The Newsletter47124 janv. 2011

La Lettre

24 January 2011



1 January 1970

Outgoing President of the Republic Anibal Cavaco Silva (Social Democratic Party, PSD) was re-elected on 23rd January for a second five year mandate as head of the country with 52.94% of the vote ie better than that recorded in the previous presidential election on 22nd January 2006 (+2.4 points). He came out ahead of Manuel Alegre (PS) supported by the Left Bloc and the Atlantic Democratic Party (PDA) who won 19.75% of the vote (-1 point in comparison with 2006). They were followed by Fernando Nobre 14.10%, Francisco Lopes 7.14%, José Manuel Coelho 4.50% and Defensor de Moura 1.57%. Turn out rose to 46.63%.

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1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a debate on the European External Action Service in Brussels with Alexader Graf Lambsdorff MEP (ALDE, DE) and Maxime Lefebvre, diplomat, teacher at Sciences Po Paris and author of a study on the EEAS for the Foundation. The debate will be introduced by Ambassador Philippe Etienne of the Permanent Representation of France for the European Union.

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1 January 1970

The President of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published an editorial on his site entitled "2011, the Year of European Public Accounts".

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

The Belgian trade balance had a public deficit of 300 million euros in November 2010 according to rapid estimates made by the National Accounts Institute published on 17th January. In comparison with last year exports rose by 19.1 points whilst imports rose by 21.5 points.

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1 January 1970

According to a report by the Economy Ministry published on 19th January Berlin has raised its growth forecast for 2011 to 2.3% instead of 1.8%. In 2012 the ministry is forecasting growth of 1.8%. On 18th January the Centre for Research on European Economy (ZEW) in Mannheim stressed that the economic forecasting index had leapt up by over 11 points in January thereby rising by 4.3% to 15.4 points in one month. In addition to this and according to a press release published on 14th January by the Federal Statistics Office (Destatis) consumer prices had risen by 1.7% in December and by 1.1% over 2010.

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1 January 1970

The unemployment rate in the Netherlands lay at 4.8% in December, a figure below the 5.2% recorded in November said the Central Statistics Office on 20th January. A year ago at the same time unemployment in the Netherlands lay at 5.2%. In seasonally adjusted data the number of unemployed in December is down in comparison with November totalling 401,000 people ie 8,000 less than a month ago.

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1 January 1970

On 18th January the 27 Finance Ministers launched the "European Semester" which will be introduced for the first time this year. This measure is designed to guarantee better coordination of Member States' economic and budgetary policies in view of giving Europe the means for durable growth. They finally discussed the enhancement of the Union's economic governance and the establishment of new mechanisms to ensure the stability of the euro area.

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1 January 1970

The 17 Finance Ministers of the euro area made progress on 17th January with regard to reaching agreement that aims to enhance their financial rescue fund but the exact means still have to be defined. They approved the circulation of a commemorative 2 euro coin in 2012 to mark the 10th anniversary of the launch of the single currency in euro notes and coins. Finally they discussed the implementation of Greece's and Ireland's adjustment funds.

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1 January 1970

Greece's current account deficit decreased in November 2010 thanks to a rise in the services balance surplus and a decline of the trade deficit said the Bank of Greece on 20th January. Greece's current deficit rose to 2.572 billion euros ie 153 million less (-5.6%) than a year ago. This improvement is speeding up the trend to reduce the deficit started in March whilst the country entered its third year of recession in 2011. The trade balance deficit declined to 2.341 billion euros in November 2010 against 2.412 a year previously. In spite of the fall in private consumption due to the austerity cure and the recession, imports recorded a slight increase from 3.627 billion euros in November 2009 to 3.854 billion euros in November 2010.

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1 January 1970

To enable the effecient functioning of the three new European supervisory authorities that took office on 1st January 2011 the European Commission suggested on 19th January the detailed definition of the competences granted to these authorities which include the possibility of elaborating projects of technical norms in order to coordinate national supervisory authorities. This directive proposal clearly defines the areas in which the authorities will be able to put forward technical standards. It also says exactly how these autorities will be able to act in order to settle disputes between national supervisory authorities thereby planning for joint decisions and cooperation.

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1 January 1970

Spanish exports increased by 17.5% over the first 11 months of 2010 in comparison with the previous year. Their total value lay at 169,842 million euros. This rise covers all sectors (manufacturing, semi-manufacturing, agricultural, energy).

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Systemic Risk

1 January 1970

The General Board of the European Systemic Risk Board, the new independent body responsible for monitoring the EU's financial stability held its first meeting on 20th January in Frankfurt under the aegis of the President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet. With the aid of three new European financial supervisory authorities the European Systemic Risk Board will provide the means to defuse panic amongst operators in the financial markets.

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1 January 1970

The Irish government presented the draft Finance law 2011 on 21st January - this is the last part of an unprecedented austerity budget which is conditional to securing international aid which the former "Celtic Tiger" is due to receive. This draft law the examination of which will last several weeks covers a series of austerity measures that were unveiled at the beginning of December by Finance Minister Brian Lenihan, during the presentation of the 2011 budget.

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1 January 1970

On 18th January the Bank of Italy confirmed that it was still forecasting "moderate" economic recovery for the country with growth of around 1% in 2011 and 2012; it also announced that the government's goal of a public deficit of 5% in 2010 would be achieved easily. "In 2011 and 2012 growth is due to remain moderate in Italy. In 2011 and 2012 the GDP is due to maintain a slow pace like last year - around 1%," indicated the Bank of Italy in its economic bulletin thereby confirming its forecasts that date back to July.

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1 January 1970

According to official statistics published on 20th January unemployment is rising amongst the 16-24 year olds in the UK with a rate that is now higher than 20% at a time when the country is undergoing an unprecedented austerity cure.

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European Council


1 January 1970

The President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy presented his New Year's wishes to the European Parliament as the session opened. He said he was pleased with the December Council which he qualified as a success. "We came to major conclusions over economic governance accepting a limited revision of the treaty, which is the best thing to do in order to manage the global economic situation." Mr Van Rompuy also addressed the EU's international relations insisting on the fact that the European Council had issued a clear message to the Côte d'Ivoire on the need to respect the electoral results.

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1 January 1970

During a meeting with the President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy on 20th January Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte pleaded for the strengthening of the stability of the euro area and the development of competition within the EU in order counter the rapid rise of countries such as China, India and even Brazil. According to Mr Rutte this new context offers possibilities to the Union but "we have to work towards the long term and become more innovative", he said.

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1 January 1970

The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy travelled to Warsaw on 17th January to hold talks with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk about the agenda of the next European Council and notably Europe's economic outlook. After his visit Mr Van Rompuy spoke to students of the University of Warsaw and gave a speech on the "Major challenges facing the European Union".

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1 January 1970

On 19th January the European Commission published a report on Member States' performance in terms of mastering and recycling waste. This reveals that certain Member States have made enormous progress but also that the Union is still far from the long term goal it has set itself ie of becoming a recycling society that not only limits its production of waste but which also uses its waste as a resource.

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1 January 1970

40 million euros for over 400 grants will be on offer to researchers who are starting a full time research activity in a European research institute in 2011. The 100,000 euros allocated to professional integration grants will be funded by the Marie Curie Programme and will be designed to encourage European scientists to return to Europe as well as to encourage new researchers from other countries to come and work in universities, companies and other institutions across Europe.

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1 January 1970

As part of its digital strategy the European Commission approved total aid of 1.8 billion euros in support of the development of broadband internet. This public funding should enable every citizen in the EU, including in the rural and outer most areas, to have access to broadband internet.

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1 January 1970

On 18th January the European Commission presented its interim overview of the Galileo and EGNOS satellite navigation programmes. Thanks to recent progress in the development of Galileo and notably with the signature of four major contracts and the trials undertaken on the first four operational satellites, the navigation system will be able to guarantee initial services as of 2014. This should lead to Europe clinching most of the space technology market and make Europe independent in a major sector for the economy and well-being of its citizens. Significant progress has also been made with regard ot the EGNOS programme which increases the precision of the signals coming from the satellite navigation systems.

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Black Sea

1 January 1970

On 20th January MEPs adopted a new budget for the EU's strategy in support of the Black Sea region. Priority must be given to funding small-scale development projects and cross-border cooperation. The aim is to guarantee energy security in the region.

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1 January 1970

On 19th January European Parliament approved the EU/Serbia Stabilisation and Association Agreement. It now has to be ratified by the Member States before it can enter into force. MPs stress that Belgrade must cooperate with the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). The agreement that fosters trade relations between the EU and Serbia and opens up the prospect for EU membership was signed in 2008. However the ratification process by the Member States only started in 2010. To date 11 Member States have completed ratification.

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1 January 1970

On 19th January the EU acquired a new law that should enable European patients to find treatment more easily in another EU Member State by 2013. The report by Françoise Grossetête (EPP,FR) approved by MEPs involves care that is planned for and programmed in advance and not emergency treatment. Treatment received in another Member State will be reimbursed by the patient's health insurance company on the basis of reimbursement tarifs that are accepted in his/her own country.

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1 January 1970

On 19th January MEPs spoke of the child's right to family life. Children should not be forced to live for long periods of time in orphanages. According to MEPs all institutions in the EU should play a more active role amongst competent international organisations to improve, simplify and facilitate international adoption procedures as well as helps towards abolishing superfluous administrative restrictions whilst committing to protecting children's rights. MEPs are asking for the examination of Europe wide strategy coordination with regard to international adoption mechanisms taking into account that adoption competence falls within the Member States' jurisdiction.

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1 January 1970

On 20th January MEPs adopted a resolution which plans to inflict severe sanctions on Belarussian leaders, judges and security agents involved in the violent repression during the elections on 19th December 2010. Amongst the sanctions are a ban on travel in Europe (via the non-delivery of visas) and the freezing of assets. Sanctions are due to remain in force at least until all political prisoners have been released.

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1 January 1970

The Hungarian media law was the focus of discussion during the plenary session of the Parliament in Strasbourg on 17th January with MEPs divided over the issue - some demanding its immediate withdrawal and others saying they preferred to wait for the European Commission's recommendation since it was examining the law at present to see whether it was compatible or not with community law and fundamental rights. In his speech to MEPs presenting the main prioties of the Hungarian Presidency Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban recalled that his government was prepared to modify the law if the Commission believed that it was contrary to European law.

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1 January 1970

On 18th January the Council concluded two agreements with Georgia that aim to facilitate the delivery of visas and readmission. The first agreement will enable Georgian citizens to have short stay visas cheaper and more easily so that they can travel to and circulate within the EU. The second agreement defines the obligations to respect and procedures to follow concerning the readmission of people who stay illegally in the areas concerned. The two agreements will enter into force on 1st March 2011.

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1 January 1970

On 20th January the 27 Interior Ministers discussed cooperation in terms of the fight against organised crime, the place of justice and internal policies in the EU's next pluriannual financial framework and the integrated management of external borders. Given the emerging threats such as cybercrime the EU is planning to enhance cooperation and the dismantling of obstacles to monitoring work so that the external aspect of criminal organisations' activities can be taken into account.

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1 January 1970

The meeting of Employment ministers on 17th and 18th January focused on the possibility of creating jobs. They recalled that all possible means had to be examined to enable the achievement of the goal set by the Europe 2020 Strategy ie the increase of the employment rate to 75%. At present 69% of the population in the Union is in employment.

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1 January 1970

On 24th January the Council adopted a general approach for a draft directive on consumer rights. It asked the presidency to continue negotiations with the European Parliament in view of reaching a final agreement on first reading.

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1 January 1970

On 20th January the Court of Justice of the European Union condemned the Greek fiscal legislation which exonerates permanent residents only of tax due on their first real estate purchase. Believing that this legislation is an impediement to the free movement of EU citizens the Court rejected Greece's arguments. The latter justified this discrimination using the need to fight against real estate sepculation and tax fraud. The "social policy" argument was also rejected given that Greek law does not taken into account the revenues of the purchasers.

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1 January 1970

In the second half of 2010 364,102 false euro notes were seized by the European authorities said the European Central Bank on 17th January. This figure was down by 5.9% in comparison with the first half of 2010 the results of which were already down in comparison with 2009. The 20€ and 50€ notes were the ones to be falsified the most. It should be noted that 97% of the false notes seized came from the euro area countries and only 1.5% of these counterfeits were made in other areas of the world. As for coins 186,000 coins were seized in 2010. The 2€ coins were by far the most affected by this form of crime. In all the number of counterfeited coins is extremely low but this form, unlike that of notes, is on the increase, up by 8% in 2010 in comparison with 2009.

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1 January 1970

On the inauguration of the 150th year of German/Japanese Friendship" Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Yutaka Banno travelled to Berlin on 19th January where he met his German counterpart Werner Hoyer. Discussions focused on disarmament, the reform of the UN, climate protection and economic relations between the EU and Japan. This anniversary celebrates the trade and friendship treaty between Japan and Prussia signed on 24th January 1861.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd January the French and German Foreign Ministers, Michèle Alliot-Marie and Guido Westerwelle asked Europe to "assert its values" and "to define more clearly what its best interests were" in terms of the relations its has with its main partners based on "reciprocity". In a joint press release on the occasion of the signing of the Elysée Treaty on 22nd January 1963 by Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and General De Gaulle, Paris and Berlin said they were determined to invest all of their energies into measures that were included in the Lisbon Treaty so that the European Union could clearly assert itself as a leading political and economic player."

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1 January 1970

Thousands of Belgians who have now been without a government for over seven months demanded the creation of an executive during a demonstration organised by Dutch speaking students and inhabitants of Brussels on 23rd January in Brussels. More than 30,000 people took part in the movement called, "Shame: no government, great country" which claimed to be politically neutral but which was welcomed by some political leaders. It is the first time since the elections on 13th June 2010 that Belgian citizens have expressed their exasperation a this political deadlock.

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1 January 1970

Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Zapatero was guest to French President Nicolas Sarkozy on 21st January at the Elysée. The focus of discussions was the situation of the euro area and the preparation of the European Council on 4th February next, main international issues particularly the situation in the near East, the priorities of the French Presidency of the G20 and bilateral Franco-Spanish relations.

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1 January 1970

On 18th and 19th January Finnish President Tarja Halonen travelled to Afghanistan. She met the Finnish crisis management forces who are taking part in the international assistance and security force (IASF).

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1 January 1970

On 19th January Finnish Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi travelled to Warsaw where she met Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. They discussed the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union which starts on 1st July next - they also discussed the economic situation, energy issues and innovation in Europe.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by INSEE on 18th January the French population on 1st January 2011 rose above 65 million inhabitants for the very first time in both mainland France and in the overseas departments. Nearly 830,000 babies were born in France in 2010 ie 2.01 children per women, the highest rate in 35 years in spite of the decrease in the average age for giving birth (30). France has thereby drawn close to the generation renewal threshold of 2.1 and to that of Ireland - the European Champion in 2009 with 2.07.

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1 January 1970

Laurent Wauquiez, the French Minister responsible for European Affairs travelled to Finland on 19th and 20th January. He spoke with Alexander Stubb, the Foreign Minister as well as with his counterpart, Astrid Thors, Immigration and European Affairs Minister, on issues such as research and innovation, energy and economic matters. These meetings led the way for preparations for the European Council on 4th February that will be devoted to research and innovation. France and Finland have defined a joint position. This visit provided an opportunity to meet with French company heads who are established in Finland and to visit the world competence centre for government enterprise programmes, Gemalto, the world's flagship in digital security.

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1 January 1970

On 24th January French President Nicolas Sarkozy inaugurated the French Presidency of the G8 and the G20 the priorities of which he then set. He notably put forward a "code of conduct in terms of capital management flow" to his counterparts of the most industrialised countries. Another of France's goals is to "extend" the role of the IMF "possibly by modifying" its statutes. Mr Sarkozy mentioned the possibility of a supervisory mission with regard to world imbalance and capital flows. The French president also intends to provide the French presidency with a social undercurrent with the "establishment of a universal social protection base". He pleaded in favour of "giving greater weight to the ILO in world governance". He also announced a meeting with Chinese President Hu Jintao at the end of March in China on the occasion of a seminar organised during the French Presidency of the G20.

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1 January 1970

On 20th January Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen announced that general elections will take place on 11th March next. Speaking to the Dail, the lower chamber of the Irish Parliament he said that he intended to dissolve Parliament" in view of organising the general elections in March.

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1 January 1970

On 20th January Foreign Affairs Minister Michael Martin, Healthcare Minister Mary Harney, Justice Minister Dermot Ahern, Transport Minister Noel Dempsey and Defence Minister Tony Killeen resigned. The Irish Foreign Minister resigned from his post after the confidence vote won by Prime Minister Brian Cowen on 18th January within his party, the Fianna Fail. On 22nd January Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen announced his resignation as head of the Fianna Fail party during a press conference. On 23rd January the Greens announced their withdrawal from the government coalition thereby precipitating the organisation of early elections. "Our patience has run out" declared the head of the ecologist party John Gormley adding "elections are absolutely necessary." "We have decided that we can no longer stay in government," he said.

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1 January 1970

On 19th January the Italian rail company Trenitalia and the French group Veolia Transport presented their joint company that will provide train services as of autumn 2011 between France and Italy and which long term is targeting the European market, notably that of the high speed lines. The duo will firstly be in operation as of autumn 2011 with night trains Paris-Florence-Rome and Paris-Milan-Venice and then it will launch three returns per days between Lyon, Chambery and Turin as of 2012.

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1 January 1970

By acknowledging that Italian public opinion is disturbed by the prostitution affair involving the President of the Council Silvio Berlusconi the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano declared that he wanted Mr Berlusconi to appear before prosecutors in Milan as soon as possible. On 14th January the court of Milan opened a case which accuses the President of the Italian Council of prostitution with an under-age woman and abuse of power.

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1 January 1970

Outgoing President of the Republic Anibal Cavaco Silva (Social Democratic Party, PSD) was re-elected on 23rd January for a second five year mandate as head of the country with 52.94% of the vote ie a higher result than that achieved during the previous presidential election on 22nd January 2006 (+2.6 points). He came out ahead of Manuel Alegre (PS) supported by the Left Bloc (BE) and the Atlantic Democratic Party (PDA) who won 19.75% of the vote (1 point less than in 2006).

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Nordic Summit

1 January 1970

The first summit between the UK and the Nordic and Baltic countries took place in London on 20th January. British Prime Minister David Cameron who met the leaders of Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania would like to enhance trade links with these countries and form an "alliance of common interests" to establish a spearhead for economic growth. On 18th January the British Prime Minister signed a partnership agreement with his Norwegian counterpart Jens Stoltenberg with regard to joint oil and gas drilling projects and the development of wind farms.

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1 January 1970

On 21st January former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was auditioned for the second time by the Inquiry on British commitment in the Iraq war in 2003. Although he has expressed his regrets, notably with regard to the loss of lives, the former British Prime Minister does not question the political choices he made nor his support to George Bush.

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1 January 1970

A new European champion of air transport, International Airlines Group (IAG), was officially born on 21st January after the merger of British Airways and Iberia. The new group has revealed it has great ambition for a sector that is in constant movement.

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1 January 1970

On 17th January the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano received his Slovenian counterpart Danilo Turk. Discussions focused on the EU and its integration. Mr Napolitano stressed that the reference framework of both countries and their policies was and would always be a united, integrated Europe. Bilateral relations were addressed, with an accent being placed on relations between the Slovenian minority in Italy and the Italian minority living in Slovenia.

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1 January 1970

On 17th January the Albanian Parliament voted in support of a government reshuffle after the resignation of the Deputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister Ilir Meta who has been accused of corruption. Parliament voted 72 in support out of a possible 140 for the appointment of a new Economy Minister Nasip Naço. Edmond Haxhinasto at present Foreign Minister will now be Deputy Prime Minister. The Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) which is a member of the governing coalition maintains both posts.

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1 January 1970

On 19th January Croatian President Ivo Josipovic made an official visit to Germany. During his stay he met President Christian Wulff who highlighted the deep friendship that existed between Croatia and Germany. During his interview with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel he spoke of bilateral issues, of Croatia's EU membership as well as the situation in the Western Balkans. The Chancellor said that Germany was prepared to support Croatia in undertaking reforms that were necessary to fulfil the European criteria in this decisive phase of membership negotiations.

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Council of Europe


1 January 1970

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjørn Jagland, and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton met in Strasbourg on 19th January last. This meeting took place during the official launch of the EU's new diplomatic service (EEAS) delegation at the Council of Europe - . "The Council of Europe and the EU entertain close, regular relations and I am pleased with this initiative launched by the Union which opens the way to an even closer cooperation between the two institutions," declared the Secretary General.

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1 January 1970

During recent tragic events that targeted people because of their religious beliefs the Committee of Ministers of the 47 Member States of the Council of Europe adopted unanimously a declaration on 20th January with regard to regligious freedom. Ministers recalled that "there cannot be a democratic society based on understanding and tolerance if there is no respect of the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. To enjoy this freedom is a vital prerequisite to live together."

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1 January 1970

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development published an analysis on 17th January with regard to the dangers and effects of cyber attacks. This report presents a history of the phenomenon, an overview of the dangers and a series of recommendations for States to adopt. It notaby advises countries to improve their own systems of security in an area which is part of civil security rather than military defence. It also suggests the establishment of public-private partnerships and the development of international cooperation in this area. The fight against cyber-crime is not just restricted to the implementation of technical means: it also demands research and education about these dangers.

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1 January 1970

Sweden is due to have high growth again this year and in 2012 according to a report published on 20th January by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. After a rise of 5.2% in 2010 the Swedish GDP is due to increase by 3.9% this year and by 3.4% next year. "After the recession the Swedish economy is due to continue at a rapid pace because the general high level of savings, low interest rates and an improvement in the labour market is encouraging consumers to increase their spending," stresses the organisation. Unemployment is due to decline from 8.4% in 2010 to 8% this year and 7.5% in 2012 but the study advises on greater flexibility in the labour market and to encourage the unemployed to accept jobs. Inflation is still moderate at 1.5% in 2011 and 2.3% in 2012.

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1 January 1970

On 19th January the executive bureau of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) granted Macedonia (FRYOM) a two year arrangement to a total of 475.6 million euros. This commitment is part of the "Precautionary Credit Line PCL" set up by the IMF in 2010. The tool is designed for countries which have a stable economy but which might experience financial needs because of the international economic situation. The countries which benefit from this fund are not supposed to spend it unless their economy is destabilised under external pressure.

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1 January 1970

Airbus, the European plane manufacturer of the EADS group remained the world leader ahead of Boeing in 2010. Airbus witnessed a rise in its production with 644 orders and 510 deliveries of civilian airplanes (in comparison with 498 in 2009). The value of these new orders rose beyond 84 billion gross dollars. 2011 promises to be good with the biggest contract in aviating history (nearly 16 billion dollars) between Airbus and the Indian low-cost company IndiGo. In 2010 Airbus recruited 2,200 new employees bringing staff numbers up to 52,500 employees at the end of the year and in 2011 Airbus is planning to employ up to 3000 more people to face the rise in its activities.

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1 January 1970

According to the latest data published by Eurostat on 21st January the EU's currrent account with third contries revealed a deficit of 19.7 billion euros in the third quarter of 2010 against a deficit of 26.1 billion in the third quarter of 2009 and a deficit of 34.9 billion in the second quarter of 2010.

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1 January 1970

The French International Relations Institute (IFRI) has published a book by Susanne Nies on Europe's supplies of oil and gas - "Oil and Gas Delivery to Europe - An Overview of Existing and Planned Infrastructures."

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European Council

1 January 1970

The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy presented the European Council's 2010 results on 19th January. This fifty page document reviews the subjects that involved the Council in 2010: euro area stability, the state of the EU Member States' economies and the role the EU has played in the world.

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1 January 1970

The latest issue of NATO's revue is entitled "Predictions for Security in 2011". In an interview with four experts of differing age and nationality it offers a varied view of the geopolitical situation and of developments we might expect. It also addresses the issue of the world's economy, that of rare earths, qualified as the "new oil in 2011".

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1 January 1970

In the January 2011 edition of its review "International Affairs" Chatham House has published an article on the priorities of the European Foreign Policy in 2010 entitled "Between Kant and Machiavelli: EU Foreign Policy Priorities in the 2010's" written by Albert Bressand.

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1 January 1970

The German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) has published a paper by Wolfram Lacher on organised crime and terrorism in the Sahel. The author explains that the range of activity of organised crime in the Sahel area has changed fundamentally over the last few years and that the criminal networks are extending their influence. In addition to this he sets out some options for action by the EU notably in the area of regional cooperation.

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1 January 1970

On 20th January the Rexecode Institute published a study on the divergence in competitiveness between France and Germany since 2000. Over the last ten years there has been a real change in compeititiveness between France and Germany. The difference has grown constantly since 2000. French exports were close to 55% of German exports at that time but they now only represent 40%. The study shows that price competitiveness on German products is now often higher than on French products.

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1 January 1970

Michel Foucher, geographer and diplomat, member of the scientific board of the Robert Schuman Foundation is the author of a new book entitled "La Bataille des cartes, analyse critique des visions du monde" published by Bourin. Using a new type of cartography Michel Foucher explains the world's geopolitical stakes.

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1 January 1970

Bruylant Publishing has released a book entitled "Public Opinion and European Security and Common Defence: Players, Positions and Developments." This work that was managed by André Dumoulin and Philippe Manigart presents analyses on the context and the players in European Security and Defence Policy (ESPD) and sets down some ideas about this sectoral policy at the service of the EU's foreign policy.

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1 January 1970

From 26th January to 29th May the Pinacothèque of Paris is presenting the Romanov treasures - a rare collection of around 100 works from the Ermitage Museum of Saint-Petersburg. The collection that started to be assembled at the end of the 17th century the Imperial Russian Collections rapidly became one of the biggest in Europe.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd January 1963 General de Gaulle and Chancellor Adenauer made the Franco-German reconciliation offical via the Elysée Treaty. The Centre for Information and Documentation on Germany (CIDAL) is devoting an exhibition as of 25th January on "Franco-German Relations, a prosperous friendship at the service of Europe". This exhibition which includes 26 display boards and 45 photographs and documents describes the extraordinary wealth of Franco-German relations. It shows how France and Germany, after decades of emnity learned the lessons of history.

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1 January 1970

The 11th "Festival Escena Contemporeana" organised on 27th January to 20th February in Madrid includes many plays and dancing shows. This project is supported by the Spanish Cultural Ministry.

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1 January 1970

The 35th edition of the international modern art exhibition "Artefiera-Art First" of Bologna is taking place from 28th to 31st January. The exhibition is presenting modern works of art by Italian and foreign artists.

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24th January

"Agriculture and Fisheries" Council ()

26th January

Debate "The European Diplomatic Service: Towards a common diplomacy?" Brussels ()

31st January

"Foreign Affairs" and "General Affairs" Council ()

les 2nd-3rd February

Mini-Session - European Parliament ()

3rd February

Governors' Council - European Central Bank ()

4th February

European Council ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°471- version of 24 janv. 2011