The Newsletter5694 mars 2013

La Lettre

Pascale Joannin

4 March 2013

On the occasion of Women's Day on 8th March, the Robert Schuman Foundation has published a text by Pascale Joannin, Director of the Robert Schuman Foundation entitled "More women in Europe?". This text is taken from the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2013" which was published recently by Lignes de Repères and which is available for purchase from our website.

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Front page!

The Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2013 has just been published!

4 March 2013

The "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2013", a reference work on Europe, has just been published in French. This 7th edition includes an exclusive interview with José-Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission. The 27 articles all ask the same question: Will 2013 be recovery year? This book has been produced by Thierry Chopin and Michel Foucher and published by Lignes de Repères. It is now available in all bookshops and on the Foundation's site in paper form and for the first time it will be available in digital form (e-book and tablets) in March. The English version will also be available in March

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"A Constitution, what for? Between national characteristics and European consensus"

4 March 2013

The Joseph Karolyi Foundation and the French Institute of Budapest are organising a conference on 8th and 9th March with the support of the Robert Schuman Foundation; the event is entitled "Why do we need a Constitution? Between national characteristics and European consensus". The Hungarian Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi will inaugurate debates alongside the Ambassador for France in Hungary, Roland Galharague. Jacque Barrot, member of the Constitutional Council and the Foundation's Board will be taking part in the debates alongside József Szájer, MEP.

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Talking Europe hosts General de Rousiers, Chairman of the EU Military Committee

4 March 2013

As part of the partnership between the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Audiovisual extérieur de la France -AEF, the Foundation is broadcasting its latest programme "Talking Europe" on its site, whose guest this week is General de Rousiers, the Chairman of the EU's Military Committee. Interviewed by the Chairman of the Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, General de Rousiers explains the strategy and means available to the organisation he chairs. He pleads for greater investment by European leaders to counter terrorist threats.

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European Parliament's Mistake

4 March 2013

The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published an editorial on his site entitled "European Parliament's Mistake". The EP is about to make a terrrible mistake by ignoring the degressive proportionality principle. This concept guarantees the representation of all of the States, whatever their size, but also aims to organise progressively the fair representation of all European citizens. But the solution drawn up whereby "no one loses or gains more than one seat" does not reduce the present imbalance. Europe needs however a representative European Parliament to rally citizens to the European project.

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Financial Crisis

Spain: the recession has worsened and unemployment has risen beyond the 5 million mark

4 March 2013

Spain, which is suffering an unemployment rate that rose again in February with over 5 million without work according to the Labour Ministry on 4th March 2013, is due to remain in recession in the first quarter of 2013 indicated the Bank of Spain on 27th February 2013. The final Spanish GDP and growth figures in 2012 published on 28th February 2013 by the National Statistics Institute (INE) show that the recession worsened in the fourth quarter 2012 with a GDP decline of 0.8% in comparison with the third quarter. Over the entire year the Spanish economy declined by 1.4%. Inflation remained at 2.8% in February 2013. The EU pointed out that it was expecting an ambitious plan from Spain in terms of structural reforms that would enable the reduction of the country's public deficit.

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Increase in Unemployment in France

3 March 2013

The number of unemployed in mainland France rose in January 2013 for the 21st consecutive month. This is an increase of 43,900, 48% of which is due to a change in the way people who are no longer entitled to benefits are counted. Hence France now has 3.17 million unemployed. The over 50's and long term unemployed have suffered the most with rises of 1.5 and 1.9% respectively. The situation has also become difficult for 509,000 people who have been unemployed for more than three years (+18.5% over one year). The situation is all the more difficult since finding work again has converged with a sharp drop in job offers over the last twelve months (-19.7%).

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European Investment Bank will increase its loans by 40% per year

3 March 2013

On 28th February 2013 the EIB announced that it was going to increase its loans by 40% over the next three years to fund future projects and help to overcome the crisis. To support growth and employment the European Union will lend 60 million euros and more over the period 2013-2015. This will lead to an annual funding volume of 70 to 75 billion euros. This measure follows the decision taken by the Member States in 2012 to increase the bank's capital by 10 billion euros as part of their strategy in support of growth. According to the EIB this increase in funding should enable the implementation of projects that may total 180 billion euros by combining both private and public investments.

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Unemployment at 6.9% in Germany

4 March 2013

The German labour market remained strong in February 2013 with a stable unemployment rate over one month at 6.9% in data corrected to seasonal variations, according to figures announced on 28th February 2013 by the Federal Employment Agency (Arbeitsagentur). The number of unemployed decreased by 3000 people in comparison with January 2013. The gross unemployment rate was also stable over one month at 7.4% after rising significantly in January in comparison with December 2012 when it lay at 6.7%, due to strong seasonal variations after the Christmas period.

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The Italian GDP contracted by 2.4% in 2012

4 March 2013

The Italian economy contracted by 2.4% in 2012, whilst its debt rose to 127% of its GDP according to figures published on March 1st 2013 by the National Statistics Institute (Istat). Consumption declined by 3.9% in volume, whilst set investments fell by 8%. Goods and services exports rose by 2.3%, whilst imports decreased by 7.7%. Unemployment in Italy rose by 0.4 percentage points in January lying at 11.7% of the working population according to an estimate published on 1st March 2013 by Istat.

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The Commission presents an action plan to reduce poverty

3 March 2013

On 27th February 2013, the European Commission put forward an overall framework including both qualitative and quantitative targeted goals, to be achieved by 2030 in view of eradicating poverty, and at the same time guaranteeing sustainable development. Whilst the millenium development goals are due to be met in 2015 and that the Rio+20 conference launched the process to pinpoint sustainable development goals, the Commission admits that both challenges might be met by means of a concerted approach. The goal set by the European institution is to come to a common position that will feed debate at the UN and also worldwide.

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Ryanair will not be able to purchase Aer Lingus

4 March 2013

On 27th February 2013 the European Commission announced that it refused the purchase of Aer Lingus, the second biggest airline in Ireland, by Ryanair. The Commission believes that this purchase would not be beneficial to consumers because of an over dominant position held by Ryanair.

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Equal Pay Day

3 March 2013

On 28th February 2013 the European Union organised Equal Pay Day. On this occasion the European Commission published figures indicating that the average gap in hourly pay between men and women in the EU in 2010 was 16.2%. Women have to work 59 days more on average to earn the equivalent salary received by men. The Commission stresses that these results reveal a slight decline in wage inequality between men and women since the figure totalled 17% and more over the past few years. It said however that these statistics especially reflected the impact of the economic crisis which hit some sectors harder than others and in which men are the majority and not because there has been any real catching up in terms of women's wages.

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"Smart Borders": an improvement in mobility and security

3 March 2013

On 28th February the European Commission put forward several measures for "smart borders" in order to accelerate, simplify and tighten controls on borders for foreigners travelling to the Union. This series of measures includes a travellers' registration programme and an entry/exit system, thereby facilitating journeys undertaken from third countries when travellers arrive at the external borders of the Schengen area.

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Better protection for coach and bus travellers in the EU

3 March 2013

The regulation on passenger rights in buses and coaches entered into force on March 1st 2013. It grants new rights to bus and coach travellers across the entire European Union. It also sets a certain number of obligations on coach and bus commpanies and on managers of bus stations regarding their responsibility vis-à-vis passengers. Some 70 million travellers use buses or coaches every year in the Union.

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New Regulation on the trade of timber

3 March 2013

New legislation on the trade of wood entered into force on 3rd March 2013. This EU regulation on timber is applicable to all actors in the timber industry. In a bid to challenge the issue of illegal use of forestland across the world it is now banned to trade wood that has been logged illegally. This activity has serious economic, environmental and social effects: it goes together with deforestation and climate change; it can undermine the work undertaken by legitimate operators and endanger their work long term; it can also be linked to conflict over the use of land and resources.

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Entry into force of the EU-Peru trade agreement

3 March 2013

Trade barriers between the EU and Peru were removed on March 1st 2013. This trade agreement opens the respective export markets of the EU and Peru which will enable yearly savings of 500 million euros in the long run. "This agreement is a major stage in the direction of strengthening our relations in terms of trade and investment. I am pleased with the provisional application of this agreement with Peru and I hope to be able to announce the same type of agreement with Colombia very shortly," declared European Trade Commissioner Karel de Gucht.

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European Commissioners taking liberties with the treaties

4 March 2013

Three European Commissioners - Olli Rehn, Karel de Gucht and Neelie Kroes -signed a manifesto asking European leaders to "look into options" so that Brussels will become the only seat of the European Union. This move was timidly denied by the European Commission on 27th February; its spokesperson Olivier Bailly said that his declaration had been made "from a personal point of view" saying that the Commission respected the protocol on the seat of the institutions as it stands in the annex to the Treaties." The Robert Schuman Foundation recalls that the Commissioner's college is the guardian of the treaties. It must therefore refrain from taking political, collective and organised stances that are contrary to the European Union's Court of Justice and that it should focus more on the symbols of European unification, including Strasbourg, which is one of the most important of these.

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Political Agreement on the reform of the regulatory framework governing the banking sector

3 March 2013

On 28th February 2013, after ten months of debate the European Parliament and the Irish Presidency of the Council of the European Union came to a political agreement on the reform of the regulatory framework governing the banking sector. Better known as "Basel III", this new regulatory framework implements the international norms regarding banks' own funds in Europe; it was adopted by the G20 and is due to enter into force on January 1st 2014. "For the first time in the history of financial market regulation in Europe, we are going to limit the bonuses paid out to bankers," said Othmar Karas (EPP, AT).Hence bankers' bonuses should not exceed their set annual salary. They may however be doubled if they have the shareholders' go ahead.

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EU-Ukraine Summit: progress expected before May!

3 March 2013

The 16th Summit between the EU and Ukraine took place in Brussels on 25th February 2013. The possible signature of an association agreement between the EU and Ukraine in November 2013 was the focus of discussions. European leaders recalled that the signature of this agreement was conditioned by improvements by Ukraine on three points before May 2013: the end of "selective" justice, the strengthening of democracy and the implementation of advanced legal reform. Leaders also addressed energy issues and a certain number of regional and multilateral issues such as the Ukrainian presidency of the OSCE and relations with Russia and Belarus were also addressed.

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Introduction of a youth guarantee system

3 March 2013

On 28th February 2013 on 27 Labour Ministers came to a political agreement on the introduction of a system that will enable young job seekers to find employment or training rapidly. Hence all young under 25's who lose their job or who cannot find work after having left school should be able to benefit from training or an apprenticeship contract. The Commission has now planned to grant 6 billion euros to this programme over the period 2014-2020. This sum will be allocated to regions where youth unemployment is over 25%. Moreover the European Labour Ministers debated social and employment policies as part of the European Semester 2013 in view of preparing future discussions that will take place at the European Council on 14th and 15th March next.

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Agricultural and fishing reforms and foodstuffs fraud

4 March 2013

During the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 25th and 26th February last the 27 Agriculture Ministers discussed the reform of the Common Agriculture Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy. The aim of these reforms is to improve transparency as far as the beneficiaries of payments is concerned. Ministers asked the Commission to come to a rapid agreement with Morocco on fishing. They also supported the Commission's action on the analyses to undertake on meat-based food products in the wake of the recent fraud that has affected several European countries.

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The first Franco-German agency for employment

3 March 2013

As part of the 50th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty, French and German Labour Ministers Michel Sapin and Ursula von der Leyen inaugurated a Franco-German agency for employment, the first stage in a framework cooperation agreement between the employment agencies of these two countries. This agreement introduces the new cross border placement service signed in Strasbourg with the two Ministers in attendance. It aims to help job seekers and employers to remove obstacles (linguistic, acknowledgement of diplomas) which might exist when seeking a job on the other side of the border. The unemployment rate lies at 10% in Alsace at present against 4% in Bade-Wurtemberg.

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The Bundestag legislates on high-frequency trading

4 March 2013

On 28th February the Bundestag adopted a bill enabling the reduction of specific risks and excesses linked to high-frequency trading on the German stock exchanges. The German government has become the world's pioneer in regulations governing this type of financial activity. Over the last few years electronic trade has grown in financial centres and the use of algorithmic programmes facilitating this trade has become common place. This category of automatic trading which enables operations that last just micro-seconds leads to more complex types of trading, and the danger of overloading of the system, notably via major exchange fluctuations. The Bundestag used the Commission's guidelines to draft this bill which is due to enter into force mid-2013.

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The Bundestag gives the greenlight to the dispatch of German soldiers to Mali

3 March 2013

On 28th February 2013 MPs in the Bundestag approved the dispatch of German soldiers to Mali in support of the international mission organised to make safe the country. Only the parliamentary group, Die Linke, rejected the German participation in these operations. In March 2013 German soldiers will be taking part in the EU's training mission in Mali (EUTM Mali). A second Bundestag mandate regulates the air transport already in place with German Transall planes as well as in-flight refuelling by the German armies. The deployment of armed German solidiers will end on 28th February 2014. For these two mandates the numbers have been limited to 330 soldiers.

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Europed Day in German Schools with Angela Merkel

4 March 2013

In celebration of Europe Day 2013 German schools will be organising a "European Project Day" (EU-Projekttag) on 6th May 2013 during which school children will be able to talk with MEPs or national MPs on the EU. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been behind this initiative ongoing for the last ten years. She will be visiting some schools personally on 6th May next. Schools are being invited to enter their projects as soon as possible.

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General Elections will take place on 12th May

3 March 2013

On 28th February 2013 the President of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev confirmed that general elections will take place early on 12th May next. A technical government is to be appointed to undertake current affairs and to organise the elections. For the last twenty days Bulgaria has been suffering popular unrest caused by high energy bills in January. Demonstrations have irrupted against corruption, the government and against the political parties.

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François Hollande visits Moscow

3 March 2013

On 28th February 2013 the French President François Hollande undertook his first official visit to Russia. During this trip he was guest on the radio station 'Echos de Moscou" on which he stressed the "responsibilities of France and Russia" as "major powers and members of the UN Security Council". Hoping to facilitate Russian investments in France he travelled together with some company heads and organised a round table at the Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce. During his meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin the French head of State did not succeed in reviving Franco-Russian relations. A certain number of subjects, notably the Syrian issue divide the two men - with France siding with the rebels and Russia supporting the regime of Bachar al-Assad.

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Investiture of Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades

2 March 2013

Following his victory in the Cypriot Presidential election on 24th February 2013, Nicos Anastasiades unveiled his government on 27th February 2013. It comprises 11 ministers. No women are included. Nicos Anastasiades was then sworn in on 28th February 2013 before Parliament for a five year mandate. His first priority will be to finalise a European rescue plan for the island, which is on the verge of bankruptcy. Furthermore the new Cypriot president declared that "cooperation was required to rise to the challenges" comprising the "Cypriot problem and the financial crisis."

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The Spanish government challenges the Catalan Parliament's resolution on this region's sovereignty

4 March 2013

On March 1st 2013 the Spanish government decided to challenge a resolution adopted in January by the Catalan Parliament on the sovereignty of this region of Spain. This is the first step towards a referendum that the nationalist parties want to organise before the end of 2014. Encouraged by the serious economic crisis that the country is experiencing secessionist fervour and frustration with Madrid has grown over the last few months in Catalonia. A former economic engine of Spain, the region is now the most indebted of the 17 autonomous communities. The Catalan Parliament voted on 23rd January last approving a resolution that notably maintains that the "Catalan people is politically and legal sovereign for reasons of democratic legitimacy."

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György Matolcsy, appointed as head of the Hungarian Central Bank

3 March 2013

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban announced on 1st March 2013 the appointment of György Matolcsy, the present economy minister as head of the Hungarian Central Bank (MNB). He will take over from Andras Simor, who after a six year term in office, has to leave since his mandate cannot be renewed.

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Official visit by Italian President Giorgio Napolitano in Berlin

3 March 2013

Italian President Giorgio Napolitano travelled to Berlin on 26th February 2013 for a four day official visit during which he met his German counterpart Joachim Gauck and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. During his visit the Italian President stressed that his country was absolutely "not sick", protesting against comments by the Germans who are concerned about the situation that has emerged in the wake of the last elections. He added "I am sure that in the weeks to come an Italian government will be formed (...) I am sure that Italy can only take the path of expansion and unity in Europe."

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Forum on technologies of the future in Riga

4 March 2013

A forum on the technologies of the future took place in Riga on 27th and 28th February. About 100 people took part including the Prime Ministers of nine Baltic and Nordic countries, as well as British Prime Minister David Cameron. More than 50 experts, researchers and entrepreneurs from these countries addressed the theme of the competitiveness of the green economy and of the reduction of the digital divide. On this occasion David Cameron spoke with his Latvian counterpart Valdis Dombrovskis on 28th February. Their discussions focused on the present development of the European Union and their bilateral relations. They both want to step up economic cooperation between Latvia and the UK.

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Latvia makes a formal request to join the euro

4 March 2013

The Latvian government made an official request to join the euro zone in 2014 on 4th March 2013. It would thereby become the 18th country to join the zone. To join the single currency Latvia will have to accept assessment by the European Commission and the European Central Bank. The country must respect five criteria concerning the debt, public deficit, inflation, long term interest rates and stable parity with the euro.

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Luxembourg ratifies the Budgetary Stability Pact

3 March 2013

On 27th February 2013 the Chamber of Deputies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg adopted the draft bill that approves the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance -TSCG - within the Economic and Monetary Union signed in Brussels on 2nd March 2012. The draft bill was adopted by 46 votes against 10. Together with Luxembourg, 18 Member States (incuding 13 in the euro zone) have now ratified the Budgetary Pact. The Robert Schuman Foundation regularly updates its TSCG ratification table.

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Possible entry by Poland into the euro zone will be decided after the elections of 2015

3 March 2013

On 26th February 2013 Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski declared that Poland would take its decision on the date of the country's possible entry into the euro zone after the elections of 2015, ie once the Maastricht criteria have been fulfilled. "We will then have all of the components that will help us to take the decision to guarantee the security of the Polish economy," he said. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who said in December last that Warsaw had to take a decision on its membership of the euro in the months to come, has rallied to the Polish President's position for the very first time.

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Herman van Rompuy speaks of the UK's place in the EU

4 March 2013

On 28th February 2013 the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy travelled to London to take part in a European conference on the means to revive the euro zone and on the UK's place in Europe. Stressing that the UK is the "champion" of the single European market, he called on the British to play a central role in strengthening the European economy. He stood firm however regarding Prime Minister David Cameron explaining that other European leaders did not want to renegotiate the European treaties and that the EU would not accept any bid by the UK to achieve an 'ad hoc' Europe. He also recalled that leaving the Union was a possibility since the exit clause existed but that this would be a difficult decision to implement both from a legal and political point of view.

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Alenka Bratusek replaces Janez Jansa as Prime Minister in Slovenia

3 March 2013

The government led by Prime Minister Janez Jansa, who is suspected of being involved in a corruption scandal, was overthrown on 27th February by a no-confidence vote, 55 votes against 33 in support and 1 abstention. Janez Jansa may be replaced by Alenka Bratusek from the "Positive Slovenia" party. Aged 42, a specialist in budgetary questions Ms Bratusek has until 14th March to form a government that might be approved by Parliament. She will become the first woman to occupy the post of Prime Minister in Slovenia. In the event of the formation of a new government, early elections will be organised.

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Downturn in the Croatian economy according to the IMF

3 March 2013

On 25th February 2013 the IMF reported that Croatia's economic conditions have worsened over the last twelve months. Low foreign demand, private sector debt and a lack of business and consumer confidence are the main causes. According to the report the implementation of a structural reform programme, vital for the recovery of growth and the improvement of mid-term prospects - must be stepped up - likewise public finance consolidation, to re-establish the viability of the debt and maintain market access.

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European Elections in Croatia on 14th April

4 March 2013

On March 1st 2013 the Croatian President Ivo Josipovic convened an election on 14th April to elect Croatian MPs to the European Parliament. This is the first European election in Croatia which is to join the EU on 1st July next. "These elections are of a major symbolic importance," for Croatian citizens, since they are the first of their kind in Croatia, indicated Mr Josipovic. Croatians will be electing 12 MEPs, who will only serve 12 months of their five year mandate since further elections for the European Parliament will take place in May 2014 across the entire Union.

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John Kerry's European Tour

3 March 2013

From 24th to 28th February 2013 the American Secretary of State, John Kerry went on a tour of Europe. It started in London where the Secretary of State met his British counterpart William Hague. The two men held a press conference devoted in part to the Syrian situation. John Kerry then travelled to Berlin to meet German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle and Chancellor Angela Merkel. On 27th February the Secretary of State met French President François Hollande and his Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius. John Kerry's tour ended in Rome where the Syrian issue was discussed at length. John Kerry spoke with the head of the Syrian opposition and attended a meeting held by "Friends of the Syrian People".

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The Swiss say "yes" to the ban on golden parachutes

4 March 2013

On 3rd March 2013 the Swiss voted largely in support of the initiative to limit "excessive remunerations" granted to the heads of Swiss companies by 67.9% of the votes cast. Amongst the main measures in the initiative the length of the mandate of the members of the board should be limited to one year. Some forms of remuneration such as compensation on departure will be banned. Moreover the general assembly of shareholders will vote yearly on the remunerations made available to the members of the board and the management and it will have to approve salaries of the latter.

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China in the midst of an anti-dumping investigation

4 March 2013

On 26th February 2013 the litigation settlements body within the WTO supported the EU regarding anti-dumping taxes set by Beijing on the import of x-ray security inspection equipment ranging from 33.5% to 71.8%. "In that China's action is not in line with certain measures in the Anti-Dumping Agreement" the WTO has asked China to take steps to conform to the obligations associated with the GATT rules and the anti-dumping agreement. On 28th February the European Commission opened a further anti-dumping investigation into solar glass imports from China.

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EADS publishes sound annual results 2012

3 March 2013

The EADS group revealed results that were higher than forecast on 27th February; however it anticipates moderate growth in 2012 because of problems with the super-jumbo A380, which is slowing deliveries. The aviation and defence group is also prudent about the future A350 expected at the end of 2014. The operational result totalled 3 billion euros - a spectular rise of 68%. The goal for 2013 totalled 3.5 billion. "EADS will only grow moderately" in 2013, notably because of the slowing in A380 deliveries, and also on the basis of an exchange rate of 1.35 $ for one euro, said the group's executive president, Tom Enders.

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Unemployment rises in the EU (10.8%) and in the euro zone (11.9%)

3 March 2013

According to Eurostat figures published on 1st March 2013 the unemployment rate, adjusted to seasonal variations, lay at 11.9% in January 2013 in the euro zone, which is higher in comparison with the rate of 11.8% in December 2012. Likewise in the EU the unemployment rate lay at 10.8%, which is higher in comparison with the rate of 10.7% in the previous month. Amongst the Member States the lowest rates were recorded in Austria (4.9%), Germany and Luxembourg (5.3%) as well as in the Netherlands (6.0%) and the highest in Greece (27% in November 2012) in Spain (26.2%) as well as in Portugal (17.6%). Over one year the unemployment rate increased in 19 Member States and decreased in 7 - it remained stable in Denmark.

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Annual euro zone inflation rate down to 1.8%

3 March 2013

According to an estimate published by Eurostat on March 1st 2013 the annual euro zone inflation rate is estimated at 1.8% in February 2013, down in comparison with the previous months when it lay at 2%. Regarding the main inflationary factors in the euro zone, energy (4%, against 3.9% in January) is due to be the highest annual rate in February.

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Ice Age Art

3 March 2013

The British Museum of London is devoting an exhibition to the art of the Ice Age until 26th May 2013. The exhibition brings together very old works of art from the period 40,000 to 10,000 BC. Some remarkable pieces of work together with references to recent work are on show illustrating the similarity that can occur between prehistoric and modern art. The Venus of Lespugue for example fascinated Picasso and he admitted that it had influenced his sculptures as of 1930.

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The Angel of the Odd at the Orsay Museum

3 March 2013

From 5th March to 9th June 2013, following on from the first phase of the exhibition at the Städel Museum in Frankfurt, the Orsay Museum is offering its visitors a journey of discovery into the world of dark Romanticism from Goya, Füssli to Max Ernst and the Expressionist films of the 1920's, via a selection of 200 works including paintings, graphic arts, sculptures and films.

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Kandinsky and Russia at the Museum of Ancient Art in Brussels

3 March 2013

From 8th March to 30th June 2013 the Ancient Art Museum of Brussels (the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium) is devoting an exhibition to Kandinsky (1866-1944), the father of the abstract, entitled "Kandinsky and Russia". After an exhibition in Pisa more than 150 works of art form several major museums in Russia including the Museum of Saint-Petersburg, will be on show for the first time in Brussels.

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Soulages at the Villa Medicis

4 March 2013

Until 16th June the Villa Medicis in Rome is devoting an exhibition to the French painter Pierre Soulages. This exhibition entitled "Soulages 21st Century" offers a selection of pictures and works on paper undertaken by the artist.

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Titian Exhibition at the Scuderei del Quirinale

4 March 2013

From 5th March to 16th June 2013 the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome is organising a major retrospective of one of the major 16th century Renaissance artists in Europe: Titian. Visitors can view early works accomplished in the workshops of Giovanni Bellini and Giorgione, as well as some of Titian's most enchanting work. The Venetian painter worked for the most important clients. This exhibition consecrates one of the world's greatest artists.

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4th March

Euro zone Finance Ministers Meeting (Brussels)

5th March

Economy-Finance Council (Brussels)

6th March

Visegrad Group Summit (Warsaw)

7th and 8th March

Justice-Internal Affairs Council (Brussels)

7th March

ECB Governors Council (Frankfurt/Main)

9th March

Malta General Elections ()

11th March

Foreign Affairs Council - General Affairs Council - Transport, Telecommunications, Energy Council (Brussels)

11th and 14th March

Plenary Session - European Parliament (Strasbourg)

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Pierre Thibaudat ,Fanny Cohen, Clara Coornaert, Victor Delage,Louis Hancisse, Bettina Mecklenburg

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Schuman Report; Elections/Italy; Latvia/Euro; Editorial/EP


The Newsletter n°569- version of 4 mars 2013