The Newsletter56611 févr. 2013

La Lettre

Jean-François Jamet, Emmanuel Lefebvre

11 February 2013

If, to lay the foundations of the European Community of Steel and Coal (ECSC), the founding fathers of Europe had waited for the steelworks belonging to the Krupp family and the Creusot foundries to decide of their own accord to work closer together, the European Union would simply not have been created. Even today Energy Europe will not happen unless it is driven forward by a Franco-German policy supported by a methodical approach adapted to this extremely complicated market. This is because there is a vast network of both public and private factors at play.

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Front page!

Talking Europe hosts Didier Reynders

11 February 2013

As part of the partnership between the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF), the Foundation is broadcasting its latest programme "Talking Europe" on its site whose guest this week is Didier Reynders, the Belgian Foreign Minister. He is interviewed by the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation Jean-Dominique Giuliani on the conclusions of the European Council on 7th and 8th February and notably on the austerity budget adopted on 8th February.

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General elections - Malta

11 February 2013

On 7th January last Maltese President George Abela dissolved parliament and convened general elections for 9th March after the collapse of Lawrence Gonzi's government in the wake of parliament's rejection of the budget on 11th December. The Chamber of Representatives comprises 65 MPs, elected for five years according to a proportional multi-member voting system, otherwise known as the single transferable vote. Both political parties are represented: the Nationalist Party (PN), led by Lawrence Gonzi, has 35 seats; the Labour Party led by Joseph Muscat has 34 seats. The most recent polls forecast that the Labour Party will win on 9th March next with 49% of the vote, 47% of the vote is due to go to the Nationalist Party and 4% to Democratic Alternative (DA), an ecologist party led by Michael Briguglio.

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Financial Crisis

Ireland: launch of discussions over the end of the aid plan

10 February 2013

On 7th February 2013 the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) "started discussions over the way to prepare and support a successful, sustainable end to the aid plan" of 85 billion euros granted to Ireland at the end of 2010. The troika lauded Ireland's economic performance, the only one of the three euro zone countries under financial assistance to have recovered growth; there is a plan to release further aid tranches. However the troika is still concerned about the "high unemployment" rate which is affecting 15% of the working population and added that "decisive action" still has to be implemented to guarantee that the banks can support recovery.

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France: growth down and a reduction in the deficit

10 February 2013

Whilst the French government is still tabling on growth of 0.8% in 2013 to bring the deficit down to 3% of the GDP, the Bank of France is forecasting an extremely slight increase in the GDP of 0.1% in a first growth estimate in the first quarter published on 8th February 2013. On the same day the Budget Minister confirmed that the budgetary deficit of the French State lay at 87.2 billion euros at the end of 2012, down in comparison with the 90.7 billion last year. This figure is slightly above the 86.2 billion anticipated in the last finance bill approved at the end of December 2012.

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The Portuguese Parliament adopts "the golden budgetary rule"

11 February 2013

On 8th February 2013 the Portuguese Parliament adopted on first reading, with the votes of the centre-right majority and also the socialist opposition, the "golden rule" for the balance of public finances, as planned in the European budgetary treaty. During debate in Parliament Portuguese Finance Minister Vitor Gaspar declared that the adoption of the golden rule "was extremely important for the country's credibility on the markets and for the credibility of its participation in the euro zone". MP Carlos Zorrinho, leader of the Socialist Parliamentary group stressed that "these rules were part of his party's European commitment."

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Greece is forecasting a further reduction in its public deficit

11 February 2013

On 8th February 2013 a revised version of the mid-term budgetary strategy was delivered to the Greek Parliament. In its opinion the country's achievements are due to be better than planned - since its austerity cure launched in 2010. Greece is tabling on a public deficit of 4.3% of the GDP in 2013 against an initial goal of 5.5% of its GDP. In 2016 the deficit is due to be brought down to 2.3% of the GDP in comparison with initial forecasts of 3.2%. The public debt is due to reach 174.2% of the GDP in 2013. At the end of February the troika's inspectors will travel to Athens to check the country's accounts.

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European Council

The European Council comes to an agreement on the budget but European Parliament challenges it

9 February 2013

On 8th February the 27 European Union Heads of State and government came to an agreement on the draft European budget covering the period 2014-2020. The budget, which has been reduced for the first time ever, will total 960 billion euros in commitment appropriations and 908.4 billion in payment appropriations. Immediately after the announcement of this agreement the heads of the four main political groups in the European Parliament - Joseph Daul (EPP), Hannes Swoboda (S&D), Guy Verhofstadt (ALDE), Rebecca Harms and Daniel Cohn-Bendit (Greens/ALE) announced that they rejected the European multi-annual budget "as it stood" because in their opinion, it would not "strengthen the competitiveness of the European economy". In another press release the chairman of the European Parliament's Budgets Committee, Alain Lamassoure (EPP), indicated that this budget deprived the EU of "any room to manoeuvre for the next seven years". Without the MEPs' agreement it will be impossible to implement the budget.

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Conclusions of the European Council (Trade, Diplomacy)

9 February 2013

During the European Council on 7th and 8th February the 27 EU Heads of State and government stressed the importance of undertaking an ambitious trade policy for the European economy. They called for more negotiations with the EU's main trade partners but also for the EU to ensure the protection of its economic and industrial interests. They repeated their desire to give support to the establishment of democratic regimes in the Arab countries. They recalled their humanitarian commitment in support of the Syrian population and called for an immediate halt to violence. They also congratulated the African and French commitment in Mali announcing a financial and logistic support by the EU as well as the dispatch of means to support the on-going electoral process and institutions.

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François Hollande's speech to the European Parliament

10 February 2013

On 5th February 2013 the French President François Hollande spoke for the first time to the European Parliament. He set growth, employment, solidarity and the deepening of Economic and Monetary Union as a priority. He notably maintained that "savings had to be made" in the European budget, but without weakening it, pleading for a reasonable compromise. He also said that national interest was "taking the lead over that of Europe". Finally he said that "it was legitimate to work towards a new structure for the Union," with a differentiated Europe in which "States decided to move forwards, commit to new projects, to find funds" as part of enhanced cooperation agreements.

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The European Parliament adopts new sound standards for cars

10 February 2013

On 6th February MEPs adopted a text setting new sound evel standards on vehicles manufactured in the EU. This draft regulation was adopted, 401 votes in support, 228 against and 20 absentions. These new rules might be implemented within six to eight years after the entry into force of the said regulation, according to the type of car in question. Apart from the obligation of a maximum sound standard MEPs want to introduce a labelling system to facilitate consumer comparisons. In addition to this MEPs would like to make hybrid and electric cars noisier for pedestrian safety.

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MEPs want greater transparency of national healthcare systems

10 February 2013

On 6th February 2013 MEPs adopted a draft directive on the transparency of measures regulating the prices of medicines for human use and their reimbursement by national healthcare systems. This text was adopted 559 votes in support, 54 against and 72 absentions. MEPs succeeded in obliging Member States to have a 60 day minimum time period (extended to 160 on new medicines) to set the price and the time of reimbursement of generic medicines.

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In support of more reform in the annuel assessment of growth 2013

11 February 2013

On 7th February 2013 as part of the "annual assessment of growth 2013" MEPs voted on three resolutions: the European Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee's emphasis on austerity was severely challenged by several MEPs but the resolution was adopted 329 votes in support, 271 against and 13 abstentions. The Employment and Social Affairs Committee's resolution, which insists on the need to assess the short term impact of budgetary consolidation measures was adopted 483 votes in support, 104 against and 20 absentions. The governance of the Single Market was adopted 527 votes in support, 30 against and 31 abstentions. Finally Parliament believes it necessary to grant greater importance to the fight to counter unemployment, give more support to the democratisation of European economic governance and implement structural reforms.

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MEPs fight over-fishing

10 February 2013

On 6th February 2013 MEPs adopted their position on the Common Fisheries Policy. This text mainly aims to fight the phenomenon of over fishing which is affecting more than 80% of the Mediterranean reserves and 40% of those in the Atlantic. The new common fisheries policy which will enter into force in 2014 should enable fish stocks to replenish by 2020. The ban on releasing fish, stricter rules governing quotas and a better control by the authorities are the main measures included in this position.

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MEPs want to guarantee better loan access for SME's

10 February 2013

On 5th February 2013 MEPs adopted a resolution calling on the European Commission to legislate to improve SME access to funding and bank loans. According to MEPs banks and financial institutes receiving public aid should offer loans and credit terms which are adapted to SMEs. The text is also suggesting an improvement in the exchange of information between those who lend and those who are in debt. It also anticipates the introduction of the early reimbursement of loans which would help reduce uncertainty about credit. MEPs want to take on board the vulnerability of SMEs caused by late payments and are calling on Member States to transpose the directive on payment deadlines.

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The Tunisian President delivers a speech to MEPs

11 February 2013

On 6th February 2013, just hours after the assassination of the Tunisian opposition leader Chokri Belaïd, Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki delivered a moving speech to MEPs about the revolution in his country. Comparing Tunisia to a "true transition laboratory" Mr Marzouki said he was determined to succeed "although the process of democratisation was more difficult and longer than inititially planned." He also added that those who feared an "Islamic winter after the Arab Spring" should not worry because the "Arab revolutions were not nationalist nor xenophobic" even though youth migration towards Europe and the threat of extremist Islamic movements continued to concern him a great deal.

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MEPs approve an increase in funds allocated to immigration

11 February 2013

On 6th February 2013 MEPs approved an increase in European funds allocated to immigration (this involves four funds in the "Solidarity and Migratory Flow Management": the European Refugee Fund, the European Return Fund, the European Integration Fund for Citizens from third countries and the European Fund for External Borders). They are callling for greater solidarity towards refugees. Indeed refugee centres are increasingly over-populated and lack the most basic materials, whilst many Member States, which are in a period of crisis, can no longer cope with migratory flows.

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Launch of a strategy to counter cybercrime

10 February 2013

On 7th February 2013 the European Commission published a strategy that aims to strengthen cybersecurity. It aims to promote European values such as freedom, democracy and to ensure that the digital economy can develop in total safety. The overall strategy notably anticipates the development of industrial and technological resources in cybersecurity and the improvement of cyberdefence means together with a common defence and security policy. A vital chapter in the plan is a draft directive that will oblige the States to adopt a security strategy for information networks and to appoint competent national authorities, that have adequate financial and human resources to manage risks.

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Regional Funds to protect Pompei

10 February 2013

On 6th February 2013, one day after the former managers of the Pompei site had been arrested for corruption, the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn announced the start of work to protect the famous site of Campanie. Neglected for a long time, the Roman town of Pompei will be awarded 41.8 million euros in European Funds for Regional Development (FEDER), a part of a total sum of 105 million euros. According to Johannes Hahn the project might serve as a model for the rest of Italy and the region.

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Criminal proceedings again counterfeiting

10 February 2013

On 5th February 2013 the European Commission put forward different measures to protect the euro againt counterfeiting. This notably involves criminal proceedings anticipating harmonised, minimal sentences for the most serious cases. Cross border investigations are due to become systematic and Member States will have to integrate the fight to counter counterfeiting into their criminal legislation. Counterfeiting has represented 500 million euros since 2002.

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Safer chemical products in Europe

10 February 2013

On 5th February 2013 the European Commission published a report illustrating improvements in the use of chemical products in Europe since the entry into force of the REACH regulation (registration, assessment, authorisation and restriction of chemical products). Hence information is more accessible about chemical substances present on the market and better targeted measures for risk management have enabled a significant reduction in the risks caused by substances registered as part of REACH. The trend is due to continue given that the sector is constantly looking for substitutes for the most dangerous chemical products.

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Conclusions of the General Affairs Council

11 February 2013

On 6th February 2013 the 27 EU European Affairs Ministers debated the work programme of the Irish Presidency and the draft agenda of the European Council on 14th and 15th March. Moreover they adopted a decision on a readmission agreement for illegal immigrants with Cap-Verde. They also approved the Commission's decision to withdraw Iran and Azerbaijan from the list of beneficiaries of the EU's generalised scheme of tariff preferences. They also approved the modification of the Veterinary Agreement with Switzerland.

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The Serb and Kosovar Presidents meet in Brussels

11 February 2013

On 6th February 2013 the Serb President, Tomislav Nikolic and his Kosovar counterpart Atifete Jahjaga met in Brussels thanks to mediation by Catherine Ashton the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the Security Policy. It is a first since their respective elections. "Both said they supported dialogue," declared Ms Ashton in a press release. Before his departure for Brussels Tomislav Nikolic recalled that the journey did not imply any kind of acknowledgement of the independence of Kosovo.

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Report on the Situation in the Middle East two years after the Arab Spring

11 February 2013

On 8th February 2013 the European Union published a report on the situation in the Middle East two years after the start of the Arab Spring. This report highlights that a great deal of political progress has been achieved even though there is still room for a great deal of improvement. The report reveals some dangers, notably the fact that conflict might spread from one country to another with the situation in Syria possibly affecting the entire Middle East, and in Libya the effects of which have been felt in Mali. The report observes a great deal of tension between civilian and religious groups but also discrimination to which women, young people and minorities and their respective claims fall victim. Hence the EU has defined four support areas: elections, civil society, economic transition, regional cooperation.

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Support and follow-up group on Mali

11 February 2013

On 5th February 2013 the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the Security Policy welcomed the various African representatives and those from the international organisations (ECOWAS, UN, African Union) comprising the support and follow-up group on the situation in Mali. The entire group said it was satisfied with the progress made by the Malian troops with the support of France, stressing their attachment to the respect of humanitarian rights and the protection of the civilian populations. Finally the ministers present exhorted the Malian authorities to implement the roadmap adopted by the government to the letter in order to restore constitutional order. On 11th and 12th February the European Development Ministeres will meet in Dublin to discuss aid to Mali.

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The ECB does not have an "exchange rate goal"

10 February 2013

The President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Mario Draghi declared on 7th February 2013 that the rise in the euro is the sign of the return of confidence in the euro zone. This "appreciation is a sign of the return of confidence in the euro (...) The exchange rates must reflect the fundamentals and as a whole the nominal and real exchange rates are almost within their long term average," he added. He recalled that "the exchange rate was not a goal" but that it "was important for growth and price stability". He added that the ECB would watch this appreciation which if it continued would modify the institution's assessment as far as price stability is concerned. Moreover interest rates on the main refinancing operations will remain unchanged (0.75%, 1.50% and 0%).

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Successful first launch of Ariane 5

9 February 2013

On 7th February 2013 the Ariane 5 rocket carrying two telecommunications satellites for Spain and Azerbaijan was launched from the space centre in Kourou (Guiana). This first lift-off of the year of the European launcher is the 212th Ariane launch from the Guianese Space Centre and the 68th launch of an Ariane 5 rocket. According to the CEO of Arianespace Jean-Yves le Gall "this performance again shows the pertinence of our development policy; it enables us to increase the capacity of our launcher and also maintain its reliability."

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Close cooperation with Spain

10 February 2013

The German and Spanish governments met on 4th February 2013 in Berlin as part of their annual bilateral consultations. On the sidelines of these discussions German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed the close nature of the cooperation with Spain. She added that Germany held the reforms that Spain had started in great esteem. The Spanish head of government, Mariano Rajoy stressed that these reforms were already starting to produce results and that he intended to continue along this path. He recalled that Germany is Spain's second most important economic partner.

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New Education Minister in Germany

11 February 2013

Annette Schavan, Education Minister handed in her resignation to Angela Merkel on 9th February 2013. Accused of plagiarism, her PdD in Philosophy from the University of Düsseldorf was withdrawn on 6th February 2013. The new Education Minister is Johanna Wanka, who was Science and Culture Minister for Lower Saxony to date.

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Exports in 2012: +3.4% in comparison with 2011

11 February 2013

Germany, Europe's leading economy achieved its best ever trade surplus in 2012 since the record in 2007 in spite of a less prosperous end to the year because of a slowing in the world's economy. The trade surplus totalled 188.1 billion euros last year, against 158.7 billion in 2011. It is its second historic high after the record of 195.3 billion euros in 2007, according to figures published on 8th February by the German Statistics Office, Destatis.

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New Education Minister

11 February 2013

The Bulgarian Parliament appointed a new Education, Youth and Science Minister on 6th February 2013 after the dismissal, last week of the previous holder of the position who is suspected of corruption. The Chairman of the Science Academy, Stefan Vodenitcharov, director of the Metals Institute succeeds Serguey Ignatov who was sacked after irregularities in the management of public research funds were discovered.

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Mariano Rajoy publishes his incomes and assets

11 February 2013

As he recently promised the Spanish head of government, Mariano Rajoy, who has been accused of involvement in a corruption scandal but who denies having received undeclared money, has published his tax returns from 2004-2011 and the list of his assets up to 2007 on 9th February 2013. These dates correspond to the period in which he led the People's Party. The Spanish Prime Minister received between 112,015 and 147,620 euros annually in salary as well as "additional revenues, produced by his assets invested in public debt and real estate." Mariano Rajoy hopes to put an end to the scandal in this way.

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Liquidation of the Anglo-Irish Bank

11 February 2013

On 7th February 2013 Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny announced that he had come to an "historic" agreement over the country's debt. Irish MPs approved the liquidation of the Anglo-Irish bank on the same day 113 votes in support, 36 against - the latter was nationalised in 2009 after its spectacular collapse during the financial crisis in the wake of risky real estate loans. The bank's assets will be transferred to NAMA, a "bad" bank created by Dublin during the financial crisis to relieve the country's banks of their toxic assets.

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Marki Carney confirmed as governor of the Bank of England

10 February 2013

On 7th February 2013 Canadian Mark Carney spoke before the Treasury Committee in the House of Commons for the post of governor of the Bank of England. Presently the governor of the Bank of Canada, Mr Carney was asked specific questions about monetary policy and the country's financial stablility. Although many think that Mark Carney might revolutionise English monetary policy he appeared to be more compliant than expected, seeming in the main to want to continue the same policy as his predecessor Mervyn King. After this audience the Treasury Committee confirmed the appointment of Mark Carney as governor of the Bank of England.

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Vote on the draft bill authorising marriage between people of the same sex

11 February 2013

On 5th February 2013 the British parliament voted in support of a draft bill allowing marriage between people of the same sex, 400 votes in favour, 175 against. More than half of the Conservative MPs decided not to follow David Cameron's position which supported this reform, whilst no official voting advice was given. "There are very much divided opinions on both sides but I am convinced that the vote enabling homosexuals to marry is a step forwards for our country," responded the Prime Minister after the vote. The text received the massive support of the Liberal Democrats who are part of the government coalition and the Labour opposition. The text now has to be examined by the House of Lords.

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Moving towards a settlement of the banking conflict between Croatia and Slovenia

10 February 2013

On 6th February 2013 Slovenian Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec and his Croatian counterpart Vesna Pusic came to an agreement on the settlement of a dispute over the Ljubljanska Banka. When Yugoslavia collapsed at the beginning of the 1990's this Slovenian bank went bankrupt whilst more than 130,000 Croats held an account there. The compromise - the details of which will not be revealed before 19th February next - should put an end to Slovenia's refusal to ratify Croatia's accession treaty to the European Union.

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DeSUS quits the government coalition

10 February 2013

The political crisis has worsened in Slovenia, with the announcement on 5th February 2013 by the Democratic Party of Slovenian Pensioners that it was leaving the government coalition led by Janesz Jansa. This will take effect by 22nd February. This announcement further weakens the government which the Civic List (Drzavljanska lista) quit in January.

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Pope Benedict XVI renounces the papal office

11 February 2013

On 11th February 2013 during an ordinary public consistory Pope Benedict XVI announced that he was retiring on 28th February declaring that he no longer had the "strength" to lead the Catholic Church because of his age. Benedict XVI, aged 85, said that he "had realised, due to his advanced age, he was no longer able to assume his position as Pope and Archbishop of Rome adequately.

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Council of Europe

Strengthening democracy and the freedom of speech in Turkey

10 February 2013

In his inaugural speech to the conference on the freedom of speech and the freedom of the media in Turkey on 5th February 2013 the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland stressed the need to take steps to bring Turkish legislation in line with the Council of Europe's standards. "There are 450 cases pending against Turkey involving the issue of the freedom of speech. This is far too many" he declared, recalling the European Court of Human Rights' most recent statistics as he spoke to an audience of Turkish prosecutors and magistrates. "The entire anti-terrorist legislation has to be reviewed and the Penal Code modified," he added. "Even if this shocks or upsets, protecting the freedom of the press and speech means protecting democracy," he believed.

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Europeans more confident about the safety of chemical substances than before

10 February 2013

According to a survey published by Eurobarometer on 5th February 2013 three Europeans in five think that chemical substances on the EU's market are safer now that they were 10 years ago. Five years after the entry into force of the regulation on the registration, assessment, authorisation and restriction of chemical products (REACH), 65% of those interviewed believed that products containing chemical substances had been correctly tested in the European Union.

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Trade EU/Asia : in need of a strategy

10 February 2013

The Foundation for International Relations and External Dialogue (FRIDE) has published a study on trade relations between the European Union and Asia: "EU-Asia trade: in need of a strategy." The author explains that the two regions must define priorities and means of action in terms of trade otherwise they might soon be supplanted by Asian intra-regional trade.

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The role of national parliaments in European legislation

10 February 2013

The College of Europe has published its February edition of "Bruges Political Research Papers". Co-written by Marta Zalewska and Oskar Josef Gstrein the study entitled "National Parliaments and their Role in European Integration: The EU's Democratic Deficit in Times of Economic Hardship and Political Insecurity" describes and assesses the role played by national parliaments in European legislation taking on board the reforms introduced by the Lisbon Treaty. The question over democratic legitimation is also addressed. Finally the authors criticise the inclusion of national parliaments in the EU's present legislative triangle (Parliament, Commission, Council). They suggest the establishment of a new type of monitoring body.

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Study of MEPs points of view

11 February 2013

The study Europe's crisis measures : a view from the European Parliament", published in February 2013 by ComRes on behalf of the Cicéron Group, analyses the points of view of 100 MEPs on many economic and financial themes during the crises.This work shows that although the main political groups in the European Parliament are generally in favour of banking union, euro bonds and economic and budgetary union, they are divided over the real effect and the political motivations behind these measures. This study notably maintains that MEPs' opinions are heavily influenced by their nationality.

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Latvia and the powers of Europe between the two wars (1917-1939)

11 February 2013

Codex publishing have released a book by Sophie Vilks Battaia, PhD in Modern History and a specialist of international relations, entitled "A contested independence, Latvia and the powers of Europe between the two wars (1917-1939)." This unique study based on Latvian and French diplomatic archives (Society of Nations funds), describes the history of this Baltic State which took advantage of the Bolchevic Revolution and the allied victory in 1918 to free itself from the Russian empire. After eight centuries of domination Latvia acquired independence on 18th November 1918.

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Carnet d'Europe, souvenirs européens 1950-2005

11 February 2013

With the support of the EU's Historic Archives, Robert Toulemon has published, as part of the collection "Carnet d'Europe" his European memoires 1950-2005. In this work entitled "Carnet d'Europe, souvenirs européens 1950-2005" he bears witness to a life devoted to Europe and federalism. Robert Toulemon occupied high positions in the European Commission from 1962 to 1973, as head of the cabinet with Robert Marjolin then as General Manager for Industrial, Technological and Scientific Affairs for Altiero Spinelli. He has defended the European cause throughout his life.

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Exhibition Ferdinand Hodler in Basel

10 February 2013

The Beyeler Foundation of Basel is devoting an exhibition to the work of Ferdinand Hodler until 26th May 2013 highlighting the last five years of his work (1913-1918). Ferdinand Hodler whose work marked the external and internal image of Switzerland like no other, was one of the main representatives of the transition between the 19th century and the modern era. The exhibition brings together around 80 works and was completed with the help of the Neue Galerie in New York.

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Antoine Watteau, the music lesson

11 February 2013

The BOZAR (Palais des Beaux Arts of Brussels) in cooperation with the Palais des Beaux-Arts of Lille is exhibiting the most beautiful works by 18th century artist Antoine Watteau until 12th May 2013 (paintings, drawings, prints etc ...). This retrospective is completed by work by Dirk Braeckman, a Belgian artist who was inspired by Watteau's work to achieve a series of photographic creations.

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"Pierre's Path" at the Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome

11 February 2013

The Castel Sant' Angelo Museum of Rome is presenting the history of Christianity from the 4th to the 20th century by way of 40 works of art until 1st May 2013. The exhibition brings together paintings and sculptures by artists like Lorenzo Veneziano, Vitale de Bologna, Marco Basaiti, Jan Brueghel, Giorgio Vasari, Georges de la Tour, Guercino, Dirk van Baburen and Eugène Burnand.

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Exhibition of Man Ray Portraits

11 February 2013

The National Portrait Gallery in London is offering visitors the exhibition "Man Ray Portraits" until 27th May 2013. Nearly 150 portraits by Man Ray, a leading figure of the Dada and Surrealist movements, are on show until 27th May 2013. Those close to Man Ray as well as many 20th century celebrities are represented in these photographs taken between 1916 and 1968 in the USA and in Paris.

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Awards for British cinema

11 February 2013

On 10th February 2013 during the Bafta Award ceremony, "Argo" directed by American Ben Affleck, dominated the awards, winning the prize for the best film, best director and best editing. Amongst the other awards Briton, Daniel Day-Lewis won the Bafta for the best actor for his role in "Lincoln". Frenchwoman Emmanuelle Riva won the Best Actress award for her role in "Amour" by Austrian director Michael Handke. This film was greeted as the "best foreign film".

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11th February

Euro Zone Finance Ministers' Meeting (Brussels)

12th February

Economy and Finance Council (Brussels)

les 15th-16th February

Meeting of the G20 Finance Ministers and Governors of the Central Banks (Moscow)

15th February

Education, Youth, Culture, Sport Council (Brussels)

17th February

Presidential election - Cyprus (1st round) ()

18th February

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

18th and 19th February

Competitiveness Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Pierre Thibaudat ,Fanny Cohen, Clara Coornaert, Victor Delage, Louis Hancisse, Gaudérique Traub

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

EU/Budget; Retirement/Pope; Ariane 5; Mali/Middle East


The Newsletter n°566- version of 11 févr. 2013