The Newsletter50914 nov. 2011

La Lettre

14 November 2011

After the first democratic elections in Tunisia, the Robert Schuman Foundation has published a European Interview with Jean-Pierre Filiu. This paper is being published as his latest work "La Révolution arabe, dix leçons sur le soulèvement démocratique" is being released. In this interview Jean-Pierre Filiu provides an in-depth analysis of the democratic uprisings which have overturned the Arab world.

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Front page!

Think tank Forum

1 January 1970

The second Think Tank Forum will be taking place on 19th November. Bringing together 23 think tanks the event hopes to contribute to the major political stakes just five months before the presidential election. Pascale Joannin, Director General of the Robert Schuman Foundation, will be speaking at a round table devoted to the vital need to rise beyond the national framework. It is obligatory to enrol due to a limited number of seats. The conference will be broadcast live on the Foundation's site.

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Christians and Europe

1 January 1970

The Bernardin College is organising a forum on 19th November entitled "Issues at Stake 2012: Christians and Europe" in which the Chairman of the Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani will be taking part. This forum hopes to review the state of play in the work undertaken between the Churches and the European institutions.

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1 January 1970

On 15th November the National Institute for Higher Security and Justice Studies (INHESJ) is organising a seminar in Brussels devoted to the theme of "European Security and Justice" in which the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, will be taking part.

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Women for Europe and the Citizens' Initiative

1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published the report of the seminar organised on 21st September at the European Parliament on women and the European Citizens' Initiative. After this day of debate that was rich and constructive, participants decided to launch a citizens' initiative. In the days that followed the conference a web site was set up: to provide a space in which women could say what their ideas were and debate them. They will meet again in the spring to define their project for a citizens' initiative in more detail.

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The Foundation's nomination for the European Public Affairs Prize

1 January 1970

On 9th November the award ceremony for the best Think Tanks in 2011 took place in Brussels. The Robert Schuman Foundation was nominated along side the CEPS and Bruegel, which highlights the acknowledgement of the work it has undertaken to foster European debate.

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Election of the two chambers of the Spanish Parliament

1 January 1970

Around 34 million Spaniards are being called to ballot on 20th November to renew the members of the two chambers of Parliament in an early election. According to the latest poll by the Sociological Investigations Centre, published on 6th November, the People's Party is due to win 46.6% of the vote easily ahead of the Socialist Workers' Party, which is due to win 29.9%. The United Left (IU) is due to win 6.17% of the vote; the Catalan electoral alliance - Catalonia Convergence and Union (CiU), is due to win 3.31%; Union, Progress and Democracy (UpyD), 2.91% of the vote; the Catalonia Republican Left (ERC), 1.23%; the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) 1.17%. The entire campaign is focused on Spain's poor economic situation. The two main political leaders, Mariano Rajoy (PP) and Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba (PSOE) debated on television on 7th November to an audience of 12 million. Just one week before the election matters seem to have already been settled. It now remains to see the extent of the victory achieved by the rightwing.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

On 7th November the 17 Finance Ministers of the euro zone debated the various options open to them in view of increasing the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF) and to bring it up to 1000 billion euros by the end of the year. The final decision on this financial instrument will be taken on 29th November. Jean-Claude Juncker, the Eurogroup's chair announced that ministers were demanding that the Greek authorities commit in writing to implement the structural reforms necessary to re-balancing public finance - since this commitment is a pre-requisite for the payment of the next part of the loan to Athens - ie a sum of 8 billion euros.

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Economic Governance

1 January 1970

The 27 EU Economy and Finance Ministers adopted a series of six legislative proposals on 8th November to strengthen European economic governance, notably in the euro zone. This "six-pack" is the focus of a compromise with the European Parliament, which adopted it on 28th September. From now on the Member States with the biggest macro-economic imbalances and who do not respect the stability criteria will be the focus of automatic sanctions of up to 0.2% of the GDP. According to the inversed majority principle, the penalties put forward by the Commission will be adopted automatically, unless a qualified majority of the Member States votes against it. The States will have to explain themselves in public before the European Parliament. Rapid response mechanisms and an early warning system will complete the package. A tax on financial transactions was rejected.

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Greece: recession and record unemployment figures

1 January 1970

On 10th November the Greek statistics authority announced a record level of unemployment, totalling 18.4% in August 2011. In August 2010 unemployment totalled 12.2%. At present more than 900,000 Greeks are looking for a job.

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France: growth forecasts reviewed downwards

1 January 1970

The French government is expecting growth of 1% next year. According to an estimate issued by the Bank of France on 9th November growth is due to be zero in France in the fourth quarter. French Economy Minister François Baroin and Budget Minister Valérie Pécresse have both said that France's international financial commitments would be respected.

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Germany : the report by the five experts

1 January 1970

In their annual report published on 9th November, the German economists, who meet together in the so-called "five experts" group are forecasting a decline in German growth in 2012. "In 2011 we expect high growth still at 3%. But in 2012 the economy is due to weaken quite noticeably because of the end of the effects of recovery, and the world economic climate that is worsening; GDP is expected to progress only by 0.9%." According to this group "there is greater risk this autumn. The euro zone is caught in a vicious circle of the debt and banking crisis." Their diagnosis is close to that of the government, which is forecasting growth of 1% next year after 2.9% this year according to its most recent official forecast in October.

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1 January 1970

The Portuguese government would like to implement an austerity plan in 2012 in order to meet the requirements set by the rescue plan funded by the EU and the IMF. In a speech to the Portuguese parliament on the 2012 budget on 10th November Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho defended the austerity goals put forward by his government which are based on a "realistic, balanced, strong budget". The plan includes for example a reduction in spending in the civil service.

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Hungary's rating downgraded

1 January 1970

The ratings agency Standard&Poor's (S&P) has placed Hungary's sovereign rating 'BBB-' "under negative surveillance" said the agency on 12th November - a decision that has been rejected by the Hungarian government which points to the country's "good" macro-economic figures (public deficit and debt). "Because of the increased risk that is affecting Hungary's financial credibility, likewise the decline of the external economic and financial environment, S&P has placed the Hungarian debt BBB- under negative surveillance," likewise the short term debt (A-3), said the ratings agency.

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Reforms adopted in Italy

1 January 1970

The Italian Senate and the Chamber of Deputies adopted an anti-crisis plan on 11th and 12th November respectively, the main features of which are the relinquishment of public assets, pensions, liberalisation, the simplification of administrative procedures and employment incentives. The reform of the labour market designed to facilitate redundancies is not part of the package however and is due to be adopted in a second round of voting, after negotiation with the unions. These vital measures were taken with the aim of reassuring the markets, reducing debt and reviving growth.

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1 January 1970

The two parties in power - the SPÖ and the ÖVP - came to agreement on 12th November to include the budgetary "golden rule" in the constitution in order to reduce budgetary deficits, announced the Austrian Vice-Chancellor Michael Spindelegger. He said that he had agreed on this initiative with Social Democrat Chancellor Werner Faymann: "With the Chancellor we agree to include the public deficit reduction in the constitution."

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European Council

The Challenges facing Europe

1 January 1970

On 11th November the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, gave a speech at the European University Institute of Florence on the challenges facing Europe. He declared that Europe is "facing the hour of truth" which will oblige it to go through and overcome the present crisis. He also mentioned the fact that right now the EU is no longer an indifferent player but that it is the centre of attention and the heart of all concern. The President of the European Council listed five main challenges: sustainability of the Greek debt, a wall against contagion, the restoration of confidence in the banking secotr, budgetary balance in the Member States and a policy in favour of growth and employment.

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Meeting between European and Swiss Leaders

1 January 1970

The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, met the Swiss President, Micheline Calmy-Rey on 9th November. The two leaders said they wanted to strengthen relations, which are already extremely close. They discussed the economic and financial situation, recent reforms in the European economic and monetary policy, as well as foreign policy. The EU and Switzerland said they were pleased with the emergence of democratic States in North Africa, re-iterating their cooperation and support. Moreover Herman Van Rompuy thanked the Swiss President for her mediation efforts which had led to an agreement between Russia and Georgia, that had been vital in Russia's accession to the World Trade Organisation.

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Health and Consumer Protection

1 January 1970

On 9th November the European Commission revealed its action plan in support of European citizens' health and consumer protection. These two programmes will be provided with 446 and 197 million euros respectively, covering the period 2014-2020. A restricted number of projects will be selected and should provide great value added. The health for growth programme is due notably to focus on the fight against cancer and rare diseases. As part of the consumer protection programme the Commission intends to implement the "Sweeps" operation together with Member States' authorities so that existing legislation is respected better. The two programmes will be based on initiatives that have already been launched previously. The European Parliament and the Council now have to look at these proposals and adopt them before the end of 2013.

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European Economic Forecasts for Autumn 2011

1 January 1970

On 10th November the European Commisison published its autumn economic forecast. Growth will be weak, around 0.6% in 2012 and 1.5% in 2013 in the Union; in the euro zone it will rise to 0.5% in 2012 and 1.3% in 2013. This figure is clearly down in comparison with the spring estimates, notably for 2012 with a decline from 2% to 0.6% for the EU and from 2% to 0.8% for Germany and from 1.7% to 0.6% for France. The lack of confidence has led to a reduction in investments, as well as in consumption, which are decisive factors for growth. Moreover the slowing in world growth has had a negative effect on exports. The unemployment rate is due to remain stable at around 9.8% in 2012 and 9.6% in 2013 and inflation is due to return to below the 2% mark, respecting one of the EU's goals.

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The Mobility of Bulgarian and Romanian Workers

1 January 1970

On 11th November the European Commission published a report on the effects of the mobility of Bulgarian and Romanian workers. This report notes that the total opening of the labour markets to Bulgarian and Romanian workers will be "positive overall" since vacant posts will be occupied, notably in the sectors of construction, domestic services and restaurants. Long term, it is estimated that there will be a significant increase of around 0.3% in the EU's GDP. László Andor, the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion insisted on the economic opportunities of the free movement of workers and would like all restrictions to access to the labour market to be abolished. Bulgarian and Romanian workers, who mainly target Spain and Italy, continue to be affected by restrictive measures. This report will be used in the Council to assess the timeliness of continuing with or repealing these measures.

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Budget 2012

1 January 1970

The consultation procedure for the EU's annual budget 2012 started on 8th November. For the time being the Council and European Parliament's positions are still quite different. The Council wants to limit the budget's increase to only 2.02% (less than inflation), whilst the Parliament and the European Commission are demanding an increase of 4.9%. Parliament's President Jerzy Buzek hopes that a compromise can be found. Alain Lamassoure, the chair of the parliamentary budget committee is warning that if the budget is too low it will not be able to cover all spending and this would lead to the need for correction at a later date as in 2011. On the other hand budgetary restrictions in times of crisis are reducing the room Member States have to manoeuvre. The European Parliament's rapporteurs will meet the Polish Presidency of the Council and the representatives of the Commission for discussions on 14th and 18th November and the consultation procedure is due to end on 21st November.

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Women in Libya

1 January 1970

On the occasion of the inauguration of the new EU representation in Libya, the High Representative, Catherine Ashton, met with some Libyan women. She gave a speech at the Forum on Women's Rights in Tripoli on 12th November. In this speech Catherine Ashton promised to help Libyan women, saying that she would pay attention to their concerns and that she was aware of the importance of their participation in the construction of a new democracy. She mentioned several priorities, such as the re-establishment of security, education, the rule of law, the holding of democratic elections, which require involvement and the support of women. Catherine Ashton encouraged them to continue their work and "not to stay at home".

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Court of Auditors

Annual Report

1 January 1970

The European Court of Auditors published its annual report on 10th November on spending in 2010. It notes the overall reliability of the EU's accounts; however some payments are still affected "by a significant level of errors". The Court believes that the error rate and non-conformity to the rules totals 3.7% of EU spending (out of a toal of 122,2 billion euros).

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Inauguration of Nord Stream

1 January 1970

Nord Stream, the new gas pipeline linking Russia directly to Europe via the Baltic Sea, was inaugurated on 8th November in Germany. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev, French and Dutch Prime Ministers, Mssrs Fillon and Rutte, as well as the European Commissioner for Energy, Günther Oettinger, symbolically opened to taps on the first pipe, during a ceremony in Lubmin, in north-east Germany. The gas pipeline that is 1200 km long, which by the end of 2012 will also comprise a second pipe, will provide enough gas for 26 million households. Behind the infrastructure which cost 7.4 billion euros there is a consortium dominated by the state-owned Russian gasgiant, Gazprom, with the Germans BASF and EON, the Dutch Gasunie and the French company GDP Suez.

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Angela Merkel is suggesting a 6 billion euro reduction in taxes in 2013

1 January 1970

On 6th November the German Chancellor Angela Merkel promised to reduce taxes as of 2013 to a total of 6 billion euros. The income tax threshold will be raised in order to help low income households. The scale will also be reviewed in order to integrate inflation better. Moreover the Transport Minister will receive an additional one billion euros to modernise the road system. The CDU/CSU and the FDP also agreed to reform long term care, insurance and to set up specific aid for parents who do not place their children in nurseries - a request made by the CSU. The measures promised are due to be approved by the Bundestag, the lower chamber of parliament, but also by the Bundesrat, the upper chamber which represents the Länder. In this second assembly however the government does not hold the majority and the opposition is against reducing taxation.

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The German Constitutional Court bans the 5% Clause

1 January 1970

In a decision dated 9th November 2011 the German Constitutional Court declared that the minimal 5% barrier clause of effective representation for the European elections was counter to equal opportunities and equality in the electoral procedures underaken by political parties. Because of this the Court decided that this clause went against the principles of the German constitution. But it did not invalidate the 2009 European elections that took place under this regime. The German constitutional judges explain that the European Parliament's legislative system is not the same as that of a state and therefore is not supposed to produce a majority which supports a stable coalition in the face of an opposition.

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The German State enters into EADS capital

1 January 1970

The German government decided on 9th November to take a 7.5% share in the aeronautical group EADS, which the car manufacturer Daimler would like to relinquish in the second half of 2012. Daimler has committed to keeping its remaining share of 7.5% until the end of 2013. This solution is the focus of the principle agreement between the Economy Minister, the Finance Minister and the Chancelery and marks the end of the work deployed in vain by Berlin to find a private investor to take on Daimler's share, which no longer considers EADS as a stake stratetgic. "The aim is not to have a long term share," explains the German Economy Ministry. The share in question is estimated at 1.2 and 1.3 billion euros at current rates on the stock exchange.

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Agreement between the Central Bank of Austria and the People's Bank of China

1 January 1970

The Central Bank of Austria (OeNB) signed an agreement with the People's Bank of China on 10th November in Beijing; the governors of the two central banks, Ewald Nowotny and Xiaochuan Zhoudevenant, were the signatories. "This is the first agreement signed by the People's Bank of China with a non-Asian bank," stresses the OeNB which has become the first non-Asian bank to undertake investments in renminbi, the Chinese currency. The yuan renminbi (people's money) was initially introduced in 1949 by the new communist regime as the country's national currency.

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A New National Unity Government

1 January 1970

After the resignation of Georges Papandreou, former Vice President of the European Central Bank, Lukas Papademos, was appointed Prime Minister on 11th November. His consensus government comprises the Socialist Party (PASOK), the main rightwing opposition party (New Democracy) and the far right "Laos". The key post of finance Minister will be retained by Evangelos Venizelos (PASOK). The former European Commissioner for the Environment, Stavros Dimas (New Democracy), is the new Foreign Minister. The only woman minister in the new cabinet is Anne Diamantopolou (PASOK), responsible for Education and Culture. The new Prime Minister Mr Papademos will deliver a general policy on 14th November. This will be followed by a parliamentary debate which will lead to a vote of confidence planned for 16th November.

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The new president sworn in

1 January 1970

The new Irish President, Labour Michael D Higgins, called for the rebuilding of his country's economy and committed to "encouraging investment and creating jobs" as he was sworn in on 11th November in Dublin. "I am the ninth president and assume this post with a feeling of humility and confidence in the ability of our people (...) not only to overcome the present difficulties but also to make the most of the fantastic possibilities that will come to us in the future," declared Mr Higgins, a 70 year old sociologist and poet, elected on 27th October. "I am aware of the challenges (...) that we face in order to close a chapter on our fragile economy but which has also damaged our society with unacceptable levels of unemployment, precarious loans and the collapse of the real estate market," he added in his speech that focused on the economy, whilst his country has to implement a painful rescue plan to a total of 85 billion euros.

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Mario Monti asked to form a government

1 January 1970

On 12th November the President of the Italian Council Silvio Berlusconi handed in his resignation to the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano. The former European Commissioner, Mario Monti, was asked on 13th November to form a new government and said he was convinced that Italy "could overcome" the debt crisis "thanks to a collective effort" and that it would become "a force" in the European Union once more. According to the Italian Constitution, Mario Monti now has to form a government and win the confidence of the two chambers of parliament within the next ten days before officially taking office. For the time being Silvio Berlusconi is still responsible for taking care of current affairs.

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Donald Tusk - head of government again

1 January 1970

On 8th November Donald Tusk, Polish Prime Minister since 2007 and winner of the general elections on 9th October last, was appointed head of the government of Poland. He now has to form a new cabinet. The re-election of the Tusk coalition has created a precedent in Poland's democratic history. To date no government had succeeded in acceding to a second consecutive term in office.

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1 January 1970

When the assessment mission in Romania came to an end on 7th November a team from the IMF and the European Commission adjusted the country's economic forecast. In spite of extremely prudent economic policies, the world's difficult economic situaiton will only allow for weak growth in 2011 and 2012. In 2011 the GDP increase will be 1.5%. According to domestic demand and the efficient use of the funds paid out by the EU - around 20 billion euros until 2013 - Romanian economic growth will reach between 1.75% to 2.25% in 2012, ie half of the rate forecast previously. Moreover Romania committed to continuing its work to reduce the budgetary deficit down from 4.4% of the GDP in 2011 to 1.9% of the GDP in 2012. IMF and Commission experts are encouraging the Romanian leaders to adopt the necessary reforms with regard to state companies to guarantee the positive effects of these on the Romanian economy.

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Conference on the Refugee Situation

1 January 1970

A ministerial conference with the countries of the Western Balkans on the settlement of the refugee situation took place in Belgrade on 7th November. In a joint declaration, the Foreign Ministers of four countries (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro) believe it vital to settle refugee issues to guarantee the stability of the region. A multi-annual regional work programme that aims to improve the refugee situation was annexed to this declaration. The European Commissioner for Enlargement and the Neighbourhood Policy, Stefan Füle, who attended the conference, announced that the EU intended to guarantee at least half of the funds necessary (580 million euros) for the implementation of the regional programme.

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1 January 1970

A major obstacle to Russia's accession to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has been removed. On 9th NOvember Russia and Georgia signed a compromise agreement at the WTO HQ in Geneva. The latter focuses notably on border controls between Georgia and the separatist territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, whose independence has been acknowledged by Russia. Following the signature of this compromise Georgia will no longer prevent Russia's accession to the WTO. The latter is due to be decided during a ministerial conference mid-December. A first step was taken on 10th November. The Working Group on Russia's Accession approved the texts defining membership conditions for Russia on the same day.

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Council of Europe

Resolution on France and the Roma

1 January 1970

On 9th November the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe debated the expulsions of Roma by France in the summer of 2010. The committee based its discussion on a report by the European Social Rights Committee. The authors of the report concluded that the collective expulsion of Romanian and Bulgarian citizens is an infringement of the European Social Charter. France has been invited by the Committee of Ministers to review the measures taken in order to respond to these infringements of international law.

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1 January 1970

On 9th November Eurostat published the 2011 edition of the agricultural and fishery statistics which reviews agricultural production in the EU, notably that of cereals, milk, meat and fish. Hence half of the EU's cereal production comes from three countries: France (23%), Germany (16%), and Poland (10%). The main milk producers are the UK (22%), Germany (17%) and France (12%). With regard to cheese, Germany (23%)is ahead of Farnce (21%). Meat is primarily produced in Germany (25%), Spain (15%), France (9%), Poland and in Denmark (8%). Fish mainly comes from Spain (16%) and Denmark (13%) ahead of France and the UK (12% each).

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Part time work

1 January 1970

According to a Eurostat publication on 10th November 41.3 million people worked part-time in the EU in 2010, 21% of whom would like to work more. The situation of under-employment is especially prevalent in Latvia (65%), Greece (49%), Spain (46%), Bulgaria (39%) and Slovakia (38%). In the countries where part-time work is more customary the desire to work more hours is the smallest: Netherlands (3%), Belgium (4%), Czech Republic and Luxembourg (10% each). Three quarters of people working part-time are women.

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The Powers of the European Parliament

1 January 1970

The Finnish Institute for International Affairs has published a study on the European Parliament entitled "The Empowered European Parliament: accommodation to the new functions provided by the Lisbon Treaty." The author analyses the enhancement of the European Parliament's powers since the Lisbon Treaty entered into force. This is both marked by greater legislative powers and a more central role in the European decision making process.

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1 January 1970

The Institution for International and Strategic Relations (IRIS) together with te German Foundation for Science and Politics(SWP)and the Polish International Affairs Institute (PISM) have published a study on military cooperation possibilities in the Weimar Triangle. This study is called "Weimar Defence Cooperation Projects to Respond to the European Imperative". The authors assess three real project according to the short, mid and long term. They believe that military cooperation in the Weimar Triangle is interesting because it enables a reduction in military costs and could become the focus of a European military cooperation model.

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Napoleon III and Italy

1 January 1970

The Army Museum in Paris is reviewing the construction of Italian Unity until 15th January on the occasion of its 150th anniversary, recalling the links between the two countries from 1848 to 1870 and the role that the emperor Napoleon III played in this major stage of European history. The exhibition is showing nearly 260 Italian and French works and objects.

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Exhibition at the New National Gallery

1 January 1970

After the exhibition "Modern Times. The 1900-1945 Collection" the Neue Nationalgallerie in Berlin is now focusing on the second half of the 20th century and is presenting a new exhibition as of 11th November entitled "Divided Heaven" (1945-1968). This era is rich in historical upheaval (building of the Berlin Wall, the Vietnam War, the Kennedy Years, Mao ...). The art of this time is marked by the Cold War; East and West adopt different directions: figuration and abstraction. The exhibition highlights the contrast in the work of Ernst Wilhelm Nay, Willi Baumeister, Fritz Cremer, Werner Tübke and Asger Jorn and those of Picasso, Bacon, Dubuffet, Rauschenberg, Warhol or Beuys. The exhibition is on until March 2013.

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1 January 1970

The French Institute of Bulgaria and the Easyart Foundation are organising an experimental European Photography Month in Sofia in November. This cultural event launched thirty years ago in Paris now takes place in most European capitals. Traditionally the "European Photography Month" takes place in November every two years. Each time this event provides an opportunity to put on dozens of exhibitions, organise the screening of films, meetings conferences and debates.

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1 January 1970

The Temps d'Images Festival that mixes modern dance, multi-media and theatre pieces is taking place until 20th November in Cluj in Transylvania and pays special tribute to the German choreographer Pina Bausch, who died in 2009. The fourth edition of this festival of "Temps d'Images" is hosting Robert Sturm, the artistic director of the Pina Bausch company which will be making a unique mult-media presention of the choreographer's work by way of photographs - some of them unique - and videos. The festival will also be showing a panorama of modern Romanian creative work.

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Museum of the Great War (1914-1918)

1 January 1970

The Museum of the Great War in Meaux was inaugurated on 11th November by French President Nicolas Sarkozy together with the Secretary of State for the Defence and Veterans Minister. This new museum offers an alternative vision of the First World War thanks to an innovative layout that illustrates the major change and upheaval in society that came as a result of the events and has on show one of the most important collections of objects and documents of the conflict. "An exceptional heritage to pass on to future generations".

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14th November

Foreign Affairs Council (Brussels)

14th and 15th November

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Council (Brussels)

14th to 17th November

European Parliament Plenary Session (Strasbourg)

15th November

"General Affairs" Council (Brussels)

15th November

Seminar "European Security and Justice" (Brussels)

17th November

ECB Governors' Council (Frankfurt/Main)

18th November

"Budgets" Council (Brussels)

19th November

2nd Think Tank Forum (Paris, La Sorbonne)

19th November

Christians and Europe (Paris, Bernardins College)

20th November

General Elections in Spain (Spain)

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Magali Balent, Pauline Massis-Desmarest, Inga Groth, Charles de Marcilly, Pierre Thibaudat ,Katrin Gebhard, Venise Ollivier, Jennifer Ruther, Julian Schorpp, Jan Wilker

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis-Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!

Greece:Lukas Papdémos; Italy; Mario Monti; Inauguration of Nord Stream; Women& C...


The Newsletter n°509- version of 14 nov. 2011