The Newsletter53023 avr. 2012

La Lettre

Alain Fabre

23 April 2012

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published a European Issue by Alain Fabre who looks into the German economic model. He present the specific features of this (the neutrality of the economic policy, major role played by negotiations within companies) as well as the ideological foundations such as the ordoliberal theory. He then examines the results achieved by this model over the last few decades and wonders whether it can be applied in other European Union countries.

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Front page!

Order the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2012

23 April 2012

The "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union" by the Robert Schuman Foundation, a reference work on Europe has been published. The third edition is devoted to the means to overcome the crisis with an exclusive interview with Jean-Claude Trichet, former president of the European Central Bank. All 26 articles in the Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2012" agree on one thing: "the reasons calling Europeans to unite have never been as numerous as today". Using 67 commented tables and graphs and 34 colour maps, which are mostly unique, the authors help their audience to understand all of the challenges facing the European Union. The book is available in both French and English.

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"Talking Europe" receives Jean-Luc Dehaene

23 April 2012

As part of a partnership between the Robert Schuman Foundation and the AEF, a programme is being broadcast on the Foundation's site "Talking Europe", whose guest this week was MEP and former Belgian Prime Minister Jean-Luc Dehaene, who answered questions asked by Pascale Joannin, General Director of the Foundation. At the same time the Foundation has published posts on its blog "They're crazy those Europeans" in which AEF journalists and the Robert Schuman Foundation jointly take part.

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These American Financial Editor "friends", who wish Europe so much goodwill

22 April 2012

Jean-Paul Betbèze, chief economist, director of economic studies for the Crédit Agricole SA and member of the Robert Schuman Foundation's scientific committee, has published a column in "Atlantico" in which he explains that the crisis in Europe is about its inadequacy, not its integration. In his opinion "it has to go further towards achieving its goals by being more integrated, not with greater speed in consolidating its accounts, but differently, with its monetary policy and not elsewhere with its strategic references".

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2002-2012: political developments in Europe. 10 years of electoral history

22 April 2012

Whilst 45 million French citizens were called to ballot on 22nd April for the first round of the presidential election, the Robert Schuman Foundation has published a study by Corinne Deloy that lays out a unique picture of decade of politics in Europe that has been marked by the domination of the parties on the right. This text published in the Foundation's "Notes" series, is vital in the discovery and understanding of the political life of Member States in Europe. You can order it on the Foundation's site.

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Financial Crisis

Italy says there will be a return to budgetary balance later than forecast

22 April 2012

The Italian government approved its Economy and Finance Document on 18th April during a Council of Ministers, which was presented as part of the European Semester. The government says that it is forecasting a public defiict of around 0.5% in 2013. The return of budgetary balance is no longer on the agenda for 2014. The public debt is due to decline from 120.3% of the GDP in 2012 to 110.8% in 2015. With regard to economic activity, the Italian government is forecasting a GDP contraction of 1.2% in 2012, followed by growth of 0.5% in 2013, 1% in 2014 and 1.2% in 2015.

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Spain in Recession again

22 April 2012

The governor of the Spanish central bank, Miguel Fernandez Ordonez announced on 17th April that Spain had fallen back into recession. He explained that following a decline in the GDP of 0.7% in the last quarter of 2011, he was now forecasting a similar contraction in the first quarter of 2012. He also recalled that official provisional figures in the first quarter 2012 are to be published on 30th April.

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IMF forecasts for the world economy 2012

22 April 2012

The International Monetary Fund reviewed its euro zone growth forecasts slightly on 17th April and is now banking on a less serious recession than forecast for 2012, with a GDP contracting by 0.3% and not 0.5% as previously suggested. "The recession is not due to be as serious and will be short in many euro zone economies in the knowledge that market confidence and conditions have already improved and that demand from other other regions is due to rise," indicates the IMF in its report. The IMF is banking on a return to growth as of the second half of 2012 after a GDP contraction of 0.5% over the first six months of the year. This forecast is also slightly better for 2013, the year when the euro zone should witness a rise of 0.9% in its GDP and not 0.8% according to the IMF.

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Slovenia ratifies the European budgetary pact

22 April 2012

Slovenian MPs ratified the treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance (TSCG) on 19th April; this text is better known as the European Budgetary Pact signed on 2nd March in Brussels by 25 EU Member States. Of the 76 MPs present, 74 voted in support of the adoption of the treaty. Two abstained. After Greece and Portugal, Slovenia is the third country to have ratified the pact which will enter into force once 12 States have signed it.

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Meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

23 April 2012

G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors met on 19th and 20th April. They declared that a "modest economic recovery" was ongoing but that risks associated with financial market volatility, the high level of public and private debt, the need to make structural reforms and a high level of unemployment, continued. In this context they welcomed the strengthening of the EU's stability mechanisms and called for various measures to support growth and employment and the completion of budgetary consoldiation and "world re-balancing". They mentioned the IMF's financial resources and its governance. The latter is due to witness an increase in its resources of over 430 million $, in addition to the quota increases that have already been planned for.

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Private Sector activity contracted sharply in the euro zone in April

23 April 2012

Private sector activity contracted sharply in the euro zone in April and reached its lowest level in five months, which indicates that the Monetary Union may be experiencing a longer recession than planned according to several analysts. The PMI lay at 47.4 points in April against 49.1 the previous month according to a first estimate on 23rd April released by Markit. Beyond 50 points the PMI means that activity is rising whilst when it is below this mark it is contracting. This result took analysts by surprse since they were banking on a slight rise in the PMI index to around 49.3 and so this reflects an acceleration in the contraction of activity in the euro zone in April.

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Women, response to the economic crisis

22 April 2012

On 16th April the Commission published a report in which greater gender equality appears as being one of the responses to the crisis. The reduction in wage differences between men and women and the increase in the number of women occupying positions of responsbility, amongst other things, foster economic growth. In spite of the progress observed in the report, major challenges remain for the Member States, who have to integrate more women into the labour market if they want to achieve a 75% employment rate for all adults - a goal that was set in the Europe 2020 strategy. Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission said that Europe "can only achieve its goals in terms of employment by using all of its human resources."

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The Commission puts real measures forward to revive Employment

22 April 2012

On 18th April the European Commission published a communication in which it lays out a series of measures to boost employment. It invites the Member States to consolidate their national employment policies. To foster new jobs it notably suggests the reduction of tax pressure on labour and to provide aid for the creation of businesses. In this communication the Commission also lists the sectors that offer the greatest opportunities in terms of job creation : the green economy, healthcare services and ITC's. Finally it stresses the need to orient the Union's governance with greater firmness towards employment and social policy and puts forward the means to associate employers' representatives and workers more closely together in the establishment of the Union's priorities.

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A European Strategy for Public Procurement

23 April 2012

Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for the Internal Market, presented the EU's strategy for e-procurement. By 2016 all public procurement markets are to be involved thereby enabling savings of around 100 billion euros per year; it will also improve the participation of SMEs. "The earlier the transition, the earlier the advantages offered by e-procurement will be achieved," he said. The strategy defined four priorities: support to the establishment of the infrastructure, the support of good practice, the surveillance of the transition towards the digital economy and communication with businesses.

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A 12 strong Croatian delegation at the European Parliament

23 April 2012

In view of the upcoming entry of Croatia into the EU planned for July 1st 2013, European Parliament President Martin Schulz welcomed a delegation of 12 Croatian observers on the occasion of a plenary session. Accession will be an "historic moment for the EU, Croatia and the Western Balkans," he declared. These observers will be able to take part in the meetings of groups and committees so that they can get used to the way the Parliament functions.

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The European Union allows the transfer of passenger data to the USA

22 April 2012

On 19th April MEPs approved an agreement negotiated between the EU and the USA over the transfer of PNR data (Passenger name record) on flights between the two continents. Cécilia Malmström, European Commission responsible for this issue said that this text was necessary so that the Union can control the use of data as part of a clear legal framework. Moreover it is a process that aims to protect passengers and to counter terrorism; some amendments were also made such as the anonymous nature of the data after six months.

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MEPs look into European taxation

22 April 2012

On 19th April MEPs adopted two texts designed to reform European taxation. In the first they ask for a common base on business tax to be made obligatory after a period of transition - possibly by way of enhanced cooperation; the aim of this is to simplify administrative procedures and to prevent tax evasion on the part of company HQ's. In a resolution MEPs also invited Member States to reform their tax systems in order to do away with unjustified waivers and to improve the fight against fraud and tax evasion. An agreement with Switzerland seems to be necessary and urgent in this regard.

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Enhancing cohesion projects with the support of the private sector

23 April 2012

MEPs adopted a regulation designed to revive cohesion projects, 504 votes in favour, 78 against and 79 abstentions, by spreading the risk more with the private sector. It will enable the countries that enjoy macro-economic support on the part of the EU to attract more private investors. The text is already the focus of an informal agreement between Parliament and the Council that will be adopted definitively in May.

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The lifting of sanctions against Myanmar and an increase of those against Syria

23 April 2012

The 27 Foreign Ministers decided on 23rd April to suspend most of their sanctions against Myanmar in response to "the historic changes ongoing there"; this particularly refers to restrictions implemented against more than 800 companies - however an embargo is being maintained on arms. The measure will be valid for a year. Moreover the ministers decided to set further sanctions against the Syrian regime, banning luxury product exports and by limiting the export of material used against opponents.

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European Agencies

The pooling and sharing of military means

23 April 2012

The 27 Defence Ministers have agreed to pool and share their military means. The Director of the European Defence Agency, Claude-France Arnould, pointed to the progress achieved in this area and promoted future projects, notably in terms of the field hospital and maritime forces. She recalled that it was important to develop greater synergy so that the EU had more adequate means.

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Joint article by G.Westerwelle and G.Oettinger on the future of the Union

22 April 2012

In a joint article published in the "Stuttgarter Zeitung" on 14th April the German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle and European Commissioner for Energy Günther Oettinger highlight the three main challenges for the future of the EU. The first is to develop a clear, ambitious vision of Europe as a creative world power. The second challenge for the EU is to retain its position as a region for world prosperity. Finally the EU has to draw up real projects for the future with which citizens can identify and in which they can become involved.

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Optimistic forecasts for the German economy in the spring report

22 April 2012

In their spring report published on 19th April the five major economic institutes in Germany reviewed forecasts upwards. They are planning for GDP growth of 0.9% this year in comparison with a previous 0.8% and are anticipating an acceleration in growth of around 2% in 2013. The institutes are forecasting a rise of 3.1% in exports in 2012 and a further increase of 5.1% in exports next year.

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Plans to make savings in Spain in the healthcare and education sectors

22 April 2012

The Spanish government, that is committed to reducing its deficit, adopted a plan to save money on 20th April, targeting the extremely sensitive sectors of healthcare and education, hoping to generate 10 billion euros in savings per year. A key measure in the reform of the healthcare sector that aims to save 7 billion: pensioners will pay for their medicines. Traditionally the Spanish do not pay to go to the doctor and only pay part of the price of their medicines, except for pensioners, who pay nothing. From now on the latter, who represent three quarters of national pharmaceutical spending (11 billion euros, 1.1% of the GDP), will have to pay 10% of the pharmacy bill, to a limit of 8 to 18 euros per month depending on their income. Those in work, who have paid 40% of the price of medicines to date, will have to pay up to 60%, depending on their financial situation.

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Paris and Berlin claim control of Schengen

22 April 2012

In a joint letter addressed to the Danish presidency dated 18th April the French Interior Minister, Claude Guéant and German, Hans-Peter Friedrich asked for the possibility to re-introduce national border controls for one month in the event of the bankruptcy of a State. Once the time has passed it would be up to the European Commission to recommend to the Council of the European Union to continue or stop internal border controls. The final decision, as well as the task of coordinating the measures to take, would belong to the Council. The two interior ministers intend to explain their position to their European counterparts during the Council on 26th and 27th April in Luxembourg.

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Hungary reviews its controversial law regarding the Central Bank

22 April 2012

On 18th April the Hungarian government suggested to parliament that it makes amendments to the law governing the Central Bank (Magyar Nemzeti Bank) that aims to bring the statutes of the latter in line with European legislation. The ministry notably explained that the "the government's representative will no longer take part in the meetings held by the Central Bank's Monetary Council" and that the "latter will no longer be obliged to dispatch the agenda of these meetings to the government". These changes should enable negotiations to start again regarding the EU's and the IMF's financial aid. The amendments had been previously communicated to the Hungarian Central Bank and to the European Central Bank for comment. They were also communicated to the European Commission.

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A new president for Hungary

22 April 2012

On 16th April Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban put forward Janos Ader as the new President of Hungary - the latter is one of the co-founders of his party (Fidesz) and presently MEP. This appointment is due to be approved on 2nd May by a two thirds majority of the Parliament, a majority that Fidesz enjoys.

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The Irish government informs the population about the budgetary treaty

22 April 2012

In view of the referendum on the Stability, Coordination and Governance Treaty in the euro zone (TSCG) that is due to be held on 31st May, the Irish government has launched an information campaign. On 19th April an internet site was launched providing information about the content and the goals of the TSCG. The whole text, that is available on this site, will also be sent, in both English and Gaelic, to every household at the beginning of May. Finally, just before the vote, citizens will receive a summary brochure. A poll published on 19th April by the "Irish Time IPSOS MRBI" revealed that 39% of those interviewed were still undecided how they would vote whilst 30% intended to vote "yes" and 23% "no".

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Adoption of the "golden budgetary rule" in the Constitution

23 April 2012

On 17th April, on last reading, the Italian Senate adopted the draft law planning for the inclusion of the golden rule into the Constitution. The draft was adopted by 235 Senators, 11 voted against and there were 24 abstentions. This "golden rule" will guarantee Italy's respect of budgetary balance that should be reached in 2013 thanks to a new austerity plan introduced by Mario Monti's government; it will prohibit the use of debt to fund the deficit, whilst Italy is already weighed down under a massive debt representing around 120% of the GDP.

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The Netherlands

The Dutch government pushed to resignation

23 April 2012

"Elections seem obvious", declared the Dutch Prime Minister on 21st April after the failure of talks between the government coalition and its parliamentary ally, the far right movement, led by Geert Wilders. The negotiations that started on 5th March and initially planned to last three weeks, were meant to enable an agreement on saving 16 billion euros to improve the state of Dutch public finances. The Dutch public deficit indeed rose to 28 billion euros in 2011 ie 4.7% of the GDP against 5.1% in 2010. It is therefore still over the European norm of 3%. After an extaordinary Council of Ministers, the Dutch Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, presented the resignation of his govenment to the Queen on 23rd April.

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New project to reform retirement pensions in Poland

23 April 2012

On 20th April the Polish government approved a draft reform regarding the age of retirement that will progressively rise to 67 said Prime Minister Donald Tusk. "These are difficult decisions to take and we are aware how concerned people are in Poland" as far as these changes are concerned, declared Mr Tusk. According to the government programme the age of retirement, at present set at 60 for women and 65 for men, will progressively rise as of 2013 to reach 67 in 2020 for men and in 2040 for women.

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Slovenia and Croatia in the Hague to settle their territorial problem

22 April 2012

The Slovenian Foreign Minister announced on 18th April that Ljubljana and Zagreb will submit their territorial dispute that has been ongoing since 1991 to the arbitration court in the Hague in February 2013. The permanent arbitration court laid out the timing of this in a press release on 13th April: the two countries will present their initial cases on 11th February 2013, then their counter proposals in November. A first hearing of representatives from Slovenia and Croatia will take place in the first half of 2014.

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A woman Defence Minister

23 April 2012

Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt announced on 18th April the appointment of a former soldier, Karin Enström, as Defence Minister, in replacement of Sten Tolgfors who was forced to resign after a scandal involving a secret contract with Saudi Arabia. Karin Enström is a former Swedish army officer in which she reached the rank of captain in an amphibian unit.

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Switzerland reintroduces immigration limits on 8 European countries

22 April 2012

The Swiss government decided on 18th April to re-introduce limits on the delivery of work permits for a one year period, thereby limiting the entry of citizens from eight countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and the Czech Republic). The limit of around 2000 resident permits will enter into force on 1st May 2012 and will be applied for a year", indicated the Swiss autorities. Before May 1st 2013 the Swiss government will have to review the situation and decide whether this restriction will have to be maintained until 31st May 2014.

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Council of Europe

The conditions of police custody in France are deemed a problem by the Council of Europe

23 April 2012

On 19th April the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture published a report on France, as well as a response by the French government. This report observes positive developments, notably of a legislative nature (in view of police custody or psychiatric care), but it also indicated some problems, that were pointed out by the Committee a long time ago, such as the excessive use of force during arrests by the police and the conditions of detention in police and gendarmerie cells. In terms of conditions of imprisonment, there was no report of any bad treatment and reports are also positive with regard to psychiatric care. The Committee raises the issue of over-population, to which the French government answered, saying that action was being taken to solve the problem.

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The European Council adopts a plan to improve the effectiveness of the ECHR

23 April 2012

On 20th April the Council of Europe drew up a plan to improve the running of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) during the Brighton conference. Organised as part of the Presidency of the UK of the Committee of the Ministers of the Council of Europe, this conference on the future of the ECHR, led to the modification of the admissibility criteria for requests submitted to the Court. In order to make the latter more effective a request can now be rejected if the complainant cannot prove "significant inequality". Moreover the referral deadline is due to be reduced from six to four months. The decisions taken in Brighton are due to be finalised by 2013.

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New partnership between EU and UN Women

22 April 2012

A new partnership between the EU and the UN Women was created on 16th April. Designed to promote gender equality and women's autonomy, the cooperation mainly aims to guarantee women's representation in economic, political and legal decision making processes across the world and to widen their professional and social prospects. The two organisations also committed to increasing aid and protection offered to women who are victims of sexual and sexist violence.

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Creation of a 300 strong military observer mission

23 April 2012

A resolution establishing a UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) was adopted unanimously on 21st April by the UN Security Council. Created for an initial 90 day period, UNSMIS will comprise 300 unarmed military observers and an adapted civilian contingent. The mission will be responsible for checking on the respect of the ceasefire by all sides, but also to monitor and support the implementation of the six point proposal put forward by the UN's Special Envoy and that of the Arab Leagues States, Kofi Annan.

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Possible agreement on the future of Moldova

23 April 2012

Moldova and the separatist Russian-speaking republic of Transnistria have reached agreement on the principles and procedures for formal negotiations, as well as on the timetable, announced the OSCE on 18th April. The agreement was concluded during negotiations in a "5+2" situation (Moldova, Transnistria, Russia, Ukraine and OSCE, as well as the EU and the USA) in Vienna under the aegis of the OSCE. "I encourage participants to continue on the basis of the results achieved so far to make further progress in view of a complete political agreement," declared the OSCE's ambassador for the conflict over Transnistria, Erwan Fouéré.

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Meeting on future NATO forces

23 April 2012

On 18th and 19th April the Defence Ministers of 28 NATO countries met at the Alliance's HQ to look into the best way to guarantee NATO having modern capabilities, which it will need for the future and to prepare the Chicago Summit on 20th and 21st May. During a NATO/Russia Council on 19th April their counterparts in Foreign Affairs drew up a report of the progress achieved thanks to continuous dialogue over 15 years. They planned to make further progress over any remaining differences. They finally discussed the situation in Afghanistan.

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Inflation rate stable in the euro zone and the European Union

22 April 2012

According to a Eurostat publication on 17th April the inflation rate remained stable in March in comparison with February, lying at 2.7%. Over one year inflation was below 1.% in Sweden and in Ireland and rose above 4.5% in Estonia and Romania.

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Recovery of trade in the fourth quarter of 2011

23 April 2012

According to Eurostat's latest estimation published on 18th April, the EU recorded a trade surplus of 13.1 billion euros in the 4th quarter 2011. The surplus totalled 32.3 billion in terms of services. The EU's main partners are China (deficit of 29.2 billion), the USA (surplus of 22.4 billion), Switzerland (+17.2 billion) and Russia (-13.3 billion). Germany and the Netherlands have the biggest surpluses whilst the highest deficits are recorded by France and the UK.

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Stabilisation of world military spending in 2011

22 April 2012

According to figures released on 17th April by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), world military spending totalled 1.74 billion $ in 2011, which represents an increase of 0.3% in comparison with 2010. 2011 heralds the end of more than a decade of constant increases in this type of spending ranging from 1998 to 2010. The reduction in military spending is particularly evident in the EU and the USA because of public spending policies that have been initiated to reduce the debt. Amongst the major emerging powers Brazil and India have reduced their military spending whilst China and Russia have increased them. The Middle East is the only region where there is a clear trend upwards in terms of this type of spending.

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New model for the ratings agency put forward by the Bertelsmann Foundation

23 April 2012

On 17th April the Bertelsmann Foundation put forward a model for a non-profit making rating agency financed thanks to a fund created by governments amongst others. The Foundation presented its model agency named "INCRA" (international non-profit credit rating agency), that it hopes to put forward to the G20.

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Publication of the prospective report "Horizons stratégiques"

22 April 2012

The new prospective, geopolitical and geostrategic report by the Strategic Affairs Delegation (DAS) has just been published. This report analyses the international strategic environment and the world's geopolitical balance over the next three decades. The aim of this report is to anticipate crises as far as possible, so that France has the military capabilities adapted to its role in the international arena when the time comes.

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L'Europe d'après. En finir avec le pessimisme

23 April 2012

Lignes de Repères publishing have released a book entitled "L'Europe d'après. En finir avec le pessimisme" written by Thierry Chopin, Studies Director at the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-François Jamet, Engineer of the "Mines" and teacher at Sciences-Po, as well as Christian Lequesne, Director of the CERI. With the crisis Europeans are increasingly doubtful about the EU's future. The authors, rejecting pessimism, say that Europe has to draw up a new joint discourse focusing on the values of freedom and progress. They review Europe's great many advantages, both economic and political. It is by asserting its values of freedom and by defending its vision of globalisation that Europe will find its strategic future.

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For a European Nation-State Federation

23 April 2012

Larcier publishing has released a book by Gaëtane Ricard-Nihoul, entitled "Pour une Fédération européenne d'Etats-Nations", an idea drawn up by Jacques Delors in the mid 1990's. In the author's opinion the Federation of Nation-States is still an excellent way to consider European unity, to reconcile diversity and unity within the Union and to achieve real democratisation of this.

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The Art of Exaggeration: the caricature in Sweden

23 April 2012

The National Museum of Stockholm is putting on an exhibition devoted to the caricature in Sweden until 12th August. Via more than 90 pieces of work dating from the 16th century to modern times, it reviews the development of this type of artistic genre. At first reserved for private use, the caricature has changed status thanks to the development of the press over the 19th century thereby becoming "a force to be reckoned with."

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Francophone Film Festival

23 April 2012

The Francophone Film Festival 2012 (FFF12) will be showing until 26th April in Vienna. During this event Algerian, Belgian, Ivorian, French, Swiss and Tunisian films, as well as work co-produced with Canada, Burkina-Faso, Germany and Bulgaria will be showing to the public. This year the festival is devoted, amongst other things, to the themes of love, the family and friendship.

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The Triennale at the Palais de Tokyo

23 April 2012

The third edition of the Triennale of modern art is taking place until 26th August at the Palais de Tokyo and in seven other Parisian museums and the region. The event this year focuses on the idea of "extreme proximity" and looks into the meaning of creation in the modern world.

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Luca Signorelli in Perugia, Orvieto and Citta di Castello

23 April 2012

The artistic career of Luca Signorelli (1450-1523), who was qualified by the father of painting Raphael, as a "talented artist with the mind of a pilgrim" and who was one of the greatest masters of the Renaissance, is the focus of an exhibition that will be taking place until 26th August in Italy. More than 100 pieces of work including 66 by Signorelli, are on show to visitors. The exhibition is split between three towns: Perugia, Citta di Castello and Orvieto.

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Results of the first round of the French Presidential election

23 April 2012

François Hollande (PS) came first in the first round of the French presidential election on 22nd April. He won 28.63% of the vote ahead of the outgoing President, Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP), who won 27.18%. Marine le Pen (FN) came third with 17.9%, followed by Jean-Luc Mélenchon (FG) 11.1% and François Bayrou (MoDem), 9.13%. The other candidates won under 5% of the vote: Eva Joly 2,31%, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan 1,79%, Philippe Poutou 1,15% ; Nathalie Arthaud 0,56% et Jacques Cheminade 0,25%. Turnout rose to 79.74%. The second round will be between François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy on 6th May.

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23rd April

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

23rd April

Informal Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer Council (Copenhagen)

24th April

"General Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

les 26th-27th April

"Justice and Internal Affairs" Council (Luxembourg)

les 26th-27th April

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Council (Luxembourg)

29th April

Open Day - ECB (Frankfurt/Main)

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Magali Balent, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Charles de Marcilly, Pierre Thibaudat ,Perle Baillard, Mélanie Laplace, Camille Stephan, Marion Zosi.

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

France/Election (1st round) - The Netherlands/Resignation - Syria - ECHR


The Newsletter n°530- version of 23 avr. 2012