The Newsletter5327 mai 2012

La Lettre

Jacques Rigaud

7 May 2012

On the occasion of Europe Day that will take place on 9th May next the Robert Schuman Foundation has published a speech delivered by Jacques Rigaud, Honorary Advisor to the State and Deputy Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, at a seminar in Athens on 27th March 2012.

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Front page!

Tymoshenko rather the euros of the Euro2012

6 May 2012

For over one week the Tymoshenko affair has gathered pace. Europe is about to boycott the Euro2012 football competition. The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation has published an editorial in which he condemns the barbaric methods used by the Ukrainian government, which is infringing the basic principles of the rule of Law and Democracy. He calls on the EU to "punish the Ukrainian leaders by banning them from enterting the EU and by holding them personally responsible for their opponents' fate." It is "the whole of political Europe that must refuse to sit alongside the enemies of freedom."

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Order the Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2012

7 May 2012

On 3rd May ECB governor Mario Draghi called on the euro zone States to define a 10 year economic strategy. He also spoke of a growth pact for Europe. The issue of growth and the means to overcome the crisis is the focus of the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2012". This, the sixth edition in French and the third in English, features an exclusive interview with Jean-Claude Trichet, former President of the European Central Bank. Using 67 commented tables and graphs and 34 colour maps, which are mostly unique, as a support, the authors invite readers to learn everything there is to know about the challenges facing the EU. This book is available in both French and English on the Foundation's site.

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"Talking Europe" receives Philippe Maystadt

7 May 2012

As part of the partnership between the Robert Schuman Foundation and the AEF the Foundation is broadcasting the most recent programme "Talking Europe" on its site, whose guest this week was Philippe Maystadt, honorary president of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and author of "Europe: le continent perdu?" Interviewed by Caroline de Camaret (France 24) and Frédérique Lebel (RFI), Philippe Maystadt says that he wants to bring finance back to the service of the economy, stimulate growth so that nothing is lost. This programme is broadcast in partnership with the Robert Schuman Foundation.

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François Hollande, the New French President

7 May 2012

François Hollande (Socialist Party, PS) was elected president of the French Republic with 51.62% of the vote in the second round of voting on 6th May. He took the lead over this rival outgoing Head of State, Nicolas Sarkozy, (Union for a Popular Movement) who won 48.38% of the vote. Turnout rose to 80.34%

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Extremely fragmented Greek general elections results

7 May 2012

The two "main" parties, the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) and New Democracy (ND), collapsed in the general elections that took place in Greece on 6th May. ND came out ahead with 18.85% of the vote and 108 seats (+ 36). PASOK was devastated in the election winning only 13.18% of the vote (41 seats - 88). The two parties have only won 149 seats ie -2 in comparison with the absolute majority in Parliament (151). PASOK was beaten by the Radical Left (SYRIZA) which won 16.78% of the vote (52 seats); the Independent Greeks' Party (AE), took fourth position with 10.6% of the vote (33 seats), the Communist Party (KKE) came fifth with 8.48% of the vote (26 seats). The neo-Nazi party Chryssi Avghi (CA, Golden Dawn) won 6.97% of the vote (21 seats) and finally the Democratic Left (DIMAR) won 6.1% and 19 seats. Turnout totalled 65.1% - it is obligatory to vote in Greece.

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2nd round Tadic/Nikolic on 20th May and the Serb General Election Results

7 May 2012

In the first round of the presidential election on 6th May in Serbia outgoing president of the Republic Boris Tadic (Democratic Party, DS) won 26.7% of the vote. He took the lead over Tomislav Nikolic (Serb Progressive Party SNS), who won 25.5% of the vote. Boris Tadic and Tomislav Nikolic will be facing each other in the 2nd round of the election on 20th May. In the general elections that took place on the same day the "SNS-NS-PSS-PS" coalition came out ahead winning 24% of the vote (73 seats) whilst the Democratic Party in office won 22.3% of the vote (68 seats). The Socialist Party (SPS) led by Ivica Dacic came third with 14.7% of the vote (45 seats). Then came the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) (6.8%) and the U-Turn Coalition (6.7%) which each won 20 seats, the United Regions Party (URS), 5.4% and 16 seats; the Hungarian Union of Vojvodina (VMSZ) won five seats and Democratic Action of Sandjak (SDA), won 1 seat.

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Armenian General Election Results

7 May 2012

President Serzh Sarkissian's party won the general elections on 6th May in Armenia during an election that was undermined by inadequacies in terms of democracy believed the OSCE. The Republican Party won with 44.05% of the vote followed by its government ally Prosperous Armenia with 30.2%. In third position the opposition movement the National Armenian Congress, led by Levon Ter-Petrossian, which won 7.1%. Three other parties, Heritage, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation and Rule of Law succeeded in rising above the 5% threshold and are due to have seats in the Assembly. The OSCE believed, in a report published on 7th May, that the elections were riddled with irregularities and that "the international commitments taken by Armenia were not respected."

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Analysis one month before the referendum in Ireland on the budgetary pact

7 May 2012

The European budgetary pact called the Stability, Coordination and Governance Treaty, was signed on 2nd March last in Brussels by the heads of State and government of 25 EU Member States (all except for the UK and the Czech Republic). On 29th February last Ireland's Attorney General declared that the treaty was not part of the general organisation of the EU and would therefore give rise to a popular vote. Ireland is the only Member State to submit the European budgetary pact to referendum. This will take place on 31st May. According to the most recent poll by Red C for the newspaper The Sunday Business Post and published on 2nd May last a majority of the Irish (47%) are about to vote "yes", and about one third "no" (35%). Around 18% of the electorate are still undecided.

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European Day

On 9th May, let's celebrate Europe Day!

6 May 2012

The Robert Schuman Foundation will be putting a special May 9th page on line to celebrate Europe Day. You will be able to read or re-read the declaration delivered by French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, on 9th May 1950 in which the creation of the European Community of Steel and Coal is announced (ECSC). You will also be able to watch the major moments of Robert Schuman's life in picture form. Explanatory sheets will illustrate what we are celebrating on 9th May and recall who the main founders of Europe were. Moreover a calendar will inform you of the main events organised in Europe and elsewhere in the world on this occasion. The Foundation also invites you to order the only book ever written by Robert Schuman: "For Europe", which is available on the Foundation's site in French, English and German. This book is a collection of the main texts Robert Schuman wrote, the very essence of his vision and of his ideas of how to build Europe, which is still topical even today.

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The European Institutions open their doors

7 May 2012

On 9th May European citizens will be celebrating Europe Day that commemorates the Robert Schuman Declaration of 9th May 1950, the founding act of European integration. On 12th May the European institutions and their representations in the various Member States will open their doors to European citizens, offering activities for all ages.

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Financial Crisis

Economy/Finances: provisional agreement concerning the capitalisation of banks

6 May 2012

On 2nd May the 27 Economy and Finance Ministers looked into the amendments put forward regarding the CRD4 package that involves capital requirements for banks and investment companies. The aim is to transpose rules adopted by the G20 in November 2010 into European legislation and to complete talks on the new regulatory framework of the banking sector, the so-called Basel III that is gradually to be set in place as of 2013. Before sending the subject for consideration by the European Parliament the 27 must define a common position on the future shape of the European banking system, which comprises 8,200 establishments. Ministers decided to look into the subject again on 15th May after having made some technical checks.

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GDP growth in Lithuania

7 May 2012

According to initial estimates by the National Statistics Office on 30th April the GDP in Lithuania increased by 3.9% in the first quarter of 2012 in comparison with the first quarter of 2011. These positive developments have been seen in all economic areas.

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Mario Draghi suggests a "growth pact"

6 May 2012

On 3rd May the ECB president, Mario Draghi called on the euro zone States to draw up a ten year economic strategy. He mentioned the idea of a growth pact for Europe. Hence the reform of the labour markets that aims to increase their flexibility and support to mobility, but also an improvement in the situation experienced by young people are measures that have been put forward. Initiatives to create jobs might also be supported by the EIB. Another suggestion on the part of the ECB president is "the better use of the EU's instruments". He finally encouraged the implementation of "fiscal consolidation programmes" to prevent the reduction of sums allocated to investment plans. Moreover the Council of Governors decided to maintain the key interest rates unchanged at 1%.

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GDP growth in the first quarter in Belgium

7 May 2012

Belgium recorded a slight recovery in its GDP in the first quarter of 2012 with progress of 0.3% in comparison with the three previous months according to initial estimates published on 2nd May by the Belgian National Bank (BNB). Over one year the Belgian GDP increased by 0.5% after growth of 1.2% in the fourth quarter of 2011. The BNB confirmed that the GDP had contracted by 0.1% in the fourth quarter of 2011.

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The Spanish autonomous regions the cause of two thirds of all excesses

7 May 2012

The 17 Spanish regions, largely responsible for the country's budgetary excesses in 2011 are due to go beyond their deficit goal again this year said the Foundation for Applied Economics Studies (Fedea) thereby compromising the 5.3% of the GDP targeted by Spain. "The autonomous regions were the cause of two thirds of all excesses," with the country showing a public deficit of 8.51% of the GDP at the end of 2011, well beyond the target of 6% recalls Fedea.

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Adoption of measures in view of reducing public spending in Italy

7 May 2012

On 30th April during a Council of Ministers Mario Monti's government adopted a series of measures in view of reducing public spending structurally by pinpointing "wastage" and to avoid, in the short term, any further increases in VAT. "The total amount of the reduction in pubic spending is 4.2 billion euros, a sum that will be used to prevent a two point VAT increase, which has been planned for in October," declared Mr Monti after the Council which lasted nearly six hours. Enrico Bondi, a former extraordinary adminstrator of the bankrupt food giant Parmalat was appointed extraordinary commissioner for the rationalisation of public spending with the goal of defining a level of spending in each sector.

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New Measures to protect children on the internet

6 May 2012

On 2nd May the European Commission presented a plan to offer improved use of the internet by children and teenagers. Indeed 75% of children use the internet, a third of whom by means of a mobile phone. The plan put forward by the Commission aims to give children the competence and tools that will enable them to take full advantage of the digitial world in all safety. This plan will apply thanks to a partnership between the Commission and mobile phone operators, phone manufacturers and social network service providers. Cecilia Malmström, a member of the Committee for Internal Affairs insists on the fact that "young people need protection" since they "remain vulnerable to on-line threats."

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European Council

Herman van Rompuy meets the Swedish Prime Minister

7 May 2012

On 4th May after his meeting with Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, offered a four point view of the future European agenda over the next few months and years. He pointed to the progress achieved in terms of the sovereign debt and congratulated Sweden's efforts in this area. He then recalled the importance of the work undertaken by young Europeans for the Union's economy. He ended by re-iterating the need for Europe to enhance its banking system and also for it to establish a precise budgetary plan for 2014-2020.

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Speech delivered during the plenary session of the Regions Committee

7 May 2012

On the occasion of the plenary session of the Regions Committee on 3rd May the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy delivered a speech on growth and the need to consolidate the European budget. He pointed to the commitment of all of the institutions to counter "the worst crisis since the 1970's" and recalled the battle that was not only that of the EU, but also that of the Member States, which must implement budgetary consolidation measures. In his opinion austerity was not implemented out of "pleasure" but to create "more sustainable growth".

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European Agencies

A study of global warming

7 May 2012

The east of Scandinavia and the Mediterranean basin will be the worst affected by global warming that will disrupt Europe as of 2021 according to forecasts published on 3rd May by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Temperatures in Europe will be higher by 1.5°c on average in 2012 and 2050 than they were in 1960 and 1990 says the EEA.

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Berlin blocks the ratification of the EU/Ukraine Association Agreement

7 May 2012

Concerned about the fate of Ukrainian opposition leader, Yulia Tymoshenko, Guido Westerwelle, the German Foreign Minister, threatened on 2nd May to prevent the ratification of the EU/Ukraine Association Agreement. In an interview on German television channel ZDF he conditioned the ratification of the text by the respect of the principles of the rule of law in Ukraine. Guido Westerwelle also reminded Kyiv, in an interview in the German daily, Bild, that as a member of the Council of Europe, Ukraine had committed to respecting human rights. Leonid Kojara, Deputy Chair of the Regions Party of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych reacted swiftly and threatened Germany with economic retaliation.

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Structural Reforms at the Service of European Growth

7 May 2012

In the German government's opinion the fight to counter the financial and public finance crises in the European States rests on two main pillars: the consolidation of public accounts and support to growth. Budgetary stability is a priority area of action but it is not exclusive. Since the summer of 2011 Berlin has increasingly committed to measures to stimulate growth and employment emphasising structural reform that is part of the long term. In the European countries involved this means reforming the labour markets, alleviating administrative formalities and the removal of obstacles that impede youth and senior employment.

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CDU and SPD running neck and neck in Schleswig Holstein

7 May 2012

Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian-Democrats (CDU) are running neck and neck with the Social Democrats (SPD), after the elections that took place on 6th May in Schleswig Holstein. According to the official results, the CDU is running ahead with 30.8% (2009: 31.5%), followed by the SPD with 30.4% (2009: 25.4%), ahead of the Greens (Bündnis 90/The Greens) with 13.2% of the vote (2009: 12.4%), the Liberals (FDP) with 8.2% (2009: 14.9%), the Pirate Party with 8.2%, the Danish Minority Party (SSW) with 4.6% (2009: 4.3%). The CDU and the SPD are both claiming the right to form a government. The far left "Die Linke" will no longer be part of the Landtag (with 2.2% of the vote).

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The EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights on the same level as the Austrian Constitution

6 May 2012

The Austrian Constitutional court announced on 4th May that any legal decision in Austria will now be deemed anti-constitutional if it infringes the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights that entered into force in 2009. The European text will therefore be taken into account in all cases in which the Union's legislation plays a major role, notably in key areas such as immigration, asylum requests and competition. In other areas in which the Union does not legislate the Charter will not apply.

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The Bulgarian Parliament adopts a law on the confiscation of criminal assets

7 May 2012

On 3rd May the Bulgarian Parliament adopted the draft law on the confiscation of criminal assets enabling the punishment of unexplained wealth. This legislative initiative that was debated and approved in five plenary sessions was highly recommended by the European Commission. This law bears witness to Bulgaria's will to improve its legal system, notably in terms of corruption and organised crime. This law is due to enter into force in six months time.

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Publication of a decision on the quota of high ranking female civil servants

6 May 2012

A decision setting a quota of women in high ranking civil servants' positions was published on 2nd May in the "Journal Officiel". A result of the law passed on 12th March regarding precarious work in the civil service, the text plans for the gradual introduction of a minimum 40% female quota amongst high ranking civil servants appointed every year as of 2018. Since women are underrepresented in positions of responsbility nearly 5,000 jobs are being created. Progressive sanctions are also being planned for. The decision will enter into force on January 1st 2013.

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Janos Ader, the new President of Hungary

6 May 2012

Janos Ader, the co-founder of the FIDESZ which Prime Minister Viktor Orban belongs to, was elected president of the Hungarian Republic on 2nd May by the Hungarian Parliament. The new president won 262 votes in parliament that comprises 386 seats. Mr Ader was immediately sworn in after the vote. He will take up office on 10th May.

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The Irish government has launched a campaign for the "yes" vote to the budgetary pact

6 May 2012

On 30th April the Irish government launched the campaign in support of the "yes" to the referendum on the European budgetary pact that is due to take place on 31st May. Prime Minister Enda Kenny declared that the decision to ratify the treaty "would send out a clear message to the world that Ireland is a country that is open to business and that we have left our worst economic diffculties behind us." Fine Gael, the party which Mr Kenny belongs to and also its coalition partners, Labour, and the main opposition party, Fianna Fail support the European treaty. Sinn Fein, the Socialist Party and a certain number of independents are against it. Ireland is the only country to be holding a referendum on the treaty that was signed on 2nd March. Indeed it is obliged to do this due to its Constitution.

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The Netherlands

Introducition of a "cannabis card" in the Netherlands

7 May 2012

The "cannabis membership card" that aims to reserve access to coffee shops for residents of the Netherlands only was introduced on May 1st in the southern provinces of the country (Zeeland, Brabant-Nord and Limbourg), which border Belgium and Germany, and in 2013 this will be extended to the rest of the country. The 670 Dutch coffee shops are to become "private clubs" comprising a maximum of 2000 members who live in the Netherlands and who are over 18.

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Poland calls on Ukraine to modify its penal code

7 May 2012

Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski called on Ukraine to modify its penal code on 6th May and to stop imprisoning politicians, such as for example government opponent and former Prime Minister Ms Yulia Tymoshenko. "The penal code has to be changed so that politicians take political responsibility for their decisions and are not sent to prison" declared Mr Komorowski after a summit of the presidents of the Visegrad group that comprises Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. "We would like the cause of the problem to be abolished, ie the law that enables the punishment of a person by a prison sentence for his political decisions in the same way as he/she would be punished for a crime," he added.

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Czech Republic

The transfer of the Galileo HQ to Prague

7 May 2012

On 3rd May Czech MPs adopted an agreement that plans for the transfer of the administrative HQ of the agency responsible for the management of the European satellite navigation system from Brussels to Prague. The GNSS agency will be the first EU regulatory autority to set up its HQ in the Czech Republic. According to the European Industry Commissoner Antonio Tajani this system will enable the provision of "European GPS" services to Union users as of 2014. By 2015 the fleet is due to comprise 26 satellites.

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The Romanian Prime Minister unveils his government

7 May 2012

The Romanian Prime Minister designate, Victor Ponta announced on May 1st his government list with 21 portfolio including four delegate ministers. In a bid to "ensure continuity" in the management of European funds, the European Affairs Minister in the outgoing government, Leonard Orban has retained his post. Foreign Affairs were given to Andrei Marga; the Deputy Governor fo the Central Bank, Florin Georgescu will head the Finance Ministry; the Economy portfolio will go to Daniel Chitiou. Justice will be led by Titus Corlatean. The team will have a limited mandate until the general elections planned in November. The vote in Parliament regarding the list and the new government's programme is planned 7th May.

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Conservative defeat in UK local elections

7 May 2012

On Thursday 3rd May during local by-elections, the Labour opposition took control of 32 town councils and won more than 800 seats, whilst the Conservatives in office lost 12 councils and more than 400 seats. The only good news for the government, comprising conservatives and liberal-democrats, was the re-election of the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson. The British Finance Minister Georges Osborne said on May 6th that the government coalition would "learn" from these "difficult results" that had been recorded in the local elections, promising to focus on the economy. "The elections last week led to a difficult result for the govenrment at a difficult time for the country," declared Mr Osborne.

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Vladimir Putin, the new Russian President

7 May 2012

On 7th May Vladimir Putin was sworn in as President of Russia for a third term in office. The ceremony took place in the grand palace of the Kremlin where the new President took oath, his right hand on the Constitution. He offered the post of Prime Minister to outgoing President Dmitri Medvedev.

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Boycott of the Euro 2012

7 May 2012

On 3rd May the EU's delegation in Ukraine announced that no members of the European Commission would travel to the Euro-2012 in protest against the prison conditions of former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. This announcement follows the one made by José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission, who, just a few days ago, said that he would not go to the Euro2012. Former Ukrainian Foreign Minister and opponent to the present government, Boris Tarasyuk, called for the "political isolation" of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych during the Euro2012 without however boycotting the sporting event. On 4th May France called on the Ukrainian government to respect "its commitments associated with fundamental freedom."

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European States desert Yalta

7 May 2012

In the wake of the Tymoshenko affair and the most recent information concerning the maltreatment she has suffered in prison, eight head of State out of twenty invited to the Yalta Summit on 11th and 12th May have informed the Ukrainian government that they no longer wish to attend. Indeed on 26th April German President Joachim Gauck, cancelled his journey saying that he was concerned by the Ukrainian opponent's state of health. Czech President, Vaclav Klaus also cancelled his trip on 30th April followed by the Slovenian, Austrian, Italian and Estonian heads of State. Croatian Head of State Ivo Josipovic, for this part, cancelled on 3rd May. On 4th May Bulgarian President Rossen Plevneliev followed his counterparts.

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Council of Europe

Annual Report against Racism and Intolerance

7 May 2012

The Council of Europe's Committee against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) published its annual report on 3rd May. It observes that in many countries there are "worrying trends" such as the rise of intolerance towards immigrants and minorities that are linked to reductions in social budgets and job opportunities. It also notes that "xenophobic discourse is now part of a general attitude" and that discrimination against Roma is growing. It also mentions the over hasty dispatch of migrants and the poor "reception conditions" provided to them. It encourages governments to increase the resources of the institutions which defend human rights, recalling that it is vital to fight racism and intolerance to "build strong societies" and "not to deprive oneself of a source of talent".

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International Conference on Missile Defence Cooperation

7 May 2012

The international conference of NATO country Defence Ministers and Russia on missile defence cooperation took place on 3rd May in Moscow. Ambassador Alexander Vershbow, Deputy Secretary General of NATO, notably announced the implementation of a NATO missile defence system. Stressing the USA's commitment to this project the ambassador repeated his request for cooperation with Russia. He put forward a suggestion that was inspired by Russian president Medvedev regarding the creation of two NATO-Russia missile defence centres where officers of both NATO and Russia would work closely together 24/24.

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Unemployment at an historic high in the euro zone and the EU

6 May 2012

According to figures published by Eurostat on 2nd May the unemployment rate reached 10.9% in the euro zone and 10.2% in the EU in March 2012. This represents nearly 25 million unemployed in the EU, 17 million of whom are in the euro zone. Unemployment ranges from 20% to 25% in Greece and Spain. It lies at 10% in France, 8.2% in the UK and only 5.6% in Germany. Over one year the unemployment rate has dropped in eight Member States and risen in 19. Unemployment has not been as high in fifteen years.

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Industrial producer prices up again in Europe

7 May 2012

According to figures published by Eurostat on May 3rd industrial producer prices increased again in March 2012, compared with February 2012. The increase totals 0.5% in the euro zone and 0.6% in the EU. The sharpest rises were recorded in Greece and the UK (+1.2%) and in Lithuania (+1.1%). In terms of annual increases price rose in the euro zone by 3.3% and by 3.8% in the EU. The sharpest rises were recorded in Latvia (+10%), Cyprus (+8.8%) and in Hungary (+7.4%).

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2012 Outlook by the OECD's International Transport Forum

6 May 2012

On 3rd May the OECD's International Transport Forum published its 2012 Transport Outlook. According to its analysis the volumes of passengers and merchandise are due to rise across the entire world by 2050, particularly in the OECD countries and in the emerging economies. CO2 emissions are also due to rise but not at the same pace as mobility. To reduce CO2 emissions the Forum is advising on various measures such as a better public transport network, limiting the transport network's capacity in terms of cars and the abolition of free parking. Long term, it encourages the development of alternative energy sources.

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China-EU Partnership

7 May 2012

The Foundation for International Relations and External Dialogue (FRIDE) has published a study entitled "After the China-EU summit: reaffirming a comprehensive strategic partnership". The author asks both partners to come to a better understanding of one another and to make mutual concessions so that the strategic partnership concluded between the EU and China at the EU/China Summit 2008 can be implemented properly.

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The Monetary Transmission Policy Mechanism in Central Europe

7 May 2012

On 2nd May Bruegel published a study focusing on the Monetary Transmission Policy mechanism in three country of Central Europe that do not belong to the euro zone: the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. The authors focus on comparing the transmission mechanisms in these countries and in the euro zone. They conclude that the relationship between the development of the monetary policy and growth varied over time in the three countries studied following various structural changes. Moreover in 2011 it was in Poland that the transmission mechanism was the strongest, nearing conditions seen in the euro zone.

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Report by the Court of Auditors on the Union's information system

7 May 2012

In a special report published on 4th May the EU's Auditor's Court recommended an improvement in the common information system related to the Union's external relations, CRIS. After assessment the Court concludes that generally CRIS enables an effective response to the Commission's information requirements in the area of external affairs but that weaknesses persist. It completes its report with recommendations such as defining quite precisely the role attributed to the CRIS system, reviewing and enhancing the checks that are undertaken at present and even improving the system's ergonomy.

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Monumenta 2012

7 May 2012

As part of the fifth edition of "Monumenta" the Grand Palais has invited a contemporary artist to show his work in the main hall of the museum - totalling 13,500 m2. The exhibition will go on from 10th May to 21st June and the guest artist is Daniel Buren.

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Illuminated: tracing Bosch and Bruegel

7 May 2012

The National Museum of Denmark (Statens museum for kunst) is hosting an exhibition devoted to four 16th century Dutch paintings. Depicting Jesus Driving the Traders from the Temple all four are very similar. Experts tend to attribute them to Hieronymus Bosch (circa 1450-1516) and Pieter Bruegel the Elder (circa 1527-1569), but the artist has not yet been identified for certain. This exhibition that is open until 21st October, offers an opportunity to mix art and science by revealing to visitors the "modern scientific methods" used to study work like this as well as the "stories and secrets" that they help bring back from the past.

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El Greco and Modernism

7 May 2012

The Kunstpalast Museum in Düsseldorf (Germany) is putting on an exhibition until 12th August focusing on the works of Spanish painter El Greco (1541-1614) under the title "El Grece and Modernism". The exhibition is showing 40 paintings by the artist and 100 paintings by modern artists such as Picasso, Cézanne, Delaunay, Beckmann, Macke and others who were influenced by El Greco.

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The Russian Theatre guest of honour at the 66th Ruhr Festival

7 May 2012

From Tolstoy to Chekov, Russian literature is heading the bill until 16th June in the 66th Ruhr Festival in Recklinghausen. The comedy by Nicolas Gogol "The Govenment Inspector" inaugurated the programme on 3rd May. The Ruhr Festival is presenting 80 theatre plays in 266 shows under the title of : "In the East, nothing new".

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Festival of Europe in Rome

7 May 2012

From 3rd to 19th May on the initiative of the Italian capital, the Festival of Europe 2012 will be taking place during which time a series of events, shows and concerts is being planned to celebrate cultural diversity in the Union. This celebration of Europe, notably organised with the European Commission and the European Parliament, aims amongst other things, to raise awareness about the building of a "Europe of people and citizens".

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9th May

Europe Day ()

9th and 10th May

European Parliament - Mini Session (Brussels)

10th & 11th May

Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council (Brussels)

12th May

Open Day - European Institutions (Brussels)

14th May

Foreign Affairs Council ()

14th & 15th May

Agriculture and Fisheries Council ()

14th May

Eurogroup ()

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Magali Balent, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Charles de Marcilly, Pierre Thibaudat ,Perle Baillard, Mélanie Laplace, Camille Stephan, Marion Zosi.

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

9th May/Europe Day-France:Election/Hollande - Greece:Elections - Editorial/Tymos...


The Newsletter n°532- version of 7 mai 2012