The Newsletter52626 mars 2012

La Lettre

Jean-Paul Herteman

26 March 2012

Jean-Paul Herteman, CEO of the SAFRAN group and chair of the Group of French Aviation and Space Industries, looks into the relations maintained between the EU and its aviation, defence and security industries. In his opinion they contribute to strengthening the Union's strategic weight in the world and could help to structure a European industrial policy. The text published this week in European Issues is drawn from the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2012" published by Lignes de Repères, which contains 26 articles by European experts for a better understanding of all of the challenges launched at the Union in 2012. This book can be ordered on line on the Foundation's site.

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Front page!

New Publication: "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2012"

25 March 2012

The "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2012" by the Robert Schuman Foundation is a reference work on Europe and has just been published. This sixth version is devoted to the means necessary to overcome the crisis and there is an exclusive interview with Jean-Claude Trichet, former President of the European Central Bank. All of the 26 articles converge to send out one message: "the reasons calling for Europeans to stand as one have never been as numerous as today". Using 67 tables and commented graphs as well as 34 colour maps - which are unique in the main - the authors invite you to learn about the challenges facing the EU. This book published by Lignes de Repères can be ordered on line on the Foundation's site.

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Presentation of the Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2012

25 March 2012

On 29th March the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2012" will be presented at the Maison de l'Europe des Yvelines together with Pierre Lequiller, chair of the European Affairs Committee at the National Assembly, chair of the Maison de l'Europe des Yvelines and Constance le Grip, MEP.

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Seminar on the Founding Fathers of Europe

26 March 2012

On 27th and 28th March the Konstantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy is organising a seminar in Athens on the Founding Fathers of Europe in which Jacques Rigaud, honorary State Counsellor and Deputy Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, will be taking part. His speech will focus on "18 years old in 1950: the European destiny of a generation."

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Presentation of the Schuman Report at the CERI

26 March 2012

The "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2012" will be presented at the CERI on 2nd April on the occasion of a debate on "The European Union and the Crisis: What answers are there? What is the outlook?" The debate will be hosted by the two directors who managed its production, Thierry Chopin, Studies Director at the Robert Schuman Foundation and Michel Foucher, geographer and professor at the ULM. Christian Lequesne, director of CERI-Sciences Po will introduce the debate.

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Presentation of the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2012

26 March 2012

On 27th March the French and English versions of the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2012" will be presented to the European Parliament in the presence of Joseph Daul, Chairman of the EPP group as well as many Commissioners and MEPs.

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Europe and Schengen

26 March 2012

Immigration policy is a theme that lies at the heart of debate in the French presidential election campaign. Just one month from the first round the chair of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani has pubilshed an editorial on his site on Europe and Schengen: "Believing that Member States would be better able to manage external borders themselves is an illusion demonstrated by fact. Allowing the idea to spread that inter-state management of immigration might provide a better solution to the Union's internal migratory issues is a serious error, which itself is the source of serious division between various populations."

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Presidential Election in France

26 March 2012

On 22nd April and 6th May the French are being asked to elect the President of their Republic. 10 candidates are running: Nicolas Sarkozy (UMP), François Hollande (PS), François Bayrou (MoDem), Marine Le Pen (FN), Jean-Luc Mélenchon (FG), Eva Joly (EELV), Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (DLR), Philippe Poutou (NPA), Nathalie Arthaud (LO) and Jacques Cheminade. The two candidates who win in the first round on 22nd April will face each other in the second round on 6th May. Just one month before the election the polls show a tightly run race between the two main candidates in the results of the first round: Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande. The latter is forecast to win in the second round according to the polls.

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Financial Crisis

A new "Innovative Guarantee Fund" to help Greek SME's.

25 March 2012

On 21st March Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Regional Policy announced the launch of an "innovative guarantee fund" that will be provided with 500 million euros to help revive the Greek economy after the crisis. The aim of the fund is to facilitate loans for Greek SMEs to "put the Greek economy back on track and to give the country new hope". The European Investment Bank together with the European Commission will fund loans to a total of one billion euros via the banks. This fund is an additional financial tool to revive the country's economy since SME's are believed to be a vital pillar.

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Unemployment down in Germany in 2012

25 March 2012

According to figures published on 22nd March by the IAB (that is part of the German Federal Labour Office) unemployment will decrease in Germany in 2012 for the third year running and the number of new jobs will reach a new record the highest since reunification in 1990. "In 2012 we think that the number of job-seekers will decline by 130,000 people, down to 2.84 million," added the institute that says that the unemployment rate is due to drop to 6.8% against 7.1% in 2011. Last year the number of unemployed dropped by 260,000 people.

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Improvement in employment and unemployment in Latvia

25 March 2012

According to the Latvian Central Statistics Bureau national employment and unemployment indicators have improved significantly since 2011. The employment rate has indeed risen to 55.3% and has therefore increased by 2.2 points in comparison with the previous year. It is still below that experienced by Latvia prior to the crisis in 2008, ie 62.6%. Unemployment has also dropped by 3.3 points. It is the first time in three years that these two rates have developed positively.

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Romania is granted 500 million euros by the IMF

25 March 2012

On 22nd March the IMF announced that it had released additional funds to a total of 500 million euros for Romania. In March 2011 the IMF accepted to provide aid over two years to Romania in the shape of a loan that could rise to 3.6 billion euros.

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Unemployment decreasing in Belgium

26 March 2012

The unemployment rate in Belgium reached its lowest level in 20 years in 2011, lying 8.2% of the working population according to annual statistics published by the Belgian National Employment Office (Onem) on 23rd March. The number of unemployed living on benefits declined by 16,603 workers in 2011 to 412,823 people ie a reduction of 3.8% in comparison with 2010. It has reached a level below that of the crisis in 2007, stresses Onem, at that time it lay at 9.2%.

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Recession in Ireland

26 March 2012

The Irish economy contracted by 0.2% in the fourth quarter of 2011 thereby taking the country back into recession after a third consecutive negative quarter according to official figures published on 22nd March. Over all of 2011 the country did however regiester growth of +0.7% thanks to a promising start to the year said the Irish Central Statistics Office. The GDP had contracted during the three years prior to this. The GDP contracted by 0.2% in the fourth quarter, after -1.1% in the third quarter, according to a revised CSO figure. Hence the country technically returned into recession, this being typified by a GDP contraction for at least two consecutive quarters.

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European Council

EU-Swiss Relations

25 March 2012

After his meeting on 20th March with Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, President of the Helvetic Confederation, the President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy recalled the existence of strong links between the EU and Switzerland. He then said he wanted to strengthen links by establishing a true cooperation framework between the two. During this meeting he also addressed the euro zone's economic situation, the signature of the TSCG and the work done in terms of budgetary consolidation, maintaining that he hoped to see Switzerland join in these various processes, given the close link between this country's economy and that of the euro zone. The two countries then promised to promote stability, democracy and prosperity in the Western Balkans.

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Reciprocity, the focus of the Commission's proposals

25 March 2012

Debate over the opening of public procurement markets in Europe was re-initiated on 21st March after the European Commission's presentation of proposals to encourage third countries to open their markets to European companies. Michel Barnier, the European Commissioner responsible for the Internal Market insisted that the present situation represents a loss of 12 billion euros for European exports. The Commission is proposing two lines of action: a contracting authority will ask for the closure of a market in a third country which applies protectionist measures. In the event of repeated discrimination towards a European company the third country may see the procurement markets of the 27 Member States being closed to it. The solution will only be adopted after consultation but Karel de Gucht, Commissioner for Trade does not fear any negative effects.

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Green Paper on the shadow banking system

25 March 2012

The Commission wrote a Green Paper on 19th March on non-banking credit activities or "the shadow banking system". The shadow banking system accomplishes major functions in the financial system. For example it creates additional sources of funding and offers investors solutions in place of bank deposits. However it may also present potential threats to long term financial stability. The aim of the Green Paper is to review the present situation and to put forward ideas on the issue in order to undertake a wider consultation amongst those involved. These will then be invited to answer the consultation before June 1st. A conference on the shadow banking system will be organised in Brussels on 27th April.

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Common Fisheries and Stock Protection Policy

25 March 2012

On 19th and 20th March the 27 Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers held a public debate on a draft regulation for the common fisheries policy. The proposal to ban dumping was received positively by most of the Member States. They also agreed on a proposal for the common organisation of markets in the fishing sector and in products from aquaculture and on the European Fisheries Fund. They stressed that the role and responsibility of manufacturing organisations had to be strengthened. Ministers then adopted conclusions which are mainly based on the promotion of a more sustainable fishing policy both from an external and internal point of view. The Council finally adopted a position on the protection of sharks.

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Improving Transport Infrastructures

25 March 2012

The Ministers of the 27 Member States met in Brussels on 22nd March to discuss various points regarding transport. They succeeded in agreeing on a common approach with two draft texts. The first aims to improve the performance of the trans-European transport networks, notably the development of infrastructures. The second text aims to increase competition between service providers in airports and to increase the quality of the services offered by defining common standards.

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Semestrial Review of the Defence Policy

25 March 2012

On 22nd and 23rd March the 27 Foreign and Defence Ministers from the Member States met to establish a semestrial review of the European defence policy. On this occasion they decided to step up their presence in Africa by extending the Atalanta Mission to counter piracy, by activating the Operations Centre for the Horn of Africa and by requestiong the European Commission to accelerate the implementation of the Sahel Strategy. They recalled the need to develop the pooling and sharing of military resources, as well as military means in themselves so that missions undertaken as part of the Common Security and Defence Policy could be completed correctly. They finally stepped up measures against the Syrian and Iranian regimes.

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The European Union steps up its sanctions against Belarus

26 March 2012

On 23rd March the European Union announced that it was stepping up the restrictive measures it is taking against Belarus. Hence 12 people who "benefit from the Belarus government and who support it" or who take part in the repression of the opposition have been added to the list of people who are banned entry into the Union and whose assets have been frozen. The assets of 29 organisations, whose leaders support the regime have also been frozen. At present more than 200 people and three companies have been affected by the measures to freeze assets and the ban on them entering the Union.

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European Agencies

Increasing capabilities in terms the air to air refuelling of military planes

25 March 2012

On 22nd March the 27 EU Defence Ministers signed a "political declaration" that stresses "the need to develop innovative, economic, flexible solutions in a difficult financial context" in the area of air to air refuelling. This project, which is complicated to implement, is one of the initiatives supported by the European Defence Agency (EDA) to encourage countries to strengthen together their military capabilities whilst the USA is partially disengaging from the continent. "Developing air to air refuelling capabilities is believed to be a priority in Europe," stressed Claude-France Arnould, EDA Director.

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New successful launch from Kourou

25 March 2012

On 22nd March the European Space Agency launched an automatic transfer vehicle (ATV). This rocket is one of the most sophisticated ever made by European industry. This ATV is due to join the international space station to set down its cargo which includes food for the astronauts as well as various tools that are vital to the station itself.

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New Internet Site to help adapt to Climate Change

26 March 2012

An internet site to help European economies reduce the costs of climate change was put on line on 23rd March by the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen. The Climate-Adapt site focuses on "all the knowledge we have from a local, regional and national point of view" as well as solutions put forward by researchers and businesses, said the EU's Commissioner for Action on Climate, Connie Hedegaard. "We talk a great deal about the economic and financial crisis but to be honest I think we are experiencing a much more serious crisis, that of the climate," warned the Danish Environment Minister, Ida Auken, who was present for the launch of this platform, which will pool all of the solutions tested in Europe to increase effective public policies.

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Speeding up austerity as of 2013 in order to respect the golden rule

25 March 2012

On 21st March the federal government adopted the draft 2012 budget that had been amended to integrate that fact that the contribution made by Berlin to the European aid mechanisms this year was higher than previously planned. German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schaüble announced that Germany will respect - as of 2014 and two years ahead of time- the debt limit that has been part of fundamental law since 2009. This "golden rule" that is now part of the new European pact sets a limit of 0.35% of the GDP on the federal structural deficit.

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Elections in Saarland

26 March 2012

The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel's party - the CDU - won the regional elections that took place in the Saarland on 25th March. It is still the Land's leading political force with 35.2% of the vote; their liberal partner, the FDP, only won 1.2% and will therefore not be represented in the Landtag in Saarbrücken. Outgoing Minister President Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer -CDU - will remain in office forming a coalition with the SPD, which won 30.6% of the vote. The leftwing, Die Linke, won 16.1% of the vote. The surprise came from the Pirate Party that won 7.4%; it is making its entry - after Berlin last year - into the new regional assembly.

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Investiture of Joachim Gauck

26 March 2012

The new president of the German Federal Republic, Joachim Gauck pleaded in support of more Europe in this "time of crisis" as he was sworn in on 23rd March. "In this time of crisis when the temptation to withdraw within the borders of the nation-State is particularly appealing - we must say that we want to defend Europe even more." declared the 11th German federal president in a 23 minute speech that was addressed to the "children" and "grandchildren" of Germany. "For my generation Europe is the promised land," stressed Mr Gauck.

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The Economic and Social Situation of Men and Women in Spain

25 March 2012

The Spanish National Statistics Institute published the 2012 version of the statistics report on 22nd March focusing on "men and women in Spain". This document is a comparative study containing a series of indicators that enable an analysis of the respective situation of men and women in Spain in various sectors of the economy and from a social point of view - in education, employment, wages and social exclusion.

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The French government reviews its growth forecasts upwards for 2012

25 March 2012

On 22nd March French Economy and Finance Minister François Baroin indicated that the French government was revising its economic growth forecasts upwards for the next two years. Hence growth is planned to rise to 0.7% in 2012 and to 1.75% in 2013. This re-assessment follows a revised increase by the National Statisticis and Economic Studies Institute (INSEE) of its growth forecasts in 2012. According to the statistics institute these are due to be zero in the first quarter and 0.2% in the second quarter.

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Ministerial Reshuffle

25 March 2012

On 19th March the Greek Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos resigned from office so that he could take over leadership of PASOK (Socialist Party) which he was elected chairman of on 18th March. He was replaced on 21st March by his Deputy, Filippos Sachinidis who will ensure an interim of several weeks before the general elections take place. These are being planned to take place in about one month's time, although the exact date has yet to be set. At the same time as this reshuffle Greek MPs ratified the second rescue plan during the night of 20th to 21st March that was concluded with the euro zone States, which are due to provide 172 billion euros to the country in the shape of loans.

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The future Chair of Confindustria appointed

25 March 2012

The board of the Italian employers Union, Cofindustria appointed Giorgio Squinzi, head of the chemical group Mapei as head of the institution on 22nd March in replacement of Emma Marcegaglia, whose mandate expires in May. This choice will be approved during the Cofindustria assembly on 23rd May next. The next day Giorgio Squinzi, who is already the federation's Deputy Chair, will take over his new function for a four year mandate.

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Reform of the Labour Market

26 March 2012

On 23rd March Italy started along the difficult path of reforming the labour market that should do away with certain aspects of job protection. This reform has been "long awaited by the country" according to the government but is facing strong opposition on the part of the unions. The government adopted the major guidelines in a council of ministers "with the intention of creating a dynamic, flexible labour market (...) that can help towards growth and the creation of jobs." After consolidating public accounts, reforming the retirement regimes and liberalising certain areas, govenrment head, Mario Monti is keeping his promise to reform the labour market by the end of March.

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The UK presents its 2012 budget

25 March 2012

On 20th March the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne presented his third austerity budget in a row, typified by a controversial reduction in taxes on the highest revenues, which he has promised to offset with new ideas that target the wealthy. This draft budget notably plans for a reduction on the highest tax bands and simultaneously a raising of the tax threshold on middle to low incomes. At the same time taxes on tobacco and alcohol are due to go up, the wealthiest families (more than £60,000 per year) will lose their rights to any type of family allowance and pensioners will see their tax threshold frozen. The British government has made the consolidation of its pubic finances a priority and is still under the pressure of the credit ratings agencies that are planning to take down the country's precious triple "A" rating.

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The existence of a "black list" of opponents in Belarus

26 March 2012

On 21st March in an interview on the channel Russia Today, Aleksander Lukashenko admitted that the Belarus authorities had drawn up a "black list" of about ten opponents who are banned from leaving the country and that they planned to extend it. The opposition has been denouncing this black list since the beginning of March after some of its members, such as former head of State Stanislav Shushkevich were prevented from leaving the country. Lukashenko presented this list as being an "answer" to the sanctions taken by the EU, which set a list of around 227 people whose assets have been frozen and who are banned from having an EU visa. These declarations come in a context of increasing tension between Belarus and the EU.

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Widespread political discontent in Russia

26 March 2012

The Center for Strategic Research that is close to the Kremlin has just updated a report published in September 2011 regarding the political situation in Russia. It warns the government about widespread political discontent that is spreading across the entire country. According to the CSR Vladimir Putin is said to be unable to satisfy either the hopes on the part of the new middle classes or those of the rural areas. In this context a new political crisis could start in the event of economic difficulties in particular and lead to early elections won by the opposition. Moreover the direct election of regional governors, which has just been re-introduced, may provide an opportunity for a challenge to be made against Vladimir Putin's legitimacy.

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New Economic Development Minister in Ukraine

26 March 2012

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich appointed Petro Poroshenko as Economic Development and Trade Minister on 23rd March - Mr Poroshenko is a billionaire and former leader of the Orange Revolution said the presidency. Mr Poroshenko, who is 46 years old, owns the group Ukrprominvest, whose assets include the TV channel Canal 5 and shares in the influential weekly Korrespondent. The biggest confectionary group in Ukraine, Roshen, and several manufacturing and car sales companies are also part of this group.

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Council of Europe

The Independence of the Judiciary and Media badly respected in Hungary

26 March 2012

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjoern Jagland, who was visiting Budapest on 21st March, believed that too much power was concentrated at the head of the legal and media systems in Hungary. He informed the Hungarian leaders of the results of work undertaken by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission) regarding the reforms adopted by the government. He met Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Public Administration and Justice Minister, Tibor Navracsics. The Venice Commission looked into the changes decided upon by the government in the areas of the judiciary, freedom of the press and religion. In its report published on 19th March it criticised severely the reform that was being planned for the Hungarian legal system, qualified as a "threat" to its independence, whilst admitting that the "old Hungarian legal system undoubtedly required reform."

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Suppport to Kofi Annan's proposals to emerge from the crisis

25 March 2012

The UN Security Council gave its support on 21st March to the proposals made to the Syrian authorities by the UN and Arab League State's Special Envoy for Syria, Kofi Annan to put an end to the violence that has caused thousands of deaths in Syria since the start of the crisis one year ago. The Presidency of the Council maintains that "the Council unreservedly subscribes to the preliminary six point proposal submitted to the Syrian authorities." This proposal which was dated 16th March 2012 plans, amongst other things, for a UN monitored cease-fire; the provision of humanitarian aid; the release of people who are being arbitrarily detained and the withdrawal of government troops from the agglomerations. After having vetoed several resolutions concerning Syria, China and Russia voted in support of the Presidency's declaration.

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Asylum requests up in the EU

26 March 2012

According to Eurostat figures published on 23rd March the number of asylum seekers in the 27 Member States increased in 2011 to total 301,000 people. These are mainly Afghans, Pakistanis, Russians, Iraqis or Serbs. With 56,300 asylum seekers in France and 53,300 in Germany, these two countries take the lead in the ranking. These figures only represent a part of the picture, since three quarters of asylum seekers are confronted with a rejection regarding decisions in first instance.

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New Start for Greece

25 March 2012

The "Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) has published a study entitled "Neuer Anlauf in und für Griechenland" (New Start in and for Greece). Its author, Daniela Schwarzer looks into the effects of the restructuring of the debt on the Greek economy. Now facing new challenges, Greece must undertake several reforms, notably by focusing on local and regional innovation.

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The cost of economic stability

25 March 2012

The Bertelsmann Foundation has published a study entitled "Stability has a price". Author, Thieß Petersen stresses the positive effects of European integration for export countries like Germany, for whom the adoption of the euro was particularly beneficial. In his opinion Germany, which is greatly dependent on the long term stabilisation of the common currency, would have a particular role to play in solving the crisis that is affecting the euro zone.

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Re-inventing democracy in Europe

25 March 2012

The Foundation for International Relations and External Dialogue (FRIDE) has published a study entitled "How the EU can adopt a new type of democracy support?" Author, Milja Kurki, explains that the EU must invest more if it wants to promote democracy. It must notably call for debate and raise awareness about democratic values.

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The transfer of conventional arms up in the world

26 March 2012

The transfer of conventional arms has risen sharply in the world over the last few years, with five of the biggest import countries being in Asia whilst the main export countries are still the USA and Russia, according to the International Institute for Peace Studies (Sipri) in Stockholm. Over the period 2007-2011 Asia and Australasia counted for 44% of the world's conventional arms imports in volume far ahead of Europe (19%), the Middle East (17%), the Americas (11%) and Africa (9%) said the Sipri report that was published on 19th March.

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The new challenges raised by globalisation

26 March 2012

"Strategic Horizons" written by the Higher Council for Training and Strategic Research was published on 26th March and focuses on "the new challenges raised by globalisation." Amongst the authors, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, the Robert Schuman Foundation's Chairman wonders whether "Europe can be a power?" This issue has been edited together with the French newspaper Les Echos which included it as a supplement in its 26th March publication.

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Artemisia: a woman painter

26 March 2012

An exhibition devoted to Italian artist, Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1654) is taking place at te Maillol Museum until 15th July 2012. The collections on show review the work of this woman painter who succeeded in breaking through in a man's world to become on of the most reputed artists of our time.

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From before Teniers to after Ensor

26 March 2012

The Louvain Museum (Leuven Museum) is presenting the work from the collections of the Noordbrabants Museum of Bois-le-Duc until 26th August 2012. These include, amongst others, sculptures on wood as well as urban landscapes of the 16th and 17th centuries. The artists on show include Bosch, Rubens and Van Dijck, as well as Vincent van Gogh, James Ensor, Theodor van Thulden, Jan van Dornicke, Pieter Coecke van Aelst, David II Teniers, Henriette Ronner-Knip and Jan Sluijters.

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"The Parallel Worlds of Eija-Liisa Ahtila"

26 March 2012

The museum of modern art (Moderna Museet) in Stockholm is hosting the work of Eija-Liisa Ahtila until 6th May 2012, one of the most famous, modern Finnish artists. Inspired by models belonging to other artistic domains such as painting and poetry she uses vidio and multimedia in her work and does not hesitate to address topical themes of society.

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Exhibition on Frederick the Great at the German Historic Museum

25 March 2012

Until 29th July the Deutsches Historisches Museum (DHM) in Berlin is presenting some 450 objects that reflect King Frederick the Great of Prussia's views on art, politics and society. It is part of the programme of events that have been planned to celebrate the 300th anniversary of Frederick the Great. Celebrations will be dominated by a major show entitled "Friederisiko. 300 Jahre Friedrich der Große" which will take place on 28th April 2012 at the New Palace and in the Sanssouci Park in Potsdam.

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Modern and Contemporary Art in Paris

26 March 2012

From 29th March to 1st April the Paris Art Fair is taking place - a venue for modern and contemporary art. This event aims to promote European art circles, notably those unknown to the general public and specifically looks into historic trends over the last few decades. On this occasion a selection of 120 international galleries belonging to 16 different countries will be on show.

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The Erasmus Programme celebrates its 25th birthday

26 March 2012

The 25th anniversary of the Erasmus programme was launched on 23rd March in Bordeaux during a ceremony in the presence of representatives and young Europeans. Since 1987 5 million young Europeans have been able to take part in this programme, which involves 33 countries and which has become "the most popular programme in the EU." Several events will be taking place during the year in various countries in celebration of this birthday.

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26th March

General Affairs Council (Brussels)

27th March

Presentation of the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2012" in French and English (Brussels)

27th and 28th March

Seminar at the Karamanlis Foundation on the Founding Fathers of Europe (Athens)

28th March

Presentation of the paper: "Future of the Euro Zone: proposals for political integration (Brussels)

28th March

EU/Korea Summit ()

les 28th-29th March

Mini Session at the European Parliament ()

28th March

Plenary Session of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) ()

29th March

Presentation of the "Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2012" (Saint Germain en Laye)

30th March

Informal Economy and Finances Council ()

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Magali Balent, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Charles de Marcilly, Pierre Thibaudat ,Perle Baillard, Katrin Gebhard, Mélanie Laplace, Camille Stephan, Marion Zosi.

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Schuman Report 2012 – European Market/Reciprocity - Italy/Labour Reform


The Newsletter n°526- version of 26 mars 2012