The Newsletter54216 juil. 2012

La Lettre

Yves Barou

16 July 2012

In a context in which the euro zone crisis is having obvious social consequences, the Robert Schuman Foundation has published a text by Yves Barou that initially appeared in the "Robert Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2012". Using the diversity of the national social models as a base the author looks into the emergence of a European social model. This issue is addressed in a comparative, global manner. Beyond the three traditional types of social model - continental, Anglo-Saxon, Nordic - a common European social model is emerging. The employment pact, a common framework for social dialogue and common business standards bear witness to this. This European social model should be turned into an advantage in the present crisis as fast as possible.

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Front page!

Europe, women's continent

15 July 2012

Europe heads the list of five continents as far as the number women who hold responsibilities as the leader of their country is concerned. The Robert Schuman Foundation has updated three tables that give a ranking of the EU Member States according to the share of women in government, national parliaments and in the European Parliament.

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Referendum in Romania on the impeachment of President T Basescu

16 July 2012

Are democracy and the rule of law under threat in Romania? On 6th July 2012 the Romanian Parliament, comprising the Senate (143 members) and the Chamber of Deputies (346 members) approved the request for the impeachment of the President of the Republic, Traian Basescu, 256 votes in support, 114 against, put forward by the Social Liberal Union (USL), the centre-left alliance in office. According to article 95 of the Constitution the head of State can be impeached "if he commits serious errors that infringe the measures contained in the Constitution." The vote taken by Parliament now has to be confirmed by referendum. The Romanians are therefore being called to ballot on 29th July. If they vote against the impeachment of the President, he will remain in office until the end of his mandate, in other words until the end of 2014; if they approve it, an early presidential election will be organised within 90 days.

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Financial Crisis

Conclusions of the "Economic and Financial Affairs" Council

15 July 2012

On 10th July 2012 the 27 Economy and Finance Ministers gave their go ahead to the launch of the pilot phase of the "projects bonds", which are loans that are pooled to a total of 4.5 billion euros and designed to be used to fund major infrastructure projects. If successful the operational phase will be launched in 2014 and will last until 2020. The Council has also published specific recommendations country by country to the Member States regarding their economic and fiscal policies, thereby concluding the follow-up period of the European Semester this year (following advice given by the European Council).

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ILO publishes a report on employment in the euro zone

15 July 2012

The department for research at the International Labour Organisation, the International Institute for Labour Studies, published a report on 11th July 2012 entitled "The euro zone job crisis: trends and policy responses". An joint reorientiation of policies is necessary to bring to a halt to the employment crisis in the euro zone, otherwise it "may threaten 4.5 million more jobs." Unemployment has increased since 2010 in a great number of euro zone countries and three million young people, aged 15-24 are without work. Across the entire zone around one third of the population of working age does not have a job or is excluded from the labour market. The euro zone's strong economies are "also under threat". The ILO is calling on the countries to rebuild their financial system so that "investment and support are given to job seekers" and the "differences in competitiveness" between the countries can be regulated.

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Spain announces further austerity measures

16 July 2012

On 13th July 2012 the Spanish government approved measures that intend to recover some 65 billion euros by the end of 2014. The Council of Ministers was chaired by King Juan Carlos for the first time since Mariano Rajoy took office six months ago. Amongst the leading measures in this plan are the increase in VAT "that will enter into force as of September." It will rise from 18% to 21% on most products and from 8% to 10% notably in terms of tourism. The extremely low VAT rate of 4% which involves essential products is maintained. As of January 1st 2013 the tax rebate on the purchase of housing will be abolished. Another major reform is that concerning the civil service that intends to save 3.5 billion euros and reduce the number of local councillors by 30%.

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Eurogroup Decisions

15 July 2012

The 17 Euro Zone Finance Ministers met on 9th July 2012 to implement the measures adopted during the European Council on 28th and 29th June. An aid plan to Spain was concluded and this should lead to the payment of some 30 billion euros by the end of the month. Moreover Spain achieved an additional year in order to bring its budgetary deficit below the 3% mark, a goal that is now set for 2014. The ministers also confirmed the extension of Jean-Claude Juncker's mandate and put forward the appointment of the Secretary General of the Luxembourg Central Bank, Yves Mersch, to the board of the European Central Bank.

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Increase in unemployment in Greece

15 July 2012

According to the most recent figures published by the Greek statistics authority on 12th July 2012 unemployment in Greece has risen 6 points over one year. Hence it rose from 16.5% in April 2011 to 22.5% in April 2012. Women and young people aged 15-24 are the main victims of unemployment totalling 26% and 51.5% respectively.

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Statement by the Troïka in Ireland

15 July 2012

The Troïka (ECB, IMF, European Commission) congratulated Ireland on 12th July 2012 for the reforms it has undertaken in spite of a difficult economic situation. The Troïka stresses that unemployment, which is still high, is preventing domestic demand from sustaining growth. This has been confirmed by the Irish Statistics Office which forecasts a decrease of 1.1% in the GDP in the first quarter of 2012. Growth in 2011 was reviewed upwards however. The contraction in the first quarter of 2012 does not seem alarming however; the Irish economy is withstanding the world economic slowing. The Troïka's report especially highlights a recovery in investor confidence thanks to the implementation of the aid plan roadmap and the fact that the budgetary deficit goal was achieved in the first quarter of 2012.

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The Hungarian Parliament approves the 2013 budget

15 July 2012

On 12th July 2012 the Hungarian Parliament adopted the main guidelines of the 2013 budget. It is planned for the deficit to lie at 2.2% of the GDP whilst growth is estimated at 1.6%. This project was adopted 252 votes in support, 49 against. Since the vote took place just before parliament's summer break the finance law will be discussed in September and voted on in October.

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Bulgaria ratifies the ESM

15 July 2012

On 13th July 2012 Bulgaria ratified the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). Although it is not a euro zone member the government said that it wanted to take part in this permanent structure that aims to help struggling countries. It still has to ratify the budgetary pact.

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IMF Report on Italy

16 July 2012

Italy is still vulnerable to contagion in the euro zone in spite of the ambitious reforms undertaken by the Italian government to make good the deficit and to revive growth says the IMF's annual report published on 10th July 2012. "Economic recovery should start at the beginning of 2013, thanks to a modest revival in exports, but Italy will still lag behind in comparison with the rest of the region," said the IMF experts after their annual consultation. In its report the IMF lauds the Mario Monti's government for "its ambitious reform agenda," whilst warning of "the dangers of a deterioration in prospects," given "a difficult economic and financial situation."

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More road safety for less deaths

16 July 2012

On 13th July 2012 the European Commission suggested stepping up the rules in terms of car roadworthiness. On the one hand this means increasing the frequency of the tests (annual tests for cars over six years in age) and on the other hand the inspection of scooters and motorbikes with two or three wheels should be made obligatory. This last measure is not yet in place in most European countries. The aim of this action is to reduce the number of road accidents caused by mechanical problems.

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Consumer Protection in terms of loan contracts

16 July 2012

On 12th July 2012 the European Court of Justice set out details concerning the interpretation of the Directive on Consumer Protection as far loans contracts were concerned. Following the doubt launched by Romania's High Court about one of the general terms (whereby the borrower can, in certain conditions, be liable to a "risk commission"), the Court delivered decisions on several points. The Member States can apply the Directive to other areas and they can include temporary measures in ongoing contracts. It said that the directive does not prevent a Member State from "setting obligations, which the latter does not include, as far as the type of commission is concerned." Finally it stresses that consumers can turn to a consumer protection authority which possibly might decide upon sanctions which comprise the "adequate and effective" settlement of litigation.

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The Union's 2013 Budget

16 July 2012

On 11th July 2012 the Permanent Representatives Committee adopted the draft position of the Council on the 2013 budget. The formal adoption of this document is due to be given on 24th July. The document stresses the need to avoid greater burden on public funding by the States in this period of budgetary consolidation whilst adopting measures to promote growth. In line with the "Europe 2020" Strategy the greatest increase involves sustainable growth, but emphasis has also been placed on cohesion, as well as freedom, security and justice. Generally the 2013 budget totals 132.70 billion euros in payments and 149.78 billion in commitments. In comparison with 2012 the increase totals 3.61 billion.

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The launch of EUCAP Nestor

16 July 2012

On 16th July 2012 the Council approved the launch of the EUCAP Nestor operation. This civilian mission is designed to help the states on the western shores of the Indian Ocean implement their own regional maritime capabilities and provide support to Somalia for the training of magistrates and coast guards. The mission that is planned to last two years and based in Djibouti, will comprise 175 people and a budget of 22.8 million euros.

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The fight against terrorism in Niger

16 July 2012

On 16th July 2012 the EU gave its go ahead to the launch of a civilian mission in August to help Niger counter terrorism and organised crime, which has been destabilising the Sahel over the last few months. This mission called "EUCAP Sahel Niger" will initially comprise around 50 international experts who will be based in Niamey. Its activities will be "focused on Niger but they may also be extended afterwards to Mali and Mauritania." "Because of the escalation in terrorist activities and the effects of the conflict in Libya insecurity has grown significantly in the Sahel. The mission will help to strengthen local capabilities in the fight against terrorism and organised crime," declared the head of European diplomacy, Catheirne Ashton.

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Situation in Asia-Pacific

15 July 2012

On 12th July 2012 the European Union's High Representative Catherine Ashton travelled to Phnom Penh. She met American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. This meeting shows the importance of their attachment to the region and its development. Interdependence has never been as strong, which makes it possible to increase security and prosperity in Asia-Pacific. Both parties said they wanted to step up the fight to counter transnational crime and terrorism and said that the region's economic development was a priority. On this occasion Ms Ashton signed a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the Philippine Foreign Secretary, which should strengthen the links beween the EU and the Philippines.

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And what if the digital era was the golden age of women?

15 July 2012

How should women be helped to reconcile family and professional life? For several years the problems has been the focus of attention in Germany. These issues were addressed during an international conference "DLDwomen" organised in Munich on 11th and 12th July 2012. Speakers (researchers, company executives, consultants, political leaders) looked into the opportunities offered by the rise of digital activities as far as women's lives were concerned. According to the German Labour and Social Affairs Minister, Ursula von der Leyen, iPads, smartphones and other digital tools will make work increasingly flexible, and therefore more reconciliable with family life, she explained to 600 people who attended the conference at the House of Art in Munich.

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The fight to counter youth unemployment

15 July 2012

On 12th July 2012 in Stuttgart German Education Minister Annette Schavan and her Spanish counterpart José Ignacio Wert Ortega decided to introduce an exchange programme of experts between their countries in order to improve youth vocational training. Indeed in May 2012 Spain had an extremely high unemployment rate amongst the 15-24 years olds ie 52.1%, in comparison with 7.9% in Germany. Spain wants to find inspiration in the German "dual system" of vocational training (equivalent to a sandwich course) believing that the low unemployment rate in Germany owes much to this system.

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Scission of the BHV district

16 July 2012

On 13th July 2012 the Belgian Parliament brought a controversy between the Flemish and the Walloons to an end - it had been the bane of political life for the last fifty years but the secessionists of Flanders are already sharpening up for their next round of claims. MPs formally adopted, 106 votes in support, 42 against, the draft law that splits the district of Brussels/Hal/Vilvorde, BHV. This area that has over a million and a half inhabitants was considered to be the last bastion of bilingual Belgium. For decades Flemish political parties have been demanding separation between the Belgian capital, which is mainly French speaking and Hal-Vilvorde, which lies in Dutch speaking Flanders, but where a significant French speaking minority lives.

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Four Motors for Europe

15 July 2012

On 9th July 2012 the Presidents of the "Four motors for Europe", Rhône-Alpes, Catalunya, Lombardy and Baden-Württemberg met for a conference entitled "Interregional co-operation: promoting regional development and a strong Europe." They highlighted the need for a Europe based on "research", "energy transition" and "citizen participation". They recalled the importance of "investing in training" young people and the need "to protect the climate and the environment". This regional alliance represents 8% of Europe's GDP and 35 million inhabitants. The President of the European Union's Committee of the Regions, Mercedes Bresso, who was invited to take part in the debates said that "the regions have a vital role to play".

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2011 Report by the CNIL: a record number of complaints

15 July 2012

The National Committee for Information and Freedom (CNIL) has published its activity report 2011 that is marked by a growing number of complaints. The CNIL recorded 5,738 complaints in 2011 (+19% in comparison with 2010). This figure, the highest ever recorded by the CNIL, bears witness to the increasing interest people have in protecting their data. In the face of the growing use of smartphones the CNIL has set itself three goals: to educate people about digital matters, to undertake a repressive, targeted policy and to help private/public players to abide by the law. 2011 was undeniably marked by an extension of the CNIL's competences: monitoring videoprotection, labelling, notifying personal data infringements and the first work delivered by the prospective service.

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Mayotte: an outermost region of the European Union

16 July 2012

On 12th July 2012 Mayotte achieved the status of "outermost region" of the European Union. This decision was taken by the European Council on 11th July. "On January 1st 2014 Mayotte will be an ORs in its own right, this means that it will have the right to European funds in terms of sectoral aid and regional development, fisheries, agriculture, education and training." The time taken to do this is linked to the need to adopt texts and regulations. Mayotte has now become the eighth outermost region with four other French overseas "départements" (Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyana and Reuion), as well as the Canaries (Spain) and the Azores and Madeira (Portugal).

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The Greek government promises to renegotiate the Memorandum

16 July 2012

On 11th July 2012 the Greek coalition government repeated its promise to renegotiate the austerity plan set out by the EU and the IMF. "The government is determined to work on the framework of the programme established by the three coalition parties (...), our goal is to renegotiate the EU-IMF plan," declared the government's spokesperson, Simos Kedikoglou after a meeting with the conservative Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, the leader of the Socialist Party, Evangelos Venizelos, and that of the democratic left, Dimar, Fotis Kouvelis.

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Vittorio Grilli is made Economy and Finance Minister in Italy

15 July 2012

On 11th July 2012 Mario Monti, the President of the Italian Council, who held the Economy and Finance portfolio to date, suggested to the President of the Italian Republic, that Vittorio Grilli replace him in this post to become the Economy and Finance Minister. After being sworn in at the Quirinale Palace Mr Grilli entered office. Aged 55, he was the Director General of the Italian Treasury from May 2005 on and was Giulio Tremonti's righthand man - (former Finance Minister). Mario Monti also announced the institutionalisation of a coordination committee for the economic and financial policy.

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The Italian Senate approves the Budgetary Pact

15 July 2012

On 12th July 2012 the Italian Senate approved the European Budgetary Treaty, 216 votes in support, 24 against and 21 abstentions. The Senate approved three laws: the first modified the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union and which plans for the European Stability Mechanism, a second involved the implementation of this mechanism and a last approved the Treaty on the Stability, Coordination and Governance of the Economic and Monetary Union. No date has been set by the Chamber for the assessment of the budgetary pact that aims to strengthen European budgetary discipline in the wake of the debt crisis and which will enter into force once 12 States have ratified it. The Robert Schuman Foundation has put a table on line that summarizes the ratification procedures ongoing in the various Member States together with an explanatory paper.

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The Central Bank of Latvia raises its growth forecasts

15 July 2012

On 12th July 2012 the Central Bank of Latvia raised its GDP growth forecasts for 2012 from 1.3% to 3.5% and possibly 4%. The Central Bank maintains its inflation forecast at 2.4% however.

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The Netherlands

Raising of the legal age of retirement in the Netherlands

15 July 2012

On 12th July 2012 the Dutch Parliament approved a new law that plans for the raising of the legal working age by two years. Set at 65 since 1957, the age of retirement in the Netherlands will rise to 66 in 2019 and to 67 in 2023. The Robert Schuman Foundation has published a table that summarizes the retirement systems in the 27 EU Member States.

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The European Union demands that Romania solve its political crisis

15 July 2012

On 12th July 2012 during a meeting with the Presidents of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy and the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta was asked to give the Constitutional Court all of its powers back and to bend to its decisions. This demand comes in response to the suspension of President Traian Basescu (centre-right) by the centre-left majority, to the reduction of the Court's comptences and to the unexpected replacement of the Ombudsman (the only person who can challenge a decision and counter corruption). The Constitutional Court had for its part complained of abusive measures. European Commissioner Viviane Reding condemned the "threat" of anti-democratic excesses. In the event of "serious fundamental rights' infringements", article 7 of the Lisbon Treaty plans for the suspension of the voting rights of the Member State in question.

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Trip by the French President to the UK

15 July 2012

On 10th July 2012 the French President François Hollande met British Prime Minister David Cameron and Queen Elizabeth II. During his meeting with the head of the British State the French president pleaded in support of a "multi-speed Europe". The British Prime Minister responded to this by saying "that there were opportunities for (European) countries to have different relationships as part of the European Union." Later in the day the head of the French State spoke with the Queen at Windsor Castle.

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UK: an audit on the impact Europe has

15 July 2012

On 12th July British Prime Minister David Cameron announced the launch of an audit on the impact of Europe on the UK. This assessment, which is a first in Europe, will lead to a perception of how Britons see the EU and more precisely how, in their opinion, it affects their laws and their daily lives. This audit, a first step towards the referendum announced by David Cameron should be finalised in 2014 and will be managed by British Foreign Minister William Hague.

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Giorgio Napolitano meets Janez Jansa

15 July 2012

On 11th July 2012 during his official visit to Slovenia, the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano met Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa. After having acknowledged the positive development of economic relations between their two countries and in spite of the present crisis they both said they were totally satisfied with the conclusions delivered by the most recent European Council, notably regarding growth and the stabilisation of public finances.

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The Duma ratifies Russia's protocol to join the WTO

15 July 2012

On 10th July 2012 the Duma, the lower chamber in the Russian parliament ratified Russia's accession protocol to the World Trade Organisation, 238 votes in support, 208 against and 1 abstention. This vote brings 18 years of negotiation to an end. However the text still has to be approved by the upper chamber and then signed by the president so that it can enter into force in 30 days time.

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Yulia Tymoshenko: appeal and trial for tax fraud postponed.

15 July 2012

On 12th July 2012 the Ukrainian Supreme Appeal Court decided to delay the assessment of the appeal lodged by the head of the opposition and former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko until 16th August. Sentenced to 7 years in prison for abuse of power, the opposition leader first made her appeal against the conviction in 2011. This announcement follows that of Ukrainian Judge Kostiantin Sadovski, who, two days earlier, had announced the postponement of another trial against Yulia Tymoshenko for tax fraud.

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Ukraine and Russia: no agreement on a gas price reduction

15 July 2012

On 12th July 2012 in Yalta during a joint press conference the Ukrainian and Russian Presidents - Viktor Yanukovych and Vladimir Putin announced that they had not come to agreement over various matters, notably over the price of gas. In 2010 the newly elected Ukrainian President obtained a 30% rebate on the price of gas from Moscow, which led to savings of over 8 billion dollars; this came in exchange for the extension of the 25 year agreement on the mooring of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea at Sebastopol. Now the Ukrainian head of State has to achieve a second rebate.

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The OECD's unemployment estimates

15 July 2012

On 10th July 2012 the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published its estimates in a new report: "the high rate of unemployment is due to continue." This can be explained by slow economic recovery at present. "Employment Outlook 2012" estimates that unemployment rates in all OECD countries are due to remain close to 7.7% (48 million unemployed) in the last quarter of 2013 which is close to 7.2% in May 2012. The OECD also stressed a rise in unemployment in the euro zone in May 2012, totalling 11.1%. It is asking the countries to stimulate the creation of jobs, to help the unemployed to stay in touch with the labour market, via targeted employment incentives, and it is advising on "enhanced investment in education and skills and also better targeted tax and transfer programmes".

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Improvement in the Trade Balance

16 July 2012

On 16th July Eurostat indicated that in May 2012 the EU and the euro zone respectively recorded a goods trade balance deficit of 3.8 billion euros and a surplus of 6.9 billion. A year ago the deficits were respectively 14.5 billion and 1.2 billion euros.

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Inflation rate in the euro zone stable at 2.4% in June 2012

16 July 2012

According to figures published by Eurostat on 16th July 2012 the euro zone's annual inflation rate lay at 2.4% in June 2012, remaining unchanged since May. A year ago it lay at 2.7%. The monthly inflation rate lay at -0.1% in June 2012. The EU's annual inflation rate lay at 2.6% in June 2012, in comparison with 2.5% in May. A year ago it lay at 3.1%. The monthly inflation rate lay at 0% in June 2012.

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What does the future hold for EU/Brazilian relations?

15 July 2012

The Foundation for International Relations and External Dialogue (FRIDE) has published a study on the relations between the EU and Brazil entitled "Brazil and the EU: balancing and bandwagoning." The author analyses the ambiguous relations that the two powers share as they fluctuate between their desire for continuity and maintaining their distance.

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Migration after the Arab Spring

15 July 2012

The Centre on Migratory Policy at the European University Institute of Florence published a study entitled "Migration after the Arab Spring" in July 2012. P. Fargues and C. Frandrich conclude that the Arab Spring did not accelerate migration towards Europe. In the Arab States the migratory debate was indeed eclipsed by social and political movements whilst in the EU emphasis was placed on the unique opportunitiy that these changes represented in terms of democracy. The EU's Member States acknowledged the aspirations of the Arab youth and therefore opened up more opportunities in terms of grants, and the Erasmus Mundus exchange programme. The authors provide another dimension: these developments remain subordinate to the new regimes that are now forming.

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The European Council and the Community Method

15 July 2012

In July Notre Europe published a study by Philippe de Schoutheete entitled " "The European Council and the Community Method". The author reviews the history and progressive strengthening of the European Council before addressing the changes brought about by the Lisbon Treaty and the confirmation of the Council as an institution. In the context of the present crisis, the Council has been key in taking the most important decisions. In the final part of the text the author looks into the future role of the European Council since the treaty has not led to a simplification in terms of external relations; in addition, he looks into the role that the European Council has played in response to the crisis and the legitimacy that it has acquired as a result, which are undoubtedly important aspects in the progressive construction of the government of Europe.

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Die Brücke (1905-1914), the roots of Expressionism

15 July 2012

Until 8th October the Museum in Quimper is taking over from the Museum of Grenoble as it presents the first ever exhibition in France devoted to Die Brücke, the movement that launched German Expressionism. More than 140 works of art, paintings and prints from Die Brücke Museum in Berlin will be on show.

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Bregenz Festival

16 July 2012

The Bregenz Festival that is taking place on the shores of Lake Constance from 18th July to 18th August 2012 is offering its audiences a series operas, operettas, symphonic concerts, theatre plays, and other cultural events. On the agenda this year is notably the opera "André Chénier" by Umberto Giordano.

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International Piano Festival of La Roque d'Anthéron

16 July 2012

From 21st July to 22nd August 2012 the 32nd piano festival of La Roque d'Anthéron will be taking place in the grounds of Florans castle. The exceptional focal point of the musical landscape and the pianists' world, this festival rallies young talent and major international players, allowing for a variety of style ... classical, jazz, electronic ...

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The Rolling Stones: 50

15 July 2012

Somerset House is putting on a photographic exhibition devoted to the Rolling Stones until 27th August 2012. More than 70 photographs will be on show in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the group's first concert, which took place on 12th July 1962 at the Marquee Club in London.

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150th anniversary of the birth of Gustav Klimt

16 July 2012

Until 6th January 2013 the Belvedere Museum in Vienna is putting on an exhibition entitled "Jubilee Exhibition: 150 Years Gustav Klimt". The exhibition is showing all of the Klimt paintings that the museum owns. Over these 150 years, Klimt has become a phenomenon not only in art theory, but also in contemporary history.

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Bartok Festival

16 July 2012

There are just a few days left to take advantage of the international Bartok festival and seminar that will be taking place on 19th July at Szombathely in Hungary. On the programme: piano recitals, theatre, dance, jazz concerts ...

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16th and 17th July

Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Brussels)

16th and 17th July

Informal Transport and Telecommunications' Ministers Meeting (Nicosia)

les 18th -20th July

Informal Meeting of Industry and Research Ministers (Nicosia)

19th July

Meeting of the ECB Governors Council (Frankfurt/Main)

20th July

Eurogroup Meeting ()

23rd July

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

23rd and 24th July

Informal meeting of Justice and Domestic Affairs Ministers (Nicosia)

24th July

General Affairs Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Magali Balent, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Charles de Marcilly, Pierre Thibaudat ,Perle Baillard, Fabrice Laffargue, Mélanie Laplace, Camille Stephan.

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Rule of Law/Romania; Spain/Austerity; Eurogroup/ECOFIN


The Newsletter n°542- version of 16 juil. 2012