The Newsletter61424 févr. 2014

La Lettre

Grégoire Postel-Vinay

24 February 2014

The European Council of 20th and 21st March devoted to the Union's energy and industrial competitiveness as well as the Paris Conference on Climate provide an opportunity to examine the challenges facing the Union to guarantee growth and employment whilst rising to climate stakes and increased energy dependency. Here issues involving governance, international relations, the Union's energy autonomy, the impact of the revision of the competition rules, R&D and technical progress, energy insecurity, specific national features, tariffs, production and their impact on infrastructures and supply security in the light of recent developments.

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Financial Crisis

Stable GDP growth in the OECD in fourth quarter of 2013

23 February 2014

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development announced on 19th February 2014 that the OECD's GDP had grown in a stable manner at 0.6% in the fourth quarter of 2013. Growth remained highest in the USA (0.8%) and the UK (0.7%). It gathered pace at 0.4% in the EU compared with 0.3% in the previous quarter and at 0.4% against 0.1% in the euro zone. Amongst the euro zone countries Germany witnessed faster GDP growth at 0.4% in comparison with 0.3% in the third quarter. In France the GDP increased by 0.3% and in Italy by 0.1% for the first time since the third quarter of 2011. Finally over the whole year 2013 GDP in the OECD zone grew by 1.3% down in comparison with growth of 1.5% in 2012.

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Ecnomic prospects improve in the euro zone

24 February 2014

During the meeting of the 18 euro zone Finance Ministers on 17th February 2014 ministers reviewed the recapitalisation instruments that are part of the European stability mechanism. Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem declared that he believed a political agreement would be found by March 2014. Moreover ministers said they were pleased with the adoption of several reforms by Greece. With regard to Cyprus the Troika programme is on the right path still with macro-economic and budgetary data for 2013 proving better than forecast and the financial sector stabilising. As far as the economic situation was concerned real GDP growth is recovering and economic activity is due to continue growing also.

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Reform of the Financial Sector in Spain: final IMF report

24 February 2014

In February the IMF published its final report on the reform of the financial sector in Spain. This reform programme aimed to help economic recovery by promoting financial stability. The report indicates that the implementation of the programme had been firm and that all of the measures that had been provided for had been undertaken. It stresses that this work just like the European economic policies have enabled a significant reduction of the threats weighing over the economy caused by the banks. The report does however highlight the fact that in spite of progress major challenges still have to be overcome in the financial sector and that it is necessary to maintain the pace of reform.

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Portugal: work remains for a return to growth according to the IMF

24 February 2014

The IMF published its tenth economic analysis of Portugal in February 2014. It indicates that short term prospects have improved and that the reform programme is continuing to move forward in spite of the decisions taken by the Portuguese Constitutional Court which have caused some difficulties. However Portugal still faces major economic challenges. Its unemployment rate and debt are notably being criticised. Hence the IMF highlights that the success of the reform programme is not yet guaranteed and that Portugal must take care in remaining on the path initiated in 2012 with the IMF agreement.

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G20 Finance Ministers hope to increase growth by 2% in five years

24 February 2014

On the occasion of the G20 Finance Ministers' meeting in Australia on 22nd and 23rd February 2014 ministers indicated that signs of improvement in the world economy and signs of growth in the USA, UK, Japan and China and also in the euro zone had been noted. However they stressed that these positive signs might not be permanent and that there was still a great deal of work to do. However they promised to take further measures in the fiscal and financial areas to improve world growth with the goal of increasing G20 GDP by 2% over the next five years which will lead to the creation of new jobs.

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Record budgetary deficit for Sweden in 2013

24 February 2014

Sweden will suffer its highest budgetary deficit in nearly 20 years in 2014 indicated the government on 20th February 2014, which is forcing it to raise taxes. After 1.5% GDP in 2013, this deficit will grow to 1.9% of the GDP in 2014 according to the most recent forecasts put forward by the Finance Ministry. We have to go back to 1996 to find a higher deficit (with 3.3% of the GDP) i.e. a period when Sweden was emerging from a deep economic and budgetary crisis. "We have slightly weaker public finances in 2013 and 2014 than we forecast," explained Finance Minister Anders Borg during a press conference.

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Surplus of current accounts in Greece

24 February 2014

Greece's current account balance was in surplus by 1,244 billion euros in 2013 against a deficit of 4,615 billion the previous year announced the Bank of Greece on 19th February 2014, a first since 1948. Since the beginning of data publication in 1948 Greece has only recorded deficits. This result "is due to a considerable reduction in the trade deficit by 2.4 billion euro as well as an increase in the surplus of transactions and services, particularly in tourism," indicated the Bank in a press release. Revenues from tourism totalled 11.9 billion against 10,442 billion in 2012.

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Karel de Gucht prepares the fourth session of the EU/USA trade agreement

23 February 2014

As part of the discussions for the free trade agreement between the EU/USA, the European Commissioner responsible for Trade, Karel de Gucht travelled to Washington on 17th February and met his American counterpart Michael Froman to prepare the fourth round of negotiations that will take place during the week of 10th March 2014. The transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP) will be the most extensive in the world. The Union hopes to see a 28% leap in its exports.

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New guidelines for airports and airlines

24 February 2014

On 20th February 2014 the European Commission adopted new guidelines on the way Member States can support airports and airlines whilst respecting the EU's rules on State aid. These new measures aim to guarantee connections between regions, European citizens' mobility whilst limiting, as far as possible, competition distortions in terms of the single market. These guidelines are part of the modernisation framework of State aid which aims to stimulate the growth of the single market.

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New strategy for coastal and maritime tourism in Europe

23 February 2014

The European Commission presented a new strategy on 20th February 2014 to promote coastal and maritime tourism in Europe. Maria Damanaki, the European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs highlighted 14 measures to help coastal regions and their businesses rise to the challenges they are facing. Amongst the new measures the Commission is proposing the facilitation of cooperation and dialogue between players in coastal tourism, to foster public/private partnerships, to promote skills and innovation, encourage eco-tourism and to create an on-line guide about the possibilities of financing in order to stimulate investments.

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Tentative progress towards banking union

23 February 2014

On 18th February 2014 European Economy and Finance Ministers adopted conclusions relative to the annual growth assessment, stressing weak recovery, high unemployment and a fragmented banking system. They made little progress on the path to finding a compromise with Parliament over banking union and the single resolution mechanism in spite of their desire to finalise this issue before the European elections. Moreover they re-iterated their agreement to redraft the rules concerning deposit guarantee systems and adopted the conclusions on the warning mechanisms on macro-economic imbalances. Moreover they postponed the deadline of the migration over transfers and payments in the single payment area in euros (SEPA) to 1st August 2014. Finally they set the priorities for the 2015 budget.

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The Council looks into the promotion of agricultural products in the EU

23 February 2014

On 17th February 2014 the 28 Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers of the EU discussed the dairy sector from the point of view of abolishing the milk quota system in 2015 and highlighted the volatility of prices. The European Commission then presented its proposal for the consumption of fruit and milk products in schools. Moreover Ministers debated the proposed measures for the promotion of agricultural products. Finally the Greek Presidency presented its priorities which are the completion of work on the reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP), the finalisation of the agreement on the European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and the legislative package on the food chain.

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Industry, Research and Copyright

23 February 2014

The 28 European Ministers responsible for competitiveness who met in Brussels on 20th and 21st February 2014 debated industrial competitiveness and the inclusion of this theme in the drafting of energy, climate, trade and competition policies. This theme will be explored more during the European Council on 20th and 21st March next. They also exchanged views on the annual study of growth which is the basis of the European Semester. A directive targeting the improvement of the functioning of copyright collecting societies and notably those who deal with online music was adopted.

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Defence: informal meeting of EU Ministers

24 February 2014

The 28 European Defence ministers gathered for an informal meeting on 20th and 21st February in Athens. The conclusions of the European Council of December last were discussed since they define the agenda of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) until June 2015. More particularly they focused on the work to be undertaken in order to achieve a strategy for maritime security, rapid response, support to strengthen the capabilities of both local and regional partners. Moreover the ministers addressed progress by the EU's four military operations - EUNAVFOR Atalanta, EUFOR Althea, EUTM Somalia and EUTM Mali. Finally a specially session was devoted to Central African Republic since on 10th February the Union launched the operation EUFOR-RCA.

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Conclusions of the Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council

24 February 2014

The 28 Ministers responsible for education adopted conclusions on 24th February 2014 - "Effective, innovative education and training to invest in skills" as part of the European Semester. They then debated skills and employability in terms of the OECD report results on the PISA and PIACC programmes. The Greek presidency declared that Member States had to continue investing in high quality education and that they needed to step up the pace of reform in relation to education in order to fill the skills gap which is one of the main causes of youth unemployment.

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Agreement concluded with Iran on the framework of future negotiations

23 February 2014

After three days of talks Iran and the major powers (US, Russia, China, Germany, France, UK) came to agreement on the framework of comprehensive discussions as well as an action plan on Teheran's nuclear programme. This meeting was started under the presidency of the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton and in the presence of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. In a press release Ms Ashton indicated that the next meeting between the two parties would take place on 17th March 2014 in Vienna.

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Ukraine: EU decides to sanction those who "have blood on their hands"

24 February 2014

On 20th February 2014 the 28 European Foreign Ministers met in Brussels to assess the situation in Ukraine where the violence has led to more than 80 deaths. At the meeting they decided to deprive those "who had blood on their hands" of visas to freeze their assets. The French, German and Polish Foreign Ministers were in Kiev to negotiate an agreement to end the crisis.

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7th EU/Brazil Summit

24 February 2014

On 24th February 2014 during the 7th EU/Brazil Summit leaders discussed the means to guarantee strong, sustainable economic growth as well as job creation. Moreover they addressed measures that will strengthen cooperation regarding international issues such as humanitarian cooperation. They then discussed the situation in Syria, Iran, Tunisia, Sahel, Mali, Central African Republic, South Sudan as well as the negotiations in Israel and Palestine. Finally conversation focused on common challenges like sustainable development, climate change, environment and even human rights.

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The next generation high speed train now operational in Germany ("ICE3")

24 February 2014

The German next generation high speed train "ICE 3" is now running on the German rail system between Cologne and Stuttgart. The new model was presented on 18th February 2014 by the Deutsche Bahn and its builder, Siemens. From a technical point of view ICE3 is more reliable and not as energy hungry as its predecessors. Its engines are no longer placed at the head of the train in the locomotive but are spread along the entire train. Its nose, which has been redesigned and its roof are now more aerodynamic. At present there only four ICE3 trains running in Germany.

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Visit by Angela Merkel at the OECD

23 February 2014

On the sidelines of her visit to Paris on 19th February 2014 German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with the OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria who handed her a report in which the OECD makes several proposals for reform to make Germany stronger, more ecological and fairer. In her speech Ms Merkel spoke of her "country's weaknesses", notably in terms of investments in transport or internet networks but she also defended her results pointing to the stability of German labour costs, the management of public finance. She noted that "we were obliged to reform before the others," during the transfer over to the euro.

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The Bundestag give the greenlight for the missions in Mali and Afghanistan

23 February 2014

On 20th February 2014 MPs in the Bundestag, the Lower Chamber of the German Parliament gave the go ahead for the extension of the Bundeswehr's mandate which has already been deployed to Mali and the dispatch of 70 additional German soldiers to the European EUTM mission. Soldiers from the Franco-German Brigade are due to be deployed to Mali, after the announcement was made at the end of the 16th Franco-German Council of Ministers in Paris on 19th February. The mandate for Afghanistan was also extended one last time until the end of 2014.

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Border agreement between Estonia and Russia

23 February 2014

On 18th February 2014 Russia and Estonia signed an agreement on the demarcation of their joint border after more than 20 years of disagreement which followed the collapse of the USSR and the independence of the Baltic country in 1991. "I am sure that (...) it will strengthen the atmosphere of confidence and cooperation," declared Serguey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister after having signed the text alongside his Estonian counterpart, Urmas Paet. The treaty still has to be ratified by the parliaments of both countries. We should recall that the Russian legislator refused to approve the previous treaty on this issue in 2005.

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Estonian Prime Minister announces his resignation

23 February 2014

On 23rd February 2014 Andrus Ansip, the Estonian Prime Minister announced that he would be handing his resignation to Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves on 4th March next. "I said two years ago that this government would be the last I would lead," declared Mr Ansip in a speech prepared for the celebration of Estonia's independence on 24th February. "The decision I have taken is based on my belief that there is a reasonable time for everything in life, that everything had a start and a finish (...) This decision was not taken due to pressure of any kind," he added.

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Joint Press Conference Angela Merkel/François Hollande

24 February 2014

During the 16th Franco-German Council of Ministers on 19th February 2014 German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande decided to employ the Franco-German Brigade in Mali as part of the EU's EUTM mission and supported sanctions against those behind the violence in Ukraine. They decided to implement the financial transaction tax - at least between themselves - by the time of the European Elections in May and to implement fiscal harmonisation between the two countries notably in the area of business tax. Finally they decided to establish an energy agency and to undertake "ambitious energy transition". On this latter subject the Foundation has published a study "Competitiveness, Energy, Climate: what should Europe's priorities be? ".

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Meeting of Spanish, Portuguese, Moroccan and French Interior Ministers

23 February 2014

The Spanish, Portuguese, Moroccan and French Interior Ministers met on 20th February 2014 in Paris. Regarding migratory flows the ministers indicated that a partnership for mobility was being established in Morocco as part of a common European poicy. Regarding the fight to counter drug trafficking they support a platform to identify and seize criminal assets in Morocco. As far as countering terrorism is concerned the ministers decided that information services would step up their work together to detect and warn of departures and follow movements. Finally, in terms of police cooperation, ministers agreed to strengthen the coordination of police networks abroad, notably in Sahel.

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Italy: a new government led by Matteo Renzi

23 February 2014

Matteo Renzi is now the new President of the Italian Council. He was sworn in together with 16 members of his government, on 22nd February 2014 at the Quirinal Palace, the HQ of the presidency of the Italian Republic. The government which comprises women (50%) and also some new faces is the result of discussions between the Democratic Party (PD), the centrists and the New Centre Right (NCD). Angelino Alfano remains as Interior Minister, Maurizio Lupi in transport and Beatrice Lorenzin in Healthcare. Amongst the ministers retained but who will be changing portfolio: Maurizio Martina in Agriculture, Dario Franceschini in Culture, Roberta Pinotti in Defence, Gianluca Galetti in Environment. Notably Pier Carlo Padoan will be taking over Economy and Federica Mogherini, Foreign Affairs. Former Regional Affairs Minister Graziano Delrio has been appointed Secretary of State at the Presidency of the Council.

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Czech Republic

Bohuslav Sobotka announces that he wants to ratify the budgetary treaty

24 February 2014

On 20th February 2014 Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka met President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso and European Parliament President, Martin Schulz. He promised to start the ratification process of the "Budgetary Pact" officially called Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance (TSCG). The Czech Republic refused to sign this agreement which encourages convergence of economic and monetary policies. On this issue you can read the information file drafted by the Foundation.

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The Czech government wins Parliament's confidence

24 February 2014

The Czech government of Bohuslav Sobotka, won the confidence of parliament on 18th February 2014 with a programme focused on growth and the creation of jobs. Of the 181 MPs present 110 supported the government after a debate that lasted nearly 12 hours. The opposition parties TOP09 and ODS voted against, the Communists (KSCM) abstained and the MPs of the populist "Direct Democratic Dawn" left the room before the vote took place. "Our goal is to encourage growth and prosperity but also to reign in public finance," said Mr Sobotka as debate started. The government committed to maintaining public deficit below 3% of the GDP during its four year mandate.

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Scotland - the issue of North Sea oil

24 February 2014

The British Council of Ministers relocated exceptionally to Scotland to the oil port of Aberdeen on 24th February 2014 and took advantage - on the pretext of an agenda point on the North Sea black gold - to step up its campaign against the independence of this region. It is the third time in a century that the British government has met in Scotland, an area which is wealthy in hydrocarbons. Chance or an illustration of the gap that separates the British and Scottish authorities, both governments met on the same day just ten kilometres apart to discuss oil. Whilst the sharing of oil resources is the focus of debate over independence a report ordered by the British government in June 2013 stresses the need for ambitious reform to maximise production in the North Sea. To date 42 billion equivalent barrels of oil (boe) have been produced and it is "estimated that some 12 to 24 billion boe might still be extracted".

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New "revolution" in Ukraine

24 February 2014

Events are gathering pace in Ukraine 24 hours after the signature of an agreement. On 22nd February 2014 Ukrainian MPs impeached President Viktor Yanukovych and set 25th May as the date for the next presidential election. MPs declared that the head of State had quit Kiev and was constitutionally unable to exercise office. Mr Yanukovych had previously denounced a "coup d'état" and refused to resign. Moreover former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko condemned in 2011 for abuse of power was freed from her prison hospital where she had been serving her sentence for the last 30 months. She travelled immediately to Kiev to Independence Square (Maidan) where she addressed thousands of government opponents. The fight for freedom continues. Oleksandr Turchinov is now the new interim leader of Parliament. The EU's High Representative Catherine Ashton was in Kiev on 24th February. The fight continues for freedom.

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More than 3000 additional troops requested in Central Africa

24 February 2014

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon requested on 20th February 2014 the rapid deployment of "at least 3000 additional troops and policemen," in Central African Republic. Speaking of the military personnel already present or planned he added: "We need more and fast". This is an intermediary phase before the deployment of the Blue Berets to Central Africa.

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The annual inflation rate of the euro zone remains stable at 0.8%

24 February 2014

According to Eurostat statistics published on 24th February 2014 the annual inflation rate of the euro zone remained stable at 0.8% in January 2014 in comparison with December 2013. A year ago it lay at 2%. The monthly inflation rate lay at -1.1% in January 2014. The EU's annual inflation rate lay at 0.9% in January 2014 against 1% in December 2013. A year ago it lay at 2.1%. The monthly inflation rate was -0.9% in January 2014.

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EU/Brazil: goods trade surplus of 5.5 billion € with Brazil

23 February 2014

As part of the 7th EU/Brazil Summit that is taking place on 24th February 2014 in Brussels Eurostat indicated on 20th February that the goods trade surplus lay at 5.5 billion € over the first nine months of 2013. Moreover between 2003 and 2012 exports from the EU to Brazil had increased constantly except for in 2009 because of the financial crisis. Imports also increased between 2003 and 2008. Eurostat says that the rise in the Union's exports to Brazil is continuing, progressing from 29.6 billion € over the first nine months of 2012 to 30.4 billion over the first nine months of 2013.

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EIB support to SME's and young people

23 February 2014

In a press release on 19th February 2014 the EIB indicated that it was stepping up its support of European SME's. Werner Hoyer, its President declared "With 21.9 billion € support to SME's has become the main contribution to our strategic goals. It is an historic record!" Amongst its sectors of investment the EIB has granted a great number of loans to European SMEs placing emphasis on research and innovation, which has led to greater competitiveness on the part of the European economy. Worldwide the EIB has signed loans in support of the climate and strategic infrastructures. Finally the EIB has launched a programme devoted to young people in view of participating in Europe's fight to counter youth unemployment.

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Structural Reforms are necessary for the recovery of growth according to the OECD

23 February 2014

In its report "Economic Reform: Going for Growth 2013" published on 21st February 2014 the OECD advocates that its Member States implement ambitious structural reform for a stable, robust revival of growth. The report analyses the economic policies implemented by the OECD Member States and stresses the measures that can still be taken to revive productivity, improve the efficacy of the public sector and the results of the educational sector and strengthen the labour market at the same time.

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Rising to the challenge of the ageing European population

23 February 2014

The World Bank announced in a report published on 21st February 2014 that the ageing population and the increasing number of pensioners in European countries required major reform on the part of the States. The report entitled "The Inverting Pyramid: Pension Systems Facing Demographic Challenges in Europe and Central Asia" highlights the fact that if reform is not implemented elderly people in situations of poverty and young people will suffer the most from the system's incapacity to guarantee pensions to the retired.

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Protecting the seas and the oceans

24 February 2014

The European Environment Agency published a report "Messages from the Sea" on 20th February 2014 which aims to describe the status of maritime areas in the EU and to analyse the Union's policies in the regard. According to the report 41% of the European population live in a coastal area. The report accuses the limits of the framework directive for a maritime strategy as well as its design - it only covers 66% of the Union's maritime zones and has not enabled the Member States to solve 70% of their maritime border issues - its implementation is deemed inadequate in terms of achieving the 2020 environmental goals that the Union has set itself. The report calls for balance in the quest for economic growth and the conservation of healthy, clean, productive seas by changing the way we use the maritime eco-systems.

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135 Olympic medals in Sochi for the European Union!

24 February 2014

The Winter Olympic Games ended on 23rd February 2014. Of the 89 countries which took part in these games only 26 left with medals. In the lead, the European Union with 135 medals, ahead of Russia (33), the USA (28), Norway (26) and Canada (25). Of the 99 gold medals 37 were won by EU member countries; the latter also won 48 of the 100 silver medals and 50 of the 100 bronze medals. In the EU the Netherlands dominate the ranking with 8 gold medals and 24 overall. They are followed by Germany (8 gold medals, 19 in all), Austria (4 gold medals, 17 overall), France (4 gold medals, 15 overall) and Poland (4 gold medals, 6 overall).

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The Impressionists in private

23 February 2014

The Marmottan Monet Museum in Paris is celebrating its 80th anniversary in 2014. On this occasion an exhibition is running until 6th July 2014 entitled "The Impressionists in Private". It offers a unique opportunity to discover works that in the main have never been on show. 80 paintings and twenty drawings by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, Eugène Boudin, Johan Barthold Jongkind, Édouard Manet, Frédéric Bazille, Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Edgar Degas, Camille Pissarro, Alfred Sisley, Gustave Caillebotte, Berthe Morisot, Armand Guillaumin, Paul Cézanne, Mary Cassatt, Eva Gonzalès and Auguste Rodin provide a panorama of the history of Impressionism via these unique pieces of work.

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In Marseilles, faces reflecting the world ...

23 February 2014

Faces that have been painted, sculpted or photographed by 97 major artists including Picasso, Magritte and Warhol are on show until 22nd June 2014 at the cultural centre of the Vieille Charité in Marseilles, in an exhibition which explores the relationship of the individual with the world.

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"Esprit Montmartre. Bohemian Life in Paris around 1900"

23 February 2014

Many famous artists like Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Amedeo Modigliani and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec lived and worked in Montmartre. Until 1st June 2014 the "Schirn Kunsthalle" in Frankfurt is presenting an exhibition devoted to the "Esprit Montmartre". More than 200 works by Pierre Bonnard, Ramon Casas, Edgar Degas, Kees van Dongen, Vincent van Gogh, Max Jacob, Marie Laurencin, Pablo Picasso, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Suzanne Valadon and many others illustrate the life of poets, composers, painters- this Bohemian microcosm which was to influence art so much in the 20th century.

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German Renaissance at the National Gallery in London

23 February 2014

The National Gallery in London is running an exhibition until 11th May 2014 devoted to the masters of the German Renaissance like Hans Holbein the Younger, Albrecht Dürer and Lucas Cranach the Elder. The exhibition reviews the creation and influence of these works since the 16th century to date. Entitled "Strange Beauty" this exhibition looks into the shaping of German identity and the role that German Renaissance art played, likewise how this art was viewed across Europe - particularly in comparison to Italian Renaissance art.

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Venice Carnival

24 February 2014

The Venice Carnival is taking place until 4th March 2014. The theme this year is "Fantastic, marvellous nature", highlighting the tales and stories from different cultures which express the relationship between man/nature and the symbols used by man to try and understand nature. An ambitious "Dictionary of the Fantastic " will be presented during the Carnival. Navigating through collective myths and imaginary creatures between East and West, the Carnival 2014 takes people on a trip through our ancestors' and children's imaginary world.

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les 24th-27th February

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

24th February

Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council (Brussels)

24th February

EU-Brazil Summit (Brussels)

les 26th-27th February

Meeting of Defence Ministers of NATO member countries (Brussels)

3rd March

Environment Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Charles de Marcilly ,Antonello Cadinu, Claire Darmé, Raphaël Frison, Salomé Larcher, Jelena Isailovic, Victoria de Posson

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Ukraine/Revolution; Italy/Government; Strategy/Sea; Estonia/Resignation; Olympic...


The Newsletter n°614- version of 24 févr. 2014