The Newsletter63415 juil. 2014

La Lettre

Emmanuel Desclèves

15 July 2014

Globalisation is leading to ever greater interdependence between populations and zones in the use or transformation of resources. Formerly these zones lay close together and concentrated around populations whose activities in situ covered overall requirements. The rarefaction of some resources and the significant growth of consumption, as well as the low cost of maritime transport and major price differences in labour have changed the old autarkic balance. Trade and flows are now factors of wealth .

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The Miro Cerar Party wins the general elections in Slovenia

15 July 2014

The new party led by Miro Cerar (SMC) founded on 2nd June last came out ahead in the general elections organised on 13th July in Slovenia winning 34.1% of the vote and 36 of the 90 seats in the Drzvani Zabor, the lower chamber of Parliament. The Democratic Party (SDS) of former head of govenrment (2004-2008 and 2012-2013) Janez Jansa won 20.69% of the vote and 21 seats (-5); the Democratic Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) led by outgoing Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec 10.21% and 10 seats (+4); the United Left (ZL), Democratic Labour Party (DSD), the Sustainable Development Party (TRS) and the Initiative for Democratic Socialism (IDS), 5.97% and 6 seats; the Social Democrat (SD) 5.95% and 6 seats (-4); New Slovenia-People's Party (SLS), 5.53% and five seats; finally the Alenka Bratusek Alliance (ZAB) 4.34% and four seats. Turnout was not very high (50.99%) ie -14.61 point less in comparison with the general elections on 4th December 2011.

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Financial Crisis

Slight increase in unemployment in Poland

15 July 2014

Unemployment in Poland increased slightly in the first quarter of this year in comparison with the end of 2013, but it is still below the level it rose to over the same time the previous year. According to the Polish national statistics office (GUS) unemployment affected 13.5% of the working population in the first quarter of 2014 whilst it lay at 13.4% over the last quarter of 2013. But it still lay at 14.3% over the first quarter of 2013.

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Closure of the Bulgaria's fourth biggest bank

15 July 2014

The governor of Bulgaria's Central Bank (BNB) Ivan Iskrov announced on 11th July 2014 that the fourth bank of Bulgaria, the Corporate Commercial Bank (CCB) will close and its assets transferred to its subsidiary Crédit Agricole Bulgaria which itself will be nationalised. "The CCB's licence will be withdrawn and an insolvency procedure launched," declared Mr Iskrov. The solution has been "accepted" by the European Commission indicated Finance Minister Petar Chobanov to Parliament.

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Spain has turned a corner according to the IMF

15 July 2014

On 10th July 2014 the IMF again recommended that Spain complete its fiscal reform and ensure that these benefit employment and low wages whilst the country is struggling to emerge from recession. In an annual report on the euro zone's fourth most important economy the IMF maintains that Spain has "turned a corner" and that it has now emerged from the economic crisis that was worsened by the collapse of the real estate bubble in 2008. The IMF is forecasting growth of 1.2% in 2014 and 1.6% in 2015 but this is still too low according to some experts to reduce record levels of unemployment which are affecting one worker in four.

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The Espirito Santo Bank tries to calm investors

15 July 2014

On 13th July 2014 major changes were announced at the Portuguese Banco Espirito Santo (BES). Whilst the bank is suffering doubts that are caused by its exposure to the Espirito Santo group, of the same name, a new managerial team has taken the place of three members of this Portuguese dynasty to head the bank. Economist Vitor Bento, a former employee of the Bank of Portugal will replace Ricardo Salgado, who headed the institution for the last 23 years. He will be aided by José Honorio, who will become Vice-Chair, and by Joao Moreira Rato, appointed as Financial Director. Moreover the Espirito Santo family will be reducing its shares in the bank's capital after the Espirito Santo Financial Group (ESFG), the lead shareholder announced on 14th July that it had sold 5% of its shares in order to be able to pay off its debts. The Crédit Agricole is still the second biggest shareholder with 14.6% of the capital. Pedro Passos Coelho's government rejected any government recapitalisation of the Banco Espirito Santo.

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The IMF encourages euro zone decision makers to continue reform

15 July 2014

According to the conclusions of the latest IMF report on 14th July 2014 on the euro zone it is now recovering but decision makers have to remedy the deep causes of weak growth to guarantee sound, sustainable recovery. Moreover it will be necessary to support demand to remedy low inflation and to boost employment, revive balances and complete banking union. This will also be necessary to launch credit and reverse financial fragmentation, to implement structural reform to stimulate investment, employment and productivity and finally to correct external balances. The IMF has revised its growth forecasts for the euro zone downwards slightly stressing that recovery in the region was "neither strong nor strong enough." It is anticipating growth of 1% this year in the monetary union instead of a previous 1.1%. Its forecast for 2015 remains unchanged at 1.5%.

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Jean-Claude Juncker wants more women in the Commission

15 July 2014

On July 10th 2014 Jean-Claude Juncker asked national governments to appoint more women in his new team of commissioners. This initiative was encouraged by a letter he received from women of the outgoing European Commission asking for the presence " of at least 10 women " in the team of 28 (against 9 at present). They have started a thread on Twitter "TenorMore". He will initiate negotiations with the governments on the distribution of portfolio after the Parliament confirms his appointment during a vote in plenary session on July 15th.

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A new record year for Erasmus

14 July 2014

The most recent statistics on Erasmus published on 10th July 2014 by the Commission show that nearly 270,000 students (a new record) benefited from EU grants to study or following training in 2012-2013. Although studies in another university continue to be the most popular choice one student in five (55,000) opted for Erasmus internships. In 2012-2013 the three most popular destinations for the students were Spain, Germany and France. The countries which sent the most students on Erasmus grants in % of their graduate population were Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Finland, Latvia and Spain.

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Uniting the Member States' forces for safer seas and oceans

14 July 2014

On 8th July 2014 the European Commission took a further step towards more effective and cost-efficient surveillance of Europe's seas. By pooling surveillance data from civil and military authorities like coast guards, navies, traffic monitoring, environmental and pollution monitoring, fisheries and border control, duplication of work can be avoided and savings of up to €400 million per year can be made. The European Commission and the Member States are working towards the introduction of the Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE). This tool will integrate existing surveillance systems and networks and will enable all authorities involved to undertake their missions at sea.

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Climate: one billion euros for clean energy

14 July 2014

On 8th July 2014 the European Commission awarded €1 billion in aid to 19 projects to counter climate change under the second call of the so-called "NER 300" funding programme. The funding for the projects comes from revenues resulting from the sale of emission allowances quotas in the EU Emissions Trading System. This makes the polluters the driving force behind developing new low-carbon initiatives.

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The Commission inflicts fines on Servier and five generic medicines manufacturers

15 July 2014

On 9th July 2014 the European Commission announced that it was fining Servier and five generic medicines manufacturers a total 427.7 million euro - the manufacturers include Niche/Unichem, Matrix (which is part of Mylan), Teva, Krka and Lupin - for having impeded the entry onto the market of cheaper versions of cardio-vascular medicines. Thanks to the acquisition of technology and a series of friendly agreements on patents concluded between generic manufacturers Servier implemented a strategy that aimed to exclude its competitors and therefore delay the entry onto the market of cheaper generic medicines to the detriment of government budgets and patients and in infringement of the EU's competition rules.

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Jean-Claude Juncker, elected as President of the European Commission

15 July 2014

Jean-Claude Juncker was elected by MEPs as the next president of the European Commission on 15th July 2014 by 422 votes in support, 250 against and 47 abstentions. In his speech delivered prior to the vote he spoke of the creation of the post of Commissioner for Fundamental Rights, saying that there would be no further accessions to the European Union over the next five years and of the introduction of a European minimum wage. Triggering the anger of some British representatives and far right parties he also re-iterated his support to the single currency that "protects Europe". Jean-Claude Juncker now has to form his college of commissioners in consultation with the governments of the Member States during the summer.

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New Chairs and Vice-Chairs for the Parliamentary Committees

14 July 2014

After the election of the President, 14 Vice-Presidents and 5 questeurs at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 1st and 2nd July last the parliamentary committees met on 7th July to elect their Chairs and Vice-Chairs for a period of two and a half years. 5 German MEPs gained the chair of a parliamentary committee, four Poles, three Britons and Italians, 2 Spaniards and Frenchmen (ie two less than in the previous mandate for the French delegation).

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Decryption of the New European Parliament

14 July 2014

On July 9th 2014 the European Parliament published an article on the new members of European Parliament to highlight the differences with the former parliament in terms of gender balance and number of newcomers. On a European scale the figures are still almost the same. However, there are relevant differences between countries. From one legislature to the other one, the number of women in the European Parliament has continued to increase even if it is only slightly: from 35.05 % in 2009 to 36,88 % in 2014, whilst the proportion of re-elected MEPs decreased slightly from 49.4 % in 2014 in comparison with 49.59 % in 2009.

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High Speed Rail connection between Brussels and Strasbourg in 2016

15 July 2014

On 8th July the SNCF announced that a high speed train linking Brussels and Strasbourg would be operational in 2016. Barbara Dalibard, the SNCF's General Director said that the two towns would be linked "by two return links per day and the journey via Paris Charles de Gaulle airport and Lille would last 3 hours and 40 minutes." A train today takes five to five and a half hours passing via Luxembourg and Wallonia. At present commuters between the two cities complain a great deal when parliament sits in plenary session. The direct train link between Strasbourg and Brussels has already been tested. The European institutions exceptionally hire high speed trains to the Alsatian capital.

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The Council adopted the Directive on Nuclear Safety

14 July 2014

On 8th July 2014 Energy Ministers adopted the revised Nuclear Safety Directive, following the agreement reached within the group "Atomic Questions" on 28th May 2014. The revised directive establishes nuclear safety objectives that aim to limit the consequences of a nuclear accident and to cover the entire nuclear facilities' life cycle (site choice, design, construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning), including the preparation of on-site emergency response. The directive also reinforces the independence and the role of national regulatory authorities.

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Ecofin Council: corporate taxation, economic and fiscal policy

14 July 2014

On 8th July 2014, the 28 European Finance Ministers declared support for the objectives of the Italian Presidency to stimulate growth and employment through a joint effort of reforms. These include the completion of the single market, strengthening structural reforms to increase the growth potential of the economy and the promotion of investment that has been hard hit during the crisis. They also adopted an amendment of EU tax rules that will prevent the double non-taxation of dividends distributed amongst corporate groups deriving from hybrid loan arrangements. Finally, they adopted country-specific recommendations regarding Member States' economic and fiscal policies, following endorsement by the European Council, thus concluding this year's European Semester process. A specific recommendation for the euro area as a whole was also issued.

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European Union extends the list of sanctioned personalities

14 July 2014

On 11th July 2014 the EU added 11 more names to the list of people targeted by sanctions for their part in the Ukrainian crisis and in response to the "seriousness of the situation in the east." The eleven, whose names were published on 12th July, in the EU's Official Journal come in addition to the 61 Russian and pro-Russian Ukrainian leaders who are already under sanction by way of asset freezing and visa bans for the infringement of Ukraine's sovereignty. "Due to the seriousness of the situation in the East of Ukraine the Council has extended the list of people who are the target of sanctions for having committed acts that compromise the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine," indicated the EU in a press release.

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Agriculture Council: organic farming, milk, fisheries

15 July 2014

On 14th July 2014 the 28 European Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers assessed the work programme of the Italian presidency and its priorities regarding agriculture and fisheries including organic farming. During discussions the regulatory framework based on a political agreement dated 2008 on the end of the milk quota regime was confirmed. Following a document by the Commission on fishing opportunities in 2015 most Member States acknowledged the overall improvement in the state of fishing resources and the new plan that will enable a better sustainable management of resources and improved profitability for fishermen. Ministers discussed the ICAAN domain. The European Commission shared concerns expressed by the presidency and some delegations about the internet domains ".vin" and ".wine" regarding quality wine geographical indications.

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The Council adopts the regulation establishing a single resolution mechanism

15 July 2014

On 14th July 2014 the Council adopted a regulation establishing a single resolution mechanism (SRM) for failing banks. The creation of a single resolution mechanism comprising a central decision making body and a single resolution fund - means that in all participating Member States resolution decisions are taken in a coordinated and effective manner in order to reduce the negative effects in financial stability to a minimum and to reduce banks' dependency on the quality of sovereign borrowers' credit. The aim is to guarantee the orderly resolution of failing bank without using taxpayers' money. The single resolution mechanism will comprise one of the fundamental elements of European banking union, alongside the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) which entered into force in November last.

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Angela Merkel hosts the Prime Minister of Moldova

15 July 2014

On 10th July 2014 in Berlin Angela Merkel hosted Moldovan Prime Minister Iurie Leanca. Two weeks after the signature of the association agreement for free-trade with the EU the German Chancellor is now asking Moldova to implement reform. However she said she was "impressed by what Moldova had already achieved," as well as by the optimism raised by the country's progress towards EU membership. The Chancellor and the Prime Minister also discussed the practical implementation of the association agreement, notably the issue of difficult trade relations with Russia.

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Financing of Political Parties

14 July 2014

On 4th July 2014 the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO), a Council of Europe body, presented a report indicating that the work undertaken by Belgium to adapt international norms in terms of criminalising corruption and the transparency of the financing of political parties are "globally unsatisfactory". GRECO has been looking into the conformity of Belgian legislation with international law for some years and in 2002 already issued a warning to Belgium about the transposition of its recommendations. Indeed it notably asked Belgium to include the reception of a privilege under passive corruption, to reformulate the criminalisation of corruption in the private sector and to improve the way it targeted influence peddling. Administrative red tape and also political obstacles are said to have been the cause of this situation originally.

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Maritime Transport of Containers: Maersk Line-MSC Alliance

15 July 2014

The world leader in maritime container transport, the Dane, Maersk Line, announced on 10th July 2014 that it was forming an alliance with its Italian/Swiss competitor MSC. This alliance has been announced just one month after the Chinese competition authorities rejected another alliance between the three biggest world transporters, a project called P3, which never came to fruition. Instead of the 255 P3 ships the new ship-sharing agreement between Maersk/MSC called 2M comprises 185 vessels. The Dane is to provide 55% of the proposed capacity and the Italian/Swiss the remaining 45%. Maersk indicated in a press release that if competition authorities gave the green light the alliance would be operational at the "beginning of 2015" and would last 10 years.

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Appointment of Jyrki Katainen as candidate

14 July 2014

The Finnish government nominated Jyrki Katainen as candidate for European Union commissioner on July 10th 2014. Candidates for the new Commission will be selected after 15th July. According to the Treaty on European Union, the members of the Commission will be chosen on the grounds of their general competence and European commitment.

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Social Conference

15 July 2014

On 7th and 8th July the French government held its third social conference to which union, employers and territorial organisations were convened. In spite of some union representatives walking out, the conference addressed issues linked to reforms that are at present being undertaken by the government like the introduction of the responsibility pact, support to investment and education and the fight to counter unemployment. The conference concluded on the establishment of a roadmap for the coming months. On 14th July during his interview for the French national day François Hollande reviewed some of the reforms that he intends to start over the next few months.

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End of the Serval Operation in Mali

15 July 2014

French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian announced on 13th July 2014 that the Serval operation in Mali was coming to an end. Launched on 11th January 2013 to put a halt to the progress of armed Islamists and to support the Malian army, the mission has "now ended and has fulfilled its mission" according to the minister. It will now be replaced by the regional operation "Barkhane" against terrorism in the Sahel, which will be introduced over the next few days. The French Minister announced the signature of a Franco-British arms cooperation agreement on 15th July.

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Italian President Giorgio Napolitano visits Slovenia

14 July 2014

Italian President Giorgio Napolitano met his Slovenian counterpart Borut Pahor on 8th July at Europe Square, which connects the border towns of Nova Gorica in Slovenia and Gorizia in Italy. This visit was devoted to the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War. The presidents discussed the future of Europe and both concluded that difficult times had been experienced - however the Italian president declared that he was sure that Europe is capable of overcoming the deep crisis which is affecting the economies of Europe and that it will implement further reform to revive growth.

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1.1 billion euro to counter youth unemployment in Italy

15 July 2014

On 11th July the European Commission adopted the national Operational Programme for the implementation of the "Youth Employment Initiative" in Italy. This is the second programme to be adopted by the Commission. Thanks to this Italy will mobilise 1.5 billion euro that will come from various sources including 1.1 billion financed by the European budget to help young people find work. All beneficiaries will be offered a personal assessment of their case thanks to a wide range of tailor-made actions. Participants will have to sign an individual convention when they enrol on the cursus. The Italian regions are playing a vital role in the success of this programme.

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UK: the positive results immigration

14 July 2014

According to a report by the "Migratory Advisory Committee" published on 8th July 2014 the sustained flow of immigration over the last twenty years has not damaged British workers' chances of finding employment and has only had a minimal effect on wages in the UK. However this report does conclude that any future expansion by the EU might place negative pressure on the British economy and jobs.

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Farnborough Air Show

15 July 2014

The Farnborough Air Show is taking place from 14th to 20th July 2014. It is devoted to the civilian and military air industry and has taken place very two years since 1948. It is one of the biggest air shows in the world alongside the Bourget in France. It is also a venue to encourage business. The last event hosted 1500 exhibitors and led to 72 billion dollars worth of firm and promised orders.

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British government reshuffle

15 July 2014

British Foreign Minister, William Hague announced on 14th July 2014 that he would resign from his post as Foreign Minister (in office since 2010). This announcement was made whilst Prime Minister David Cameron announced a reshuffle on 15th July. William Hague will now be the leader of the Commons. He is to be replaced by Philip Hammond, himself replaced by Michael Fallon as Defence Minister. Two women will now enter government. Nicky Morgan has been appointed Education and Women's Rights' Minister. Liz Truss has been appointed Minister the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

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Amnesty International reports hundreds of kidnappings and acts of torture in Ukraine

14 July 2014

On 11th July Amnesty International published a damning report on the respect of human rights in the Ukrainian crisis. A team of researchers has travelled around Kiev and the South East of Ukraine over the last few weeks gathering information about kidnappings and acts of torture which have been blamed on the separatist rebels and on pro-Kiev partisans alike. According to the report the most of the kidnappings have been attributed to the armed separatists with the victims often being beaten and subjected to violent acts of torture. It also seems that pro-Kiev forces have also been responsible for acts of abuse to a lesser degree.

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International donors demand reform in Ukraine

15 July 2014

On 8th July 2014 Ukraine's international donors called on Kiev to implement in-depth reform, notably in the areas of the economy and the legal system in exchange for an aid plan. The meeting is designed to prepare an international donor conference at the end of the year. In addition to the EU's plan the IMF has agreed to a rescue plan of 17 billion dollars (12.3 billion euro). Present at the meeting in Brussels Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Groysman, said that his country was determined to "use every euro of aid effectively and transparently" and to "counter corruption". "We don't just need funds but also aid to launch projects," he added.

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Rising tension in the field and tripartite dialogue

15 July 2014

Whilst on 13th July the Ukrainian army took control of Luhansk airport - one of the large towns in the east that is still in the hands of the rebels - on 14th July the separatist rebels shot down a Ukrainian military transport plane. Fighting continued to affect the villages of Metalist (in the north), Olexandrivka (in the wet), Georguiivka and Raskoshna (south west) as well as the airport (south). In a telephone conversation on the same day Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and German Chancellor Angela Merkel "spoke of the organisation of a tripartite meeting of the contact group via a video-conference and said they were sure that this would take place (on 15th July)." Finally Mr Poroshenko and Ms Merkel also spoke of the participation of the OSCE in monitoring the Russian/Ukrainian border.

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Switzerland is looking into the effects of the EU-USA agreement (TTIP) on its economy

14 July 2014

The Secretary of State for the Economy of the Swiss Confederation received two reports on 10th July - one by the World Trade Institute (WTI) of the University of Bern and the other by the SECO, which look into the effects on the Swiss economy of the free-trade agreement signed by the EU-USA. Both the EU and the USA alone represent more than two thirds of Swiss exports. According to the WTI the effects could vary "between a 0.5% contraction on the GDP long term (if the EU-USA agreement focuses on reducing customs duties and that the EFTA does not conclude a free-trade agreement with the USA) and a rise of 2.9% (in the event of a wide-ranging agreement and a free-trade agreement between EFTA and the USA).

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Monitoring of the globalisation of the EU's economy

15 July 2014

According to a press release published by Eurostat on 15th July 2014 the globalisation of the economy has created new requirements in terms of statistics. This is why the EU's statistics office has published a series of economic globalisation indicators. They pinpoint five aspects: international trade, foreign direct investment (FDIs), employment and the value added of multinational businesses as well as the internationalisation of technology. In all twelve indicators are included in this framework four of which are presented in this press release. Reliable indicators of globalisation are vital for the effective implementation of the initiatives that are part of the Europe 2020 strategies.

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European Union population 507.4 million on January 1st 2014

14 July 2014

According to Eurostat figures published on July 10th 2014, on January 1st 2014, the population of the European Union was estimated at 507.4 million, compared with 505.7 million on January 1st 2013. The population increase is due to a natural increase of 80,000 and a net migration of 700,000, while the remainder is due to statistical adjustments. As a long-term trend, the populations of the countries making up the European Union have increased by around 100 million since 1960 (from 407 million to 507 million).

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Overview: the Commission and coupled support in the single payment scheme

15 July 2014

The European Court of Auditors published a special report on 9th July 2014 entitled "Has the Commission effectively managed the integration of coupled support into the single payment scheme?". The Court has assessed the way that the Commission has managed the SPS (Single Payment Scheme) of EU support which is coupled to specific levels of agricultural production (such as the cultivated surface area or the number of animals) in line with the health-check of the Common Agricultural Policy undertaken in 2008. The Court's auditors looked more precisely into whether the Commission had adequately supervised and checked the calculation of payment rights in the Member States, whether Member States' legislation was in line with the conditions and principles defined by the EU's legislation and whether the competent authorities had introduced effective checks enabling the guarantee of the calculation and attribution of payment rights.

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Conclusions on the European financing of renewable energies

15 July 2014

The European Court of Auditors published a special report on 8th July 2014 which seeks to determine whether the two main sources of financing amongst the EU's spending programmes in support of promoting renewable energies ie the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and the Cohesion Fund (funds pertaining to the cohesion policy) have produced satisfactory results. The Court stresses that improvements are necessary if we want to maximise the EU's financial contributions to the achievement of the 2020 goal as far as renewable energies are concerned.

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Louvre: the "Winged Victory of Samothrace" restored

15 July 2014

Since 9th July the "Winged Victory of Samothrace" has been on view again at the Louvre. The ancient masterpiece sculptured in 200BCE needed months of restoration and a budget of 4 million euro, paid in part by sponsors. The return of this sculpture is a major event in the Louvre's history because over the last century the statue had turned black and this had started to diminish the work's beauty. From now on visitors will be able to appreciate the different shades of marble as well as all of the detail that make this sculpture a marvel of refinement.

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Salzburg Festival 2014

15 July 2014

The Salzburg Festival will take place on 18th July to 31st August 2014. The Austrian classical music, opera and theatre festival was created in 1920 by Max Reinhardt and Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Every year more than 240,000 visitors travel there, two-thirds of whom are foreign. On the programme this year are some major works of opera by Mozart, Strauss, Verdi, Rossini and also concerts and plays by Hugo von Hoffmannsthal, Karl Kraus, Peter Englund ...

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Latitude Festival 17th to 20th July 2014

15 July 2014

The Latitude Festival will take place from 17th to 20th July in Henham Park, Suffolk. It is an annual festival that was launched in 2006. On the 2014 programme many artists are on the bill: Damon Albarn, Black Keys, Mogwai, Kelis, Crystal Fighters, Bombay Bicycle Club, First Aid Kit... But this festival is not just oriented towards music. Theatre plays will also take place together with films, poetry and literary presentations.

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175th anniversary of the invention of photography at the Städel Museum of Frankfurt

15 July 2014

The Städel Museum of Frankfurt is running a major exhibition on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the invention of photography. Entitled "Lichtbilder. Photography at the Städel Museum from the Beginnings to 1960", it will run until 5th October 2014. This exhibition is all the more interesting since the Städel Museum was the first art museum to show photographs as of 1845. In addition to pioneers like Nadar, Gustave Le Gray, Roger Fenton and Julia Margaret Cameron the exhibition includes the big names in 20th century photography like August Sander, Albert Renger-Patzsch, Man Ray, Dora Maar or Otto Steiner as well as some who have been forgotten.

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Les Rencontres d'Arles 2014

15 July 2014

The "Rencontres d'Arles" are running until 21st September 2014. This is an annual international summer photography festival founded in 1970 by Arles photographer Lucien Clergue, author Michel Tournier and historian Jean-Maurice Rouquette. In 2013 the festival was host to 96,000 visitors. More than 60 exhibitions are running in various venues in the town. Some, like the 12th century chapels or the 19th century industrial buildings, are open to the public during the festival. Many events focusing on photography are being organised: evening shows, exhibition visits, debates, seminars, book signings etc ..;

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The Glyndebourne Festival reveals the quality of its operas

15 July 2014

The 2014 Glyndebourne Festival will be taking place until 24th August at Glyndebourne House, Sussex. This opera festival is particularly reputed for its Mozart productions and also for its gastronomy. Indeed people go to the English countryside not just for the quality of the opera but also for the famous picnic in evening dress.

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German Victory in the World Football Cup 2014

15 July 2014

Germany won the final of the World Football Cup on 13th July 2014 against Argentina after a goal was scored in extra time, enabling a 1-0 win. This is its fourth World Cup title. After 1954, 1974, 1990, the Mannschaft is again the world champion thanks to a goal by Mario Götze in the 112th minute. This is the first time win in World Cup history for a European team on the American continent. Lionel Messi was elected best player in the tournament, Manuel Neuer, the best goalkeeper and Paul Pogba, the best young player.

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14th July

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)

les 14th-17th July

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

16th July

Extraordinary meeting of the European Council (Brussels)

17th July

Economy/Finance Council (Brussels)

18th July

Exceptional dialogue between Christine Lagarde and Wolfgang Schäuble (Paris)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Charles de Marcilly , Claire Darmé, Nathan Huanacune,Jelena Isailovic, Marine Le Lann, Salomé Larcher, Ombline de Saint Leon, Sarah Witt

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°634- version of 15 juil. 2014