The Newsletter5508 oct. 2012

La Lettre

Pauline Schnapper

8 October 2012

Since his refusal to sign the budgetary stability pact on which 25 of the 27 EU Member States agreed in December 2011, the British government has placed itself in a position of voluntary isolation in Europe. David Cameron subject to the continued pressure of the radical eurosceptics in his party, a third of whom in the parliamentary group would like the UK to quit the European Union. Pauline Schnapper, professor of Modern British Civilisation at the University of Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, draws up three possible outcomes regarding the future of the UK in the European Union. The first, defended by the eurosceptics would be for the country to withdraw from the EU which would then form a partnership, in the ilk of Norway and Switzerland; the second option would be to take advantage of the present negotiations to achieve "the renationalisation of certain policies by London"; finally the third option would be to bring the UK back into the European fold.

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Front page!

The World Forum for Democracy in Strasbourg

6 October 2012

On the theme of "Democracy: between old models and new realities' the world forum for democracy will convene between 5th-11th October in Strasbourg on the initiative of the Council of Europe. The Robert Schuman Foundation, one of the event's partners, is organising a round table on 10th October together with the European Movement-France entitled "Europe, a global player?" Jean-Dominique Giluliani, the Foundation's Chairman, will be moderating the debate with a group of experts such as Simon Serfaty, Kinga Brudzinska, Carine Dartiguepeyrou, Michel Foucher and Maxime Lefebvre.

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European Citizenship, Security and Defence

8 October 2012

Together with the Robert Schuman Foundation, the CIDAN (Association for Citizenship, Defence, Army, Nation) is organising the European Prize for "Citizenship, Security and Defence" under the auspices of the European Council and the Representation of the European Commission in France. This prize is designed to reward particularly remarkable work in support of the development of European citizenship as well as European awareness of security and defence. It is open to all European citizens as well as to public and private schools.

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Programme with Jean-Claude Trichet, former ECB President

8 October 2012

As part of the partnership between the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Audiovisuel extérieur de la France (AEF), the Foundation is broadcasting the latest programme "Talking Europe" on its site; the guest this week is former ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet. Interviewed by the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani on the euro crisis, Jean-Claude Trichet, who headed the ECB for eight years, reviews the measures taken by his successor Mario Draghi. He answers the decisive question: " Is the ECB doing enough to save the euro zone?"

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Opposition victory in the Georgian legislative elections

7 October 2012

Businessman Bidzina Ivanishvili, founder of the movement "Georgian Dream-Democratic Georgia" won the general elections that took place on 1st October 2012 in Georgia. According to the final results the coalition that incluldes his party, as well as Our Georgia-Free Democrats, the Republican Party, National Forum, the Conservative-Industry will Save Georgia Party, won 54.9% of the vote. The United National Movement led by Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili won 40.4% of the vote. The other parties did not win more than 5% of the vote required to be represented in Parliament. The turnout rate totalled 60.8%. President Saakashvili acknowledged his defeat immediately. The two men will have to co-habit for a year until the presidential election.

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Financial Crisis

The German Institute DIW reduces its growth forecasts

7 October 2012

On 2nd October the DIW institute reduced its growth forecasts for Germany in 2012 and 2013, in view of the slowing of the world economy and the debt crisis in the euro zone. The economic research institute is now forecasting growth of 0.9% this year and then 1.6% in 2013 instead of +1% and +1.9% previously. The institute stresses that the German economy will only be temporarily weakened contrary to that of many other European countries. For France the DIW is only forecasting growth of 0.2% of the GDP in 2012 and 2013.

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The ECB leaves its main rate unchanged

7 October 2012

On 4th October 2012 during a council of governors' meeting the European Central Bank (BCE) left its main rate unchanged; this rate is maintained at 0.75%, ie its lowest rate ever, which has remained unchanged since July. The ECB chairman Mario Draghi believes that this choice is justified because of stable inflation long term, which will lie at 2% approximately, but he does not rule out some short term fluctuation. In his opinion weak economic growth rates in the euro zone, and even contraction supports this decision. He also explained that the new programme to purchase public bonds by the ECB - called the OTM programme had led to a reduction in concern about the future of the euro zone.

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Spain: a further rise in unemployment

7 October 2012

In a press release published on 2nd October 2012, Fatima Banez, Employment, Social Security Minister in Mariano Rajoy's government announced that there were 79,645 more unempolyed than in August ( +1.72%). Whilst Spain, the euro zone's fourth most important economy is under market pressure to request financial rescue, nearly 4,705,279 people are now looking for work.

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French growth stagnates at zero

7 October 2012

According to a press release on 4th October 2012 by the National Insitute for Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) the GDP will continue to stagnate in the third and fourth quarters (against +0.1% then +0.2% forecast in June). The institute is forecasting growth of 0.2% over the whole year, against 0.4% in the previous forecasts published at the end of June. This is 0.3% less than counted on by the government to bring France's public deficit down to 4.5% of the GDP by the end of the year. Moreover the unemployment rate is due to rise to 10% of the working population in mainland France in the third quarter.

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Slovenia forecasts further budgetary cuts and raises VAT

7 October 2012

On 4th October 2012 the Slovenian government approved the draft budget law 2013-2014. Finance Minister Janez Sustersic declared that the government was going to undertake further budgetary cuts in the public sector and increase VAT. These measures should bring the budgetary deficit below 3% of the GDP in respect of the treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the euro zone. The draft 2012 budget is forecasting spending of 9.5 billion euros, for revenues of 8.5 billion. The minister added that the government was going to suggest to Parliament that it increase VAT on certain products and services.

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Portugal maintains austerity

7 October 2012

On 4th October the Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho that the austerity policy undertaken under the guidance of the EU and the IMF (aid plan of 78 billion euros granted in May 2011) has helped Portugal regain the confidence of its creditors on the financial markets. At the beginning of September the country achieved a relaxation in its deficit goals (5% of the GDP in 2012 and 4.5% in 2013). This relaxation has enabled Portugal to return to the bond market. Nevertheless the country will maintain its austerity plan. In this context the Portuguese Finance Minister, Vitor Gaspar announced on 3rd October 2012 a general increase in income tax, a measure that will be included in the draft budget 2013, presented to parliament on 15th October.

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Italy: towards reductions in the cost of politics and digitalisation

8 October 2012

During a council of ministers on 4th October the Italian government adopted a draft law aiming to reduce the costs of Italian politics. The latter notably anticipates banning the accumulation of salaries and allowances, limiting the number of regional councillors and administration heads. Moreover Italy, where growth is stagnating and the civil service is ineffectual, intends to "transform" itself by stepping up digitalisation in all areas of citizens' and business life, accord to a law entitled "Growth 2.0". The text adopted on 4th October, which includes a great number of measures aims to "transform the country' thanks to the movement of knowledge, information sharing; connectivity and digital services to the citizens, explained the President of Council Mario Monti.

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Recession in Hungary

8 October 2012

The Hungarian government announced a series of austerity measures on 5th October in order to keep the public deficit below 3% of the GDP and acknowledged for the first time that the country would be in recession this year. "The government has decided to take the necessary measures to maintain the public deficit level below 3% of the GDP in 2012, 2013 and 2014" announced the Economy Minister György Matolcsy. 5th October was the deadline set by Brussels for the presentation of these measures. Hungary has been the subject of an excessive deficit procedure since it joined the EU in 2004.

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The European Stability Mechanism officially enters into force

9 October 2012

The European Stability Mechanism (ESM) officially entered into force on 8th October 2012. Jean-Claude Juncker, who chaired the euro zone Finance Ministers' meeting declared that the "launch of the ESM was an historic stage in the construction of Monetary Union, the euro zone is now equipped with a permanent and effective firewall." The ESM has a lending capacity of 500 billion euros. In the long run the ESM will take over from the present aid Fund, the EFSF. Both instruments will exist side by side until next June.

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Single Market Ac tII

7 October 2012

On 3rd October 2012 Michel Barnier, the European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services presented further measures designed to develop the European internal market. This set of measures that come under the " Single Market Act II" focus on four main points: the opening of the transport and energy networks to intra-European competition; the increase in citizen and business mobility, stepping up the pace in the transition towards a digital economy and consumer protection.

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Nuclear security in Europe under the Commission's scrutiny

7 October 2012

On 4th October 2012 the European Commission published its report on the state of the European nuclear power units. It explains that massive investments (between 11 and 25 billion euros) are needed to guarantee the security of these units, notably in the most populous areas. Indeed 111 of the 134 reactors in the Union are established in zones inhabited by more than 100,000 citizens within a 15 km radius. This report involves 14 Member States that have nuclear power plants (Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Romania, UK, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden), and it notes various problems after stress tests undertaken by the national nuclear safety authorities.

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Publication of the experts' report on banking reform

7 October 2012

A group of high level experts chaired by Erkki Liikanen delivered its report to the European Commission on the reform of the structure of the European banking sector on 2nd October 2012. The report notably advises the strengthening of governance and supervision of the banks, increasing their own funds given the dangers to which they might be exposed, separating traditional activities from the more dangerous ones.

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MPs want a bigger European budget

7 October 2012

On 4th October 2012 MEPs of the European Parliament's Budgetary Committee expressed their concern about the shortfalls of the European budget for this financial year. They therefore re-established a certain number of credit lines which were cancelled or reduced by the Council previously. MEPs have notably recalled the importance of the measures in support of growth and employment. They also criticised the attitude of the Member States which means "that we have not planned enough spending commitments in the 2012 budget. The Cohesion Fund is in danger, likewise the European Social Fund, Erasmus, the education and life-long training fund and even research and innovation programmes," according to Alain Lamassoure (EPP, FR) who chairs this committee.

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Conclusions of the "Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer" Council

7 October 2012

On 4th October 2012 the 27 Ministers responsible for employment, social policy, healthcare and consumers adopted binding texts in terms of energy efficacy, "pharmacovigilance", copyright concerning orphan works and the reform of generalised preference tariffs applied to emerging countries. They also agreed on a common approach to protecting workers who are exposed to electromagnetic fields and on a common EU position regarding the coordination of social security systems between the EU, Turkey, Albania, Montenegro and Saint Marin.

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The Council adopts victim protection measures

7 October 2012

On 4th October 2012, ministers approved a directive establishing minimal rights' standards, the support and protection of victims of crime. This text notably obliges the Member States to help victims better by providing them with more information in their own language. The victims will receive better guidance from free, anonymous aid services. The Member States (except for Denmark, which has a dispensation), have three years to implement this directive.

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Differences in pay between men and women in Germany

7 October 2012

According to an announcement by the German federal statistics office (Destatis) on 4th October 2012 women in the executive category earned 30% less than men in Germany in 2010. Similar differences exist in technical professions and in the academic sector according to Destatis. Since the last survey in 2006 the difference has decreased by one point to reach 22% on average.

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The first summit on demography in Germany

8 October 2012

On 4th October 2012 the German Chancellor Angela Merkel inaugurated the first summit devoted to the challenges of demographic ageing in Germany from which she is expecting the "first real answers" within "one year". "With globalisation demographic change is probably the biggest disruption that will affect our social and personal life," she declared. The most populous country in the EU, Germany has recorded a birth rate that has constantly been below 1.4 children per woman over the last 20 years. However according to the federal statistics office on 2nd October 2012 life expectancy has risen again.

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Financial Tax and Digital Economy on the agenda at the Franco-Finnish meeting

8 October 2012

On 2nd October 2012 the French President François Hollande hosted Finnish Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen in a bid to convince him to join the project to tax financial transactions. The project requires the agreement of nine member countries for it to enter into force. But the Finns barely seem tempted to introduce this tax. Jyrki Katainen did however announce that the government would discuss this proposal as soon as possible. He also stressed that "cooperation with France in the digital market is a major step forward for Finland and for Europe."

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Meeting with the Swedish Prime Minister

8 October 2012

On 2nd October 2012 the French President François Hollande hosted Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt. They addressed subjects ranging from the euro zone to Europe, particularly banking union. Sweden would like the introduction of quite specific rules together with guarantees. In a declaration to the press after the meeting Mr Hollande maintained his support for banking union saying however that this "has to start in the euro zone countries". During this meeting the question of bilateral ccoperation between the two countries was also addressed, notably from an economic point of view. The French president would like to enhance cooperation in the area of both renewable and nuclear energy.

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Luxembourg: draft budget 2013

7 October 2012

On 2nd October 2012 the Luxembourg Finance Minister, Luc Frieden, presented the 2013 draft budget that anticipates a public deficit of 1.5% of the GDP against 2% in 2012. Limited at 1.5% "the public deficit respects the fundamental criteria of budgetary treaties," says the minister. GDP growth is due to rise to 1.7% against 0.1% in 2012. The Luxembourg government is planning to borrow 4.5 billion euros in 2013 to fund its budgetary deficit and ensure its commitments in the international and European mechanisms in support of the stability of the euro zone.

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Euro-Mediterranean Forum

8 October 2012

On 6th October 2012 the Mediterranean Summit 5+5 (Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia) took place in Malta. It concluded with the adoption of the "Malta Declaration". According to Maltese Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, the summit promoted dialogue between the countries in the west of the Mediterranean to exchange ideas on security, immigration and economic development. The 5+5 Dialogue will continue to improve the links between the various regional organisations for the promotion of peace, stability, security and prosperity.

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The Netherlands

The formation of a coalition government takes shape ...

8 October 2012

During a joint press conference on 1st October 2012 the leader of the Liberal Party (VVD) and outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte and the leader of the Labour Party (PvdA), Diederik Samson, said they agreed on the amendments to the texts included in the 2013 budget. This agreement heralds a step forward towards the formation of a government coalition. During the general elections on 12th September 2012 the Liberals won 41 seats and Labour 38, rallying 79 seats together. Both parties are now engaged in talks in view of forming a coalition government, a process whose outcome is uncertain. Since 1945 the average time necessary to form a coalition has been 72 days; 125 days were necessary to form the last coalition in 2010.

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The Weimar Triangle

7 October 2012

On October 1st 2012 the German, French and Polish Ministers responsible for European Affairs met in Warsaw as part of discussions of the Weimar Triangle on European policy. The three ministers' meetings focused on the EU's multi-annual financial framework for the period 2014-2020 on the future of the European Union, on the security and common defence policy and on the Eastern partnership. After their meetings they published a joint declaration in which they plead for the supervision of the banks Europe wide.

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Czech Republic

The Czech President will be elected by direct universal suffrage

8 October 2012

The election of the Czech president by direct universal suffrage, a first in the country's modern history will take place on 11th and 13th January 2013, announced the leader of the Senate Milan Stech on October 1st. The Czechs will have to choose the successor to Vaclav Klaus for a five year mandate as head of the country according to an amendment to the Constitution approved this year. Since the fall of Communism in 1989 the head of State has been elected by Parliament.

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Corruption in Romania: sixth resignation from the Ponta government

8 October 2012

Two Romanian politicians are suspected of corruption. The Healthcare Minister Vasile Cepoi, presented his resignation on October 1st 2012 after the National Anti-Corruption Agency indicated last week that he was under suspicion of "conflict of interest, violation of the financial interests of the European Community and corruption." The second, Gergely Olosz, was dismissed for traffic of influence. This MP of the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania (UDMR) is notably accused of having promoted the interests of four Romanian businessmen in investments that benefited from the European funds.

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David Cameron challenged within his own party

8 October 2012

British Prime Minister David Cameron will have to prove his legitimacy at his party's congress that started on 7th October in Birmingham, whilst criticism rages about his inability to solve the country's recession. According to a Yougov poll published by the Sunday Times Labour achieves 45% positive views against 31% for the Conservatives and 8% for the Liberal Democrats. The Conservatives are criticised for the inefficacy of the unpopular austerity measures they have taken within the government coalition formed with the Liberal Democrats. During his speech on 10th October 2012 David Cameron will have to defend his mid-term results and reassure the right wing of his party which is demanding a referendm on EU membership. He has threatened to veto the European budget saying that he would not tolerate any "scandalous" attempts to increase it.

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Council of Europe

The Council of Europe asks Vladimir Putin to "democratise" the Russian system

7 October 2012

On 2nd October 2012 during its autumn session in Strasbourg (from 1st October to 5th October 2012), the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a resolution based on the report by György Frunda (Romania, EPP/DC) and Andreas Gross (Switzerland, SOS), calling on the Russian President Vladimir Putin to "democratise" the Russian system. The Parliamentary Assembly declared that Russia was at a "unique point" in its democratic development. In its opinion various laws adopted since December 2011, such as the changes made to the electoral law, illustrate the desire to liberalise the system. But other measures regarding the freedom of expression adopted in 2012 are deemed "worrying".

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A year's extension to the mandate of Secretary General Rasmussen

7 October 2012

After a series of consultations the 28 NATO member countries announced on 3rd October 2012 that they approved the extension of Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen's mandate by one year. The former Danish Prime Minister, appointed on 1st August 2009 initially for a single four year mandate, will stay in office for a fifth year until 31st July 2014.

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The IMF declares that Slovenia can emerge from economic recession

7 October 2012

On 1st October 2012 the IMF declared that Slovenia could emerge from the recession without any financial aid. During a press conference together with the Slovenian Finance Minister Janez Sustersic, and the governor of the Slovenian Central Bank, Marko Kranjec, Antonio Spilimbergo, head of the Slovenian IMF mission explained that if the latter " courageously implements all of the necessary reforms (which are prepared by the government), it should be enough to reassure the markets". The Slovenian government indeed has reduced its growth forecasts in its 2013 budget, anticipating a 2% contraction in 2012 and 1.4% in 2013. The IMF mission that arrived in Ljubljana on 20th September 2012 speaks of a 2.2% GDP contraction in 2012 and 1% in 2013.

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Annual Assessment of the Bulgarian Economy

8 October 2012

From 20th September to 2nd October 2012 an IMF mission was on a mission in Sofia for the annual assessment of the Bulgarian economy. According to the mission's chief, Catriona Purfield, the Bulgarian economy remained stable to a certain extent in spite of both internal and external difficulties. Regarding its domestic problems the IMF is suggesting measures to help Bulgaria settle them, notably structural reforms to foster growth and employment, to promote a climate that will foster business and strengthen the stability and credibility of the banking system. According to forecasts the country's growth is due to total 1% in 2012 and 1.5% in 2013. It believes that the budgetary deficit is on the right track and will fall to 1.25% in 2012 which would represent a significant step towards attaining budgetary balance in 2015. Inflation is due to total 2.5% in 2012.

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The IMF releases one 6th of the aid tranche for Moldova

8 October 2012

On 2nd October 2012 the IMF granted the sixth tranche of aid to a total of 59.6 million euros to Moldova as part of financial aid it has been providing to the country since January 2010, bringing the total sum to 440.3 million euros. This aid is being given in exchange for a reduction in the budgetary deficit which the Chisinau autorities brought down to 2.4% at the end of 2011 against 6.3% in 2009. According to the IMF the country's economic growth is due to recover and reach 3.5% in 2012, a rate much lower than the 6.4% in 2011.

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The Labour Market trends in the EU updated

7 October 2012

On 5th October 2012 Eurostat unveiled the major trends of the EU labour market. Hence nearly 70% of people in work in 2011 in the European Union were employed in the service sector, an increase of 8% in comparison with 2000. There are significant variations between the countries as far as the distribution of people employed in agriculture, industry and services are concerned. This survey also reveals the average weekly working time as well as the type of contract most used per country and per type

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The OECD report on Estonia

7 October 2012

In a report published by the OECD on October 1st 2012, it is recalled that although Estonia has recovered well from the world economic crisis, its growth has slowed. According to the organisation this highlights the need for the country to reduce its vulnerability to outside shocks. The OECD puts three priorities forward: the introduction of better supervision of the financial markets and the enhancement of cross border cooperation in this area; the establishment of a cap on government spending and the creation of an independent financial institution; and the improvement of the efficacy of its social protection system, its labour market and its education policy.

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The role of the German economy in global growth

7 October 2012

In a study published on 2nd October 2012 two IMF economists, Fabian Bornhorst and Ashoka Mody, look into the role of the German economy in the world. They explain that although German exports are the motor behind the country's dynamism and growth, it exposes it to the instability of foreign demand and maintains the growth of domestic consumption at extremely low levels. They believe that in spite of the importance of the country's economy, Germany's role as the locomotive of the world's economy remains limited. They plead for German growth to be stimulated more by domestic activity, notably in the area of manufacturing and services. If Germany does not make this effort its economy will be impeded and will then only play a modest role in the continuation of world growth.

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Bernard-Henri Lévy calls for the implementation of Political Union

7 October 2012

In an article published on 28th September 2012 philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy called for the implementation of true political union in Europe. In his opinion only this solution will enable the protection of the euro and thereby avoid chaos and Europe's exit from History. He notably quotes stories of both failure and success of various monetary unions in history in support f his suggestion. He concludes saying; "it is political Union or death".

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Toxicity of GMOs

8 October 2012

On 4th October 2012 the European Food Safety Authority rejected the study by researcher Gilles-Eric Séralini on the toxicity of GMO corn deeming it "inadequate" and "lacking" and asked him to provide more information by the end of the month.

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Defence companies and the fight to counter corruption

7 October 2012

Two thirds of the major defence companies in the world do not provide enough information about the way they fight corruption according to a ranking by Transparency International published on 4th October. The 129 main businesses in the sector were ranked from A - the best mark - to F on the basis of public information concerning their ethic rules and their systems to counter corruption. Ten of them are in the two best categories, including the British BAE Systems, French THALES, and American, Northrop Grunman. But two-thirds of the defence businesses do not proivde an adequate level of transparency" says the report, published by the NGO's British branch.

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Paul Klee on show in Düsseldorf

7 October 2012

The North Rhine Westphalia collection (Kunstsammlung, NRW), has hundreds of Paul Klee's works. The K21 Museum in Düsseldorft is showing all of this collection for the first time ever. Born in Switzerland in 1879, it was at the Art Academy of Düsseldorft that Klee was trained before returning to his homeland, fleeing from the Nazi regime. The exhibition is special in that it promotes all of the artist's diversity and creativity: paintings, drawings, watercolours. The exhibition is open until 10th February 2013.

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Van Gogh: Dreams of Japan

7 October 2012

The Pinachotheque in Paris is putting on a double exhibition until 17th March 2012 on Van Gogh's work and that of Hiroshige to illlustrate the importance of Japan in Impressionist art. The contrast of around forty works of art in which two styles are compared enables art amateurs to study references to Japan and more particularly Hirosihge's work, that is present in Van Gogh's work as of 1887.

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Re-opening of the Stedelijk Museum of Amsterdam

8 October 2012

The Stedelijk Museum of Amsterdam is open once more. It is now offering an exhibition "Beyond Imagination" which will be on until 11th November 2012 revealing a perspective of modern Dutch art.

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Gauguin Exhibition at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum

7 October 2012

The Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum of Madrid is putting on an exhibition from 9th October 2012 to 13th January 2013 with some of Paul Gauguin's emblematic works on view in an exhibition devoted to the French master's time on the islands and their influence on art in the first decades of the 20th century. For the museum's 20th anniversary the exhibition entitled "Gauguin, and the journey to exotism" is a collection of 111 works some of which are some of the French post-Impressionist master's most famous.

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Goya Exhibition at the British Museum

8 October 2012

The British Museum in London is putting on an exhibition of mainly Hispanic art from the Renaissance to Goya (1746-1828). The prints and drawings on show have mostly never been exhibited. This work is presented chronologically and according to style which helps highlight "the Golden Age" (17th century) of the work created in Spain with artists like Diego Velasquez, Vicente Carducho and Alonso Cano.

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les 5th-11th October

World Democracy Forum at the Council of Europe (Strasbourg)

8th October

Eurogroup Meeting (Euro zone finance ministers' meeting) (Luxembourg)

8th October

Informal Ministerial Meeting on the EU's integrated maritime policy (Nicosia)

les 8th-14th October

Annual IMF and World Bank Summit (Tokyo)

9th October

Economy-Finance Council (Luxembourg)

10th and 11th October

Competitiveness Council (Luxembourg)

15th October

Foreign Affairs Council (Luxembourg)

Newsletter Archives

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

Review of the 9th Legislature of the European Parliament

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Magali Balent, Inga Groth, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Pierre Thibaudat ,Audrey Gahéry, Louis Hancisse, Theresa Keller, Pierre-Yves Luminet,Gaudérique Traub, Laurène Vernet

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

ESM/Forum/Democracy; GMO; Nuclear Security; Euro-Mediterranean Summit


The Newsletter n°550- version of 8 oct. 2012