The Newsletter4737 févr. 2011

La Lettre

Sandra Kalniete

7 February 2011



1 January 1970

On 1st February the extremely unpopular Irish government was forced to convene early general elections for 25th February in spite of the fact that the party in power (Fianna Fail) and outgoing Prime Minister Brian Cowen will almost certainly suffer defeat. Several ministers have resigned, the Greens, the party in coalition with Fianna Fail, quit the government. The economic crisis is severe in Ireland and the country has had to turn to an international aid plan put forward by the EU and the IMF. The Dail Eireann (lower chamber of Parliament) comprises 166 members elected for 5 years within 43 constituencies by proportional voting according to a single transferable voting system. Five political parties are represented at present: the Fianna Fial (FF) of outgoing Prime Minister has 77 MPs; Fine Gael (FG) the main opposition party led by Enda Kenny 51 seats; the Labour Party 20 MPs; the Green Party (GP), six seats and Sinn Fein (SF) four MPs; Two MPs are independent.

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1 January 1970

On 6th March 1 million Estonians are being called to renew the 101 members of the Riigikogu, the only chamber in parliament, elected every four years by proportional voting within 12 multi-nominal constituencies. One of the specific things about this country is the possibility to vote via internet (e-voting). Six political parties are represented in the Riigikogu at present: The Reform party (ER)led by outgoing Prime Minister Andrus Ansip, 31 MPs; the Centre Party (K), led by the present Mayor of Tallinn Edgar Savisaar, 29 seats; Pro Patria Union-Res Publica (IRL), member of the outgoing government, 19 MPs; the Social Democratic Party (SDE), 10 seats; the Greens (EEE) and the Estonian People's Union (ERL), six seats each. Just one month before the election the Reform Party (ER) of outgoing Prime Minister Andrus Ansip is running favourite.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

In gross data the numbers of people seeking work in Germany increased by 331,000 to 3,347,000 in January and the unemployment rate lay at 7.9% (+0.7%). However in seasonally adjusted data unemployment decreased by 13,000 in January said the Federal Labour Agency on 1st February. According to figures published on 1st February by the Federal Statistics Office, Destatis, around 40.8 million people living in Germany were employed in December 2010; 427,000 people, 1.1% more than in December 2009. In addition to this the real German salary increased on average by 1.4% in 2010 after a decline of 0.4% in 2009 according to figures on 3rd February released by Destatis. The real salary takes inflation into account which totalled 1.1% in 2010.

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1 January 1970

On 31st January the Central Bank of Ireland reviewed its growth forecast for 2011 downwards to 1% instead of a previous 2.4% because of the effects of the austerity measures adopted in exchange for the international aid plan. According to the bank Ireland's GDP contracted by 0.3% in 2010 after -7.6% in 2009 and -3.5% in 2008, figures which show the magnitude of the crisis experienced by this country. Moreover on 2nd February the ratings agency Standard & Poor's reduced Ireland's sovereign rating down to A-.Finally the Irish Exchequer published a deficit of 483 million € just in January 2011. This deficit was 780 million € a year prior to this.

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1 January 1970

According to estimates published by Istat on February 1st the unemployment rate amongst young Italians (15-24 year olds) lay at 29% in December 2010 agianst 28.9% the previous month, thereby establishing a record since the start of the monthly chronicle in January 2004. However the estimation of the unemployment rate for December 2010 was reviewed downwards to lie at 8.6% - a decrease of 0.5% compared with November 2010.

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1 January 1970

On 3rd February the Governing Council of the ECB decided that the interest rate of the main refinancing operations as well as the marginal lending facility and the deposit facility would remain unchanged at respectively 1%, 1.75% and 0.25%. After the monthly meeting the President of the ECB Jean-Claude Trichet recalled that the bank "continued to count on containing inflation mid-term," but that "we continue to see evidence of inflationist pressure mainly because of energy and raw materials prices."

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1 January 1970

According to a press release published on 2nd February by the Employment agency (AMS) unemployment in Austria declined by 0.4% in January 2011 in comparison with January 2010; the unemployment rate is 8.5% of the working population in Austria. According to the Labour Minister and according to Eurostat calculations unemployment in Austria totalled 5.1% in January. The difference in the figure is due to the calculation method.

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1 January 1970

Unemployment in Denmark continued to be stable at 4.1% of the working population in December as in November according to seasonally adjusted figures published on 27th January by the national statistics institute, Statistics Denmark. Gross unemployment stayed stable at 6.1% in December. Over one year gross unemployment did increase however in December 2010 to 6.1% against 5.7% in December 2009.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd February the OECD estimated the average inflation rate on consumer prices at 2.1% from December 2009 to December 2010. As a comparison prices increased by 1.8% in the OECD area between November 2009 and November 2010. The main reason is the rise in energy prices which increased by 8.3% in December in comparison with 5.4% in November. The rise in food prices is still high - 2.6% in December in comparison with 2.7% in November. If these two factors are excluded inflation remained stable at an annual 1.2% in December 2010.

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1 January 1970

According to forecasts published by the Bank of Spain on 4th February in its monthly economic bulletin the Spanish economy limited its contraction in 2010 to -0.1%, better than the government's forecasts thanks to a return of growth in the 4th quarter. Forecasts show that in the last quarter recovery continued with a quarterly GDP rise of 0.2% ie an annual increase of 0.6%. However the number of unemployed in Spain rose again in January by 3.19% over one month according to figures published on 2nd February by the Labour Ministry. The Spain has the highest unemployment rate in the industrialised countries - ie above 20%.

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1 January 1970

Germany and France put forward a pact on 4th February which aims to enhance economic discipline and coordination within the euro area in the hope that further debt crises can be avoided - this project that has been greatly influenced by Berlin is already the subject of criticism. During the European Council in Brussels both countries said they had obtained a principle agreement with regard to the need to start work to bring major national choices closer together with the aim of taking a decision at the end of March.

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1 January 1970

The Central Bank of Iceland reduced its main lending rate by 0.25 points to 4.25% it said on 2nd February in a press release. The other rates were also decreased by 0.25 points: the savings rate was brough down from 3.5% to 3.25% and the day to day rate of 5.5% was brought down to 5.25% said the Sedlabanki.

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1 January 1970

At the end of January the British government published its report on the state of progress of the structural reform plan for each ministerial department. This austerity plan was launched in June 2010 by the British governement in an effort to stabilise public finances. The regular publication of these reports (the last dates back to November) aims to offer total transparency with regard to government action and to enable British citizens to check that the government is respecting its commitments.

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1 January 1970

Romanian President Traian Basescu said on 6th February that the emergency agreement, which totalled 20 billion € in 2009 after an agreement with the IMF, the EU and the World Bank to help Romania out of the crisis, had been a "success" and had helped to stabilise the economy. "The agreement we came to over two years has been concluded successfully. The economy has stabilised and the necessary measures were taken to come out of the crisis," declared the Romanian President during a public speech.

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European Council


1 January 1970

The 27 Heads of State and government who met on 4th February agreed on an action plan to establish an internal, integrated, fully operational energy market. The aim of this is triple: diversify electricity production means for the EU, enhance networks to bring gas and oil to the four corners of the Union and to save it. In a declaration in annex to the Council's conclusions the Heads of State and government of the euro area promised to provide the monetary Union with true economic government. Hence it was decided to organise regular summits just with the heads of state and government of the euro area. The first will take place in March before the European Council. Finally with regard to the political trouble in Egypt they called on the country to start political change immediately. They stressed that the "transition process must start now."

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1 January 1970

In the European Union more than six million young people leave school or training schemes with qualifications which correspond at best to the first part of secondary education. Dropping out of school damages economic and social development and is a serious obstacle to achieving the growth goal that the EU has set in the Europe 2020 Strategy. This is why the European Commission approved an action plan on 31st January to bring the average school drop out rate in the EU at present at 14.4% down below 10% by the end of the decade.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd February the European Commission published its innovation scoreboard. According to the report's conclusions the EU is not succeeding in closing the gap in terms of innovation with its main international competitors ie the USA and Japan. Although the trend is promising in most Member States in spite of the economic crisis progress is not happening fast enough. Whilst the EU still has a net lead over the emerging economies, India and Russia, Brazil is moving forwards constantly and China is rapidly making up for lost time. Within the EU Sweden has the best results, followed by Denmark, Finland and then Germany.

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Personal Data

1 January 1970

On 2nd February the European Commission put forward a proposal on passenger data in the EU as part of the fight to counter drug and human trafficking as well as terrorism. The text put forward would oblige airlines to provide international passenger data to a special unit of the Member State of the EU either on arrival or departure. At the same time the proposal provides several guarantees designed to protect people's private life and data of a personal nature.

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1 January 1970

On 3rd February the European Parliament ratified the Geneva Agreement of 15th December 2009 with regard to customs duties on bananas from Latin America thereby putting an end to a 16 year trade dispute. With this agreement the EU accepts ending a preferential regime for the ACP countries (Africa-Caribbean-Pacific) which export bananas and to reduce progressively European customs duties on bananas imported from Latin America. In exchange these countries accepted to dropt their complaints addressed to the World Trade Organisation.

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Electric Waste

1 January 1970

On 3rd February the European Parliament adopted a position - 580 votes in favour, 37 against and 22 abstentions on the project to update the rules governing the collection, recycling and re-use of waste electric and electronic equipment in the EU. The text also provides stricter measures to impede the illegal export of potentially dangerous waste towards developing countries.

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1 January 1970

On 3rd February the members of the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee finally approved the appointment of candidates to run for the chair of the European Authorities - a European Banking Authority (EBA); a European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA); a European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). Indeed they expressed their reservations on 1st February with regard to seeing the new authorities incline to the pressure of national supervisors and asked the European Commission and the Council of the European Union to make a formal declaration of independence. They believe that they have obtained adequate guarantees on the part of both institutions.

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1 January 1970

On 31st January the 27 Foreign Ministers discussed the situation in Egypt and Tunisia. They decided to freeze the assets of former Tunisian president Ben Ali. They decided to sanction Belarus often considered as the last dictatorship in Europe by freezing the assets of President Lukashenko and by banning him from having a visa - likewise 157 of this colleagues. Discarding the rapprochment policy they had been following over the last few years they were unanimous in condemning the wave of arrests that affected hundreds of opponents to the regime after the presidential election on 19th December. During the "General Affairs' Council the ministers addressed the issue of Roma integration.

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1 January 1970

In a joint declaration French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister, David Cameron, the President of the Italian Council, Silvio Berlusconi and the head of the Spanish government José Luis Zapatero called on the Egyptian President Hosni Moubarak "to start changes" given the "legitimate claims" made by his people and to "avoid the use of violence against civilians at all costs". For her part the High Representative for the EU in Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, believed it absolutely vital for the Egyptian authorities to start dialogue immediately with the opposition to put an end to the present crisis.

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Near East

1 January 1970

Due to the unrest in Egypt and other parts of the region the Quartet for the Near East which met on 5th February in Munich believes it "imperative" to start peace negotiations again between Israel and Palestine which have been at a standstill since September. Having "observed the dramatic events in Egypt and in other countries in the region" the members of the quartet "looked into the implications of these events on peace between Israel and its Arab neighbours and agreed to talk of this again" during their next meetings - the first of these being mid-March according to their declaration. With regard to this you may consult the report on the conference organised by the Robert Schuman Foundation and the Senate on 28th and 29th January 2010 on the theme: "Going Nuclear in the Middle East – In search of a European Middle East Policy?".

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1 January 1970

Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Zapatero received German Chancellor Angela Merkel on 3rd February. During this meeting which was part of the 23rd Hispano-German Summit the two heads of government discussions focused on Germany and Spain speaking with one voice on economic reforms. They talked of laying the foundations of a "competitiveness pact" Europe wide and the enhancement of European economic governance. They also said they wanted to defend the Stability Pact for Europe together.

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1 January 1970

The 47th Conference on Security in Munich took place from 4th to 6th February together with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron, American Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy as well as Russian Foreign Minister Serguey Lavrov. Amongst other matters participants addressed European Security and Defence Policy, the partnership between the USA and Europe as well as the situation in Egypt and Afghanistan.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd February King Albert II asked outgoing Finance Minister Didier Reynders, chairman of the Reform Movement (MR) to find "the means to reaching an agreement by 16th February" with regard to institutional issues that have been preventing the formation of a new government since the elections on 13th June 2010. He also asked the Prime Minister Yves Leterme who is managing current affairs to "take the necessary steps with regard to an economic, social and financial plan."

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1 January 1970

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon travelled to Cyprus on 31st January to 2nd February. In his speech on arrival he said that the solution to the Cypriot problem was "very close". The Secretary General hoped to encourage Cypriot and Turkish leaders to continue moving towards an acceptable solution.

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Social Pact

1 January 1970

On 2nd February the Spanish government signed a wide ranging "social pact" with the unions, for "growth, employment and retirement pensions," - a new message directed abroad and to the markets in particular which doubt the country's ability to recover from the crisis. This agreement targets three goals - growth, employment and the long term consolidation of public finances" explained the head of government, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero as he signed the pact with the two main unions, UGT, CCOO and the main employers' organisation CEOE.

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1 January 1970

On 3rd February Estonia announced that it was going to provide free visas to Belarussians as a sign of solidarity with civil society in this country which is governed by an authoritarian regime under Aleksandr Lukashenko. "The government has decided that the embassy of Estonia would no longer ask Belarussian citizens to pay for their visa to Estonia," declared Urmas Paet, Foreign Minister.

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1 January 1970

On 3rd and 4th February Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere made an official visit to France. He met his French counterpart Michèle Alliot-Marie. During a joint press conference the ministers reviewed major international issues and mentioned the situation in Tunisia and Egypt. Discussions focused on Franco-Norwegian bilateral relations particularly energy, climate and environmental issues. With regard to issues linked to the protection of the environment Norway will host the 6th Ministerial Conference on Forests in Europe on 14th to 16th June which is part of an established process between France and Norway launched a long time ago on the means to counter deforestation. Both ministers then addressed issues related to the French Presidency of the G8 and G20.

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Media Law

1 January 1970

On February 1st the European Commission welcomed the positive signs sent out by Hungary in view of changing its controversial media law thereby opening the way for the settlement of the dispute. The Commissioner in charge of the issue, Neelie Kroes said she was pleased with the "Hungarian authorities' readiness to discuss the points raised," by the European executive "as well as their clearly expressed desire to change the law if necessary," said spokesperson Jonathan Todd in a press release. Hungary has committed to respecting community law.

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1 January 1970

Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen announced to the Dail (the lower chamber of Parliament) on 1st February that he was going to dissolve the chamber and convene general elections on 25th February. On the same day the President of the Irish Republic Mary McAleese signed the dissolution act and indicated that the new Dail would meet on 9th March.

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1 January 1970

Silvio Berlusconi's government suffered a defeat on 3rd February during the vote on tax federalism. The vote of a parliamentary committee on part of a major federal tax project enabling local communities to keep most of their taxes ended up with 15 votes in favour 15 against. The text which involved the collection and redistribution of local taxes was technically rejected. On the same day the extraordinary council of ministers adopted a law to force the project through. However for the text to enter into force it has to be promulgated by the President of the Republic and published in the official journal, which the latter refused to do.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd February Luxembourg Foreign Ministers Jean Asselborn hosted his Georgian counterpart Grigol Vashadze. Discussions focused on bilateral relations as well as the relations between Georgia and the EU and relations between Georgia and NATO. With regard to the Union ministers notably reviewed progress and the future of the EU observation mission in Georgia (EUMM) and they addressed the start of negotiations for an association agreement between the EU and Georgia.

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1 January 1970

The European Commissioner for the Neighbourhood Policy, Stefan Füle announced on 2nd February that EU aid to the democratic opposition in Belarus will be quadrupled to a total of 15.6 million € between 2011 and 2013. A sum of 1.7 million € will be made available immediately to the families of those in prison said the Commissioner. This was announced during the conference of donors in Warsaw which brought together the 27 countries of the EU, EU candidate countries, the USA and Canada, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova which decided to allocate aid of 87 million € to civil society in Belarus.

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Weimar Triangle

1 January 1970

Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski was host to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy on 7th February in Warsaw for a tripartite summit as part of the "Weimar Triangle". This Franco-Polish-German summit is the first in four years. It was devoted to European issues notably the next presidency of the EU which Poland will undertake as of 1st July for six months, relations with Russia and the EU's Eastern Partnership with former USSR countries, as well as European Defence after the letter written by Germany, France and Poland in December.

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1 January 1970

On 3rd February Portugal announced the introduction of an enhanced financial measures designed to grant loans to agricultural and breeding businesses. This decision approved by the Council of Ministers comes after the measure set up in 2010 ran out of reserves. The funds made available should enable farmers to fund their investments, enjoy cashflow which is vital to the development of their activities and to settle debts they have with financial organisations.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of the international conference on security which was held from 4th to 6th February British Prime Minister David Cameron acknowledged the failure of multiculturalism in his country and denounced the excessive tolerance that has reigned for a long time with regard to extreme Islamic groups. He accused the doctrine of multiculturalism responsible in his opinion of having encouraged various cultures to live separately and called for the promotion of a shared national identity.

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1 January 1970

Iceland delivered its programme defining its economic priorities in view of 2013 to the European Commission on 4th February - in line with the EU membership procedure said the Icelandic government. "The Economy Ministry delivered its first pre-membership economic report to the European Commission. It establishes Iceland's economic priorities until 2013," indicated a ministerial press release.

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Bosnia Herzegovina


1 January 1970

After signature on 2nd February the EU will fund several infrastructure development projects as well as projects to reform Bosnia as part of its pre-membership aid to a total of 92 million €. 45 million € will be allocated to the building and improvement of infrastructures mainly in the area of water treatment and the disposal of public refuse, 32 million € will be granted to support projects to counter corruption and the enhancement of legal and police institutions.

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1 January 1970

The IMF mission in Moldova led by Nikolay Gueorguiev met Prime Minister Vlad Filat on 1st February. Discussions focused on the country's economic situation and work to undertake by the end of the year. "Our government team is strong - we have competence and ambition. We are motivated and sufficiently experienced to rise to all challenges," declared the Prime Minister. For his part the IMF's representative lauded the government on its appointment hoping that it would lead the country to implement all the necessary measures.

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1 January 1970

The new Russo-American Nuclear Disarmament Treaty START signed on 8th April 2010 came into force on 5th February after the exchange of ratification signatures by the heads of diplomacy of both countries. The treaty, which is valid for ten years and renewable for another five, plans for each country to be able to deploy a maximum of 1,550 nuclear heads ie a 30% reduction in comparison with 2002.

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1 January 1970

On a visit to Poland on 3rd and 4th February Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich announced that his country's membership of the EU "was still the most important priority." Mr Yanukovich who spoke alongside his Polish counterpart Bronislaw Komorowski said he was pleased with the "constant support of Poland in the Ukraine's work towards integrating the EU," referring to the Polish Presidency of the Counci which will take place in the second half of 2011. He also met Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and took part in a Ukrainian-Polish Forum.

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World Bank


1 January 1970

On 31st January the World Bank announced a loan of 215.7 million $ for the period 2010-2014 to Montenegro in support of its bid to join the EU. This agreement completes a new strategic partnership that aims to strengthen institutions and competitiveness, in line with the demands made for it to join the Union. This implies support to the financial sector and to the development policy and also to improving the management of the environment. This includes reducing the cost of environmental problems by way of investment loans in research and innovation.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd February UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon again asked the Belarus authorities to free imprisoned journalists, politicians and supporters of the opposition. This appeal from the UN is the third since December.

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1 January 1970

The illegal trade of counterfeit goods and the piracy of intellectual property is said to cost over 3,000 billion $ every year. To find solutions to these practices more than 800 delegates representing around one hundred countries met in Paris on 2nd and 3rd February for the sixth World Congress to counter counterfeiting and piracy.

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1 January 1970

On 3rd February the UN launched an "action plan" to counter maritime piracy which reached record levels in 2010 with 1,130 sailors taken hostage along the coasts of Somalia according to the International Maritime Organisation, a specialist UN agency. "Piracy is a global threat" which is outstripping the international community's work," said Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary General as he spoke to the UN member countries.

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1 January 1970

On 31st January the WTO gave a final but confidential report on the decades of American aid to Boeing deemed illegal by the plane maker Airbus which estimates the damage at 32.8 billion €. Although the report is due to remain confidential for a few months until it has been translated into the organisation's three official languages, the two companies have already given their opinion about the verdict. Airbus said in a press release on 31st January that the WTO's decision confirms that Boeing received "massive, illegal aid" whilst Boeing communicated on the same day that the report "is a complete rejection of the EU's complaint".

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1 January 1970

According to the most recent survey by Eurobarometer on energy 60% of Europeans would feel better protected by coordinated energy measures between the EU countries. 79% of them say they support solidarity between Member State in the event of supply difficulties. Energy price stability is the priority for Europeans with regard to energy cooperation amongst 29% of respondents followed by renewable energies for 27% of them - the guarantee of energy supplies for 20% and energy efficacy for 16%.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 2nd February, in December 2010 in comparison with November 2010, the industrial production price index increased by 0.8% in the euro are and by 1.1% in the European Union. In November 2010 prices increased respectively by 0.3% and 0.5%. In December 2010 compared with December 2009 the industrial production price index recorded growth of 5.3% in the euro area and 5.9% in the European Union. In comparison with 2009 the average industrial price index increased in 2010 by 2.9% in the euro area and by 3.4% in the European Union.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 31st January by Eurostat the European Union recorded a 6% decrease in the number of air passengers in 2009 in comparison with 2008 totalling 751 million people; this reflects the effects of the economic crisis. It was the first decrease in the number of passengers recorded in the EU since 2001 - the year marked by the aftermath of 11th September 2001. The number of passengers decreased by 8% on intra-EU flights in 2009 (318 million people transported), by 4% on extra-EU flights (271 million people) and 5% on national flights (162 million people). Total air transport of freight and post also declined in 2009 in comparison with 2008 with a decline of 12%.

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1 January 1970

According to a flash estimate published by Eurostat on 31st January the annual inflation rate in the euro area lay at 2.4% in January 2011. In December it lay at 2.2%.

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1 January 1970

According to data published on 1st February by Eurostat the unemployment rate in the Euro Area remained stable at 10% of the working population in December but the number of unemployed decreased.

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Weimar Triangle

1 January 1970

The Genshagen Foundation has published a study on "The Weimar Triangle - A New Dynamic for Europe?" in its series the "Genshagener Papiere". Articles by Jean-Louis de la Vaissière ("Weimar - un tremplin vers l'Est pour Paris"), Marek Ostrowski ("Le Triangle au sein de l'appareil") and Gabriele Lesser ("L'Avenir du Triangle de Weimar se trouve à l'Est") are available in French, German and Polish.

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1 January 1970

World food prices reached record levels in January 2011 according to the UN price index for food and agriculture, published on 3rd February. Prices increased by 3.4% in comparison with December 2010 to reach 231 points on the index set by the FAO ie the highest level since the organisation started to measure food prices in 1990. According to the FAO all food prices rose sharply in January except for meat which stayed the same.

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1 January 1970

The majority of Europeans and Americans believe that immigration is a more a problem than an advantage for their respective countries according to a survey undertaken in 2010 in eight countries and published in several foundations (the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the American Foundations Bradley, Spanish BBVA, Italian Compagnia di San Paolo and Britsh Cadbury Trust). A majority of Britons (65%) believe that immigration is a problem, followed by the Spanish (53%), Americans (52%), French (42%), Germans and Dutch (39%). However only one Canadian in four (27%) shares this opinion. An even greater share of Americans (73%) but also most Britons and Spanish think that their respective governments manage the immigration issue badly.

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Rare Earths

1 January 1970

Europe has to secure its access to rare raw materials by integrating this requirement into its trade policy and by developing its own production, if necessary by using mines in unspoilt natural areas said the European Commission. In a report presented by the European Commission on 2nd February it draws up 14 'critical raw materials', that are very important to European industry but which might be in short supply in the next few years because their production is concentrated in just a few countries. It notably quotes "rare earths", which are vital in the production of chips for mobile phones and laptops, electric cars and windmills but for which the EU is totally dependent on imports, notably from China. However the latter has just restricted its exports in these materials.

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1 January 1970

"Searching Finance" has published a book by Graham Bishop entitled "The EU Fiscal Crisis: Forcing Eurozone Political Union in 2011?". This book analyses the impetus behind the crisis and the potential afermath of the debt in the euro area.

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1 January 1970

The Chairman of the Choiseul Institute, Pascal Lorot has just published a book with Choiseul publishing entitled "Fragments géopolitiques" (Geopolitical Fragments). In the shape of columns that have been published in the "Le Nouvel Economiste" "Fragments géopolitiques" looks at topical events of the last few years. The author deciphers the rifts that have appeared and the main issues of the future: war, conflict for the control of space, rushes for oil and strategic materials, the emergence of new values, population explosions, acceleration in urbanisation, ethnic-religious conflicts.

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1 January 1970

Three 3D films including one by German film director Wim Wenders will be showing at the 61st edition of the Berlin film festival, the "Berlinale" from 10th to 20th February. Around 400 films from 58 countries have been selected for this festival; 16 films are running for the Golden Bear.

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Virtual Museums

1 January 1970

On 1st February the American search engine Google unveiled its "Art Project" - a major partnership signed with 17 of the most important museums in the world including the Château of Versailles, the National Gallery in London and the Van Gogh Museum of Amsterdam. The site which uses Google Street View technology offers high definition, 360° visits of the museums.

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1 January 1970

The Museum of Luxembourg in Paris is offering the public an exhibition until 23rd May: "Cranach and His Time". Lucas Cranach (1472-1553) was one of the most important painters of the German Renaissance. This exhibition explains the place of this artist in the history of art and his involvement in the society of his time then affected by terrible political and religious upheaval. It also shows the European aspect of Lucas Cranach's art.

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1 January 1970

From 11th February to 8th May the Beaux-Arts Palace of Brussels (Bozar) is devoting an exhibition to the "Venetian and Flemish Masters". It offers a captivating view of the exchange of techniques that occurred between the Flemish masters and the Venetian schools. The works notably by Bellini, Tiziano, Canaletto, Van Eyck, Bouts and Jordaens were painted between the 15th and 18th centuries.

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les 7th-8th February

Informal "Transport" Council ()

7th February

Weimar Triangle Summit (Warsaw) ()

14th February

Eurogroup ()

14th February

"Education, Youth and Culture" Council ()

les 14th-17th February

European Parliament Plenary Session ()

15th February

"Economy and Finances" Council ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°473- version of 7 févr. 2011