The Newsletter50410 oct. 2011

La Lettre

Jean-François Jamet

10 October 2011

As the European economy dances on a cliff edge, the crisis is leading to increased federalisation of economic policy. This process poses a problem nevertheless insofar as it is happening without prior design and without sufficient political legitimacy. If we want to give meaning back to European policy, this absence of any backbone must be remedied without delay and we must dare to debate in public the content to be given to real European economic government.

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Front page!

The "minimum service" of European parties

1 January 1970

The President of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, has published an article in which he analyses the proposals made by European and French political parties in response to the economic and financial crisis. In this respect he is disappointed with their "minimum service" attitude and calls for more concrete proposals.

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Participate in the debate on citizens' initiative

1 January 1970

The conference on "Women of Europe and Citizens' Initiative" held on 21st September at the European Parliament, brought together a large number of women who are keen to move towards greater equality and parity. These women showed themselves to be extremely motivated to launch a citizens' initiative. This is the reason why the Robert Schuman Foundation offers them a space in which they can participate, discuss and debate. Would you like to be one of the citizens who are part of the project? Would you be willing to sign a citizens' initiative on equality? Let us know your ideas!

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How can the euro be saved?

1 January 1970

The President of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, has published an article in Le Figaro newsparper of 8th October in which he explains how the euro can be saved. He pleads in favour of strengthening of budgetary and fiscal objectives between France and Germany and even for a new treaty between our two countries.

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1 January 1970

The Civic Platform (PO) party of the outgoing Prime Minister Donald Tusk came top in the parliamentary elections held on 9th October with 38.96% of the vote and 206 seats (-3 compared to the previous elections held on 21st October 2007), ahead of Jaroslaw Kaczynski's Law and Justice party (PiS) with 30.03% and 157 seats (- 9). The Palikot Movement (RPP) led by Janusz Palikot came 3rd with 9.94% and 40 seats. Waldemar Pawlak's People's Party (PSL), member of the outgoing government's coalition, collected 8.55% and 30 seats (- 1) and the Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) 8.19% and 26 seats (- 27). The PO party won 62 seats in the Senate, the PiS 31 and the PSL 2. Less than half the electorate (48.63%) went out to vote, with turnout down by 5.25 points compared to the last parliamentary elections on 21st October 2007.

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Our publications

France, NATO and the European Union

1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published in its Notes collection a study by Pascale Andréani on "France, NATO and the European Union" in which the author explains the reasons for and the results of France's return to the NATO integrated military organisation. The Note can be ordered on line.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

At a press conference in Berlin on 6th October, the President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, announced a series of measures intended to ensure the cash reserves of the European banking system. In October and December the European Central Bank will undertake two operations to refinance banks, a mechanism that has not been used since 2009. 40 billion euros will also be used to buy assets, specifically real property, from European banks. The financial institution also announced that its main interest rate will remain at 1.50%.

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1 January 1970

On 3rd October the 17 Finance Ministers from Euro area member countries discussed implementation of the Greek adjustment programme. They asked Greece to adopt its draft budget 2012 quickly in order to attain budgetary objectives for 2011 and 2012. They also called on the Greek government to accelerate privatisation plans in various areas. Finally, Eurogroup president Jean-Claude Juncker congratulated the various countries for their rapid ratification of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF). The ratification process should be finalised before mid-October, thereby enabling the new European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) to come into force before the next European Council on 17th and 18th October.

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Economy/Finances Council

1 January 1970

On 4th October the 27 economy and finance ministers adopted the regulations on economic governance (six-pack) that had been voted by MEPs at the plenary session in Strasbourg at the end of September. Ministers also agreed on the Union's position for the G20 and on the framework for a regulation on derivatives, in order to reduce risks for the financial market.

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1 January 1970

On 4th October the Slovakian government set for 11th October parliament's vote on the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), which has to be ratified by all 17 member States in the euro area. This vote is awaited with a certain degree of trepidation. This summer the Slovakians were the only ones in the euro area not to contribute to the rescue package for Greece. A minority party in the coalition in power is still opposed to the idea of a European Financial Stability Facility.

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IMF/Economic prospects

1 January 1970

On 5th October the International Monetary Fund (IMF) requested rapid implementation of the reforms of economic and financial governance in Europe, whilst allowing for a growth policy. At the presentation of the report on "Regional Economic Prospects in Europe", the IMF director for Europe, Antonio Borges, announced a fall in European growth rates from 2.3% in 2011 to 1.8% in 2012. Rapid reaction by all those involved, low interest rates and perseverance in the balancing of public finances are therefore essential, said the director. However, the risk of excessive rigour, which would have a negative effect on growth, should be avoided. The IMF called on creditors to ensure that the debt of over-indebted countries remains bearable, to enable them to develop healthy economic activity.

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Franco-German meeting: "Sustainable" responses to the crisis

1 January 1970

On 9th October the German Chancellor Angela Merkel received French President Nicolas Sarkozy to attempt to accelerate the plan to save the single currency. The two leaders made a statement in favour of recapitalisation of European banks. They promised "sustainable, global, rapid responses before the end of the month" so that "Europe arrives at the G20 united and with problems solved". The two leaders also announced that "important modifications" to the European treaties, going towards greater "integration of the euro area" would be envisaged.

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France: "The recovery is on hold"

1 January 1970

"The recovery is on hold", that's how the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (INSEE) introduces its growth forecasts for 2011 published on 6th October. INSEE has reviewed its 2011 French growth forecasts considerably downwards, at 1.7% compared with 2.1%. It also forecasts growth of 0.3% in the 3rd quarter and zero growth in the 4th quarter. The unemployment rate in continental France could increase to 9.2% in the fourth quarter, compared with 9.1% in the 2nd.

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The Netherlands

1 January 1970

MPs in the Netherlands have approved an increase to the powers of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF). 96 of the 150 members voted in favour of this measure. The Netherlands is the 15th country in the euro area to have ratified strengthening of the EFSF. Malta and Slovakia still have to ratify reinforcement of the EFSF for it to come definitely into force.

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1 January 1970

Ireland's revenues increased by 8.7% in 2011 compared with the previous year, declared the finance minister and the minister with responsibility for public spending and reform in a press release published on 4th October. According to the ministers, Ireland is keeping to its commitments in terms of deficit reduction, which were made within the context of the bailout plan. This bailout plan is financed in an amount of 85 billion euros by the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), the European financial stabilisation and bilateral loans mechanism.

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United Kingdom

1 January 1970

The Bank of England decided on 7th October to maintain its base rates at 0.5%. The monetary policy committee also decided to inject more liquidity into the British economy in order to stimulate economic activity. The central bank's assets purchasing programme has thus been extended by 75 billion pounds sterling, to a total of 275 billion. The central bank fears that the crisis on the continent of Europe could have a negative effect on the recovery of the English economy. The aim of the quantitative easing plan is therefore to counterbalance this effect.

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1 January 1970

On 10th October the Greek finance minister decided to save the "Proton" bank by using funds from the Financial Stability Fund (FSF), set up by Greece and its international funders. It is used to recapitalise banks that are incapable of obtaining finance on the markets. Proton, made up of a network of 36 subsidiaries and with a market value of 11 million euros, is the first bank in the country to benefit from the fund. The bailout plan provides for dismantling of the bank and the creation of a "good bank", thus securing deposits from the private sector, other banks and the government. The Greek financial stability fund is now the main shareholder in Proton.

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1 January 1970

On 7th October, the Presidents of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, and of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, sent a joint letter to European leaders on the G20 summit to be held on 3rd and 4th November in Cannes. They wanted to share their views on the main questions on the agenda and hope that these pointers will act as a constructive basis for the meeting of the next European Council on 17th and 18th October.

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Reform of cohesion funds

1 January 1970

On 5th October the European Commission adopted legislative proposals concerning the future of the cohesion policy for the period 2014-2020. One of the most controversial measures is the possibility of suspending aid to regions in countries where budgetary policy is too lax or which does not comply with the stability and growth pact. This option, which would only be used as a last resort according to the Commissioner in charge of regional policy, Johannes Hahn, is seen by many as a double penalty, which will aggravate still further the situation of the regions in most difficulty. The Regions Committee, as well as many MEPs and local authority representatives, amongst others, announced their strong opposition to this project, initiated by a proposal made by the French President and the German Chancellor. The Council and the Parliament have until 2013 to debate and amend the text.

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2012 budget

1 January 1970

On 5th October, members of the European Parliament Budget Commission set out their position on the European Union's budget for 2012. They considerably increased a certain number of budgetary headings, notably in the field of agriculture, and were firmly opposed to any reductions in the ambitions of the 2020 Strategy, stating that the current crisis should not reduce efforts in terms of sustainable growth. The text adopted is much closer to the Commission's proposals than the Council's text was. Representatives from Germany, France and the United Kingdom in particular stressed their desire to restrict the European budget, in the same way as national budgets are being limited. The European Parliament should make a pronouncement on this text at the plenary session on 26th October, and a conciliation commission between the Council and the Parliament should find a compromise agreement between now and the end of November.

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Employment and social affairs

1 January 1970

On 3rd October the 27 employment ministers debated the future prospects for the European Social Fund and its role with a view to achievement of the objectives of Strategy 2020. They also prepared the tripartite social summit which will be held on 17th October and adopted measures relating to employment concerning voluntary work and reconciliation between professional and family life. Finally the ministers commented on the Franco-Slovenian note relating to assistance for the most underprivileged people in the European Union, which calls on ministers to find a solution quickly.

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1 January 1970

On 4th October the fifth European Union-Brazil summit focussed on the importance of the strategic partnership and the need to deepen political dialogue with a view to current world challenges, such as climate change and the Arab Spring. It insisted on the need for multilateralism in the world, and on the social aspect of the current economic and financial crisis. Finally, major progress was made with regard to the World Trade Organisation and relations between the European Union and Mercosur.

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1 January 1970

On 7th October European and Chilean delegations saluted progress made in their cooperation, and particularly the signature of the framework agreement with the European investment bank. They also underlined the progress made in terms of participation of civil society and the protection of Human Rights, although Chile is currently facing a major social crisis. The ministers declared themselves to be highly satisfied with bilateral relations and intend to further them, for example in terms of crisis management, and want to develop their cooperation in international trade and the management of fish stocks.

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1 January 1970

On 6th October the 27 transport ministers adopted two conclusions in support of transborder cooperation in transport, notably with the development of infrastructures and the integration of transport markets. The ministers also discussed a revision of the regulation concerning chronotachygraphs, the device used in lorries to measure a whole series of parameters to guarantee increased safety. Finally, the ministers mandated the Commission to negotiate a general agreement with Azerbaijan on aviation, which concerns both harmonisation and the opening up of the market.

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Remote purchasing

1 January 1970

Further to an agreement with the European Parliament, ministers sitting on the Competitiveness Council passed on first reading, on 10th October, a directive that aims to strengthen the rights of consumers when they make remote purchases. It will result in a harmonisation of the information to be supplied, the possibility of withdrawing within a period of two weeks and will forbid the levying of excessive charges for telephone calls and for making on-line payments.

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New rules for FRONTEX

1 January 1970

On 10th October the 27 European ministers decided to reinforce the European external borders agency, FRONTEX. The Parliament had already approved the compromise agreement in September and the two now only have to sign the document, which should come into force before the end of the year. This text provides for an increase in FRONTEX's resources, with greater autonomy in their acquisition and facilitating coordination with member States and third party States. The text also provides for increased prevention, with greater analysis of structural and short term risks, as well as of the capacities of member States to respond to them. Finally, the respect of fundamental rights has been reaffirmed, particularly within the context of automatic data processing.

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Surveillance of energy markets

1 January 1970

On 10th October European ministers passed a regulation that aims to increase surveillance of the energy markets. The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) will draw up a European register with all the data necessary to supervise the energy market, increase its transparency and thus prevent abuse, at a time when the gas and electricity markets are being liberalised and there is some concern that this will be done to the detriment of consumers.

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Stronger sanctions against Belarus

1 January 1970

On 10th October the 27 Foreign Ministers reinforced sanctions against Belarus due to the repeated human rights violations which are committed in that country. Several names have been added to the lists of people affected by a freeze of their assets and visa restrictions. The European Union specifically wants to denounce the practices of the Belarus government, which gags civil society in general and the opposition in particular.

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Toughening of credit criteria

1 January 1970

On 6th October the European Central Bank published its quarterly survey on the distribution of bank credit in the euro zone. The survey shows considerable toughening of credit criteria during the third quarter 2011. 16% of banks are toughening their criteria, compared to 2% over the previous quarter for non-financial companies. With regard to loans to individuals to buy property, the figure increases from 9 to 18%. This slowdown in the granting of credits can be explained by the deterioration of the sovereign debt crisis, the consequence of which is a lack of liquidity for banks. At the same time, requests for credits are down for the first time in a year, due to a lack of consumer confidence.

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1 January 1970

On 6th October the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, received the president of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, the general secretary of the OECD, Angel Gurría, the president of the ECB, Jean-Claude Trichet, and the president of the World Bank, Robert B. Zoellick, in Berlin to discuss the measures necessary for improvement of the international monetary system. They prepared the forthcoming G20 summit which will be held on 3rd and 4th November in Cannes. After a joint press conference, the Chancellor underlined the point that banks in need could "in future" turn to the European emergency fund and that there should be no hesitation in recapitalising those banks that need assistance.

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1 January 1970

On 7th October Germany and Greece signed a joint declaration in Athens with the aim of developing German investments in Greece and enabling a relaunch of the Greek economy, which is suffering from recession for the third consecutive year. This five page text was signed after a two-day visit to Greece by the vice-chancellor, German economy minister Philipp Rösler, accompanied by a delegation of around fifty German businessmen.

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Dismantling of Dexia

1 January 1970

The French, Belgian and Luxembourg governments announced on 9th October that they had found a solution for Dexia, the bank currently being dismantled. The Board decided to split the group on 10th October. The Belgian retail bank will be nationalised at a cost of 4 billion euros for the Belgian state. The Belgian, French and Luxembourg governments have decided to cover the group up to an amount of 90 billion euros, in order to facilitate its financing. At the same time the financial rating agency Moody's placed Belgium's rating under negative surveillance.

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1 January 1970

The new Danish government has cancelled permanent customs controls at the country's borders, which were reinstated in May 2010 by the previous government. The decision was announced by the new Prime Minister, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, in a speech to the Danish parliament on 4th October. Reinstatement of checks had led to fierce debate at European level on the compatibility of this type of measure with the Schengen agreement.

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1 January 1970

The Spanish employment minister announced on 4th October that the number of people unemployed had increased to 4.226 million in September, i.e. a monthly increase of 2.32%. Over one year the number of people unemployed increased by 5.2%, i.e. 208,981 more people unemployed than at the end of September 2010.

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The French President's trip to the South Caucasus

1 January 1970

On 6th and 7th October French President Nicolas Sarkozy went to the South Caucasus. He visited Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. During his trip to Armenia the French President paid homage to the victims of genocide at the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial. He invited the Turkish government to recognise the Armenia genocide officially and as soon as possible. On 7th October the French President met his Azerbaijani counterpart, Ilham Aliev, for lunch. In Tbilissi, Nicolas Sarkozy stated that Georgia should be "free" to aspire to joining the European Union and, in the long term, to join it, subject to furthering its democratic reforms.

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1 January 1970

The Spanish Prime Minister, José Luis Zapatero, announced on 5th October that Spain was to play a part in NATO's anti-missile shield by accepting American military vessels fitted with interceptors. This declaration follows those made by Turkey, Poland and Rumania which have made their participation in the anti-missile shield official over these past few months. Leaders of the 28 NATO member countries gave their green light to the shield in 2010. American leaders have stated that the main aim of this anti-missile shield is to prevent a ballistic threat from Iran.

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1 January 1970

On 6th October defence ministers from NATO member countries met in Brussels to decide on how military operations in Libya should be continued. The ministers agreed in saying that the mission will soon come to an end, but that NATO forces should continue to intervene, in a reduced role, for as long as risks to the civilian population persist. The American Defence Secretary, Leon Panetta, in a speech given while on tour in Brussels, insisted on the successes of the Atlantic alliance and on its high degree of efficiency, calling on member countries to continue their efforts.

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Council of Europe


1 January 1970

On 4th October parliamentarians at the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly granted to the Palestinian National Council the status of "Partner for democracy". This status allows Palestinian delegates to speak and to take part in the work done by the Assembly, but with no right to vote. The aim of these developments is to strengthen the Palestinian State of law, particularly by encouraging multi-party elections, banning of the death penalty and ensuring equality between men and women. This new status is not, however, official recognition of the Palestinian State, at a time when negotiations on this subject are still on-going at the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

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Personal data

1 January 1970

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has passed a resolution on the protection of private life and data of a personal nature on internet, based on a report by Andreja Rihter (Slovenia, SOC). This report contains the most advanced standards in this field in the world; it should be up-dated and publicised better at world level in order to prevent, in particular, the identification of individuals, the establishment of their profile or their on-line surveillance without their consent.

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Joint Agricultural Policy

1 January 1970

On 5th October the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) presented a report entitled "Evaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in the European Union". Experts from the OECD come to the conclusion that after 25 years of joint agricultural policy the European Union now has an opportunity to reform agricultural subsidies significantly. The report refers to the structure and main characteristics of the joint agricultural policy and to its developments over the past 25 years. OECD experts put forward four major recommendations: greater opening of the European market, more investment in agricultural innovation, creation of a framework for risk management at European level and improvement of environmental performance.

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Climate change

1 January 1970

In a study published on 7th October, Eurobarometer analyses developments in public opinion in terms of climate change. The study, carried out last June, shows that the citizens of Europe are increasingly concerned about climate change: a majority puts it at the top of their concerns, ahead of the current economic and financial crisis. 80% of those questioned consider that this presents an opportunity which should be seized, to develop a high potential economic sector, both in terms of growth and employment. Connie Hedegaard, the European Commissioner responsible for action for climate, sees this awareness as encouraging, confirming the legitimacy of action undertaken by the European Union to reduce the impact of climate change.

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Industrial Production

1 January 1970

In August the industrial producer prices index reached a level 0.1% below that of the previous month, declared Eurostat, the European Union statistical office, on 4th October. In terms of the European Union, the index was down 0.2%. Statisticians observe a 3.9% increase in the index for the euro area and a 6.7% increase for the European Union compared to price levels in August 2010.

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The European Union and the Arab Spring

1 January 1970

The Foundation for International Relations and External Dialogue published on 5th October a study on "The EU and the Arab Spring", in which the author, whilst praising positive European reactions to the events, suggests that the European Union should rethink its strategy with regard to the Middle East in the long term and its influence in the region.

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The European Union space policy

1 January 1970

The Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik in Berlin has published a study on the European Union space policy. The study looks at the European space programmes and their role in the joint defence policy. It gives recommendations for the German government and explains how the space policy can be used in a strategic way at European level.

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Reduction of greenhouse gases in the European Union

1 January 1970

In a publication dated 7th October, the European Environment Agency observes a 2.4% increase in greenhouse gas emissions for European Union countries in 2010. After a big 7% drop in emissions in 2009 their increase is due to the return to economic growth and to cold winters. The Agency believes, however, that European States are on the right track in terms of commitments made in the Kyoto protocol, thanks to progress made in renewable energies and energy yield.

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Can Europe do without economic governance?

1 January 1970

La Documentation française has published a book by Jean-François Jamet entitled "L'Europe peut-elle se passer d'un gouvernement économique?" (Can Europe do without economic governance?). The author explains the challenges of an "economic government" and also underlines the obstacles of an economic, political and institutional nature that will have to be overcome before such governance can be established. Jean-François Jamet has produced numerous studies on econmic governance for the Robert Schuman Foundation.

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What remains of France's influence?

1 January 1970

Where is France's real audience in the European concert? By what indicators can it be measured and by what strategies can it be reinforced? François-Xavier Priollaud and David Siritzky answer these two questions in a book published by the Documentation française and entitled "What remains of France's influence in Europe?". The two authors methodically analyse the determining factors in French influence and outline the strategies that would return France to the leading position it enjoyed in Europe.

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Gerhard Richter retrospective at the Tate Modern in London

1 January 1970

The "Gerhard Richter: Panorama" exhibition is being held at London's Tate Modern until 8th January 2012. This exhibition is London's first big retrospective dedicated to Gerhard Richter for 20 years. The show goes back over the various phases in the career of this German artist who was born in Dresden in 1932. It displays all the many variations of the artist's work.

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"Matisse, Cézanne, Picasso... L'aventure des Stein"

1 January 1970

Until 16th January the Grand Palais national galleries in Paris are showing an exhibition entitled "Matisse, Cézanne, Picasso... L'aventure des Stein". The exhibition brings together a unique collection of works from the Stein family's various collections: Renoir, Cézanne, Picasso, Matisse, Manguin, Bonnard, Vallotton, Laurencin, Gris, Masson, Picabia.... The exhibition is divided into eight sections which shed light onto each of the family members: Leo, Sarah and Michael and, finally, Gertrude.

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1 January 1970

The 2011 Nobel prize for literature has been awarded to the Swedish poet T. Tranströmer. His first anthology of poems was published in 1954 when he was 23 years old. Since then he has written a dozen collections of poetry and prose. His work has always been marked by a transition between ordinary everyday life and the complexity of things. His works have been translated into over 60 languages.

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Frankfurt/Book fair

1 January 1970

The 63rd edition of the world's largest book fair will be held in Frankfurt from 12th to 16th October, with Iceland as the guest of honour country. The Frankfurt fair has given itself the mission of revealing new publishers and authors. This year, over 7,500 exhibitors will be present, with over 110 countries represented and over 300,000 visitors expected. On 16th October the Algerian author Boualem Sansal will be presented with the prestigious Peace Prize awarded by German bookshops in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt.

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les 10th-11th October

General Affairs Council ()

10th October

Environment Council ()

les 13th-14th October

Meeting of European Sports Ministers (Cracow)

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Magali Balent, Pauline Massis-Desmarest, Inga Groth, Charles de Marcilly, Pierre Thibaudat ,Katrin Gebhard, Jennifer Ruther, Julian Schorpp, Jan Wilker

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Pauline Massis-Desmarest

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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Economic governance - Franco-German summit - Dexia - Poland: Victory of the Libe...


The Newsletter n°504- version of 10 oct. 2011