The Newsletter66430 mars 2015

La Lettre

Jean-Dominique Giuliani

30 March 2015

The European Union's economic situation demands urgent response. Growth is stagnating at 1% whilst it is above 2.5% in the US and 7% in China, unemployment lies at 10% (11.5% in the euro zone), disparity between Member States has grown instead of declining. Although the Union is still the world's leading area in terms of the production of wealth offering an unequalled quality of life, it doubts itself. It is going through a phase of political stagnation and its economic policy is still a factor of division and debate. To get out of this rut Jean-Dominique Giuliani believes that an effort is required, based on new paradigms which are not necessarily the ones we might immediately think of. True strategic, open, pragmatic thought is vital for triumph and success.

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Robert Schuman's House part of Europe Heritage

29 March 2015

The House of Robert Schuman, twice President of the French Council and President of the European Parliamentary Assembly from 1958 to 1960 has been made a part of European Heritage after a decision taken by the European Commission on 10th March last. It was notably in this house at Scy-Chazelles in Moselle that Robert Schuman wrote the first draft of the Declaration of 9th May 1950" advocating European integration in the wake of the Second World War. 16 other European sites obtained the same distinction.

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Financial Crisis

The Portuguese Central Bank raises it growth forecast for 2015

29 March 2015

On 25th March the Bank of Portugal revised its growth forecast upwards for 2015 and 2016 - in comparison with its December - +1.7% and 1.9% respectively. The gathering pace of economic activity planned over the period 2015-2017 notably reflects an increase in exports, one of the main drivers behind the Portuguese economy rising in 2015 by 4.3% in comparison with 3.4% in 2014.

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Acceleration in growth in the euro zone

29 March 2015

Business activity grew in March in the euro zone with the PMI index being at its highest in four years, said an estimate published on 24th March by Markit. The composite PMI of the euro zone lay at 54.1 against 53.3 in February. When this index rises over 50 points it means that activity is progressing, whilst it is declining if the threshold is below this figure. "This is good news in a region where the effects of the ECB's quantitative easing on the real economy are eagerly waited for," said Chris Williamson, an economist working for Markit. These figures should lead to growth of 0.3% in the first quarter said the economist.

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Unemployment increases in France in February

29 March 2015

According to figures published by the Labour Ministry on 25th March the number of unemployed registered in France (without any work at all) lay at 3,494,400 in mainland France at the end of February 2015. This is more than at the end of January 2015 (+0.4 %, i.e +12,800). Over one year unemployment has increased by 4.6%. In all the number of job seekers registered in all categories totalled 5,262,500 in mainland France at the end of February 2015 (5,561,000 in France and the overseas territories). The number has increased by 0.6% (+30,400) in February. Over one year it has increased by 6.5 %.

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Revival of the Spanish Economy

30 March 2015

Spain's GDP increased by 0.8% in the first quarter of 2015 in comparison with the last quarter of 2014 said the Bank of Spain in its monthly bulletin published on 26th March. It is now forecasting growth of 2.8% for the entire year. This spectacular revival in the Spanish economy continues to surprise economists due to its strength. Moreover, on 27th March the government's Vice-President Soraya Saenz de Santamaria indicated that Spain recorded a government deficit of 5.7% in 2014 whilst Brussels' goal had been 5.8%.

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Downgrading of Greece's rating

30 March 2015

The ratings agency Fitch took down Greece's rating on 27th March, dropping from "B" to "CCC". This decision is due to the lack of market access, uncertainty over the rapid release of international assistance, and also to tension in the Greek banking sector which has put extreme pressure on State finances.

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Euro zone: economic sentiment improving

30 March 2015

Economic sentiment that was already up in January and February continued to improve in March in the euro zone thanks to consumer optimism but also in the industrial sector according to figures communicated on 30th March by the European Commission. The economic sentiment index lay at 103.9 points i.e. 1.6 points more than in February. Consumer optimism in particular is behind continuing sentiment recovery (+3). The latter deem the future situation of unemployment rather more optimistically, likewise the future economic situation in general, and to a lesser extent the development of their savings. Confidence in the industrial sector (+1.7) reflects business leaders' more optimistic vision regarding future output and the present situation of their order books.

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2500 dangerous products withdrawn from the Union's market in 2014

29 March 2015

The Commission announced on 23rd March that nearly 2500 dangerous products had been withdrawn from the EU's market in 2014. These products are notably toys (28% of the time), textiles and articles of clothing (23%), which were banned because very often they were dangerous due to their chemical content. Products that could injure or suffocate were also withdrawn. Most of these products came from China (64%), as in 2013. 2755 follow-up measures were taken as part of the early warning system in Europe that entails warning all EU countries if a Member State detects a product that does not comply with European safety standards. It also comprises undertaking a strict monitoring of the measures taken by the various Member States.

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1.8 billion euro for asylum, migration, integration and security policies

30 March 2015

On 25th March the Commission adopted new national multi-annual programmes as part fo the "Asylum, migration and integration" Funds (AMIF) and the Internal Security Funds (ISF) for the period 2014-2020. These 22 programmes that are due to be followed by 36 others during the year will enjoy a budget of around 1.8 billion euro. This will be devoted to strengthening national reception capacities, the improvement of the quality of asylum procedures, the integration of migrants and the strengthening of the viability of return programmes (for the AMIF) as well as the improvement of Member States' border control, the strengthening of cross-border cooperation and security in the face of terrorism, crime and various types of trafficking (for the ISF).

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The Commission defines its strategy for the single digital market

29 March 2015

On 25th March the European Commission presented the main areas of action in its strategy for the single digital market. The aim will be to improve consumer and business access to digital goods and services (facilitation of cross-border e-trade, the modernisation of copyright legislation, the simplification of the VAT regime). The single digital market will comprise the creation of an environment that will encourage the development of digital networks and services (spread of broadband in Europe, development of on-line platforms, personal data protection). Finally it will involve introducing a European digital economy and society that has long term growth potential (European standardisation, new technology inter-operability, transition towards an intelligent industrial system).

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Results of the European Neighbourhood Policy 2014

29 March 2015

The annual reports on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) per country and for 2014 were adopted on 25th March by the European Commission and the EU's High Representative Federica Mogherini. These reports cover 16 partner countries in Eastern Europe and the Southern Mediterranean. By issuing recommendations for the coming year these reports on the European Neighbourhood Policy present the results for 2014: major agreements were signed with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, the EU has helped in the democratic transition in Tunisia, it took part in support to Lebanon and Jordan regarding the Syrian crisis and it has worked towards tightening links with Morocco. Conflicts and crises continue however in the East and the South with the Ukrainian war and the rise of terrorist acts.

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New anti-dumping tax on steel products imported from China and Taiwan

29 March 2015

Following an inquiry launched by the European Commission on 26th June 2014 after complaints were made by European businesses the Commission decided to set an anti-dumping tax - applicable as of Thursday 26th March - and for a duration of six months on certain steel products imported from China and Taiwan. The practice of dumping in this instance comprises sale by Chinese and Taiwanese companies at a loss on the European market in order to kill off all competition. The tax was set according to the damage suffered by the European industry and calculated by the Commission which notes that the volume of steel produced in the EU has dropped by 5% since the launch of the inquiry, employment by has declined by 11% and the workforce by 8%. Those involved can asked to be informed and send their observations to the Commission within a time span of 25 days.

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Report on the Trade agreement between the EU and South Korea

29 March 2015

The trade agreement between the EU and South Korea that entered into force in July 2011 has benefited Europe. European goods exports to Korea have increased by 35% since 2011 according to a report by the European Commission published on 26th March. Imports from South Korea have remained stable overall.

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Impact of trade on European economic results

29 March 2015

The importance of trade agreements in the support and strengthening of the EU's economic results was highlighted in a European Commission report published on 26th March. In the European Union 31 million jobs - more than 14% of all positions - depend on exports to third countries and every additional billion € of exports supports the creation of 14,000 new jobs in the EU. During an informal meeting in Riga a new strategy was discussed. It is due to be launched by the EU this year following an increasing number of trade agreements in the world and their mounting political dimension.

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Mario Draghi speaks to the European Parliament

30 March 2015

On 23rd March the ECB President Mario Draghi indicated to MEPs of the Economic Committee that inflation would remain very "weak or negative" over the next few months due to the extended effects of oil price decreases. Estimated at 0% in 2015 inflation is due to rise to 1.5% in 2016 and to 1.8% in 2017. These estimates also depend on the full implementation of the asset purchase programme (including the purchase of government debt) estimated at 60 billion euro per month. He also said that Greece should take up dialogue again and accept reform. In order for Greece to be able to benefit from the ECB's quantitative easing programme the waiver that the country had enjoyed and which had enabled it, in spite of its budgetary situation, to sell its bonds on the secondary market, might have to be reinstated. He recalled that negotiations were not "blackmail", that the ECB's policies did not aim to "suffocate" Greece and that the ECB was exposed to a total of 65% of the Greek GDP.

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Trade and digital issues on the agenda of the ministers' meetings in Riga

30 March 2015

Europe's industry ministers met in Riga on 26th and 27th March to debate the single digital market and the opportunities offered to the EU to generate intelligent, sustainable, inclusive growth. This notably means homogenising European regulations in terms of e-trade, of doing away with territorial restrictions, of ensuring fair access to the digital environment and of guaranteeing interoperability between digital products and services. The trade ministers, who met on 24th and 25th March, said they supported both the trade negotiations between the EU, Japan, Vietnam and the USA (with the TTIP being a priority of the Latvian presidency) as well as WTO negotiations (post-Bali working programme, Doha Round negotiations).

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Montenegro: opening of negotiations over two new chapters

30 March 2015

Negotiators from the EU and Montenegro agreed on 30th March to open two new chapters in the EU's membership process. During their third meeting in Brussels they decided to open negotiations on the chapter 16 (taxation) and 30 (external relations). Out of a total 35 chapters 18 have been opened and two have now been closed.

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Federica Mogherini visits Cuba

30 March 2015

On 23rd and 24th March Federica Mogherini, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs travelled to Cuba to meet Bruno Rodriguez, the Cuban Foreign Minister. This visit is of symbolic importance (it was the first official visit by a head of European diplomacy to Cuba) since it has come as the island's relations with the USA are easing. Since she also met government leaders, the Archbishop of Havana Jaime Ortega and representatives of civil society Ms Mogherini hoped to "normalise relations between Cuba and the EU whose rapprochement had been conditioned since 1996 by progress made in terms of freedom, civic rights and political reform.

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Meeting of Foreign Ministers on the Iranian nuclear issue

30 March 2015

The heads of diplomacy of the major powers and Iran started a plenary session on 30th March in a bid to try and overcome the last obstacles on the path to an agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue. The American, British, French, German, Russian and Chinese ministers on the one hand and the Iranian minister on the other, together with the head of the EU's diplomacy met for the first time since the previous round of talks in November 2014 in Vienna. They hope to come to fundamental interim agreement before 31st March on the nuclear issue that has poisoned international relations for the last twelve years.

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Donald Tusk and Federica Mogherini in Tunisia

30 March 2015

Donald Tusk, President of the European Council and Federica Mogherini, the EU's High Representative and Vice-President of the Commission travelled to Tunisia on 31st March notably to demonstrate the EU's solidarity with the people of Tunisia and to discuss the means to implement to support Tunisia against terrorism. They met the President of the Republic, Beji Caid Essebsi and Prime Minister Habib Essid. Donald Tusk believes "that all Europeans were affected by the attack on the Bardo because via Tunisia, it was freedom and democracy that were being targeted." This visit comes just ten days after the signature of a Protocol on Tunisia's participation in the EU's programmes on 17th March last.

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Court of Justice

European citizens might be excluded from social services of other Member States

30 March 2015

European citizens working in a Member State whose nationality it does not share might be excluded from certain social services according to the Advocate General Melchior Wathelet. Three cases have been defined. In the event of a European citizen travelling to another Member State and living there without looking for employment, he/she might be excluded from social assistance services. Exclusion might also be deemed legitimate if a citizen is looking for employment in the host country. However if the citizen has lived there for more than three months and has already had a job social services cannot not be refused automatically, and a case-by-case assessment would be necessary. In the last case the nature of unemployment (voluntary or not) and the quality of the links of the citizen with the host country have to be taken into consideration.

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Court of Auditor

The European Court of Auditors delivers a report on the Youth Guarantee

29 March 2015

The European Court of Auditors delivered a report on 24th March analysing the costs of the Youth Guarantee. The latter that was created in 2013 is designed to help the under 25's find a job, an internship or an apprenticeship. The Court of Auditors notes however that the planned financing is not enough to meet the plan's goals. The European Commission estimated the total cost of the programme (cost guaranteed by the EU and the Member States) at 16.7 billion € between 2014-2020, but in reality the total is due to rise to 21 billion euro per year. Additional costs are said to be due to the measures taken by the Member States to counter youth unemployment and which have not yet been included in the programme. However the Court of Auditors insists on the usefulness of the Youth Guarantee and has encouraged the Commission and the Member States to work on this project.

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European Agencies

An illegal immigration network dismantled by a pan-European operation

30 March 2015

A European operation, with the participation of Europol and Eurojust has enabled around 400 agents from various police forces to dismantle an illegal immigration network. 77 suspects were arrested in Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Kosovo and Slovakia. Most individuals came from Central Europe or the Balkans, smuggling migrants from Serbia to Hungary where they were then managed by another branch of the criminal network. In most cases the migrants requested asylum in Hungary before being transported to countries in Western Europe. This operation is the first result of Operation FALKO, initiated by Hungary as part of the Operational Action Plan against Illegal Immigration, EMPACT. This platform enables EU Member States to work together against illegal immigration.

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Two new Galileo satellites launched

29 March 2015

On 28th March Europe successfully launched two new Galileo satellites. According to the European Space Agency (ESA) the satellites were released "into their target orbit at an altitude of 23.500 km, 3 hours, 48 minutes after their launch." A Russian Soyuz rocket carrying the seventh (Sat-7) and eight (Sat-8) satellites of the "constellation", planned to total 30, was launched from Kourou. "The deployment of the Galileo constellation is restarting with this successful launch," stressed ESA Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain.

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The European Aviation Safety Agency makes recommendations following the crash of the A320 in France

30 March 2015

The European Agency for Aviation Safety (EASA) published new safety recommendations on 27th March. These comes after the crash of the Germanwings plane on 24th March due to the co-pilot voluntarily flying into the mountain whilst the pilot was absent from the cockpit. This accident cost the lives of 150 people. The EASA now recommends that two people always be in the cockpit for the entire flight including a qualified pilot.

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Trip by German Chancellor to Finland

30 March 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel travelled to Helsinki on 30th March to meet Finnish President Sauli Niinistö and Prime Minister Alexander Stubb. The Chancellor previously spoke about the links connecting their countries saying that not only did they share common values but also that they agreed on many issues such as research and the euro zone's stability pact. Finland is also a major country in terms of Russia since it is one of Russia's major trade partners. The heads of government met at the University of Helsinki to talk on the theme of "security in Europe and the Ukrainian conflict."

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The Austrian Foreign Minister visits Ukraine

30 March 2015

Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz was on an official visit to Ukraine on 25th March. He met Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to discuss the country's situation. The Ukrainian head of State informed Mr Kurz of the situation in the Donbass and thanked Austria for the humanitarian aid it has provided. The two men also discussed the possible dispatch of a peacekeeping mission to Ukraine to pacify Donbass long term. The Ukrainian President also remarked that his authorities were not just focusing on security issues but also on institutional and economic reform, and he also asked the Austrians to invest in Ukraine. The Ukrainian authorities are still waiting for the ratification of the EU-Ukraine association agreement by Austria.

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Bulgaria wants to build a new nuclear reactor

30 March 2015

During a conference on nuclear energy that took place in Sofia on 26th March the Bulgarian Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova said she supported a project to build a nuclear reactor on the Kozlodui site. The country has asked the American nuclear energy company Westinghouse to build it and to finance the project up to 49%. In exchange it is offering 49% of the Bulgarian shares in the reactor. This decision comes just as Prime Minister Boyko Borissov recently warned of a nuclear catastrophe in Bulgaria if Russia continued to drag its feet over the project to renovate other nuclear power plants.

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Summity of the Mayors of European capitals and major cities for the Climate

30 March 2015

On 26th March a summit took place in Paris convening the mayors of European capitals and major cities. French President François Hollande repeated that he wanted to achieve an agreement at the summit on the climate in December in Paris. He stressed Europe's major role in countering global warming and insisted on the fact that future solutions must not just come from the State but also from local communities, businesses, associations and NGOs. The 26 Mayors attending signed a joint declaration committing to the launch of projects to counter urban sprawl, the production of waste, and also to re-introduce nature and biodiversity into towns, improve recycling and energy efficiency.

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Speech by Alex Tsipras to the Greek Parliament

30 March 2015

Alex Tsipras asked for an emergency discussion with the Greek Parliament on 30th March requesting the support of the opposition parties in the negotiations that he and Yanis Varoufakis have been undertaking with the Eurogroup for the last few weeks. Although the Prime Minister hope to federate the members of Parliament around his programme he mainly directed his speech towards the mitigated result left behind by the previous conservative government led by Antonis Samaras, and notably the primary surplus of 0.3% of the GDP instead of the 3.5% that had been promised. Mr Samaras, chairman of the conservative party New Democracy (ND) answered the Prime Minister by denouncing the "lies that Mr Tsipras has made to the Greek people". The liberal migratory policy was also criticised by the leader of the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn. Only the chair of To Potami, a centre left party, wanted to support the government in office stressing that the renegotiation of the debt was 'inevitable.'

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Polish President Komorowski calls for "a new Marshall Plan for Ukraine"

30 March 2015

Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski spoke in Brussels on 22nd March during a conference organised by the German Marshall Fund. He highlighted the need for a new transatlantic EU/NATO plan regarding Russia which would not just be limited to defence but which would also extend economic cooperation. He finally called on NATO's members to commit to a budget of at least 2% of their GDP in the military domain declaring that "neglecting security today might imply the loss of independence tomorrow."

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Televised debate between Cameron vs Miliband

29 March 2015

On 26th March British Prime Minister David Cameron and Labour leader Ed Miliband were given a first opportunity to present their views to an audience of 2.6 million during a televised battle on Channel 4/Sky News. In separate interviews a cutting Jeremy Paxman took no quarter and both leaders struggled over various issues - the NHS as far as David Cameron was concerned and government spending cuts in the case of Ed Miliband. Polls revealed that Mr Cameron had a slight advantage, but the race remains tight just over a month before the general election on 7th May.

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Dissolution of the British Parliament as the elections draw closer

29 March 2015

As the 7th May elections draw closer the British parliamentary session will automatically end on 30th March. The new parliament will return as of 27th May.

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EU-Ukraine Summit on 27th April

30 March 2015

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko spoke with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on 28th March. They confirmed the organisation of a summit between the European Union and Ukraine on 27th April as planned under the association agreement. Mr Poroshenko repeated his request for a peacekeeping mission in the East of Ukraine and they also discussed new measures to increase financial assistance to Ukraine.

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Council of Europe

New Convention of the Council of Europe against the trafficking of human organs

29 March 2015

Fourteen European countries (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, UK and Turkey) signed the first international treaty to prevent and counter the trafficking of human organs in Spain on 25th March. This practice annually generates more a billion euro in illegal profits said the Council of Europe. The text makes it a crime to take a human organ from living or deceased donors without their free, informed and specific consent. It is now also deemed illegal to take an organ from a deceased person if this type of removal is not framed by domestic law and if it is being done "in view of earning a profit." This convention will enter into force once five countries have ratified it.

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Asylum requests increased sharply in 2014 in industrialised countries

29 March 2015

On 26th March the UN's High Commission for Refugees unveiled its asylum request figures for 2014. It notes that the wars in Syria and Iraq, armed conflict as well as infringements of human rights and the worsening situation in security and humanitarian conditions in other countries - have generated the sharpest rise in 22 years in terms of the number of requests lodged in industrialised countries totalling 866,000, i.e. an increase of 45% in comparison with 2013 and a 47% rise in Europe. The industrialised country that has received the greatest number of requests is Germany with over 173,000 asylum requests recorded, whilst Sweden comes fourth with 75,100 asylum requests. Italy registered 63,700 new asylum requests in 2014 i.e. the highest number ever recorded.

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Publication of the international trade figures 2014

29 March 2015

According to a Eurostat study published on 27th March, the USA and China are still the EU's privileged trade partners. Indeed the EU undertook 15% of its international goods trade with the USA (against 24% in 2002), 14% with China (against 7% in 2002), ahead of Russia (8%) and Switzerland (7%). Machines and transport materials, manufactured goods and mineral fuels were the most traded goods categories between the EU and the rest of the world. Most Member States trade principally with another Member State (Germany in the case of 16 Member States). The only exceptions are Ireland (which trades mainly with the USA), Greece (Turkey), Lithuania (Russia), Sweden (Norway) and the UK (USA).

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Monitoring the execution of ECHR judgments: Annual Report by the Committee of Ministers

29 March 2015

The Committee of Ministers at the Council of Europe published its report on the monitoring of the execution of ECHR judgments. The 2014 statistics confirm the positive trend witnessed since 2011. These show a continuous decline in the total number of pending cases as well as an historic number of cases settled by the Committee following the adoption of vital execution measures by national authorities.

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IMF report on trade agreements

29 March 2015

The free-trade agreement (TTIP) currently being discussed by the US and the EU must be transparent and open to other countries in order to avoid a "fragmentation" of world trade said the IMF on 23rd March. "The new liberalisation agreements must be open, transparent and complete," indicated the IMF report. TTIP discussions that aim to do away with customs and regulatory barriers between the US and EU were launched in July 2013 in response to the impediments to trade liberalisation within the WTO. Although this future treaty is the cause of fear of widespread deregulation in Europe, the IMF is concerned for its part that this text, like the one negotiated between the US and the Asia-Pacific region (the TPP), will lead to a "fragmentation" of international trade.

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Study of the ECB debt purchase programme

29 March 2015

The euro zone needs greater budgetary and structural policy coordination which should help revive growth, shows a study by the German Centre for Economic Research (DIW). The effects of the debt purchase programme by the ECB on the real economy are uncertain.

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Luxembourg depends too much on its financial sector

30 March 2015

According to an OECD study published on 27th March Luxembourg's dependency on just one sector poses a risk for the country's economy mid-term. Experts are inviting the country to implement additional measures to strengthen fiscal transparency and to take active part in international negotiations against corporate tax evasion.

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"Ireland, the return of the Celtic Tiger"

29 March 2015

The business think-tank, Institut de l'Entreprise has published "Irlande: le retour du Tigre Celtique" regarding budgetary consolidation and economic recovery in Europe. At the end of 2010 Ireland was the second country after Greece to ask for financial assistance of the IMF and the European Commission. The country finally emerged from the tutelage of the troika at the end of 2013. Since then the economy has started growing again, unemployment is declining and the cost to the State of borrowing on the markets has dropped: its newly recovered credibility allows Ireland to borrow at lower rates than Italy and even the UK. With a budgetary adjustment programme that fosters spending cuts (wage mass, social transfers) and reform to the management of the State the structure of local communities and the banking sector, Ireland is an emblematic illustration of a successful combination between budgetary adjustment and structural reform.

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Velázquez exhibition in Paris

29 March 2015

The Grand Palais in Paris is running an exhibition from 25th March to 13th July devoted to Spanish painter Diego Velázquez (1599-1660) together with the Louvre Museum, the Kunsthistorisches Museum of Vienna and the Prado. Velázquez is one of the main names in Spanish painting. An eminent representative of what we might call the Baroque period he was adulated by the most famous artists in history. In spite of this the monographic exhibition will be the first devoted to his work to take place in France.

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Aix-en-Provence Easter Festival

30 March 2015

The Easter Festival of Aix-en-Provence 2015 is taking place until 12th April. Directed by Renaud Capuçon and Dominique Bluzet this year a combination of international classical music stars with original programmes will be performing. Concerts are taking place at the Grand Theatre of Provence, the Darius Milhaud Conservatory, the Theatre du Jeu de Paume, the Saint-Sauveur Cathedral and at the Saint-John of Malta Church.

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Easter Festival of Salzburg

30 March 2015

The Easter Festival of Salzburg is taking place until 6th April. The opera of Salzburg is hosting several symphonic concerts and operas with productions of Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev and Mascani. The tenor of world renown, Jonas Kaufmann, will be taking part in several performances taking a role in two operas (Cavalliera Rusticana and Pagliacci) and a soloist role in Verdi's Requiem.

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Baden-Baden Easter Festival

30 March 2015

The Easter Festival of Baden-Baden that is taking place until 6th April is hosting the philharmonic of Berlin for the third time. The festival will focus this year on the "Rosenkavalier". Sir Simon Rattle will be conducting a version of the Berlioz opera "La Damnation de Faust". The festival will also include many soloists, like Marta Agerich and Isabelle Faust.

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Inauguration of the Georges Pompidou Centre in Malaga

30 March 2015

On 28th March the President of the Spanish government Mariano Rajoy and Mayor of Malaga inaugurated the 6,300m2 of the Georges Pompidou Centre Malaga that will become one of the six biggest museums in the town. The Centre, which will work in close contact with its Parisian counterpart, will host nearly 80 works including great names like Picasso, Bacon, Giacometti, Magritte, Chirico, Frida Khalo and Chagall. There will also be two to three temporary exhibitions per year. Thanks to this new museum Malaga will become an international reference in the modern and contemporary art worlds.

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les 30th March - 1st April

Meeting of European Parliament's Parliamentary Committees (Brussels)

31st March

Franco-German Council of Ministers (Berlin)

31st March

Trip by the President of the European Council to Tunisia (Tunis)

Newsletter Archives

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy , Leslie Biaggi, Romain Denninger, Flora Dumont,Noémie Rossi, Francesca Tortorella

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°664- version of 30 mars 2015