The Newsletter64213 oct. 2014

La Lettre

Jean-Claude Piris

13 October 2014

Until the mid-80's, European integration was characterised by a "unity dogma". All Member States were supposed to apply the same policies, at the same speed. The concepts of "Europe à la carte", "variable geometry" and "different speeds" were put in the same basket. No derogation was possi-ble, unless justified, limited and temporary. During the following 30 years however, since the mid 80's, heterogeneity between members has grown formidably. Differentiation thus became unavoid-ble to allow those able and willing, to go further. Jean-Claude Piris, General Manager of Legal Services at the Council of the European Union.

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Conference on Security in Europe 14th October

12 October 2014

The European Institute for International Relations in partnership with the National Defence Review and the University of Paris 1 is organising the Ecole Militaire's second "Strategic Workshop" on 14th October in Paris. Joachim Bitterlich, a member of the Robert Schuman Foundation's Scientific Committee will be speaking during the second round table that will address Germany's return to the turmoil of geopolitical imbalances.

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Conference on Lobbying in Luxembourg

13 October 2014

The Chamber of Commerce of Luxembourg is organising a conference entitled "Communiquer, c'est oser... s'affirmer : Le lobbying communautaire et son rôle dans la stratégie d'entreprise". Charles de Marcilly, Director of the Foundation's Brussels office, will be speaking alongside Jean Quatremer, European correspondent for the newspaper, Libération, Dr Mourad Attarça (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), Henri Wagener and Nima Azarmgin (FEDIL).

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Download our app "Fondation Robert Schuman"!

13 October 2014

The "Robert Schuman Foundation" app is available on Apple Store and Google Play. It replaces the existing app Euscope. Wherever you are follow European news in real time. You can also download our most recent publications, events and opinion papers. Subscribe - it's free!

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Financial Crisis

New IMF economic forecasts

12 October 2014

On 7th October the IMF published its new economic forecasts. The IMF cuts its world growth forecasts to 3.3%. Whilst growth in the USA is up to 2.2%, figures are down in France (0.4%), Germany (1.4%), Italy (-0.2%), and more generally in the euro zone (0.8% in 2014 and 1.3% in 2015). Only Spain's growth has been raised (1.3% in 2014 and 1.7% in 2015).

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OECD worried about euro zone growth

12 October 2014

On 8th October the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) declared that it was concerned about the slowing of growth in the euro zone given the most recent publication of its "leading composite indicators". The euro zone indicator dropped from 100.8 in July to 100.7 in August. On 9th October the OECD published unemployment figures that were down by 0.1 percentage points to 7.3% in August 2014. This represents 44.4 million people ie 5.5 million less than during the peak in April 2010 - but the figure is still 9.8 million higher than in July 2008. In the euro zone the unemployment rate remained stable at 11.5% with a significant reduction in Italy of 0.3 percentage points to 12.3%. Outside of the EU unemployment decreased by 0.3 percentage points in Australia (6.1%), Japan (3.5%) and Mexico (4.9%) and by 0.1 percentage point in the USA (6,1%) whilst it remained stable in Canada (7.0%).

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Slowing in German economy

12 October 2014

On 9th October the four main German economic institutions (Ifo, DIW, RWI and IWH) announced clear cuts in their growth forecasts for 2014 and 2015. In their traditional autumn publication the experts are now only expecting 1.3% GDP growth this year for Europe's leading economy. They were still counting on a rise of 1.9% in their most recent publication in April. The revision is even greater for 2015 with a 1.2% GDP rise whilst 2% had been forecast in the spring by all four institutions.

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Adoption of the draft preliminary budget for 2015

13 October 2014

The Portuguese government adopted its draft 2015 budget on 11th October, the first since the conclusion of the financial rescue plan headed by the troika -EU/ECB/IMF. "The Council of Ministers has approved the draft finance bill for 2015," indicated the executive in a press release. The text is due to be delivered to Parliament on Wednesday and will then be released to the press. Lisbon committed to reduce its deficit by around 2.5 billion euro in order to bring it down to 2.5% of the GDP in 2015 after a 4% goal this year.

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The Commission reduces the number of telecommunications markets subject to European regulation

13 October 2014

In agreement with the Member States, the European Commission decided on 9th October that two markets in the European telecommunications market would no longer be subject to regulation and that two others would be redefined so that the "development of market and technology would be taken into account." The two markets in question are the retail landline telephone network access market and the wholesale market of landline calls. These new rules will be applicable immediately.

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Launch of the fusion energy programme

13 October 2014

On 9th October the European Commission and the European research laboratories on fusion launched a joint European programme on fusion as part of Horizon 2020 - "EUROfusion". With an overall budget of at least 850 million euro over the period 2014-2018 of which half will come from the fusion energy programme Euratom Horizon 2020, it will guarantee significant progress on the path to make fusion energy a reality.

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Commissioners' Hearings by the Parliament and the replacement of Ms Bratusek

12 October 2014

From 29th September to 7th October the 27 Commissioners designate were interviewed by MEPs in respect of the appointment procedure of the new college as described in article 17 of the Treaty on European Union. During the three hour hearing the Members of the Commission answered many questions set by MEPs. 26 Commissioners received the approval of MEPs. Jonathan Hill underwent a second hearing and Pierre Moscovici was asked to answer written questions. However former Slovenian Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek relinquished her bid for the post of Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Energy Union after MEPs rejected her on 8th October. She might be replaced by Violeta Bulc, Deputy Prime Minister appointed by the Slovenian government on 10th October.

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Public/Private Partnership for the mastery of big data

13 October 2014

On 13th October the European Commission and the European data sector committed to investing 2.5 billion euro in a public/private partnership that will aim to strengthen the sector and to place Europe on the cutting edge of the world data race.

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Completing the internal energy market

13 October 2014

The creation of an integrated energy market in the European Union is the most cost effective means to supply the EU's populations with energy in a safe, affordable manner and to reduce climate change. The completion of the internal energy market might go together with yearly savings of between 16 and 40 billion euro. On 13th October the Commission published a communication on the challenges to rise to in order to complete the internal energy market.

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European Parliament approves the totals for the EU's 2015 budget

12 October 2014

On 7th October the European Parliament's Budgets Committee approved the budget funding for 2015 designed to finance priority policies in support of growth and employment, education, notably Erasmus+ for student mobility and humanitarian aid to regions affected by conflict. These amounts will be submitted to MEPs vote who will meet in plenary in October. There will then be three weeks of debate with the Council starting 28th October. Both Parliament and Council have to come to an agreement on the 2015 budget that will be subject to vote on 26th November by Parliament and signed by the President.

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Transport Decisions

12 October 2014

On 8th October the Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Ministers adopted a general guideline on a draft directive on cross-border information exchange regarding road offences as well as a general approach to new port service market access rules in the EU and financial transparency of ports. Ministers also debated two proposals that aim to improve rail services in the EU by the opening of the national passenger services market and the strengthening of governance. They took note of a progress report regarding the project to revise the European Open Sky rules thereby aiming to accelerate the modernisation of EU air traffic management. On the basis of this discussion they will continue to work towards a more strategic approach in view of coming to an agreement in December.

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EU Conference on Employment

13 October 2014

On 8th October the European Conference on Employment convened in Milan rallying all of the European leaders who discussed budgetary discipline and the fight to counter youth unemployment. François Hollande, the French President and Matteo Renzi, President of the Italian Council acknowledged their poor budgetary results but said they will try to respect the European rules and introduce new policies to counter unemployment. German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared that she supported the reforms that were to be taken in Italy and France. During the meeting leaders discussed youth employment including a 6 billion euro package delivered over two years (2014-2015) for the introduction of a youth guarantee that was adopted in April 2013.

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The negotiation mandate on the EU/USA trade agreement (TTIP) made public

12 October 2014

The Council of the European Union decided to publish the negotiation mandate in view of a transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP). The decision to declassify the mandate was taken on 9th October "as part of a joint agreement" according to the Council of the European Union. This mandate was approved in June 2013, with the Commission undertaking the negotiations on behalf of the EU since that date. Seven rounds of talks have taken place the most recent being in Washington on 29th September to 3rd October.

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Migratory Flows and the Schengen Area

12 October 2014

On 9th October the Justice and Home Affairs Ministers discussed which measures to adopt given migratory flows in the Schengen Area. They addressed the issue of strengthening of the border protection agency, Frontex, and the possibility of involving third countries, particularly those from North Africa in finding effective strategies to counter illegal immigration. They also mentioned the treatment of people engaged in foreign conflicts and who were returning to Europe. Measures to be taken were assessed including the registration of these people on their return to the Schengen Area and the introduction of national and international databases via border controls on the external borders of Schengen.

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Agriculture and Fisheries Council

13 October 2014

The European Agriculture Ministers met on 13th and 14th October in Luxembourg. They adopted a regulation regarding an information campaign to promote agricultural products in the internal market and in third countries, following an agreement on first reading with the European Parliament. Regarding fishing they came to a policy agreement and adopted a new regulation (TAC) on certain stocks in the Baltic Sea. In addition to this ministers reviewed the African Swine Fever situation in the EU and assessed the impact and consequences of the Russian embargo on the import of EU agricultural products. They held a debate on the main elements of the contribution by the agricultural sector to the mid-term review of the Europe 2020 strategy.

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Eurogroup Meeting in Luxembourg

14 October 2014

On 13th October Eurogroup met in Luxembourg. The Euro Zone Economy Ministers mainly discussed the euro zone’s economic situation, investments and the development of a certain number of Member States. The economic situation, the strengthening of growth, the improvement of potential economic growth and the creation of jobs were on the agenda. Ministers also insisted on the means to stimulate private investment and the link with structural reform. Finally they discussed the progress achieved in terms of the macro-economic adjustment programmes in Cyprus and Greece.

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EU/Jordan Partnership to improve mobility and migration

12 October 2014

On 9th October the EU and Jordan officially introduced a partnership for mobility. European Commissioner for Internal Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, Jordan's Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh and ministers responsible for migration from 12 EU Member States taking part in the partnership (Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain and Sweden) signed a joint declaration establishing a framework for their future cooperation in the area of migration and mobility.

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Germany and China want to step up their strategic relations

13 October 2014

On the occasion of an intergovernmental meeting in Berlin on 10th October Germany and China said they wanted to step up their strategic links in various areas like foreign policy, agriculture, education and innovation. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang also said they wanted to find peaceful solutions to the Hong Kong demonstrations. Economic and political relations between China and Germany have grown significantly since the creation in 2005 of a Dialogue Forum between the two countries.

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Charles Michel, new Prime Minister of Belgium

12 October 2014

On 11th October, four months after the general elections, a coalition agreement, between the four winning parties was found in Belgium regarding the formation of a new right-leaning federal government,. The Flemish Christian Democrats of CD&V, the French-speaking Reform Movement, the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) and the Flemish Liberals of Open VLD came to agreement on the appointment of Charles Michel, the young chairman of the Reform Movement (MR) as Prime Minister. The MR, which only won a quarter of the vote, is due to take seven of the ministerial portfolio, as many as all of the Flemish parties, since the government in Belgium has to include equal numbers of both communities. The new Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel also said that the agreement of 7th October "provides for a budgetary framework to bring Belgium to budgetary balance by 2018." This new government brings 26 years of participation by the French-speaking Socialist Party in federal power to an end. The government comprises 18 members, four of whom are women.

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Denmark: referendum in 2015 on greater EU integration

13 October 2014

Helle Thorning-Schmidt, the Prime Minister of Denmark announced on 7th October in Parliament that a referendum would be organised after the general elections planned for the end of September 2015 on the issue of greater integration by the country into the EU. Denmark does not belong to the euro zone and did not take up certain measures included in the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 regarding justice, domestic affairs and common defence. The Prime Minister insisted however on the fact that her country should retain room to manoeuvre regarding immigration policy.

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Nobel Economy Prize goes to Jean Tirole

13 October 2014

The Nobel Economy Prize was awarded to Frenchman Jean Tirole on 13th October. He is one of the leading specialists of the "games theory" which dissects mechanisms and arbitration at work behind economic agents' decision making, which also calls on aspects of psychology. Tirole combines French mathematical excellence with Anglo-Saxon influence.

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Vote of confidence by the Greek Parliament

13 October 2014

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras won the vote of parliament's confidence on 10th October regarding his plan to exit the IMF/EU rescue programme. He won the support of 155 New Democracy (his own party) and PASOK MPs, the socialist party linked to the government coalition; 131 MPs voted against the motion and 2 abstained. A Greek delegation met the IMF Director General Christine Lagarde on 12th October to discuss an early exit from the 240 billion euro rescue plan that had been granted to the country.

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Matteo Renzi wins the Senate's Confidence for the labour market reform bill, the "Jobs Act"

12 October 2014

On 8th October the Italian government won the Senate's confidence regarding a draft bill designed to make in depth reform to the labour market in spite of the opposition of the party on the left and the country's main union. This draft bill called the "Jobs Act" was adopted 165 votes in support, 111 against and 2 abstentions. The Senate's vote is just the first greenlight and the draft still has to pass before the Chamber of Deputies for final adoption. The Jobs Act is designed to foster employment in a country where youth unemployment totals 44%.

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EurOcean Declaration for Blue Growth

12 October 2014

A EurOcean Meeting 2014 took place between 7th and 9th October in Rome. It was co-organised by the Italian National Research Council, the National Oceanographic and Experimental Geophysics Council, the National Inter-University Consortium for Marine Sciences as well as the European Commission. It brought together 340 scientists, politicians and experts from 31 countries. During this event they signed the Rome Declaration which lays out a five year plan detailing the overall, integrated monitoring of the oceans. The aim of this text is to increase the protection of the seas and to promote blue growth which suggests using the ocean sustainably as an economic opportunity.

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Meeting between Ewa Kopacz and Angela Merkel in Berlin

12 October 2014

On 9th October Eva Kopacz, the new head of the Polish government, visited her German counterpart, Angela Merkel, in Berlin. Both leaders said they wanted to harmonise the German and Polish positions in view of the European Council on 23rd and 24th October next. The German Chancellor and the Polish Prime Minister said they both shared the same vision in terms of energy policy, climate, as well as on the EU's economic direction.

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Czech Republic

Senatorial elections: everything hangs on the second round

13 October 2014

The three parties in the coalition in office in the Czech Republic came out ahead in the first round of senatorial elections according to official results. Voters must elect 27 Senators out of 81 in the Upper Chamber. The second round is planned for 17th and 18th October. After 99% of the votes have been sorted the Social Democratic Party of Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka will have 19 candidates in the second round, the populist central party ANO of Andrej Babis will have 9 and their Christian Democratic allies 8. The social democrats had 41 mandates in the Senate to date - whose main role it is to assess and possibly change draft bills adopted in the Lower Chamber. Its decisions and observations are often ignored however by MPs who have the final say.

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Building of an EPR nuclear power plant

13 October 2014

The European Commission gave its greenlight on 8th October for the construction of an EPR nuclear power plant in the UK by the French energy group EDF. This project to build two new generation EPR reactors by the Areva group at Hinkley Point (South West of England) by EDF and its Chinese partners CGN and CNNC will cost around 31 billion euro according to the Commission. During the inquiry London "accepted the significant modification of the terms regarding the financing of this project," which will help prevent any "distortion of competition" explained the Commission in a press release.

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Elections in Bosnia-Herzegovina

13 October 2014

On 12th October general elections took place in Bosnia-Herzegovina to a backdrop of economic crisis. 3.3 million voters turned out to ballot electing the three members of the collegial presidency for a four year mandate. The first official results announced by the Central Electoral Committee declared that the nationalist candidates from the main communities had won (Muslim, Serb and Croat). The candidate of the Bosniak Nationalist Party (SDA, conservative) Bakir Izetbegovic won amongst the Muslims and Dragan Covic (Croatian Democratic Union, nationalist) amongst the Croats. Regarding the Serbs, the result is still tightly run. The seat is due to be given either to Mladen Ivanic or Zeljka Cvijanovic. The final results will be announced within the next ten days.

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Ukraine - fight to counter corruption

13 October 2014

On 7th October the Ukrainian Parliament approved on first reading a package of five laws that provides a programme to counter corruption. Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk noted that this legislative package aimed to guide the anti-corruption policy over the period 2014-2017. The head of government emphasised the success of the regulatory path for this programme in terms of managing positions of a certain number of public authorities.

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Ukraine: Resignation of the Defence Minister

13 October 2014

onn 12th October Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko dismissed his Defence Minister Valeriy Helety accused in the media of not acting at the end of August in the face of Russia's entry into the separatist East. A press release announced that "President Poroshenko had accepted Mr Helety's request to resign" deeming him to be one of his close aides, appointed to this post on 3rd July. The announcement on the presidency's official internet site stressed that "it was time to change command at the ministry". Mr Poroshenko submitted the name of a candidate to take over from Mr Helety on 13th October and asked MPs to approve his choice on 14th.

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Council of Europe

Report on the assessment of the judicial systems in Europe

13 October 2014

On 9th October the Council of Europe's European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice- the CEPEJ, published its fifth report on the assessment of judicial systems in Europe. In this report the CEPEJ observes that the crisis does not seem to be affecting the judicial systems since access to justice in Europe is improving. Moreover the CEPEJ presented its accounts regarding the assessment of these systems.

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Annual IMF and World Bank Meeting

13 October 2014

The annual assemblies of the IMF, the World Bank, the IIF and the G20 Finance - took place from 10th to 12th October. Christine Lagarde, the IMF's Director General recalled that structural reform has to be introduced to create a more viable, balanced world economy which will create employment. Further determined, ambitious measures are to be defined like strengthening cooperation to contain the effects of contagion and to continue rebalancing world demand.

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Quarterly review of employment and the social situation in the EU

12 October 2014

On 6th October the European Commission published its quarterly review on employment and the social situation. The review comprises a comparative assessment of employment, inequality of income in the EU's member states and highlights the need to invest in life long training in order to improve employability. According to its sources there has been a clear improvement in terms of the number of hours worked, full time contracts and the situation of young people, with a reduction in unemployment in most Member States. However the economic recovery that started in the spring of 2013 remains fragile and the development of employment uncertain.

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The European Commission presents its "enlargement package"

12 October 2014

On 8th October the European Commission adopted the annual "enlargement package" - a series of documents which explain its policy regarding the EU's enlargement and presents the progress achieved by each candidate country. Hence the Commission has assessed the progress made in 2013 by the countries of the Western Balkans which want to join the EU and Turkey. It has also looked into the challenges that remain. The report includes an "annual enlargement strategy document" which sets priorities for the candidate countries in terms of their bid to integrate the EU, it also contains "progress reports" in which the Commission presents an assessment of each candidate country and each potential candidate in 2013.

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New record in document access requests on the part of the public

12 October 2014

On 8th October the European Commission published its annual report on public access to documents. This study shows that in 2013 the Commission processed more requests to access documents than ever before. It received 6,525 requests against 6,014 in 2012 ie a rise of 8.5%. The main institutions targeted by these requests are the Council and the European Parliament. More than four times in five they are given a positive response. 20,108 documents were added to the public register in 2013, a 12% increase in comparison with the 17,940 added in 2012.

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Survey of Economic Reforms in the European Union 2008-2014

12 October 2014

On the occasion of a seminar organised in Brussels on 10th October the Bureau of European Policy Advisors (BEPA) presented its report "Survey of Economic Reforms in the European Union 2008-2014". This independent survey ordered by the European Commission shows that the pace of economic reform in the EU has gathered pace over the last six years with the greatest reform activity in the countries which are implementing adjustment programmes. As an example out of a total 258 specific country recommendations given to the Member States in 2011 and 2012, 78% have been implemented at least in part within the period of one year.

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Valéry Giscard d'Estaing publishes "Europa - Europe's Last Chance"

13 October 2014

The new book by Valéry Giscard d'Estaing has been published under the title "Europa, la dernière chance de l'Europe" (Europa, Europe's last chance). The former French President, along with former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, calls for the urgent construction of a strong, federated entity comprising firstly 12 EU countries that will gradually harmonise their tax regimes (15 years) and also their social legislation. Their project, EUROPA, which requires no changes be made to the European treaties will help the European continent to become powerful and united in the face of the two giants of globalisation, embodied by the USA and China.

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Nobel Literature Prize

12 October 2014

Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded on 9th October to French author Patrick Modiano notably for his most recent book "Pour que tu ne te perdes pas dans le quartier". More generally the jury wanted to award Mr Modiano "for the art of memory with which he has evoked the most ungraspable human destinies and uncovered the life-world of the occupation".

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Sonia Delaunay's work on show in Paris

13 October 2014

From 17th October 2014 to 22nd February 2015 the Modern Art Museum of the city of Paris is running an exceptional retrospective "The Colours of Abstraction" devoted to Sonia Delaunay. The exhibition brings together 400 pieces of work by the Ukrainian artist: paintings, murals, gouaches, prints, fashion and textiles. This monographic exhibition, which follows the artist's development at the beginning of the 20th century to the end of the 1970's, highlights the importance of her work in the applied arts, her specific position in terms of the European avant-garde as well as her major role in the art of abstraction of which she was a pioneer.

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Impression - Rising Sun - the true story of a Claude Monet masterpiece

13 October 2014

The Marmottan Monet Museum in Paris is running an exhibition entitled "Impression-Rising Sun, the true story of a Claude Monet masterpiece" until 18th January 2015. The painting that gave its name to Impressionism is one of the most famous in the world. This work has not been the focus of any in depth study to date however and gradually mysteries have arisen about the masterpiece: what does the painting really represent? A rising sun or a setting sun? Was it painted in 1872 or 1873? What happened to the painting after the first Impressionist exhibition? Why did it become part of the Marmottan collection in 1940 - an establishment that was originally devoted to the Empire and which had not hosted any Impressionist paintings until then?

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"Rembrandt/Late works" showing at the National Gallery, London

12 October 2014

The National Gallery London is running the exhibition "Rembrandt/Late Works" from 15th October 2014 to 18th January 2015. On show are famous pieces of work, drawings, rare prints all created between 1650 and 1669, a dark period of the master's life preceding his death. It looks into the themes that concerned Rembrandt, the leader of the Baroque movement in Europe as he aged: self- scrutiny, experimentation, light, observation of daily life and even works of other artists, as well as expressions of intimacy, contemplation, conflict and reconciliation.

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Frieze Art Fair London

12 October 2014

The 2014 Frieze Art Fair will be taking place from 15th to 18th October 2014 in Regent's Park, London. This international contemporary art fair is organised yearly by Amanda Sharp and Matthew Slotover, the editors of the famous magazine Frieze. The Frieze Art Fair offers the public exhibitions by more than 180 contemporary art galleries and shows various art projects especially commissioned for the occasion. This year the organisers chose to offer visitors a unique fair "Frieze Master" which is an unusual merger between contemporary art and the old masters. This dual event will bring together work from New York, London, Los Angeles and from other places across Europe.

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Hans Memlings work on show in Rome

13 October 2014

The Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome is presenting a major exhibition devoted to Hans Memling for the first time ever to the Italian public until 18th January 2015. Memling, who painted during the second half of the 15th century became Bruges' greatest artist in the financial heart of Flanders and the centre of artistic production of the region's greatest painters.

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13th and 14th October

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Luxembourg)

13th October

Eurogroup Meeting (Luxembourg)

14th October

Economy and Finances Council (Luxembourg)

16th October

Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer Council (Luxembourg)

16th and 17th October

EU/Asia Summit (ASEM) (Milan)

20th and 21st October

Foreign Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

les 20th-23rd October

Plenary Session at the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly , Lucie Nebut, Andrea Klemencsics, Helen LevyAude Prenassi, Guillaume Anglars

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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The Newsletter n°642- version of 13 oct. 2014