The Newsletter45811 oct. 2010

La Lettre

Jean-François Jamet

11 October 2010



1 January 1970

4.8 million Azerbaijanis are being called to ballot on 7th November next to renew the 125 members of the Milli Majlis, the only Chamber in Parliament. MPs are elected every five years by a majority election in one round. Five political parties are represented at the moment: the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP), led by President Ilham Aliev, has 61 seats; Azadliq (A), 5 seats; the Civil Solidarity Party (VHP), three seats; the Mother Country Party, 2 seats and the People's Front (AXCP), one seat. 53 independent politicians have a seat there. In November 2005 the election was marred by infringements. International observers will be there again this time and will be very vigilant to ensure that the election takes place democratically.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to Chinese dissident, Liu Xiaobo the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation has published on his site an editorial entitled: "China, Europe and the Nobel Prize".

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Schuman Report

1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published its report The State of the Union 2010. Schuman Report on Europe (english version), a reference work to understand the European Union's progress, its needs and the opportunities open to it.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

Giulio Tremonti, Italian Economy Minister confirmed on 5th October that the country's goals with regard to the reduction of the public deficit would be met this year. The Italian deficit declined by 3% this year to lie at 5% instead of 5.3% in 2009. The Italian budgetary austerity programme of 25 billion euros adopted at the end of July by Parliament plans for the deficit to decrease to 3.9% in 2011 and to 2.7% in 2012; thereby falling below the 3% of the GDP set by the Stability and Growth Pact.

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1 January 1970

The Central Irish Bank decreased quite distinctly its growth forecast for the country on 4th October for 2010; this will only rise to 0.2% and the bank encouraged the government to step up budgetary cuts to face the astronomic cost of saving the banks.

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1 January 1970

Published on 5th October the International Monetary Fund's report "on financial stability in the world" recommends that States maintain their support to the financial sector. Of course the IMF has reduced its forecasts of losses suffered by the sector between 2007 and 2010 but these still total 2,200 billion dollars. The report qualifies the financial sector as "the Achilles heel of economic recovery" and insists on a "period of signficant uncertainty" which the financial institutions are now facing. In addition to this on 7th Octobder the IMF published its outlook for the world's economy. Economic recovery continued to grow in the first semester of 2010. However world recovery is still weak. World growth is therefore due to grow to 4.8% in 2010 and 4.2% in 2011.

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1 January 1970

After a period of decline associated with the collapse of the financial sector the Icelandic economy is due to recover "sustainably" in the second semester of 2010 and reach growth of 3% in 2011, according to an IMF report. This positive development is fostered by investments in high energy consuming sectors. These forecasts have been veiled somewhat by "significant uncertainties" notably associated with possible regulations in these sectors, the danger of another world economic crisis and even a volcanic eruption. Unemployment is still six times higher than before the crisis and public debt is due to rise to around 120% of the GDP ie four times the 2007 figure. The IMF announced its intention to release a payment of 167 million dollars bringing the sum made available to Iceland up to 1.36 billion dollards of the 2.17 billion decided upon in 2008.

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1 January 1970

On presenting his draft budget 2011 Polish Finance Minister Jan Rostowski announced on 7th October to Parliament that Poland will bring its public deficit below the 3% mark of the GDP by 2013, the key threshold for the adoption of the euro set by the Maastricht Treaty. The draft finance law aims to reduce the public deficit to 6.5% of the GDP in 2011. This would be a reduction of around 20% with regard the deficit forecast in 2010.

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1 January 1970

According to data published on 8th October by the Federal Statistics Office Germany exported goods to a total of 75.1 billion euros and imported goods to a total value of 66.1 billion euros in August 2010. Whilst exports declined by 0.4% in comparison with July 2010 imports rose by 0.9%. In August 2010 the trade surplus lay at 11.7 billion euros against 12.6 billion in July.

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1 January 1970

According to Jean-Claude Trichet, Chair of the European Central Bank who spoke on 7th October recovery in the euro area is due to remain "moderate" with some "uncertainties". The ECB decided to maintain its main interest rate at 1%. Both agreeably surprised by the vigour of the euro area's recovery which is pushing aside the spectre of another decline, but concerned about the possibility of some financial establishments becoming dependent on the facilities granted to them the ECB recently revealed that it was tempted to return to greater orthodoxy in a context of a soaring rise in the euro.

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1 January 1970

The number of unemployed receiving unemployment insurance or compensation from the State in the name of solidarity reached 2,551 million in August, declining by 0.5% over one month but rising by 4.7% over one year. This monthly development can be explained by the number of unemployment insurance beneficiaries (-0.6%) and the number beneficiaries of the Solidarity-State allowance (-0.1%)" according to data corrected after seasonal variations in a press release on the part of Pôle Emploi. If the beneficiaries of training and pre-retirement allowances are added to this the number of people paid by Pôle Emploi decreased by 0.1% over one month but increased by 5% over one year to total 2,771 million in comparison with 2,639 million in August 2009. The number people in pre-retirement receiving allowances declined in August (-3.3% over one month, -32.6% over one year) thereby falling below the 9,000 mark.

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1 January 1970

According to a draft budget 2011 presented on 4th October the 2009 budgetary deficit may rise beyond 14% of the GDP. This reassessment will not affect the goals to reduce the deficit and the debt that the country committed to achieving by 2013 in exchange for its financial rescue in May by the EU and the IMF. The public deficit is due to reach 7.8% of the GDP in 2010 ie better than the target of 8.1% initially set by the EU and the IMF. The government is forecasting that the unemployment rate in Greece will continue to rise sharply in 2011 to reach 14.5%, then 15% in 2012 before declining as from 2013 to 14.6%.

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1 January 1970

The number of Spanish unemployed rose by 1.2% in September in comparison with August for the second consecutive month after a period of reduction according to monthly figures published on 4th October by the Labour Ministry. The total number of unemployed (according to this count which is different from the quarterly figures released by the Statistics Institute) is above the 4 million threshold with a total of 4,107 million as was the case at the beginning of the year for the period January to May.

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1 January 1970

The Bank of Portugal reviewed its growth forecasts upwards for 2010 on 7th October to +1.2% of the GDP in comparison with +0.9% previously whilst warning against recessive effects of the austerity measures announced for 2011 that are due to cause a stagnation in the economy at best. According to the bank the improvement in growth in 2010 can be explained by an unexpected increase both in consumption and exports. However "the development of the Portuguese economy in 2011 will be conditioned by the budgetary consolidation process" which "although favourable and even vital for the economy's growth mid and long term will have a recessive impact short term."

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1 January 1970

The Slovakian government approved an austerity budget for 2011 on 6th October with a public deficit reduced to 4.9% of the GDP and forecasting on growth of 3.3% of the GDP. The draft forecasts a rise in consumer prices of 3.5% in 2011 and an unemployment rate of 13.6%. The government is forecasting a deficit of 3.8 billion euros with revenues of 13.1 billion euros and expenditure of 16.9 billion euros.

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European Council


1 January 1970

On 6th October in Brussels the EU and South Korea signed a bilateral free trade agreement of unprecedented importance; it is the first of its type between Europe and Asia. This agreement plans for the progressive liberalisation of merchandise and services trade on both sides and includes rules with regard to trade issues such as competition and State subsidies, intellectual property and pubic markets. South Korea is the EU's 8th trade partner and the latter is Korea's second partner in terms of exports. The agreement which is due to come into force in July 2011 should lead to the abolition of customs duties. With regard to exports from the EU to South Korea this will represent 1.6 billion euros per year.

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1 January 1970

The world economy, trade and climate change together with governance issues were the focus of discussions at the 13th EU-China summit on 6th October. The weakness of the yuan that Europeans would like to see revalued upwards was the point of bitter discussion. In addition to this the Europeans called for progress with regard to human rights.

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1 January 1970

During the 8th Asia-Europe meeting (ASEM) on 4th and 5th October the need for more effective government of the world's economy involving the enhancement of cooperation to emerge from the economic crisis was the focus of debate. Welcoming three new members (New Zealand, Australia and Russia) the leaders of 46 European and Asian countries did not succeed however in overcoming their differences with regard to monetary policy. They called for a reform of international financial institutions to avoid a world economic crisis. They also adopted a declaration on the quality of life and well-being of citizens.

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1 January 1970

On 6th October the European Commission set out its leading initiatives in the Europe 2020 strategy that was announced in March last: "The Innovation Union". This strategic approach with regard to innovation will allow the public sector to intervene to boost the private sector and to remove several obstacles such as the lack of funding, the fragmenting of research and market systems, the under use of public innovation markets and the slowness in normalisaiton work. According to a recent study reaching the Europe 2020 goal of bringing R&D investments up to 3% of the GDP will enable the creation of 3.7 million jobs and increase the annual GDP by 795 billion euros by 2025. To do this the EU will need one million additional researchers.

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1 January 1970

On 7th October the European Commission said it supported a tax on financial transactions (FFT) worldwide which will make it possible to respond to development challenges and the fight against climate change. But across the Union the Commission is suggesting a tax on financial activities (FAT). A certain number of European countries as well as the President of the Central European Bank are reticent about extending the TFF across Europe as a whole. There is no consensus worldwide either due to the opposition of emerging countries and Canada. France which is about to take over the presidency of the G20 intends however to promote this idea again.

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1 January 1970

On 7th October MEPs approved 568 votes for, 47 against and 21 abstentions the lifting of visa obligations with regard to Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The vote is due to be confirmed by the 27 EU Member States. Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha spoke of an historic day for Albania and Albanians, "who are achieving a dream of being able to travel freely in the Schengen area." The Bosnian Foreign Minister, Sven Alkalaj welcomed the European Parliament's decision declaring that the lifting of the obligation represented the first real advantage of the European integration process for Bosnian citizens and that it would provide impetus to the idea of Europe in the country.

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1 January 1970

The 27 European Interior and Justice Ministers who met on 7th and 8th October discussed the following issues: the Common European Asylum System, the development of the Schengen Information System II (SIS II) and the Visa Information System (VIS) as well as information, interpretation and translation laws in penal procedures.

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1 January 1970

The 27 European Culture Ministers spoke of the links between culture and innovation on 7th October. They maintained the need to work together to consolidate the place of cultural and creative industries within the EU's innovation policy. On 8th October they said their goal was to support European cinema. To do this they hope to develop strong, diversified European productions stressing the importance of the promotion, distribution and access to these.

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1 January 1970

On 5th October German Chancellor Angela Merkel met Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao in Germany. The two heads of government said they wanted to enhance economic relations as well as the coordination of macro-economic policies. In addition to this they declared they rejected protectionism with regard to trade and investments. With regard to the preparation of the G20 summit in Seoul they addressed the issue of managing the international economic and financial crisis.

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1 January 1970

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan committed on 9th October to do more for the integration of some 2.5 million Turks living in Germany, a situation which has been chronically denounced as inadequate. "With regard to integration there are clearly still problems that we want to solve," admitted Ms Merkel to the press after meeting with Mr Erdogan.

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1 January 1970

During an official three day visit to Turkey Austrian Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger was guest on 6th October in Istanbul to Turkish President Abdullah Gül. Although the visit focused on Turkish-Austrian trade relations they discussed the difficult negotiations underway over Turkey's accession to the EU. Mr Spindelegger said that Austria was not "impeding" the membership procedure but hopes that the two countries "had a joint future" whilst Mr Gül stressed the economic importance of his country for Austria. The latter is however sceptic about Turkey's accession to the EU. It is one of a group of countries which opposed membership as early as 2005 mentioning however the possibility of a "privileged partnership" between the Union and Turkey.

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1 January 1970

The King of the Belgians, Albert II asked outgoing Prime Minister Yves Leterme on 5th October "to do as much as possible" for the country's economy the day after the failure of negotiations to form a new government. Since the Presidents of the Chamber and the Senate had reported on their mediation mission, they asked the king to be dispensed of their mission. The King accepted this request. On 8th October the Belgian Sovereign asked Bart de Wever, chair of the N-VA, to undertake a 10 day clarification mission with seven parties who were around the table to compare points of view. Yves Leterme's government approved a circular project devoted to the preparation of the finance law 2011. The 2011 finance law includes provisional loans to a total of three twelfths for Federal State services in January, February and March 2011.

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1 January 1970

In his opening speech of the parliamentary session on 5th October Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said that his government's goal was to achieve Denmark's independence with regard to oil, gas and coal by 2050. Within the EU, Denmark also wants to "work towards the EU respecting its goal to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% by 2020", whatever the "results of the present climate negotiations are" in the world. In addition to this he addressed the issue of the welfare state and he said he wanted to withdraw Danish troops from Afghanistan by 2014.

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1 January 1970

Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov travelled to Finland on 6th October where he discussed bilateral relations between the two countries with Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi - they also discussed the economic situation, energy policy as well as Ukraine's rapprochement with the EU.

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1 January 1970

On 7th October Finnish Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi undertook an official visit to Ireland. She met her Irish counterpart, the Taoiseach, (head of government) Brian Cowen, as well as the president of Ireland, Mary MacAleese in Dublin and took part with Brian Cowen in a seminar on innovation. In his speech the Taoiseach stressed the importance of innovation and mentioned the creation of an innovation fund of 500 million euros by the Irish government. In addition to this he said that both countries might work closer together within the EU to help take innovation forwards as a success factor in economic recovery.

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1 January 1970

The Grand Impertinence Prize 2011 of the Cercle des Entrepreneurs du Futur (the Future Entrepreneurs' Circle) was launched on 22nd September at the CNAM. It comprises a call for communications on action and innovative thought associated with sustainable development, entrepreneurship, the development of territories and services. Since 2010 "Entrepreneurs du Futur" has been a Prospective and Innovation Foundation programme. It mainly aims to think and act otherwise helping the knowledge society, by supporting entrepreneurs as well as local and development initiatives.

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PS/EU Programme

1 January 1970

The Socialist Party's convention for a new international and European approach met on 9th October. It unanimously adopted proposals on international issues with 50 additional amendments approved by militants. With regard to Europe the PS stresses the need for a new start for the EU, notably by providing itself with economic governance mechanisms. It suggests the creation of a "European Monetary Fund". It insists on recovery of the Franco-German couple and advises on "a pooling of German and French seats within the IMF and the World Bank". On Turkey's entry into the EU: the final outcome cannot be guaranteed.

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1 January 1970

French President Nicolas Sarkozy visited Pope Benedict XVI on 8th October. He recalled that the Church and the French Republic served a good number of common causes: justice, balance, peace, fraternity. Both men addressed the situation in the Middle East, relations between poor and rich countries as well as the impact of the economic crisis. Recalling that France will chair the G8 and the G20 as from the end of November Nicolas Sarkozy declared, "We should be aware that this is not only an economic and financial issue. In all crises there is an intellectual and moral dimension also." The interview led to the conclusion that the Church and France must make a joint effort defend these common causes.

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1 January 1970

The President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich was guest to Nicolas Sarkozy on 7th October in Paris. The meeting of the heads of state was devoted to the future of Franco-Ukrainian relations notably in terms of economic cooperation and security. Mr Sarkozy said he was happy with the "friendship" that existed between France and Ukraine.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of his visit to Greece on 2nd and 3rd October Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao and his Greek counterpart George Papandreou signed thirteen agreements. Beijing showed that it wanted to help in a joint effort to overcome the crisis by purchasing Greek assets. Wen Jiabao qualified Greece as China's most credible partner in the EU. China is prepared to double its imports of Greek products and encourage Greece to extend its trade to China so that this can develop in a balanced, sustainable manner. "Over the next five years the volume of trade will double to 8 billion dollars," said Wen Jiabao saying that China wanted to create a Greek-Chinese Development Fund that will be provided with 5 billion dollars in view of promoting cooperation in maritime transport between the two countries.

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Civil Protection

1 January 1970

Hungary which has been struck by a serious industrial chemical accident that has started to affect the eco-system of the main part of the Danube officially asked on 7th October for the EU Civil Protection Mechanism to be launched announced the European Commission in a press release. The Hungarian authorities asked for the dispatch of "three to five experts" specialised in the area of toxic mud, decontamination and environment. The European Civil Protection Mechanism in which 31 States take part (EU27 plus Croatia, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway) facilitates cooperation in response to catastrophes.

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1 January 1970

On 7th October Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao visited Italian President Giorgio Napolitano and President of the Italian Council, Silvio Berlusconi. Dialogue focused on the excellent relations that exist between the EU and China after the EU/ASEM in Brussels. During the visit Italian and Chinese companies signed several trade agreements to a total of 2.25 billion euros.

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1 January 1970

Paolo Romani, the present Deputy Minister in charge of communications in Italy was appointed Economic Development Minister on 4th October whilst the post had been vacant since the resignation of Claudio Scajloa five months ago after a corruption scandal. Mr Romani was sworn in the presence of the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano and head of government Silvio Berlusconi said the Economic Development Ministry.

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1 January 1970

The Luxembourg Law Association "Le Cercle des Amis de Colpach" organises a competition every four years together with the ArcelorMittel group and under the high patronage of the Culture Minister of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for the attribution of the Emile and Aline Mayrisch Prize. This prize aims to promote the opening of cultural contracts and the promotion of harmony between European peoples. The work presented in the competition will focus on research in the area of history, politics, economy, social life and/or culture in the Franco-German-Belgian-Luxembourg area.

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The Netherlands


1 January 1970

The leader of the Liberal Party, Mark Rutte was given the responsibility of forming the new Dutch government on 7th October by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. This will be the first minority government in the Netherlands since the Second World War; the Liberals (VVD) won the election together with the Christian Democrats (CDA) with a total of 52 seats of the 150 in the general elections on 12th June last. Mr Rutte indicatd that he hoped to present his government on 14th October saying that the VVD and the CDA will each hold six ministries and have four Secretaries of State. An agreement on a minority government coalition between the two parties with the support of the Freedom Party (PVV) led by Geert Wilders was concluded on 28th September. Geert Wilders promised to support the new executive in Parliament. In exchange he was given the opportunity to participate in the writing of the future government's programme.

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1 January 1970

During a meeting on 1st October in Yalta between Bronislaw Komorowski and Viktor Yanukovich, the Presidents of Poland and the Ukraine respectively, Mr Komorowski said he would support the Ukraine's efforts to join the EU. The Polish President also invited Mr Yanukovich to launch reforms as quickly as possible to prepare Ukraine for European integration. To this effect Mr Komorowski hopes to be able to "share" experiences that Poland made earlier in its own preparations to join the EU. For his part Mr Yanukovich suggested that Poland be associated to Ukrainian projects for the transfer of natural gas across Europe.

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1 January 1970

On 5th October the Portuguese Republic celebrated the centenary of its birth with thousands of commemoration ceremonies across the entire country. In his speech delivered during an official ceremony the Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva said that political commitment in support of national cohesion was necessary, "a commitment whereby the various parties realise the seriousness of the time in which we find ourselves."

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1 January 1970

British Prime Minister David Cameron defended a draconian, but fair austerity plan on 6th October in the wake of sharp criticism over the abolition of universal family allowance on the last day of the Conservative Party Congress in Birmingham. "Reducing spending will be difficult. Programmes will be cut. Jobs will be lost. But many companies have had to make equivalent savings and more over the last few years," he declared. With overtones recalling Winston Churchill who regretted in May 1940 of not having "anything other to offer but blood, sweat and tears", Mr Cameron drove it home that there was no other "responsible" option but that of austerity. "This year we shall spend £43 billion (49 billion euros) just in interest on the debt," he recalled.

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Shadow Cabinet

1 January 1970

The Labour Party announced on 8th October the composition of its "government opposition" with Alan Johnson in the key post of Chancellor of the Exchequer, responsible for mirroring Finance Minister George Osborne.

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1 January 1970

Slovakian President Ivan Gasparovic travelled to Ukraine on 5th to 8th October where he was guest to his Ukrainian counterpart Viktor Yanukovich. The Ukrainian President promised to step up the fight against corruption in Ukraine in order to attract Slovakian investors; he suggested the launch of reform in his country to counter corruption and to encourage trade between Slovakia and Ukraine. Mr Gasparovic attended a Ukrainian economic forum in Kiev on 6th October.

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1 January 1970

Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt presented his new government on 5th October. Seven new ministers were appointed within a government that rises from 22 to 24 members, including 11 women. Mr Reinfeldt repeated that he would not negotiate with Sweden Democrats (far right) without managing however to achieve the support of either the Greens or the Social Democrats. This is a minority government.

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1 January 1970

The moderate forces gained ground amongst the Muslims of Bosnia in the elections that took place on 3rd October last but the Serbs of Bosnia confirmed their preference for their leader Milorad Dodik, who is against any kind of strengthening of the central Bosinian State. Bakir Izetbegovic who pleaded during the electoral campaign in favour of dialogue between the Serbs of Bosnia came out ahead to become the Muslim member of the country's Collegial Presidency. Son of former president Alija Izetbegovic, he will be the only new representative in the Collegial Presidency of Bosnia - since the two outgoing candidates - Croat and Serb - held the lead in their college.

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1 January 1970

The Nobel Committee attributed the Nobel Medicine Prize to British physiologist Robert G Edwards for the development of the in vitro fecundation (IVF). The Nobel Prize for Economy was given to two Americans Peter Diamond and Dale Mortensen and to Briton Christopher Pissarides. Finally the Nobel Peace Prize was given to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, condemned in 2008 to 11 years in prison in his country for "subversion of State power" after having been one of those involved in the writing of the Charter O8, a text demanding a democratic China.

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1 January 1970

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev was guest to his Cypriot counterpart Demestris Christofias on 7th October in Nicosia. They signed several agreements with regard to trade relations between the two countries. Mr Christofias promised his cooperation in optimising off-shore taxation of Russian companies a good number of whom escape to Cyprus to avoid taxation in Russia. Mr Medvedev said that in exchange he would support the Cypriot President's work to reunite Cyprus that has been divided since 1974.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of the press conference on 4th October in Sofia Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and Turk Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke of a recovery in trade with regard to energy. The Turkish Prime Minister said he wanted his country to join the EU but deplored treatment that he deemed unfair.

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1 January 1970

During an interregional economic summit on 4th October in Gelendzhik in Russia the Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich intimated that there would be more trade and industrial cooperation between the two countries. According to Mr Medvedev this means improving Russian-Ukrainian infrastructure to facilitate the trade in goods and movement in the region with regard to energy and the environment.

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Council of Europe


1 January 1970

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Germany joining the Council of Europe German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle undertook his first visit of the organisation's HQ on 4th October. Addressing the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe he welcomed the "spirit of reconciliation" and "the confidence for a new start" which Germany had enjoyed just five years after the end of the Second World War. He also said that the "human rights system of the Council of Europe had reached a level of protection unequalled on our continent." He pleaded in support of a the EU's accession to the European Human Rights Convention.

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1 January 1970

On 7th October the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe approved a resolution denouncing the inreasingly frequent use of security discourse on the European political scene. In her report to the Assembly Anne Brasseur regretted the amalgamation of security issues with ethnic minorities notably mentioning the case of the Roma. Parliamentarians thereby confirmed that "a distinction had to be made in political discourse between individuals who have committed crimes and whole groups of people such as the Roma or any other minority or group of migrants." This resolution was adopted whilst a high level meeting is being planned for 20th October to agree on priority measures designed to improve the situation of Roma in Europe.

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1 January 1970

During its autumn session from 4th to 8th October the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a resolution recommending that Member States adopt specific measures to take into account the issue of gender in their examination of asylum seekers requests. The PACE is targeting the wrong caused to women, based on gender, such as sexual exploitation, forced marriage, crimes of honour, forced abortion and sterilisation, genital mutilation and even rape during armed conflict. Recalling that 52% of asylum seekers in the Member Sates of the Council of Europe are women the resolution notably suggests the enhancement of awareness of these problems in order to better identify them and improve the conditions in which women are interrogated, accompanied and accommodated whilst they wait for the asylum request to be processed.

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1 January 1970

Confirming its initial estimate Eurostat indicated on 6th October that the euro area and the EU's GDP increased by 1% in the second quarter of 2010 in comparison with the previous quarter. During the first quarter 2010 the growth rate lay at 0.3% in the euro area and at 0.4% in the EU. In the second quarter 2010 Lithuania (3.2%) recorded the highest growth rate in comparison with the previous quarter, followed by Germany (2.2%) as well as Estonia, Finland and Sweden (1.9% each).

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of the 13th EU-China Summit on 6th October Eurostat published data on 5th October with regard to trade and investment between China and the EU. The figures of the first half of 2010 indicate a sharp rise in EU trade with China. EU exports to China rose beyond 37 billion euros in the first half of 2009 to 53 billion in the first six months of 2010 and imports rose from 103 billion to 125 billion euros. The trade deficit increased from 65 billion to 71 billion euros. In the first half of 2010 China represented 8.5% of EU exports and 17.8% of the EU's imports.

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1 January 1970

According to a Eurostat study published on 4th October nearly 40% of the EU's surface is covered in forest and other wooded areas. Five European countries (Finland, Sweden, Slovenia, Estonia and Latvia) have more than half of their surface area covered with forest and other wooded areas. The highest shares of cultivated land are seen in Denmark (48%), Hungary (47%), Poland (36%), the Czech Republic (35%), Germany and Italy (33% each), Spain and France (30% each).

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1 January 1970

The Heinrich Böll Foundation presents a new study entitled "Can Europe rise to the Challenge? EU Policy Responses to the Global Crisis".

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1 January 1970

The Foundation for Strategic Research (FSR) has just published an analysis on "The Defence Industry and Public Support to R&D in Europe," written by Hélène Masson.

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1 January 1970

The Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) has published a paper on the place of religion in EU law and policy entitled "The Place of Religion in European Union Law and Policy: Competing Approaches and Actors inside the European Commission", written by Sergio Carrera and Joanna Parkin.

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1 January 1970

The Microfinance Monitor of the Bank of France chaired by Michel Camdessus, honorary governor of the Bank of France, has just published its Annual Report 2009. This report reviews the personal and professional microcredit, solidarity savings and microinsurance in France. In addition to this it includes a first review of the situation of various European countries in relation to microfinance.

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1 January 1970

On 4th October the Germany Foreign Policy Society (DGAP) published a work under the management of Claire Demesmay and Katrin Sold entitled "Frankreich-Themen 2010" that looks into France's reactions amongst other matters to the international economic and financial crisis and its relations with major international players.

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1 January 1970

The latest issue of the review "Questions internationales" that was published in September looks into the effect of crises in the history of European integration. It also looks into the present situation that differs from the previous crises that until now have been overcome without irreprable damage, sometimes even with decisive breakthroughs such as with the creation of the euro.

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1 January 1970

Documenation Française has published a new version of "Les Institutions de l'Union Européenne après le traité de Lisbonne" (The EU's institutions after the Lisbon Treaty). Its authors, Yves Doutriaux and Christian Lequesne stress the specific nature of the European institutional framework explaining the daily running of the European institutions. Entirely updated on the occasion of the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty it highlights the institutional changes that have occurred.

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1 January 1970

The 54th London Film Festival (LFF) will take place from 13th to 28th October. It is proposing all types of novelties from the cinema world.

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1 January 1970

The Bucerius Kunst Forum in Hamburg is presenting an exhibition "Marc Chagall. Life Lines" until 16th January 2011. This exhibition is showing around 150 of the artist's works (1887-1985) that come in the main from the Chagall collection of the Museum of Israel in Jerusalem. It focuses on three major aspects of the artist's life: the love he bore to his wife Bella, his perception of himself both as an artist as well as his relation to the Jewish religion and history.

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1 January 1970

In tribute to the Medicis the Maillol Museum in Paris is hosting a spectacular exhibition until 31st January that looks back over four centuries of the history of art. 160 objects and paintings on show bear witness to the immense, magnificent Medicis collections, a dynasty of banker/traders who guaranteed the influence of Florence for over three centuries and whose power spread well beyond Tuscany.

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1 January 1970

The Beyeler Foundation in Basel is hosting an exhibition until 16th January "Vienna 1900 - Klimt, Schiele and their Time" that addresses the Viennese Secession, a trend in art nouveau that emerged in the Austrian capital at the beginning of the 20th century. More than 200 paintings by Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele are notably on show as well as architectural models, furniture, objects in glass and silver, posters and photographs.

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1 January 1970

As part of the Belgian Presidency of the EU the Belgian Comic Strip Centre (BCSC) is presenting an exhibition until 6th March 2011 "European Comic Strip Treasures" that includes an exceptional selection of original drawings from major works in European comic strip work over the last 100 years. In this exhibition fifty European artists are on show amongst them are Hergé (Tintin), Uderzo (Astérix), Luciano Bottaro (Pepito), Hugo Pratt (Corto Maltèse), Tillieux, Druillet and Giraud.

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1 January 1970

The Albertina in Vienna is presenting the biggest exhibition of Michael Angelo in over 20 years until 9th January. Around 100 drawings amongst the most beautiful by the artist (1475-1564) will be on show as part of this exhibition entitled "Drawings of Genius". With the precious prints of the graphic art collection of the Albertina and loans from European and American museums the presentation offers a complete overview of all of the work by the Florentine artist.

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1 January 1970

The Strozzi Palace in Florence is presenting its first exhibition devoted to the work of a major painter of 16th century, Agnolo di Cosimo, known as Bronzino (1503-1572). More than 70 pictures by the painter as well as works by Pontormo, Cellini, Tribolo, Baccio Bandinelli, Pierino da Vinci and Alessandro Allori are to be admired until 23rd January 2011 - the exhibition is entitled "Bronzino. Artist and poet at the Medicis court."

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1 January 1970

Israeli writer David Grossman received the German Book Trade's Frankfurt Peace Prize on 10th October before an audience of one thousand guests - including President of the Republic Christian Wulff announced the Book Trade Association.

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11th and 12th October

EU "Competitiveness" Council ()

14th October

EU "Environment" Council ()

15th October

EU "Transport, Telecommunications, Energy" Council ()

18th October to 21st October

Plenary Session of European Parliament in Strasbourg ()

18th October

Eurogroup Meeting ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°458- version of 11 oct. 2010