The Newsletter65526 janv. 2015

La Lettre

Claire Demesmay, Barbara Kunz

26 January 2015

Clair Demesmay and Barbara Kunz's study aims to develop a view of the future that economic players have in France and Germany. The economy is now the focus of public debate in Europe. Although we know about the positions of political leaders, economists and other intellectuals and although Franco-German divergence over economic issues has been clearly identified, we know less about what economic players are expecting – whilst they represent a major part of civil society and the issues being debated involve them first and foremost. This Franco-German study was undertaken in partnership with the DGAP.

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Victory for the radical left in the Greek general elections

26 January 2015

The Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) led by Alexis Tsipras won the general elections in Greece on 25th January taking 36.34% of the vote and doubling its number of seats (149, +78). The outgoing head of government's party, New Democracy (ND), won 27.18% of the vote and 76 seats (-53). Golden Dawn (XA), a far right party followed with 6.28% of the vote and 17 seats (-1). Then came To Potami (The River), with 6.05%, the Communist Party (KKE) 5.47% and 15 seats (+3), the Independent Greeks (ANEL) 4.75% and 13 seats (-7) and finally the Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) 4.68% and 13 seats (-20). Turnout was slightly higher than that recorded during the general election on 17th June 2012 - totalling 63.87% (+1.38 points).

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The Foundation in the Go To Think Tank Ranking 2014

25 January 2015

The "Global Go To Think Tank Report 2014" drafted by the University of Pennsylvania which covers 6,618 think-tanks in 182 countries in the world was published on 22nd January. The Foundation features in it as the leading French think-tank in the category "Best Managed Think-Tanks" and "Best New Idea or Paradigm Developed by a Think-Tank". It came 33rd and 21st respectively internationally in these two categories and 11th and 3rd on a European level.

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After sorrow joy would come ....

26 January 2015

In an editorial published on his internet site Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Foundation, reviews the results of the Greek general elections. He recalls the origin of the Greek crisis, the financing received thanks to European solidarity and the demands to which the new Greek government will have now have to respond.

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Financial Crisis

Slight decrease in unemployment rate in Spain

25 January 2015

On 22nd January the Spanish statistics institute published unemployment figures for 2014. Whilst unemployment increased slightly over the last quarter (23.7% against 23.67% in the third quarter), it did decrease over 2014 as a whole dropping from 25.73% at the end of 2013 to 23.7% at the end of 2014. This decline (for the second year running) is beyond the Spanish government's expectations of 24.2%. In spite of this decline this level is still one of the highest in the European Union.

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The IMF reviews world growth forecasts downwards

25 January 2015

On 19th January the IMF published its world growth forecasts for 2015 and 2016. Hence for the entire world economy the IMF is now only expecting 3.5% growth in 2015 and 3.7% in 2016, in other words 0.3 points less in comparison with its previous forecasts. The decrease in oil prices will boost world growth but this impetus is due to be counterbalanced by negative factors, notably low investment and inflation (Japan, euro zone). Revisions downwards are stronger in the emerging countries because of China and also Russia, for which the IMF is forecasting two years of recession. The USA is still the only major economy for which the IMF has raised its forecasts for 2015 and 2016.

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OECD report on employment

25 January 2015

On 19th January the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published statistics on the employment rate in the third quarter of 2014 in the OECD zone which is up by 0.1% to 65.7%. In the euro zone the increase totals 0.1% ie 64.4%. The highest rises in employment in the euro zone were to be seen in Portugal (0.6), Greece (0.5), Ireland (0.5) and Germany (0.3). The OECD also noted a stabilisation in the employment rate amongst young people in the OECD zone.

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Portugal: reimbursement to the IMF will be gradual

25 January 2015

Portugal intends to make an early reimbursement of the loans granted by the IMF as part of its international rescue plan announced Finance Minister Mario Luis Albuquerque on 21st January. Thanks to the "normalisation of its access to the financial markets," Portugal can now "ask its European partners to allow the early reimbursement of the IMF loans," she said to a parliamentary committee. Portugal, which declined the final tranche of aid, owes 26.9 billion euro to the IMF, a total that is part of the international assistance of 78 billion euro granted in May 2011. According to an initial timetable Portugal is due to start reimbursing the IMF this year paying 550 million euro and finalise all payment by 2024.

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World Economic Forum

26 January 2015

The 45th World Economic Forum took place from 21st to 24th January in Davos. Nearly 2500 participants from 140 countries including 40 heads of State and government and 1500 representatives from the business world met to discuss the "new world context". Amongst the themes addressed, three were of particular focus, i.e. security, climate change and "the economic situation and social inclusion." The forum was therefore marked by concern for risk and particularly geopolitical, terrorist and cyber risks, that weigh on the world economy and which are slowing growth. Hence there was a great amount of uncertainty about the slowing of Chinese growth, the development of the euro zone and oil prices. In this light French President François Hollande and American Secretary of State John Kerry asked economic and political leaders not to neglect the threat that terrorism represented the world over. Climate change was also the focus of discussion with under a year to go before the Climate Conference planned for in Paris at the end of 2015. Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary General and IMF General Manager Christine Lagarde stressed the "absolute" need for a "collective fight" to counter climate change - a "true human, economic and political stake."

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Unemployment the 6% mark in the UK

26 January 2015

Unemployment has reached its lowest level in six years in the UK as it has fallen below the 6% mark. Figures can mainly be explained by a massive creation of jobs, with over 700,000 available in 2014. The biggest decrease in unemployment was recorded in London where 91,000 people have found work since 2010. A wage rise was also noted with an average salary increase of 1.8% (2.2% in the private sector). The government's employment and retirement secretary said "Thanks to our long term economic programme businesses have recovered confidence in the future. Jobs are being created and wages are rising. Britons feel safer and believe in a future in which their jobs will be safe."

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Manuel Valls puts forward new measures to counter terrorism

25 January 2015

On 21st January French Prime Minister Manuel Valls unveiled a series of measures to step up the fight to counter terrorism in the wake of the attacks that were carried out in the country recently. He first announced the creation of 2,680 additional jobs devoted to "fighting terrorism" within the Ministries for Home Affairs and Justice. He confirmed the creation of a "file placed under the control of a judge" in which the names of all of the people convicted or who have been involved in judicial cases of terrorism" will be included. In order to counter radicalisation in prisons he has suggested the introduction of specific areas for prisoners with links to the radical Islamic movement. He announced the addition of 60 Muslim chaplains in prisons.

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The Commission discusses a strategy to strengthen European security

25 January 2015

In a meeting on 21st January the College of Commissioners held a debate on the preparation of its new European Agenda on Security 2015-2020. The Commission wants to present a "strategy" in May 2015 to strengthen security and to prevent terrorism across the European Union. In this context it said it was ready to review its proposal on passenger name records in order to take on board certain expectations of the European Parliament and the Member States, in order to adopt a common decision rapidly. The Commission hopes to strengthen the EU's external borders based on a legislative framework provided for in the Schengen Agreements. It also recalled that it wanted to move "forwards on the protection of data" in order to guarantee both "security and individual freedom". Vice-President Frans Timmermans insisted on the fact that the "Commission would be alongside the Member States when it could to fight against terrorism and strengthen European citizens' security." Finally he stressed the need to "rise to the challenge" of co-existence between all religious communities "founders of European integration" in "tolerance, the rule of law and the respect of the law."

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Spain: Security Council on Terrorism

26 January 2015

On 23rd January the Spanish National Security Council met under Mariano Rajoy to look into the issue of jihad terrorists. This body, which met for the first time, aims to convene twice monthly, and aims to strengthen the State's capabilities and to implement better initiatives to prevent, detect and respond effectively to security threats. During this meeting the government's priority to strengthen security without reducing rights and freedoms was announced. The Interior Minister also presented his national strategic plan against violent radicalisation which should soon be approved by the Council of Ministers.

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European Council

Meeting between Donald Tusk and Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg

26 January 2015

The President of the European Council Donald Tusk met with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg on 21st January in Brussels. On this occasion they reviewed the progress made in negotiations on the updating of the framework for EU-Norway, European Economic Area relations, in order to "conclude these in the near future." They stressed the absolute need for an international legally binding, ambitious, fair "agreement on the climate during the next summit in Paris. Regarding Ukraine and Russia Donald Tusk and Erna Solberg recalled that "Ukraine's democratic survival is in our common interest and that it really was a fundamental issue for us." Finally the President of the Council re-iterated a "firm, coherent, united European policy towards Russia," that was confirmed by the European Council in December.

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Fi-compass, the new financial instrument advisory service

25 January 2015

On 19th January the European Commission and the European Investment Bank presented Fi-compass, the new advisory service devoted to financial instruments. The Fi-Compass is part of the one-stop-shop advisory hub included in the Investment Plan for the Union which will "offer advice and support to potential investors who say they need structured projects and access to clear information in order to re-establish the link between investment financing and a reserve of reliable projects."

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Annual report on distribution of direct aid to farmers

26 January 2015

On 23rd January the European Commission presented its annual report on the distribution of direct payments to farmers by Member States as part of the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGGF). The 2013 report stressed that in 13 Member States (Belgium, Cyprus, Hungary, Italy, Poland etc ...) more than half of the beneficiaries had received less than 1250€ each in direct payments whilst in only seven Member States (Czech Republic, France, UK, Germany etc ...) more than 1% of beneficiaries had received more than 100 000 € each. According to the report the average payment received per farm lay at 5626 € in 2013.

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The labelling of processed meat: towards food transparency

25 January 2015

Whilst many food scandals have shaken the confidence of European consumers a resolution adopted by the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee at the European Parliament has pushed the European Commission to put forward a series of legislative proposals to guarantee greater food transparency. MEPs believe that the meat used as an ingredient in processed food products (like lasagne) must be labelled by the country of origin, as is the case already for beef. They also recalled their concern about the potential impact of food fraud on Europeans' health and food safety. This resolution will be debated and voted on in plenary in February.

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Debate over further recommendations for the TTIP negotiations

26 January 2015

A debate between the members of the European Parliament's international trade committee took place on 21st January regarding further recommendations for negotiations on the transatlantic free-trade agreement (TTIP). Bernd Lange, chair and rapporteur for the international trade committee notably insisted that negotiations be more transparent and more democratic and that European requests be written more in "positive terms" than in the shape of "red lines". In his report he also notes that the EU must respect the principle of precaution in the agricultural sector but an ambitious chapter must be devoted to the liberalisation of intellectual property rights. Cultural and public sector areas must not however be part of the negotiations.

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Capping of interchange fees on card payments

26 January 2015

On 21st January the EU Council approved a compromise that was found with the European Parliament on a regulation that provides for a cap on interchange fees placed on card-based payments. The capping of fees aims to reduce costs for retailers and consumers via the harmonisation of their rates in all Member States in order to foster the creation of an EU payments market. This regulation will help users to make informed choices in terms of how they make their payments.

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The EU will maintain its presence in Africa

26 January 2015

On 19th January the EU decided to set up an advisory mission for the Central African armed forces which will enable the upkeep of European presence in Bangui after the withdrawal of EUMAM RCA troops mid-March. "EU experts will give advice on how to manage military forces as well as on the preparation for a reform of the Central African army indicated the Council in a press release. European Foreign Ministers also gave the green light to the launch of the EUCAP Sahel Mali mission which is due to help the Malian State ensure constitutional, democratic order, to implement sustainable peace and to maintain authority over its forces across the entire territory.

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EU-Armenia Cooperation Council

26 January 2015

The 15th session of the Cooperation Council between the EU and Armenia which took place on 20th January confirmed that both sides want to continue the cooperation process in all areas where it is possible. The EU encouraged Armenia to continue the reforms recently started in terms of democracy, the rule of law, the fight to counter corruption, human rights and the freedom of the press. The EU said it was pleased at the introduction of new agreements on the relaxation of visa regimes, thereby re-confirming that it is determined to work toward citizen mobility.

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The ECB is to purchase more than 1000 billion euro of debt

25 January 2015

Whilst the European Central Bank has exhausted its tools to bring inflation back up again, notably with the upkeep of almost zero interest rates at 0.05% since September 2014, Mario Draghi announced on 22nd January the launch of a Quantitative Easing Plan: the ECB will repurchase 1000 billion euros of debt to a total of 60 billion euro per month from March 2015 to September 2016. The repurchase of the debt will be undertaken according to certain eligibility criteria, which will be stricter for countries that are taking part in an EU/IMF structural adjustment plan. The announcement made by the ECB President follows the decision given by the ECJ General Advocate on 14th January. Indeed he gave a decision on the compatibility of outright monetary transactions (OMTs) with the European Treaties. Via this unique measure Mario Draghi hopes to raise inflation, which has been below 1% in Europe since October 2013, and prevent Europe from declining into a recession, which might lead to a considerable rise in private savings and a collapse in demand, a trend that will be hard to reverse.

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Report on migration 2013 in Germany

25 January 2015

On 21st January the German government published the conclusions of the Report on Migrations 2013. In 2013 1.23 million people went to live in Germany. This was the greatest number of arrivals since 1993. This report reveals that more than three quarters of the migrants come from another European country, mainly from Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. Between 2012 and 2013 the number of migrants increased by 12%. The report notes an increase in asylum requests in 2013. It confirms a development that was already highlighted in an OECD report: Germany is the country that attracts the most migrants in Europe.

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Escalation in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict

26 January 2015

On 25th January the German Chancellor spoke with Ukrainian President Poroshenko. The Chancellor insisted on the fact that priority has to be given to the Minsk agreements signed in September. This means refocusing Europe's priorities on finding a diplomatic solution to the conflict. German Foreign Minister Steinmeier declared that the region in the east of Ukraine was "completely out of control".

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Frenchman Jean Tarrade elected President of the Council of the Notariats of Europe

26 January 2015

The Council of Notariats of the European Union (CNEU) which brings together 22 organisations from the EU elected Frenchman Jean Tarrade as its president on 21st January announced the Conseil Supérieur des Notariats (CSN). Until October last he headed the (CSN) where he had succeeded Pierre-Luc Vogel. Mr Tarrade's mandate will last a year. On the same day the French Presidency of the Notaries of Europe was officially launched at the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

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The French Constitutional Court approves "deprivation of nationality"

26 January 2015

On 23rd January the French Constitutional Council deemed that it was possible to deprive someone of their dual Franco-Moroccan nationality if they were convicted of terrorism. This possibility provided for by the Civil Code was deemed in line with the Constitution. Deprivation can only be pronounced within a time span of 10 years after the act and ten years after the acquisition of French nationality or 15 years in the case of terrorism. Prime Minister Manuel Valls has not ruled out turning this measure into a tool to counter terrorism.

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The Commemoration of the Liberation of the Budapest Ghetto

26 January 2015

On 18th January the Hungarian Justice Minister László Trócsányi took part in the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Budapest ghetto. The Hungarian government paid tribute to victims and survivors in the presence of the representatives of the Jewish community and some veterans of the Soviet army. On 27th January the commemoration of the liberation of the death camps in Europe will continue at Auschwitz-Birkenau when the heads of State of Europe, including French President François Hollande and German President Joachim Gauck are due to be present.

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German/Italian Summit

25 January 2015

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Italian head of State Matteo Renzi met on 22nd and 23rd January in Florence for a German/Italian Summit. The German Chancellor said she was confident in Matteo Renzi's reform plan which is "very ambitious" adding that it will be a "long process" but results will be achieved. The President of the Italian Council indicated that the EU and ECB's most recent economic decisions were "positive signs" but "we must not stop at reform in the various States", he said. They signed a bilateral agreement before holding a joint press conference.

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The Italian Senate discusses the electoral law

25 January 2015

On 21st January the Italian senate approved an amendment to the draft electoral law (Italicum). This might enable the head of government, Matteo Renzi to complete electoral reform as a whole next week. The amendment covering the main elements of the reform was adopted at the Senate by 175 votes, 110 against - with the MPs of Forza Italia - Silvio Berlusconi's party joining forces with those of the Democratic Party led by Mr Renzi. The final vote by the Senate on the electoral law is due to take place next week, then the text will be submitted to the vote of the Chamber of Deputies. The draft reform provides a majority bonus for the party that comes out ahead in the general elections in each constituency, on condition that it wins more than 40% of the vote. If no party wins 40% in the first round, a second round will oppose the two candidates who came out ahead. The threshold for representation of a party in Parliament will be set at 3% nationally.

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Eva Kopacz, Prime Minister of Poland visits Ukraine

25 January 2015

Eva Kopacz, Prime Minister of Poland travelled to Ukraine on 19th January to meet Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and her counterpart Arseny Yatsenyuk. The meeting aimed to improve bilateral economic relations. They also discussed the action to take to strengthen Ukraine's European integration and the provision of European financial assistance to the country. Eva Kopacz said that the Polish government had decided to provide assistance to a total of 100 million euro as well as 500 additional grants for students. She paid tribute to victims of last year's conflict in the Maidan Square.

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Devolution of further powers to Scotland

26 January 2015

The British government published a draft bill on 22nd January that aims to grant more powers to the Scottish Parliament. The Secretary of State for Scotland, Alistair Carmichael indicated that this involved a "long lasting agreement" and that it met Scottish expectations of a fair balance of power with the British government. With the new devolution Scotland, which will notably be free to control 60% of its local spending will become the most powerful delegate parliament in the world.

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Norway offers new oil production licences

26 January 2015

On 20th January the Norwegian government announced participation in the production permits granted as part of the "Awards in Predefined Areas" 2014. This new government attribution will be of benefit to 43 companies and involves 54 new production permits in the North Sea (34), and the Sea of Norway (16), the Barents Sea (4). 47 companies had joined the bid. 23 of them will also have a exploration licences.

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Diplomatic efforts for a peaceful settlement

26 January 2015

On 21st January the French, German, Russian and Ukrainian Foreign Ministers met in Berlin to discuss the Ukrainian crisis. An agreement was concluded so that the Minsk Protocol will be respected. This agreement establishes zones of security between separatists and government troops in the region of Donbas and provides that the demarcation line mentioned in the Minsk Protocol will be the line from which the withdrawal of heavy arms will now start. Ministers also highlighted that a summit between heads of States will not be possible unless a ceasefire is respected by both sides to enable the delivery of humanitarian aid and the exchange of prisoners.

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OSCE Conclusions on the escalation of violence in Ukraine

26 January 2015

On 24th January following the bombing that led to the death of around 30 civilians in the town of Mariupol, Ukraine, OSCE observers concluded that "according to impact analyses the Grad rockets were fired from the north-west in the area of Oktyabr and the Hurricane rockets from the east in the area of Zayichenko, both controlled by the People's Republic of Donetsk (pro-Russian independence rebels)." In this light the trilateral contact group (TCG) comprising high representatives from Ukraine, Russia and the OSCE met as a matter of urgency on 24th January in Kyiv. The TCG condemned this escalation in the east of Ukraine especially in the areas surrounding Mariupol, which led to many victims amongst the civilian population. "The violence is a flagrant infringement of the letter and the spirit of the Minsk Protocol," deplored the three sides in a press release. The TCG also asked for an "immediate halt" to fighting ongoing in the east of Ukraine and called for all of the Minsk protocol signatories to respond immediately. Moreover Federica Mogherini, the EU's High Representative announced on 25th January that she had convened an extraordinary meeting with the EU's Foreign Ministers on 29th January "to discuss the follow-up to give to the catastrophe in Mariupol."

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Council of Europe

The European Social Rights Committee notes 252 infringements in 41 countries

25 January 2015

On 22nd January the European Committee for Social Rights (ECSR) published its annual conclusions of 2014 on infringements of the European Social Charter (ESC), the counterpoise to the European Convention of Human Rights in terms of the social and economic dimension. These conclusions reveal that 252 infringements of the Charter occurred in 41 members of the Council of Europe. The ESRC adopted 725 conclusions relating to the articles in the Charter which concern workers' rights: the right to just conditions of work (Article 2), the right to a fair remuneration (Article 4), the right to organise (Article 5), the right to bargain collectively (Article 6), the right to information and consultation (Article 21) also in collective redundancy procedures (Article 29), the right to take part in the determination and improvement of working conditions (Article 22), the right to dignity at work (Article 26) and the right of workers' representatives to protection in the undertaking (Article 28).

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Deficits decrease in the euro zone and the European Union

26 January 2015

In the third quarter of 2014, the seasonally adjusted general government deficit to GDP ratio stood at 2.3% in the euro area, a decrease compared with 2.5% in the second quarter of 2014. In the EU28, the deficit to GDP ratio also fell slightly to 2.9% of GDP, from 3.0% in the previous quarter. These figures can be explained in part by a rise in total government revenue in the euro area amounted to 46.7% of GDP, compared with 46.6% in the second quarter of 2014. In spite of a slight decrease in total government revenues the reduction in the government deficit in the EU can be explained by a reduction in government spending which lay at 48% of the GDP in the third quarter of 2014 against 48.2% of the GDP in the previous quarter. These data were published by Eurostat on 20th January.

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Government debt in the euro zone and the EU decreases

25 January 2015

At the end of the third quarter of 2014 government debt lay at 92.1% of the GDP in the euro zone against 92.7% at the end of the second quarter 2014 ie a decline of 0.6 points. In the EU the GDP/debt ratio also decreased from 87% to 86.6%. We should note that this reduction of the EU's government debt came after rising for fifteen consecutive quarters. In comparison with the third quarter of 2013 the GDP/debt ratio increased in the euro zone (from 91.1% to 92.1%) and also in the EU (from 85.3% to 86.6%). Finally the highest national government debts (in % of the GDP) were recorded in Greece (176%), Italy (131.8%) also in Portugal (131.4%), the lowest were in Estonia (10.5%), Luxembourg (22.9%) and in Bulgaria (23.6%).

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212 million unemployed in 2019 according to the ILO

25 January 2015

On 20th January the International Labour Organisation published its annual report "The World Employment and Social Outlook". This report notably forecasts that the planet will have 212 million unemployed in 2019 i.e. 11 million more than now. Unemployment is affecting young people and women more at present. Although there has been a recovery in employment in the advanced economies (Japan, USA and some European countries), a certain number of developing, middle income countries have witnessed a downturn in their situation, as in Latin America, the Caribbean, China, Russia and in some Arab countries. The employment situation has barely improved in Sub-Saharan Africa in spite of significant economic growth.

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The lack of educational reform follow up seen by OECD

25 January 2015

In a report published on 19th January the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) highlighted the lack of follow up to many educational reforms undertaken in OECD member countries. The Director of the Education and Skills Department at the OECD, Andreas Schleicher declared that too often we assess success or failure of an educational reform at the pupil level." The OECD noted that in spite of a convergence of some reforms between countries, there are around 13 in which 15% of young people have no qualification at all. Amongst these countries feature France, Denmark and Italy.

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Council of Europe's Annual Report on Torture

26 January 2015

The Council of Europe's Committee for the Prevention of Torture -CPT- published its annual report on 21st January in which it reminds its 47 Member States to "protect people who have been deprived of their freedom from all acts of intimidation and reprisal when they meet and speak with them in their place of detention. They must also ensure that they are not being poor treated by staff." The CPT stresses in its report that several people with whom it has spoken are said to have been intimidated and subject to various forms of reprisal by public agents or on the instigation of the latter. These observations were made by the Committee in countries like Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Moldova, Russia, Spain, Macedonia (FYRM) and Ukraine.

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"Van Gogh in the Borinage. The Birth of an Artist" in Mons

25 January 2015

Until 17th May 2015 the Museum of Fine Arts of Mons (Belgium) is hosting an exhibition "Van Gogh in the Borinage. The Birth of an Artist". During his stay in the Borinage in Wallonia , from December 1878 to October 1880, the Dutch painter gave up his career as a preacher to become an artist. The exhibition illustrates this period which marked the painter since during his stay there he developed artistic ideas which comprise to a great extent the framework of his work. With more than 70 paintings, drawings, original letters by Van Gogh the exhibition offers a beautiful picture of his various sources of inspiration by showing more than 20 works that influenced his work.

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The "Kin" Exhibition by South African Photographer Pieter Hugo

26 January 2015

The Henri-Cartier Bresson Foundation in Paris is showing the work of South African photographer Pieter Hugo until 26th April. Via portraits, landscapes and still life on show for the first time in France the photographer offers an exploration of South Africa's complex post-Apartheid identity. The exhibition goes together with a book published by Aperture, co-produced with the Foto Colectania Foundation, Barcelona and the Stevenson Gallery, the Cape/Johannesburg.

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August Macke and Franz Marc at the Lenbachhaus Museum Munich

25 January 2015

On the occasion of the centenary of the death of the German painter August Macke, the Lenbachhaus of Munich together with the Kunstmuseum of Bonn is running the first ever exhibition, from 28th January to 3rd May 2015 which explores the friendship that linked Macke and Franz Marc, another major figure of German Expressionism. With nearly 200 paintings, work on paper, objects and private documents, "August Macke and France Marc. An artistic friendship." offers a unique image of the life of two artists but also of art between 1910 and 1914, whilst illustrating the way Macke and Marc inspired one another. The exhibition covers their entire artistic work together until their deaths in the battle fields during the First World War.

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26th January

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)

26th January

Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)

26th and 27th January

European Parliament - Meeting of Parliamentary Committees (Brussels)

27th January

Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Brussels)

28th January

European Parliament - Mini-session (Brussels)

29th January

European Parliament - Parliamentary Committees' Meeting (Brussels)

29th January

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

29th January

1st round Italian Presidential Election ()

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly , Guillaume Anglars, Flora Dumont,Helen Levy, Marguerite Richelme, Noémie Rossi

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°655- version of 26 janv. 2015