The Newsletter57729 avr. 2013

La Lettre

François Fillon

29 April 2013

Just as France has published a "White paper on Defence" the Robert Schuman Foundation is offering its readers the speech delivered by François Fillon, former French Prime Minister, on the issues at stake in European Defence, delivered on 25th April 2013 during the conference on European security that was held in Berlin on the initiative of Munich Security Conference.

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Front page!

The English version of the "Schuman Report" is available

29 April 2013

The English version of the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union in 2013" a reference work on Europe is available on our internet site. This edition contains an exclusive interview with José-Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission. All of the articles point to the same message: will 2013 be the year of recovery? This fourth edition in English was edited by Thierry Chopin and Michel Foucher and has been published by Springer Verlag

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Future Success

28 April 2013

On 3rd May 2013 the Chamber of Trade and Industry of Meurthe and Moselle is organising the first economic forum "Economic Ideas Forum" in Nancy with two prestigious guests in attendance: Philippe Maystadt, former EIB president and former Belgian Prime Minister, together with Gerhard Schröder, former German Chancellor. Six workshops on the theme of "Future Success" will cover the day's events. Pascale Joannin, the Robert Schuman Foundation's General Manager will moderate the workshop "Truth, transparency and governance". It is obligatory to enrol.

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Acute tension about Germany within the PS

29 April 2013

The French Socialist Party attacked Germany in a text on 25th April that is due to be presented at its convention on Europe. In unpleasant and barely respectful terms about its German partner, deemed responsible for "austerity", it calls for "another policy". French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault had to modify the unedited version of the text, criticised by two former Prime Ministers, François Fillon and Alain Juppé. We should recall the premonitory editorial by the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani published on 19th April on the front page of "Ouest France".

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Victory to the independence and progress parties in Iceland

29 April 2013

The Independence Party (Sja), the main rightwing opposition party won the Icelandic general elections on 27th April 2013 with 26.7% of the vote and 19 seats. It came out ahead of the Progress Party (Fram) led by Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson which won 24.4% of the vote and 19 seats. The Alliance-Social Democratic Party (Sam) led by outgoing Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir suffered a clear defeat with 12.9% of the vote and 9 seats. The Left Movement-Greens (Vg) won 10.9% of the vote and 7 seats. Two new parties will be making their debut in the Althing: the Radious Future Party (8.2% and 6 seats) and the Pirate Party (5.1% of the vote and three seats). Turnout lay at 81.4%. Bjarni Benediktsson, leader of the Independence Party is due to become the next Prime Minister.

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Financial Crisis

Historic unemployment rate in France in March

28 April 2013

On 25th April 2013 the French Labour Minister published unemployment figures for March, which reveal a record number of job seekers. Indeed the record of January 1997 of 3,195,500 people registered in category A (no activity in the month) was beaten since 3,224,600 people are now registered in this category. If people who have worked but as part of a reduced time contract in March are included (categories B and C), France now has more than 5 million registered unemployed (4.7 million in mainland France alone). The rise in March was particularly sharp. Over one year there has been an increase of more than 350,000 unemployed (+11.1%), ie nearly 1,000 additional job seekers per day.

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The UK avoids recession

28 April 2013

On 25th April 2013 the Office for National Statistics (ONS) revealed that the British growth rate rose to 0.3% in the first quarter of 2013, a figure which is better than previously forecast. This growth comes after a GDP contraction of 0.3% in the fourth quarter of 2012, thereby enabling the country to avoid official recession. "These figures represent a sign of encouragement showing that the economy is healing. We are making progress in spite of difficult economic conditions," said Finance Minister George Osborne, whose austerity policy is under increasing criticism.

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German government's economic forecast for 2013 and 2014

28 April 2013

On 25th April 2013 the German Economy Minister Philipp Rösler presented the German government's spring economic forecasts. The government foresees a slight increase in the GDP for 2013, at 0.5% instead of a previous estimate of 0.4%. In 2014 the forecast lies at 1.6% according to the minister who says he is "optimistic about the future" of Europe's leading economy. "The economy is recovering, unemployment is declining," he added. The German government's forecasts are not as brave as those made by the main German economic research institutes (who are planning on a GDP rise of 0.8%) and the IMF (forecast at 0.6% last week).

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Record unemployment rate and contraction of the economy in Spain

28 April 2013

On 25th April 2013 the Spanish National Statistics Institute published its figures for the first quarter of 2013. According to this unemployment has reached a new record high of 27.1% with 6,202,700 jobless. The number of unemployed rose sharply between January and March 2013, whilst the unemployment rate totalled 26.02% in December 2012. According to the Bank of Spain the pace of the contraction of the Spanish economy slowed slightly in the first quarter 2013 with the country's GDP declining by 0.5% over this period after a 0.8% contraction in the previous quarter. In its economic bulletin published on 24th April the Central Bank advises the Spanish government to step up structural reform to revive growth, whilst the fourth euro zone economy has been fighting with recession since the end of 2011.

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Deficit Limit respected by Portugal in the first quarter of 2013

29 April 2013

"Portugal has respected the deficit limit defined in the Economic and Financial Adjustment Programme for the first quarter of 2013," indicated the Portuguese Finance Minister in a press release on 23rd April 2013, quoting the General Department for the Treasury. The civil service deficit totals 1,358 billion euros, ie 542 billion less than the goal set out by the country's creditors for this period. This development can notably be explained by a widespread increase in income tax, that corresponds to an average rise of 5.2% in public revenues in comparison with last year.

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Cyprus relaxes restrictions on movements of capital

28 April 2013

On 25th April 2013 the Cypriot Finance Minister announced that restrictions on the movement of money that had been set to prevent a loss of capital before the introduction of the troika's bail out plan (ECB, IMF, EU) were to be relaxed. According to the new decision private parties will be able to make transfers on the island to a total of 10,000 euros per month, whilst the cap placed on companies is set at 50,000 euros. As far foreign transactions are concerned private parties will be allowed to transfer upto 5000 euros. As for people travelling abroad they will be able to take up to 3000 euros with them, or the equivalent in foreign currency. However it is still impossible to withdraw more than 300 euros per day.

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Ireland brings its public deficit down to 7.6% of the GDP in 2012

29 April 2013

According to figures published on 22nd April 2013 by the Central Statistics Office, Ireland reduced its public deficit down to 7.6% of the GDP in 2012 against 13.4% in 2011. However the public debt has risen totalling 117.6% of the GDP in 2012 against 106.4% in 2011. On the same day the European Commission completed its ninth examination of Ireland's situation and announced that Dublin has respected its commitments. Hence it released a further tranche of aid of 1.6 billion euros.

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Greece approves further reform for the release of troika loans

29 April 2013

The Greek Parliament adopted the law on further austerity measures demanded by the troika on 28th April 2013, 168 votes in favour, 123 against. This bill should enable the payment of further tranches of aid of 8.8 billion euros. It notably plans the restructuring of the public sector and the dismissal of 15,000 civil servants by 2014 including 4,000 this year. Sanctioned for corruption and incompetence, those close to retirement or simply victims of the destruction of their jobs, those leaving are to be replaced by new civil servants who have been recruited according to merit. Payment facilities are also planned to enable the State to recover billions of euros in tax debts and social contributions from households that have fallen into debt because of recession and austerity.

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Creation of a European Fisheries Observatory

28 April 2013

On 24th April 2013 the EU launched a new interactive tool: the European Market Observatory for Fishing and Aquaculture Products (EUMOFA). Managed by the European Commission the EUMOFA is a platform designed to follow the prices and volumes of fish on a day to day basis to ensure greater transparency and stability on the markets. The tool which is designed for public organisations and economic players should reveal new niches and protect production as well as the environment from a sustainable point of view.

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28th European Commissioner

28 April 2013

The President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso announced on 25th April 2013 that Croat, Neven Mimica, at present European Integration Minister, might become the 28th member of the Commissioners' College after his country joins the EU on 1st July 2013. He would be responsible for consumer protection, a portfolio that is part of healthcare at present and managed by Maltese Commissioner Tonio Borg. The European Parliament still has to audition the candidate.

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Platform for tax governance

29 April 2013

On 23rd April 2013 the European Commission revealed its platform for good tax governance notably designed to counter tax fraud and evasion. This platform will follow the progress achieved by the Member States in their fight against tax havens on the one hand and to counter aggressive tax planning on the other. Algirdas Semeta, the Commissioner responsible for Taxation, Customs, Statistics, Audit and Anti-Fraud declared, "when we are fighting tax fraud we are defending the equity of our tax systems, the competitiveness of our economies and solidarity between Member States."

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Further measures to support the free movement of workers

28 April 2013

On 26th April 2013 the European Commission presented further measures in view of facilitating the free movement of workers within the EU. These measures are based on an observation: employers know little about the legal measures in this area which leads to nationality based discrimination. The measures put forward by the Commission which still has to be approved by Parliament and the Council should foster greater mobility by workers by way of improved information. 3% of European citizens live and work in a Member State other than their own.

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Convergence of the Media

29 April 2013

On 24th April 2013 the European Commission published a greenpaper on the multi-media in order to define a strategy for convergence in the audiovisual sector. Various paths structure its approach: the norms to implement to improve the single market; the measures to take to guarantee pluralism in the media; the rules to respect notably in terms of international trade, funding, and even the synthesis between European values and users' interests. The public consultation is open until the end of August 2013.

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General Affairs Council

28 April 2013

On 22nd April 2013 the 27 "European Affairs" Ministers mentioned the debate over the Multi-Annual Financial Framework with the Irish presidency. The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Ms Catherine Ashton, reviewed the progress made by Serbia, Kosovo and Macedonia and the 27 Ministers said they were pleased with the historic record concluded between Kosovo and Serbia on 19th April 2013. They also looked into ways to create a new mechanism designed to strengthen fundamental values in the EU.

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Foreign Affairs Council and Defence

28 April 2013

On 23rd April 2013 the 27 Foreign Ministers discussed the present situation in Africa, the Near and Middle East, North Korea as well as Myanmar. As far as Syria is concerned they agreed to relax the embargo on oil in order to relieve the civilian population and to support the opposition. The 27 Defence Ministers looked into the threats set to security in Mali and more widely to the Sahel as a region. They reviewed the progress of EU military operations particularly its training mission. They also continued preparations in view of the European Council that will take place in December 2013, notably regarding battle groups and the defence industry.

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Agriculture and Fisheries Council

28 April 2013

On 22nd April 2013 the 27 Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers debated the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, which is under negotiation with the Parliament and the Commission and also the transitory measures planned by the Commission for 2014. During this meeting, the Irish Presidency informed the ministers of the progress made by the trilogues over the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. They looked into the protocols relative to agreements on fishing with Morocco and Mauritania. Finally they decided on a temporary derogation to the directive establishing an CO2 emissions exchange quota, in view of the drafting of a global market mechanism to reduce CO2 emissions in the aviation sector.

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ECB annual report: progress but work still to be done

28 April 2013

On the occasion of the presentation of its annual report the European Central Bank said on 25th April 2013 that there had been an improvement in the integration of the financial markets in the second quarter of 2012. Because of the differences between the Member States it has however called for the continuation of economic integration and notably in terms of banking by the use of available resources nationally and on a European level.

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Angela Merkel defends the need for a united Europe and structural reform

28 April 2013

During a debate in Berlin on 22nd April 2013 in the presence of Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, German Chancellor Angela Merkel called for a united Europe to face the challenge of globalisation. States like China have joined the race for the leading world position she explained. Europe must move forward together if it does not want to decline. Angela Merkel repeated that she wanted to take Europe forwards as a whole firmly rejecting any suggestion of hegemony on the part of Germany. She then rejected the idea that there was a problem between budgetary austerity and growth stressing that "growth also came from structural reform".

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Slovenian President, Borut Pahor, on an official visit to Berlin

28 April 2013

On 25th April 2013 Slovenian President Borut Pahor travelled to Berlin where he met his German counterpart Joachim Gauck as well as German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The focus of discussion was mainly issues related to European policy and those associated with the stabilisation of the euro zone, as well as the economic situation in Slovenia and its region, along with the means that might enable the euro zone to overcome the financial crisis that it is suffering.

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Decrease in the Spanish Population in 2012

29 April 2013

According to provisional figures released by the National Statistics Institute (Ine) on 23rd April 2013 the Spanish population decreased in 2012 for the first time since 1998. 47.06 million people were living in Spain on 1st January 2013 ie 205,788 less than the previous year. This figure can mainly be explained by the massive departure of immigrants whose number has declined for the second consecutive year in this country which is suffering a severe recession.

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The Spanish government approves the stability programme 2013-2016

29 April 2013

On 26th April 2013 the Spanish government presented the major outline of its stability programme together with a structural reform plan. The country's most recent economic forecasts were also revealed on this occasion. The government is forecasting a GDP contraction of 1.3% in 2013, growth of 0.5% in 2014 and unemployment of 26.7% in 2014, before it drops to 25% in 2015. Spain has raised its deficit goal to 6.3% of the GDP in 2013 and does not plan for this to drop below the 3% threshold before 2016, ie two years later than planned. The European Commission accepted this two year delay for Spain and now has to look at the plans mentioned in both programmes to see how these are adapted to the country's social and economic situation.

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Interview between the French President Hollande and the Maltese Prime Minister

28 April 2013

On 24th April 2013 the French President François Hollande hosted Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat. During their meeting the two political leaders exchanged views on the crisis in the banking sector, issues associated to growth and the creation of jobs; they also spoke of the situation in Libya. The French President congratulated Malta on its balanced banking system and stressed that there was no reason to compare it with that of Cyprus. Both men also discussed the EU's proposals for closer cooperation in the banking sector. As far as the problem of immigration was concerned they agreed that it should be managed by the Interior Ministers of their respective countries.

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Whitepaper on Defence

29 April 2013

France will continue to invest heavily in defence with 364 billion euros in credit lines devoted to it between 2014 and 2025 including 179.2 billion between 2014 and 2019 according to the whitepaper delivered on 29th April 2013 to the French head of State. Defence spending is due to stabilise in terms of its value (excluding inflation) at around 31.4 billion euros per year, before progressively rising. President François Hollande has promised the "best" training, equipment and information for the armies. Without mentioning any further job losses (24,000 by 2019) the head of State said that he had "arbitrated to reconcile three imperatives": guaranteeing the "defence and security of our country with a high profile for the next four years," "to enable industry to anticipate order volumes and also its research efforts," and the "need to reconcile the balance of our public accounts (...) with the independence of our decisions."

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The New Italian Government led by Enrico Letta

28 April 2013

After two months of stalemate the new Italian government was sworn in on 28th April 2013. For the first time the government comprises a left-right coalition led by the new President of the Council, Enrico Letta (Democratic Party), whose second in command is the leader of the PdL, Silvio Berlusconi's party, Angelino Alfano. "It was the only government possible and we could wait no longer," commented the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano. The government, comprising 22 ministers, including 7 women has to win the confidence of both Chambers as planned for in the Constitution. The strong sign from this "wide coalition" is that the government includes in addition to both PD and PdL members, members of Mario Monti's outgoing government and independent personalities like Emma Bonino.

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The programme of the future Presidency of the Council of the European Union

28 April 2013

On 24th April 2013 Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevicius and ten government members travelled to Brussels to discuss the agenda of the Lithuanian Presidency, starting on 1st July 2013. In view of the Europeans elections in May 2014 this agenda promises to be a full one. The main issues of this presidency will energy security, the implementation of the growth pact, employment, implementing banking union as well as the Eastern Partnership, whose summit will take place in November 2013 in Vilnius.

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Appointment of new Treasury Minister in Poland

28 April 2013

On 24th April 2013 Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk appointed Wlodzimierz Karpinski, former Deputy Minister to the Civil Service, as Treasury Minister, in replacement of Mikolaj Budzanowski. The latter was dismissed by Donald Tusk on 19th April for not having informed him of the project formulated by Russian company Gazprim to build a new pipeline between Russia and the EU via Poland.

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The Council of Ministers will adopt a strategy for growth

29 April 2013

The Portuguese Council of Ministers, who met in an extraordinary session on 23rd April 2013 adopted a "strategy for growth and industrial development", a document that should then be discussed with social partners and the political parties. The head of government Pedro Passos Coelho gave no detailed strategy measures saying that it was an open document. This growth strategy comes at a time when the austerity policy demanded by Portugal's creditors has worsened the recession and unemployment in the country.

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David Cameron calls on Europeans to act against tax evasion

28 April 2013

In a letter dated 25th April 2013 addressed to the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, British Prime Minister David Cameron, invited the EU to address "tax evasion and aggressive tax evasion". He has acted as part of the G8's work that the UK is chairing this year and whose next summit in June will address the issue of fiscal transparency. He is calling on the Union to act in four areas: the development of a new "international standard" for the automatic exchange of information between tax offices; the identification of "effective beneficiaries" of certain legal arrangements that enable tax payers to avoid paying taxes; the reform of the world's tax rules to set out within the G20 and the OECD, as well as assistance to provide to developing countries so that they can collect the taxes that are due to them.

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The IMF releases 4.9 million more euros for Kosovo

28 April 2013

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced on 24th April 2013 that it had released 4.9 million additional euros in credit to Kosovo. This brings the sums made available by the IMF to Kosovo, as part of the 20 month financial assistance framework granted in April 2012, up to 95.3 million euros.

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Yuri Leanca appointed interim Prime Minister of Moldova

28 April 2013

On 23rd April 2013 the President of Moldova Nicolae Timofti appointed Iurie Leanca, the present Foreign Minister and member of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) as interim Prime Minister. On the previous day the Constitutional Court invalidated the decision whereby he had appointed Vlad Filat, leader of the same party and former Prime Minister to this post. Under investigation for corruption Vlad Filat was forced to resign on 5th March last after a movement of no confidence and therefore he could not, according to the court, lead government. Iurie Leanca has 15 days to form a new government.

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The Serb Parliament approves the agreement with Kosovo

29 April 2013

On 26th April 2013 the Serb Parliament approved the agreement in view of normalising relations between Serbia and Kosovo that was signed on 19th April in Brussels under the aegis of the EU by the Serb and Kosovar Prime Ministers. This agreement that has been criticised by extreme Serb nationalists and the Serbs of Kosovo was supported by the Assembly that comprises 250 MPs, 173 votes in support 24 against and 6 abstentions.

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Limitation to the Swiss labour market for EU workers

28 April 2013

On 24th April 2013 the Swiss government decided to extend a restriction of the long term work permit to all EU citizens for the next year. This measure was already in force for citizens from the eight countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia). As of May 1st the restrictions to B type residence permits (a duration of five years) will be extended to permits given to workers from either EU Member States (except for Romania and Bulgaria which have a separate status). The restriction which plans for 2,180 B permits for the eight countries of Central Europe and 53,700 for the 17 other Member States will be valid for one year. After this figure has been reached no more permits will be issued.

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Increase in the EU's tax revenues (38.8% GDP)

29 April 2013

In 2011 tax revenues rose in the EU were reach 38.8% of the GDP. The taxation of work is still the main source of fiscal revenue. The overall tax burden, ie the total amount of taxes and social contributions lay at 38.8% of the GDP in 2011, against 38.3% in 2010 and 38.4% in 2009. The overall tax burden rose in the euro zone to total 39.5% of the GDP in 2011 against 39% in 2010 and 39.1% in 2009. The fiscal burden varies greatly from one Member State to another, varying in 2011 from less than 30% in Lithuania (26%), Bulgaria (27.2%), Latvia (27.6%), Romania (28.2%), Slovakia (28.5%) and Ireland (28.9%) to over more than 40% in Denmark (47.7%), Sweden (44.3%), Belgium (44.1%) France (43.9%), Finland (43.3%), Italy (42.5%) and Austria (42%).

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Better support to new teachers in the EU

28 April 2013

Initiation programmes aiming to offer individual support and advice to new teachers are now obligatory in 15 Member States of the EU (Austria, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and the UK), as well as in Croatia and Turkey - according to a report by the European Commission on teachers' working conditions published on 24th April 2013. Although these programmes are different in terms of their implementation, they all aim to help newly qualified teachers to adapt to the profession and to reduce the risk of the premature relinquishment of their teaching career.

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Retrospective review of Franco-German cooperation

28 April 2013

On 23rd April the "Revue permanente des professionnels de l'Europe" published a study by Sylvain Schirmann, Director of Sciences Po at the University of Strasbourg entitled "Franco-German political couples and European integration". Fifty years after the signature of the Elysée Treaty the author reviews the driving force of the leading Franco-German couples that have marked the relationship between the two countries since the mid-1920's until the start of the 90's. From Briand-Stresemann to Mitterrand-Kohl, not forgetting Schuman-Adenauer, this article highlights the imbalances, the inequalities and the crises experienced by these couples.

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"Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, Regional Economic Issues"

29 April 2013

On 26th April 2013 the IMF published a new study entitled "Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe - Regional Economic Issues" which includes various analytical documents that aim to enrich economic debate in the region. This report focuses in particular on the role played by banking systems in the funding of future growth in European regions.

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European Financial Integration and Stability

29 April 2013

On 25th April 2013 the European Commission published its report for 2012 on European financial stability and integration. In spite of improvements, European growth is still impeded by difficulties in the financial sector. This report insists notably on the need for the banking sector to support the real economy by supporting growth and employment particularly by absorbing difficulties experienced by SME's in their access to financing. Michel Barnier, the commissioner for the Single Market said that "political measures analysed in this report comprise our best tools to emerge from the crisis."

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L'Effet Renaissance Nancy 2013

28 April 2013

4th May 2013 will herald the launch of the event "L'Effet Renaissance 2013" in Lorraine. The city of Nancy and the Urban Community of Greater Nancy, together with a number of public and private partners will be celebrating the Renaissance. After Art Nouveau and the values of the 18th century the Renaissance has been chosen because of its importance in the history of Lorraine and by the similarities it shares with the fundamental changes that society is experiencing at present (the emergence of new ways of spreading knowledge and information, major discoveries, which are changing contemporary perceptions of the world). More than 100 events designed for all types of audience will be taking place. Heritage restoration and enhancement programmes form the backdrop to this cultural, artistic, festive event.

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Normandy takes a bath of Impressionism

29 April 2013

Normandy, the cradle of Impressionism, is hosting the second edition of the "Normandie Impressionniste" festival until 29th September 2013. Several hundred events - including three exhibitions in Rouen, Caen and the Havre have been planned. In Rouen the exhibition "Dazzling Reflections" at Fine Arts Museum is showing around one hundred major Impressionist canvasses. The Fine Arts Museum in Caen is hosting "Summer at the Water's Edge", an exhibition that bears witness to the emergence of leisure activities in the 19th century. Finally the Havre is showing "Pissarro and the Ports", giving a precise view of the theme of the industrial and maritime port, that re-occurs in the painter's work, by way of 74 canvasses, 49 photographs and albums.

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"Blickwechsel" (Change of View)

29 April 2013

The works from the "Pinacothèque Moderne" will be on show until 31st August 2013 in the halls of the "Neue Pinakothek" in Munich. The exhibition "Blickwechsel" (Change of View) gives the public an opportunity to view works from the 19th alongside major works of the 20th century. Visitors will be able to (re)discover the works of Paul Klee, C.D. Friedrich, Max Ernst and Arnold Böcklin, August Macke and Claude Monet and also Emil Nolde, Paul Gauguin and Vincent van Gogh.

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Opening of new Mariinsky Theatre

29 April 2013

After around ten years of work the Mariinsky II theatre will officially open its doors to the public on 2nd May 2013. This event will start with an inaugural gala including the biggest voices in opera today (Anna Netrebko, Olga Borodina, Evgeny Nikitin, Plácido Domingo). The launch will coincide with the 60th birthday of Valery Gergiev and his 25th anniversary as the theatre's artistic director. The building, comprising 79,114 m2 will one of the biggest places for the production and presentation of opera in the world.

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The Prince by Machiavelli 1513-2013

29 April 2013

On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the writing of the "Prince" by Niccolo Machiavelli, the Vittoriano Museum of Rome is putting on an exhibition "The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli through time. 1513-2013" until 16th June 2013. This exhibition reviews the history and success of "The Prince" throughout the centuries - it is deemed to be the first treaty of modern politics and inspired a great number of European politicians and thinkers. The exhibition is organised around major works of art, unique manuscripts and ancient objects on loan from various private and public collections, like the Archives of Florence and the Vatican Museum.

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Manet's Olympia vs Titien's Urbino Venus

29 April 2013

Manet's Olympia will be on show for the first time with its model "The Urbino Venus" by Titien in an exhibition at the Doge's Palace in Venice. The exhibition "Manet. Return to Venice" is open until 18th August 2013 in the Doge's apartment and is being organised by the Museums' Foundation of the City of Venice and the Orsay Museum that is presenting 23 of Manet's paintings including "Olympia" (1863) as well as around 20 drawings.

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Opening of Mark Rothko Museum in Daugavpils

29 April 2013

A museum devoted to painter Mark Rothko opened its doors on 24th April 2013 in Daugavpils, the artist's native town, one hundred years after his emigration to the USA. "It is a marvellous return to his origins for my father," indicated the artist's son, Christopher Rothko. "But it is also very exciting because it is a living centre of art that will promote art in the region," he added.

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Re-opening of the Van Gogh museum

29 April 2013

Several dozen paintings by the famous Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, including the "Sunflowers" series and the "Bedroom" have made their comeback at the museum bearing the artist's name, in view of its re-opening after months of renovation, "these masterpieces and others will be on show again as part of the exhibition "Van Gogh at Work" which will herald the re-opening of the museum on May 1st 2013".

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2nd May

Meeting of the ECB Council of Governors (Frankfurt)

3rd May

Publication of spring economic forecasts by the European Commission (Brussels)

4th May

Open Day at the European Institutions (Brussels)

9th May

Europe Day ()

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest ,Alexandre Brecx, Fanny Cohen, Clara Coornaert,Victor Delage, Bettina Mecklenburg

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Serbia/Kosovo Agreement; Italy/Government; Defence; France-Germany


The Newsletter n°577- version of 29 avr. 2013