The Newsletter64824 nov. 2014

La Lettre

Florent Parmentier

24 November 2014

The Moldovan general elections on 30th November next will be taking place at a crucial moment for the country, both for domestic and external reasons. Over the last few years Moldova has stood as the "success story" of the Eastern Partnership – even though there are still many reforms to be made, e.g. on corruption and institutional reforms. This model remains extremely fragile however for economic, political and geopolitical reasons. This is why Moldova has found itself in a difficult position during the crisis in Ukraine, which, apart from dividing public opinion, is also a source of fear over the sovereignty of Transnistria. The future of Moldova is still open as the electoral outcomes are still uncertain, leaving the country with several scenarios.

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Why and how Europe will remain at the heart of the world - a small treaty of optimism

24 November 2014

The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani is the author of "Pourquoi et comment l'Europe restera le coeur du monde - Petit traité d'optimisme". This book published by Lignes de Repères available in paper and in digital format (e-books and tablets), was awarded the Emile Girardeau Prize from the Academy of Moral Science and Politics on 17th November.

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Financial Crisis

GDP growth in the OECD zone for the third quarter of 2014

23 November 2014

On 20th November the OECD published GDP growth figures for the OECD zone for the third quarter of 2014. The GDP increased by 0.5% in the third quarter of 2014 up in comparison with the 0.3% and 0.4% recorded respectively in the first and second quarters of this year. GDP growth remains highest in the US and UK, with respectively 0.9% and 0.7% (compared to 1.1% and 0.9% in the previous quarter). GDP growth accelerated to 0.3% in the EU and 0.2% in the euro zone (compared to 0.2% and 0.1% in the previous quarter). It also increased in France and Germany lying respectively at 0.3% and 0.1% (compared to 0.1% in the previous quarter in both countries).

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Euro zone: slowing of growth in November

23 November 2014

Growth slowed in November in the euro zone reaching its lowest level in a year and a half which has revived the spectre of a new recession indicated Markit on 20th November as it published the PMI index. The composite PMI of the euro zone lay at 51.4 in November in comparison with 52.1 in the previous month. This is its lowest level since July 2013.

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Meeting of College of Commissioners

23 November 2014

On 19th November the College of Commissioners discussed the "initiative for transparency" promised by J-C Juncker in his policy guidelines. Discussions focused on the implementation of this initiative the aim of which is to ensure greater transparency regarding contacts between commissioners, their cabinets and the general directors on the one hand and the groups of interest and people registered on the transparency register on the other. As of 1st December 2014 the members of their cabinets and the general directors will have to make "mention of all of the people they have met." Moreover on 19th November the European Commission put forward a list of candidates for the Presidency and the Vice-Presidency of the Council of the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRB), the European Banking Union resolution authority.

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New Portal devoted to petitions put online by the European Parliament

23 November 2014

On 20th November the European Parliament put its new portal devoted to petitions on line. It has been structured so that citizens can sign online petitions and follow their progress at the European Parliament better. The aim of the portal is to make the procedure easier to use and more transparent.

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2015 budget: no agreement between the European Parliament and the Council

23 November 2014

Ministers and MEPs did not come to an agreement over the 2015 budget on 17th November which was the deadline set for the launch of the new budget. Negotiations already led to disagreement between European Ministers during the Council on 14th November and they then decided to interrupt talks and resume discussions again on 17th November. Disagreement between the Parliament and the Council again lies in the adjustments made to the 2014 budget and to the means to settle outstanding payments. Payments planned to a total of 140 billion € decided by the Council for the 2015 budget are up by 3.3% in comparison with the initial plan whilst Parliament had demanded 146.4 billion i.e. an increase of 8.1% in comparison with 2014. After the breakdown of negotiations the Commission is now due to put forward another draft budget which will be negotiated in view of a vote by MEPs in plenary session on 17th December. If no agreement is found then, the "provisional twelfths system" (monthly payments) might be introduced.

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Common Security and Defence Council

23 November 2014

The 28 European Defence Ministers met in Brussels on 18th November along with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and EU High Representative for External Action Federica Mogherini. They reiterated their commitment to strengthening the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) as a continuation of the conclusions made at the European Council of December 2013. The Council adopted the "Strategic Framework for the Cyberdefence of the EU", which emphasises support to the development of participating Member States' cyberdefence capabilities as well as a strategic framework for systematic, long term cooperation in terms of Defence matters. Finally the Council will adopt the conclusions on the CSDP in May 2015 so that the European Council can review joint progress achieved and provide guidelines in June 2015.

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Conclusion of the General Affairs Council

23 November 2014

The 28 European Affairs Ministers met in Brussels on 18th and 19th November to prepare the next European Council that will take place on 18th December 2014, whose theme will be the continuation and improvement of policies that aim to foster employment and competitiveness in Europe. The Council assessed inter-institutional programming and the priorities to integrate into the annual work programme for 2015. It also adopted several conclusions involving the "6th report on economic, social and territorial cohesion: investment for employment and growth." Finally ministers debated the EU rule of law initiative by supporting the Council as it tries to play a central role in protecting the primacy of EU legislation.

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Agreement on the reduction of plastic bag consumption

23 November 2014

The Council and the EU confirmed on 21st November that they had come to agreement on new rules in support of reducing the consumption of plastic bags across Europe. The aim of these new rules is to limit the disposal of these bags in the environment, which is a major source of pollution especially out at sea. The agreement made on 17th November provides that States which still have not done so will introduce obligatory payment for bags by 2018 and/or limit their annual consumption to 90 bags per capita by 2019. Moreover annual consumption should not rise above 40 bags per capita by 2025. The text is due to be approved on 24th November by the European Parliament's Environment Committee which will then be the focus of a political agreement during the Environment Council on 17th December.

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Conclusions of the Trade Council

23 November 2014

The 28 European Trade Ministers met on 21st November in Brussels and adopted several conclusions regarding the EU's economic and trade situation and the negotiations ongoing between the EU and the US as part of the TTIP. In this context the Council launched an appeal for the "clear, resolute political support of both sides" in order to "boost" TIIP negotiations so that the adoption of an agreement according to an "effective calendar" can be facilitated. Regarding the EU's economic and social situation ministers insisted on recalling the importance of the trade in goods and services as well as investment in terms of the stimulation of growth and employment. Finally they stressed the need to "communicate on the scope and advantages" of the TIIP by stepping up transparency and dialogue with civil society in order to "highlight" its advantages for the EU's citizens and businesses.

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Conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council

23 November 2014

The 28 Foreign Affairs Ministers focused on 17th November on the situation in Ukraine. They called for a total respect of the cease-fire, for the withdrawal of illegal troops as well as military equipment, in order to make safe the Ukrainian/Russian border in view of the respect of the Minsk Protocol. They welcomed the Ukrainian elections that took place on 26th October - saying that this was a "major step towards strengthening the country's democratic development." They also asked the EU's diplomatic service to draw up a "further list of people to add to those already under sanction so that a decision could be made by the end of the month." Finally they set December 1st as the date to launch the EU's consultative mission for the reform of the civilian security sector in Ukraine (EUAM). The aim of this being mainly to advise the country regarding the reform of the sector of civilian security and to guide the implementation of these reforms. The EU's High Representative and the Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin signed the statutes of the Mission Agreement for Ukraine (EUAM).

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Mission to counter Somali pirates extended

23 November 2014

On 21st November the EU extended its mission to counter Somali pirates by two years until the end of 2016 deeming that the "threat" continued to exist in spite of an improvement in the situation. Battleships and reconnaissance planes belonging to European armies were dispatched to the Somali coasts for the first time in December 2008 as piracy threatened to interrupt maritime transport in the Gulf of Aden, including humanitarian aid to Somalia. At present there are four to five military ships and two planes patrolling the zone which represents an average of 900 soldiers. "In spite of significant progress (...) it is widely admitted that the threat from piracy continues, "the pirates' "business model" is fractured but not broken," indicated the EU.

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The ECB officially takes over the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)

23 November 2014

During a ceremony in Frankfurt on 20th November the European Central Bank officially launched the Single Supervisory Mechanism which makes it the central prudential supervisor of the banking establishments in the euro zone (around 6000 banks) and of the banks in non-euro countries which have decided to participate in the SSM. On this occasion Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council welcomed "the greatest leap forward since the creation of the euro" for Banking Union and a moment that marks "a revolution in the structure of the European financial sector." Mario Draghi, the ECB President re-iterated the ECB's determination to "preserve and protect the euro" by notably guaranteeing "price stability in the euro zone."

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European Bank Congress in Frankfurt

23 November 2014

During the European Bank Congress on 21st November in Frankfurt ECB President Mario Draghi said he was prepared to act "immediately" on the low inflation rate in the euro zone by extending the institution's assets purchases "if necessary". Inflation has been stagnating "at an excessively low rate" for months, at 0.3% in September and 0.4% in October, far from the ideal of "just under 2%" set by the ECB. Mario Draghi deems it vital to bring inflation closer to this goal immediately maintaining that the ECB will use "all of the means at its disposal, as part of its mandate" to do this. Mario Draghi's comments were interpreted as being a wider opening to asset purchases which might involve corporate bonds and even government bonds, leading an immediate rush on the CAC40 in Paris and the Dax in Frankfurt.

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European Agencies

Eurojust publishes a report on environmental crime

23 November 2014

On 21st November Eurojust, an EU organisation for judicial cooperation, published a new report in which it notes that cross-border environmental crime is a strong feature amongst organised criminal groups. The main reason is that environmental crime is rarely the focus of prosecution on the part of national authorities. Eurojust also stresses that there is a lack of coordination between the competent authorities, both nationally and internationally.

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Visit by German Foreign Minister to Ukraine and Russia

23 November 2014

On 18th November German Foreign Minister Franck-Walter Steinmeier met Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk. During the meeting Mr Steinmeier declared that "he was not very optimistic about the present situation." However he called for new impetus to be given to the settlement of the conflict as part of the judicial framework of the Minsk Protocol. The Ukrainian President repeated that Ukraine was attached to the agreement. The German Foreign Minister then travelled to Moscow to meet his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov. He said he was not "optimistic" about an end to the crisis in Ukraine given the dangerous "escalation" in the separatist east where NATO has denounced a "serious" increase in the presence of the Russian military.

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Brussels veto of the national budgets?

24 November 2014

On 23rd November in the magazine "Focus" German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble advocated Brussels' right to veto the national budgets which contravene European rules. "The Commissioner for Economic Affairs must have the right to veto the budgets that infringe European stability criteria," argued the Minister. European leaders might come to an agreement on a veto like this during their next summit in December, said the minister, "it would be a strong sign that we want to respect our common commitments." "This does not impede national competence over the budget," explained the minister, "the parliaments in the countries involved would still be able to decide whether they cut spending, increase taxes or implement other reforms." "We must show that we want to make further progress along the path to budgetary union," continued Mr Schäuble.

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Belgian Prime Minister visits Angela Merkel

24 November 2014

Prime Minister Charles Michel met German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on 21st November. Their meeting notably focused on the economy and Europe but also on the international situation, in Ukraine, West and Central Africa. "We are devoting our energy to strengthening the economy," maintained Mr Michel during a joint press conference with Ms Merkel. "But these in depth reforms will not affect social cohesion," he said whilst strikes are being planned by the unions in December. "Belgium is an open economy, which is closely linked to the economic and social situation in Germany," stressed the Prime Minister. The two leaders discussed pension reform, competition policy and the labour market in Belgium.

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Appointments to the board of the Bank of Cyprus

23 November 2014

On 19th November the board of the Bank of Cyprus of which the Cypriot Finance Minister Harris Georgiades is a member appointed as its president, former President of the Board of the German Bank, Swiss Josef Ackermann, whilst Russian Vladimir Strzhalkovksi was re-elected as Vice-President.

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Presidential Election in Croatia

23 November 2014

Croatia, which joined the EU on July 1st 2013, will be organising the first round of the presidential election on 28th December announced the Minister for the Croatian Civil Service Arsen Bauk on 20th November. Outgoing President Ivo Josipovic, supported by the social democrats in office, is said to be running favourite in the polls as he makes a bid for a second mandate in a post which is largely honorary in nature.

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Joint action plan on gas with Estonia

23 November 2014

On 17th November Finnish Prime Minister, Alexander Stubb and Estonian PM, Taavi Roivas agreed on a joint action plan to improve gas infrastructures between their countries. This plan includes a future gas pipeline "Balticonnector" between Estonia and Finland and a natural liquid gas terminal.

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The 2015 budget adopted by the National Assembly

23 November 2014

The French National Assembly adopted the draft Finance bill on 18th November on first reading 266 votes in support, 247 against and 56 abstentions. Most ecologist MPs and 37 socialists abstained. The draft bill will now be assessed by the Senate.

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Privatisation of the railways

23 November 2014

On 19th November Italy officially started assessing the means to privatise its railways as part of a wider privatisation programme that aims in part to reduce its government debt. A meeting between the management of the railways, representatives of the Economy and Finance Ministry and the Transport Ministry took place in Rome on the "procedures for privatisation" of the railways, indicated a press release by the Economy Ministry.

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Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite visits Ukraine

24 November 2014

The President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite travelled to Ukraine on 24th November for a working visit during which she met her Ukrainian counterpart Petro Poroshenko. They then took part in the seventh session of the Council of Lithuanian and Ukrainian Presidents.

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25th Anniversary of German/Polish Reconciliation

24 November 2014

On 20th November Polish Prime Minister Eva Kopacz hosted German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the village of Krzyzowa to mark the 25th anniversary of the historic meeting between Helmut Kohl and Tadeusz Mazowiecki. Their meeting will focus on the launch of an exhibition called "Courage and Reconciliation" which has been designed to celebrate the mass of the 25th anniversary of the countries' reconciliation, which took place on 12th November 1989.

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Appointment of the new Portuguese Home Affairs Minister

23 November 2014

Dr Professor Anabela Rodrigues (law) was appointed on 18th November as the Home Affairs Minister for Portugal in replacement of Miguel Macedo who became entangled in a corruption scandal involving "golden" visas for foreign investors. It is the first time that a woman has ever occupied this post.

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Rejection of bill proposing an amnesty for people already convicted of crimes

24 November 2014

Klaus Johannis, elected president of the Republic of Romania on 16th November marked a first point in his fight to counter corruption. On 18th November the Romanian Parliament rejected a bill putting forward an amnesty for people already convicted on prison sentences of up to six years except in cases involving violence. Parliament also approved the lifting of immunity on certain MPs who might be prosecuted by the anti-corruption tribunal.

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Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland

23 November 2014

Nicola Sturgeon was officially appointed on 19th November as the first woman to become First Minister of Scotland during a vote in the Edinburg Parliament. The new leader of the Scottish National Party, the SNP, is taking over from Alex Salmond. Nicola Sturgeon officially announced the composition of her new government on 21st November.

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A coalition agreement might bring the political crisis to an end

23 November 2014

During a meeting organised on 19th November in Pristina the two main Kosovar parties, that of outgoing Prime Minister Hashim Thaci (PDK) and Isa Mustafa's LDK, decided to form a coalition which should "enable the establishment of the Republic of Kosovo". This agreement points to the end of the worst political crises in Kosovo since its independence from Serbia in 2008. However the press release by the Kosovar Presidency which mentions this agreement does not say whether outgoing Prime Minister Thaci, in office since 2008, will relinquish his post to the LDK. The Prime Minister still enjoys a relative majority in Parliament with 37 MPs, whilst the LDK has 30 representatives, with both sides having an absolute majority in the 120 seat Parliament.

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Agreement on the formation of a new coalition government in Ukraine

23 November 2014

Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk will retain his post but the government must be 'completely overhauled'", declared the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on 21st November as he addressed the nation. "The new Parliament will meet for a first session next week. I shall immediately submit the name of the Prime Minister (...) as a candidate. Given the unity of the democratic forces I think that the coalition will support my proposal to appoint Arseny Yatsenyuk," declared the president. Five pro-Western parties, elected in the early general elections organised on 26th October, have signed a coalition agreement. The first session of the new Parliament is due to take place on 27th November.

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Council of Europe

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe meets in Brussels

24 November 2014

On 18th November the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) met at the Federal Parliament in Brussels within the context of the Belgian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers. Together with Belgian Foreign Minister, Didier Reynders, representatives discussed several themes including the abusive use of the Convention on the transfer of convicted persons, the prevention of violence to women (placing emphasis on the perpetrators of that violence), the improvement of the well-being of European citizens and alternative housing for displaced people within their own countries and for refugees in Europe in various centres that do not come up to standard.

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Climate: 9.3 billion $ pledged for the UN's Green Climate Fund

24 November 2014

The 32 contributing countries to the UN's Green Climate Fund met in Berlin on 19th to 20th November 2014 to make their contributions official and provide the mechanism that will be responsible for helping developing countries counter global warming with a budget for the next four years. On 20th November, after the meeting, the German Development Minister announced that the UN's Green Climate Fund had led to the leverage of 9.3 billion dollars, an extremely satisfactory total given the 10 billion dollar goal set to be reached before the end of 2014.

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NATO Secretary General visits the three Baltic countries

24 November 2014

NATO's Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg made an official visit to the three Baltic countries on 20th and 21st November. In Estonia he stressed the importance of "solidarity" within the alliance re-iterating that NATO was determined to "defend and protect" Estonia. In Riga he then spoke with Latvian President Andris Berzin about security challenges in the east was well as about the crisis in Ukraine. They stressed the need for the total and rapid implementation of the action plan approved at the Newport Summit. Finally during a visit to the control centre of Lithuanian airspace in Karmelava Mr Stoltenberg welcomed the Alliance's sky police mission in the three Baltic States "as a real example of NATO solidarity at work."

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820,000 people acquired the nationality of an EU Member State in 2012

24 November 2014

In 2012 818,000 people acquired the nationality of one of the 28 EU Member States i.e. a rise of 4% in comparison with 2011 and of 6% in comparison with 2009. In 2012, the highest rates of naturalisation were witnessed in Hungary (12.8 nationality acquisitions for every 100 foreign residents), Sweden (7.8) and Poland (6.6) whilst the lowest rates were recorded in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia with 0.4 each, in Estonia (0.6) and Austria (0.7). It should be noted that the new EU citizens in 2012 were mainly from Morocco (59, 300 people, 53% of whom acquired French or Italian nationality, or Turkey (53,800, 62% of whom acquired German nationality) or India (36,900, 77% of whom acquired British nationality).

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R&D, a rising sector in the EU

24 November 2014

In a press release dated 17th November Eurostat published the first R&D estimates for 2013. The 28 Member States spent nearly 275 billion euro on R&D ie 2.02% of the GDP in 2013 in comparison with 1.76% in 2004. This figure is still below that of other world economies like South Korea (4.04% in 2011), Japan (3.38% in 2011) and the USA (2.81% in 2012). Growth in R&D in the EU is still one of the five key goals in the Europe 2020 strategy.

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Europeans are champion cheese eaters

24 November 2014

On 17th November the International Dairy Federation (IDF) published its annual report on the production, consumption and prices in the dairy sector. France came out as the lead country in terms of eating cheese (25.9 kg per French person in 2013) followed by Iceland (25.2 kg), Finland (24.7kg), Germany (24.3kg). At the bottom of the ranking came South Africa (1.7kg), Colombia (0.9kg), Zimbabwe (0.3kg) and China (0 kg).

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Increase in restrictive measures on international trade

23 November 2014

On 17th November the European Commission published its annual report on protectionism in which it concludes that restrictive measures are still significant between the EU and its trading partners which contributes towards maintaining continued uncertainty about the world's economy. During the 13 months covered by the report 170 new steps which damage trade were adopted by members of the G20 as well as by other EU trade partners whilst 12 pre-existing trade barriers were abolished.

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Increase in red tuna capture quotas

23 November 2014

On 17th November after its 19th extraordinary meeting the ICCAT announced that the capture quotas of red tuna would rise from 13,500 tonnes in 2014 to 23,155 tonnes per year in 2017. The quotas are due to rise by 20% in 2015 and 2016. Scientists from the committee estimate stocks of red tuna at 585,000 tonnes against 150,000 in the 2000's. However to enable the sustainable recovery of fish stocks it has been suggested that levels of fishing remain as they are now ie not go over 23,256 tonnes. The member countries therefore decided to increase quotas by 1700 tonnes to 2000 tonnes per year.

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Comparative views of the economic and social situations in France and Germany

24 November 2014

The Harris survey undertaken for the Genshagen Foundation and the Institut Montaigne on the social and economic situations in France and Germany, published on 20th November focuses on assessing developments in the way the French and Germans see the relationship between their two countries, as well as identifying ideas for reform to improve the economic context and enable better integration of young people into the labour market. It notably emerges that 91% of the French interviewed spontaneously identify Germany as their country's main partner whilst 78% of the Germans only speak of France.

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"An American in Paris" at the Châtelet Theatre

24 November 2014

Tribute is being paid to Gershwin at the Parisian Châtelet Theatre until 4th January with the musical "An American in Paris". Basing themselves on the film, Jean-Luc Choplin, together with producers Van Kaplan and Stuart Okeny, have changed dialogues, cut out songs and even added some in line with the character. The scenario has been entirely revised so that it is more realistic. Now the hero is an American GI who stays until the liberation of Paris and Lise, his lover, a saleswoman in a department store, a is young Jewish girl who had to go into hiding during the Second World War.

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Berlin Photographic Museum - "Photography in the First World War"

24 November 2014

The Museum für Fotografie in Berlin is running an exhibition until 22nd February 2015 entitled "Fotografie im Ersten Weltkrieg" offering a series of pictures taken by professionals and amateurs between 1914 and 1918. Press and propaganda photos, panoramas, illustrated military diaries provide the visitor with an overall view of the technological and social transformations that Europe experienced during those four years.

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Rhodes, Greek Island and Gateway to the East - Louvre, Paris

24 November 2014

The Louvre Museum in Paris is running an exhibition "Rhodes, Greek Island and Gateway to the East" until 10th February 2015. The museum unveils the exceptional archaeological wealth of Rhodes between the 14th and 6th centuries BC (from the Bronze Age to the Archaic Period). In the main works have been brought together from museums on Rhodes, Copenhagen, the Louvre and the British Museum enabling a panorama of continuous history of the archaeological digs that French, English, Danish, Italian and Greeks archaeologists have taken part in.

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Madrid: Goya's tapestry cartoons at the Prado

24 November 2014

From 28th November 2014 to 3rd May 2015 the Prado Museum in Madrid is devoting an exhibition to the famous tapestry cartoons by Spanish painter Francisco de Goya. The Museum has chosen to show Goya's works alongside other 18th century painters to provide a better understanding of the unique nature of the Spanish painter's technique. The exhibition highlights how vital the tapestry cartoons were to Goya's work, his techniques and his artistic development.

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Launch of the Fenice Season in Venice

24 November 2014

The theatre of Fenice in Venice, which was destroyed by fire in 1996 and reopened in 2004, launched the season celebrating the 10th anniversary of its 'renaissance" on 23rd November. In all 125 operas have been planned for. The programme offers several major Italian works which places emphasis on the Venetian musical repertoire. "La Traviata" by Verdi will be conducted by Venezulan Diego Matheuz throughout the season.

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Opening of a museum on the place of women in Sweden

24 November 2014

The first museum in the world on the history of women opened its doors on 22nd November in Umea in the north of Sweden. It is devoted to the place of women in society. Two temporary collections are on show at the museum at present: one focuses on ageing and the other is called "Root".

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Gurlitt Collection and the Museum of Fine Arts Bern

24 November 2014

The Museum of Fine Arts in Bern announced on 24th November that it has accepted the donation made by German fine art collector Cornelius Gurlitt, a treasure of over 1000 works of art some of which were stolen from Jews by the Nazis. Where possible works will be returned to their rightful owners however. Berlin, Munich and Bern have signed a convention on the management of Cornelius Gurlitt's succession. "We are sharing the responsibility," declared German Culture Minister Monika Grütters, the German Justice Minister for Bavaria Winfried Bausback and the President of the Council of the Museum's Foundation Christoph Schäublin. The works which were the source of litigation will be kept in Germany to start with says the Museum's press release. The others which are not subject to litigation will be transferred to Bern.

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les 24-27th November

Plenary session at the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

25th November

Meeting of the Council of Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Ministers (EJCS) (Brussels)

27th November

Meeting of the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council -TTE (Brussels)

30th November

General Elections in Moldova ()

December 1st

Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Council (EPSCO) (Brussels)

Decmeber 1st

Entry into office of the new president of the European Council, Donald Tusk (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

What to take away from the European law on artificial intelligence

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly , Guillaume Anglars, Flora Dumont, Andrea Klemencsics, Helen Levy,Lucie Nebut, Aude Prenassi, Marguerite Richelme, Ombeline Soulard

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Prize/Book, Ukraine, Trade, Defence, Banking Union


The Newsletter n°648- version of 24 nov. 2014