The Newsletter64029 sept. 2014

La Lettre

Michel Foucher

29 September 2014

The assessment of a map of ongoing crises in Europe by someone in charge of defence might be evocative of a remark made by Alexis de Tocqueville in June 1849 on his first day in office: "Once I was settled at the Ministry and the state of affairs explained to me I was aghast at the number and extent of the difficulties that I saw." We might legitimately be afraid as we stand before an exceptionally synchronous, critical state of affairs – why all of these crises at the same time? - and an implacable geopolitical reality: more than 2/3 of the thirds of the crises in the world – 70% in fact – are within a 3 to 6 hour flight of Europe... Michel Foucher reviews the crises ongoing on Europe's doorstep.

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Most recent polls before the Bulgarian general election

29 September 2014

According to a survey by Gallup International on a sample of 1,010 people between 12th and 18th September, published by Focus on 23rd September 2014, Boyko Borissov's GERB is due to win 35.9% of the vote during the general election that is due to take place on 5th October. The Socialist Party (BSP) is due to win 18.3%, the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) 14.2%; Bulgaria without Censorship 5.8%, Reformist Bloc 5.6%, Patriotic Front 4.9%, ABV 3.6% and Ataka 3.4%. The Foundation has published a study on the reasons for and the issues at stake in this snap election.

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Latvia: last polls before the general election

29 September 2014

The Latvians are going to ballot on 4th October in a vote to renew their Parliament. According to the most recent poll by SKDS six parties are due to win seats: Unity (Vienotiba), the favourite, Harmony Centre, the Greens and Farmers' Party, All for Latvia!, Union for the Fatherland and Freedom (TB/LNNK) and the Regional Latvian Alliance. The Foundation has published a study on this election.

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Financial Crisis

INSEE confirms no growth in the second quarter

29 September 2014

On 23rd September INSEE confirmed that there had been zero growth by the French GDP in the second quarter during a second estimation (the first having been undertaken on 14th August). Drawing up a table of the stagnating French economy INSEE made a particular point about household buying power which had only progressed by 0.5% in the second quarter in comparison with the first. The economic climate continued to worsen in several sectors such as wholesale trade and the construction industry.

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Spain: Adoption of the Spanish budget

29 September 2014

On 26th September the Spanish government presented the main outline of the draft finance bill "to consolidate recovery and employment." In 2015 Mariano Rajoy's government is "maintaining its commitment to reducing the government deficit," said Cristobal Montoro, the Budget Minister. The revision of growth forecasts to 2% in 2015 and a reduction in the unemployment rate to 22.9% in the same year will enable the reduction of the total allocated to unemployment benefits, thereby giving the government with greater room to manoeuvre. The GDP is due to grow by 1.3% this year and by 2% next year, announced the Economy Minister Luis de Guindos. Madrid has been reckoning on a rise of 1.2% and then 1.8% to date.

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Poland: draft finance law

29 September 2014

The Polish government approved the draft finance bill 2015 on 24th September which provides for an increase in the GDP of 3.4%. The draft budget which is to be submitted to Parliament plans for an average inflation rate of 1.2% in 2015 and wage rises of 4.3% and a 0.8% increase in the number of jobs. The government debt is due to total 48.5% of the GDP. The government deficit has not been laid out in detail but the Finance Ministry indicated that Brussels should be able to lift the excessive deficit procedure against Poland in 2016.

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Launch of public employment services network

29 September 2014

On 23rd September the European Commission officially launched the public employment services network. This new cooperation structure now enables States to coordinate more closely their policies and work to counter unemployment and to strengthen the framework of European economic governance. This network will have several goals including the assessment of the results produced by public employment services, the observation of good practice, the improvement of public service cooperation to provide each young person with personalised advice about employment opportunities, education and training best adapted to his/her particular case. The new network's board met on the same day for the first time in Brussels.

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Cosmetics: the European Commission steps up consumer protection

29 September 2014

On 26th September the European Commission adopted two measures that aim to make cosmetics safer and strengthen consumer protection, notably that of babies and young children. These measures enable the restriction of the use of three preservatives in cosmetic products. The first measure taken by the Commission comprises the reduction of the maximum concentration of two preservatives: propylparaben and butylparaben. This measure will apply to products marketed after 16th April 2015. The second measure bans the mixture of methylchloroisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone (MCI/MI) in leave-on products such as body creams. The measure will apply to products marketed after 16th July 2015. These decisions follow an assessment undertaken by the scientific committee for consumer safety(SCCS).

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Berlin - EU negotiations - Ukraine - Moscow on Russian gas deliveries to Europe

29 September 2014

On 26th September Ukraine and Russia started to lay down the outlines of a solution to their gas issue before the winter which might have dire consequences for Europe, whilst fighting between the army and the pro-Russian separatists continues. Russian and Ukrainian Ministers came to "an interim agreement" aiming to "secure supplies until the spring," for Ukraine and also for Europe, whose Russian gas imports transit through Ukraine maintained the outgoing European Commissioner for Energy Günther Oettinger after tripartite negotiations (Ukraine/Russia/EU) in Berlin. "There is a European Commission proposal. But for the time being we have not come to an acceptable solution for everyone," declared the Ukrainian Energy Minister Yuri Prodane. According to this preliminary agreement - or proposal according to Kiev - that is to be approved by both governments and be the focus of a further meeting this week, Kiev will pay 3.1 billion dollars to the Russian supplier, Gazprom, by the end of the year covering unpaid deliveries dating back to the spring.

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IPA II: Commission lays out its support plan totalling 11 billion euro

29 September 2014

On 26th September the European Commission unveiled the details of the financing plan of its new pre-accession instrument (IPA II) that aims to support its work to reform the Western Balkans and Turkey over the next seven years (2014-2020). The financing approved by the European Union last year, totalled 11 billion €. The announcement made on 26th September by the Commission details the way the funds are to be distributed between the countries and defines the political priorities that will be financed. Hence the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo will be the beneficiaries of the EU's aid totalling, 664.2 million €, 649.5 million € and 645 million € respectively over seven years. The Commission's announcement lays out the frequency and the total amounts to be granted to each country between 2014 and 2020.

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The European Parliament disapproves Council 2012 spending

29 September 2014

On 23rd September the Budgetary Control Committee at the European Parliament rejected the European Council and Council of Ministers' 2012 spending in a unanimous vote. The reason for this decision was due to a refusal to cooperate with the Parliament as part of the "discharge procedure". Parliament had postponed the (discharge) approval of the Council's accounts in order to give it more time to respect the measures relative to the accounts' approval. The Parliament and the Council are to start dialogue on this issue. As for the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) the European Parliament is due to approve its spending since issues pertaining budgetary management, public procurement and recruitment have been settled.

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EASO presents its annual report

29 September 2014

During the meeting of the parliamentary committee for civil liberties, justice and internal affairs that took place on 24th September at the European Parliament, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) presented its annual report regarding the asylum situation in the European Union in 2013. The organisation also unveiled its multi-annual work programme 2014-2016: "Towards a coherent implementation of the Common European Asylum System" and delivered MPs with the most recent trends in asylum in 2014. Amongst these trends the Office highlighted a 28% increase in the requests for asylum in the EU over the first eight months of 2014 in comparison with the same period in 2013. This follows a 30% increase in the number of asylum requests in 2013 in comparison with 2012: citizens from Syria, the Western Balkans and Eritrea were the main groups requesting asylum in Europe (EU, Switzerland and Norway).

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Proposals for industrial competitiveness

28 September 2014

On 25th and 26th September the 28 ministers responsible for competitiveness assessed the means to develop and strengthen industry and discussed the next review of the Europe 2020 strategy, to stimulate growth, employment and social integration. Regarding industrial competitiveness they said they wanted to revive it thanks to the communication "For the recovery of European industry" as well as measures to stimulate investment. They said they want to foster innovation and employment and insisted on the fact that issues involving industrial competitiveness should be systematically integrated into all areas of the EU's action. The Italian presidency has planned several meetings on this issue the results of which will be laid out in a report presented to the leaders of Europe in December. The Commission is due to put real proposals forward at the beginning of 2015.

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General Affairs Council

29 September 2014

The 28 European Ministers responsible for Foreign Affairs met on 29th September in preparation of the European Council on 23rd and 24th October. They discussed the EU/Ukraine association agreement and decided to amend the calendar regarding the entry into force of this agreement. They also adopted new rules on the status and the financing of European political parties and approved the extension of the mandate of the EU's rule of law mission in Kosovo. Moreover the Council adopted a directive setting down new transparency rules in terms of the social and environmental responsibility of multi-national businesses, a directive on the strengthening of the minimal infrastructure for alternative fuels in the EU and a regulation on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of alien invasive species. Finally the ministers adopted conclusions on the EU's strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian regions.

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Court of Justice

Appointments at the European Court of Justice

29 September 2014

On 24th September the representatives of the governments of the EU's Member States announced the appointment of Constantinos Lycourgos (Cyprus), Koen Lenaerts, (Belgium), Rosario Silva de Lapuerta (Spain) as judges of the EU's Court of Justice. Starting October 7th 2014 the new Cypriot judge will replace George Arestis whose mandate was due to end on 6th October 2018. As for the Belgian and Spanish judges they will take office as of October 7th 2015 for a six year mandate.

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EU/Canada Summit Ottawa

29 September 2014

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper hosted Herman van Rompuy, the President of the European Council and José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission on 26th September, as part of the EU/Canada Summit in Ottawa. This summit marked the conclusion of a five year negotiation process on an economic and trade agreement and a strategic partnership agreement between the EU and Canada. According to the European Commission, once in place, the agreement should increase EU/Canada trade in goods and services by 23% and increase the EU's GDP by around 12 billion €/year thereby enabling the creation of major opportunities in all areas of the economy.

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The European Union extends its mission in Democratic Republic of the Congo

29 September 2014

On 25th September the Council of the European Union decided to extend the mandate of the EU's advisory and assistance mission focusing on the reform of the security sector in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (EUSEC RD Congo) until 30th June 2015. Thirty people will be responsible for this mission which has a budget of 4.6 million euro. This decision will enable the transfer of the mission's duties to a wide ranging support programme for the reform of defence in Congo Democratic Republic. As of 30th June 2015 until 30th June 2016 the mission will be retained as a micro mission notably regarding the provision of support to the Congolese military authorities, strategic support and additional aid in terms of administrative modernisation.

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Iraq: France, UK, Belgium, Denmark support military intervention

29 September 2014

On 24th September the French Parliament met to support the military intervention in Iraq decided by the French President on 19th September. On 26th September the UK, Belgium and Denmark joined the international coalition led by the US which is undertaking air raids against IS's strategic positions in Iraq. In London MPs voted in support of the motion put forward by British Prime Minister David Cameron, stipulating "the use of air strikes" in Iraq but that the UK "would not deploy any soldiers to the combat zone." Six British fighter-bombers, based in Cyprus to date were dispatched to Iraq on 28th September. In Belgium Parliament voted in support of an intervention in Iraq comprising air strikes only - six fighter planes have left the country for Jordan. Finally Denmark announced the deployment of seven planes to Iraq to take part in the air raids organised by the international coalition.

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The G7 re-iterates its determination to counter the Ebola epidemic

29 September 2014

G7 Foreign Ministers met in New York on 25th September and expressed their "deepest concern at the unprecedented spread of Ebola in West Africa." They re-iterated their will and determination to counter the epidemic by providing material and financial support to the affected countries whilst warning against the dangers of "isolating" West Africa. The seven Foreign Ministers and the head of European diplomacy Catherine Ashton are making the need to relieve the countries affected by the virus" a priority recalling that this epidemic is a "world threat for peace and security."

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European Agencies

CEPOL will open again on 1st October in Budapest

29 September 2014

On 18th September the European Police College closed its HQ in Bramshill, UK. It will re-open its doors in Budapest, Hungary on October 1st. Following the European Parliament's decision and also that of the European Commission, CEPOL's HQ will now be in Budapest for the next ten years.

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Weimar Triangle European Ministers' Meeting

29 September 2014

In the German towns of Herleshausen/Philippsthal the French, German, Polish and also Italian, Slovakian and Hungarian Foreign Ministers met on 26th and 27th September to celebrate the 25 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the opening of the border. These towns that lie near the former line of separation between East and West Germany formed the backdrop to a two-day 'Weimar' event (Poland, France, Germany). This working meeting aimed to prepare the summit on growth and employment that is to take place on 8th October and the European Council of 23rd and 24th October. Ministers also spoke of reviving investment in Europe and also energy and climate issues.

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Spain gives up its draft bill on abortion

29 September 2014

Mariano Rajoy announced on 23rd September the withdrawal of the draft bill on abortion drawn up by Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón. This reform had not succeeded in forming an adequate consensus. The draft bill modified the previous law adopted in 2010 by the Socialist government, and proposed to reduce significantly abortion rights in Spain. The country presently allows abortion up to 14 weeks of pregnancy for all women. The draft bill would only have allowed abortion in two cases: rape - backed by an official complaint, and the "long term threat to health, both physical and mental, of the mother", certified by two psychiatrists. The Spanish Justice Minister Alberto Ruiz Gallardon announced his resignation after the withdrawal of the draft bill. He will be replaced on 29th September by Rafael Catala.

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Suspension of the referendum on independence planned in Catalonia

29 September 2014

On Monday 29th September the Spanish Constitutional Court suspended the referendum on independence planned in Catalonia on 9th November. The Spanish government turned to the court accusing the referendum of trying to damage the "sovereignty of the Spanish State." Government head, Mariano Rajoy announced the legal action indicating that "nothing and no one could break up the sovereignty," of the Spanish state, as he spoke during an extraordinary council of ministers. This decision follows the convening of the referendum for 9th November, which had been signed on 27th September by the Catalan President Artur Mas.

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Opening of a cross-border hospital

29 September 2014

For the first time in Europe a cross-border hospital opened its doors on 26th September in the heart of the Pyrenees. The staff speaks Catalan, Spanish or French and hope to offer the "best" healthcare from the two countries to people living in the mountains who have been very much isolated to date. The new Cerdagne Hospital lies in Spain - just outside of the Catalan town of Puigcerda which is next to the French village of Bourg-Madame.

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Greece: a new aid plan will not be necessary to guarantee recovery

29 September 2014

On the occasion of his visit to Berlin on 23rd September Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras wanted to promote his country's success after the effort it has made to date. He maintained that a further financial package by the euro zone for Greece would not be necessary to ensure the long term recovery of activity. The most recent aid programme to Greece will be closed at the end of the year.

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Security stepped up in France

29 September 2014

The day after the beheading of the French hostage Hervé Gourdel in Algeria by Jund al-Khilafan, a group affiliated to the Islamic State, a small defence council took place at the Elysée on 25th September. The government announced that security would be stepped up in public places and transport, deeming that there was a real danger of terrorist attack in France.

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Victory for the right and the centre in the Senate

29 September 2014

The main issue at stake in the senatorial elections in France on 28th September, in which half of the upper chamber of Parliament was to be newly elected, was to overthrow the majority. The left clinched victory in 2011, the right snatched it back this time round. According to estimates the right has 190 senators and the left 154. A few days will be required for the political groups to be put together. The senatorial elections are undertaken by indirect suffrage. The senators are elected by the grand electors totalling 87,000, mainly comprising town councillors. Half of the Senate is renewed every six years. In all 178 senators were elected on 28th September as well as a 179th due to the resignation of a senator who became an MEP on 1st July last.

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New Foreign and Trade Minister

29 September 2014

On 24th September the new Hungarian Foreign and Trade Minister Péter Szijjártó was sworn in before the Hungarian Parliament. Hungarian President, Janos Ader, confirmed this appointment on 23rd September.

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Inauguration of an airfield in Latvia

29 September 2014

On 25th September Latvia inaugurated a modernised airfield in Lielvarde (200Km from the Russian border) with the aid of NATO funds. This comes at a time when the Baltic region is concerned about Moscow's activities in Ukraine. NATO's Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Adrian Bradshaw attended the re-opening of this former Soviet airfield in Lielvarde. NATO is undertaking a surveillance mission within the air space of the Baltics, along the borders with Russia using regular patrols of around 350 military staff represented by the air forces of several of the Alliance's member countries.

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Switzerland starts corporate tax reform

29 September 2014

On 22nd September the Federal Finance Department of Switzerland decided to open talks on the third reform of corporate tax. This should make it possible - whilst taking on board the development of the international situation and European requirements - to strengthen the competitiveness of the national economy. Reform is due to cost 1.7 billion Swiss Francs (1.41 billion euro). At present Switzerland is planning for a more favourable fiscal regime for multinationals which pay 50% less tax on profit than national companies. As of 2019 those which benefited from a specific fiscal status will have to fall in line with Swiss companies. The consultation will end on 31st January 2015.

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Action plan for the "recovery of Ukraine"

28 September 2014

On 25th September Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk presented an action plan "for the recovery of Ukraine" in New York. The Prime Minister set out this plan on the occasion of the meeting of American representatives from the business and investment world. The plan comprises three main points: 1. ending insecurity and organising elections. 2. countering corruption. 3. reforming taxation.

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G7 threatens Russia with further sanctions

29 September 2014

In New York on the occasion of the G7 meeting on 25th September the 7 Foreign Ministers of the world's wealthiest countries (Germany, Canada, US, France, Italy, Japan and the UK) and the head of EU diplomacy Catherine Ashton exhorted Russia to "respect its commitments regarding the ceasefire, the Minsk agreements and Ukraine's sovereignty." If Russia does not do this the ministers said they are ready to adopt further sanctions against the country. This warning on the part of western leaders delivered to Russia came on the eve of a further round of negotiations on the gas crisis in Ukraine which took place on 26th September.

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Petro Poroshenko presented a reform plan for Ukraine's accession to the EU

28 September 2014

During a press conference on 25th September in Kiev Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko declared his optimism about the conflict between his country and Russia ongoing for over five months. He said that the "worst was now over" and called on Russia once again to stop supporting the pro-Russian rebels. Just one month before early elections the Ukrainian president also announced his country's application to join the EU as of 2020. He presented a plan of 60 reforms and special programmes that will prepare Ukraine to apply for accession as of 2020. He "hopes that the general elections" planned for 26th October will give him "a clear majority in order to be able to implement these reforms."

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UN Summit on the Climate

29 September 2014

On 23rd September 2014 world leaders gathered in New York for the UN's Summit on the Climate. Amongst the many initiatives announced more than 120 governments, businesses, civil society groups and indigenous peoples committed to reducing deforestation by half by 2020 before putting an end to it by 2030. In his inaugural speech UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned the world's leaders announcing that the UN's Green Fund, which is now being created to help developing countries face climate change, had only collected 2.3 billion dollars, which was "very far from the goal" that is to gather 10 billion dollars by the end of 2014 and 100 billion as of 2020.

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World Bank

Economic opportunities for SMEs in the green industries

28 September 2014

On 24th September the World Bank published a new report that highlights major economic opportunities for SME's in clean technologies. The workable openings for SMEs to generate growth and create jobs in the green technologies' sector are estimated at 1,600 trillion dollars. In just a decade clean technologies have become a significant market worldwide and it is estimated that 6,400 trillion dollars will be invested in developing countries over the next ten years (waste water treatment, onshore wind, solar panels, electric vehicles etc).

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EU Trade surplus with Canada up

28 September 2014

On 24th September 2014 on the occasion of the EU/Canada Summit that took place in Ottawa, Eurostat published figures relating to the surplus in goods trade between the EU and Canada totalling 4.3 billion euro in 2013. This trade surplus can be explained by an increase in EU exports to Canada to 31.6 billion euro in 2013 and on the other hand by a decline in imports by the EU from Canada down from 30.3 billion euro in 2012 to 27.3 billion euro in 2013. The EU's surplus of 4.3 billion euro with Canada in 2013 "is the highest recorded since 2006," says Eurostat. Finally regarding services trade the EU recorded a trade surplus of 6.7 billion euro with Canada in 2013.

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Report on the study of Languages within the EU

28 September 2014

On the occasion of European Language Day, which takes place every year on 26th September, Eurostat published a report on the study of languages in secondary education in the EU. Hence in 2012 English was the most frequently studied foreign language in secondary schools (97.1% of pupils were studying it), far ahead of French (34.1%), German (22.1%) and Spanish (12,2%). It should be noted that the most remarkable increase has been seen in the study of Spanish. Indeed the share of secondary school students studying it has risen from 7.4% in 2005 to 12.2% in 2012. Finally, according to Eurostat, "the importance of English as a foreign language in the EU is confirmed by the lead it holds in nearly all Member States."

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2013 Annual Report by the European Ombudsman

29 September 2014

2013 Annual Report by the European Ombudsman European Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly presented her annual report on 23rd September for 2013 which highlights ethical issues such as conflicts of interest. In this report the Ombudsman asks the European Commission to strengthen the assessment process in "revolving door" cases in order to avoid "conflicts of interest". She has also asked the Commission to publish on line "all information regarding high ranking European executives" including the names of those who are leaving the EU's administration to work elsewhere. This request is a first due to its scope and follows complaints by five NGOs and the Ombudsman's inspection of 54 "revolving door" issues.

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"Les Saboteurs"

29 September 2014

The new book by journalist Eric Le Boucher entitled "Les Saboteurs" published on 25th September by Plon offers a critical analysis of the obstacles created by politicians in France over the last few years and advocates a more "open, ingenious, courageous policy". The author puts forward a new perspective for the future deeming that the 21st century could also be one of opportunities, the triumph of intelligence and the advantageous renaissance of new ways of life."

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Daniel Barenboim will conduct Puccini and Wagner in Berlin

29 September 2014

The 2014-2015 season of the Berlin Staatsoper will be launched with Puccini's Tosca (3rd to 19th October) and Wagner's Tristan and Isolde (11th-26th October) conducted by Daniel Barenboim. This is a striking musical event for the pianist and conductor since it will be the very first time he will be conducting a Puccini opera.

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The Jacquemart-André Museum reviews Perugino's work

29 September 2014

The Jacquemart-André Museum in Paris is running an exhibition until 19th January 2015 devoted to Italian artist Pietro di Cristoforo Vannucci - otherwise known as Perugino. Famous for his religious paintings Perugino is one of the most eminent representatives of the Italian Renaissance. Perugino influenced many of his contemporaries notably Raphael ten of whose works will be exceptionally on show in this exhibition. Major Italian institutions including the Superintendencies of Florence, Rome, Perugia, Naples and Urbino have made loans for this exhibition - likewise other major international museums: the UK's Royal Collection Trust and the National Gallery and the National Gallery of Art, New York and the Louvre, Paris.

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Max Beckmann in Hamburg

29 September 2014

The Kunsthalle in Hamburg is running an exhibition "The Still Lifes" devoted to the artist Max Beckmann (1884-1950) until 18th January 2015. This exhibition will bring together a series of works by this German painter which have remained relatively unknown, notably the series of timeless portraits enhanced with exotic flowers and plants. Max Beckmann - an eye-witness of the horrors of the 20th century succeeded in denouncing the monstrous nature of Nazism in the style of the painting schools of his time.

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Anselm Kiefer in London

29 September 2014

The Royal Academy of Arts of London is running an exceptional exhibition until 14th December 2014 on the work of Anselm Kiefer. An influential contemporary artist Anselm Kiefer is deemed to be one of the most important German artists since the end of the Second World War. A wide range of his work will be on show in the RA's exhibition, including both paintings and sculptures.

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Gustave Courbet at the Beyeler Foundation

29 September 2014

The Beyeler Cultural Foundation of Riehen in Switzerland is running an exhibition until 18th January 2015 devoted to Gustave Courbet. Together the Museums of Art and History of Geneva which are also presenting Courbet's Swiss years at the Rath Museum, the Beyeler Foundation is offering innovative works from all periods of the artist's creative life - including canvasses that are rarely shown to the public - some of which have not been shown for ten years. The exhibition tries to cover Courbet's work via his artistic development: from his self-portraits to his mysterious waterside nudes and the famous picture "L'Origine du Monde" whose profound effects on art are still felt today. It will be on show outside of France for the very first time.

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29th September

General Affairs Council (Brussels)

les 29th September- 7th October

Auditions at the European Parliament of the European Commissioners designate (Brussels)

2nd October

ECB Council of Governors Meeting (Italy)

4th October

General Elections Latvia ()

5th October

General Elections Bulgaria ()

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly , Lucie Nebut, Andrea Klemencsics, Helen LevyAude Prenassi, Guillaume Anglars

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Iraq/Coalition; G7/Sanctions; Negotiations/Gas; UN/Climate


The Newsletter n°640- version of 29 sept. 2014