The Newsletter6619 mars 2015

La Lettre

Olivier Marty

9 March 2015

The proposed regulation on the creation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) was presented by the European Commission on 13th January 2015. The trilogue is going on until the end of the Latvian presidency with the aim of implementing the Fund by the summer. An agreement of principle is expected to be found by the "Ecofin" Council on 10th March. In this perspective, this paper recalls the three dimensions of the Juncker Plan, analyses how their joint effect can guarantee the success of the latter, and sets out some views on the technical aspects currently under debate.

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Financial Crisis

Women's employment up in Italy

9 March 2015

With an overall unemployment rate of 12.6% in Italy in January the women's employment index in Italy is declining. The National Statistics Institute recorded a 0.5% decline in unemployment for women against stable figures for men. The 2015 Manageritalia Report confirms this data. The number of women in work has increased (+ 6.2% over the last ten years against +3.9% for men).

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French growth revised downwards in the first quarter

9 March 2015

On 9th March the Bank of France published its monthly economic survey. According to the latter economic growth in France in the first quarter will no longer be 0.4% but 0.3%. Hence activity is growing in electric equipment and electronics as well as in the car industry whilst it is declining in chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Activity is increasing slightly in services but is decreasing in the construction industry.

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Declaration on 5G at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona

9 March 2015

European Commissioner for the Digital Economy Günther Oettinger, presented the EU's projects for 5G on 3rd March at the World Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (3rd-5th March). The overall vision and the standards regarding 5G, which cannot be designed on a national or European level alone, will be debated by international partners by 2016. Commissioner Oettinger believes that 5G will be the solution to increased use of WIFI internet and this is why the introduction of the single digital market in Europe is vital.

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100 million euro for energy interconnection projects in Europe

9 March 2015

On 5th March the Commission announced the availability of 100 million euro for projects that enable the interconnection of European energy networks. The Commission also launched a call for tender under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and hopes that the funds released by Europe will act as a catalyst to obtain additional financing in the private sphere. On March 4th Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission met French President François Hollande and Spanish and Portuguese Prime Ministers Mariano Rajoy and Pedro Passos Coelho in Madrid to discuss the means to strengthen energy interconnections between the Iberian peninsula and the rest of Europe.

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Confirmation of the withdrawal of 73 pending proposals by the Commission

9 March 2015

On 7th March the Commission confirmed the withdrawal of 73 pending proposals in view of legislating better and cutting red tape. This withdrawal was announced by the Commission in its Work Programme 2015 adopted on 16th December 2014 which has transformed the 10 priorities set out by President Juncker into real action. The Commission's aim is to lighten the regulatory burden that weighs on the Member States so that they can focus on investments that will provide greater added value across Europe.

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For a European Army

9 March 2015

The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker called on 8th March for the creation of a European army notably in view of the increasingly tense relations with Russia over Ukraine. An armed force like this would help Europe face new threats on the its borders as well as defend the EU's values, he declared in an interview published by the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag. "We would not create a European army for immediate use. But an army shared by all Europeans would make Russia understand that we are serious when it comes to defending the EU's values," he explained.

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Implementation of the Commission's recommendations

9 March 2015

The European Parliament has just published two documents that round up the implementation of the Commission's recommendations by country. In 2014 the States fully implemented 12 of the 157 reforms requested by Brussels, i.e. 7.5%.

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Energy Council Conclusions

8 March 2015

Questions regarding energy security, the completion of the internal energy market, energy competitiveness and decarbonisation were on the Energy Council's agenda on 5th March. Ministers notably addressed regional cooperation, energy linked infrastructure financing and measures to achieve 10% electricity interconnection by 2020. A regulation on the supervision and checking of CO2 emissions due to maritime transport was also adopted without debate.

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Conclusions of the Environment Council

9 March 2015

On 6th March in Brussels the 28 European Environment Ministers announced that they would continue their preparation work for the UN Conference in Paris in December the aim of which will be to reach a legally binding global agreement. As part of these preparations they adopted a communication on nationally intended determined contributions, NIDCs) for the EU and for its Member States which confirms the goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030 in comparison with 1990 levels. Ministers also debated the post-2015 programme which is due to be adopted in September and which will define a new world partnership for the eradication of poverty and for sustainable development.

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The EU continues its sanctions against those supporting the Syrian regime

9 March 2015

Considering the downturn in the situation in Syria the Council decided to step up measures against those supporting the Syrian regime. Seven people and six entities providing support to the regime will be subject to a ban on entering the EU and will have their assets frozen. This brings the number of people under EU sanction to 218 in response to the repression undertaken against the Syrian people.

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Meeting of European Foreign Ministers in Riga

9 March 2015

An informal meeting of European Foreign Ministers took place in Riga on 6th and 7th March with the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini and American Secretary of State, John Kerry in attendance. The meeting focused on the Ukrainian conflict and the EU's relations with Russia. The ministers recalled the need for the implementation of the Minsk agreements and a possible strengthening of sanctions against Russia if the situation gets worse. Then the southern neighbourhood policy with Libya was discussed, and notably the new support measures to already established political processes. Finally this meeting enabled preparation for the next Foreign Affairs Council which will take place in Brussels on 16th March.

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Court of Justice

The location of central counterparties is contrary to the ECB's statutes

8 March 2015

The European Union's Court of Justice annulled the Eurosystem Oversight Policy Framework on 4th March in support of the UK - this system includes the ECB and the central banks of the euro zone countries published by the ECB obliging central counterparties to be located in the euro zone. Indeed the ECB announced in 2011 the role of the Eurosystem in the oversight of "the systems of the payment, compensation and regulation." According the ECB the oversight of systems and infrastructures stems from Article 22 of the Eurosystem and the ECB statutes which provides that "the ECB may make regulations, to ensure efficient and sound clearing and payment systems within the Union and with other countries" as well as its task to promote the smooth functioning of the payment systems granted to it by the TFEU. The ECJ deemed that the demand for a set location within a Member State of central counterparties which are involved in the clearing of securities "would be beyond the framework of simple oversight and would intervene in the regulation of their activity." An appeal can be made to the Court but the ECB might also request a modification to article 22 of the Statutes.

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No reduced VAT rate on digital books

8 March 2015

In a decision delivered on 5th March the European Court of Justice said that France and Luxembourg could not apply reduced VAT rates on e-books. France applies a rate of 5.5% on the provision of e-books (3% in Luxembourg), but the reduced VAT rate can only apply to the delivery of goods and services included in annex III of the VAT Directive which quotes the "delivery of books - on any type of physical support". The directive therefore excludes both the delivery of e-books, since the latter are not delivered with their physical support (computer, tablet or telephone).

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ECB launches debt purchase programme

8 March 2015

On 5th March following a meeting of the ECB's Governing Board in Cyprus Mario Draghi announced that the ECB would start its debt purchase programme on 9th March. The massive quantitative easing programme (QE) totalling more than 1000 billion euro was announced by the ECB on 22nd January to revive lending and activity in Europe. Mario Draghi also said that the date set for the end of the programme, September 2016, was not a deadline and that the programme might be extended. His goal is still to bring Europe back to a "level close but not below" the 2% inflation rate, which lay at -0.3% in February. The ECB decided not to change its main interest rates.

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Visit by the German Chancellor to Brussels

9 March 2015

On 4th March the college of European Commissioners hosted German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Discussions focused on the situation in Ukraine, migration, negotiations over the transatlantic agreement between the EU and the USA, which Ms Merkel hopes will be concluded by the end of 2015 as well as the single digital market. Regarding Ukraine Ms Merkel insisted that all of the points in the Minsk agreements be respected including Ukraine's territorial integrity otherwise Russia would be the focus of further sanctions. The Chancellor also welcomed Mr Juncker's investment plan for which participation on the part of other Member States is a vital prior condition.

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Visit by German Chancellor to Japan

9 March 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is on an official visit to Japan on 9th and 10th March. She met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as well as Emperor Akihito. The Chancellor and the Prime Minister discussed the upcoming G7 meeting that will be taking place at the Schloss Elmau in Bavaria. Major international issues like Syria, Iraq and Ukraine, as well as the climate conference were also discussed. The two heads of government spoke of the links that unite their countries from a scientific, economic and cultural point of view. The leads said they wanted to step up cooperation notably in terms of scientific research. The Chancellor will also meet with the Japanese opposition leader and visit a German company in Kawasaki.

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Establishment of a 30% female quota in key business positions by 2016

9 March 2015

The Bundestag, the lower chamber of the German parliament, approved a bill on 6th March 2015 introducing a quota of women on the supervisory boards on the biggest listed companies (DAX). On the boards of the large companies women only represent 7% and on the supervisory boards the figure totals 25%. A survey published in the Handelsblatt showed that 59% of SMEs did not have any women managers against a 36% average in the Union. This bill introduces a minimum quota of 30% of women on supervisory boards of around 100 large companies. Small companies will have to choose their own quotas.

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Spain criticised by the OECD regarding environmental results

9 March 2015

"Spain should do more to take on board the environment in its recovery programme," concludes the most recent environmental assessment by the OECD that was published on 2nd March 2015. Spain has made a great deal of progress in terms of improving its environmental results since 2000 but the authors of the report do not hide the fact that economic recovery might place the environment under further pressure. According to the assessment Madrid should "use make better use of environment related taxes and reduce the fiscal burden that weighs on labour in order to stimulate economic growth."

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Greece will receive EBRD funding until 2020

9 March 2015

In response to a request by the Greek authorities the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has approved investment in Greece until 2020. The aim is to promote the country's economic revival by providing financial support to reform and the recovery of growth. On 3rd March the EBRD President Suma Chakrabarti, explained to Brussels that the decision taken by the London based institution aims to bring the penury of capital amongst private Greek businesses to an end, particularly amongst SMEs.

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Italian President of the Republic visits Brussels and Berlin

9 March 2015

On 3rd March Italian President Sergio Mattarella visited Brussels. He met the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini and the President of the European Council Donald Tusk. The issues addressed focused on the economy and foreign policy notably the situation in Libya and the humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean. On 2nd February, together with Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni, Mr Mattarella travelled to Berlin for his first official visit. He met President Joachim Gauck before speaking with Chancellor Merkel. The Italian President insisted on the need for flexibility and growth in Europe. Finally, like his predecessors, the leitmotif of the Italian Presidency is the "need for more Europe."

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Visit by the President of the Italian Council to Ukraine and Russia

9 March 2015

On 4th March Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi met with President Petro Poroshenko in Kyiv. On 5th March he travelled to Moscow to speak with his Russian counterpart Dmitri Medvedev and Russian President Vladimir Putin. International issues were the focus of discussion. Russia said it supported Rome regarding the Libyan crisis. For its part Italy committed to finding a rapid solution to settle the Ukrainian crisis recalling that it was vital for the Minsk Agreements to be implemented.

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French President visits Luxembourg

9 March 2015

On 6th March French President François Hollande travelled to Luxembourg. It was the first visit by a French head of State to the country in 23 years. He was guest to Grand-Duke Henri. During his visit two contracts were signed between the SES, the European satellite operator and Airbus Defence and Space for the construction of a satellite - a contract was also signed between SES and Arianespace for the launch of a rocket. The problem of reindustrialisation was addressed, an area in which Luxembourg has been successful. François Hollande's visit to Luxembourg has come just a few months before the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union and after the tax ruling scandal "LuxLeaks". The French head of State's entourage welcomed the encouraging developments in Luxembourg since the scandal came to light. The country accepted to transfer over to the automatic exchange of fiscal information as of 2017.

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Ratification of the agreement between the EU and Ukraine

9 March 2015

Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski ratified the association agreement between the EU and Ukraine on 5th March. The 28 signed the political part of this agreement with Ukraine following the events in Maidan in March 2014. On 27th June 2014 the second part was signed in terms of free trade, economic cooperation and legal affairs, by the heads of State and government and President Poroshenko. The entry into force of the free trade agreement was delayed until 31st December 2015 and still requires the ratification of some Member States. A law enabling the signature of the agreement by the Polish President was approved on 17th December 2014 and Mr Komorowski finalised the ratification on 5th March.

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British incomes back to their pre-crisis levels

9 March 2015

The Institute for Fiscal Studies published a report on 4th March on British incomes. The study shows that the median revenue covering 2014-2015 was back to its 2007-2008 level. Recovery however has been slow with a rise of 1.8% per year since 2011-2012.

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The UK sells its Eurostar shares

9 March 2015

British Finance Minister George Osborne announced on Wednesday 4th March the sale of all of the State's shares in Eurostar (to a total of 40%) for a value of £585 million (804 million euro). These shares went to a consortium comprising the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Quebec (CDPQ) and Hermes Infrastructure. This operation is part of a more ambitious government project to relinquish £20 billion in shares between 2014 and 2020.

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Ukrainian parliament debates the economic reforms necessary for a further IMF loan

9 March 2015

On 2nd March the Ukrainian Parliament started a round of debate on the economic reforms demanded by the IMF in exchange for a further loan of 15.5 billion euro. These reforms comprise measures to counter corruption, the restructuring of State businesses, the reform of the energy sector, the optimisation of State spending and a possible increase in gas prices for Ukrainian households. These measures may be unpopular but the economic collapse of Ukraine leaves little choice to the public authorities, which need this loan to try and reverse the trend. "As matters stand there are no simple or easy decisions to make" explained Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk. The IMF already granted 17 billion dollars in emergency aid to Ukraine last April but the downturn in the situation in the east coupled with the economic crisis meant that this loan was inadequate.

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Agreement between Kyiv and Moscow on gas deliveries to Ukraine until the end of March

9 March 2015

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodimir Demchyshyn met in Brussels on 2nd March. The Vice-President of the Commission for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič mediated the meeting. The partners concluded an agreement providing for the delivery of gas to Ukraine until the end of March. The Ukrainian gas company Naftogaz has committed to prepaying its Russian counterpart Gazprom for purchases covering the country's consumption. For its part Gazprom has promised to deliver the EU's gas purchases of up to 114 million m3 per day passing via Ukraine. "We succeeded in implementing the winter package agreement" said Maroš Šefčovič. The agreement also plans for further negotiation at the end of March to set the purchase price and the quantities to be delivered by Gazprom to Naftogaz. The Union purchases a yearly 130 billion m3 of gas from Russia, half of which transits through Ukraine (i.e.15% of its total consumption).

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Concer about the implementation of the Minsk Agreements

9 March 2015

French President François Hollande spoke with American President Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron and the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi was well as the President of the European Council Donald Tusk on 3rd March. The heads of State and government agreed that firm response by the international community would be necessary in the event of a major breakdown in the implementation of the measures adopted in the Minsk Agreement. They said they wanted the OSCE to play a greater role in consolidating the ceasefire. They all said they would continue to provide support to the Ukrainian authorities in order to revive the country's economy.

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High Level Conference on the Fight to counter Ebola

9 March 2015

A high level conference on Ebola took place in Brussels on 3rd March. This conference co-chaired by the EU, the UN, the African Union and by the countries most affected by the virus aimed to review the measures taken and their effectiveness and also to lay out a long term strategy to support the development of the countries involved. The EU actively took part in the management of the crisis, via financial aid totalling 1.2 billion euro, humanitarian aid totalling 65 million euro (epidemiological monitoring, medication and medical material supplies), development aid totalling over 210 million euro and the financing of medical research into the virus totalling 24.4 million euro, to which we might add 215 million euro devoted to the new research programme "Ebola+".

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Equality between men and women must become a reality by 2030

9 March 2015

On the occasion of the celebrations organised for International Women's Day the UN called on 6th March to make the most of the progress made in terms of women's autonomy over the last 20 years to adopt a series of audacious goals as part of present thought on sustainable development to enable the achievement of gender equality in the world by 2030.

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The EU asks the WTO to adopt sanctions against Russia

9 March 2015

The EU has appealed to the WTO to arbitrate in the conflict with Russia in terms of illegal import tariffs. Russia is said to have infringed the commitments it took in August 2012 when it joined the WTO by setting excessive excise duties on certain products such as paper, fridges and palm oil. This practice impacts European exports negatively in the said sectors and goes against the fundamental principles of the WTO.

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Europe still far from achieving its 2020 goals

9 March 2015

The Europe 2020 strategy introduced in June 2010 aims to establish Europe as a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy in the economic, employment, sustainable development, energy, education and social cohesion sectors. A series of nine indicators provide an insight in the distance still to be covered by Europe to achieve these goals. The employment rate for example of 70.3% in 2008 dropped to total 68.4% in 2013 whilst it is due to rise to 75% by 2020. The number of people threatened with social exclusion or poverty which should decline to total 96.6 million by 2020, but increased from 116.6 million to 121.4 million between 2008 and 2013. Statistics are more positive however in the energy and education sectors: graduates in higher education amongst the 30-34 year olds increased from 31.2% to 36.9% between 2008 and 2013, and it is due to be over the 40% mark by 2020. Greenhouse gas emissions have decreased and the chances of achieving the 80% goal (1990=100) by 2020 are significant: from 90.4 in 2008, they already lay at 82.1 in 2012.

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In 2013 women were still earning 16% less than men on average

8 March 2015

On the occasion of International Women's Day on March 8th Eurostat published a study on the wage gap between men and women. Hence in 2013 women earned 16% less than men on average in the European Union. Also two executives in three were men, whilst two office employees in three were women. The biggest wage gaps were seen in Estonia, Austria, Czech Republic and Germany (more than 20%); in Slovenia however equality has almost been reached between men and women with a wage gap of 5%. Finally, whilst one working woman in three works part time, this is true of only one man in ten. When will this inequality finally be eradicated?

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GDP up in Europe for the fourth quarter of 2014

8 March 2015

In the fourth quarter of 2014 the GDP rose by 0.3% in the euro zone and by 0.4% in the EU in comparison with the third quarter of 2014 says a Eurostat report published on 6th March. These figures confirm an overall trend, since in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2013, the GDP rose by 0.9% in the euro zone and by 1.3% in the EU. In the USA during the same period the GDP rose by 2.4%. The countries with the highest growth rates are Estonia and Sweden (+1.1% each), Hungary (+0.9%), Germany, Spain and Poland (+0.7% each). Cyprus (-0.7%), Greece (-0.4%), Austria and Finland (-0.2% each) recorded the lowest growth rates.

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Study on maritime and river transport in Europe

8 March 2015

A Eurobarometer survey published on 3rd March reveals that European citizens are confident about the safety of maritime and river transport: 68% of them believe that cruise ships and ferries are safe means of travel. Two major problems continue however - 18% of those interviewed think that the problem of high prices affects these types of transport the most in the EU, followed by the problem of water pollution and the lack of connections between destinations (15% each). These major issues linked to maritime and river transport explain in part why these types of transport are not used very much by European citizens: nearly three people in four have never travelled either on a ship or on a ferry.

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New report on the EU's environmental policies

9 March 2015

A report by the European Agency for the Environment published on 3rd March entitled "The Environment in Europe, State and Outlook 2015 (SOER 2015) draws a positive, encouraging review of the policies undertaken by the EU for the environment: the air is less polluted, water is of better quality, more citizens recycle their waste. Environmental policies also have positive effects on employment and growth. Although the impact of these policies have been positive over the last five years and although the goals set by the 7th Action Plan for the Environment by 2020 are due to be achieved, the 2050 goals (like reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 80 to 95%) are said to be much more compromised in view of the present policies.

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OECD Report on Gender Equality in Education

9 March 2015

The OECD criticises the inequality between girls and boys in childhood which "influences their professional path and prospects for employment." According to an OECD report "The ABC of Gender equality in Education- Aptitudes, Behaviour and Confidence," the gap remaining between girls and boys in terms of their professional path is defined much earlier than we might think. In part this is due to bias on the part of parents, teachers and employers from childhood on. An example was given in the PISA surveys which revealed that girls did not have the same confidence in their abilities in science as boys did. This difference in encouragement received from parents is striking and only worsens the problem.

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"Women in Parliament: 1995-2015" report on parity in the Parliament

9 March 2015

In view of International Women's Day on 8th March the Interparliamentary Union has published a report on the share of women national parliaments in 2014 across the world. This report notes that since the adoption of the Beijing Action Programme on the emancipation of women in 1995 women's presence in parliaments around the world has almost doubled but quotas are still inadequate to promote parity. After an optimistic year in 2013, 2014 was marked by a slowing in the share of women elected to parliament reaching its lowest level in twenty years. According to the IPU the low growth rate is due on the one hand to low rates registered in Africa and the Pacific, and on the other, to the limits set by quotas for which it would be good to establish complementary measures to guarantee women's access to political life.

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European Justice Scoreboard

9 March 2015

The 2015 EU Justice Scoreboard which notes the quality, independence and efficiency of the Member States' legal systems was published on 9th March by the European Commission. This scoreboard is there to help Member States improve the efficiency of their legal systems. The report notably observes the progress made in Europe regarding legal system efficiency although some shortfalls are still apparent in some countries especially in terms of women's representation in the Supreme Courts and the training of magistrates for European and international institutions.

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Exhibition at the Georges Pompidou Centre "What is photography?"

9 March 2015

The Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris is running an exhibition until 1st June "What is photography?" This is a question that has been asked since the beginnings of photography in 1839. A certain number of artists from Man Ray to Jeff Wall - who asked themselves this question at a moment in their career and tried to answer with an image or a series of photographs via practice rather than theory, are also on show.

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Exhibition - "Late Rembrandt" at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

8 March 2015

The Amsterdam Museum is running the most important retrospective of Rembrandt's final years until 17th May 2015. More than 100 paintings, drawings and publications from museums and private collections across the world will be on show including masterpieces such as "The Jewish Bride" or the "The Syndics of the Drapers Guild".

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Paul Delvaux and Raoul Dufy on show in Madrid

9 March 2015

The Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum of Madrid is paying tribute to two artists. Until 7th June it is running an exhibition "Paul Delvaux: walk with love and death". Influenced by René Magritte and Giorgio de Chirico, Delvaux's dreamlike work presents feminine characters in a sombre, simple decor thereby offering the audience a cold, yet sensual nudity. Until 17th May it is running an exhibition on "Raoul Dufy the exterior towards the interior." The exhibition offers a reinterpretation of his work focused on his most introspective, reflexive and personal dimension.

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Exhibition devoted to Piero della Francesca

9 March 2015

The Magnani Palace (Reggio Emilia Italy) is hosting an exhibition "Piero della Francesca. Drawing between art and science" from 14th March to 14th June 2015, which presents his dual role as a painter and mathematician. For the first time in 500 years the entire corpus of the Master of Sansepolcro's work is being brought together (the seven copies of the "De prospective pingendi", kept in Bordeaux, Milan, Paris, Parma, Reggio Emilia; the two codes of the Abacus (Florence), the Libellus de quinque corporibus regularibus (Vatican City) and Archimedes (Florence). Alongside della Francesca's work there is also that of the major protagonists of the 15th and 16th centuries - like Dürer and Michelangelo.

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Opening of TEFAF in Maastricht

9 March 2015

The European Fine Art Fair (TEFAF) will take place in Maastricht from 13th to 22nd March 2015. With more than 275 art galleries from over 20 countries showing their work the TEFAF is considered to be the leader in the art market offering the best work at present. For example there are the biggest collections by grand masters and also a wider choice of modern and contemporary art and photography. The TEFAF is also a guarantee of quality, excellence and authenticity as the work is monitored by nearly 175 international experts.

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9th March

Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)

9th March

Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer Council (Brussels)

les 9th-12th March

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

10th March

Economy and Finance Council (Brussels)

12th and 13th March

Justice and Internal Affairs Council (Brussels)

13th March

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Brussels)

16th March

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

16th March

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly, Helen Levy , Leslie Biaggi, Romain Denninger, Flora Dumont,Noémie Rossi, Francesca Tortorella

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Ukraine/Russia, Energy, Investment, Taxation, ECB/Purchase-Debt, Equality


The Newsletter n°661- version of 9 mars 2015