The Newsletter4995 sept. 2011

La Lettre

Florence Kamette

5 September 2011


Towards a new European Treaty?

1 January 1970

Will the crisis oblige the EU to refocus around a Franco-German core with a new treaty? Legal constraints, economic and financial requirements and geopolitical surprises that have occurred over the last two years seem to point in this direction. In the ilk of Wolfgang Schäuble, Jean-Dominique Giuliani, the Foundation's chairman, explains this in an editorial published on his site.

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Enrolment/Women's Conference

1 January 1970

16 days to go: enrol for the conference "Women and Europe and the Citizens' Initiative" which will take place on 21st September at the European Parliament in Brussels. This conference organised by the Robert Schuman Foundation together with the European Commission, the Konstantinos Karamanlis Institute for Democracy and the Polish Robert Schuman Foundation is endeavouring to strengthen parity in Europe by employing the European Citizens' Initiative. A great number of important personalities will take part in the debate. The number of places is limited.

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Estonia/Ilves re-elected President

1 January 1970

The outgoing President of the Republic, Toomas Hendrik, was re-elected to the Presidency of the Republic of Estonia on 29th August last during the first round of voting that took place in the Riigikogu, the only chamber in Pariament. Toomas Hendrik Ilves is the first president of the Republic of Estonia to be elected by Parliament since 1996, the year when the present system to appoint the head of State in Estonia was established.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

The Greek debt is soaring. Finance Minister, Evangelos Venizelos, has had to refute the rumours. On 2nd August he announced that the public deficit will be revised upwards, with some sources forecasting 8.8% of the GDP, instead of the original 7.4%. Since 29th August Greece has been subject to another audit by the EU, the IMF and the ECB with regard to the release of the sixth instalment of the agreed loan; however auditors left the country on 2nd September and announced that they would come back in ten days time to continue their work.

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1 January 1970

The Italian government announced on 29th August that it was abolishing the solidarity tax. This tax that was part of the austerity plan adopted on 12th August affected revenues over 90,000 euros per year. Instead of this measures will be established to counter tax evasion - however there is still a solidarity tax on the part of MPs. On the following day the director general of the Italian Central Bank, Ignazio Vizco, appealed to the government for it to "enhance the economy's growth potential to avoid stagnation". On the occasion of the Ambrosetti Forum that took place on 4th Spetember on the shores of Lake Como, Italian Finance Minister, Giulio Tremonti defended the government's highly criticised austerity plan and again advised on the establishment of eurobonds as a solution to the crisis in the euro area.

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Speech/Van Rompuy

1 January 1970

The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy inaugurated the MEDEF's university on 31st August addressing the crisis in his speech. "Our base is healthy, we need confidence, we can avoid the recession," he declared. He insisted on the need for further reform whilst stating he was confident in Europe's ability to avoid another crisis and to overcome present difficulties. He also stressed the vital nature of coherence and cohesion Europe wide.

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1 January 1970

On 31st August the Portuguese government announced a further tightening of the fiscal and budgetary screw in view of renewed growth in 2013. The government is planning that the vast series of reforms ongoing since its entry into office at the beginning of July will lead to growth of 1.2% in 2013 after a recession of -2.2% this year and -1.8% in 2012.

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1 January 1970

Satisfied with the work undertaken by Dublin in terms of greater budgetary austerity, the IMF announced on 2nd September that it was releasing 1.48 billion additional euros of its loan to Ireland. The payment of this instalment, approved by the IMF's Adminstrative Board, brings the sum made available to Dublin up to 8.68 billion as part of a 22.5 billion loan granted by the institution in December 2010.

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1 January 1970

On 29th August the "Economic and Monetary Affairs" Committee at the European Parliament debated the euro area's situation with the President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, the President of the Eurogroup, Jean-Claude Juncker, the Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, Olli Rehn, and Polish Minister, Jacek Rostowski. Mr Trichet defended the ECB's programme to buy back bonds; the bank's overall action against the crisis was lauded by MEPs. Mssrs Rehn and Rostowski stressed the need to adopt "the package of six" texts on economic governance.

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Simone Veil/Solidarnosc

1 January 1970

Jerzy Buzek inaugurated two new areas in front of the European Parliament on 30th August. One is devoted to Solidarnosc, the movement which contributed to the fall of communism at the beginning of the 1990's. The other is devoted to Simone Veil, the first president of the European Parliament elected by direct universal suffrage in 1979. In his speech Jerzy Buzek paid tribute to these two major figures in the construction of Europe at the end of the 20th century and insisted on the need for European solidarity "There is no Europe without solidarity (...) The value of solidarity is vital to Europe today."

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1 January 1970

The Council of the European Union decided on 2nd September to release further instalments in aid to Portugal and Ireland, totalling respectively 11.5 and 7.5 billion euros. This decision was taken after the positive results of an inquiry by the EU and the IMF which stress that the governments in both countries have launched the necessary reforms for the recovery of public accounts and of the financial sector and for improved competitiveness.

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1 January 1970

From 26th to 29th August High Representative Catherine Ashton travelled to Israel, Palestine and Jordan to support peace process negotiations. She called on the various institutional players to take this opportunity to come a settlement of the conflict. On 2nd-3rd September the Union's Foreign Ministers re-iterated their support to the negotiations without adopting an official position on the acknowledgement of Palestine in the absence of a resolution formally delivered by the UN. For their part MEPs of the international trade committee unanimously recommended Parliament's approval of the conclusion of an agreement between the EU and the Palestinian Authority to liberalise trade in agricultural and fishing products.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd September the Council stepped up its sanctions against Syria by banning the import of Syrian oil. Moreover the Council added four people and three Syrian entities to the list of those whose assets have been frozen and which are banned from entering the EU; they also introduced a dispensation on the freezing of assets destined for humanitarian aid.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd September in Brussels the delegations of Serbia and Kosovo, under the chairmanship of the EU's facilitator, Robert Cooper, came to an agreement on the settlement of the dispute on customs stamps. An argument over this led to the death of a Kosovar policeman this summer. This agreement should put an end to the mutual trade embargo. This goes together with an agreement on cadastral records, guaranteeing private property. The settlement of these two points should facilitate future negotiations.

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1 January 1970

On September 1st, under the joint chairmanship of Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the French Republic and David Cameron, the British Prime Minister, a conference on the future of Libya was held in Paris. Notably it was decided to continue NATO operations, as long as Kadhafi's troops represented a danger; it was also decided to release frozen Libyan assets to the benefit of the National Transition Council. On the same day the Council of the European Union decided to release the assets of the 28 Libyan entities which the EU had frozen autonomously in February. Another conference of the Friends of Libya will take place on 20th September at the UN.

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EU Stability Fund

1 January 1970

On 31st August the German government adopted the extension of the powers of the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF) as decided by the European Summit on 21st July. The new powers enable the EFSF, created in 2010, to come to the aid of countries in distress, to purchase public debt on the secondary bond market and also to grant lines of credit and loans to States. The lower chamber of the German Parliament, the Bundestag, will debate the adoption of this text on 29th September; the debate promises to be a heated one.

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1 January 1970

German Chancellor Angela Merkel met Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor in Ljubljana on 30th August; in a joint declaration they insisted on the need for greater political and economic unity in Europe and agreed to step up their bilateral cooperation.

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1 January 1970

In an interview published on 2nd September in the German daily, Bild, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble has called for a revision of the Treaty on European Union. Changes like this are necessary because of the present crisis in the euro area "although we know how difficult it will be to negotiate the treaty" declared Mr Schäuble.

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1 January 1970

Angela Merkel's CDU was at an all time low (23.1%) on 4th September in the Land of Mecklenburg-Pomerania. The Liberals (FDP) of Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, partners of the CDU/CSU on a federal level, were ousted from parliament (2.7%), whilst the Greens entered with 8.4% of the vote. The outgoing head of regional government, Erwin Sellering (SPD), whose party won with 35.7% refused to say whether he would continue to govern with the CDU or whether he preferred the far left (Die Linke), which is said to have won 18.4% of the vote. The far right (NPD) won 6%. The turnout in this region that lies on the Baltic and on the borders of Poland totalled around 52%, 7 points less in comparison with the 2006 election. The final results will not be known for the next two weeks because of the death of a conservative candidate which means that a further election has to be organised in his constituency on 18th September.

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United States of Europe?

1 January 1970

In an interview in the magazine, "Der Spiegel" published on 3rd September, former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder advocates the creation of "the United States of Europe" to avoid the loss of the continent's influence against Asia and the USA. Criticising the UK's position he calls for an enhancement of the "heart" of Europe's policy and supports the position defended by Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy ie European economic government. Given the weakening of national parliaments Mr Schröder pleads for a European Finance Minister under the control of the European Parliament.

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Budgetary Union

1 January 1970

On 1st September in Hannover, the chairman of the German Central Bank (Bundesbank) Jens Weidmann advised on "true budgetary union" in order to avoid a repetition of the debt crisis in the euro area. "One option is to take a step towards true budgetary union and the relinquishment of sovereignty in the area of national budgetary policy," he declared. But "if we do not want to go in that direction, we have to strengthen national budgetary policy discipline instead of weakening it," he added.

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Dimitri Panitza

1 January 1970

Democracy, the rule of law and Europe have lost an unrelenting friend and patron. Dimitri Panitza, founding chairman of the Foundation for Free and Democratic Bulgaria and the Free School for Political Science of Bulgaria passed away this summer. To the very end he continued to work for his country's recovery. The Robert Schuman Foundation, which worked for a long time and very often, with him has lost a dear friend and addresses its most sincere condolences to his wife, Yvonne, who also shared his commitments.

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1 January 1970

Bulgarian Regional Development Minister, Rossen Plevneliev, will be the ruling party's candidate (GERB) in the presidential election which will take place in Bulgaria on 23rd October. He will be facing former European Commissioner, Meglena Kuneva, independent and former Foreign Minister, Ivaïlo Kalfin (PSB), currently an MEP (S&D, BG). According to a survey by MBMD published on 4th September, if the election took place now, Mr Plevneliev would win 32.7%; Ms Kuneva 15.7%, and Mr Kalfin 12.3%.

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Budgetary Stability Approved

1 January 1970

Spanish MPs, who met in an extraordinary session on 30th August approved the proposal for constitutional reform designed to guarantee budgetary stability ie the famous "golden rule". In an extraordinary session of the lower chamber of Parliament on 2nd September Spanish MPs approved the inclusion of the "golden rule" on budgetary stability into the constitution by an overwhelming majority. This text includes the principle of a limit to the public deficit. The text now has to be approved by the Senate.

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1 January 1970

On 3rd August the Interministerial Committee for Economic Programming approved the final trajectory of the Lyon-Turin link on the Italian side, with notably the building of an international station in Suse. At the end of June preparatory work was started in Italy; with this new trajectory the first two conditions for the maintenance of the European subsidy have been fulfilled; with regard to the last condition, France and Italy have to sign an annex to the Turin Treaty before 21st September that details the calendar and division of the work load. The European Commission is putting forward the "Lyon-Turin" Transalpine railway as the central link of the Kyiv-Lisbon line. The infrastructure will lead to the "optimisation of the positive effects on economic growth and reduce negative effects on the environment." The corridor is planned as the "basic transport network" to facilitate the interconnection of freight and people in Europe.

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1 January 1970

French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, stressed in his inaugural speech of the 19th Ambassadors' Conference in Paris on 31st August that France wanted to help Europe take up its rightful place in the world. He said he was pleased that Europe, thanks to the UK and France, had enabled the Libyan people to recover its freedom as desired by the UN. He had hoped that the EU would speak with one voice on Palestine's request to join the UN. In his opinion Europe is under the threat of "strategic shrinkage" and that the Union had to continue its work to strengthen growth and remain a leading economic power. He recalled that the euro area's situation was less worrying than elsewhere since "public debt only totalled 85% of the GDP in comparison with 100% in the USA"; and that bilateral initiatives taken by France and Germany on 16th August would lead to the strengthening of the European economy.

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1 January 1970

Slovenian MPs appointed Ljubo Germic as the new leader of Parliament, 57 votes in favour, 24 against, in replacement of Pavel Gantar, whose party has quit the government coalition. Aged 57 Mr Germic belongs to the Liberal Democratic Party, LDS, the last partner in the social-democratic coalition led by Borut Pahor.

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20th anniversary/Independence

1 January 1970

On 27th August, together with the former Heads of State of the Republic of Moldova, Prime Minister Vlad Filat attended a ceremony celebrating the 20th anniversary of independence of Moldova that ended 67 years of Soviet occupation.

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1 January 1970

During a meeting with political party leaders on 29th August, Russian President Dimitri Medvedev announced that the next general elections would take place on 4th December. The Russian Presidential election is planned for March 2012. He also outlined the new rules that will govern elections to the Douma (the lower chamber of Parliament) which include the extension of the MPs' mandates to five years (instead of four) and the obligation on the part of parties which are not yet represented in Parliament to collate 150,000 signatures (instead of the present 200,000).

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1 January 1970

According to an estimate published by Eurostat on 31st August the annual inflation rate in the euro area lay at 2.5% in August 2011. In July the rate also lay at 2.5%.

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1 January 1970

According to a Eurostat estimate published on 31st August the unemployment rate in the EU in July 2011 lay at 9.5%. It was slightly higher in the euro area at 10%. This represents around 22.7 million people in the EU, of whom 15.8 million are in the euro area.

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1 January 1970

The Foundation for International Relations and External Action (FRIDE) published a study entitled "Is Poland still committed to the Eastern Neighbourhood?" on 29th August. It analyses the "Europeanisation" of Poland's eastern policy, a sign of its commitment to foreign policy priorities set by the EU. More specifically the author addresses Poland's attitude to Russia, Ukraine and Moldova.

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100 words/Europe

1 January 1970

Jean-Paul Betbèze, a member of the Robert Schuman Foundation's Scientific Committee and the Economic Analysis Council, together with Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation have published "Les 100 mots d'Europe" with Presses Universitaires de France. The book enables readers to gather a clear, rapid overview of European terms.

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1 January 1970

The issue of the Review "Monde Chinois" by Choiseul publishing has just been published. It is devoted to the "La péninsule coréenne, impasse stratégique?" (The Korean Peninsula, a Strategic Dead End?"

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1 January 1970

Until 25th September the international "George Enescu" festival is taking place in Bucharest which will resound to baroque music, symphonies by Mozart and Liszt and concertos by Brahms. The festival takes place very two years in the Romanian capital.

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1 January 1970

The Staatliche Kunsthalle of Karlsruhe (Germany) is putting on an exhibition until 3rd October bringing together around 150 major works of art (paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints) by some of the most impressive painters of the 20th century (Cézanne, Miro, Matisse, Kirchner, Beckmann, Klee etc ..)

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010), the Beyeler Foundation is devoting an exhibition of around 20 sculptures that address the central themes of her art. Before this exhibition the Beyeler Foundation is presenting her famous and biggest spider sculpture "Maman" (1999) on the Bundesplatz of Bern, the Bürkliplatz in Zurich and Geneva.

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les 5th-6th September

Informal Meeting of Transport Ministers ()

8th September

Governors' Board - ECB ()

9th September

Informal "Culture and Audiovisual" Council ()

les 11th-13th September

Informal "Agriculture and Fisheries" Council ()

12th September

"General Affairs" and "Foreign Affairs" Council ()

les 12th-15th September

Plenary Session of European Parliament (Strasbourg) ()

15th September

General Elections in Denmark ()

les 16th-17th September

Informal "Economy, Finance" Council ()

17th September

General Elections in Latvia ()

Newsletter Archives

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

Cyprus: 20 years of membership of the European Union, between singularities and a theatre of geopolitical oppositions.

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°499- version of 5 sept. 2011