The Newsletter48426 avr. 2011

La Lettre

26 April 2011



1 January 1970

A series of conferences is being organised on 28th and 29th April in Paris and in its suburbs on the theme of the EU's enlargement as part of the project "We are Europeans" initiated by the Robert Schuman Foundation in Warsaw and in partnership with the Robert Schuman Foundation in Paris, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Jean Monnet Association of Paris. The Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation Jean-Dominique Giuliani will take part in one of the conferences organised on 29th April on the theme of "European Public Opinion and Enlargement."

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1 January 1970

The success of the "True Finns", the only party that gained ground in the Finnish general elections on 17th April last heralds a further step forwards by the populist parties in Europe. Occurring after a populist advance which has hit all EU countries except for Germany, Spain and Portugal for the time being, this rise in extremes constitutes a warning for the Member States and also for European integration itself. Has the economic crisis been the real reason behind this rise which some are quick to qualify as being national-populist? Or has it been immigration for which Europe has now become the main target?

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Schuman Report 2011

1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation has just published the English version of the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2011" with Springer Verlag. This is the second year of its publication in English. This edition is devoted to "Europe and the crisis and under threat". It includes an exclusive interview with the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy. On 19th April the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2011" was presented to the European Parliament in Brussels with many MEPs in attendance together with the Vice-President of the European Commission, Antonio Tajani.

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1 January 1970

517,571 Cypriots are being called to ballot on 22nd May next to appoint the 56 members of the Chamber of Representatives (Parliament). Six political parties are represented there: the Progressive Workers' Party (AKEL) led by present President Demetris Christofias, 18 seats; the Democratic Rally (DISY), the main opposition party, 18 seats; the Democratic Party (DIKO), 11 MPs; the Movement for Social Democracy (EDEK), five seats; New Horizons (NO) 3 seats; and the Ecologist and Environmentalist Movement (KOP), 1 seat. Three seats are attributed to the Maronite, Armenian and Catholic communities. According to the latest polls DISY is due to win on 22nd May with 25.1% of the vote ahead of AKEL 23.2%, DIKO, 11.2%, EDEK, 6.8%, the European Party 3.8% and KOP 2%.

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1 January 1970

The Chairman of the Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani will be taking part in the second visio-conference on 29th April as part of a series of six "Dialogues on the Future" organised with the support of the Robert Schuman Foundation and which will be broadcast in Bransat and Bamako. This conference will be broadcast live on our site and will be entitled "Europe and the Crisis in the World at Large."

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

On 18th April the Latvia Statistics Centre announced that the State deficit rose to 983.9 million lats in 2010 ie 7.7% of the GDP, the public debt totalled 5693.6 million lats ie 44.7% of the GDP.

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1 January 1970

According to a press release published on 21st April by the Central Statistics Bureau -CBS- unemployment (adjusted according to seasonal variations) totalled 5.1% of the working population in March ie 395,000 people. Over one month unemployment declined by 5000 people whilst the decrease over one year was 51,000 people. On 20th April the CBS said that Dutch consumer confidence suffered slightly in April. In comparison with the previous month confidence contracted by two points to reach -10%.

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1 January 1970

According to data published on 20th April by the Greek Finance Minister the State budget deficit had achieved the goal that had been set in the 2011 budget in the first quarter of 2011. The deficit totals 4.7 billion euros whilst it lay at 4.37 billion in the same period in 2010. On the same day the Bank of Greece announced that the deficit of the current account balance had decreased in February to reach 1.959 billion euros whilst it lay at 3.159 billion a year previously. Over the period January-February the current account deficit had contracted by 2 billion euros over one year ie 29.7% to total 4.7 billion euros.

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1 January 1970

Portugal's public deficit in 2010 was reviewed upwards to 9.1% of the GDP in comparison with 8.6% as previously estimated announced the national statistics institute, INE, on 23rd April.

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1 January 1970

According to an estimate published on 21st April by the Federal Finance Ministry the German GDP increased in the first quarter of 2011 by 0.75% in comparison with the previous quarter. Moreover Ifo said in a press release published on the same day that the IFO index, a business climate barometer in Germany, had worsened for the second month running in April, dropping from 111.1 points in March to 110.4 points in April.

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1 January 1970

The Spanish Industry ministry announced on 20th April an increase in the trade deficit of 1.3% totalling more than 8 million euros. Over the first two months of 2011 exports increased by 26.9% in comparison with the same period in 2010 and imports increased by 20.8%.

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1 January 1970

The Italian trade balance deficit with third countries rose from 1.542 million euros in March 2010 to 2.871 million in March 2011 according to an estimate published on 21st April by Istat. As for the new orders index in the industrial sector adjusted according to seasonal variations this rose by 1.5% in February in comparison with the previous month said Istat on the same day. Over one year the index grew by 12.8%.

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1 January 1970

On 18th April the launch of the main part in the digging of the Brenner tunnel through the Alps between Austria and Italy was celebrated in Innsbruck with the European Transport Commissioner, Siim Kallas, Austrian Transport Minister, Doris Bures, her Italian counterpart Altero Matteolo as well as the German Transport Secretary of State, Andreas Scheurer in attendance. This rail tunnel is the most ambitious infrastructure project in Europe and is jointly funded by the EU (768 million euros until 2014), Austria and Italy.

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1 January 1970

On 18th April the European Commission published a report on the neutrality of the network as part of the digital strategy. Although it is not putting forward legislation it recalls that it would like to see the respect of telecommunication principles (in force on 25th May next). At the same time the Commission also published another report on the assessement of the data storage directive. The report concludes that the storage of telecommunications data plays a major role in the fight to counter crime and terrorism but stresses that there are problems in the application of the directive. The Commission has therefore announced that it is thinking of reviewing this directive.

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1 January 1970

On 19th April European Commission published the 17th update of the list of banned airlines in the EU. Four Indonesian freight carriers and a Ukrainian company were withdrawn from the list whilst all air carriers registered in Mozambique and two planes from Air Madagascar were added. All of the decisions were taken with the unanimous support of the air safety committee which brings together experts from the Member States. This list includes 269 totally banned air carriers from using the EU and ten which are subject to certain restrictions.

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1 January 1970

According to the progress report on education and training by the European Commission published on 19th April the goals for the improvement of education systems in Member States have not been achieved. Indeed amongst the five reference criteria that had to be achieved by 2010 only the number of graduates in maths, science and technology has increased. Goals such as the fight to counter school drop-out rtes and improvements in reading ability and an increase in the share of adults following further educational courses or training have not been accomplished.

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1 January 1970

On 20th April the European Commission asked for a 4.9% increase in spending in the EU's 2012 budget, ie an extension of 6.2 billion euros in comparison with 2011, deemed unacceptable by many Member States notably in a time of austerity across all of Europe. The Budget Commissioner, Janusz Lewandowski admitted that at present he is expecting "difficult negotiations" with the EU's Member States. His draft budget includes 132.7 billion euros in spending in comparison with 126.5 billion in 2011 ie a rise of 4.9% and 147.4 billion euros in commitments against 142.1 billion in 2011.

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1 January 1970

On 19th April the European Parliament's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee approved an amended version of six texts in the "economic governance package" designed to strengthen the Stability and Growth Pact. The amendments adopted strengthen the role of the European Commission in comparison with the European Council, improve transparency and strengthen sanctions. In particular MEPs voted in favour of more automatic sanctions for countries which do not respect deficit or debt limits by re-introducing the use of the "inversed qualified majority" vote; the European Parliament would like to introduce a fine of 0.5% of the GDP for the falsification of budgetary data. Finally the amendments were introduced to take on board public investment and social partners' rights.

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1 January 1970

On 19th April the "Constitutional Affairs" Committee of the European Parliament approved an initiative report by Andrew Duff (ALDE, UK), with regard to a proposed modification of the bill passed on 20th September 1976 concerning the election of MEPs by direct universal suffrage. The report suggests the creation of 25 new MEPs elected from transnational lists in order to increase citizen interest in the European elections. Voters would have two voting slips to put in the ballot box; one to elect an MEP from a national list of his country and another to choose a candidate from a pan-European list. The parliamentary commission also suggests bringing the European election date forward from June to May. The European Parliament will be voting on this report in June.

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1 January 1970

During the conference on Croatia's membership of the EU on 19th April in Brussels two new chapters in the negotiations between the EU and Croatia were finalised: the chapters on agriculture and regional policy and also structural funds. Competition, fishing, justice and fundamental rights, financial measures and other chapters still have to be negotiated. According to the Stabilisation and Association Committee EU-Croatia it is in the areas of corruption, organised crime, the condemnation of war crimes and the independence of the legal system that Croatia particularly has to show that it has made specific efforts in spite of "good overall cooperation" with the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia.

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1 January 1970

The European External Action Service published the "Information System of the Northern Dimension" on 19th April. The Northern Dimension is an EU policy developed with Norway, Iceland and Russia to further political dialogue and real cooperation with regard to the territories ranging from the Arctic regions to the Baltic Sea. The "Information System" puts forward 95 different real projects that have been developed as part of this policy and aims to facilitate contact between the various players.

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Middle East

1 January 1970

On 20th April the European Foreign Ministers and the High Representative Catherine Ashton met their counterparts of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC: Saudi Arabia, Bahrein, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Qata). The final declaration of this "Mixed EU-GCC Council" notes that the enhancement of relations between the EU-GCC will be a valuable contribution to regional security and stability. Consultations on a free-exchange agreement between the two organisations will be pursued. The mixed Council discussed the situation in Libya, Yemen, Iran and the peace process in the Near East and piracy amongst other subjects. With regard to Libya the mixed Council expressed its support ot the National Transition Council. Moreover on 23rd April the High Representative Catherine Ashton condemned the brutal use of force against demonstrators in Syria.

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Report 2010

1 January 1970

The European Court of Auditors has published its annual activity report 2010. The report provides an overview of the Court's main results and achievements in 2010 as well as the resources that have been used.

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1 January 1970

The number of "terrorist attacks" recorded in the EU in 2010 declined by 21.2% in comparison with 2009 to lie at 249 said the European Police Cooperation Organisation, Europol, on 19th April. These attacks involved 9 Member States and led to the death of seven people whilst most of them were blamed on separatist groups. Europol explains the decrease in the total number of terrorist attacks in the EU by a significant decrease in the number blamed on separatist group ETA especially in Spain.

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1 January 1970

In her most recent video message published on 16th April German Chancellor Angela Merkel pleaded for a more rapid transition over to renewable energies. Moreover she said that it was necessary to maintain the three mainstays of the energy policy, ie supply security, moderation of cost and the respect of the environment. "We must prepare to leave nuclear energy behind as quickly as possible whilst guaranteeing a comparable energy supply," she stressed.

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1 January 1970

On 19th April the new Austrian Vice-Chancellor (ÖVP), Michael Spindelegger presented the Christian Democrat ministers within the left-right coalition government. The new Finance Minister is Maria Fekter, who has been Interior Minister to date. She is being replaced by Johanna Mikl-Leitner. Justice Minister Claudia Bandion-Ortner is giving up her place to the Higher Education and Research Minister Beatrix Karl replaced by the rector of the Univeristy of Innsbruck Karlheinz Töchterle. Sebastian Kurz will lead the new Secretariat of State for Integration and Wolfgang Waldner has become Secretary of State at the Foreign Ministry. The new members of government were sworn in on 21st April.

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1 January 1970

Belgian Foreign Minister, Steven Vanackere travelled to Serbia, Montegro and Kosovo from 17th to 19th April. In Belgrade he met with Serb President Boris Tadic, his counterpart Vuk Jeremic and Interior Minister Iliac Dacic with whom he addressed Serbia's integration to the EU, the situation in Kosovo as well as bilateral relations. In Montenegro he met Prime Minister Igor Luksic and his counterpart Milan Rocen. They discussed the Balkans' progress in the enlargement process from an economic and democratic point of view. Finally the President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga received him on 19th April. He congratulated her on her election and said that Belgium wanted to continue its work in all areas with Kosovo and said that dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia had to be the first step towards normalising the relationship between the two countries.

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1 January 1970

On 19th April five EU Member States (Italy, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Malta) called on the EU to do more to help them in face of the major waves of immigrants arriving as a reulst of the uprisings in the Mediterranean area, notably in Libya. They published a joint press release after a meeting in Nicosia detailing proposals for better management and for the prevention of illegal immigration which they hope to see adopted by European Justice and Interior Ministers.

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1 January 1970

On 18th April in Vilnius, the Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves met Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme. Discussions focused on security policy, on NATO's air forces in the Baltic countries in which Belgium is taking part and cyber defence. On this occasion the head of the Estonian state invited Belgium to join the Centre of Excellence for Co-operative Cyber Defence, which is based in Tallinn. The two heads of state also addressed developments in the EU and recent events in North Africa.

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1 January 1970

French President Nicolas Sarkozy travelled to Rome on 26th April together with several ministers on the occasion of the 29th Franco-Italian Summit. Discussions focused on bilateral cooperation and on international topics such as the Libyan crisis, recent events in North Africa and immigration. On this France and Italy announced that they had sent a joint letter to the President of the European Commission, José Maneul Barroso to request "greater collaboration" on the part of other European countries with the states situated on the southern side of the EU. These countries could not be left alone to deal with the problem. Finally France "supports" the Italian candidature of Mario Draghi for the presidency of the European Central Bank (ECB) to succeed Frenchman Jean-Claude Trichet.

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1 January 1970

On 20th April the Hungarian Parliament adopted a new Constitution that will enter into force on 1st January 2012, 262 votes in favour, 44 against and 78 abstentions. Hungarian President Pal Schmitt ratified it on 25th April, in spite of a great amount of criticism both in Hungary and internationally with regard to this text.

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1 January 1970

On 19th April the Italian government announced that it had put forward an amendment to the law that is being examined in the Senate to put an end to its nuclear programme and that it now intends to define a "new national energy programme". The accidents in Fukushima in Japan have strengthened opposition to atomic energy in Italy.

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1 January 1970

On 19th April the head of the National Transition Council in Libya, Mustafa Abdul Jalil travelled to Rome to discuss the means to put an end to the conflict in Libya. During his visit he met Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi as well as Foreign Minister Franco Frattini. After the meeting Mr Frattini announced that Italy would continue to support the Libyan rebels notably by helping them to find a means to sell their oil abroad. Moreover this subject is due to be on the agenda of the contact group meeting on Libya at the beginning of May in Rome, he added. On this occasion Mr Jalil said that Mouammar Kadhafi would not quit office "except by force".

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Czech Republic


1 January 1970

On 21st April Czech Prime Minister Petr Necas announced a government reshuffle after agreement with three of the parties in the coalition. Hence former head of the unit to Counter Organised Crime, Jan Kubice, succeeds Radek John as Interior Minister, the latter will remain as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister responsible to counter corruption. Josef Dobes, the National Education Minister who has been accused of corruption thereby triggering off a scandal at the origin of the government crisis, will retain his post, whilst the resigning transport Minister Vit Barta is being replaced by his present Deputy, Radek Smerda. It should be noted that in spite of this reshuffle the Czech government still includes no women!

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1 January 1970

Hungarian President Pal Schmitt travelled to Prague on 21st April to meet his Czech counterpart Vaclav Klaus. The two men discussed bilateral relations between their two States as well as their cooperation as part of the Visegrad group and the possibilities of improving the work undertaken in this. They also addressed the Hungarian presidency of the EU and its first results.

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1 January 1970

Romanian Labour Minister Ioan Nelu Botis resigned on 20th April after being suspected of having a conflict of interests in a project funded by his ministry and European funds. Ioan Botis was accused of this after revelations which suggest that his wife Ligia had been working as a consultant to the association EuroActiv Bistrita which won funding of 500,00 euros from the Labour Ministry and the EU a month after Mr Botis took office. Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc will be the interim Labour Minister.

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1 January 1970

British Prime Minister David Cameron hosted his Polish counterpart Donald Tusk on 18th April. They said they wanted to work closely together on a European level; they said they shared similar goals notably in terms of competition, deregulation and the will to give Europe "greater growth". They also discussed the revolutions ongoing in the Middle East and North Africa.

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1 January 1970

On 18th April Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny met his British counterpart David Cameron. The meeting focused on relations between the two countries and both men discussed security and economic issues which Ireland and the UK are facing. They declared that they wanted to continue their work together in a closer manner.

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1 January 1970

The Slovenian Pensioners' Party (DESUS) announced on 19th April that it intended to quit the government coalition in office in Ljubljana thereby depriving Prime Minister Borut Pahor of the majority necessary to undertake reform. "We cannot continue working in a coalition in which honesty is neglected", declared Karel Erjavec, the DESUS leader. Without DESUS which has been part of the four party coalition in office since 2008 the majority now only occupies 42 seats out of 90 in parliament.

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1 January 1970

Present Justice Minister Bujar Nishani has been put forward for the post of Interior Minister by Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha said the government's spokesperson, Erla Mehilli on 20th April. Mr Nishani is being called to succeed Lulëzim Basha who presented his resignation in defence of the Democratic Party as candidate for the Tirana townhall in the local elections on 8th May.

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1 January 1970

On 19th April a conference of 28 donor countries took place in Kiev on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the nuclear accident in Chernobyl. The international community released 550 million euros to fund work associated to the building of a new sarcophage over the reactor. The President of the European Commission announced that the Union would contribute 110 million euros and recalled that the EU was the leading donor, having given 470 million euros. During his visit of the site with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich on 20th April UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon called on the international community to learn from nuclear accidents and to help the region to rebuild and develop.

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1 January 1970

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon visited several countries in Europe from 15th to 23rd April; in the Czech Republic he spoke with President Vaclav Klaus. During this meeting he stressed that "the Czech people had its own experience of managing democratic transition," and that this "may be a useful" for the countries of the Middle East and North Africa which were now experiencing this. Then during a conference on 18th April with Hungarian President Pal Schmitt he recalled the need for the respect of the freedom of expression. During his visit Ban Ki-moon met Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

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1 January 1970

On 21st April 2011 the Chairs of the Negotiation Groups in the Doha Round published documents representing the results of work undertaken by their groups. In the accompanying document Director General Pascal Lamy said that for the first time since the launch of the Round in 2001 members had "the opportunity to consider the entire Doha programme." He spoke of a general overview which is both "impressive" because of the progress achieved to date and of the latter's realistic nature because it reveals all remaining divergences. He has asked members to think about "what it would mean to give up ten years of continuous multilateral work" and invited them to use "the next few weeks to speak together and foster closer collaboration."

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1 January 1970

On 25th April NATO forces destroyed a building of the fortified barracks which are used by Mouammar Kadhafi as his HQ in Tripoli. The raid targeted the communications centre that was coordinating the attacks against the civilian population. NATO spokesperson Oana Lungescu said that NATO "was rallying all of its forces to protect the civilian population from the Kadhafi regime which is trying to harm it [...] Pressure will be maintained until the attacks on civilians cease, the withdrawal of Kadhafi forces is achieved and the guarantee of free and total access for humanitarian purposes is obtained."

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1 January 1970

According a Eurostat study published on 26th April the public deficit declined in 2010 in comparison with 2009 both in the euro area and in the EU whilst the public debt and the GDP increased. The public deficit/GDP ratio decreased in the euro area dropping from 6.3% in 2009 to 6% in 2010 and in the EU dropping from 6.8% to 6.4%. The public debt/GDP ratio increased in the euro zone from 79.3% at the end of 2009 to 85.1% at the end of 2010 and in the EU from 74.4% to 80%.

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1 January 1970

According the data published by Eurostat on 19th April the EU registered a current account deficit of 18.2 billion euros in the fourth quarter of 2010 in comparison with 15.5 billion in the third quarter. This deficit comes from current trade with China (40.9 billion euros), Russia (9.1 billion) and Japan (7 billion). At the same time the services account surplus increased (20.8 billion euros) likewise that of the revenues account (9.5 billion).

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1 January 1970

In a report published on 20th April OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria called for greater effort on the part of governments to respect their international commitments that aim to impede corruption in international trade transactions. According to the report only five of the signatories of the OECD Convention on the fight against corruption of have sanctioned physical or moral bodies over the last year.

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Lisbon Treaty

1 January 1970

The German Institute for International Policy and Security (SWP) has published a study by Nicolai von Ondarza on the effects of the institutional reforms introduced by the Lisbon Treaty with regard to policy management in the EU entitled "Koordinatoren an der Spitze. Politische Führung in den reformierten Strukturen der Europäischen Union".

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World Bank

1 January 1970

On 19th April the World Bank published a report on the economic situation of the ten Eastern European countries which entered the EU in 2004 and 2007. It stresses that economic activty has returned slowly to its level prior to the global financial and economic crisis but that recovery is due to gather pace in 2011 and 2012.

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1 January 1970

The Austrian Institute for European Policy and Security (AIES) has just published a paper by Dagmar Hilpert and Roderick Parkes entitled "Split Citizenship: Immigrant Integration in an Age of Circular Migration."

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Financial Crisis

1 January 1970

The Centre for European Political Studies (CEPS) has published a paper by Karel Lannoo entitled "The EU's response to the financial crisis - A mid-term review". On this theme the Robert Schuman Foundation has published ten original information sheets that review all of the responses given by the EU to the global economic crisis. It has also put a special page on its site that brings together a great number of articles on this subject.

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1 January 1970

On 20th April the European Chamber of Commerce in China published a report on the public procurement market in China calling for greater transparency and fairness, notably in calls for tender. Indeed according to the report the lack of application of Chinese regulation principles has prevented some European companies from entering the Chinese market.

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100 words/Europe

1 January 1970

Jean-Paul Betbèze, member of the Robert Schuman Foundation's Scientific Committee and of the Economic Analysis Committee and Jean-Dominique Giuliani, chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation have just published "Les 100 mots d'Europe" with Presses Universitaires de France giving a clear, rapid overview of European terms and expressions.

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1 January 1970

The 29th version of Art Brussels that opens its doors on 28th April until 1st May will be hosting more than 30,000 professionals, art collectors and art amateurs from the world over. Art Brussels is the European venue for future talent in terms of modern art. At the same time there will be a design flea market.

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1 January 1970

The Jacquemart-André Museum in Paris is putting on an exhibition until 11th July "Dans l'intimité des frères Caillebotte, Peintre et Photographe." At the junction between Impressionist painting and photography this exhibition is evocative of the artistic work and private life of the Caillebotte brothers and for the very first time lends expression to over 35 canvasses and 150 modern prints.

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1 January 1970

The National Centre for Art and Exhbitions of Germany in Bonn is devoting an exhibition to German artist Max Liebermann (1847-1935) from 21st April to 11th September entitled "Max Liebermann - a Pioneer of Modern Art". Finding inspiration in the work by Dutch masters Rembrandt and Frans Hals as well as French Impressionists Mr Lierbermann created a very varied style of work. This retrospective reviews over 100 paintings and drawings of his working life.

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1 January 1970

The German opera singer Waltraud Meier was awarded with what might be considered to be the highest distinction in the world of opera, the Lotte-Lehmann Ring, named after the great German-American lyrical singer who died in 1976 said the Viennese Opera (Staatsoper). The distinction was awarded to the artist on stage by the Viennese Opera's General Director Dominique Meyer. Waltraud Meier, 55 is only the fourth opera singer to have been given the right to wear this ring.

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1 January 1970

The Amsterdam canals that have been a part of UNESCO's World Heritage List since 2010 now have their own museum, the "Grachtenhuis" which has just opened to the public. The Amsterdam canals will be celebrating their 400th anniversary in 2013.

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29th April

Conference on the "European Public Opinion and Enlargement" ()

les 2nd-3rd May

Informal meeting of Energy Ministers ()

5th May

ECB Governors Meeting ()

9th May

Europe Day ()

les 9th-12th May

Plenary Session-European Parliament-Strasbourg ()

13th May

"Foreign Affairs" Council ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
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The Newsletter n°484- version of 26 avr. 2011