remembrance with the support of the Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a conference that will take place at Sciences Po Paris on 16th April on the use of the theme of the Second World War in Russia's political discourse. Various speakers will address themes of political discourse, propaganda and the role of religion in Russia in the light of Russian and European history since the Second World War.

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Is politics crumbling in Europe?

13 April 2015

Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Foundation has published an editorial on his site entitled "Is politics crumbling in Europe?" in which he notes that the major government parties have been weakened. Protest votes are on the rise. Rebels are breaking away from their movements. Unexpected coalitions are forming out of a need to govern. And, given this reality, he calls for a rapid change to political Europe so that citizens can recover the hope that they deserve.

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Financial Crisis

France presents tax measures designed to revive investment

13 April 2015

On 8th April French Prime Minister Manuel Valls presented new measures to revive corporate, household and government investment. He recalled that to "step up economic recovery all of the levers had to be activated. And investment is a vital lever." These measures include a tax measure that should boost the profitability of corporate investment as it enables the deduction of investments made from the tax base (in terms of their corporate tax) to a total of 140%. A plan for motorway works was approved, which represents 3.2 billion € in investments. Moreover the Public Investment Bank will also aim to grant 8 billion € in loans by 2017.

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Ultimatum given to Greece to present a list of credible reform

13 April 2015

Greece's European partners have given it until 20th April to put forward a credible list of acceptable reforms in exchange for the last tranche of the international aid programme said the Frankfurther Allgemeine Zeitung in its 12th April copy. On 8th April Greece was issued with an ultimatum by the Euro Working Group whereby it had six days to put forward a "credible" reform programme so that financial assistance can be released to the country during the next Eurogroup meeting in Riga on 24th April. The reforms expected involve amongst others, areas of social security, labour and privatisation.

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Slowing in potential growth - a new reality

13 April 2015

The world's growth potential has been slowing since 2000 but this trend gathered pace during the world financial crisis said the IMF in a study published on 7th April. It will grow slightly over the next few years but will remain below its pre-crisis level. This change reflects the effects of the ageing of the population as well as the slowing in the growth of capital and productivity. On 9th April the General Manager of the IMF, Christine Lagarde warned that world growth would remain weak if governments do not continue to implement structural reform. She insisted on the need to remove impediments to the entry onto the markets of products and services and to include all of the working population in the economy in order to counter inequality and to encourage widespread growth.

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Spain - reduction in unemployment in March

13 April 2015

According to figures released by the Ministry of Employment on 6th April the number of Spanish unemployed declined by 60,214 people in March 2015. This was the sharpest decline in 13 years. In February the number of unemployed had already dropped by 13,500. The Secretary of State for Employment Engracia Hidalgo said she was pleased with the figures stating that it clearly showed the consolidation of a strong, positive employment market."

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The Italian Council of Ministers approves the financial perspectives 2015-2018

13 April 2015

On the proposal of the Minister for the Economy, Pietro Carlo Padoan, the Italian Council of Ministers approved the Document of Economy and Finance on 10th April. This document describes the economic policy targeted by the government for the next three years. As a whole the 2015 document promotes an economic policy that supports growth and yet avoids any further tax increases. The DEF now has to be approved by the Chamber of Deputies and by the Senate. After that the "stability programme" and the "national reform programme" will be communicated to the Council of the European Union and the European Commission before 30th April.

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IMF: technical assistance report for Hungary

13 April 2015

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a technical assistance report for Hungary on 10th April. In response to a request made by the Hungarian authorities for technical assistance the IMF formed a team to draft a technical report regarding the operational aspects of establishing a management society in Hungary.

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Situation of the States regarding the 2020 goals

13 April 2015

On 7th April the European Parliament published data providing a view of the progress (or regression) registered in view of the 2020 economic and environmental goals. Germany almost reached 3% of the GDP in terms of R&D spending, Denmark has risen above the objective, France is stagnating at 2.23% ie less than Slovakia (2.59%).

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Visit by Indian Prime Minister to Germany

13 April 2015

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi travelled to Germany on an official trip until 14th April. Together with German Chancellor Angela Merkel he inaugurated the Hannover Fair on 12th April. Hannover is host to the biggest industrial fair in the world and was the occasion for both heads of government to discuss the trade and industrial links between their two countries. The Chancellor said she was pleased that Germany is India's first European partner. She said she wanted technological links to be improved, notably in the digital domain, in which India is one the world leaders. Mr Modi was expected in Berlin to discuss more political issues with the Chancellor notably world and regional questions.

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New Estonian Government

13 April 2015

On 9th April the new Estonian government entered into office after Prime Minister Taavi Roivas was sworn in the Riigikogu (Parliament). Mr Roivas will lead the three party government coalition: the Reform Party (Eesti Reformierakond), the Social Democratic Party (Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond) and Pro Patria - Res Publica (Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit). The new government, which comprises 14 ministers including two women, put forward its priorities: improvement of the situation of families, enhancement of security and economic growth, the reduction of social charges, as well as the reform of the civil service.

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Latest polls before the election on 19th April

13 April 2015

According to a poll published on 11th April by the newspaper Ilta-Lehti, the agrarian party, Centre, credited with 23.5% of the vote, should be the grand winner in the general elections on 19th April. Centre is due to come first ahead of the social democrats (17%) and the populists, True Finns (16.6%). The conservatives (Kokoomus) of outgoing Prime Minister Alexander Stubb is due to win 16.2%. On 19th April nearly 4.5 million people will be called to choose the 200 MPs who will sit in parliament for the next four years. 17.1% of the electorate have already voted.

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Visit by Tunisian President to France

13 April 2015

Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi is visiting France on 7th and 8th April on a trip that aimed to strengthen economic and security cooperation between the two countries. Mr Caid Essebsi, the first democratically elected Tunisian president, was guest at the Hôtel des Invalides with French President François Hollande before a meeting and a ceremony during which agreements were signed. He then spoke to the Senate.

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Visit by the Indian Prime Minister

13 April 2015

On 10th April the French President François Hollande hosted Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The two priorities of this trip were investments and technology: attracting foreign investors to India and manufacture there and to support local technological skills. During this visit India announced an order of 36 Dassault Rafale fighter planes, a contract of more than 5 billion euros. Mr Modi also visited Toulouse and the Airbus A380 production line as well as the National Centre for Space Studies.

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Visit by the Greek Prime Minister Moscow

13 April 2015

On 8th April, as negotiations over his country's debt were in full swing, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras travelled to Moscow. He was welcomed by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin. In the context of the Ukrainian crisis and sanctions against Moscow this visit was not viewed positively by Europe. Recalling the strong spiritual link between Russia and Greece (both are mostly Christian Orthodox), Vladimir Putin said he wanted to re-establish strong bilateral links between the two countries.

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Signature of Budapest communication on energy cooperation

13 April 2015

On 7th April Turkish, Serb, Greek, Macedonian and Hungarian Foreign Ministers signed the joint Budapest Communication towards the strengthening of energy cooperation. This communication expresses its support for the creation of a viable trade route that will enable the diversification of natural gas deliveries from Turkey to the countries of Central and South Eastern Europe. These five countries are interested in the Russian gas pipeline passing via Turkey announced by Vladimir Putin in December 2014 in replacement of the South Stream project. This communication, which is more a political declaration than a binding document comes in a tense context in which the Russian-Ukrainian crisis is affecting energy supplies to the EU.

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Annual Report 2014 by la Guardia di Finanza: a snapshot of corruption in Italy

13 April 2015

La Guardia di Finanza (i.e. Italian customs and financial police) has published its 2014 annual report. Figures show a major effort in terms of fighting corruption and tax fraud and yet at the same time it provides a dramatic view of corruption in Italy. 13,062 tax infringements were noted. The value of goods seized totalled 1 billion, 200 million euros. The Guardia's work aims to re-establish fairness on the market of the euro zone's third most important economy.

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A Russian speaking TV channel banned in Lithuania

13 April 2015

The Radio and TV Commission of Lithuania took an unprecedented decision on 9th April as it banned a Russian speaking TV channel. RTR Planeta, a State run Russian-speaking TV channel will not be broadcast for three months because of the way it processes Ukrainian information which has been qualified as "tendentious" - encouraging discord and aggressiveness. This decision reflects concern regarding a possible spread of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to the Baltic countries.

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Luxembourg will contribute to the Investment Plan to a total of 80 million euro

13 April 2015

On 2nd April 2015 after the Government Council Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel announced that Luxembourg would contribute to the Juncker Commission's Investment Plan to a total of 80 million euro. Luxembourg's participation in the Plan has been the source of national debate, notably in terms of the financing guarantees of Luxembourg infrastructure projects; discussions finally concluded with a positive agreement. This participation will be made with the funds of the Société Nationale de Crédit et d'Investissement (SNCI), a public law banking establishment specialised in the financing of Luxembourg companies in the mid and long term. Luxembourg is the fifth country after Germany, Spain, France and Italy to provide its contribution to the investment plan.

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Matteo Renzi makes an official visit to Malta

13 April 2015

Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat welcomed his Italian counterpart Matteo Renzi on 9th April. A press conference was devoted to international issues and the Mediterranean "the heart and soul of Europe", notably immigration, terrorism and Libya. After the conference Matteo Renzi attended the inauguration ceremony in Magħtab of the electric submarine cable between Malta and Italy that will enable the Maltese islands to have a continuous supply of electricity.

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Official visit by Polish President to Ukraine

13 April 2015

Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski travelled to Kyiv on 8th April for a two-day official visit to Ukraine. On the agenda was a speech before the Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) and a visit to the Bykivnia Cemetery to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Katyn Massacre in which a great number of Polish prisoners of war were executed. Bronislaw Komorowski also met his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko to discuss security issues, bilateral cooperation and reform in Ukraine.

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Visit of French Prime Minister to Portugal

13 April 2015

Prime Minister Manuel Valls, on a visit to Lisbon on 10th April 2015, lauded the budgetary work undertaken by the Portuguese government. "Your government finances continue to improve and Portugal is benefiting from investor confidence" thanks to the reforms implemented and to the "effort consented to by the Portuguese people," declared Mr Valls. Portugal, which is doing better in the "austerity" ranking than France, has committed to bringing its government deficit below the 3% mark of the GDP this year. France achieved a postponement of two years before it has to bring its deficit below the 3% mark and hopes that it will fall to 4% in 2014, to 3.8% in 2015, then 3.3% in 2016 and 2.7% in 2017.

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Launch of the information campaign for the Youth Guarantee in Romania

13 April 2015

On 8th April Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta met Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for the Euro and Social Dialogue, to launch the national Youth Guarantee programme. This European programme aims to help young people enter the job market by facilitating their access to training within the four months following the end of the studies or their most recent job. In Romania this means granting 470 million € for the 400,000 young job seekers. In his speech Victor Ponta recalled Romania's commitment to the EU, the progress achieved in terms of the budget and his determination to integrate the euro zone in the future.

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Tony Blair condemns the referendum promised by D. Cameron

13 April 2015

During a speech in his old constituency of Sedgefield, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair condemned the promise of a referendum on the UK's exit of the EU made by D. Cameron in the event of the Conservatives winning the general election. Indeed he declared that an exit of the EU would be damaging to the British economy and would reduce the UK's influence in the international arena. He finally provided his support to Ed Miliband, the Labour leader who is running neck and neck with Cameron in the polls.

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Slovakian President makes an official visit to the Vatican

13 April 2015

On 9th April Pope Francis hosted Slovakian President Andrej Kiska, who then spoke with Mgr Antoine Camilleri, Under-Secretary for Relations with States. The present international situation, notably that in the Middle East, was the focus of the meeting.

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Amnesty International denounces the murders of Ukrainian soldiers

13 April 2015

On 9th April NGO Amnesty International denounced the summary executions of Ukrainian soldiers by the pro-Russian separatists in the east of Ukraine. In a press release the NGO quotes as an example Igor Branovytsky who was captured during the battle for the airport of Donetsk, subsequently tortured and murdered in captivity. Amnesty International maintains that it has seen the pictures of three Ukrainian soldiers who were shot in the head and quotes the interview by the Ukrainian newspaper Kyiv Post with a separatist leader who said he had killed "more than 15 captured Ukrainian soldiers". A separatist leader "denied the rumours whereby prisoners of war were being killed in the DNR" the self-proclaimed republic of Donetsk.

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The Pope speaks out about the Armenian genocide

13 April 2015

By taking up the term of "the first genocide of the 20th century" employed by Jean-Paul II in 2001 in a joint declaration with the head of the Armenian Apostolic Church Karekin II, Pope Francis replaced the persecution of the Armenians within the perspective of the major tragedies of the past century and associated the events of 2015 with the present tragic situation of Christians in the east. Turkey immediately showed its irritation and convened the apostolic nuncio and recalled its Ambassador to the Vatican.

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Council of Europe

Action plan for democracy in the Southern Mediterranean

13 April 2015

Following the attack on the Bardo in Tunis and increasing political instability in the Southern Mediterranean the Council of Europe launched the initiative South Programme II on 10th April to promote democratic governance in the region. The programme, financed by the EU, plans for cooperation between the partner countries in the region and the introduction of technical assistance to counter corruption, money laundering and terrorism. It also plans - if the partner countries request it - for a reform of the judicial system (to guarantee its effectiveness) and legislation (to promote fundamental rights) - a common legal framework will be set up between the EU and North Africa. Representatives of the governments of Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and the Palestinian National Authority met on 10th April with experts from the Council of Europe.

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Council of Europe report on the treatment of illegal immigrants in Spain

13 April 2015

The Council of Europe's anti-torture committee (CPT) published a report on 9th April 2015 on its visit to Spain in July 2014 when it assessed the treatment of illegal migrants transiting through Melilla on the Moroccan border. The report refers to an incident that took place on 15th October 2014 in which video footage shows an illegal migrant being hit several times by agents of the Guardia Civil. The Committee is demanding an inquiry into this incident and is recommending that measures be taken to improve the training of Guardia Civil agents.

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The European Union was the leading donor in the world in 2014

13 April 2015

According to a study published on 8th April by the OECD the EU still made the most donations in the world in 2014. The EU and its Member States indeed provided more than half of public development aid distributed across the world last year. The Union gave 0.42% of its gross national income ie 58.2 billion euro, an increase of 2.4% since 2013. Neven Mimica, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development believes that "2015 will be a vital year for the future of sustainable development": the EU and its Member States have committed to increasing public development aid to total 0.7% of their GNI. Sweden (with 1.10% of its GNI), Luxembourg (1.07%), Denmark (0.85%) and the UK (0.71%) have now already gone beyond this goal.

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Surplus of 38.7 billion € in current account in the 4th quarter of 2014

13 April 2015

According to a Eurostat study published on 9th April the EU's current account was in surplus by 38.7 billion € in the 4th quarter of 2014 (ie 1.1% of the EU's GDP), up in comparison with the surplus in the 3rd quarter (when it was 29.9 billion €). The service account also lay in surplus over the same period totalling 37 billion €. 18 Member States were in surplus in terms of the total balance of their national current accounts (internal and external to the EU): Germany recorded a surplus of 67.3 billion €, ahead of Italy (+14.4 billion), the Netherlands (+12.5 billion), Spain (+7.3 billion) as well as Sweden (+6.9 billion). The biggest deficits were recorded in the UK (-27.1 billion), Greece (-2.1 billion) and in Poland (-2 billion).

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SIPRI study on military spending

13 April 2015

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) revealed in a report published on 13th April that the crisis in Ukraine has affected defence spending in some EU Member States quite significantly. Hence Poland and Lithuania are planning to increase their defence budget by 20% and 50% respectively. World military spending totalled 1,800 billion $ in 2014, ie a decrease of 0.4% in real terms since 2013. Although world military spending is stabilising due to reductions in the USA and in Western Europe, these are easily compensated for by an increase in Asia and Oceania, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Africa.

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Publication of the Social Progress Index 2015

13 April 2015

Harvard University has published its Social Progress Index 2015. The latter measures the quality of life in 133 countries taking into account - beyond the GDP - 58 social parameters including health, political freedom etc ... European countries are ranked as follows: the Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Finland) and the Netherlands take the first place (very high social progress); most European countries (UK, Ireland, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, France, Czech Republic, Estonia, Slovakia, Poland, Cyprus and Italy) remain in the second group (high social progress) and finally some (Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Greece, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania) find themselves in the "upper middle social progress" group.

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From Giotto to Caravaggio - the passions of Robert Longhi

13 April 2015

The Jacquemart-André Museum in Paris is hosting the exhibition "From Giotto to Caravaggio - the passions of Roberto Longhi" until 20th July. For the very first time in France the works of the Roberto Longhi Foundation (Florence) are on show. Giotto, Masaccio, Masolino, Piero della Francesca, Ribera, Caravaggio - all major names in Italian painting - from the 14th to the 17th century - will be on exhibition. They once belonged to Roberto Longhi (1890-1970) one of the major personalities in the history of Italian art. Via these works, on loan from the most important French and Italian museums, a unique dialogue between connoisseur Roberto Longhi and his passion for art will be on show.

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Exhibition Churchill-de Gaulles at the Invalides

13 April 2015

The Museum of the Invalides in Paris is running an commemorative exhibition "Churchill-de Gaulle" until 26th July on the occasion of the double anniversary in 2015 of the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and 50 years since the death of Winston Churchill. This exhibition, comprising objects and archive documents, as well as two tanks (the French B1 Bis and the Matilda MkII), reviews the careers of Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle, both emblematic figures of the Second World War who walked together along the Champs Elysées on 11th November 1944.

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Universal Exhibition Milan 2015: Leonardo da Vinci

13 April 2015

On the occasion of the Universal Exhibition 2015 the Palazzo Reale in Milan is hosting the biggest exhibition ever organised in Italy on Leonardo da Vinci from 15th April to 19th July 2015. The exhibition highlights the ability of the grand master to combine scientific thought with creative talent, art and technology. Paintings, drawings, sculptures, manuscripts from several international museums have been brought together for this exceptional exhibition.

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Martial Raysse Exhibition at the Palazzo Grassi

13 April 2015

The Grassi Palazzo (Venice) is running a monographic exhibition until 30th November devoted to French artist Martial Raysse. The aim is to look both forward and backward, by taking an approach to Martial Raysse's work that is not chronological, but examines it from a contemporary angle, in other words in the light of its most recent developments. It is our conviction, in fact, that his latest work changes the way we look at what came before it, and brings greater depth by raising again the question of the place of painting, as well as that of the artist.

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Sonia Delaunay Exhibition at the Tate Modern

13 April 2015

From 15th April to 9th August 2015 the Tate Modern is devoting an exhibition to Sonia Delaunay, an emblematic figure of the Parisian avant-garde and abstract art. The artist is notably known for her particular use of shapes and colours that she employed to illustrate movement, technology, urban life, specific to the modern world. Notably on show are pictorial works, materials, clothing, as well as some of her work with poets, choreographers and craftsmen.

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les 14th-16th April

Informal meeting of Ministers of Environment and Energy (Riga)

15th April

ECB Council of Governors (Frankfurt/Main)

15th April

European Parliament Mini-Session (Brussels)

19th April

General Elections Finland (Finland)

20th April

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

20th April

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Council (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy , Marion Attia, Leslie Biaggi, Romain Denninger,Flora Dumont, Noémie Rossi, Francesca Tortorella, Matthias Touillon

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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Editiorial, Elections/Poland, India, Estonia/Government, Greece/Reforms?, Arms


The Newsletter n°666- version of 13 avr. 2015