The Newsletter60218 nov. 2013

La Lettre

18 November 2013

After the catastrophes of Lampedus and Malta the EU has been accused of not helping migrants in distress in the Mediterranean Sea. What kind of instruments does the Union have to address these situations, and what kind of guidelines are emerging after the European Council of October 2013?

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Front page!

Download our new app "Robert Schuman Foundation"!

17 November 2013

Our new app "Robert Schuman Foundation" is now available on Apple store and Google play. It replaces the existing app Euscope for those who are familiar with it. Where ever you are, follow European affairs in real time. Also see our most recent publications, events, opinion papers. You will also be able to access our information files, a special thumbnail on Robert Schuman and our bookshop.

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Franco-German outlook for the EU

17 November 2013

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Robert Schuman Foundation the Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a conference with the General Council of Moselle on the "Franco-German outlook for the EU" on 21st November 2013 in Scy-Chazelles. Doris Pack and Nathalie Griesbeck, MEPs, as well as Bernard de Montferrand, former Ambassador for France in Germany and Ronja Kempin, Research Director at SWP will be taking part in the debate. To enrol please contact:

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Special Programme for the 50 years of the Elysée Treaty

17 November 2013

On 20th November 2013 the ILERI (Institut d''Etude des Relations Internationales) is organising an evening-debate at the Goethe Institute during which the programme "Karambolage", specially designed for the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty will be broadcast. During the show Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation will be debating alongside Henri Nallet, Chairman of the Jean Jaurès Foundation. The evening will be moderated by Hélène Miard-Delacroix. It is free but highly advisable to enrol.

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Europe: Weak Power

17 November 2013

In an editorial published on his site Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation says that "Europe has been built on powering sharing. But this has produced weak power since Member States hesitate to delegate - they have not built up real democratic control over the Union's joint institutions and have illustrated their extreme timidity." He believes that "in 2014 all of the European institutions will be renewed. Governments have an opportunity to choose leading personalities for the highest European positions in the Commission - Parliament - European Council and European Affairs, who are capable of leadership, ie of taking risks for the interest of all, even if this is to their own detriment."

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Financial Crisis

France: the GDP declines by 0.1% in the 3rd quarter 2013

17 November 2013

According to figures published on 14th November 2013 by INSEE the GDP contracted in the third quarter of 2013. It contracted by 0.1% after recovery of 0.5% in the second quarter. Household consumption slowed (0.2% after 0.4%). Moreover the gross formation of fixed capital dropped again (-0.6% after -0.4%). In all final domestic demand is slowing.

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Portugal confirms that it is emerging from recession

17 November 2013

Portugal confirmed that it is emerging from recession in the third quarter recording a slight rise in its GDP (0.2%) said the National Statistics Office (INE) on 14th November 2013. Although the GDP has risen in comparison with the three previous months it has contracted however by 1% over one year. In the second quarter the Portuguese economy grew by 1.1% - this increase was the first after two and half years of recession. Growth in the third quarter is notably due to a "lesser contraction in household consumption" explains the institute in its press release. A rise in exports is a second positive factor that has encouraged growth. Exports grew by 5.8% in the third quarter.

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UK - Reduction in Unemployment

17 November 2013

On 13th November 2013 after the publication of unemployment figures for the months dating July to September 2013 by the Office for National Statistics the Bank of England (BoE) said that the decline of unemployment had been faster than expected. Unemployment in July to September 2013 lay at 7.6% against 7.8% in the previous quarter. Hence the target of 7%, the point when the BoE might be able to undertake monetary tightening would be reached by 2015. During a press conference following the publication of the BoE's quarterly report on British economic perspectives Governor Mark Carney recalled that the 7% threshold would be the trigger for a possible increase in BoE interest rates.

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Italy still in recession in the third quarter of 2013

17 November 2013

According to data published by the Italian Statistics Institute (Istat) on 14th November 2013 the GDP contracted by 0.1% in the third quarter of 2013 in comparison with the previous quarter and by 1.9% in comparison with the third quarter of 2012. According to Istat the GDP contraction is linked to a reduction in value added in the agricultural sector and services.

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Greece: rising unemployment in August 2013 and GDP contraction in 3rd quarter of 2013

17 November 2013

According to figures published on 14th November 2013 by the Greek Statistics Institute (Elstat) in August 2013 unemployment lay at 27.3% in comparison with 25.5% in August 2012 but it remained stable in comparison with July 2013. As far as the GDP is concerned the Institute points to a contraction in the third quarter 2013 totalling 3% in comparison with the same period in 2012.

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IMF Conclusions on Bulgaria

17 November 2013

On 14th November 2013 the IMF published the conclusions of the mission responsible for assessing the economic and financial health of Bulgaria. This document recalls that the country is experiencing extremely low growth which is linked to unstable domestic demand. According to the IMF growth should increase slightly in 2014 but several risks still have to be taken into account. Hence the financial institution is inviting the country to keep up economic stability with a budget consolidation policy to encourage growth and to reduce poverty.

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Slovenian MPs approve the 2014 budget

17 November 2013

On 15th November 2013 Slovenian MPs approved the 2014 budget 50 votes in support, 31 against. Slovenian Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek won the confidence of Parliament which granted her support to introduce an austerity budget. This budget should enable Slovenia to help its banking system recover without external aid.

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Spain and Ireland's exit from the adjustment programmes

17 November 2013

On 14th November 2013 the 17 Economy and Finance Ministers of the euro zone welcomed Spain and Ireland's exit of the adjustment programmes. Even though several challenges continue from a fiscal, banking and structural point of view Ireland is experiencing economic recovery, a return of market confidence and a reduction in unemployment. In Spain the banks are stronger and more resilient, supervision and regulation have been enhanced, growth is progressing and macro-economic imbalances are decreasing. Moreover ministers stressed that the programme in Cyprus was on the right path and that Greece still has several challenges to overcome to recover sustainable growth. Finally discussions addressed banking union, autumn forecasts and the Union's macro-economic imbalances.

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Enhancing the EU's role in international accounting standards

17 November 2013

On 12th November 2013 Philippe Maystadt, Special Advisor to Commissioner Michel Barnier presented his recommendations so that the EU can enhance its role in international accounting standardisation. The report suggests the creation of a European agency and the re-organisation of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group so that it provides a strategic analysis of the economic impact of standards but also by forming a board whose members would be from public institutions as well as from the European Central Bank (ECB). Moreover Philippe Maystadt encourages the EU to adapt to standardisation requirements instead of just authorising or rejecting international financial reporting standards (IFRS).

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Reduction in macro-economic imbalances

17 November 2013

On 13th November 2013 the European Commission published its third report on the macro-economic imbalances alert mechanism in the 28 Member States. The report stresses that several Member States have, via structural reform and market pressure, reduced their deficit and improved their cost-competitiveness. Moreover imbalances between States are declining and are contributing towards economic recovery. Economic conditions are returning to normal which reduces macro-economic risks associated with imbalances. The Commission launched an in-depth inquiry into three States' surplus (Germany, Netherlands and Luxembourg) and into 13 States' deficit (Spain, Slovenia, France, Italy, Hungary, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Malta, Finland, Sweden, UK and Croatia).

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Increase in state aid to audiovisual work

17 November 2013

On 14th November 2013 the European Commission adopted a revised version of its examination criteria in terms of state aid granted to films and other audiovisual work. In its communication the Commission extends the range of cultural activities that can benefit from State aid and stresses States' room to manoeuvre as far as their definition of cultural activities is concerned. Moreover the Commission is planning for the possibility of granting more aid to cross-border productions. Finally cinematographic heritage is highlighted since it enables the gathering, protection and availability of European films.

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Opinion on the euro zone States' budgets

17 November 2013

On 15th November 2013 the European Commission published its opinions on the draft budgets of 13 euro zone States (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain). Regarding the euro zone it believes that consolidation work has been productive since public debt is due to stabilise and that the average nominal budgetary balance should be brought under 3% of the GDP. However the States must continue to consolidate their finances since all except for Estonia and Germany have not achieved their goals and they must continue with their structural reforms in order to develop sustainable growth and health public finances. National budgetary frameworks have improved, however results are mitigated as far as fiscal, pensions and healthcare systems are concerned.

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EU-USA free trade: negotiators "have made progress"

17 November 2013

From 11th to 15th November 2013 during the second round of negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), both Europeans and Americans "made progress". This second round, which opened in July, "gives a chance to move forward in more depth both on issues of regulation and in specific sectors," stressed the delegation heads Dan Mullaney and Ignacio Garcia Bercero. Discussions covered a wide range of subjects, services, notably financial, raw materials, cosmetics, the acknowledgement of professional qualifications and energy.

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The Budgets Committee approves the 2014-2020 perspectives and the 2014 Budget

17 November 2013

On 14th November 2013 the European Parliament's Budgets Committee approved the multi-annual financial framework budget, 28 votes in support, five against for 2014-2020. This budget plans for 908 billion euro in credit payments and 960 in commitment payments, as well as the agreement achieved with the Council on the 2014 budget. The latter remedies the payment deficits for the ongoing budgetary year so that the first year of the MFF does not start in deficit. Moreover MPs adopted 33 votes in support, 2 against the modifying budget no. 9 which compensates Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Romania for flood damage. Finally MEPs ensured that the European Parliament's priorities like employment, research, innovation, border management and humanitarian aid were included in the 2014 budget.

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Hearing continues on American spying

18 November 2013

The Civil Liberties, Justice and Internal Affairs Committee at the European Parliament continues its hearings on massive surveillance of European citizens by the USA's National Security Agency (NSA). On 12th November 2013 during a ninth hearing Microsoft, Google and Facebook managers denied having given the NSA or any other government direct or free access to their servers. On 14th November 2013 the tenth hearing focused on the need to step up European technological and information system security as well as parliamentary control over secret services in Belgium and Denmark.

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Agreement on the "Omnibus II" Directive

17 November 2013

On 13th November 2013 the European Council and the Council came to agreement on the "Omnibus II" Directive which plans for the creation of a modern prudential solvency regime based on real risks as of January 1st 2016. This agreement makes the insurance sector safer since it enables, for example, long term guarantees. Moreover more flexible information obligations have been planned for SMEs. The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Agency (EIOPA) will be able to guarantee practical national prudential coherence and help towards the harmonised implementation of rules in terms of the supervision of insurance companies.

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Agreement on the ESM in bank resolution

17 November 2013

During the Economic/Finance Council on 15th November 2013 the 28 Ministers discussed the single resolution mechanism for banking union. They concluded an agreement which stipulates that the euro zone's European Stability Mechanism (ESM), could, as a last resort, help to recapitalise a bank in distress. For direct recapitalisation by the ESM the EU must come to an agreement over forcing losses on senior creditors and even major savers of the banks in question. This text is due to be adopted before the end of the year.

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Union for the Mediterranean: Transport Ministers Meeting

17 November 2013

On 14th November 2013 Transport Ministers of 43 countries taking part in the Union for the Mediterranean committed to the consolidation of their cooperation in terms of transport. The aim is to support regional transport integration which will strengthen economic exchange and create further economic opportunities in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Ministers also agreed on the priorities and guidelines of future reforms in terms of regulations; on the development of the Trans-Mediterranean Transport Network (TMN-T) and the upcoming connection to the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) as well as the organisation of the next conference which is due to take place before the end of 2015.

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Liberalisation of visas with Moldova

18 November 2013

On 15th November 2013 the President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy met Moldovan Prime Minister Iurie Leanca. Discussions focused on the construction of the gas pipeline Iaşi-Ungheni which will enable Moldova access to the European market - they also discussed the suppression of visa obligations for Moldovan citizens who want to enter the Union and who have a biometric passport.

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"General Affairs" Council Conclusions

18 November 2013

On 18th November 2013 the 28 Foreign Ministers looked into the Eastern Partnership reviewing the preparatory work for the Vilnius Summit which will take place on 28th-29th November. Discussions focused on the situation in Ukraine as they assessed whether conditions were being met for the possible signature of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. They debated China before the EU-China Summit which will take place on 21st November 2013 in Beijing. The working lunch was devoted to an exchange of opinion on the southern neighbourhood notably the situation in Libya, Egypt and in Tunisia. Ministers spoke of the most recent negotiations with Iran and on dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

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Germany: experts raise their economic forecasts for 2013

17 November 2013

In their annual report published on 13th November 2013 the five experts (who represent the economic committee which monitors the German government) revised their growth forecasts for 2013 upwards to 0.4% against a previous 0.3% announced in March 2013. Economists are expecting domestic demand and greater consumption to support growth in Germany. Unemployment is due to total 6.9% in 2013 and decline to 6.8% in 2014. The five economists are planning growth of 1.6% in 2014 ie -0.1 points less in comparison with government forecasts.

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Belgium sells its BNP Paribas shares

17 November 2013

On 13th November 2013 the Belgian State sold the 25% share it held in BNP Fortis since 2008 to BNP Paribas for 3.25 billion euro in order to reduce its public debt and to drop below the 100% threshold of its GNP. The Belgian State is due to make a profit of around 900 million euro. The French group BNP Paribas which held 75% of Fortis to date now becomes the sole shareholder.

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Plenary Assembly of the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Community

17 November 2013

From 12th to 15th November 2013 the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Community (COMECE) devoted their plenary autumn meeting to the theme of immigration. In his inaugural speech the COMECE president, Cardinal Reinhard Marx asked about the role the Church might play in the present social crisis and in the face of the failure of political solutions. During the assembly the bishops tried to adopt "a more humane approach to migration" stressing that whilst remaining within a legal framework the situation of human beings had to be taken into account. They invited EU Member States to show greater solidarity and coordination. Finally bishops condemned human trafficking and called for improved reception conditions for migrants by the European parish communities.

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European leaders mobilise to counter youth unemployment

17 November 2013

On 12th November 2013 24 heads of State and government (except for Luxembourg, Malta, Czech Republic and the UK) the main leaders of the European institutions (H.v Rompuy, J.M Barroso, M. Schulz) and social partners met in Paris for a conference on youth employment which follows the first organised in Berlin by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel on 3rd July last. All highlighted the need to "move quickly" to reduce unemployment amongst the under 25's, who now total 6 million in Europe. "The future of a generation is at stake which has been affected by unemployment for many years," and which is "experiencing doubt and despair" said French President F. Hollande. The President of the European Commission JM Barroso said that "financing mainly depended on the Member States". "We need real action, and results very quickly," he explained. "Policy does not create jobs, businesses do" insisted Chancellor A Merkel. In all around 45 billion euro will be mobilised over the next three years in support of youth employment.

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One Europe, 28 Histories

18 November 2013

In view of the European Parliament elections and on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the 2004 enlargement, the Society of Historians is organising a series of conferences entitled "One Europe 28 Histories" the first of which will take place on 18th November at 6:30pm in the European Parliament's office in Paris. The theme will be "Les grandes mémorielles des Chypriotes". The aim of this series of conferences is to review Europe comparatively looking at the major dates around which the 28 populations of the EU's Member States have written their history and built their identity.

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The Italian right re-formed?

18 November 2013

The rift between Silvio Berlusconi and Angelino Alfano was confirmed on 16th November 2013. Mr Alfano, Deputy Prime Minister in Enrico Letta's government, signed his "divorce" from the "Cavaliere" leading in his wake more than 50 MPs who will form autonomous groups under the label "New Centre Right" (NCD). During a press conference he justified this "extremely bitter, painful but fair choice" announcing that many local representatives had joined his movement including "a national convention" which will confirm the new movement "within the next few weeks".

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Resignation of Polish Transport Minister

18 November 2013

Polish Transport Minister Slawomir Nowak handed in his resignation on 15th November 2013 announced head of government Donald Tusk. "I am sorry to accept the resignation of Minister Nowak, since I appreciate his work very much," declared Mr Tusk. "He chose an honourable solution. If he is cleared by the courts he will recover his position," he added saying that the interim would be ensured by a Deputy Minister Zbigniew Rynasiewicz.

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Ukraine draws away from the European Union

17 November 2013

On 14th November 2013 the European emissaries, former Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski and former President of the European Parliament, Pat Cox declared they hoped that Ukraine would find a solution during the next session of parliament planned for 19th November regarding Yulia Timoshenko. Indeed on 13th November the Ukrainian parliament ended its extraordinary session without a vote taking place on a decision about the fate of the former Prime Minister of Ukraine. It involved approving a law that would enable her to travel abroad for medical care. Just days before the Eastern Partnership Summit which is to take place on 28th and 29th November in Vilnius this vote was vital since it symbolised a further step by Ukraine towards the European Union.

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UNs Annual report on happiness: five European countries come out in the lead

18 November 2013

The UNs Sustainable Development Solutions Network has published an annual report on happiness 2013 entitled "World Happiness Report 2013". It offers a contribution to the debate on what public policy goals should be in terms of sustainable development. The report says that it is pleased that happiness and well being are now featuring in public policy goals. It then offers a ranking of 156 countries based on various criteria that enable the discernment of the degree of happiness of the populations in the world (GDP/inhabitant, life expectancy, having someone to count on, awareness of being free in life choices, lack of corruption, generosity etc ...). The first five countries in the ranking are all European : Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, Netherlands and Sweden.

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Decline in inflation rates to 0.7%

17 November 2013

According to figures published by Eurostat on 15th November 2013 the annual inflation rate in the euro zone lay at 0.7% in October 2013 against 1.1% in September. A year ago it lay at 2.5%. The monthly inflation rate lay at -0.1% in October 2013. In the European Union the annual inflation rate lay at 0.9% in October 2013 against 1.3% in September. A year ago it lay at 2.6%. The monthly inflation rate lay at -0.1% in October 2013.

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GDP growth in the euro zone up by 0.1% and that of the EU up by 0.2%

17 November 2013

According to figures published by Eurostat on 14th November 2013 during the first quarter of 2013 the euro zone's GDP grew by 0.1% and by 0.2% in the EU in comparison with the previous quarter. In the second quarter of 2013 the GDP increased by 0.3% both in the euro zone and the EU. In comparison with the same period the previous year the GDP adjusted to seasonal variations had declined by 0.4% in the euro zone and had risen by 0.1% in the EU in the third quarter 2013 against -0.6% and -0.2% in the second quarter.

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Euro zone and EU trade surplus

18 November 2013

The euro zone recorded a trade surplus of 13.1 billion euros in September against 6.9 billion in August according to estimates published on 18th November 2013 by Eurostat. In data adjusted to seasonal variations exports increased by 1% in comparison with August whilst imports decreased by 0.3%, says Eurostat in a press release. A year ago in September 2012 the euro zone recorded a trade surplus of 8.6 billion euro. The European Union recorded a surplus of 600 million euro in September.

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Goods trade deficit in the EU with Japan totals 1.9 billion euro

18 November 2013

According to figures communicated by Eurostat on 18th November 2013 the EU's goods trade deficit with Japan contracted to 1.9 billion euro in the first half of 2013. Over the last decade the share of EU exports to Japan has decreased dropping from 4.9% in 2002 to 3.3% in 2012; the same applies to imports from Japan which dropped from 7.9% to 3.6%. As a result the EU's trade deficit with Japan has reduced dropping from 30.3 billion euro in 2002 to 9 billion in 2012. The reduction of the EU's trade deficit with Japan has continued dropping from 6.8 billion euro in the first half of 2012 to 1.9 billion over the same period in 2013. Japan was the EU's 7th trade partner representing 3.2% of the EU's goods trade.

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Perceptions of Science and Technology

17 November 2013

On 15th November 2013 Eurobarometer published a report on responsible research and innovation, science and technologies indicating that 77% of Europeans believe that science has a positive influence on society. The impact of science and technology on the quality of life is viewed positively, since it makes life easier and more comfortable. Moreover 53% of Europeans are interested in developments in science and technology but only 40% feel they are informed about it. Finally 54% believe that science and technology applications can be a threat to human rights.

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OECD Economic Study for France 2013

17 November 2013

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has published an Economic Study for France 2013. In this study the OECD assesses recent economic and political developments in France and puts forward its main recommendations. The study's conclusions reveal that the French economy has been particularly affected by the economic crisis but that the political calendar would allow France to start reform, notably in terms of public finance. The study especially highlights the situation experienced by young French people. Hence the institution encourages the country to stimulate growth and competitiveness, to improve the fiscal system and the economic situation for young people.

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International Energy Agency Report

17 November 2013

The International Energy Agency (IEA) presented its annual report "World Energy Outlook 2013" under the management of Fatih Birol, Economist-in-Chief at the IEA in London on 12th November 2013. The report highlights that shale oil and gas will not be enough to satisfy world demand. By 2020 the OPEC countries will return to front stage as the world's leading crude oil suppliers. By 2035 global demand will have increased by one third according to the IEA. The Agency notably advocates for progress to be made in renewable energies and for greater energy efficiency.

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Use of electronic devices on airplanes

18 November 2013

The European Aviation Authority decided on 13th November 2013 to allow the use of electronic devices on airplanes during all phases of flight including take-off and landing. "It is an important step in the process of extending the freedom of use of electronic devices on board planes without compromising safety," declared Patrick Ky, Director of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). EASA is to publish a new directive at the end of the month to extend the usage of tablets, telephones, e-readers and other music players during all phases of flight on condition however that these devices are configured in 'flight' or 'airplane mode'. It will be applicable immediately.

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André Le Nôtre in perspectives (1613-2013)

18 November 2013

The Château of Versailles invites you to discover the secrets of the most famous of its gardeners with the exhibition "André Lenôtre in perspectives (1613-2013)" open until 23rd February 2014. This exhibition is being organised on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the birth of André Le Nötre. The exhibition is offering a new and surprising image of the man, his art and influence. Gardner, artist, architect, engineer, landscape gardener, collector, André Le Nôtre, a close friend of the King transformed princes' dreams into reality.

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"Brueghel, Rubens, Ruisdael"

18 November 2013

The Staatsgalerie Stuttgart is running an exhibition until 23rd February "Brueghel, Rubens, Ruisdael - Treasures from the Hohenbuchau Collection". The exhibition provides an overview of Dutch 17th century painting. It focuses on a series of 80 works from the Hohenbuchau collection which is in the Lichtenstein Museum in Vienna as a permanent loan. The diversity of themes extends from the history painting to the portrait, landscape, genre and still life.

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Cyprus recovers 173 treasures from the Byzantine Period

18 November 2013

On 12th November 2013 the Antiquities Department at the Cypriot Communications and Works Ministry organised a ceremony in honour of the recovery of 173 religious treasures from the Byzantine era. These ancient objects (frescos, mosaics and icons) were stolen from churches during the invasion of the northern part of the island by Turkey in 1974. After a long procedure the court in Munich has returned them to Cyprus. It is the first time that Cyprus has recovered such a great number of cultural objects. This treasure is a unique example of Cypriot religious art. Works of art are on show in the Byzantine Museum of Nicosia until they are sent back to the places they came from.

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British Iconoclasm from 16th century onwards

18 November 2013

Until 5th January 2014 the Tate Gallery of London is running an exhibition on iconoclastic art in the UK from 16th century to modern times. Amongst the work on show feature paintings by Thomas Johnson dated 1657 showing the Cathedral's interior with Puritan iconoclasts in action - this is the only work of British Puritan iconoclasm.

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Frida Kahlo-Diego Rivera: art in fusion

18 November 2013

Until 13th January 2014 the Orangerie Museum in Paris is running an exhibition devoted to Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera entitled "Frida Kahlo/Diego Rivera: art in fusion". This exhibition presents the mythic couple and their work and shows how the couple was complementary. Through their attachment to Mexico Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera also painted their "impossible divorce".

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Raphaël and the portrait of Julius II

18 November 2013

The Städel Museum of Frankfurt is running an exhibition until 2nd February 2014 on the portrait of Pope Julius II by Raphaël, recently acquired by the museum. The exhibition compares the new acquisition with the old version by Raphaël and a painting by Titien. It offers a detailed analysis of the portrait in question but it also addresses the painting of popes and portrait painting in general.

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les 18th -21st November

Plenary Session at the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

18th & 19th November

Foreign Affairs & Defence Council (Brussels)

19tb November

General Affairs Council (Brussels)

19th November

21st EU-Japan Summit (Tokyo)

20th November

France-Italy Bilateral Summit (Rome)

21st November

16th EU-China Summit (Beijing)

21st November

"Franco-German Outlook for the European Union" (Scy-Chazelles)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Charles de Marcilly ,Antonello Cadinu, Victoria de Posson, Anouk Richard

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Editorial; Agreement/Ecofin; Budget/States; Eurogroup-Spain/Ireland


The Newsletter n°602- version of 18 nov. 2013