The Newsletter60813 janv. 2014

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Five years on, has Europe emerged from the crisis?

12 January 2014

On 8th January 2014 the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani spoke on Arte in the programme "28 minutes". He debated alongside Dominique Seux, of the daily "Les Echos" and Xavier Timbeau, economist at the "Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques", about the economic situation in Europe, five years after the start of the economic crisis. The Foundation's Chairman invited Europeans to be optimistic about the future: the euro is the second most important reserve currency in the world and Europe still attracts many students and workers. Of course the crisis has been costly but it should enable the European economy to improve over the next few years. As for France he believes that we have to remind politicians that economic reality is neither on the left or the right.

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Financial Crisis

Italy: a further rise in unemployment in November 2013

12 January 2014

On 8th January 2014 the Italian Statistics Institute (ISTAT) published its monthly report on the Italian labour market. In November 2013 unemployment totalled 12.7% recording a rise of 0.2% in comparison with the previous month and of 1.4% on an annual basis. However the number of unemployed rose by 0.8% in comparison with October 2013 and by 12.1% over one year. Regarding youth unemployment (15-24 year olds) it totalled 41.6% in November 2013, which is a 0.2% rise in comparison with the previous month and a 4% increase on an annual basis.

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Greece: further rise in unemployment in October 2013

12 January 2014

On 9th January the Greece Statistics Institute (ELSTAT) published its report on the country's labour market in October 2013. According to the data unemployment rose to 27.8% in October increasing by 0.1% in comparison with the previous month and by 1.7% in comparison with the same period in 2012. The number of those in work declined by 2.6% in comparison with October 2012 and by 0.6% in comparison with September 2013. Regarding the unemployed data recorded a rise of 6.6% in comparison with October 2012 but a change of 0.1% in comparison with September 2013. The number of those out of work, who do not work or who are not looking for work increased by 0.5% in comparison with October 2012 and by 0.3% in comparison with September 2013.

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The Bank of France maintains its growth estimate of 0.5% in the fourth quarter

12 January 2014

In a press release on 10th January 2014 the Bank of France indicated that it was maintaining its GDP growth estimate at 0.5% in the fourth quarter of 2014. This estimate has been made whilst industrial output contracted overall in December and services activities decreased slightly.

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Germany: unemployment remains unchanged at 6.9% in December

12 January 2014

According to figures published by the Federal Employment Agency on 7th January 2014 the number of job seekers in Germany rose in gross data in December 2013 to 2.873 million against 2.806 million in November (+67,000 job seekers more in December). The unemployment rate remained unchanged at 6.9% in December.

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Edward Snowden Hearing

13 January 2014

The European Parliament's Civil Liberties Committee gave the greenlight (36 votes in support, 2 against and 1 abstention) for a hearing with Edward Snowden on 9th January 2014 - the latter was the source of revelations about massive tapping by the National Security Agency in the US. Exiled in Russia Mr Snowden will neither travel to Brussels nor to Strasbourg but will be interviewed via an "interactive" video-conference.

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The free movement of Bulgarians and Romanians in the EU

12 January 2014

On 1st January 2014 the period of transition for Bulgaria and Romania came to an end. Bulgarians and Romanians will now be able to move and work freely across the entire EU territory, without having to have a work permit. Previously Bulgarian and Romanian citizens could travel freely to 19 of the 28 Member States which had not set any transitory measures after their accession to the EU in 2007.

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SEPA: six extra months for transition

12 January 2014

In order to reduce the risk of disturbing consumers and businesses to a minimum the European Commission adopted a proposal establishing an additional transition period of six months before the entry into force of new European payment standards establishing a one stop shop payment area - SEPA. European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Michel Barnier declared: "In order for the single market to function the SEPA system has to function also." This system which enables faster, cheaper payments will benefit all players in the payment chain: consumers, banks and businesses.

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Confidence in the economy up in December 2013

12 January 2014

On 9th January 2014 the European Commission indicated that the confidence indicator was up by 1.6 points in the euro zone in December 2013 in comparison with November 2013 and totalled 100 points. The confidence indicator in the EU also rose (+1.4 points) and now totals 103.5 points. Confidence remained constant in Germany and France and improved in three of the five main euro zone economies: Spain (+4 points), Italy (+2.3 points) and the Netherlands (+1.5 points).

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Implementation of the nuclear agreement between Iran and the EU

13 January 2014

The nuclear agreement concluded at the end of November between Iran and the major powers will be implemented as of 20th January 2014. The representatives of Iran and the EU came to agreement after a meeting on 9th and 10th January 2014 in Geneva for the implementation of the interim agreement on Teheran's nuclear programme - a project that still has to be ratified by the signatory countries. The EU's head diplomat Catherine Ashton, who is leading negotiations on behalf of the 5+1 group (China, US, France, UK, Russia and Germany) welcomed the start of "a coherent, strong, and progressive" implementation of the agreement.

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Agreement of Principle for the launch of a European mission in Central African Republic

13 January 2014

The representatives of the countries of the EU gave their greenlight on 10th January to the agreement of principle for the launch of a European military mission to support French and African troops in Central Africa. Meeting in Brussels the ambassadors responsible for security issues with the EU approved the draft presented by the Union's diplomatic service as requested by French President François Hollande at the European summit on 20th December 2013. "The Member States have agreed that the EU should contribute to the re-establishment of security and to the work undertaken by its African partners in Central Africa in total coordination with the African Union and the UN," declared a spokesperson of the EU's High Representative and diplomatic head, Catherine Ashton.

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Auditor's Court

Four new members of the European Court of Auditors

12 January 2014

On 7th January 2014 the European Court of Auditors welcomed four new members: Dutchman Alex Brenninkmeijer; French womn Danièle Lamarque; Greek, Nikolaos Milionis and Briton Phil Wynn Owen. They were appointed by the respective Member States after consultation with the European Parliament and the Council. They will start their first term in office this week and this will be renewable in six years time. Moreover the Luxembourger Henri Grethen's mandate was renewed on 1st January 2014 for a six year period.

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Woman at the ECB

12 January 2014

On 7th January the Council of the European Union recommended the appointment of German Sabine Lautenschläger to the executive board of the ECB in replacement of Mr Asmussen. The name of 49 year old Ms Lautenschläger, Vice-President of the German Central Bank where she is responsible for monitoring loans companies, was put forward at the end of December by Berlin. Moreover the ECB board appointed four general managers on 9th January 2014 who will lead the unique supervisory mechanism: Stefan Walter, director for world regulation and monitoring policies with Ernst & Young; Ramon Quintana, general manager for banking supervision with the Bank of Spain; Jukka Vesala, deputy general manager of the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority and Korbinian Ibel, a member of the risk management and capital group for Commerzbank AG.

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The ECB maintains its main rate and remains determined to act

12 January 2014

The ECB announced on 9th January 2014 that the interest rate on main refinancing operations as well as those governing the marginal loans facility and the deposit facility were to remain unchanged at 0.25%, 0.75% and 0.00% respectively. The ECB is forecasting more growth in 2014 and a reduction in inflation. During the press conference ECB President Mario Draghi indicated "Overall, we remain determined to maintain the high degree of monetary accommodation and to take further decisive action if required."

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New 10€ note

13 January 2014

On 13th January 2014 during a press conference at the ECB in Frankfurt Yves Mersch, a board member, unveiled the new 10€ note. Its design has been remodeled and now includes more security elements. The new note will be placed in circulation in the euro zone on 23rd September 2014. On this occasion the ECB indicated that the number of counterfeit notes had increased in the second half of 2013 but that their total number remains extremely low. 353,000 false euro notes were withdrawn from circulation in the second half of 2013. This figure is low in comparison with the 15 billion real notes in circulation.

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European Agencies

DCI wins the European Defence Agency's call for tender

13 January 2014

The call for tender "Naval Training Support Study" (NTSS) launched by the European Defence Agency was won on 6th January 2014 by the French semi-state owned company DCI (Défense Conseil International) in consortium with the British company SCS (Systems Consultants Services Ltd). These businesses are due to undertake a study of navigation training, mining warfare and diving. The study will initially establish the cartography of the means and methods of the various naval training systems in Europe, it will identify common needs in terms of training and analyse the capability gaps in order to offer ways to improve and harmonise them.

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The European Telescope Gaia has arrived safely

13 January 2014

On 8th January 2014 the European Space Agency announced that the European telescope Gaia launched on 19th December 2013 had achieved its operational orbit at 1.5 million kilometers from the Earth. Launched by a rocket from the Guianese Space Centre Gaia is now positioned on a privileged observation post which is following the planet in its orbit around the sun. The European satellite might soon be able to start its five year mission of plotting the Milky Way.

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Germany welcomes a record number of foreigners in 2013

12 January 2014

According to provisional figures released by the German Federal Statistics Office on 8th January 2014 Germany recorded a rise in its population in 2013 to total 80.8 million due to an increase in immigration in 2013 of over 400,000 foreigners. This inflow, which has been unprecedented since 1993 has compensated the deficit in births. Germany has therefore recovered its positive migratory balance over the last three years. The flow has even gathered pace. The number foreigners settling in Germany totalled 279,000 in 2011 and 369,000 in 2012.

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Michael Roth appointed General Secretary for Franco-German Cooperation

12 January 2014

Michael Roth, German Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs was appointed General Secretary for Franco-German Cooperation by the first council of Ministers on 8th January 2014. Mr Roth is responsible for Franco-German relations for the government and will ensure closer collaboration between France and Germany in bilateral European issues. In France the post is occupied by Thierry Repentin (since March 2013). The first meeting between the two ministers took place on 18th December 2013 in Paris.

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Germans more convinced than ever of the EU

12 January 2014

There have never been as many Germans who think that their country benefits from the many advantages due to its EU membership reveals a survey published on 9th January 2014. 40% of Germans say that Germany benefits from being an EU member and 19% the contrary who believe it brings them more disadvantages according to a monthly survey called "Deutschlandtrend" undertaken for the state TV channel ARD. Whilst the European elections will take place on 25th may 2014, 64% of those interviewed want "a more politically shared" future and only 31% think that the Member States should "act more on their own". The survey was undertaken between 6th and 7th January amongst 1004 people.

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German trade surplus up

12 January 2014

Germany's trade surplus rose again in November announced Destatis on 8th January 2014. Totalling 17.8 billion euro the trade surplus of Europe's leading economic has risen by more than one billion euro in comparison with October according to data adjusted to seasonal variations. This can mainly be explained by a 1.1% contraction in imports, after an unsurprising leap of 3% recorded in October; there has also been a further rise in exports of 0.3%.

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Meeting between the Danish and Greenland Prime Ministers

12 January 2014

On 8th January 2014 Ms Aleqa Hammond, the Greenland Prime Minister travelled to Copenhagen to meet her Danish counterpart Ms Helle Thorning-Schmidt. They spoke of bilateral relations between Denmark and Greenland: the reconciliation process, EU relations and energy issues. Aleqa Hammond said she was pleased with the smooth running of the talks with Ms Thorning-Schmidt notably regarding the reconciliation process and the acknowledgement of Greenland's responsibility in terms of raw materials. Denmark promised the autonomous territory of Denmark the signature of an agreement by the end of the year enabling the extraction of uranium ore from the Arctic island. "I believe that we shall establish a cooperation agreement in the second half of 2014," declared Helle Thorning-Schmidt.

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The CNIL fines Google 150,000€

12 January 2014

On 8th January 2014 the "Commission Nationale de l'informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) published a press release declaring that Google Inc. had been fined 150,000€ on 3rd January 2014. The CNIL deems that confidentiality rules set in place since the merger of around 60 Google Services in March 2012 are not in line with the "Informatique and Libertés" law. In addition to the fine of 150,000€ the CNIL has invited Google to publish a press release on this decision on its home page. The French conclusions are similar to those made previously by the Spanish and Dutch.

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Strasbourg, European Capital

12 January 2014

The upkeep of Strasbourg as the seat of the European Parliament was defended by German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble on 9th January 2014. In answer to the invitation by Fabienne Keller, Senator of the Lower Rhine he declared, "There are other metropoles, but the European capital of our hearts is still Strasbourg," declared Mr Schäuble in a speech that he delivered in French. We must "constantly remind MEPs of Strasbourg's importance. Europe can only function if it has several centres," added the Minister. "No town means as much emotionally in terms of European unification, and it would be a mistake to give it up," he continued.

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Opening ceremony of the Greek Presidency

12 January 2014

The Greek President of the Council of the European Union was inaugurated on 8th January 2014. Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras deemed "that the Greek presidency was a chance to show that the future would not be defined by the crisis, but by the lessons to be drawn from it." Greece's priorities focus on the return of growth, the fight to counter youth unemployment, support to investments, improvement in access to business financing, the consolidation of banking union, the deepening of economic and monetary union as well as a particular interest being paid to mobility. Maritime and energy issues will also be one of the specific themes of this presidency marked by the European elections that will take place from 22nd to 25th May 2014.

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Fiat purchases Chrysler

12 January 2014

The new group to be born of the merger of two car manufacturers Fiat and Chrysler will have a "new name" and might be floated on the exchange in New York or Hong Kong declared its CEO Sergio Marchionne to La Repubblica on 10th January 2014. "Then we shall go where the money is," indicated the executive in his first interview since the announcement on 1st January of new 100% input by Fiat in Chrysler's capital totalling 4.35 billion dollars. Until now Fiat held 58.5% of Chrysler. The merger will give rise to the 7th biggest car group in the world.

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Children will be able to take either the name of their father or their mother

13 January 2014

The Italian government adopted a draft bill on 10th January enabling children to have the family name of either their father or their mother - whilst to date only that of the father was accepted. "The Council of Ministers has taken a decision: to make it possible to attribute the maternal family name if agreement has been reached between the parents," commented the Deputy Employment Minister Cecilia Guerra who is responsible for family issues. The draft bill still has to be adopted by both chambers of Parliament but in view of the almost unanimous agreement on this issue no one doubts the outcome although the process may take several months.

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Woman Prime Minister in Latvia

12 January 2014

On January 6th 2014 Latvian President Andris Berzins asked Laimdota Straujuma, a 62 year-old economist and Agriculture Minister since 2011, to form a new coalition government. Once confirmed Ms Straujuma will become the first women head of government in Latvia. The latter has a population of two million inhabitants, has been an EU member since 2004 and a euro zone member since January 1st. "I decided to ask Laimdota Straujuma to start the process of establishing a new cabinet," declared Mr Berzins. Ms Straujuma is due to lead this government until the elections planned for October 2014.

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Latvia joins the euro zone

13 January 2014

On January 1st 2014 Latvia entered the euro zone; it is the 18th State to join. The European Commission indicated on 6th January 2014 that after only four days into using the euro two thirds of cash payments in shops had been exclusively made in euros. Moreover nearly all clients (95%) received change in euros. On 10th January the Presidents of the European Council Herman van Rompuy and the European Commission José Manuel Barroso travelled to Riga to see in Latvia's entry into the euro zone.

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Czech Republic

Bohuslav Sobotka, future Czech Prime Minister

12 January 2014

Czech President Milos Zeman announced on 10th January 2014 that he will appoint Bohuslav Sobotka, the Social Democratic leader (CSSD) Prime Minister on 17th January. During a meeting on 10th January 2014 Mr Sobotka presented the head of State with the coalition agreement signed by three parties (CSSD, ANO, KDU-CSL) which will form the next government. According to the coalition agreement established on 6th January the future government will include 8 Social Democrats from the CSSD, 6 members of the populist party, ANO and three Christian-Democrats (KDU-CSL). This coalition has the support of 111 MPs (out of 200) in the Lower Chamber of Parliament.

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Debate continues in Parliament about the referendum on the EU

13 January 2014

On 10th January the House of Lords discussed the draft bill drawn up by a Conservative MP and defended by Conservative Lord Dobbs, a member of British Prime Minister David Cameron's party, on the organisation of a referendum on the EU in 2017. Although the draft bill was passed in the opening session of debate it is facing the resolute opposition of Labour which intends to make amendments in order to extend the procedure; if the draft is not adopted by the House of Lords before the end of the working session Prime Minister Cameron will have to put it forward in the next session. This referendum is to decide on whether the UK will remain an EU Member State or not.

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Another step back from Europe by the UK?

13 January 2014

95 British Conservative MPs have asked Prime Minister David Cameron for the House of Commons to be able to place its veto on any existing and future European legislation reported the Daily Telegraph on 10th January. At present the British Parliament has no automatic right to veto European laws and the Prime Minister can only use his veto on extremely sensitive issues such as defence and the EU budget. Moreover the British Employment Minister Iain Duncan Smith said on 12th January in the Sunday Times that immigrants from the EU, living in the UK should wait two years and not three months before being eligible for social benefits.

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European tour by the American Treasury Secretary

12 January 2014

On 7th and 8th January 2014 Jack Lew the American Treasury Secretary went on a tour of Europe during which he met several French, German and Portuguese officials. The aim was to discuss policies that aim to support world growth and to promote financial stability. Negotiations on the EU/US free trade agreement were also on the agenda. Mr Lew travelled to Paris on 7th January to meet French President François Hollande as well as Economy and Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici. On 8th January Jack Lew was Wolfgang Schäuble's guest in Berlin. On 8th January he met his Portuguese counterpart in Lisbon, Maria Luis Albuquerque.

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Kyiv: further demonstrations after the attack against Lutsenko

13 January 2014

On 12th January 2014 a pro-European demonstration took place in Maidan against the attack suffered by former Interior Minister Yuri Lutsenko on 10th January. On 9th January the Ukrainian oil company, Naftogaz and Russian Gazprom signed an agreement to reduce the price of gas that Kyiv buys from Moscow. According to the agreement in the first quarter of 2014 Russia will reduce the price paid by Ukraine by one quarter. The agreement also plans for a quarterly revision of the gas price between the two countries. Opponent Vitali Klitschko said that after the Orthodox Christmas celebrated on 7th December 2014 he was expecting a further wave of demonstrations. He also stressed that he intended to prepare a "general strike across the country."

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EADS becomes "Airbus Group"

12 January 2014

The aeronautics giant EADS merged its military and space activities on 1st January rebranding as "Airbus Group", which is the next stage in the metamorphosis of this European industrial champion. By rallying together its activities under one strong brand, Airbus Group has also renamed two of this three divisions. From now on the Group includes: Airbus, which concentrates on commercial aircraft activities; Airbus Defence and Space, integrating the Group's defence and space activities from Cassidian, Astrium, and Airbus Military; and Airbus Helicopters comprising all commercial and military helicopter activities.

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Decrease in euro zone inflation rate in December

12 January 2014

According to figures published on 7th January 2014 by Eurostat, the euro zone's annual inflation rate was estimated at 0.8% in December 2013 which is down in comparison with November when it lay at 0.9%. This decline has rekindled fears of deflation in the euro zone. As a comparison in December 2012 inflation lay at 2.2%.

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Unemployment at 12.1% in the euro zone and 10.9% in the EU

12 January 2014

On 8th January 2014 Eurostat indicated that unemployment lay at 12.1% in the euro zone and 10.9% in the EU in November 2013. This represents 26,553 million men and women in the EU including 19.241 million in the euro zone. The most vulnerable countries are Spain and Greece with 26.7% and 27.4% unemployed respectively. The countries with the lowest rates are Austria (4.8%), Germany (5.2%) and Luxembourg (6.1%).

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Higher growth in the manufacturing sector in the euro zone

12 January 2014

Manufacturing in the euro zone registered its highest level of growth in two and a half years in December - a sign that recovery is gathering pace in spite of concern in France. The Purchasing Managers' Index lay at 52.7 against 51.6 in November according to a second estimate published on 2nd January by the consultancy Markit. It was at its highest rate in over 31 months.

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Publication of the EU's mobility scoreboard

12 January 2014

On 10th January 2014 the European Commission published the first "mobility scoreboard" for the EU which indicates that Germany, Belgium, Spain, France and Italy have the best public support systems to promote study and training opportunities abroad. However Bulgaria, Greece, Slovenia and Cyprus have the least developed information and advisory systems in the EU. Moreover the study stresses that Germany, Belgium and Spain invest a great deal in monitoring the use of European instruments that enable students to have the studies they have undertaken abroad recognised by using the ECTS system (European Credit Transfer System), whilst other Member States pay less attention to this system.

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Practical Guide to "the Definition of Habitual Residence"

13 January 2014

The European Commission published a practical guide on how to "define habitual residence" on 13th January 2014 to help Member States apply the EU's rules on social security coordination correctly regarding citizens who have left to live in another Member State. The new guide provides explanations about the criteria for "habitual residence" applied in the EU and facilitates its practical application by authorities in the Member States.

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The Franco-German Model: the key to perpetual peace?

12 January 2014

Septentrion publishing recently released a book entitled "Le modèle franco-allemand: les clés d'une paix perpetuelle? Analyse des mécanismes de coopération". The authors of the book look into the reasons for the peaceful development of Franco-German relations since 1945 and try to see whether common experience can be considered systematically in settling relations between countries. The authors of this book notably show that a key element to the Franco-German friendship is the supra-national framework which obliges them to come to political compromise.

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Public Deficits: Democracy in Danger

13 January 2014

Alain Lambert, former Budget Minister and member of the Foundation's scientific committee, recently published a book with Armand Colin entitled "Déficits publics: la démocratie en danger." This book, which is rather alarming, warns the population against the excessive burden of public deficits. This is endangering democracy and causing a loss of freedom of action to both France and its population. In the face of these pessimistic observations the author sets out a list of some real proposals.

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Painters of the Provence landscape from 1850 to 1920

13 January 2014

The Atelier Grognard of Rueil-Malmaison is hosting 74 works in the collection belonging to the Foundation 'Regards de Provence' until 17th March 2014 as part of its exhibition "The Painters of the Provence Landscape 1850 to 1920". The exhibition provides visitors with an opportunity to see the Provence landscape via several generations of regional and Parisian painters like Signac, Ziem, Friez, Lombard, Olive, Loubon, Camoin and Marquet.

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Les Klee du Paradis

13 January 2014

The Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin is running an exhibition entitled "Les Klee du Paradis" showing the works of Paul Klee (1879-1940) from the Scharf-Gerstenberg, Heinz Berggruen collections as well as his own. The exhibition pays tribute to the art collector Heinz Beggruen born in Berlin on 6th January 1914, a major admirer of Paul Klee and collector of his works.

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Riga and Umea: European Capitals of Culture 2014

12 January 2014

Riga (Latvia) and Umea (Sweden) are European Capitals of Culture 2014. The official start of their cultural programmes is set for 17th January for Latvia and 31st January for Umea announced the European Commission. Riga will launch its celebrations with events devoted to the Baltic's amber and to the effects of the First World War on culture. The launch in Umea 2014 will last the weekend of 31st January to 2nd February and will begin with the opening ceremony "Burning Snow" on Saturday. The main events will take place on the river Umeälven and on the banks of the latter with a light, music, singing and movement festival.

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Castelangelo Museum and the "divinization" of the Roman Emperors

13 January 2014

The national museum Castelangelo in Rome, former mausoleum of Emperor Hadrian, is running an exhibition until 27th April devoted to the funerary cult of the Roman emperors. The exhibition aims to give value to the historic role played by the mausoleum using its architectural base. It especially aims to explain the religious roots of the divinization of the emperors based on funerary rituals of ancient Greece and the celebration of heroes like Aeneaus and Romulus the founder of "eternal life".

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les 13th-16th January

Plenary Session of the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

20th January

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

les 22nd-24th January

International Conference on Syria (Geneva-2) (Montreux)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Charles de Marcilly ,Antonello Cadinu, Raphaël Frison, Victoria de Posson, Anouk Richard

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

ECB/10€ Note; Latvia/Euro; EU/CAR; Airbus Group; Greece/EU Presidency


The Newsletter n°608- version of 13 janv. 2014