The Newsletter57515 avr. 2013

La Lettre

Thierry Chopin

15 April 2013

With the crisis the debate over the "governance" of the European Union has resurfaced in various shapes and form: in particular the crisis has brought the deficit of European political and executive leadership to light, likewise the need to reform European "governance" so that "true European economic government" can be built. In this context this paper attempts to analyse the imbalances that typify European governance as it stands and to define the conditions that might foster the emergence of a capacity for action and decision making on a European level that is both effective and legitimate – in short true European executive power, the keystone to the transition from governance over to government.

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Front page!

Consequences of the debt crisis on Europe and the euro

14 April 2013

As part of a series of conferences on "The crisis and the EU candidate countries" organised by the French Institute in Skopje with the support of the Robert Schuman Foundation, a second debate "Consequences of the debt crisis on Europe and the euro," will take place on 18th April in Skopje. Alain Fabre, an expert working for the Foundation, economist and business financial advisor, will be speaking at this debate.

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Wage Equality in Europe

14 April 2013

The international federation BPW (Business & Professional Women) is organising a round table on "Wage Equality in Europe. Accounts by committed women, here and in Europe" on 18th April in Lyon. Pascale Joannin, General Manager of the Robert Schuman Foundation, will inaugurate the debate. She will give an overview of equality issues in Europe.

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Publication of the English version of the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2013"

15 April 2013

The English version of the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union in 2013" a reference work on Europe is now available. This edition includes an exclusive interview with José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission. All of the articles bear the same message: will 2013 be the year of recovery? This fourth edition in English edited by Thierry Chopin and Michel Foucher is being published by Springer Verlag. The French version of the Report is available in paper form on our internet site. The digital version for e-books and tablets is also available for 10.99€.

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Concern over the Franco-German Relationship

14 April 2013

In an editorial published on his site, Jean-Dominique Giuliani expresses his concern about the positions adopted by the French Socialist Party in its criticism of the "austerity policies" as it hopes for "a confrontation" with the "German Chancellor of Austerity".

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Talking Europe hosts Irina Bokova

15 April 2013

As part of the partnership between the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF), the Foundation is broadcasting its latest programme on its site "Talking Europe", whose guest this week is Irina Bokova, General Manager of UNESCO. Interviewed by Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Irina Bokova speaks of protecting the cultural heritage of Mali and of her trip there with President François Hollande in order to see the damage that has been caused by the war. She notably complains of the reduction in public funds in times of crisis, which is forcing her to turn to private companies.

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Bulgaria: a second term for Boyko Borissov?

15 April 2013

On 20th February Bulgarian Prime Minister (GERB) resigned from office. As a result new legislative elections – that are to take place two months ahead of time since the election was initially due to be held at the beginning of the summer – have been convened for 12th May next. In spite of the protest movement, the outgoing Prime Minister's party is ahead in terms of voting intentions in all of the opinion polls. In the most recent poll by the National Centre for Public Opinion Studies at the end of March, the GERB was credited with 24.4% of the vote and was ahead of the Socialist Party, which is due to win 17.5%; the Movement for Rights and Freedom 6.5%; Ataka 5%, Bulgaria for Citizens 3.5% and Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria 2%.

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The HDZ (opposition) ahead of the SDP (in power) in the Croatian European elections

15 April 2013

The coalition led by the Democratic Union (HDZ), the main opposition party led by Tomislav Karamarko, came out ahead in the first European elections organised in Croatia on 14th April. It won 32.86% of the vote and 6 of the 12 seats that were available. The coalition led by the Social Democratic Party (SDP) of Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic won 32.07% of the vote and 5 seats. The last seat went to the Croatian Workers', Labour Party (HL-SR), an opposition party led by Dragutin Lesar, which won 5.77% of the vote.

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Financial Crisis

The Bank of France confirms its growth forecast of 0.1% in the first quarter

14 April 2013

On 9th April 2013, in its third estimate for the period, the Bank of France confirmed the French growth forecast of 0.1% of the GDP in the first quarter of 2013. The latter is the same as that published a month earlier by the financial institution, but slightly higher than that established by INSEE - 0% in the first quarter.

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Greater drive for the introduction of a European FATCA

15 April 2013

After five EU countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) said in a letter addressed to Algirdas Semeta, European Commissioner for Taxation on 10th April 2013 that they want to apply rules that are similar to the American FATCA agreement (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act), asking the Commission to introduce an automatic exchange of banking information between Member States, four other countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania) joined the initiative during the European Finance Ministers Meeting in Dublin. Europe would therefore follow the legislation adopted in 2010 in the USA which forces banks across the world to transfer automatically to the American tax administration the name of every American citizen who has bank accounts or revenues abroad.

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Irish Inflation slows in March

14 April 2013

According to figures published by the Irish Central Statistics Office on 11th April 2013 the country is said to have witnessed a slowing in its consumer price index in March. The harmonised consumer price index (HCPI) only increased by 0.6% in March 2013, after rising by 1.2% in February. According to some experts, the new austerity measures, as part of the budget 2013, will continue to weigh on Irish buying power and on prices over the next few months.

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Eurogroup approves the agreement between Cyprus and the Troika

14 April 2013

On 12th April 2013 the 17 euro zone Finance Ministers gave their opinion on the agreement that has been found between Cyprus and the Troika on the island's bail out plan. They declared that "vital details were in place for the start of national approval procedures by the ESM for financial aid to a total of 10 billion euros on condition that the IMF accepts." The ESM Governors' Council is due to approve the agreement on 24th April and the first tranche will be released mid-May. The island will have to sacrifice a great deal in exchange for the 10 billion euro loan promised by its creditors (EU and IMF). Cyprus will have to find 13 billion euros, ie 6 billion more than originally planned. Most of it will come from the restructuring of the banking sector. But no additional payment is planned on Cypriot bank savings said the government's spokesperson Christos Stylianides.

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German economic outlook

15 April 2013

The German government is still confident about the ability of Europe's leading economy to recover in the first quarter, according to the monthly report by the Economy Ministry published on 10th April 2013, in spite of mitigated indicators at the beginning of the year. "It is increasingly clear that the German economy is starting to recover," believes the ministry.

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Agreement to extend the loans granted to Ireland and Portugal by seven years

14 April 2013

The 27 European Finance Ministers agreed on 12th April 2013 to extend the loans granted to Ireland and Portugal by seven years as part of their financial aid programme that is supposed to facilitate the countries' return to the financial markets. In order to support Ireland and Portugal's work to regain market access (...), we agreed on the principle of extending the loans that were given to them via the EFSF and the EFSM by an average seven years," said the ministers in a press release. This decision will be finalised once several national parliaments have given their green light and on condition that both countries respect their commitments. In exchange for the aid given both countries indeed committed to implementing major structural reform.

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Greece comes to agreement with the Troikia over the release of further loans

15 April 2013

On 15th April 2013 the Greek Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras announced that he had come to an agreement with the Troika, which opens the way for the release of further tranches of EU-IMF aid. Negotiations undertaken since March "came to a conclusion and we have an agreement", declared the Minister. "We are expecting the release of loan tranches," to a total of 8.8 billion euros. The discussions with Athens and the representatives of its creditors were notably blocking on the reduction of employees in the civil service demanded by the creditors. The Greeks are said finally to have accepted the dismissal of 4000 employees by the end of 2013 and 11,000 in 2014.

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European Council

Tax evasion on the agenda at the next European Council 22nd May

14 April 2013

Europeans are addressing the issue of tax evasion and increasingly they want to tackle banking secrecy, in spite of resistance, notably on the part of Austria. This subject dominated Finance Ministers' discussions on 13th April 2013 and will be on the agenda at the summit of Heads of State and Government on 22nd May next. The President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy, said that the "present political impetus" had to be taken advantage of to eradicate this problem, which means a loss of 1000 billion euros yearly for Europe.

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Modernisation of the EU's trade defence instruments

14 April 2013

On 10th April 2013 the European Commission presented a proposal concerning the EU's rules on the fight to counter unfair trade practices. The changes put forward would improve anti-dumping and anti-subsidy instruments as well as their implementation in order to protect EU manufacturers against unfair practice on the part of businesses in third countries. At the same time import companies would benefit from greater predictability concerning the change in customs rates, which will facilitate the planning of their trade activities. According to the Commission the system will become "more transparent and convivial" on the whole.

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In-depth report on macro-economic imbalances in 13 States

15 April 2013

On 10th April 2013 the Commission published in-depth reports on 13 Member States which present signs of macro-economic imbalances. Amongst these countries 11 are experiencing slight imbalances (Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Italy, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, UK) whilst Spain and Slovenia are deemed to be in excessive imbalance. All will receive specific recommendations on 29th May 2013, which aim to correct and prevent these macro-economic imbalances. The countries which are benefiting from bail-out plans are not included in these reports, since these are already subject to enhanced economic supervision.

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Visit by the Slovenian Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek in Brussels

15 April 2013

On 9th April 2013 the Slovenian Prime Minister Ms Alenka Bratusek met the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso in Brussels. It was her first visit abroad since her election as head of the Slovenian government. The economic and financial situation in Slovenia was widely discussed during this meeting, as well as the means necessary to consolidate the country's public finances and to endure sustainable growth. The President of the Commission said he was positive about the reforms that the Slovenian government was to implement recalling that the Commission would continue to provide it with support. Ms Bratusek met the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy.

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Launch of the Schengen Information System II

15 April 2013

On 9th April 2013 the European Commission announced the implementation of the second generation of the Schengen Information System (SIS II). This system aims to facilitate the exchange of information between the national police and customs authorities to fight crime, fraud, etc ... The way the new system works has been improved enabling the use of biometric data, new types of reporting and the inclusion of European Arrest Warrants. Whilst many elements (visas, registrations ...) are recorded in the system, the Commission guarantees sound protection of the data on the citizens behalf - with the latter being able to access them according to legal procedures. As of 9th May 2013 the IT agency EU-Lisa will be managing SIS II.

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The Commission concerned about the changes made to the Hungarian Constitution

15 April 2013

The President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso wrote to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on 12th April 2013 again expressing "serious concern" raised by Brussels by the most recent changes made to the Hungarian Constitution, pressing him to answer quite clearly. Viktor Orban responded quickly announcing that he would pay "the greatest attention to criticism expressed by Brussels" in a letter he dispatched on the same day. The first conclusions of an assessment made by the European executive services "confirm that the Commission is seriously worried about the compatibility of the fourth modification of the Hungarian fundamental law with the EU's rules and with the rule of Law," indicated the Commission in a press release.

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For Better Economic Governance

15 April 2013

On 10th April 2013 the European Commission recalled the main guidelines of the "six-pack" and the "two-pack" and pointed to the advantages that would result from their adoption for the EU's economic governance. The new rules maintain the limits of the deficit at 3% and the debt at 60% of the GDP, limit the level of public spending that is not compensated for by revenues, plan for a certain flexibility in times of crisis and the improvement of the long term budgetary framework which is enhanced by a budgetary pact between 25 EU Members (except for the UK and the Czech Republic). There will be stricter control, notably in the euro zone, thanks to better prevention, an early warning system and quicker, more effective sanctions that are easier to implement.

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Montenegro finalises the second EU accession chapter

15 April 2013

Montenegro provisionally finalised the second negotiation chapter with the EU on 15th April - but the road to full EU membership is still long. The chapter settled between Brussels and Podgorica concerns education and culture (chapter 26). In December last the EU and Montenegro provisionally finalised the chapter on science and research. There are 35 chapters which cover all areas of community law.

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ECJ counters the Commission regarding copyright collecting companies

15 April 2013

The European Court gave its support to copyright collecting companies on 12th April 2013 in the face of the European Commission which had accused them of anti-competitive activities. In July, following several complaints the Commission banned 24 European copyright collecting companies from restricting competition, notably by way of affiliation and exclusivity clauses. Most of the businesses involved then turned to the European Court. They maintained they were not working together but were fighting against unauthorised use of musical works. The European Court upheld their claim and cancelled the Commission's decision. It explained notably that Brussels had not provided documents proving the existence of collusion between the companies on the territorial range of the mandates which they shared.

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Survey of the Priorities of German Families

15 April 2013

According to the results of a survey by the pollster "Forsa" undertaken for the German magazines "Eltern" and "Eltern Family" published on 9th April 2013, nearly 90% of those interviewed want the State to do more for impoverished families. They also want to see the development of "full-time" school (Ganztagsschulen), (87% of those interviewed), and say they want a final infants' school year that would be free of charge and obligatory to be introduced (83% of those interviewed). Finally most parents believe that the number of places in nurseries is insufficient. As part of the new bill, whereby every child under three should have a nursery place and which is due to be implemented in August, 48% of parents would be prepared to take legal action if they did not get a place.

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Angela Merkel is host to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

14 April 2013

On 11th April 2013 Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh travelled to Berlin to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He called on Europeans to settle the euro crisis in order to protect world growth and the vigour of international trade. One of the main issues discussed was the draft free-trade agreement between India and the European Union. Negotiations have been on-going for five years but are encountering several stumbling blocks, such as the amount of protection given to the car industry, the opening of the Indian market to insurance and even the issue of intellectual property. Angela Merkel believes that negotiations were in an extremely "dynamic" phase and said that agreement between both sides on the agricultural chapter was close.

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Meeting between David Cameron and Angela Merkel

14 April 2013

On 12th and 13th April British Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted on the need fo the G8, which will meet in June next, to step up the fight to counter tax evasion. "They discussed (...) the way the G8 countries should show global leadership by taking real steps in terms of tax evasion (...) and by clearly showing that everyone has to pay his fair share of taxes," revealed a press release from Downing Street. According to the same source Mr Cameron and Ms Merkel also agreed to work together at the next European Council on 22nd May 2013 and during the G20 meeting in order to make progress in terms of tax information exchange standards.

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Creation of an independent fiscal authority by the Spanish government

15 April 2013

On 12th April 2013 the Spanish government approved the creation of an independent Fiscal Authority, that will be responsible for ensuring that the public administrations respect their commitments to reduce deficits (Central State; Social Security;autonomous regions). The creation of this organisation comes in response to a recommendation by the European Commission as part of the introduction of common criteria for the assessment of the budgetary policies of the countries in the region. The Spanish Budget Minister Cristobal Montoro also said that the government would not increase taxes in 2013 and would leave the end of year bonus given to civil servants as it stood, whilst Brussels is demanding further measures to reduce Spain's public deficit.

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François Hollande hosts Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico

15 April 2013

On 11th April 2013 French President Francois Hollande hosted Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico. During a joint press conference both men recalled their common priorities: growth, mobilisation of European funds and the stabilisation of public accounts. François Hollande stressed the importance of bilateral relations with Slovakia by declaring that French businesses should remain in Slovakia. The French President will travel to Bratislava next autumn, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the country's independence.

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The experts' report to bring Italy out of stalemate

14 April 2013

On 10th April Italian President Giorgio Napolitano concluded the work of the 10 experts he had appointed at the end of March. This is his personal "contribution" to ending the political stalemate just days before the end of his mandate. The ten experts were able to define "common positions" demonstrating a climate of dialogue in which the parties should find inspiration, stressed Mr Napolitano. "Decisions must be taken by the political parties and it will be my successor who will draw the conclusions of this," he continued, saying he wanted a government with the help of the parties. Amongst the priorities that the next Italian government will have to address are the labour market, justice, taxation and the electoral law.

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Publication of the "Economic and Financial Document" by the Italian government

15 April 2013

On 10th April 2013 Italy adopted a prudent budgetary document counting on positive growth and a reduction of the debt as of 2014. Outgoing head of government Mario Monti repeated his hope that Italy would be admitted into the circle of Europe's "virtuous countries" next month. The Economic and Financial Document was validated by the council of Ministers as part of its legal and European obligations but it will be amended by the next government stressed the executive. As planned it forecasts a contraction of 1.3% of the GDP this year, followed by growth of 1.3% in 2014 and 1.4% in 2015. As far as the deficit is concerned forecasts are confirmed at -2.9% in 2013, -1.8% in 2014 and -1.5% in 2015. The public debt is due to peak at 130.4% of the GDP this year before dropping to 129% in 2014 and 125.5% in 2015.

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Luxembourg prepared to lift banking secrecy

14 April 2013

On 10th April 2013 Luxembourg accepted to lift banking secrecy partially by joining in the automatic exchange of banking data as of 2015; This notably concerns savings revenues. "We can quite safely introduce the automatic exchange of information as of January 1st 2015," declared Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker to the parliament. These measures that emanate from a European law on savings' taxation will however only apply to private parties who are Union citizens. People living in Luxembourg "will continue to be subject to direct taxation of 10% on their savings' revenues and will benefit from banking secrecy as it exists today," added the government.

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Robert Cazanciuc becomes the new Justice Minister

14 April 2013

On 11th April 2013 Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta appointed Robert Cazanciuc as Justice Minister, who until now was the general secretary of the Romanian Foreign Office. His predecessor Mona Piviceru quit the post of Justice Minister in March to become a judge at the Constitutional Court. Prime Minister Ponta took over the post of Justice Minister in the interim. The latter notably put candidates forward to the High Council for the Magistrature for the key posts of general prosecutor for the fight to counter corruption, which was the focus of sharp criticism.

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Meeting of G8 Foreign Ministers

14 April 2013

On 10th and 11th April 2013 during a meeting of G8 diplomacy heads discussions focused on Syria and North Korea. They came to an "historic agreement in terms of working together to put an end to sexual violence during conflict," declared William Hague during a press conference. "We have adopted an historic declaration establishing that rape and sexual violence in war zones are serious infringements of the Geneva Convention just like war crimes," he said. "This makes us responsible for actively looking for, and prosecuting or delivering any person who is accused of these crimes to the appropriate authorities in view of judgement, whatever their nationality, where ever they are in the world," he added.

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The WTO reduces its growth forecasts for world trade

14 April 2013

On 10th April 2013 the World Trade Organisation reduced its growth forecast in the goods and services trade in 2013 down to 3.3% against a previous 4.5%. In 2012 world trade only grew by 2%, ie the lowest figure since the start of statistics collation in 1981, noted the Geneva based organisation. The dangers associated with the euro zone crisis and the bid by some countries to introduce protection mean that the 2013 forecast might not be achieved warned Pascal Lamy, the WTO's Director General. "The protectionist threat is probably stronger now than it has been since the start of the crisis because of the failure of other policies to boost growth," he said.

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According to the IMF the euro zone must consolidate its banks

14 April 2013

On 10th April 2013 during a conference in New York, IMF Managing Director, Christine Lagarde said that the euro zone firstly had to continue to "clean-up" its financial sector, by "shutting" some banks down if necessary. According to Ms Lagarde several banks on the periphery of the euro zone "are barely recovering" and are still suffering from a lack of capital together with too many bad debts. Just days before the publication of further economic forecasts by the IMF the organisation's head maintained that she was not expecting world growth to be "much higher" this year than in 2012 and preferred to focus on the necessary reform of the financial sector."From the United States in 2008 to Cyprus today—we have seen what happens when a banking sector chooses the quick buck over the lasting benefit, backing a business model that ultimately destabilizes the economy," Ms Lagarde stressed.

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The IMF believes that the control of inflation makes monetary recovery policies possible

14 April 2013

According to an IMF report published on 9th April 2013 inflation is sufficiently under control in rich countries to enable the central banks to continue their recovery policies and massive injections of liquidities. Criticised by some emerging countries the expansionist policies of several central banks in wealthy countries, notably the European Central Bank, mechanically increase the monetary mass in circulation which may cause inflation to rise. In its report the IMF maintains however that this danger is "not high" at present thanks to the Central Banks which are helping towards price stability as they adhere firmly to their inflation goals. Interviewed on the ECB, the report's author John Simon said that a "temporary rise" in inflation goals in the euro zone may be "inversed" quite easily and "would have no long term effect".

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The ECB indicates sharp gaps in assets in the euro zone

14 April 2013

According to a study by the ECB published on 9th April 2013 Germany, the continent's leading economic power and leading contributor to the bail-out plans, has the lowest median assets per household (the split between the 50% wealthiest and the 50% poorest) figure in the euro zone (51,400 euros in 2010). With median assets per household of 397,800 euros, the Luxembourgers take the lead, followed by the Cypriots (266,900), and the Maltese (215, 900 euros). This ranking is explained by the rate of real estate purchase, which varies greatly from country to country.

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10 million more unemployed in Europe since 2008

14 April 2013

Since the start of the crisis in 2008 10 million more people have lost their jobs in the countries of the EU according to a report by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) published on 8th April 2013. There are now more than 26 million people without work, with the young and the least qualified being affected the most. Only 5 countries of the 27 EU Member States have higher employment rates than before the crisis (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Luxembourg and Malta). Countries like Cyprus, Spain, Greece and Portugal have seen their employment rates drop by three percentage points over the last two years. "Although budgetary balance and competitiveness goals are important it is vital not to address them with austerity measures and structural reform without dealing with the roots of the crisis," indicates the ILO.

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Enhancing the Euro

14 April 2013

The Economic Analysis Council has published a paper on the euro zone crisis offering a certain number of measures that aim to enhance the institutional structure of this area. The sovereign debt crisis that has been affecting the euro zone since 2009 has revealed weaknesses in European monetary integration. To save the euro zone the authors indicate that progress must be undertaken as a priority in three areas: banking regulation, regulation of budgetary and growth policies. To avoid a repetition of the debt crisis this progress must be made via a three-fold plan: consolidation of the banks, an anti-crisis mechanism and budgetary stabilisation capabilities.

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Annual Report on Industrial Relations 2012

15 April 2013

The European Commission published its annual report on industrial relations in the European Union in 2012. It stresses that the economic and financial crisis, which worsened in the public sector after having struck the private sector, has deeply changed the European industrial landscape, notably because of the impact of the sovereign debt and budgetary consolidation policies. Moreover the urgency for decisions has often been to the detriment of social dialogue, and at the same time to a reduction in union membership.

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"The Renaissance Spring" in Florence

14 April 2013

Until 18th August 2013 the Palazzo Strozzi in Florence is devoting an exhibition to the genesis of the Italian Renaissance. The exhibition, entitled "The Renaissance Spring", brings together masterpieces sculpted by the masters of the Quattrocento (Donatello, Ghiberti, Michelozzo, Masaccio, Paolo Uccello, Filippo Lippi).

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Keith Haring Exhibition at the Modern Art Museum in Paris

14 April 2013

From 19th April to 18th August 2013 the Modern Art Museum of Paris, together with the cultural establishment, "le 104" is devoting a retrospective to American artist Keith Haring. With nearly 250 paintings on canvas, tarpaulin and in the metro this exhibition, which is one of the biggest ever organised around the artist helps visitors see the importance of his work, as well as the "political" nature of his approach. A virtuoso of drawing the Pop Art icon and activist Keith Haring was one of the most famous artists of his time because of his incomparable style and the range of emblematic signs. His work has notably been shown alongside that of Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Roy Lichtenstein in museums and biennal around the world.

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"Freedom" exhibition in Leipzig

14 April 2013

On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Nations in Leipzig (1813) the Kunstpalais in Erlangen looks into the meaning of the word "freedom" across the world. In response to this the museum is organising an exhibition until 30th June 2013 during which 12 international artists will have the opportunity to express themselves.

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Opening of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews of Poland

15 April 2013

The Museum of the History of the Jews of Poland will be inaugurated on 19th April 2013 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Insurrection of the Warsaw Ghetto. Lying at the heart of what was once the Jewish quarter transformed into a ghetto, the building comprises 12,800m2 of exhibition space and includes a multi-media hall, an education centre, an area for children, a restaurant and a café. The project is funded by private donors, German foundations, the Polish government, the town of Warsaw and the EU. In 8 thematic rooms visitors will discover the history of how the Jews arrived in Poland, as they fled Spain and the development of a flourishing presence until the period between the two World Wars. The last rooms will be devoted to the Holocaust and the post-war period.

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Contemporary Art Fair in Brussels

15 April 2013

From 18th to 21st April 2013 the Contemporary Art Fair in Brussels will be opening its doors to visitors. It will be hosting 187 contemporary art galleries from around the world as well as several famous Belgian collectors. Known as the fair that brings together both established artists and future talent. This year at the venue there will be 2000 artists as well as 30,000 amateurs of contemporary art.

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les 15th-17th April

World Energy Forum ()

les 15th-18th April

Plenary Session European Parliament (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest ,Alexandre Brecx, Fanny Cohen, Clara Coornaert,Victor Delage, Bettina Mecklenburg

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°575- version of 15 avr. 2013