The Newsletter52013 févr. 2012

La Lettre

Alain Fabre

13 February 2012

The downgrading of 9 euro zone States' rating by Standard & Poor's on 13th January last did not rock the markets as it had been feared. They understood the basic message issued in October when the agency announced that France was being placed under surveillance. To date the markets have accepted the European strategy set in place after the Council on 9th December 2011, which aims to combine national financial consolidation and European financial solidarity. This plan seems to be the necessary condition to lead the euro zone towards budgetary integration, which is coherent with the States' choice to use the same currency. In this process France seems to be the decisive link due to the driving role played by the Franco-German couple.

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Front page!

"Permanent Atlas of the European Union"

12 February 2012

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published its "Permanent Atlas of the European Union", co- edited by Jean-Dominique Giuliani and Pascale Joannin, respectively Chairman and General Manager of the Robert Schuman Foundation. This reference work presents the Union, its institutions and each one of each member States via their history, their culture, and their statistics. With more than 50 original maps, fact sheets and updated figures, it offers a complete, unique picture of Europe. A unique innovation, it offers free access to a website,, where these data are permanently updated, enabling everyone, teachers, students or researchers, experts or decision-makers, citizens or simply the curious, to have at their disposal the most reliable information at any time about Europe. You can buy the Atlas on Europe on the Foundation's site.

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Chinese and Indian Views of Europe since the Crisis

12 February 2012

At the same time as the EU-India Summit on 10th February and the EU-China Summit on 14th February, the Robert Schuman Foundation invites you to read an excellent study by Karine Lisbonne-de Vergeron entitled "Chinese and Indian views of Europe since the Crisis". This paper, published by the Robert Schuman Foundation together with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Global Policy Insitute reveals how the Chinese and Indian elites see the political and economic situation in Europe. How do China and India see the EU and its Member States? What do they think of the crisis? What do they think of the euro? This paper is available in paper form only in French for 10€ and in PDF format in French and English for 8€.

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New Label for the Robert Schuman House in Scy-Chazelles (57)

13 February 2012

The French European Affairs Minister, Jean Leonetti was in Moselle on 8th and 9th for the first Franco-German meetings of Malbrouck. For three days university academics, top-ranking civil servants, and representatives of the private sector exchanged views with regard to the Franco-German partnership within the European Union and on the main political and economic developments ongoing in Germany. On 9th February Mr Leonetti went to Scy-Chazelles for the unveiling of an "Illustrious House" plaque at Robert Schuman's house, where the latter lived for over thirty years.

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Franco-Dutch Cooperation Council

13 February 2012

The French section of the Franco-Dutch Cooperation Council is meeting on 14th February at the Quai d'Orsay under the chairmanship of the French Foreign and European Affairs Minister, Alain Juppé and his Dutch counterpart Uri Rosenthal. On the occasion of this meeting a seminar is being organised during which the chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani will be speaking on: "the lessons to be learned from the European Crisis for the reform of the institutions and of the governance of Europe."

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Early General Elections on 10th March

13 February 2012

The Slovakians are being called to ballot on 10th March next for early general elections after the vote of no confdience in the National Council, the only chamber in Parliament, on 11th October last against the government led by Prime Minister Iveta Radicova (Democratic and Christian Union-Democratic Party SDKU-DS). According to the latest poll by Focus and published on 2nd February last, Direction-Social Democracy (SMER-SD), is due to win the election with 41.4% of the vote, ie 72 seats. It is due to be followed by the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) 9.6% (16 seats), the Democratic Christian Union-Democratic Party (SDKU-HS) 8.2% (14 seats), Most-Hid 7.2% (13 seats) and the National Party (SNS) 5.6% (10 seats).

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Financial Crisis

French External Trade Deficit reaches record levels in 2011

12 February 2012

According to data published on 7th February by the DG Customs and Indirect Duties, the cumulated deficit of the French external trade in 2011 reached a record to lie at 69, 592 billion euros against, - 51, 527 billion euros 2010. Over the month of December 2011, the external trade balance lay at -5 billion euros. Indeed although exports clearly increased in November 2011, they decreased the following month; exceptional sales of Airbus and a decline in imports of aviation goods from Germany made it possible to limit the deficit in December.

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ECB key rates remain unchanged

12 February 2012

On 9th February after the Council of Governors meeting at the ECB it was decided to leave the key rates unchanged, the main one remaining at 1%. During a press conference ECB President Mario Draghi, said that inflation in 2011 rose to 2.7% on average whilst growth, notably in the fourth quarter was very low. Again he called on the States to continue their structural reforms and to improve their competitiveness.

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Austerity plan of 26.7 billion euros in Austria

13 February 2012

The Austrian government announced on 10th February the introduction of a five year austerity plan to reduce public deficit and therefore the burden of the debt of 26.7 billion euros; this is to be achieved thanks to savings and more fiscal revenue. 30% of the effort required from2012 to 2016 of the Austrians comprises the creation of taxes and the increase of these, to a total of 7 billion euros, whilst the 70% remaining will be simple savings ie nearly 15 billion euros. The regional States (Länder) and the communities will have to save 5.2 billion euros. The "package" is designed to fall in line with the EU's rules which it "set itself" in the Maastricht Treaty and to "make Austria independent of the financial markets, in order to put an end to the spiral of rising interest rates," declared Chancellor Werner Faymann during a press conference.

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The Federal Planning Bureau forecasts almost zero growth in 2012

13 February 2012

The economy's growth is due to be almost zero in Belgium in 2012 with a GDP rise of 0.1% said the Federal Planning Bureau on 10th February - the BFP is the body responsible for advising the Belgian government, which is due to lead to further savings of between 1.5 billion and 2.5 billion euros. In September the same Bureau forecast 1.6% GDP growth in 2012. At the end of 2011 Elio di Rupo's government forecast growth of 0.8% when it established its budget, which included savings measures of over 11.3 billion euros. However according to figures communicated by the Planning Bureau to the government and made public on its internet site "economic growth is not due to rise beyond 0.1% in 2012," in Belgium against 1.9% in 2011.

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Recession in Spain

13 February 2012

The Spanish economy is due to fall back into recession in this quarter with a 0.2% contraction of the GDP, whilst over the year the decline is due to reach 1.3% said the BBVA research institute. "The information we have available leads to a forecast of negative growth over the first quarter of 2012 (-0.2%)", writes the research institute of the second biggest Spanish banking group in its economic comments. Whilst the fourth quarter of 2011 was already in the red (0.3%) a second negative quarter would mean the return of recession in Spain just two years after the country had emerged from it.

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Austerity Plan adopted in Greece at the last minute

13 February 2012

In the night of 10th February the Greek government approved the austerity plan demanded by the EU and the IMF to release further aid to Greece enabling it to avoid "catastrophic disorderly default" in March said the Prime Minister's office. On 12th February the same plan was approved by parliament. Indeed 199 MPs out of 300 approved it, 74 voted against and there were 27 abstentions. On this occasion 22 socialist MPs (PASOK) and 21 centre-right MPs (ND) were thrown out of their party for having voted against the draft law - conversely 2 far right MPs who approved the bill suffered the same fate. There was violent conflict between the police and demonstrators who came out in protest against the austerity plan which includes measures such as a 22% decrease in the minimum salary and further reductions in retirement pensions.

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A European Statute for the Foundations

12 February 2012

On 8th February the European Commission preseted a draft statute for European foundations. Indeed they play a vital role in various sectors such as in healthcare, research and culture but legislative differences between the Member States often prevent them from completing their task Europe wide. The foundations which may enjoy this status are those deemed useful to the public and which have a transnational vocation. This new status will enable them to reduce their costs and their legal insecurity, enjoy a European label and enjoy a harmonised fiscal system.

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The Commission's report on the progress made by Bulgaria and Romania

12 February 2012

The European Commission published the tenth six-monthly report on progress made by Bulgaria and Romania with regard to the cooperation and verification mechanism. With regard to Bulgaria the Commission stresses that developments over the last few months reveal the need for more resolute intervention in a certain number of areas, notably in terms of the judiciary. Romania was lauded by the Commission, which noted a number of major steps forward that came in the wake of recommendations published in the previous report. The new civil code entered into force in October 2011 and the civil procedure code is due to follow suit in June 2012. Romania has stepped up work on trials involving high level corruption.

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The Nordic Countries European Champions of Innovation

12 February 2012

According to an innovation scoreboard 2011 published on 7th February by the European Commission and which analyses 24 indicators that cover various aspects of innovation, such as human resources, opening, excellence and attractiveness of research systems, as well as the funding granted to innovation, Sweden was the most innovative country in Europe in 2011. It is followed by Denmark, Germany, Finland. The least innovative countries are Latvia, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Romania. Amongst the big countries France and UK rank as "innovation followers" lying 11th and 6th respectively.

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112: the European Emergency Number

13 February 2012

On 11th February a major communication campaign was launched to train Europeans to use 112 in the event of an emergency. Indeed according a recent Eurobarometer poll 74% of those interviewed did not know which number to call in an emergency. Whether you are on a business trip in London or skiing in the Alps and you have to call an ambulance or the fire brigade you just have to dial 112 - the European emergency number is toll free from either a landline or a mobile phone across the entire EU.

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Food Aid to the Poorest

12 February 2012

On 7th February the members of the European Parliament's Agriculture Committee approved 24 votes in support - 2 against - the Council text that will enable the upkeep of the food aid programme for the poorest for two additional years. This programme that helps 18 million people in the EU may be granted an annual budget of up to 500 million euros.

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Audition of the Hungarian representatives in the European Parliament

13 February 2012

On 10th February the Member of the Civil Liberties Committee at the European Parliament interviewed the various representatives of Hungarian civil society, the media and the government. On this occasion the Vice President of the European Commission, Neelie Kroes, repeated her deep "concern". Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics said that his government wanted to contine dialogue with the EU and the Council of Europe, but also declared that the Hungarian Constitution took priority over the European texts. Recent measures taken agains the independence of the media, judges and the central bank, as well as those taken against various minorities have led to the implementation of an accelerated infringement procedure.

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Agreement on the regulation of derivatives trading

12 February 2012

On 9th February the Council and the European Parliament came to agreement in view of legislation that should make the trading of derivatives safer and more transparent. This compromise, which is due to be confirmed by Parliament and the Council of the Union means that transactions that involve credit derivatives have to be undertaken by way of the intermediary of central counterparties which will be submitted to stricter capital requiremrents and which will have to be registered centrally.

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EU-India Summit

12 February 2012

On 10th February the 12th EU/India Summit took place in New Delhi. After this meeting the President of the Council, Herman van Rompuy declared that the two partners intended to develop their relationship which was mainly based on trade but which could not do without a diplomatic and security dimension. The situation in the Near and Middle East was discussed, notably in Iran, Syria and Afghanistan. He recalled their common commitment in the major international fora, notably at the G20 and the conference in Durban.

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Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council

13 February 2012

On 10th February education ministers approved the common report 2012 with regard to the implementation of the "Strategic framework for European cooperation in the field of education and training." This report shows that progress has been made but also reveals that some measures still have to be taken to improve the EU's key competences; measures also have to continue to be taken to reduce the number of young people who quit school too early and to improve the employability of young graduates. It also recalls the importance of investment in education and training to create growth and jobs.

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European Council

Herman van Rompuy's Speech at the Humboldt University in Berlin

12 February 2012

The President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy gave a speech on 6th February at the Humboldt University in Berlin. He focused on the ideas of interdependence and co-responsibility. In his speech entitled "The discovery of co-responsibility: Europe and the Debt Crisis", Herman van Rompuy stresses that we can only solve the crisis at the highest political level and that certain rules have to be adapted. National political life is now likely to adopt a European dimension: the Europeanisation of national policies has indeed been debated.

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Launch of the European Rocket Vega

13 February 2012

The small European rocket, Vega undertook its first flight on 13th February from the Guiana Space Centre in Kourou with two experimental satellites and seven mini-satellites on board, which were designed by students from various countries. Since the end of January the light launcher designed mainly by the Italian Space Agency ASI was being assembled at the launch site in French Guiana. Initially this centre was used by the Ariane 1 & 2 rockets and then it was adapted to Vega's specific requirements.

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Paris and Berlin commit to Social Europe

13 February 2012

The Ministers in charge of employment and social affairs in Germany and France, Ursula von der Leyen and Xavier Bertrand published a joint declaration on the occasion of the 14th Franco-German Council of Ministers in view of making "social Europe" a reality. Mr Bertrand and Ms Von der Leyen say they want to promote the dual system of professional sandwich courses "Europe wide" because the employment of young people "is the most urgent challenge". They hope moreover to "put social dialogue back in the centre of European economic policy" by organising an annual social forum with European social partners.

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Exports/Imports up in Germany in 2011

12 February 2012

Germany's trade surplus rose last year to 158 billion euros against 155 billion the previous year, with exports rising by 11.4%, according to figures published on 8th February by the Federal Statistics Office. Exports rose above the 1000 billion euro mark, thereby establishing a new record of 1060 billion euros. Imports increased (+13.2%), domestic consumption - both household and business was also confirmed.

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Flexibility of the Labour Market

13 February 2012

The Spanish government adopted a further reform to make the labour market more flexible on 10th February. This includes the decrease of redundancy compensation and measures to stimulate youth employment whilst the country is suffering unemployment rate that has established a record in the industrialised world. "The aim is to put a stop to the hemorrhaging of unemployment" explained Employment Minister, Fatima Banez after the Ministers' Council.

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Results of the 14th Council of Franco-German Ministers

13 February 2012

During the 14th Council of Franco-German Ministers on 6th February, in joint declarations the ministers responsible for agriculture, economy, employment and research published their views of the Franco-German couples' future and of Franco-German convergence. The two agriculture ministers presented a joint position on the reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP). The employment ministers presented a joint declaration in support of a social Europe. With regard to fiscal convergence the finance ministers presented a green paper to explain the means to harmonise company tax until 2013.

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Court of Auditors' Report - New Austerity Measures in 2012

12 February 2012

On 8th February the Court of Auditors presented the public annual report 2012. In the first instance the financial institution lauds the government's work to consolidate public accounts. But it notes that these measures are mainly based on tax increases. The Court of Auditors also believes that the goal to bring the deficit down to 4.5% this year against around 5.3% or 5.4% expected in 2011 by the government "will still be difficult to achieve". The report criticises the government's strategy which comprises presenting "a series of recovery plans that are decided upon as growth forecasts are revised downards". Finally the Court of Auditors advises on fiscal spending of more than "15 billion euros" in comparison with their 2010 level (measures that "only" enable a net reduction 5 billion euros by 2013), and to save 10 billion on tax and social havens - especially those benefiting the overseas territories.

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MPs establish a 40% quota of women in the high ranks of the civil service

12 February 2012

On 8th February the French National Assembly approved the progressive establishment of a 40% yearly female appointment quota amongst top ranking civil servants. At present women, who comprise 60% of total employees in the civil service, only total 10% in terms of top ranking civil servants.

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Resignaton of four far right ministers from the government coalition

13 February 2012

The four ministers from the Greek far right party Laos who are against the new austerity measures demanded by the country's creditors presented their resignation to Prime Minister Lucas Papademos on 10th February. These were Transport Minister Makis Voridis, the Deputy Defence Minister, Georges Georgiu as well as two secretaries of State for Agriculture and Merchant Shipping, Asterios Rodoulis and Adonis Georgiadis. These resignations came two hours after the head of the party Georges Karatzaferis indicated that he was not going to approve a further austerity plan forced upon Greece by its creditors, the EU and the IMF in exchange for an international loan of 130 billion euros.

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Czech Republic

Election of the President by Direct Universal Suffrage

12 February 2012

The President of the Czech Republic will be elected by direct universal suffrage as of October 2012. Indeed the Czech Senate adopted an amendment to the Constitution on 8th February, 49 votes out of a possible 75. The parliament voted in support of this draft law mid-December 2011. Hence the Czech President will be elected after a majority vote that will take place in two rounds. Until now both chambers of parliament elected the president, who fulfils a representative role. Vaclav Klaus, the present president said he was against this change and qualified it as a "fatal error".

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New Government in Romania approved by Parliament

12 February 2012

On 9th February the Romanian parliament approved the new government of Prime Minister Razvan Ungureanu. The parties in office approved the government 237 votes in support; two MPs abstained and the representatives of the Social Liberal Alliance (USL, left) boycotted the vote. Former Prime Minister Emil Boc resigned after social tension arose because of the austerity programmes. The coalition comprises the Liberal Democratic Party (PDL), the Magyar Democratic Union of Romania and the National Union for the Progress of Romania (UNPR). The government comprises 17 ministers and one woman.

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The British Trade Deficit as its lowest level since April 2003

12 February 2012

According to data published on 9th February by the British National Statistics Office, the British trade deficit (imports and exports of goods and services) lay at £1.1 billion in December 2011. Not only does this represent a notable decline in comparison with November 2011, when the figure lay at 2.8 billion, but it is also the lowest deficit recorded since April 2003.

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The Slovenian Parliament approves the government's composition

13 February 2012

On 10th February 2012 the Slovenian parliament approved the composition of the new government led by Janez Jansa, whose declared priority will be to enforce austerity measures in this small euro zone country. Out of a total of 82 MPs present 50 approved the government coalition comprising 12 ministers, one of whom is a woman. Ten MPs voted against, the others abstained. Parliament had already approved the government two weeks prior to this when Janez Jansa was appointed Prime Minister. "We have three main goals: consolidate public finance, stimulate growth and create jobs," declared Mr Jansa to MPs.

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Nordic Forum

12 February 2012

On 8th and 9th February the Nordic Future Forum brought together the leaders of the Baltic and Nordic countries as well as the UK, external experts (entrepreneurs, academics and high ranking civil servants) for discussions and debate on the means to implement to increase the numbers of women in posts of responsiblity in the private sector and also to raise the rate of senior employment. The issue of quotas of women on boards was discussed, with the Norwegian Prime Minister presenting the excellent results achieved by his country, whilst David Cameron considered setting quotas as a solution of last resort. With regard to the employment of senior citizens the accent was placed on the fact that every system that was implemented should be flexible and volontary.

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New Central Government

12 February 2012

On 10th February Bosnia-Herzegovina put an end to 16 months of political crisis with the investiture of the new central government, comprising representatives of the Muslim, Serb and Croatian communities. The government of the new Prime Minister, Vjekoslav Bevanda, a member of the main Croatian party in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Croatian Demcoratic Union (HDZ) was approved 26 votes in support, 7 against - whilst one MP abstained. The nine ministries are split between six parties: two Serb, two Croatian, one Muslim and one multi-ethnic party.

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Peter Tomka, new President of the International Court of Justice

13 February 2012

Slovakian, Peter Tomka, 55, was elected president of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on 6th February 2012 in succession to Japanese Judge Hisashi Owada announced the Court, which has its HQ in The Hague. The Mexican Judge Bernardo Sepulveda-Amor, 60 was elected Vice-President. He succeeds Peter Tomka, who was Vice-President until now. The mandates of Mssrs Tomka and Sepulveda-Amor, judges with the ICJ since 2003 and 2006 respectively, last three years.

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Decrease in the Public Debt in the Euro Zone

12 February 2012

According to a Eurostat publication on 6th February the public debt/GDP ratio in the euro zone dropped from 87.7% to 87.4% from the second to the third quarter in 2011. However over the same period it increased by 0.5 points in the EU as a whole, rising to 82.2%.

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A rise in Trade between the EU and India

12 February 2012

On 9th February Eurostat indicated that over the first 10 months of 2011 trade between the EU and India increased by 20%. In 2010 exports to India totalled 34.8 billion euros and imports 33.2 billion euros, ie a trade surplus of 1.6 billion euros for the EU, slightly down in comparison with the previous year. Notably Germany, Belgium and the UK, contribute to over half of this trade.

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"The European Citizens' Initiative: a first assessment

12 February 2012

The Collège d'Europe in Bruges has published a study entited "The European Citizens' Initiative - First Assessment. Written by Luis Bouza Garcia, Victor Cuesta-Lopez, Elitsa Mincheva and Dorota Szeligowska on the occasion of the "European Citizens' Initative: a first assessment" workshop that took place at the Collège d'Europe on 25th January 2011, this study recalls the beginnings of the initiative and presents the regulatory texts. It then analyses the effect of this measure on European public debate and notably on civil society organisations - looking into what type of public space it might foster.

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The European Commission's power to legislative initiative

13 February 2012

Notre Europe has published a study written by Paolo Ponzano, Costanza Hermanin and Daniela Corona entitled "The European Commission's power of initiative: progressive erosion?" which analyses the development of the European Commission's power to legislative initiative over the last two decades. The authors explain that although legally the right to initiative has not been reformed, in practice it has clearly changed shape. Hence, increasingly, the Commission feels obliged to follow the conclusions of the European Council. Moreover the practice of direct negotiations with the Council and the Parliament in the event of a codecision procedure has led to it being less active and to it undertaking more negotiations. These factors have led to a decline in ambition in the Commission's proposals and a decrease in conflict over the texts that are put forward.

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L'Action et le système du monde

13 February 2012

A new improved edition of the book by the Director General of the Institut français des relations internationales (IFRI) Thierry de Montbrial entitled "L'action et le système du monde" has just been published. This publication attempts to define a praxeology ie a science of action in the areas of governance, economy and international relations. More precisely this study comprises chapters devoted to "the subject and nature of economic science" in the international system, to globalisation, the articulation between sovereignty of the States and the international community, strategy and forecasting, as well as links between morals and politics.

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Le Monde selon Marine - La Politique international du FN

13 February 2012

Magali Balent, project manager and researcher at the Robert Schuman Foundation and lecturer at Sciences Po, has just published a book entitled "Le monde selon Marine - la politique international du FN. Entre rupture et continuité" in which she analyses the international and European policy of the National Front since the election of Marine Le Pen as chair of the party The author dissects the Marinist vision of the world and the positions adopted by the FN regarding foreign policy - looking into the ideological developments that are ongoing in the party.

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Akseli Gallen-Kallela, a Finnish Passion

12 February 2012

The Orsay Museum is putting on an exhibition "Akseli Gallen-Kallela (1865-1931), a Finnish Passion" until 6th May 2012. On show on this occasion is work by this nationalist artist, believed to be one of the most emblematic for both his country and his era, and who notably decorated Finland's Pavilion with fresques based on the "Kalevala", the national Finnish saga, on the occasion of the universal exhibition that took place in Paris in 1900. This exhibition, the first in France to be devoted entirely to Akseli Gallen-Kallela is taking place at the Orsay Museum in Paris, the Helsinki Museum of Art in Finland and at the Kunstpalast Museum of Düsseldorf in Germany.

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Gustav Klimt

13 February 2012

On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Gustav Klimt (born on 14th July 1862), the Fine Arts Museum of Vienna (Kunsthistorisches Museum) is devoting an exhibition to the artist. Thirteen paintings by Klimt are on show: originally they were meant to decorate the museum's monumental stairway. The exhibition starts on 14th February.

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The Napoleonic Wars

12 February 2012

Until 13th May 2012 the Château of Versailles is putting on an exhibition "The Napoleonic Wars. Louis François Lejeuen, General and Painter" which brings together drawings and paintings by Louis François Lejeune (1775-1848), a soldier, who not only took part in all of the Napoleonic revolutionary campaigns, but who also painted them and described them in his mémoirs. His life-mémoirs, both as a soldier and a civilian, under the Empire, the Restoration and the July Monarchy are also on show.

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Lucien Freud at the National Portrait Gallery

13 February 2012

The National Portrait Gallery of London is organising an exhibition until 27th may 2012 devoted to Lucien Freud. For the first time ever the focus is placed on portraits painted by this artist, comprising a major part of his work. More than 300 paintings illustrating the various facettes of Lucien Freud's work are presented on this occasion. They notably represent his friends, his family and the people he loved.

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les 13th-16th February

Plenary Session in the European Parliament (Strasbourg)

14th February

Energy Council ()

14th February

EU-China Summit ()

17th February

Employment, Social Policy, Healthcare and Consumer Council ()

20th February

Competitiveness Council (Brussels)

20th February

Euro Zone Financial Ministers Meeting (Brussels)

21st February

Economy/Finance Council (Brussels)

les 25th-26th February

G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting (Mexico)

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Magali Balent, Pauline Massis Desmarest, Inga Groth, Charles de Marcilly, Pierre Thibaudat ,Katrin Gebhard, Marion Zosi.

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Atlas/EU - Greece:adoption/austerity - EU/India - Romania/Bulgaria: Schengen


The Newsletter n°520- version of 13 févr. 2012