The Newsletter61610 mars 2014

La Lettre

Nicolas Sarkozy

10 March 2014

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published a speech given by Nicolas Sarkozy (President of France 2007-2012) on the Franco-German friendship in Berlin on 28th February 2014 to the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

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Front page!

Financing transport infrastructures

10 March 2014

A seminar on "the new financing of European transport infrastructures" organised by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, the Committee for the Transalpine and the Comitato Transpadana will take place on 18th March 2014. Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services, Jean-Paul Gauzès MEP and member of the Robert Schuman Foundation's Administrative Board and Philippe Maystadt, Professor at the University of Louvain and former President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) will be participating on the panel of speakers. It is obligatory to enrol.

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Ukraine: Europe and Russia?

9 March 2014

In an editorial published on his site Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation believes that the repeated use of force in Europe recalls dangerous historic precedents which require firm response and direct, resolute negotiation between Europeans.

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Jean-Claude Juncker -elected EPP candidate for the Presidency of the Commission

10 March 2014

The European People's Party held its congress in Dublin on 6th and 7th March. On this occasion Joseph Daul was re-elected as the party's leader with nearly 90% of the vote. The congress then chose its candidate for the Presidency of the European Commission - electing Jean-Claude Juncker, who won 61% of the votes cast, 39% went to Michel Barnier. Jean-Claude Juncker declared that he was "proud of Europe". Finally congress adopted its electoral programme.

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New Data on European Political parties (manifestos; candidate appointed for the Commission)

10 March 2014

On its site devoted to the European elections the Robert Schuman Foundation has updated its interactive map with the list of political parties that are running in the 28 Member States and has also put on line the list of European political parties notably with the leader appointed per party for the Commission as well as the link towards the party's manifesto.

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Just one month before the elections in Hungary, Viktor Orban is running favourite

10 March 2014

The general elections will take place on 6th April in Hungary according to a new voting method. The Hungarians will be appointing 199 MPs (386 at present) in a mixed vote. 106 MPs will be elected on a single list within constituencies and 93 by a proportional vote. Seven parties are represented in parliament at present: FIDESZ-MPP of Prime Minister Viktor Orban, 226 MPs ; Socialist Party (MSZP), 48 seats; Jobbik, far right 43 MPs ; Christian Democrats (KDNP) 37 MPs; DK, centre left, 10 seats ; PM (ecologist left) 8 MPs; LMP (liberal ecologists), 7 seats. According to the most recent poll by Nezöpont 37% are due to vote for FIDESZ, 18% for the opposition and 12% for Jobbik.

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Financial Crisis

ECB: maintains its rates, economic outlook and conference with Mr Draghi

9 March 2014

The governors of the European Central Bank (ECB) who met on 6th March 2014 decided not to change the rates maintaining them at 0.25%, 0.75% and 0% respectively. The ECB published its macro-economic forecasts for 2014 and 2015 in the euro zone. According to the ECB the euro zone will experience growth of 1.2% in 2014, 1.5% in 2015 and 1.8% in 2016. The institution believes that inflation will increase by 1% in 2014, 1.3% in 2015 and 1.5% in 2016. Moreover private consumption should grow by 0.7% in 2014, 1.2% in 2015 and 1.4% in 2016. During a conference the ECB President Mario Draghi indicated : "The euro is a haven of stability. It must become a haven of prosperity and job creation, but it is certainly a haven of stability."

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Report on the Macro-Economic Imbalances by the Commission

9 March 2014

In its report on macro-economic imbalances published on 5th March 2014 the European Commission assessed the situation of 17 Member States. Notably it decided to place France under greater supervision after again indicating its lack of competitiveness and its high level of debt. According to the European executive France is suffering a number of macro-economic imbalances which have not been adequately corrected and now require this type of monitoring. These will also be implemented in Spain and Ireland, two countries which have just emerged from their financial bail out. Only Croatia, Slovenia and Italy have a similar level of debt in terms of competitiveness and are in a worse situation than France. These three countries are facing major imbalances deemed excessive and require greater supervision.

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Increase in annual inflation in the OECD zone

9 March 2014

On March 4th the OECD published the annual inflation figures of its Member States and indicated that inflation had risen slightly to 1.7% between January 2013 and January 2014, in comparison with 1.6% between December 2012 and December 2013. The OECD believes that this increase is due to a rise in energy prices, which rose by 2.1% in January in comparison with 1.7% in December 2013. For its part annual inflation on food prices slowed year on year to 1.4% in January in comparison with 1.5% in December 2013. Apart from these sectors annual inflation was stable at 1.6% in January 2014 in the OECD zone.

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The crisis is not over in Europe according to Christine Lagarde

9 March 2014

As a guest at the Global Forum on Spain in Bilbao on 3rd March 2014 Christine Lagarde, Director General of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) welcomed the progress made by Spain and Europe in emerging from the crisis but she warned the countries of Europe and Spain emphasising that the crisis was not over yet and that it was going to leave its mark for many years to come. To stabilise and strengthen the end of the crisis Christine Lagarde stressed that it was necessary to "strengthen the structure of Monetary Union," to "support demand via monetary and fiscal policies" and to work towards a reform of the labour market. Regarding Spain she stressed that the country should continue its reform of the labour market and the reduction of the public debt.

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Latvia will join the European Stability Mechanism

9 March 2014

Latvia will join the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) on 13th March next thereby becoming the 18th member of the rescue fund. According to a press release published on 3rd March by ESM Latvia can ask for financial aid if the country is encountering financial difficulties on the market and if this aid is deemed necessary to protect the euro zone's financial stability. Moreover, as a member state Latvia must subscribe to the ESM's capital, which provides support to debt securities issued by EMS in order to finance loans and other forms of financial aid.

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European Council

Extraordinary European Council on Ukraine: progressive sanctions against Russia

9 March 2014

On 6th March 2014 the 28 EU heads of State and government met Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk. They called on the Russian authorities to withdraw their armed forces from Ukrainian territory and allow international representatives to enter Crimea. They believe that the vote by the Crimean Parliament in support of annexation with Russia that came on the same day to be illegal. In order to show their disagreement with the Russian attitude the Europeans are maintaining the suspension of bilateral discussions over visas. The freezing of assets, the restriction of the presence of Russian citizens and the suspension of the EU/Russia Summit might be implemented. Moreover the European Council has said it wants to sign the political chapters of the association and stabilisation agreement with Ukraine.

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New European safety rules in airports

9 March 2014

On 6th March 2014 the new rules that provide common safety standards in terms of the design, use and maintenance of over 700 airports in the EU and the European Economic Area have entered into force. According to the European Commission's Vice- President Siim Kallas the priority in air space is still passenger safety, as well as its users. The new rules apply to the European legal framework that will enable the certification of airports in terms of their conformity with technical and operational requirements.

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Maritime Strategy

10 March 2014

The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the Security Policy, Vice President of the European Commission Catherine Ashton communicated details to the European Parliament and the Council in view of the introduction of a European maritime strategy. These details pinpoint the interests of security at stake in the maritime sector as well as the existing dangers and puts forward a structure for a European maritime strategy focusing on four main points: optimising, at both a European and national level, the use of maritime capabilities which the 28 Member States have at their disposal, promoting effective, credible cooperation internationally in the maritime sector, promoting the optimisation of costs via improved cooperation between Member States and improving existing solidarity between Member States in endeavours make safe the maritime area.

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Strengthening of the principle of equal pay between men and women

10 March 2014

The European Commission adopted a recommendation on 7th March 2014 inviting Member States to improve transparency regarding levels of pay between men and women. In its report the Commission deems that the difference in pay ie the average difference in hourly pay between men and women across the entire economy is stagnating at around 16.4% in the EU. Equal pay is vital, and the Commission is recommending that Member States improve transparency via a series of measures that notably offer employees the possibility of being able to ask about salary rates within a company. It is therefore inviting Member States to draft a report for the Commission by the end of 2015 on measures they have taken to implement these recommendations.

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Directive on Posted Workers

10 March 2014

The Committee of Permanent Representatives (Coreper) approved a compromise text on 5th March 2014 for the implementation of the directive 96/711 on posted workers, that was provisionally agreed on by the Greek Presidency of the Council and the European Parliament. The text sets a balance between the need to guarantee "certainty and transparency" amongst service providers whilst acknowledging Member States' competence. The text notably sets the criteria whereby Member States will be able to set administrative and monitoring conditions on posted workers, thereby strengthening posted workers rights vis-à-vis their employers and sets limits on infringements and against legal loopholes. You can read a paper on this issue published by the Robert Schuman Foundation.

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What kind of energy policies in 2030?

9 March 2014

On 4th March 2014 the 28 EU Energy Ministers debated prices and costs of energy in Europe and an action plan in view of 2030 on energy and climate policies. They recalled the importance of making safe the energy market in terms of supplies whilst maintaining reasonable prices and called on businesses to reduce their energy consumption. They also discussed the means to make the European energy market more competitive internationally.

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Justice/Interior Council Decisions

9 March 2014

The 28 European Interior and Justice Ministers who met on 3rd and 4th March 2014 reviewed migration, the Task Force for the Mediterranean, the regulation of the European Agency, Europol, data protection and the introduction of a European public prosecutor and legal measures concerning children involved in criminal proceedings. They encouraged those involved to continue their work on monitoring migratory flows and noted the Commission's information concerning these areas. They stressed the need to reform the European Police College (CEPOL) in line with the Lisbon Treaty. In the area of data protection ministers supported the Commission's proposals. As for the European public prosecutor, differences emerged over the competences that he/she would be given and debate focused on the boundaries of his/her action.

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Treaty on the arms trade

10 March 2014

On 3rd March 2014 the Council of the European Union adopted a decision allowing EU Member States to ratify the UN's Arms Trade Treaty. Since this treaty covers the EU's exclusive competences and because it cannot be part of this treaty its Member States had to have the EU's authorisation to ratify it. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the Security Policy, Catherine Ashton believes that this decision will enable the strengthening of this treaty and provide it with greater profile in the international arena.

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Environment: Horizon 2030, GMO and Green Economy

9 March 2014

The 28 European Environment Ministers met on 3rd March 2014 indicating that a debate (as suggested by the European Commission) on a general framework for 2030 should be organised to clarify matters with investors and businesses regarding energy and climate policies over the years to come. They also decided to re-open discussions over the legislative proposal on the possibility of Member States being able to restrict or ban GMO's within their territories. Finally they debated the annual analysis of growth focusing on the priorities of the "green economy", national reform programmes in view of the European Council on 20th and 21st March next.

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Conclusions of the Employment Ministers' Meeting

10 March 2014

The 28 Employment, Social Affairs, Healthcare and Consumer Protection Ministers met on 10th March 2014. They adopted a framework for the quality of traineeships in the EU and have asked the States to focus the Europe 2020 strategy on employment and poverty reduction issues. A preliminary agreement on the reform of the tripartite social summit for growth and employment was signed. Ministers validated the Fund for Aid to the most deprived which will allocate 3.5 billion euro in food aid. They also validated the mobilisation of the European Adjustment Fund for Globalisation for Spain and a plan to reduce CO2 emissions in new cars.

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EU Mobility Partnership/Tunisia

9 March 2014

The European Union and Tunisia officially signed a mobility partnership on 3rd March 2014 in Brussels. A joint declaration was signed between Cécilia Malmström, the Commissioner responsible for Internal Affairs, Tahar Cherif, Ambassador for Tunisia at the EU and the ministers of ten EU Member States involved: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, UK. This agreement aims to facilitate the movement of people between the EU and Tunisia as well as promote cooperation on the issue of existing migratory flows and notably to address the challenges in the Mediterranean in a better manner.

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Iran: C. Ashton cautious about chances of finding an overall agreement

10 March 2014

The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton travelled to Iran on 8th and 9th March 2014 to meet Iranian leaders as part of the implementation of the agreement on the Iranian nuclear programme of November 2013. She met Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Apart from issues linked to the Iranian nuclear question Ms Ashton and Mr Zarif addressed issues related to the situation in Syria, the future of Afghanistan and more particularly drug trafficking as well as the respect of human rights. She is cautious about the chances of reaching an overall agreement maintaining that negotiations were difficult and "not guaranteed" to succeed.

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The group RWE reveals its first net loss in 60 years

9 March 2014

For the first time in 60 years the second most important German energy company is in the red. During the presentation of its annual results on 4th March 2014 RWE group announced that it had lost 2.8 billion euro in 2013. This is the direct result of the energy revolution taken by Germany over the last three years. RWE's coal fired plants have become less competitive in the face of renewable energies that are being heavily subsidised. But financial director Bernhard Günther hopes that he will not have to announce any further net losses. RWE is making several thousand employees redundant.

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7.6 million foreigners in Germany

10 March 2014

The number of foreigners living in Germany reached a record level last year, according to figures published on 7th March 2014,observing a 6% rise over one year. At the end of 2013 7.6 million foreigners were living in Germany - out of 80.5 million inhabitants - according to figures published by the Federal Office for Statistics (Destatis). It is the highest number ever recorded since the launch of this register in 1967. Germany has experienced an unprecedented inflow of asylum seekers from Serbia with 18,001 requests, up by over 40% in comparison with 2012. Macedonia and Bosnia also feature amongst the six main countries of origin.

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Inauguration of CeBIT

10 March 2014

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister David Cameron inaugurated the CeBIT (IT fair) on 10th March 2014 in Hannover. The UK is guest of honour this year's fair the theme of which is datability, data management and digital economy. The fair is running until 14th March.

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Cyprus adopts a law on the privatisation of public services

9 March 2014

The Cypriot Parliament adopted a law on the privatisation of the main public services on 4th March. This adoption opens the way to the payment of a further tranche of an international loan totalling 10 billion euro granted in March 2013. MPs met in an extraordinary session and approved the text 30 votes in support, 26 against and no abstentions, after having rejected a previous version of the bill on 27th February 2014. The government chose to amend the text to guarantee a majority vote and the payment of 236 million euros planned for by the troika (EU, IMF, ECB). The amended version guarantees that the terms of employees' contracts in the electricity (EAC), telecoms (Cyta) companies and the Port Authority will be maintained after privatisation.

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Resignation of Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip

9 March 2014

As expected Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip handed in his resignation on 4th March 2014 during an extraordinary session of government. The government which also resigned is however remaining in place until the appointment of a new Prime Minister and a new government.

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Vitaly Klitchko and Petro Poroshenko guests of French President

10 March 2014

François Hollande presented the work being undertaken in terms of mediation on the part of the international community to Vitaly Klitchko and Petro Poroshenko on 7th March 2014 - both men are running for the presidency of Ukraine. Mr Hollande highlighted the fact that the EU was ready to step up sanctions if the situation did not move forward. He recalled that Russia had to respect the international law and accept a solution that guaranteed the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. Finally he stressed France's support to the new Ukrainian authorities and the importance, for democratic transition, that the presidential election take place on 25th May in a transparent manner.

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Visit by German President Joachim Gauck to Greece

10 March 2014

German President Joachim Gauck travelled to Greece for a State visit on 6th and 7th March 2014. The German president was guest to his Greek counterpart, Carolos Papoulias. Mr Gauck came to express Germany's respect and recognition to the Greek population for the effort they have made in reviving their country that was sorely affected by the debt crisis. As a future joint project a German/Greek fund will be created and a German/Greek office for youth will also be introduced to "build bridges of understanding."

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Meeting between Enda Kenny and German Chancellor Angela Merkel

10 March 2014

German Chancellor Angela Merkel praised the Irish bail out on 7th March 2014 as she visited Dublin explaining that it had been "an extraordinary success". Angela Merkel met Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny for a bilateral meeting. During a joint press conference Angela Merkel deemed that it was important for lessons to be learned from the past adding that Europe had worked closely on Banking Union. "We have achieved a great deal but we have not yet reached our goals," she added.

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International Conference on Libya

9 March 2014

Italian Foreign Minister, Federica Mogherini opened an international conference in Rome on 6th March 2014 on aid to stabilise Libya. "Overly slow progress", a "worrying" political and security situation: the West has expressed its concern over Libya and is asking for more to be done to establish "real national dialogue" a guarantee of political stability. The new Italian Foreign Minister, stressed that the slowness in the transition over to democracy "is preventing aid on the part of the international community from being deployed." "No one can allow the transition process to fail," she said calling on Libya to "work towards the implementation of projects."

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Romanian Parliament provides its confidence to the new government

9 March 2014

Romanian MPs voted on 4th March 2014 346 votes in support, 191 against in support of the new government formed by the Social Democratic Party, National Union for the Progress of Romania, the Conservative Party and the Democratic Party of Hungarians of Romania. According to Prime Minister Victor Ponta the new government will continue the programme approved in 2012. During the plenary session of Parliament liberal leader Crin Antonescu resigned from office as leader of the Senate. On 5th March 2014 the ministers representing four political parties (Social Democratic Party, National Union for the Progress of Romania, Conservative Party and Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania) were sworn in.

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Long Term British Economic Plan

10 March 2014

The British government defended its long term economic plan on 4th March which sets the government's priorities in terms of economic reform for the months to come. The plan, whose main goal, according to Prime Minister David Cameron, is to guarantee "economic security and peace of mind" of UK citizens and new generations, focuses on five main priorities: deficit reduction, income tax cuts, job creation, social benefits management, reduction of immigration and improvement of education.

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NATO supporting the Ukrainian revolution

10 March 2014

On 6th March 2014 NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen hosted Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk. He guaranteed him NATO's support and recalled the attachment the organisation had in terms of the respect of the international law and the sovereignty of nations. On 4th March NATO emphasised that the situation in Ukraine implied serious consequences for the security and the stability of the Euro-Atlantic zone. Moreover he stressed that he supported all initiatives that aimed to find a peaceful solution to the crisis. Finally he indicated that work by the NATO-Ukraine Committee would continue and that it would cooperate with Russia during the NATO-Russia Summit. On 5th March the ambassadors from NATO's member states and the EU recalled the importance of respecting Ukrainian sovereignty and the country's territorial integrity.

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18 OSCE countries in an observers' mission

10 March 2014

18 OSCE member countries are taking part in a military observers' mission in Ukraine: this involves Canada, Denmark, UK, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkey, Germany, Estonia, Ireland and USA. However the 40 OSCE observers who have come to Ukraine on the request of the new Ukrainian government, had to turn back, after being prevented from entering Crimea by armed men.

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European aid to Ukraine totals 11 billion €

9 March 2014

On 5th March the European Commission presented an aid plan to a total of at least "11 billion euros" in support of Ukraine. Quite precisely 1.6 billion will take the shape of loans, 1.4 billion will comprise donations, 600 million of which will be paid over the next two years, 3 billion will come from the European Investment Bank (EIB). In addition to this the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) announced that it was ready to invest at least 5 billion euro in Ukraine until 2020 to support reform to this country in crisis. Finally the Commission will turn out 250 million euro from the Neighbourhood Policy fund in order to raise 3.5 billion in loans. Moreover the Council decided to launch sanctions against 18 members of V. Yanukovych's regime comprising a freezing of their assets and the conditions that allow these people to recover them.

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The Russian intervention in Crimea brings back bad memories in Central Europe

10 March 2014

Ukraine's European neighbours said they were "dismayed" by the role Russia has played in the crisis which in their opinion is a reminder of how the Soviet Union put down their own protests during the Cold War. "The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia are aghast at witnessing a military intervention in 21st century Europe which resembles their own experiences in 1956, 1968 and 1981," wrote the heads of government of these four countries in a press release on 4th March 2014. Czech Bohuslav Sobotka, Hungarian Viktor Orban, Pole Donald Tusk and Slovakian Robert Fico expressed their thoughts under the aegis of the Visegrad Group which links the four EU countries over energy and security issues, as well as within a partnership with countries in the East like Ukraine and Russia.

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Referendum on 16th March in Crimea

10 March 2014

On 16th March the inhabitants of Crimea will be voting in a referendum in response to two questions: do they want Crimea to integrate the Federation of Russia or do they prefer a return to the Constitution of 1992 which granted them greater autonomy within Ukraine? It should be noted that the entire international community condemns this referendum.

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Euro zone GDP rises

9 March 2014

Eurostat announced on 5th March 2014 GDP had grown in the euro zone by 0.3% in the fourth quarter of 2013 according to its most recent estimations. For its part EU GDP had risen by 0.4%. Over one year in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2012 the GDP had risen by 0.5% in the euro zone and by 1.1% in the EU. However over the entire year of 2013 the GDP contracted by 0.5% in the euro zone and increased by 0.1% in the EU. Sweden, Czech Republic, Romania had experienced the highest growth over 1.5% and Cyprus, Denmark and Finland recorded the greatest contractions.

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EU 40% of female higher education graduates in comparison with 32% of men

9 March 2014

On 7th March, the day before Women's Day, Eurostat published a study deeming notably that in 2012 40% of young women were graduates of higher education in comparison with only 32% of men in the EU. Moreover the share of women that had left education and training prematurely (10.9%) was lower than men (14.4%).

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Europeans and the Common Agricultural Policy

10 March 2014

Eurobarometer has published a new survey on how citizens see agriculture and the common agricultural policy (CAP). It emerges that Europeans grant increasing importance to agriculture (53% believe that it is a major stake for the future) but that their knowledge of the sector is relative. Europeans believe that the amount granted to the CAP is adequate and most believe it is important to link the financial aid granted to farmers to the respect of environmentally friendly agricultural practices. Those interviewed also said that what counted most in their opinion was the traceability of food from its country of origin. Finally most of those interviewed felt that quality was the main factor in terms of purchasing.

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One woman in three victim of violence in Europe

9 March 2014

The European Agency for Fundamental Rights published a report on violence perpetrated against women in the EU on 5th March 2014. It notably emerges that 33% of European women ie 62 million across Europe have been the victim of physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15. In order to prevent violence against women the report encourages States to ratify the Council of Europe's Convention on the prevention and fight to counter violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) but it also suggests that States consider conjugal violence as an issue that requires State intervention rather than as a private affair and that they review their legislation on sexual harassment.

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"New Power, new responsibility"

9 March 2014

The German "Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik" (SWP) and the German Marshall Fund of the USA have published a paper which reflects the results of a joint project entitled "Elements of a German foreign and security policy for a changing world". The text looks into the four main aspects of Germany's new international responsibilities: "Germany and the international order", "Germany and Europe", "Germany's Strategic Relations", and "Germany and International Security."

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Van Gogh - Artaud, the Man Suicided by Society

9 March 2014

The Orsay Museum in Paris is devoting an exhibition to Van Gogh and Artaud. In 1947 art gallery owner Pierre Loeb suggested that Antonin Artaud (1896-1948) write a text on the artist. Artaud aimed to show how Van Gogh's exceptional lucidity made ordinary people feel uncomfortable. By using categories or singular names emphasised by Artaud in his text "Van Gogh - the Man Suicided by Society" the exhibition covers around 30 pictures, a choice of drawings and letters from Van Gogh and a selection of works by the poet-artist. The exhibition is running from 11th March to 6th July 2014.

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"Emil Nolde" Retrospective in Frankfurt

9 March 2014

The Städel Museum in Frankfurt is running the first retrospective of German Expressionist Emil Nolde's work (1867-1956) to be organised in Germany in 25 years; it offers a wide range of landscapes of Northern Germany, scenes from Berlin and the Bible. The exhibition which is on until 15th June 2014 comprises 12 parts and 140 canvasses, water colours and prints, a chronological presentation of the painter's work with a more in depth view of his early work as well as later creations which have not been seen very much to date.

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"Vikings - Life and Legends" in London

9 March 2014

A new exhibition at the British Museum in London aims to look at the Vikings' image afresh - the Scandinavians, whose names means "pirate" in old Norse. By exploring their ships, their arms, their art, words and even their skeletons, "Vikings: Life and Legends" aims to show how the energy and ideas of these peoples led to major change worldwide. Maritime navigation is the focus of the exhibition. The key piece is the biggest Viking ship ever found. The exhibition is running until 22nd June 2014.

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El Greco tribut in Toledo

10 March 2014

The Santa-Cruz Museum in Toledo will be running an exhibition from 15th March to 14th June 2014 on the artist El Greco. The exhibition will extend across the whole town taking place in various venues associated with the painter. The aim is to set the "Greek of Toledo" in his era by highlighting influences and relations with artists of his time. The first years before his arrival in Toledo and his Cretan, Venetian, and Roman influences will be covered. A specific place will be given to El Greco's portraits which are a major part of his art.

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les 10th - 13th March

Plenary Session European Parliament (Strasbourg)

10th March

"Employment, social policy, healthcare and consumer" Council (EPSCO) (Brussels)

10th March

Eurogroup (Brussels)

11th March

Economic and Financial Affairs Council (Brussels)

14th March

"Transport, Telecommunications, Energy" (TTE)- Transport Council (Brussels)

17th March

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Charles de Marcilly ,Claire Darmé, Raphaël Frison, Salomé Larcher, Jelena Isailovic

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Charles de Marcilly / Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°616- version of 10 mars 2014