The Newsletter6059 déc. 2013

La Lettre

Philippe de Suremain

9 December 2013

The failure of negotiations with Europe at the Vilnius Summit has caused widespread demonstrations in Ukraine and in riposte brutal repression. The Robert Schuman Foundation has interviewed to former Ambassador of France to Ukraine during the Orange Revolution and member of the Foundation's Scientific Committee, Philippe de Suremain who played a vital role along with his colleagues in helping to maintain the peace. In this interview Philippe de Suremainn explains what the development of the situation over the next few days might be.

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Front page!

Download our new app "Fondation Robert Schuman"!

8 December 2013

The new app "Robert Schuman Foundation" is now available on Apple store and Google play. It replaces the existing app Euscope for those who are familiar with it. Where ever you are, follow European affairs in real time. Also see our most recent publications, events, opinion papers. You will also be able to access our information files. Subscribe it's free. The app will be available in English soon.

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Diversity Forum

9 December 2013

On 13th December 2013 the Diversity Forum will be taking place at the Espace des Blancs Manteaux in Paris, 14th arrondissement. This forum organised by "Connecting Women" under the aegis of Ms Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, the French Minister of Women's Rights is devoted to diversity. It will bring together 80 exhibitors (institutional, businesses, schools, universities, consultants and networks committed to diversity) to review action taken over the last year and to launch new projects for the year to come.

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Financial Crisis

British economic prospects revised upwards

7 December 2013

On 5th December 2013 the British Finance Minister, George Osborne gave his traditional "Autumn Speech" in which he gave details of the government's future economic policies. The Chancellor of the Exchequer explained that work had to continue to reduce the British deficit helping those who worked hard by supporting growth and the creation of jobs and by encouraging young people. He gave very optimistic growth forecasts. Indeed growth is due to lie at 1.4% in 2013 ie 0.8% more than planned in the March 2013 budget. Moreover growth is due to lie at around 2.4% in 2014 in comparison with a previous 1.8%.

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France: unemployment increases by 0.1 points in the third quarter 2013

7 December 2013

According to figures published by INSEE on 5th December 2013 unemployment increased by 0.1 points in the third quarter in mainland France after stabilisation in the second quarter. It now totals 10.5% of the mainland population (10.9% with overseas territories included). Over one year the rate has increased by 0.6 points. Concerning young people, unemployment remained stable in the third quarter at 24.5%. It peaked in 2012 at 25.5%. However concerning older workers the situation has worsened: 8% of them were out of work in the third quarter (+0.5 points in three months and 1.1 points over one year).

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The Romanian Parliament approves the 2014 budget

8 December 2013

On 4th December 2013 the Romanian parliament approved the balance negotiated with the IMF. The budget was adopted 346 votes against 49 and 7 abstentions. Amongst the measures taken feature an increase in the gross minimum salary from 800 to 900 lei - an increase in young teachers' salaries and an alignment of pensions with inflation. The budget also includes investments in infrastructures notably regarding the completion of the Transylvanian motorway and culture. However the Romanian president Traian Basescu has threatened not to sign the bill because of the increase in fuel tax which might create difficulties for the country's economy.

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Ireland: final disbursement of international aid

8 December 2013

On 4th December 2013 the euro zone paid out the last tranche of aid which it owed to Ireland as part of the financial assistance plan of 85 billion euro which it was granted at the end of 2010 and which will be finalised at the end of the year. The sum paid was 2.27 billion euro out of a total 17 billion euro indicated the euro zone's support fund, the EFSF. This sum comes in addition to the bilateral loans granted to Ireland by the UK, Sweden and Denmark. The country will leave the EU/IMF aid programme on 15th December. It will become the first euro zone country benefiting from financial assistance to emerge from the aid system set in place by its partners and to recover its economic and financial independence.

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Cyprus launches a privatisation plan

8 December 2013

On 5th December 2013 the Cypriot Council of Ministers decided to introduce a privatisation plan of several state businesses thereby enabling the leverage of 1.4 billion euro. This plan was the condition for the payment of the last tranche of aid in January 2014, set in place by the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank in March 2013, to a total of 185 million euros. According to the government's spokesperson, Christos Stylianides privatisations will only be effective in two year's time.

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ECB Economic Forecasts and upkeep of rates

7 December 2013

The ECB announced on 5th December 2013 that interest rates on main financing operations as well as the marginal loans facility and the savings facility would remain unchanged, at 0.25% 0,75% and 0%. In its quarterly macro-economic forecasts in December the ECB is now counting on growth of 1.1% in the euro zone's GDP in 2014, against a previous 1%. In 2015 growth is expected to total 1.5%. However in spite of the recovery started in the third quarter of this year, which should continue in the last quarter, the ECB president, Mario Draghi, believes that the euro zone's economy will contract by 0.4% in 2013. "Economic activity should benefit from a gradual improvement in exports" in 2014 and 2015 as well as an improvement in domestic demand "supported by a flexible monetary policy" explained Mr Draghi - but "unemployment will remain high" and the economy in many euro zone countries is still suffering from reform programmes and the consolidation of public finances.

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Croatian Parliament adopts the 2014 budget

9 December 2013

The Croatian parliament adopted the 2014 budget on 4th December with a 5.5% deficit forecast for the GDP (2.3 billion euro), based on the government's economic growth forecast of 1.3%. The government has planned 113.1 billion kuna's in spending (14.8 billion euros) in 2014 and revenues of 130.5 billion kuna (17.1 billion euro). The Croatian economy, which depends heavily on tourism, has been stagnating or has been in recession since 2009. After a contraction of 1.5% in the first quarter of 2013 and of 0.7% in the second, the Croatian economy contracted again by 0.6% in the third quarter year on year. Public debt totals nearly 60% of the GDP. With this bill the government decided to limit this debt to 62% of the GDP in 2014.

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Further decrease in Spanish unemployment in November 2013

9 December 2013

The number of people registered as unemployed in Spain decreased slightly in November, a month which is traditionally bad for employment, to 4.8 million, after rising for two months announced the Employment Ministry on 3rd December 2013. The fourth economy in the euro zone counted 2,475 unemployed less but the unemployment rate totalled 25.98% in the third quarter according to the national statistics institute (INE) which uses a different calculation method and is a reference index. "It is the first time that there has been a reduction in unemployment in November since the start of statistics collation in 1996" said the Employment Ministry in a press release.

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Greece: 2014 budget adopted

9 December 2013

Greek MPs adopted the draft 2014 budget on 7th December 2013 with 153 votes in support; it is marked by a reduction of 3.1 billion euros in spending to a backdrop of tense discussions with the country's creditors, announced the leader of Parliament. The finance bill is forecasting a slight rise in the GDP of +0.6% after six consecutive years of recession with a contraction of -4% forecast for this year.

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Growth picks up again in Portugal

9 December 2013

Growth has recovered in Portugal continuing for the third quarter with a slight rise of 0.2% in its GDP compared with the three previous months, confirmed the national statistics institute (INE). This announcement comes just at the right time as the troika returns to Lisbon, to start its work examining the country's accounts in view of granting a new tranche of credit of 2.7 billion euro. Rising in comparison with the three previous months the GDP did however contract by 1% in the third quarter in comparison with the same period one year ago.

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The Commission puts forward the means to prevent catastrophes with migrants in the Mediterranean

8 December 2013

On 4th December 2013 the European Commission put forward 38 proposals to prevent any further tragedies like the one that occurred in October off the coast of Lampedusa and in order to respond better to flows of migrants and asylum seekers. The Commission's plan notably aims to step up border surveillance "to help save lives". Europe should be able to come to the aid of those that need it by increasing its external border control operations and by strengthening its ability to detect boats in the Mediterranean. The patrols undertaken in the Mediterranean will have a common coordinated platform. This European network of patrols is due to concentrate its action on the main migratory routes between Cyprus and Spain and should improve early detection and intervention procedures, which will help save people in distress at sea. According to Frontex's estimate additional financial aid of 14 million euro per year would be necessary for the implementation of this new strategy.

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The EU fines eight banks 1.7 billion euro

8 December 2013

On 4th December 2013 the European Commission announced that it was setting a 1.7 billion euro fine on eight international financial establishments which took part in illegal cartels on the financial derivatives markets thereby manipulating the euro's reference rates (Euribor) and those of the yen (Libor). Barclays, Deutsche Bank, RBS and Société Générale took part in a cartel on financial derivatives of interest rates issued in euros; whilst the UBS, RBS, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, JPMorgan and RP Martin took part in one or several bilateral cartels focusing on derivatives and interest rates issued in yen. Never before has the European Commission imposed fines as high as this in the event of cartels and abuse of dominant position stressed the Commissioner responsible for Competition, Joaquin Almunia. "Our decision has a dual goal: punish or dissuade" he explained. Brussels "wants to be sure that financial establishments work for the real economy and not in the interest of the few," he insisted.

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Proposal for traineeship guidelines

8 December 2013

On 4th December 2013 the European Commission put forward guidelines to guarantee trainees the acquisition of quality professional experience in safe, fair conditions. The Commission is encouraging Member States to ensure that their legislation and practices respect European Directives. The proposals highlight the importance of training agreements which define the content of the apprenticeship and also the traineeship's conditions in the shape of duration, working hours and even payment.

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Strengthen employment and gender equality

8 December 2013

On 9th December the EU's Employment and Social Affairs Ministers agreed on the changes to bring to European regulation regarding seconded workers. Moreover they defined general guidelines to strengthen cooperation between public employment services. Ministers also reviewed the initiatives fostering youth employment and noted the progress reports on the directive to improve gender equality within the non-executive boards of companies on the stock exchange. Conclusions regarding the effectiveness of institutional mechanims encouraging women and gender equality were adopted. Ministers then exchanged points of view regarding issues linked to employment and social policies in the European Semester 2014. Finally ministers adopted recommendations on integration measures for the Roma within the Member States.

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Safer, quicker e-communications

7 December 2013

On 5th December 2013 the 28 Ministers responsible for telecommunications noted the work that aims to guarantee a high level of security on electronic communication networks. To this end they pointed to the progress made in the deployment of wide band electronic communication networks. As far as transport was concerned Ministers defined the general guidelines to develop a minimal infrastructure for substitute fuels. They noted the work attributing new missions to the European Railway Agency as well as proposals that update rules regarding air passenger rights. Finally they mandated the European Commission to start discussions in view of a global agreement on air transport services with Brazil.

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"The Schengen Area", Free Movement and Migration - the focus of discussions

7 December 2013

On 5th and 6th December 2013 the 28 Interior and Justice Ministers adopted conclusions regarding information processing in the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) as well as mass evacuation procedures in the event of catastrophes. They also agreed on a working programme to guarantee safety during sporting events. They took note of the communication on the free movement of people and migration in the Mediterranean as well as the report on the functioning of the Schengen Area. As part of the fight to counter terrorism ministers discussed European citizens' who were fighting in foreign wars. They mentioned personal data protection and the implementation of Schengen acquis measures in Bulgaria and Romania. They adopted the report on European citizenship and the assessment report by the fundamental rights agency.

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Joint Declaration by the Medef and the BDI: "Strengthening Economic and Monetary Union"

7 December 2013

On the occasion of the next European Council on 19th and 20th December the chairmen of the MEDEF in France (employers' union) Pierre Gattaz and of the German BDI (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie, Ulrich Grillo call for greater monetary and economic union in Europe to create a new sustainable growth rate. On 4th December 2013 the MEDEF and the BDI put three fundamental goals to their governments and the European institutions: guaranteeing budgetary consolidation and the coherent implementation of reform; guaranteeing the financing of the real economy by completing Economic and Monetary Union by a powerful banking union; refrain from any counterproductive measures especially any further corporate tax like the European tax on financial transactions.

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Peace and Security Summit in Africa

9 December 2013

On 6th and 7th December 2013 during the peace and security summit in Africa the French President and the UN Secretary General paid tribute to Nelson Mandela. Discussions focused on security at the very moment international action was launched in Central African Republic. The President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy recalled the links between the EU and Africa stating that "beyond extremely intense cooperation in all areas and of humanitarian aid development, we are present in Africa with 9 missions." The President of the Commission, José Manuel Barroso insisted on climate change and called on Europe and Africa "to convince the countries which emitted the most gases to make ambitious, binding commitments in terms of reducing greenhouse gases."

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Enrico Letta and Donald Tusk advocate the revival of industry in Europe

9 December 2013

On 5th December 2013 the President of the Italian Council Enrico Letta met Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in Warsaw. During their meeting both men exchanged views on aerospace research and energy. They notably came to agreement for the participation of Italian businesses in the construction of a gas terminal in Swinoujscie. Discussions also focused on European policy and in particular on the need to revive the industrial sector. They stressed the importance during the next European Council for an agreement on the project for banking union in order to prevent economic crises.

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The Italian Constitutional Court invalidates the electoral law

9 December 2013

The Italian electoral law was deemed partially unconstitutional on 4th December 2013 by the Constitutional Court which gave its decision against the majority bonus that the party which comes out ahead receives thereby granting it a greater number of seats in proportion to the votes won. It also banned "blocked lists" which force the voter to choose an entire list, without being able to express a preference. The electoral law dates back to 2005 and was criticised when it was adopted. On accepting to be re-elected as President of the Republic in April last Giorgio Napolitano demanded that MPs looked into a new electoral law. This was also a commitment of Enrico Letta's government coalition.

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New Luxembourg Government

7 December 2013

The new Luxembourg government which comprises the Democratic Party (DP), the Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party (LSAP) and the Greens (Dei Greng) was sworn in before the Grand Duke on 4th December 2013. Led by Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister, the government comprises the Deputy Prime Minister, 13 ministers, of whom four are women, and three Secretaries of State. After 183 hours of negotiations, the three parties signed a coalition agreement just a few days earlier. On 5th December 2013 the first Council of Ministers took place.

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Pension Reform

9 December 2013

The Diet, the Polish lower chamber of parliament, adopted a reform of the pension system on 6th December 2013 notably planning for the transfer of some of the private assets over to a public fund. The government believes that this reform will enable an 8 point reduction in the public debt which totals 55% of the GDP. The pensions system in force in Poland is presently based on two obligatory pillars - the first being the state fund ZUS, that pays the pension in Poland and whose debt is endemic and a second private pillar, the OFE. The bill put forward by government and approved by the MPs in the coalition in office plans for Treasury bonds or ones which are guaranteed by the Treasury - held until now by the OFE - ie 51.5% of all of its assets, are to be transferred over to the ZUS.

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London announces that it wants to sell its 40% share in Eurostar

8 December 2013

On 4th December 2013 the British government announced the sale of its 40% share in Eurostar, the high speed train linking London, Paris and Brussels. The UK hopes to recover hundreds of millions of pounds from the sale of its shares in the railway service provider, achieved as part of a privatisation operation. The Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Danny Alexander unveiled a new national infrastructure plan which will define the means of privatising £20 billion financial and social assets over the next six years. In all this vast plan should help the British government to make £375 billion in public and private investments by 2030.

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Protests continue in Ukraine

9 December 2013

The protests which have continued in Ukraine have been unprecedented since the Orange Revolution of 2004. They continued to grow over the weekend. After the Ukrainian president agreed to the organisation of a round table with the opposition on 9th December 2013 the Ukrainian special forces started to dismantle demonstrators' barricades. According to the Kyiv Post the HQ of Ms Yulia Tymoshenko's party was attacked by the special forces. On 8th December 2013 hundreds of thousands of pro-European opponents demanded the departure of President Viktor Yanukovich accused of "selling" Ukraine to Russia. Demonstrators even toppled a statue of the Russian 1917 revolution, Vladimir Lenin. For his part boxer Vitaly Klichko has called for a general strike. On 5th December 2013 in a message read by her daughter Yevguenia in Independence Square, former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko called for demonstrators to overthrow the regime led by Mr Yanukovych, comparing him to Joseph Stalin. Just as the OSCE Summit was taking place on 5th and 6th December in Kyiv, American and European leaders provided their support to the demonstrators who chanted "Ukraine is Europe!" The day before, on 4th December the head of German diplomacy Guido Westerwelle travelled to Independence Square to provide his support to demonstrators. In a joint letter three former Ukrainian presidents Leonid Kravchuk, Leonid Kuchma and Viktor Yushchenko also expressed their "solidarity with the peaceful action of hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainians.

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Conclusions of the OSCE Summit

9 December 2013

On 5th and 6th December 2013 the Foreign Ministers of the OSCE's Member States met for the 20th Ministerial Council in Kyiv. They agreed on a commitment to manage long term conflicts, on paying greater attention to energy and environment, on stepping up work to manage international threats, on agreements involving the human dimension of the freedom of religion and the reassertion of the Helsinki +40 process regarding the OSCE's future commitments.

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The UN authorises intervention in Central African Republic

7 December 2013

On 5th December 2013 the UN Security Council gave France a mandate to intervene in the Central African Republic (CAR) in order to re-establish security and stability in support of the pan-African forces. The UN authorises French soldiers to "take all necessary measures to support the AFISM (the African army in CAR) to complete its mandate." The European Union will support the French and African missions financially. The French president, François Holland declared that "It was expected of France to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe." The French army is due to triple in size and rise to a total of 1200 men. The UK decided to provide its assistance to the French army. The EU is providing financial aid to AFISM.

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The OECD publishes the PISA report results

9 December 2013

On 3rd December 2013 the OECD published the results of the PISA survey which assesses the knowledge and competence of 15 year olds in 65 countries in the world. The OECD states that Asia comes out ahead in the ranking notably in mathematics, a major variable in the survey. Understanding of written material and knowledge in science are also assessed. France lies within the average but has deteriorated slightly in terms of its performance in previous years. Moreover the organisation indicates a greater correlation between socio-economic milieu and performance in France than in other countries.

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Agreement in Bali during the 9th WTO ministerial conference

7 December 2013

Ministers who met in Bali, Indonesia as part of the 9th World Trade Organisation round welcomed the agreement that was reached in the night of 6th to 7th December 2013. The implementation of this agreement estimates the wealth created by the "Bali Package" at 1000 billion dollars. The Bali Package comprises three parts: agriculture (with a commitment to reduce export subsidies), development aid (involving increased exemption of customs duties on products from the least developed countries) and the "facilitation of trade" which aims to reduce red tape on borders.

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Relations with Afghanistan and Russia

8 December 2013

On 3rd and 4th December 2013 NATO Foreign Ministers announced that the Alliance would work with the Afghan authorities. The aim is to introduce a vital legal framework for the deployment of the training, advisory and assistance mission of the Afghan Security Forces which NATO will lead after 2014. They also congratulated the Afghan authorities on the preparations made in view of the presidential election and the election of provincial councillors that will take place next year. Moreover during the NATO-Russia Council, the ministers and their Russian counterpart Serguey Lavrov launched a joint fund that aims to liquidate obsolete and dangerous munitions in the region of Kaliningrad, Russia. The leaders aim to offer a safer environment to citizens living near arsenals by reforming former military sites for civilian use.

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Growth of 0.1% in the 3rd quarter in the euro zone

8 December 2013

Growth slowed in the third quarter in the euro zone with a GDP increase of 0.1% after progress of 0.3% in the second quarter said the European Statistics Office, Eurostat on 4th December 2013. The development of the GDP is linked in the third quarter to low household consumption which recorded poor results of 0.1% after 0.2% in the previous quarter. Investments however gathered pace with growth of 0.4% after 0.2% in the second quarter. Exports slowed over the July-September period with growth of 0.2% after 2.1%. Imports increased by 1% in the euro zone after 1.6%. Latvia will makes its entry into the euro zone in January showing the highest growth rate of the 28 EU Member States (1.2%). Contractions were also recorded in Cyprus (-0.8%) as well as in France and Italy (-0.1%). Across the EU growth slowed to 0.2% after a rise of 0.4% in the previous quarter.

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The EU records a trade surplus in the current account of 35.6 billion euro

7 December 2013

According to figures published by Eurostat on 6th December 2013 the EU's current operations account recorded a surplus of 35.6 billion euro (1.1% of the GDP) in the third quarter of 2013, in comparison with a surplus of 30.3 billion (0.9% of the GDP) in the third quarter of 2012. In the third quarter of 2013 in comparison with the third quarter of 2012, the goods account balance rose from being in deficit to surplus (+1.4 billion euro in comparison with -6.8 billion), whilst the current transfers account deficit contracted (-16.6 billion in comparison with -18.5 billion). The services account surplus (+39.6 billion in comparison with +43 billion) as well as the income account (+11.2 billion in comparison +12.6 billion) contracted.

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124.5 million people in danger of poverty and social exclusion

8 December 2013

On 5th December 2013 Eurostat indicated that in 2012 24.8% of the population ie 124.5 million people were in danger of poverty and social exclusion, in comparison with 24.3% in 2011 and 23.7% in 2008. Countries with the highest shares of vulnerable populations in 2012 were Bulgaria (49%), Romania (42%), Latvia (37%) and Greece (35%). The lowest shares recorded were in Sweden and Luxembourg (18% each), Finland (17%), Netherlands and the Czech Republic (15% each).

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Corruption in the world in 2013

9 December 2013

Denmark and New Zealand share the top places in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2013 published on 3rd December 2013 by the NGO Transparency International. Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia form the tail end of the ranking with a mark of 8 only. More than two thirds of the 177 countries studied as part of the 2013 index had a mark below 50, on a scale ranging from 0 (countries seen as being extremely corrupt) to 100 (countries seen as not being very corrupt). This year the UK is ranked 14th with a score of 76. In Europe France follows Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries. Spain has fallen from 30 to 40th place. Greece has improved its position rising from 94th to 80th.

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"Concurrence fiscale en Europe : la relance des hostilités"

8 December 2013

Olivier Passet, Director of Economic Reporting for Xerfi, an private economic research institute whose aim it is to provide unbiased information to leaders and to help them in their decision making recently published a report entitled:"Concurrence fiscale en Europe : la relance des hostilités". In this paper the author analyses fiscal devaluation in Europe as a means to compete with one's neighbour. He shows that just as France is "making a complete overhaul of its tax regime", it has to take on board the context of European tax competition. Finally he calls on the EU Member States to introduce tax harmonisation to avoid distortions in competition.

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L'industrie de la France décomplexée (French industry: no complexes)

9 December 2013

The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani signed an article in the book by Max Blanchet entitled "L'industrie France Décomplexée - Choisir nos batailles et créer un modèle industriel à la française" by Lignes de repères. Amongst the 10 battles put forward to bring France out of the crisis, Jean-Dominique Giuliani proposes an economic approach to politics conciliating reciprocity and dogma free competitiveness and the creation of conditions for economic transparency and the need for economic logic!

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"Political Union: Legitimacy and Efficiency to overcome the Crisis"

8 December 2013

In the December issue of the review "European View" published by Springer publishing, the Robert Schuman Foundation's Studies Director, Thierry Chopin has signed an article entitled " Political Union: Legitimacy and Efficiency to overcome the Crisis". The author offers a certain number of practical suggestions for the introduction of true European political leadership.

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"Sigmar Polke" at the Grenoble Museum

8 December 2013

Twelve years after the last exhibition in France devoted to German artist Sigmar Polke and three years after his death aged 69, the Museum of Grenoble is showing a major series of works by the artist undertaken at the beginning of the 1980's and the mid-2000's. Sigmar Polke (1941-2000) is one of the most important painters of the second half of the 20th century. Bringing together nearly 70 paintings and about fifty pieces of work on paper the exhibition is organised according to a time line. It is running until 2nd February 2014.

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Rome: Modigliani and the "Accursed Artists"

8 December 2013

Until 6th April 2013 the Cipolla Palace in Rome is running an exhibition devoted to the works of Modigliani and other "Accursed Artists". These paintings are part of the Jonas Netter collection which, thanks to the help of a Polish businessman, was able to purchase several works by Modigliani, Sutine, Utrillo along with many others who were active in Montparnasse at the beginning of the 20th century. The exhibition, which includes 120 paintings, has come to Rome after having been on show at the Pinacothèque in Paris and at the Royal Palace in Milan.

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Launch of the End-of-the-Century Museum in Brussels

9 December 2013

On 6th December 2013 Brussels opened its "End-of-the-Century" museum bringing together Belgian works of art of the 1990's. Belgian art has suffered "invisibility" for too long: this museum aims to reveal the effervescence of this period which emerged in several artistic areas. This museum stands out because of its multi-displinary nature having enjoyed the cooperation of several Belgian cultural centres.

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Launch of the season at the Scala Milan

9 December 2013

On 7th December 2013 the theatre "La Scala" in Milan launched the 2013/2014 season with the Italian President, Giorgio Napolitano in attendance. The theatre decided to present the lyrical work of Giuseppe Verdi, "La Traviata" until 3rd January 2014, paying tribute to the Italian composer on the 200th anniversary of his birth. During the season three concerts will be devoted to Richard Strauss on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth.

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The Turner Prize 2013 given to a French Videographer

9 December 2013

On 3rd December 2013 the Turner Prize 2013 was awarded to Laure Prouvost, a 35 year-old French videographer. She is the first French artist to win the prize, the most prestigious of awards given to a modern artist. The prize was given to her in Derry, Northern Ireland where the exhibition rallying all candidates is taking place until 5th January. The London museum, Tate Britain organised this prize outside of England for the first time since 1984.

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European Cinema Prize

9 December 2013

"The Great Beauty" by Paolo Sorrentino was designated as the best European film of the year during the 26th prize giving ceremony for European cinema organised on 7th December 2013 in Berlin. This film seems to be the evening's "grand winner", taking three prizes at the same time: Italian Paolo Sorrentino has therefore been compensated for being the best European film director, main actor, Toni Servillo, best actor and the film also won the prize for the Best Editor.

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9th and 10th December

Eurogroup Meeting (Brussels)

9th to 12th December

Plenary Session at the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

9th and 10th December

Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer Council (Brussels)

10th December

Economy-Finance Council (Brussels)

10th December

Nobel Prize Award Ceremony (Stockholm)

12th December

"Transport, Telecommunications and Energy" Council and "Foreign Affairs" Council (Brussels)

13th December

"Environment Council" (Brussels)

16th and 17th December

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Council (Brussels)

16th December

"Foreign Affairs" Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Charles de Marcilly ,Antonello Cadinu, Victoria de Posson, Anouk Richard

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Ukraine/Demonstrations; Intervention/Central African Republic; Schengen/Immigrat...


The Newsletter n°605- version of 9 déc. 2013