The Newsletter4814 avr. 2011

La Lettre

Sebastian Paulo

4 April 2011



1 January 1970

The European association of Sciences Po in Lille, Visions d'Europe, together with the Robert Schuman Foundation is organising the fourth version of the Newrope competition on 8th April in Lille. This competition aims to promote the idea of Europe and to provide life to a tangible Europe in the areas of culture and eduction. By the creation and support of real projects it seeks to promote awareness of Europe. This year five projects designed to make Europe more tangible put forward by five university delegations will be running in the competition. The jury will be chaired by former French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing.

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1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published an article by MEPs Philippe Juvin (EPP, FR) and Sandra Kalniete (EPP, LV). The latter is a member of the Foundation's board. This article is entitled "Sans politique économique commune, l'Europe est vouée à rester un colosse aux pieds d'argile." (Without a common economic policy Europe is condemned to remain an idol with feet of clay".)

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1 January 1970

The second referendum on the Icesave Agreement will take place on 9th April. The lead of the "yes" vote (credited with 61.3% of the vote at the end of February) is falling away but the law on the Icesave agreement should however be accepted by the Icelandic population. The poll by Market and Media Research (MMR) published on 17th March by Business New Weekly revealed that 52% of Icelanders were about to vote in support of the adoption of the new Icesave law whilst 48% said they would reject it. A poll at the end of March by Capacent Gallup for Afram credits the "yes" vote with 56% and the "no" with 44%.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

According to final figures released by the National Accounts Institute on 31st March the state recorded a deficit of 4.1% of the GDP in 2010 whilst the outgoing government had forecast a deficit of 4.6% of the GDP. In 2009 the deficit rose to 5.9%. With regard to public debt it lay at 96.8% of the GDP at the end of 2010 ie +0.6% in comparison with the previous year. On 30th March the Economy Ministry announced that the consumer price index had increased by +0.5% in March reaching its highest level since October 2008. Hence the inflation rate rose to 3.52% in February. Finally inflation - except for energy - rose from 1.7% to 1.75%.

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1 January 1970

On 29th March the Bank of Portugal published its forecasts for the Portuguese GDP which is due to contract by 1.4% in 2011 and start growing again in 2012 at a rate of 0.3%. These forecasts are lower than previous estimates than planned (contraction of 1.3% in 2011 and growth of 0.6% the following year). After the publication of the report the ratings agency Standard & Poors announced a further reduction in the country's sovereign ranking from BBB to BBB- thereby bringing the interest rates on the Portuguese debt to a new historic record of 7.78%. Finally Portugal's public deficit lay at 8.6% of the GDP in 2010 clearly above the goal of 7.3% that the government had committed to with the European authorities said the national statistics institute on 31st March.

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1 January 1970

On 29th March the OECD announced that between February 2010 and February 2011 consumer prices increased by 2.4% in the OECD area against 2.2% between January 2010 and January 2011 - the highest rate since October 2008. This rise in inflation is a result of an acceleration in food and energy price rises that have increased respectively by 3% and 10% against 2.6% and 8.4% in January 2011.

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1 January 1970

The Maltese national statistics office announced a deficit of 279.2 million euros in 2010 on 30th March a reduction of 17.8 million euros in comparison with 2009.

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1 January 1970

The Greek government announced on 3rd April the launch of a new service that will make the creation of companies simpler and quicker in order to provide an economy in recession with renewed impetus. The Greeks will now be able to create a new company thanks to "a single one hour procedure," via a network of 59 Chambers of Commerce and 3,200 sollicitors offices, said the Regional Development and Competitiveness Ministry in a press release.

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1 January 1970

On 31st March INSEE announced a lower public deficit than had been forecast in 2010, at -7% of the GDP (-136.5 billion euros) against -7.5% in 2009 - with the public debt reaching a new record of 81.7% of the GDP (1 591.2 billion euros) up by 0.2% according to provisional results. Moreover on 29th March French Economy, Finance and Industry Minister Christine Lagarde announced that the country's economic committee was forecasting inflation of 1.8% in 2011.

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1 January 1970

Sweden recorded a budgetary deficit of -1.2 billion Swedish crowns (SEK) in 2010 which means 0% of the GDP against 0.7% of the GDP in 2009 announced the national statistics office on 31st March. In 2010 the gross consolidated debt lay at 39.8% of the GDP whilst it was 42.8% of the GDP last year. According to the latest figures published on 28th March the statistics office in Sweden the country recorded a surplus in the foreign trade goods balance of +12 billion SEK in February in comparison with +7.7 billion the previous month.

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The Netherlands

1 January 1970

According to an estimate published on 31st March by the Dutch Central Statistics Bureau the budgetary deficit in 2010 lay at 5.4% of the GDP ie 32 billion euros against 5.5% of the GDP in 2009. The public debt rose from 60.8% of the GDP in 2009 to 62.7% last year, an increase of over 23 billion euros.

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1 January 1970

According to provisional revised figures published on 31st March by the Statistics Institute, Statistik Austria, the country's public deficit totalled 4.6% of the GDP (13.2 billion €) in 2010 after a deficit of 4.1% in 2009. State revenues rose by 2.5% and spending by 3.5% in comparison with 2009. In 2010 the public debt represent 72.3% of the GDP; in 2009 this figure lay at 69.6%.

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1 January 1970

Unemployment in Denmark declined in February to lie at 4% of the working population in comparison with 4.1% in January announced the National Statistics Institute, Statistics Denmark on 31st March. Gross unemployment including all types of unemployed declined to 6% in February in comparison with 6.1% in January.

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1 January 1970

Unemployment continues to decline in Germany said the Federal Employment Agency (BA) on 31st March. In March the unemployment rate dropped by 0.3% in comparison with February to lie at 7.6%. The number of job seekers dropped in March by 55,000 according to seasonally adjusted data. Moreover the Federal Statistics Office, Destatis indicated a press release on 31st March that around 40.25 million people living in Germany had a job in February 2011 ie 500,000 or 1.3% more in comparison with February 2010.

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1 January 1970

Unemployment in Italy decreased in February totalling 8.4% of the entire working population and 28.1% amongst young people whose unemployment rate beat a record in January said the statistics institute, Istat. Istat also published the average unemployment rate recorded over 2010 which totalled 8.4% against 7.8% in 2009 which implies that this is its highest level since the start of statistics collation in 2004.

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1 January 1970

According to a press release by the Central Statistics Bureau (KSH) Hungary brought its public deficit down to 4.2% of the GDP in 2010 in comparison with 4.5% in 2009. This result is higher than the government's goal of 3.8% in spite of the austerity measures adopted. The difference with the Prime Minister's goal is due to lower fiscal revenues than planned on the part of local communities in the fourth quarter because of the crisis said the KSH.

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1 January 1970

On 31st March the European Commission, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the IMF declared that they "shared the same rigorous estimation of the necessary capital" to refloat the distressed Irish banks made by Ireland. The Central Bank of Ireland said that the rescue of the Irish banks would require 24 billion additional euros after stress tests undertaken on four of the biggest establishments. "The detailed announcements on the part of the Irish authorities comprise a major step on the road to recovery of the banking system which is of vital importance to the sustained recovery of growth and employment," said the three institutions.

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1 January 1970

On 30th March the Bank of Spain published its forecasts for the Spanish economy 2011 and 2012 showing greater pessimism in comparison with the government's forecasts and in terms of growth, unemployment and public deficit. The GDP is due to grow by 0.8% in 2011 and then by 1.5% in 2012 whilst the government was planning for 1.3% in 2011 and then 2 to 2.5% per year until 2015. As a result of this "slightly worse recovery in comparison with the official forecasts" the Bank of Spain is forecasting that the country will have a public deficit of 6.2% of the GDP at the end of 2011, in comparison with a 6% goal, then 5.2% in 2012 and no longer the previously targeted 4.4%.

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European Council


1 January 1970

On the occasion of his visit to Norway on 30th March the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy met Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and took part in the annual conference on Europe entitled "A changing Europe in a changing world." He recalled that the adoption by Heads of State and government of the Euro Plus Pact on 25th March as part of macro-economic supervisory framework and of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) which will be implemented in 2013 must help to maintaining the EU's trade relations with Norway. The latter is an integral part of the EU's internal market on the basis of the European Economic Area agreement of 1992. He also stressed the importance of dialogue on energy and coordinating policies in this area emphasising that Norway is a key partner in the EU's energy security.

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Personal Data

1 January 1970

In an opinion on 25th March the European Data Protection Supervisor criticised the Commission's new proposal put forward on 2nd February last aiming to oblige air companies to provide EU Member States with passenger details (Passenger Name Record - PNR) on flights travelling towards or from the Union in the fight to counter major infringements and terrorism. The EDPS believes that the need and proportionality of the system have not be demonstrated adequatly whilst it is planned to collate PNR data en masse on all passengers for systematic assessment purposes.

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1 January 1970

On 29th March the European Commission addressed a letter to 16 Member States asking for information about the implementation of the "Audiovisual Media Services" directive which Member States were supposed to have transposed into their own domestic legislation by 19th December at the latest. This request for clarification is part of the system used by the Commission to check that national laws respect the various directive rules. At present Poland, Portugal and Slovenia have not yet communicated their national transposition measures to the Commission and are the subject of an infringement procedure.

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Fundamental Rights

1 January 1970

On 31st March the European Commission published a report on the way that the EU's Fundamental Rights Charter, which has been legally binding since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, is being applied. Although the report reveals that fundamental rights have their place in a series of policies ranging from data protection to immigration and asylum it does point out however that the charter is often badly understood by EU citizens. The report also intends to set the first foundations of a strategy to improve information to citizens about the situations in which they can effectively call for the implementation of the charter.

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1 January 1970

On 28th March the European Commission adopted a global strategy entitled "Transport 2050" designed to establish a competitive transport system that supports mobility, growth and the creation of jobs and also to fund transport infrastructures of the future. These proposals should lead to a 60% reduction in carbon emissions associated with transport by 2050.

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1 January 1970

On the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day on 8th March last the European Parliament published a brochure entitled "Women at the European Parliament." The study describes the representation of women in the parliament's various political and administrative bodies as well as the work undertaken by the Parliament to promote gender equality within its Secretariat. With regard to this subject the Robert Schuman Foundation has published three tables illustrating women's representation in Europe.

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1 January 1970

On 29th May the European Parliament and the Council did not reach agreement on regulations regarding new foods, notably foodstuffs that resulted from cloning. Parliament demanded obligatory labelling whilst the Council was concerned with the respect of international trade rules. The two bodies are blaming each other for the failure. Conciliation is the final stage in the ordinary legislative procedure and it is rare for it to fail. In this event the present regulation adopted in 1997 will remain in force even if the Commission is drawing up a new proposal based on points of agreement and will publish a report in October this year.

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The Netherlands

1 January 1970

The President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek visited the Netherlands on 29th March. He met Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the Dutch European Affairs Minister Ben Knapen and the leaders of both Chambers of Parliament, René van der Linden and Gerdi Verbeet. He addressed issues pertaining to immigration, economic governance, the community budget and the European response to events in North Africa.

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1 January 1970

The recent corruption scandals involving four MEPs revealed by the Sunday Times raise the issue with regard to which authority is competent to investigate. On 31st March the President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek accepted the launch of an adminstrative inquiry by OLAF and committed to providing digital data, whilst saying he was against any searches, arguing in favour of the MEPs' parliamentary immunity. However he pleaded for "zero tolerance with regard to any type of corruption". On the same day the Presidents' Conference approved Jerzy Buzek's proposals to fight corruption. A working group of MEPs will lay down new access and conduct rules for lobbyists and a code of conduct for MEPs.

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1 January 1970

On 31st March the 27 Transport Ministers adopted various measures on the rules for access to the Public Regulated Service (PRS) provided by the European global navigation satellite system under the Galileo programme and on the regime applicable to maritime travellers' luggage. On this occasion the Commission confirmed that it wanted progressively to do away with the ban on liquids in air passengers' luggage. A great state of confusion is on the horizon as of 29th April 2011 the date when the Commission intends to lift the liquid ban on transit flights! Indeed most of the Member States demanding better control equipment, which is not yet on the market and an estimation of the risks being run have said they will maintain the present regime. This is a declaration that will extend the queues in the airports!

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1 January 1970

The EU is about to launch a military humanitarian operation - if the UN requests it - in response to the crisis in Libya said the EU in a press release. The operation baptised "Eufor Libya" now has a budget of 7.9 million € and will be commanded by Vice-Admiral Claudio Gaudiosi said the EU. The HQ of the operation will be in Rome.

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1 January 1970

"Culture and related sectors can help significantly towards intelligent, sustainable, inclusive growth," stressed Geza Szocs, delegate Minister for Culture at the National Resources Ministry on the occasion of an informal meeting of EU culture ministers which took place on 28th March. Member States' representatives exchanged views on culture's contribution to the Europe 2020 Strategy, on copyrights as well as on-line cultural content.

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1 January 1970

After the London conference on 29th March on Libya which brought together over 40 governments and international organisations, the High Representative Catherine Ashton said that the EU was prepared to support the rapid establishment of a democratic transition process in the country. After the meeting participants agreement for the establishment of an international contact group in which the UN, the Arab League, the African Union and the EU would take part in view of starting a political process as quickly as possible.

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Eastern Partnership

1 January 1970

On 31st March the Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Stefan Füle announced the launch of the East-Invest programme as part of the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine). Funded by the EU to a total of 8.75 million euros this programme aims to foster investment and trade regionally notably by developing exchange between public and private organisations of the EU and countries involved in the Eastern Partnership.

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1 January 1970

During a meeting in Berlin with the German Labour and Family Ministers, Ursula von der Leyen and Kristina Schröder, the first 30 companies listed on the Frankfurt stock exchange confirmed that they were prepared to set real goals very soon to promote women's access to posts of responsibility. The government wants to see the share of women within the management teams and on company boards of major companies triple by 2013. At present the boards of 30 DAX companies comprise 500 members only 67 of whom are women.

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1 January 1970

Montenegrin Prime Minister Igor Luksic travelled to Berlin on 30th and 31st March on the invitation of Chancellor Angela Merkel for the first official visit since the start of relations between Germany and Montenegro. He took part in a conference organised at the Humboldt University and met German government representatives to promote joint work on economic matters between the two countries. The entire visist focused on strengthening bilateral relations between Germans and Montenegrins and the progress achieved by the latter on the path to integrating European and Euro-Atlantic structures.

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1 January 1970

The Hannover Fair (Germany) the biggest industrial fair in the world is taking place between the 4th and 8th April this year with 6,500 exhibitors, 65 countries and 210,000 visitors. France, Germany's leading economic partner, is the guest country this year at the fair. More than 200 French exhibitors have devoted their stands to the joint theme of "innovation for sustainable growth" to illustrate the competitiveness of French companies. French Prime Minister François Fillon inaugurated the fair on 3rd April alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

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1 January 1970

On 29th and 30th March Belgian King Albert II visited Germany where he met German President Christian Wulff. They exchanged views on immigration, European subjects as well as on the situation in Japan and Libya. Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme was also present. After the meeting the heads of State said they were pleased with their excellent bilateral relations and they stressed the responsibility held by both States in terms of promoting European integration. In addition to this King Albert II met German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

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1 January 1970

On 29th March Belgium met the Iraqi world record of the longest political crisis of 289 days without any real government. On 31st March the chair of the Christian Democratic and Flemish Party (CD&V) Wouter Beke delivered a second interim report on the development of his negotiation mission to King Albert II. Since 2nd March Mr Beke has been responsible for the preparation of the agreement on the State reform - the problem preventing negotiations in view of the creation of a new federal government since the general elections of 13th June 2010.

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1 January 1970

Suffering because of the economic crisis and the austerity measures that have damaged his popularity the head of government José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero announced on 2nd April that he would not be standing again in the general elections in 2012. This announcement opens the way to the leadership of the Socialist Party (PSOE) with Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, followed by Defence Minister Carmen Chacon being quoted as potential successors.

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1 January 1970

From 28th March to 1st April the Finnish President Tarja Halonen travelled to Turkey and Serbia. During her visit to Turkey she met her Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gül. They discussed bilateral relations, Turkey's EU membership perspectives as well as the transition process in the Middle East and North Africa. During her meeting with Serb President Boris Tadic on 31st March in Belgrade Ms Halonen stressed her support to Serbia's European integration. Moreover they discussed economic relations and cooperation possibilities, in the area of energy efficacy amongst others.

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1 January 1970

France, like the US, asked during a G20 meeting on 31st March in Nanjing in China for more flexible exchange rates and greater coordination against market volatility whilst China although accused of undervaluing the yuan showed a desire to cooperate. French President Nicolas Sarkozy took advantage of the seminar to outline the reform of the international monetary system that he would like to see the launch of; this notably involves a greater role and better means of intervention for the IMF. The French President then travelled to Japan where he expressed the G20's support of with regard to the Japanese authorities during the ongoing nuclear crisis. He suggested a meeting in May in Paris with the nuclear safety authorities of the G20 countries in order to lay down safety norms of installations across the world.

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1 January 1970

On 31st March the department of Mayotte was officially created as set out in the law of 7th December 2010 which stipulates that the department of Mayotte would be created during the first meeting of the General Council. Mayotte has therefore become the 101st French department.

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1 January 1970

The refloating of the Irish banks will require an extra 24 billion euros announced the Central Bank of Ireland on 31st March - an extension which brings the rescue bill of a sector that almost plunged the country into bankruptcy up to 70 billion euros. This extension was decided after stress-tests on four of the country's establishments. Irish Finance Minister Michael Noonan announced a "radical restructuring of the country's banking system" on the same day and did not rule out obliging private investors to help out.

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1 January 1970

Whilst the number of migrants from Libya and Tunisia landing on the Italian island of Lampedusa is increasing President Silvio Berlusconi committed on 30th March to evacuating the 6000 migrants to other regions of Italy. On the same day Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini repeated his appeal to his European colleagues for help. Finally the Italian Interior Minister Robert Maroni said that the situation on the island would soon be settled but that he deplored the lack of action on the part of the EU.

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1 January 1970

On 29th March President Dalia Grybauskaite hosted President of Croatia Ivo Josipovic who was on a working visit to Lithuania. During their meeting discussions focused on cooperation between Lithuania and Croatia within international organisations and on negotiations in view of Croatia's accession to the EU. The Lithuanian leader stressed that an effective bilateral partnership within international organisations was very important for both States.

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1 January 1970

Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves hosted his Polish counterpart Bronislaw Komorowski during a working visit on 28th and 29th March. The two presidents addressed bilateral and regional issues, energy security, the European agenda as well as the Presidency of the European Union to be ensured by Poland as of July 1st. Mr Komorowski also visited Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip.

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1 January 1970

Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva convened early general elections for 5th June 2011. The President took this opportunity to ask the political parties not to "sell illusions or utopias" to the Portuguese. "This electoral campaign must be one of truth and accuracy," he added.

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1 January 1970

The European Investment Bank is intending to grant loans of between 800 millon and one billion euros to Romania in 2011, notably for projects that aim to limit climate change said bank's Vice-President on 1st April in Bucharest. The EIB particularly wants to support projects that aim to reduce energy consumption in collective buildings by 50% but that also aim to develop public transport systems notably in Bucharest.

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1 January 1970

Prince Charles, the British heir to the throne travelled to Portugal on 28th and 29th March where he spoke with the President of the Portuguese Republic Anibal Cavaco Silva. He then travelled to Spain where he met King Juan Carlos and Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Zapatero on 30th and 31st March. This official visit was designed to strengthen links between the two States. The environment was discussed in the wake of the Japanse nuclear catastrophe. They spoke of the urgent need to define a new growth model that would be based on sustainable development and that would take future generations into account.

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1 January 1970

British Prime Minister David Cameron met his Turkish counterpart Recep Erdogan in London on 31st March. They announced after their meeting the establishment of a new British-Turkish forum "Tatli Dil". The visit is part of a new, enhanced, strategic partnership launched last year.

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1 January 1970

On 28th March the Constitutional Court of Kosovo presented its conclusions on the KO 29/11 affair. With this decision it unanimously condemned and declared the Assembly's decision unconstitutional with regard to the election of the President dating back to 22nd February. Indeed the decision reveals contradictions with article 86 of the Kosovar Constitution and the democratic principles that are included in it. Following this announcement President Behgjet Pacolli said on 30th March that he was ready to fall in line with the decision entirely and did not want to comment on this decision, explaining that the Assembly of Kosovo was the competent body to take any further measures.

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1 January 1970

The Minsk Offie of the Organisation for Cooperation and Security in Europe (OSCE) finally closed its doors on 31st March since its mandate was not renewed by the Belarus authorities after the criticism it launched with regard to the running of the election in December 2010. "Regrettably the Belarus authorities have chosen not to fall in line with the consensus that aims to extend the OSCE's mandate in Minsk thereby leaving major initiatives and projects incomplete and Belarus civil society without an invaluable partner," said the Lithuanian Foreign Minister Audronius Azubalis whose country is ensuring the organisation's rotating presidency in a press release.

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1 January 1970

On 31st March the World Trade Organisation (WTO) condemned certain types of aid given by Washington to Boeing, some months after having condemned Brussels' subsidies to Airbus. In its report the WTO stresses that certain types of aid denounced by the EU are subsidies that go against world trade rules and totalled at least "5.3 billion dollars between 1989 and 2006. On 1st April the EU annonced that it was appealing against the WTO's decision condemning some of the American subsidies made to Boeing, in spite of the "victory" its believes to have won in this affair. "The EU's victory in this affair against Boeing is clear to us all. However the EU has chosen to appeal rapidly with regard to some technical details contained in the verdict, for strategic legal reasons, " said the Commission's Trade spokesperson John Clancy.

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1 January 1970

On 31st March Swedish Prime Minister Frederik Reinfeldt received NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The meeting took place as part of regular meetings of the organisation with its partner States. Mssrs Reinfeldt and Rasmussen reviewed NATO's new security strategy, operations in Afghanistan, Kosovo and in Libya. On this occasion Mr Rasmussen declared that NATO was committing to Libya "in order to protect but not to arm the citizens." Finally he met Swedish Defence Minister Sten Tolgfors and HM King Karl XVI Gustav.

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1 January 1970

On 31st March NATO took over the command of all international air operations over Libya relieving the the US which had been coordinating action of the multinational coalition until now. NATO now has control of all means to fulfil its mission in the operation "Unified Protector": embargo on arms, no-fly zone, work designed to protect civilians and urban centres.

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1 January 1970

On April 1st the International Court of Justice declared that it was incompetent to judge the dispute between Georgia and Russia. This declaration follows the complaint lodged by Georgia in 2008 accusing Russia and the separatist militia of having undertaken ethnic cleansing in two separatist Georgian provinces provoking a five day war in 2008. In his decision the president of the ICJ Hisashi Owada, explained that the highest jurisdiction of the UN had declared itself incompetent ten votes against six in judging the complaint, since Russia and Georgia had not tried to negotiate an agreement before presenting a complaint to the court.

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1 January 1970

According to rapid estimate published on 31st March by Eurostat the annual inflation rate in the euro area rose to 2.6% in March 2011. The rate recorded in February lay at 2.4%.

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1 January 1970

According to a Eurostat survey published on 29th March in 2010 there were 257 800 asylum applicants registered in the EU in comparison with 264,000 in 2009. Around 90% of these were new applicants and around 10% were repeat applicants. In 2010, the main countries of citizenship of these applicants were Afghanistan (8%), Russia (7%), Serbia (7%), Iraq (6%) and Somalia (6%). The greatest number of asylum seekers were registered in France (51,600), Germany (48,500) and in Sweden (31,900).

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat estimates published on 1st April unemployment in the euro area declined to 9.9% of the working population in February, dropping below the 10% mark for the first time since December 2009. For the entire EU the unemployment rate dropped from 9.6% in January to 9.5% in February. In the same month the highest unemployment rate in the EU was recorded in Spain (20.5%) and the lowest in the Netherlands (4.3%).

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1 January 1970

According to the 2010 report on demography published jointly on April 1st by Eurostat and the Commission's DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion fertility rates has increased over recent years in the EU and life expectancy has increased. Member States with the highest fertility rates in 2009 were Ireland (2.07 children per woman), and France (2). The lowest rates were seen in Latvia (1.31), Hungary and Portugal (1.32) and Germany (1.36). Moreover the study reveals that in the last fifty years life expectancy at birth has increased across the entire EU by around 10 years both for men and women ranging from 82.4 for women and 76.4 for men in 2008.

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1 January 1970

A Eurobarometer survey entitled "European Attitudes to the Effective Use of Resources" published on 28th march revealed that nearly 60% of European citizens do not think that their household produces an excessive quantity of waste. But statistics indicate that EU citizens produce more than 500kg per year on average. In almost all Member States most citizens, 70%, agreed on the need to improve waste collection services whilst 63% of those interviewed said they supported the idea of manufacturers paying for the collection and recycling of waste. However only 38% supported the proposal to make households pay for the waste they produce, the most in favour being the Italians (65%) and the least being the Maltese (14%).

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1 January 1970

On 1st April Eurobarometer published a study on the "New Europeans". The survey offers an overview of the relations people living in the EU have with other countries and defines a wide ranging vision of European "connectedness". With regard to this four types of connectedness have been pinpointed: attachment to other countries via family, other personal relations, personal experiences abroad and socio-cultural links (consumption of foreign food, holidays abroad, practice of a foreign sport etc...).

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Arab World

1 January 1970

The Centre for Applied Policy Research of the University of Munich has published a study by Timo Behr on Europe and the Arab world entitled "Europe and the Arab World: Towards a Principled Partnership" in which the author looks, amongst other matters, into the proposal of the "Partnership for democracy and shared prosperity" set out by the European Commission.

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1 January 1970

The Egmont Institute has published a study by Stijn Verhelst entitled "Renewed Financial Supervision in Europe – Final or transitory?" . The author analyses the new financial supervisory system that entered into force on January 1st 2011 and believes that it is leading to the strengthening of the authorities Europe wide but that the focus of supervision will remain on a national level. Moreover the CEPS has published a working document by Marco Fioramanti and Claudio Vicarelli entitled "The New Stability and Growth Pact: Primum non nocere". The authors offer an extremely critical analysis of debt reduction criteria put forward by the Commission for the reform of the Stability and Growth Pact.

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1 January 1970

The Research and Information Group on Peace and Security (GRIP) has published a paper by Frederico Santopinto entitled "La France et l'Europe de la défense: deux enigmes". Linking recent Libyan events to those over the last three years the author analyses France's attitude from European Defence to Franco-British cooperation. In conclusion the author does point however to the danger of the Franco-British path in terms of the creation of rival blocs within the EU itself.

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1 January 1970

"The European Council on Foreign Relations" 'ECFR' has just published "European Foreign Policy Scorecard". This study led by Justin Vaïsse and Hans Kundani aims to assess the results of Member States and European institutions on 80 policies ranked according to six themes. The EU achieves B+ for multilateral issues, B- for crisis management and for its relations with the USA, C+ for its relations with China and Russia and for its neighbourhood policy.

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1 January 1970

Armand Colin publishing has released a book by Nicole Gnesotto entitled "Europe a-t-elle un avenir strategique?" The EU has still not become a powerful, respected player in the international arena. It has of course successfully adopted a nascent foreign policy and common defence but its political influence remains marginal, sporadic or invisible. But as shown by the author globalisation has now transformed security issues and revealed the limitations - and therefore the inefficacy - of national frameworks. We no longer have the choice : the response to challenges will be European.

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1 January 1970

Until 19th June the Cultural Centre ING and the Royal Fine Arts Museums of Belgium are presenting an exhibition entitled "Joan Miro. Painter Poet." The exhibition includes 120 paintings, engravings, sculptures and drawings that review the development of the Catalan artist's work.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of its 150th anniversary the Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin is exhibiting around 140 of the 262 paintings left by banker Joachim Heinrich Wagener to the King of Prussia so that the latter could set up a national gallery. This exhibition includes many masterpieces, amongst others by Caspar David Friedrich and Karl Friedrich Schinkel - it will be open until 8th January 2012.

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1 January 1970

The Modern and Contemporary Art Museum in Trenta and Rovereto is presenting Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masterpieces from the Musée d'Orsay in an exhibition entitled "La Révolution du Regard" until 24th July. Visitors can see 75 paintings of the biggest collection of 19th century art with works by Paul Cézanne, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Edgar Degas and Vincent van Gogh.

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1 January 1970

Until 17th July the Modern Art Museum in Paris reviews the key years of Dutch painter Kees Van Dongen (1877-1968), a fauve artist who became an icon of the "année folles". Focusing on the artist's Parisian period this exhibition entitled "Van Dongen. Fauve, anarchiste et mondain" brings together around 90 paintings and a series of ceramics dating back to 1895 until to the 1930's.

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1 January 1970

From 5th April to 31st July the Prado Museum in Madrid is paying tribute to the early, unknown work of Spanish artist José de Ribera (1591-1652). More than thirty paintings are on show as part of the exhibition "Young Ribera" bearing witness to his intense pace of work in Rome between 1610 and 1616 as well as his first years of work in Naples.

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from 4th to 7th April

Plenary Session - European Parliament - Strasbourg ()

les 4th-5th April

Informal Meeting of Healthcare Ministers ()

7th and 8th April

Informal meeting of Economy and Finance Ministers ()

7th April

ECB Council of Governors ()

9th April

Referendum on the Icesave Agreement (Iceland) ()

11th and 12th April

"Justice/Internal Affairs" Council ()

11th and 12th April

Informal Meeting of Competitiveness Ministers ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°481- version of 4 avr. 2011