The Newsletter61824 mars 2014

La Lettre

24 March 2014

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published a European Interview with Mykola Ryabchuk, a researcher at the Institute of Political and Nationality Studies in Kiev on the situation in Ukraine. In his opinion "there was no 'referendum' in Crimea, it was just a parody."

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Front page!

The Foundation, winner of the "European Affairs" Trophy awarded by the Think Tank Observatory

24 March 2014

The third edition of the think-tank trophy award took place on 17th March 2014 in the hemicycle of the Economic, Social and Environment Council under the patronage of the ESEC Chair, Jean-Paul Delevoye. The Robert Schuman Foundation won the think-tank trophy for "European Affairs".

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Crimea: strength and the law

24 March 2014

In an editorial published on 21st March 2014 in the newspaper "Ouest France" the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani reviews the Ukrainian crisis and the consequences of Crimea's annexation by Russia. In Jean-Dominique Giuliani's opinion Putin's action has "endangered peace in Europe and the world." In his opinion this is a "step backwards" marking the return to "a Europe of nationalities." The Foundation Chairman calls on Europeans to rearm to defend the law and their values including on the continent since in the international arena "only the power of strength makes diplomacy credible, especially when it implies a quest for peace."

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Cold War II: First Russian Lessons for Europe

24 March 2014

In an editorial published on his site Jean-Dominique Giuliani assesses the first things we need to learn from the Russian attitude in Ukraine and notably in Crimea.

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Presidential and legislative elections in Macedonia

24 March 2014

1.7 million Macedonians will be electing the president of the Republic on 13th April next. If, during the first round, none of the candidates wins more than 50% of the vote a second round will take place on 27th April. On the same day general elections are also being organised. The President of the Republic is elected for five years. The Macedonian parliament comprises 120 members elected via a proportional vote (four year mandate). According to the most recent poll undertaken in March by the Institute for Political Studies in Skopje (IPIS) the outgoing president is due to win 29.3% of the vote on 13th April, Stevo Pendarovski 19.4%, Iljaz Halimi 6.1% and Zoran Popovski, 1.5%. The VMRO-DPMNE is due to win the general elections with 24.2% of the vote followed by the SDSM with 17.4%, the DUI-BDI 6.9%, the Albanian Democratic Party 3.9% and National Democratic Revival, 1.2%.

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Financial Crisis

Agreement between Greece and troika on the disbursement of aid tranche

23 March 2014

On 19th March 2014 the troika (IMF, European Commission, ECB) confirmed its agreement to release a further tranche of aid for Athens deeming that Greece will reach its budgetary goals in 2014. It said that the Greek economy is starting to stabilise and that it is ready to recover growth. Consumer prices are now adjusted and inflation is below the euro zone level. Reform of taxation is underway and is due to achieve the goals that have been set. Moreover the government has made some progress in the structural reform programme which aims to improve growth and economic competitiveness. This should help to create a fairer and more reliable environment for investments, growth and the creation of jobs. Finally experts indicate that the government has undertaken work to strengthen social security and to reduce youth unemployment.

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Recovery in the Czech Republic but work still to be done according to the OECD

23 March 2014

In its report entitled "Economic Study of the Czech Republic" published on 18th March 2014 the OECD indicated that the Czech economy is recovering but that work still remained. Stressing the need for the country to adopt a new economic model to achieve this the OECD suggests that the Czech government restructure the economy on three pillars: the creation of a more competitive environment, the more effective use of the labour market and the improvement of the transition from school to work.

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Conclusions of the IMF observation mission in Hungary

23 March 2014

The IMF observation mission in Hungary undertaken according to article IV of the organisation's statutes came to an end on 20th March 2014 and published its conclusions. It notably points to the fact that the country has succeeded in emerging from the 2012 recession with an annual growth rate of 1.1% in 2013. Moreover the country has succeeded in maintaining its public deficit within the 3% limit set by the EU. However the mission stresses that confidence in the Hungarian market was still not secured and that structural reform as well as a communication plan that aimed to establish long term investor confidence in the Hungarian market are necessary for the country to continue along the path of growth that started at the beginning of the year.

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Growth forecast of 1.9% in Germany

24 March 2014

On 20th March 2014 the panel of experts - economists who advise the German government - revealed their forecast for GDP growth this year at 1.9%. Their most recent forecast dated back to the autumn and suggested growth of 1.6% this year. The new figures reflect "the positive development at the start of the year as well as the improvement in sentiment indicators," explained the panel in a press release.

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European Council

Conclusions of the European Council on Ukraine and signature of the Association agreement

23 March 2014

EU Heads of State and government, who met on 20th and 21st March 2014, debated the situation in Ukraine and the response to be given to Crimea's annexation by Russia. They decided to cancel the EU-Russia summit that was due to be held in June 2014. They also decided not hold bilateral meetings with Russia in the meantime. Moreover they extended the list of people under sanction. On 21st March Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk signed the first chapter of the Association Agreement between his country and the Union. Negotiated between 2007 and 2012, the association agreement between the EU and Ukraine is due to replace the partnership and cooperation agreement which had governed their relations since 1998. Qualified as "ambitious and innovative" by the European Commission it should enable Kiev to draw closer to Brussels but includes no prospect of membership for Ukraine.

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European Council: taxation, competitiveness, climate, energy

23 March 2014

The European Council which met on 20th and 21st March 2014 addressed issues linked to taxation, competitiveness, climate and energy. In terms of taxation the heads of State and government decided to step up their fight to counter tax evasion by adopting a text on taxing savings, which had been impeded to date by Austria and Luxembourg. This will enable the automatic exchange of tax information about payments made by trusts and foundations. Moreover they welcomed the agreement on the single supervisory mechanism which is an additional step forward towards banking union. The 28 also debated measures to take to strengthen Europe's industrial competitiveness from an internal and international point of view. They also set goals to be achieved in terms of the climate and energy so that they can speak as one during the International Climate Conference which will take place in Paris in 2015.

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The Commission offers assistance of one billion euro to Ukraine

23 March 2014

On 19th March 2014 the European Commission announced that it would offer additional aid of one billion euro to Ukraine in the shape of macro-financial assistance. This new aid which is due to be approved by the Council in the weeks to come is part of a package to Ukraine announced by the European Commission on 5th March and approved by the European Council on 6th March 2014. It is due to provide economic and financial support to Ukraine to help it overcome the challenges it now faces.

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Fine of 953 million euro against car parts manufacturers

24 March 2014

The European Commission announced on 19th March 2014 that it had fined European and Japanese car and lorry bearings manufacturers 953 million euro. They stand accused of having participated in a cartel on the car bearings markets used by car, lorry and spare parts manufacturers. Bearings are used in the car industry to reduce friction between mobile parts on the vehicle. Cartels like this are proscribed by European competition law and it is because of this that the European Commission decided to sanction these companies.

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"Yes" for the first successful European citizens' initiative "Right2Water"

24 March 2014

On 19th March 2014 the European Commission decided to respond positively to the first European citizens' initiative which fulfils all of the criteria set by European law. The initiative entitled "Right2Water" asked the European Commission to "ensure that all EU citizens could access water and sanitation, to ensure that water supplies and water resource management would not be subject to internal market rules and that they be excluded from liberalisation and to step up its effort to guarantee universal access to water and sanitation across the whole world." The Commission has committed to taking real measures in answer to this citizens initiative.

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Work on bank supervision on the right path in Danièle Nouy's opinion

23 March 2014

Auditioned on 18th March 2014 by the European Parliament's Committee for Economic and Monetary Affairs, the Chair of the Supervisory Board at the European Central Bank (ECB), Danièle Nouy maintained that work on the introduction of bank supervision and the assessment of the quality of assets in the banking sector are "on the right path." Now MEPs have to reach agreement on the bank resolution mechanism so that rapid, reliable decisions can be taken and to mobilise accessible financing easily said Danièle Nouy.

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New rules on taxing savings revenues

24 March 2014

On 24th March 2014 the Council adopted a directive that strengthens the EU's rules on the exchange of information on savings revenues and which aims to help improve Member States' capacity to sanction fraud and tax evasion.

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Creation of a European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps

23 March 2014

On 18th March 2014 the 287 General Affairs Ministers prepared the European Council of 20th and 21st March. They exchanged views with the President of the Council Herman van Rompuy. Apart from discussions devoted to Ukraine work focused mainly on the economy, including growth, competitiveness and employment. The issue of industrial competitiveness as well as climate and energy were also debated. Ministers set in place the European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps. This initiative planned for in the Lisbon Treaty offers volunteers in depth training and places them within humanitarian organisations according to requirements. Finally ministers held their first discussion about the Commission's communication which aims to introduce a framework to enable response to systemic threats to the rule of law in the 28 Member States.

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European Agreement on Banking Union

23 March 2014

After a long round of negotiations the European Parliament and the Council came to an agreement on banking union on 20th March 2014. This political agreement focuses on the orderly liquidation of banks in the euro zone and aims to make the banking sector responsible for the financial burden and not the taxpayer. This is the second pillar of European banking union after the single supervisory mechanism of euro zone banks, which will be implemented at the end of this year by the European Central Bank. This agreement that was found after bitter disagreement represents "real protection against bank default."

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Tripartite social summit: confidence has to be established in Europe

23 March 2014

The tripartite social summit met on 20th March 2014 before the European Council and with the representatives of European employers and workers, the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy as well as the Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras in attendance. They notably agreed on the need to work more together for the benefit of long term economic growth, whilst guaranteeing social cohesion and quality of employment. They highlighted the urgent need to restore confidence in European integration.

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Measures adopted against illegal fishing and to promote agricultural products in the EU

24 March 2014

On 24th March 2014 the 28 European Fisheries Ministers adopted a series of measures with Belize, Cambodia and Guinea that affect the trade in fishing products and also other activities linked to fishing undertaken by these countries in order to put an end to profits made from illegal fishing. The 28 Agricultural Ministers looked into the means to promote agricultural products and reached a compromise that will be brought before parliament. Regarding organic agriculture ministers highlighted that legislation in this area was outdated and not clear. Finally debates led to the tracing of the origin of meat in processed products which illustrated that there were still many differences between the Member States.

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Meeting with Iran on the nuclear issue

23 March 2014

The agreement signed with the group of 5+1 (China, USA, France, UK, Russia and Germany) in November 2013, freezes certain sensitive Iranian nuclear activities in exchange for a partial lifting of sanctions. The negotiators' main goal is to transform this interim agreement into a final one by July 2014. The Iranian delegate minister for Foreign Affairs Abbas Araghchi deemed discussions very useful but stressed that it is still early to speak of a final agreement. The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton as well as the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif made a joint declaration after the meeting highlighting the importance of these meetings and announced that the next round would take place from 7th to 9th April 2014 in Vienna. In the meantime technical experts will be meeting to set out in detail any pending issues.

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The German Constitutional Court deems the ESM legal

23 March 2014

The German Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe has deemed that the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) was in line with European law and that it did not threaten the Bundestag's budgetary autonomy. This argument was the main criticism of 37,000 people who turned to the court with this question. The ESM provides that States will contribute to a total of 700 billion euro - distributed proportionally between the countries. Germany contributes to a total of 27%.

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Five German leaders in the European Parliament publish an open letter to Martin Schulz

23 March 2014

The leaders of the German delegations (CDU, CSU, Greens, FDP and Die Linke) at the European Parliament published an open letter on 13th March 2014 addressed to the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, in which they ask him to suspend his function during the electoral campaign for the European elections. Martin Schulz was elected on 1st March 2014 as the candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission by the European socialists. According to the authors of the letter the impartial function of the President of the European Parliament is incompatible with the campaign he is now undertaking as the leader of the European socialists.

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The German government wants to foster women's employment

24 March 2014

In around 20 professions German businesses are struggling to recruit qualified workers and the situation will grow worse due to an ageing population. In this context the German government intends to foster women's employment more than ever before. According to a report by the German government women's employment rate totalled 72.7% in the third quarter of 2013. Germany has nearly fulfilled the 2020 European goal of 73%. However nearly half of these women (45%) work part time and one woman in five would like to stop working. On average women earn 22% less than men in Germany according to statistics published on 18th March. Women were paid 15.56€ gross per hour in 2013 on average, men were paid 19.84€, according to figures published by the Federal Statistics Office (Destatis).

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Visit by the French Defence Minister to the countries of the Baltic and Poland

24 March 2014

On a visit to the Baltic States and Poland on 21st March 2014 to reassure them about Russia and to recall France's support French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian offered the dispatch of four Rafale warplanes for an air surveillance mission in the Baltic in coordination with NATO.

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High Court confirms ban on Silvio Berlusconi from public office

23 March 2014

Former President of the Italian Council Silvio Berlusconi will not be allowed to hold public office for a period of two years according to the Italy High Court's decision in the Mediaset trial. This sentence will mean that Mr Berlusconi cannot vote or be elected during this period of time - this comes in addition to the four prison sentence - which was commuted to one - for tax fraud. Following the Severino law which entered into force in 2012 with the aim of bringing morality to Italian political life Mr Berlusconi was excluded from the Senate in November 2013 and will be ineligible for six years.

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The President of the Italian Council, Matteo Renzi meets German Chancellor

23 March 2014

On 17th March 2014 the president of the Italian Council Matteo Renzi met German Chancellor Angela Merkel and presented his reform programme. The Chancellor said she was impressed by the projects of the new Italian government who promised "a radical and immediate change". Amongst the reforms there notably feature a reduction in income taxes for the poorest households, estimated at 10 billion euro. Mr Renzi maintained that Italy would respect all of the criteria and said that the deficit would be below the 3% threshold. At the end of their discussion Mr Renzi explained that Germany was Italy's "leading partner" and also a reference in terms labour market reform.

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Chinese President visits the Netherlands

24 March 2014

Chinese President Xi Jinping travelled to the Netherlands on 22nd to 24th March 2014 for his first official visit to Europe. He was welcomed by the King of Netherlands, Willem-Alexander. It is the first time a Chinese head of State has made an official visit to the Netherlands. The country has been China's second trade partner in the EU since 2003. Xi Jinping also met Prime Minister Mark Rutte and they discussed the means to continue and deepen their trade and cultural relations - between their own countries and between the EU and China. The leaders then announced that they would establish an open, pragmatic and comprehensive cooperation partnership between China and the Netherlands.

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Portuguese head of Parliament Pedro Passos Coelho meets Angela Merkel

23 March 2014

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that she was "very impressed" by the economic reforms achieved by Portugal as she met with Portuguese head of government Pedro Passos Coelho on 18th March 2014 in Berlin. Angela Merkel welcomed the return of growth in Portugal, the clear improvement in economic indicators and the rise in financial market confidence. Portugal is drawing close to the end of the bail-out planned for 17th May 2014.

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British budget in 2014

23 March 2014

British Finance Minister George Osborne gave his "Budget Speech 2014" on 19th March 2014. Presenting his economic plan for 'a resilient economy' he gave details of the government's mitigated results in the economic area speaking of progress accomplished in terms of reducing the deficit and rising exports, whilst highlighting progress that remains to be made. Amongst other things he announced that the Office for Budgetary Responsibility was forecasting growth for the UK which would be up to 2.7% in 2014 and 2.3% in 2015, thereby making the British economy stronger than before the crisis.

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The UK imports more than it exports to its European partners

23 March 2014

British trade statistics published on 18th March 2014 on UK trade with the rest of the EU show that the country imports more than its exports to its European partners - a trend that is up over the month of January 2014. Over that month the value of imports rose by £17.9 billion whilst exports only rose by £12.2 billion. The UK's trade imbalance with the rest of the Union has grown slightly whilst the volumes traded have increased.

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Moldova wants to draw closer to Europe but fears Russia's sights set on Transnistria

24 March 2014

Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti declared on 19th March 2014 on the eve of the European Council of heads of State and during a meeting with his Romanian counterpart Traian Basescu that he hoped for a rapid signature of the association agreement with the EU as well as clear membership prospects for his country. Moldova feels vulnerable about Russian policy in the wake of events in Crimea, because of debate over the secessionist region of Transnistria. The Moldovan president fears a similar scenario to the one in Crimea and is calling on the EU to act preventively by associating his country more closely with the Union. Former Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission called on 23rd March for the EU not to let Moldova be Russia's next victim after Ukraine.

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The Kremlin speeds up the annexation process of the Crimean Peninsula

24 March 2014

On 18th March 2014 Russian President Vladimir Putin officially signed the treaty integrating Crimea to Russia. In a long speech he defended his country's actions of the last few weeks maintaining that "Crimea was and will always be in Russians' hearts, an integral part of Russia", before adding that "the referendum had taken place according to international standards". On 20th March the Duma ratified the treaty in question 443 votes in support 1 against - that of Ilya Ponomarev of the party Just Russia. MPs also adopted a constitutional law regarding the inclusion of Crimea into Russian territory. Finally on 21st March the Federation's Council unanimously approved Crimea's annexation to Russia.

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Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea

24 March 2014

Given the annexation of Crimea by Russia Ukraine is trying to hamper the process. Ukraine would never recognise the "annexation of Crimea by Russia" declared interim President Oleksandr Turchnyov in response to the agreement signed in Moscow over the annexation of the Crimean peninsula. On 19th March the Ukrainian parliament voted in a resolution stipulating that Ukraine would fight for the "liberation" of Crimea whose annexation by Russia it would not acknowledge. In this resolution MPs address the international community asking it not to acknowledge the republic of Crimea and its annexation along with the town of Sebastopol to Russia'. Finally on 24th March Mr Turchnyov announced the transfer of troops from Crimea to mainland Ukraine.

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Ban Ki-moon travels to Moscow and Kiev to encourage the quest for a peaceful solution

24 March 2014

On 20th March 2014 during a meeting with Vladimir Putin in Moscow UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon highlighted the need to reduce tension between Russia and Ukraine in order to re-establish good relations between the two countries. He expressed his concern at the recent incidents in which Ukrainian bases and barracks had been invaded. "The world is watching and history will show that we have succeeded in assuming our responsibilities in acting in line with the UN Charter," declared the Secretary General indicating that UN observers are now being sent to Ukraine including into the country's east to ensure the respect of human rights. Ban Ki-moon met Ukrainian interim President Oleksandr Turchnyov and Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk.

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According to the Venice Committee the referendum in Crimea is unconstitutional

24 March 2014

Experts of the Council of Europe's Venice Committee deemed that the referendum held on 16th March in Crimea was illegal, in an opinion published on 21st March 2014. "The Constitution of Ukraine like other Constitutions of the Member States of the Council of Europe stipulates that the country cannot be divided and does not allow the organisation of a local referendum on secession from Ukraine," stressed the Venice Committee experts. Moreover a delegation comprising leaders of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), chaired by the President of the Assembly travelled to Kiev, Donetsk and Lviv during a three day mission to Ukraine from 22nd to 24th March 2014.

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OSCE Mission in Ukraine

24 March 2014

The 57 members of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) announced on 21st March that it would be sending an observation mission to Ukraine, since Russia has accepted to lift its objections. Around 100 civilian observers will comprise the team called to be deployed across the entire country, except for in secessionist Crimea. Moscow has been criticised since the beginning of the week for its reticence in the dispatch of this mission demanded by Ukraine and the West.

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Rotterdam Europe's leading freight port, Dover the leading passenger port

24 March 2014

According to Eurostat amongst the ten leading freight ports, gauged in tonnes of merchandise processed in the EU, Rotterdam, with 396 million tonnes of merchandise, was the most active in 2012 followed by Antwerp (165 million tonnes), Hamburg (114 million tonnes), Marseilles (82 million tonnes) and Algesiras (75 million tonnes). The leading port in terms of numbers of passengers embarking and disembarking was Dover (12 million passengers), followed by Paloukia Salamine and Perama (11.4 million each), Helsinki (10.6 million), Calais (9 million) and Stockholm (9 million).

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Euro zone: trade surplus of 900 million euro

23 March 2014

The euro zone registered a slight trade surplus of 900 million euro in January after a surplus of 13.8 billion in December according to initial estimates published on 18th March 2014 by Eurostat. In data adjusted to seasonal variations exports increased by 0.6% in January over one year and imports by 2.2% said Eurostat.

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Measuring the quality of life in the EU beyond the GDP

23 March 2014

On the occasion of World Happiness Day on 20th March 2014 the EU's statistics office, Eurostat, has published life quality indicators in order to measure living standards in the EU. By correlating GDP and life expectancy we note three blocks: the central and eastern EU States have relatively low life expectancy and GDP per capita; those in the south of the EU have a higher life expectancy and GDP whilst those in the north and west have the highest GDP per capita but life expectancy is almost the same. There is no correlation between the GDP and the number of people who leave the education system early.

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EU goods trade surplus with the USA in 2013

24 March 2014

According to Eurostat data published on 24th March 2014 the USA remained the EU's main trade partner in 2013 both in terms of goods trade and services. However a constant reduction in the USA's share in the EU's global international goods trade has been noted over the last decade. Whilst in 2002 the US represented 28% of total exports and 20% of the EU's imports these shares fell in 2013 to respectively 17% and 12%.

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European Council in 2013

23 March 2014

As is customary since 2010 the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy has given his analysis of the Council's activities in the past year. In his 2013 report Herman van Rompuy indicates that priorities were the battle for growth and the creation of jobs and the strengthening of the Economic and Monetary Union. He indicates that heads of State and government also had decided on the EU's budget until the end of the 2010's and have focused on strategic relations with world partners and neighbouring countries, particularly Ukraine. Finally he recalls that 2013 was also a year of enlargement with the accession of Croatia on July 1st 2013.

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2014 edition of the EU's Justice Scoreboard

23 March 2014

On 17th March the European Commission published its second justice scoreboard which aims to promote quality, independence and efficacy of legal systems in the EU. This scoreboard is an information tool which aims to present objective, reliable and comparable data on Member States' legal systems. Following the first edition published in 2013 this 2014 version continues to provide Member States and the EU a tool to foster the effectiveness of legal systems and economic growth in the Union. It will notably contribute to the European Semester - the annual economic cycle of economic policy coordination which aims to improve economic performance and competitiveness by means of recommendations per country.

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"Art & Textiles" in Stuttgart

24 March 2014

The Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart is running an exhibition on art and textiles until 22nd June 2014. The show highlights the appropriation of the textile manufacturing process in contemporary art. There is reference to the 19th century, the Arts and Crafts movement, Art Nouveau, the Viennese workshop and to the German Craftsman's Association. It shows the peak of craft in artwork as a response to industrialisation but also to the appearance of decorative elements in the themes of artists like Gustav Klimt, Edouard Vuillard and Pierre Bonnard.

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"The Treasure of Naples" at the Maillol Museum in Paris

23 March 2014

The Maillol Museum in Paris is hosting an exhibition from 19th March to 20th July "The Treasure of Naples: the gem of San Gennaro," is on show for the first time outside of Italy. It is one of the biggest collections of jewellery in the world, comparable to the crown jewels of France or England, however it does not belong to any former ruling dynasty nor to the State but to the people of Naples themselves. The most important pieces of work from the Treasure of San Gennaro, made and accumulated over the centuries are on show; amongst them is the San Gennaro necklace, the Mitre of San Gennaro and 15 very large busts.

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Winner of the EU's 2014 Cultural Heritage Prize/Europa Nostra Competition

24 March 2014

The European Commission and Europa Nostra unveiled the names of the prize winners of the EU's cultural heritage/Europa Nostra prize on 20th March 2014. The 27 winners selected amongst the 160 projects from 30 countries were chosen for their achievements in four categories: conservation, research, exceptional contributions and education, training and awareness raising. Prizes will be awarded by Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Culture and Placido Domingo, the Chairman of Europa Nostra. Six prize winners will receive a "grand prize" each to a total value of 10,000 euro and one of the prize winners will receive the public's prize after an on-line vote organised by Europa Nostra.

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Italian Suona Francese Festival

24 March 2014

The Suona Francese Festival will be taking place on 20th March until 30th June 2014. For the seventh year running the festival will be presenting a programme devoted to the airing of French music in 20 Italian towns.

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Frida Kahlo in Rome

24 March 2014

The Exhibition Centre in Rome is running an exhibition until 31st August on Frida Kahlo, the symbol of the avant-garde and of the artistic exuberance of 20th century Mexican culture. The famous "Self-portrait with a thorn necklace and Hummingbird" dated 1940, is on show for the first time in Italy. The exhibition is being organised with the Palazzo Ducale of Genoa which will be hosting the exhibition devoted to Kahlo (and Diego Rivera) from 20th September 2014 until 15th February 2015.

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les 24th-25th March

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)

les 24th-25th March

Nuclear Security Summit (The Hague)

24th March

Extraordinary Meeting of the G7 (The Hague)

26th March

EU/USA Summit (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Charles de Marcilly ,Claire Darmé, Raphaël Frison, Jelena Isailovic, Salomé Larcher

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°618- version of 24 mars 2014