The Newsletter5235 mars 2012

La Lettre

Pascale Joannin

5 March 2012

On the occasion of International Women's Day, Pascale Joannin, General Manager of the Robert Schuman Foundation, presents the European gender equality model. She observes that the European Union is the region in the world where women's rights are the best respected and the States of the Union have achieved major progress over the past few years in terms of women's participation in business administration. However inequalities continue, notably with regard to wages, where the situation is far from ideal. Although women's representation is growing on the boards of companies in Europe, it is regressing in the political sphere. The economic crisis has worsened this situation. The Lisbon Treaty has established a Citizens' Initiative, a new tool to bring the European Union closer to its citizens. Women may use this and put forward an initiative to request the real application of the principle of equality between men and women as it is stipulated in the treaties. European women want parity in all professional sectors.

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Front page!

The 4th "Etats Généraux" of Europe

5 March 2012

The Robert Schuman Foundation is taking part in the 4th "Etats Généraux" of Europe when European decision makers and members of civil society meet to exchange views on major European issues. As part of this event that will take place on 10th March at Sciences Po, Paris, Thierry Chopin, Studies Director, will be speaking on Citizens' Europe and Magali Balent, project director, will be moderating a workshop on the migratory flows and identity withdrawal in Europe. After the debates, the main candidates running in the French Presidential election will be questioned on major European questions. It is obligatory to enrol.

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What future for the European Union?

5 March 2012

The Institute for International and Strategic Relations '(IRIS) is organising the 4th European Interviews on 10th March together with the Robert Schuman Foundation in Enghien-les-Bains. The event will be devoted to the urgent need to "Rethink Europe". There will be three round tables on the future of the Euro, the Defence of Europe, France's European Policy after the presidential election. Various people from the political, academic and economic world will be speaking during the day. Robert Schuman Foundation Chairman, Jean-Dominique Giuliani will be presenting the "Schuman Report on the State of the Union 2012." It is obligatory to enrol.

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Europe: need for continuity

5 March 2012

The chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published an editorial on his site in which he lists the challenges that remain for the EU to overcome and encourages its leaders to ratify the fiscal pact as soon as possible as well as to continue the reforms that have been started. He calls on the candidates in the next elections in the various States of the Union to be "pragmatic".

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"Life after the USSR"

5 March 2012

On 7th March the Robert Schuman Foundation, in partnership with the EPP group, is organising a conference at the European Parliament entitled "Life after the USSR". It aims to think about the way the collapse of the Soviet Union is seen by the new generations in the post-Communist States and by people who started work after this event. Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chair of the Robert Schuman Foundation will be speaking alongside the former President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek and MEPs. Sandra Kalniete, MEP and member of the Foundation's Board will be moderating one of the workshops. It is obligatory to enrol.

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The Permanent Atlas of the European Union

5 March 2012

The Robert Schuman Foundation's latest publication, "L'Atlas permanent de l'Union Européenne" co-written by Jean-Dominique Giuliani and Pascale Joannin, respectively the Chairman and General Director of the Foundation is the first atlas of Europe that presents all 27 Member States, in the EU and the euro zone. To find out everything you need to know about Europe this is the work of reference you should order from our site.

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Vladimir Putin wins the Russian Presidential Election

5 March 2012

Unsurprisingly outgoing Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (United Russia ER) was elected in the first round of the Russian presidential election with 63.60% of the vote. Communist Guenady Zyuganov came second with 17.18%. He was followed by populist Vladimir Jirinovski, who won 7.9% of the vote, and billionaire Mikhail Prokorov (Just Cause) who won 6.23% of the vote. Former leader of Fair Russia (SR) Serguei Mironov won 3.85% of the vote. Vladimir Putin's victory was quickly challenged. Indeed the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) believes that the election was marred by infringements: ballot stuffing and fraud when the votes were counted. The OSCE is not the only one to question the elections since thousands of opponents are also denouncing the infringements. These demonstrations also gave rise to a number of arrests by the Russian police force.

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The Leftwing Opposition is due to win the Slovakian General Elections

5 March 2012

The Gorilla corruption scandal is the focus of the general election campaign. The 150 members of Parliament will be elected on 10th March next. According to the most recent poll by MVK, Direction-Social Democracy (SMER-SD) is due to win the election with 40.6% of the vote, ie 84 seats. It will be followed by the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) with 12.7% of the vote (26 seats), the Ordinary People and Independent People's Party (7% - 15 seats), Freedom and Solidarity (SaS), 6.1% (13 seats) and Most-Hid 5.9% (12 seats). A remarkable feature of this poll: the Democratic and Christian Union-Democratic Party (SDKU-DS) is not due to win 5% of the vote cast vital to be represented in parliament. The Hungarian Coalition Party (SMK) led by Pal Csaky and the National Party are due to be in the same situation.

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Presidential Election in Germany

5 March 2012

Following the resignation on 17th February of German President Christian Wulff, a new president is to be elected within the next thirty days according to the German fundamental law. All of the parties in the Parliament except for Die Linke (which is presenting Beate Klarsfeld as its candidate) agreed on appointing Joachim Gauck to stand as president. The German President is elected by the German Federal Assembly (Bundesversammlung) which comprises 1,240 members; the 620 members of the Bundestag, the lower chamber of parliament, and an equal number of representatives from the 16 Länder, MPs from the regional parliaments and people from civil society. The election takes place with a secret, absolute majority ballot in one or two rounds. If no candidate wins the majority (ie 621 votes) a third round is organised during which the person who rallies the greatest number of votes rallied to his name is elected.

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Financial Crisis

Ireland: payment of further financial aid

5 March 2012

On 27th February, after their fifth visit to Ireland, IMF leaders approved the payment of 3.2 billion euros to the country. On this occasion they lauded the reforms made by the Irish authorities notably the reform of the financial sector and the policies in support of growth and employment such as the "activation" programme and the training of the unemployed. They also congratulated the country's respect of its deficit goal for 2011. On March 1st the European Commission, concluded in its fifth report on Ireland, that the Irish authorities were moving along the right path and allowed the paymement of 5.8 billion euros in additional aid bringing the total aid provided to the country by the Commission since the end of 2010 up to 32.2 billion euros.

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Portugal: conclusions of the third troika visit

4 March 2012

On 28th February executives from the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission and the European Central Bank completed their third troika visit to Portugal. They declared that the implementation of policies on which the country had agreed with its creditors are being undertaken as "planned" and that "economic adjustment is ongoing". They welcome the sharp reduction in the public deficit and the implementation of the reform of the financial sector as well as that of the reforms to "stimulate competitiveness, growth and employment", such as the agreement concluded on the reform of the labour market. They finally recommend, in order to continue work and to maintain the deficit under control, to step up ongoing reforms that aim to liberalise the markets of telecommunications and energy.

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The ECB lends 530 billion euros to 800 banks

4 March 2012

The European Central Bank has undertaken its second long term refunding operation, lending 529.5 billion euros to over 800 European banks. This record loan at a rate of only 1% over three years, is designed to support the banking and financial sectors that are affected by the debt crisis thereby enabling them to fund the real economy as well as to purchase European sovereign debt bonds.

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France: unemployment up to 9.8%

4 March 2012

According to data published on March 1st by the National Statistics and Economic Studies Institute (INSEE), the unemployment rate in France lay at 9.8% of the working population in the fourth quarter of 2011 (9.4%, if only the mainland is counted). This represents a rise of 0.1% in comparison with the previous quarter. The number of job seekers totalled 2.7 million people in the fourth quarter 2011.

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Germany: unemployment rate 7.4%

4 March 2012

According to the latest figures published on 29th February by the Federal Employment Agency the gross unemployment rate in Germany rose by 0.1 point in February, in comparison with January to 7.4% whilst the number of unemployed, in gross figures rose to 26,000 over one month to total 3.11 million.

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Czech Republic: the IMF recommends the implementation of structural reforms

5 March 2012

On 27th February 2012, IMF warned against the negative effect of the European economic situation on the Czech economy. In this context the implementation of structural reforms is vital. Economists are notably recommending the introduction of a budgetary golden rule to ensure sustainability of the debt and to avoid pro-cyclical budgetary policies.

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Further austerity measures approved by the Greek Parliament

4 March 2012

On 28th February Greek MPs approved 202 votes in support, 80 against, a further series of austerity measures that will enable the reduction of public spending by 3.2 billion euros. This plan includes a reduction in public retirement pensions over 1,300 euros, a 10% decrease in civil servants' salaries, with regard to policemen and firemen, and a 22% decrease in the minimum salary. It is due to be followed by further measures to reduce spending the approval of which was requested by the country's international creditors regarding healthcare and pension funds.

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Spain: Unemployment rises again

5 March 2012

According to data published on 2nd March 2012 by the Employment and Social Security Ministry there were 112,269 additional job seekers in Spain in February 2012 in comparison with the previous month and 412,835 unemployed more than in February 2011, ie a rise of 2.44% over one month and 9.6% more over one year. This increase brings the total number of unemployed in Spain to 4,712,098 people. All areas of activity are affected. Regionally the autonomous communities of the Balearic Isles and Estremadua are the only to areas to register a decline in unemployment whilst conversely the rise is at its greatest in Andalusia and in the autonomous community of Madrid.

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A decrease in the deficit, growth of 0.4% and a public debt at 120% of the GDP in 2011

5 March 2012

According to data published on 2nd March by the Italian Statistics Institute, Istat, Italy's GDP increased by 0.4% in 2011 against 1.8% in 2010. Exports increased the most, up by 5.6% which compensated for the contraction in investments (gross fixed capital formation) and public spending, which declined respectively by 1.9% and 0.9%. With regard to national accounts the Italian public deficit rose to 3.9% of the GDP in 2011 down in comparison with the previous year when it lay at 4.6%, whilst the Italian public debt totalled 120.1% of the GDP.

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Netherlands, the recession threatens budgetary consolidation

4 March 2012

The Netherlands, that are now affected by recession, will not be able to keep within the 3% GDP limit allowed with regard to their budgetary deficit by 2015. According to the official statistics institute, the Dutch GDP may indeed decline by 0.75% in 2012 and the public deficit may reach 4.5%. If no additional measures are taken by the government to reduce the country's spending the budgetary deficit is due to represent 3.3% of the GDP in 2015. The debt may easily rise above the 60% mark forecast by the EU to reach 75.8% of the GDP. The Dutch government coalition must therefore come to a rapid agreement.

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Finland: deficit down and growth of 2.9% in 2011

4 March 2012

According to data published on 2nd March by the Statistics Bureau of Finland (Tilastokeskus), Finnish GDP growth lay at 2.9% in 2011. In the fourth quarter of 2011 the GDP was up by 0.1% in comparison with the previous quarter and by 1.4% in comparison with a corresponding period in 2010. The central State's deficit has declined dropping from 2.5% in 2010 to 0.5% in 2011. Finally the public debt rose slightly by 0.2% to lie at 48.6% of the GDP ie 93 billion euros.

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25 EU States sign the Treaty for Stability, Coordination and Governance

5 March 2012

On 2nd March on the sidelines of the European Council, 25 EU Member States, except for the UK and the Czech Republic, signed the Treaty for Stability, Coordination and Governance (TSCG). This pact notably plans for the establishment of "golden budgetary rules" regarding the balance of public accounts and more automatic sanctions against countries which go beyond the 3% GDP limit in terms of their annual public deficits. This treaty also governs the running of the euro zone with the convening of at least twice yearly summits that bring together 17 EU leaders under the chairmanship of the President of the European Council, Hermann van Rompuy. The countries that do not use the euro yet will be able to attend these summits. The TSCG still has to be ratified by at least 12 Member States before it enters into force.

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European Council

Growth, Economic Situation, Serbia Candidate country

5 March 2012

On 1st and 2nd March the 27 heads of State and Government of the EU discussed the economic, financial and budgetary crisis. The priorities defined by the European Commission for growth in 2012 were confirmed and the economic strategy was clearly set out. This comprises two parts: restoring the stability of the financial system and budgetary balance, and taking the steps necessary for growth, competitiveness and employment. They stressed the need to continue work to achieve the goals set out in the Europe 2020 programme and particularly with regard to growth and employment. They took advantage of this meeting to re-elect Herman Van Rompuy as President of the Council and they also appointed him President of the Euro Zone Summit. They granted official candidate status to Serbia and postponed further discussion over Romania and Bulgaria's accession to the Schengen area until September.

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In 2012 women still earn 16.4% less than men!

4 March 2012

On 2nd March on the occasion of wage equality the European Commission published figures that show that women's wages are still lower than those earned by men in Europe. The wage gap still lies at 16.4% with variations depending on the country (2% in Poland, 27% in Estonia). The principle of equal pay for the same work is however part of the treaties. "It is high time that this principle is applied everywhere" declared Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission for Justice.

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Women on Company Boards

5 March 2012

In 2011 the European Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, Viviane Reding, encouraged companies to commit to bringing the percentage of women on their boards up to 40% by 2020. On 5th March 2012, one year after the launch of this initiative, she deplored that this had had very little effect. Indeed only 24 European companies signed this agreement in 2011. This is why the Commission has decided to launch a public survey that is open until 28th May 2012 on this issue. Ms Reding said that if progress continued to be as slow "then we might count on her creativity in terms of regulation."

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Foreign Ministers step up pressure on Syria

4 March 2012

On 27th February the 27 Foreign Ministers again took a stance over Syria saying that they were "horrified" by the systematic infringements of fundamental rights by the armed forces and are notably requesting the Syrian President to resign to enable a transition towards peace. They also addressed the transition in Egypt towards a stable, pluralist democratic country, with free elections and the investiture of a new Parliament by the end of February. Finally the ministers agreed to extend the naval operation EUNAVFOR to counter piracy off the coasts of Somalia, thereby contributing to the security of economic activity and to the international economy.

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Meeting with social partners

5 March 2012

On March 1st 2012 the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy, and the Prime Minister of Denmark, Helle Thorning-Schmidt met the representatives of European workers and employers. They admitted that access by young people to the labour market, social dialogue and the inclusion of social partners in the Union's governance, and even major investments were the necessary tools to revive growth and employment.

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SEPA: a new regulation for credit transfers and direct debit transactions in euros

5 March 2012

On March 1st 2012 the Council adopted a regulation on credit transfers and direct debit transactions in euros in the SEPA area. After agreement by the parties involved, the migration of transfers and direct debit transactions is to occur before 1st February 2014. The regulation will progressively do away with multilateral exchange commissions, the need to provide a BIC company identity code, in the knowledge that it only covers operations in euros and excludes transactions by payment card, the transfer of funds and electronic payment operations.

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Tension rises between the EU and Belarus

4 March 2012

On 28th February tension between the EU and Belarus increased once more. The Belarus authorities indeed demanded the departure of the Ambassador of Poland and of the EU's representative. Out of solidarity for the latter all of the European capitals recalled their ambassadors in Belarus for consultations and convened the Belarus ambassadors, whilst the Political and Security Committee met in Brussels to decide on further measures to take. Moreover the Council added 21 more people responsible for the repression in Belarus to the list of those banned from entering the European territory and it froze their assets.

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Supreme Judges ban undebated decisions on the euro

4 March 2012

On 28th February the German supreme judges of the "Bundesverfassungsgericht" in Karlsruhe declared that a mini-committee comprising nine MPs set up by the Bundestag to legislate rapidly and without debate on measures to be taken to rescue the euro zone, was illegal except in specific conditions. Two opposition MPs lodged a complaint deeming that this emergency measure affected their rights as parliamentarians. The judges of the Constitutional Court said that the existence of this body that is restricted to nine members, infringed the rights of the other 611 MPs and it constituted "unfair treatment" said the court's leader, Andreas Vosskuhle.

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France is still Germany's most important trading partner

4 March 2012

According to the most recent figures published by the German statistics institute Destatis, Franco-German trade totalled 168 billion euros in 2011 (imports and exports). France is still Germany's main trading partner with an increase of 10.2% of the bilateral trade volume in comparison with 2010. In 2011 France was again the leading importer of German goods as it has been the case since 1961.

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Dexia Bank changes its name and is now called "Belfius"

5 March 2012

The Belgian retail bank "Dexia Banque Belgique" (DBB) is going to change its name so that it can put the crisis behind it and communicated on 29th February that it would now be called "Belfius". The new name and logo were officially presented on March 1st during press conference in Brussels.

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The Spanish Government forecasts a 1.7% decline in the GDP in 2012

5 March 2012

The Spanish government is forecasting a 1.7% decline in its GDP in 2012 announced the government's spokesperson, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria on 2nd March as the country is to enter recession in the third quarter. The government intends to set "a macro-economic framework based on a negative growth forecast of 1.7%" said the spokesperson. "The fourth quarter of last year experienced negative growth and this trend is due to continue for the next two quarters," said Economy Minister Luis de Guindos. Based on this forecast the Spanish government approved its deficit goal for 2012 on the same day. This is due to be 5.8% of the GDP as previously announced by the government's leader.

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Sauli Niinistö, President of Finland

5 March 2012

On March 1st Sauli Niinistö entered office as the President of Finland. During his investiture speech in a plenary session in Parliament he insisted on the importance of stability and the integrity of society and stressed that "courage" was required for the Finnish economy to experience growth. He also said he wanted to "help towards the systematic improvement of Finnish expertise and work", to encourage enterprising spirit and to take part in the creation of a Finland "where integrity dominates, where everyone is important and everyone has his place." He finally recalled that with regard to foreign policy the values that were important for his country were "equity, the strengthening of sustainable development and support to democracy, human rights and the rule of law."

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Greece commits itself regarding confidence in statistics

5 March 2012

On 29th February 2012 the Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos signed a "commitment in terms of confidence in statistics". Hence Greece is following the recommendation made by the Commission in April 2011, which encouraged all EU Member States to make their statistics more transparent and credible. In this text the Greek government indicates that it aims for statistics to be established "reliably, credibly and independently". Hence it will ensure that European and international standards are respected in terms of the quality of statistics and will protect the professional independence of that Greek statistics authority, Elstat. This signature makes Greece the first member to make the commitment.

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Ireland will hold a referendum soon on the budgetary pact

4 March 2012

On 28th February Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny declared to Parliament that he had decided, after consultation with the Attorney Generaln his advisor on constitutional issues, that a referendum would be held to decide on the ratification of the budgetary pact signed on 30th January 2012. He presented this popular consultation as the means to re-assert Ireland's commitment in support of the euro and of budgetary discipline. The date of the vote has still not been set but the Prime Minister has declared that the process leading up to the referendum would be started within the next few weeks.

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Greenlight by the Senate for the major economic liberalisation plan

5 March 2012

During a confidence vote on 1st March 2012, the Italian Senate gave the greenlight to a major economic liberalisation plan put forward by the Monti government that is desigend to lift obstacles that are impeding the country's growth. The text was adopted by 237 votes, 33 against and 2 abstentions. The government asked the confidence vote in order to accelerate its adoption whilst around 1,700 amendments had been requested. The liberalisation plan opens up many sectors to competition: taxis, pharmacies, local public transport, the sale of petrol, gas, liberal professions, insurance, banks ... It notably plans for the increase in the number of pharmacies, the abolition of minimum lawyers and notaries rates and even the freedom of petrol station owners to get their supplies from the company of their choice.

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Talks within the OSCE

5 March 2012

"Constructive" discussions took place in Dublin between Moldova and the separatist Russian speaking region of Transnistria said the Irish Presidency of the OSCE on 29th February 2012, which announced a further meeting in Vienna in April. "I am encouraged by the constructive nature of these discussions in Dublin," declared the Irish Deputy Prime Minister Eamon Gilmore in a press release, whose country is undertaking the rotating presidency of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) which is organising the negotiations.

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A former Minister who served Yulia Tymoshenko convicted

4 March 2012

On 27th February a Kyiv Court convicted former Ukrainian Interior Minister Yuri Lutsenko to four years in prison, confiscated his property and banned him from undertaking any public office because of the embezzlement of funds and abuse of his post. On the announcement of the verdict the former member of Yulia Tymoshenko's cabinet and a key member of th "Orange Revoluation" denounced a political manoeuvre. The USA, the EU and members of several EU Member State governments also denounced this trial of having been "politically motivated."

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Decrease in the euro zone's inflation rate

5 March 2012

According to figures published by Eurostat on 29th February 2012 the euro zone's annual inflation rate lay at 2.6% in January 2012 against 2.7% in December 2011. One year ago it lay at 2.3%. The monthly inflation rate lay at -0.8% in January 2012. This decrease is also applicable to the European Union; it dropped from 3% in December 2011 to 2.9% in January 2012.

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Unemployment rate at 10.7% in the euro zone

5 March 2012

According to figures published on 1st March 2012 by Eurostat the unemployment rate in the euro zone, corrected according to seasonal variations, lay at 10.7% in January 2012 compared with 10.6% in December 2011. It lay at 10% in January 2011. In the EU the unemployment rate lay at 10.1% in January 2012 compared with 10% in December 2011. It lay at 9.5% in January 2011.

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Economic and Financial Situation in Central and Eastern Europe

5 March 2012

The German Institute ZEW - Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (the Centre for European Economic Research) has published its monthly report "Finanzmarkreport CEE" on the financial and economic situation in Central and Eastern Europe. This study, undertaken together with the Austrian company Erste Bank, is based on various surveys undertaken amongst 74 experts in January and February 2012.

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Report on the EU's Activities in 2011

5 March 2012

The European Commission has just published its "General Report on the EU's Activities" for 2011 which it adopted on 26th January 2012. It speaks of the reforms made to economic governance, undertaken in response to the debt crisis, as well as the measures taken in 2011 by the EU's institutions in various areas. The reforms range from financial monitoring to emergency humanitarian aid, long term growth strategies (with the presentation of various goals included in the "Europe 2020" Strategy), the fight to counter fraud, commercial policy, enlargement, transport and finally the reduction of "the daily difficulties experienced by citizens".

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World Atlas of Gender Equality in Education

5 March 2012

The UN Organisation for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) has published a World Atlas on Gender Equality in Education comprising 28 maps and several dozen tables and graphs. After a brief overview of the general trends in terms of education in the world, it then presents the situation of girls in the various educational systems in primary, secondary and tertiary education. It then looks into the differences between adult men and women in terms of literacy as well as how policies can influence inequality between the sexes in education.

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Matisse: pairs and series

5 March 2012

The Pompidou Centre is hosting an exhibition entitled "Matisse: pairs and series" until 18th June 2012. It reviews all of the work by Henri Matisse from 1899 to 1952, focusing on the pictures that form easily identifiable pairs. The repetition of identical patterns which are then used in a different manner, are in effect one of the features of this artist's work.

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An exhibition on the UNESCO World Heritage in Berlin

5 March 2012

The German Federal Foreign Affairs Minister is presenting the exhibition "Welterbe in Deutschland" (World Heritage in Germany) which illustrates the beauty and diversity of the German sites ranked amongst UNESCO's World Heritage List. This event is part of the celebrations organised on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the convention for the protection of world heritage, both cultural and natural. The exhibition reveals 36 German sites that are part of UNESCO's list. It is open to the public until 13th April 2012.

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A Paris-Berlin Cultural Tandem in Celebration of 25 years friendship between the two capitals!

5 March 2012

On 27th February the Mayors of Paris and Berlin, Bertrand Delanoë and Klaus Wowereit opened the celebrations that are marking the 25 years of friendship and cooperation that bring together the two capitals. This cultural and literary platform is being undertaken with the French Institute and the Goethe Institut. In 2012 many events and exchanges are being organised between the two capitals. Coming soon: on 13th March the French Institute in Berlin will host an evening-debate on France before the presidential election. A competition "Paris-Berlin à l'affiche" is also being organised on 5th March to 6th July. The calendar of all of the events is available on the site

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6th March

"European Response to the Crisis" Conference (Paris)

7th March

Conference "Living after the USSR" (Brussels)

8th and 9th March

Justice and Internal Affairs Council (Brussels)

8th March

ECB Governors' Council (Frankfurt)

9th March

Environment Council ()

10th March

General Elections in Slovakia ()

10th March

General States of Europe (Paris)

10th March

European Interviews of Enghien (Enghien)

12th March

Euro Zone Finance Ministers Meeting (Brussels)

les 12th-15th March

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

13th March

EU Economy-Finance Council (Brussels)

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Magali Balent, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Charles de Marcilly, Pierre Thibaudat ,Perle Baillard, Katrin Gebhard, Mélanie Laplace, Camille Stephan, Marion Zosi.

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Budgetary Pact - Serbia Candidate - Economic Growth - Finnish President


The Newsletter n°523- version of 5 mars 2012