The Newsletter45413 sept. 2010

La Lettre

13 September 2010



1 January 1970

The Masters in Management at the ESCP-Europe is organising a start-of-year seminar from 13th to 15th September in the buildings of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. The seminar focuses this year on financial regulation via the perception of the issues at stake, the understanding of how European decisions are drawn up and adopted, the understanding of the role played by European players. Thierry Chopin, Study Director at the Foundation is taking part providing his knowledge on the institutions and decision making procedures within the EU.

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1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a seminar together with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the CEDEM (Center for Democracy and Human Rights) on 17th September focusing on the freedom of the press in Montenegro; the situation of the press in Montenegro will be addressed and gauged against European standards and there will be an analysis of the regulations in force nationally and on a European level.

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Summer University

1 January 1970

The European think-tank "European Ideas Network" is organising its summer university on 16th-18th September in Budapest. This year debate will be focused on the crisis in Europe and on European policies that need to be "reinvented" in order to promote growth and to counter poverty. Pascale Joannin, Director General of the Foundation will speak on the theme of the Neighbourhood Policy.

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1 January 1970

Just one week before the Swedish general elections the Alliance that rallies the Moderate Assembly Party (M) led by outgoing Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, the Centre Party (C), the People's Party-Liberals (FpL) and the Christian Democratic Party (KD) - is running ahead of the Red/Green (Rödgröna)coalition that rallies the Social Democratic Party (SAP) led by Mona Sahlin, the Environment Party-Greens (MP) and the Left Party (Vp). The most recent poll published on 10th September by the Dagens Nyheter credits the Alliance forces with 50.5% of the vote and the Red/Green coalition with 42.2%. The Sweden Democrats (far right) are credited with 6% - with this they will enter parliament.

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1 January 1970

The citizens of Bosnia-Herzgovina are being called to ballot on 3rd October to elect the three members of the collegial Presidency and the 42 MPs in the Chamber of Representatives, the lower Chamber of Parliament in the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The inhabitants of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzgovina (the entity which represents 51% of the territory) will renew the 98 members of the Chamber of Representatives in their Parliament; the citizens of the Serb Republic (49% of the territory) will elect the 83 members of their National Assembly, as well as their President and Vice-Presidents. More than 8,000 candidates from 47 political parties and 14 independent candidates are standing in these elections. The campaign started on 3rd September and is focused on the question: does Bosnia-Herzegovina need greater centralisation or is it preferable for the two entities that make it up (the Federation of Bosnia-Herzgovina and the Serb Republic) retain their autonomy?

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1 January 1970

The chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation Jean-Dominique Giuliani has published an editorial on his site entitled "Turkey: the strategic mistake". He comments on the declarations made by the Turkish Foreign Minister in Brussels and analyses Turkey's new foreign policy.

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1 January 1970

The Turkish accepted by a wide majority the reform of their Constitution during the referendum organised on 12th September. 57.9% voters chose "evet" (yes) to the modification to the Fundamental Law and 42.1% said "no". Turnout rose to 77%.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

The 27 European Finance Ministers agreed on 7th September to take the first step in support of European economic governance. This means enhancing national budgetary control for a six month period - called the "European semester". In this way economic and budgetary policies of the 27 Member States will be more coherent and more balanced and will enjoy greater coordination. The European Commission is now responsible for establishing a legislative proposal by the end of September. However the issue of saving banks will be debated again at the end of September. The same applies to taxation of financial transactions.

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1 January 1970

To satsify European institutions the Irish government modified the plan to restructure the Anglo Irish Bank on 8th September opting for a split into two entities but one of which would be sold or liquidated progressively. Although in the beginning Dublin wanted to split the Anglo Irish bank into a "bad bank" that would take on the "toxic assets" and a "good one" that could have started out on a new basis, the Finance Minister explained in a press release that he had finally opted for a new type of scission.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 8th September by the Finnish Statistics Institute the country's GDP increased in the 2nd quarter by 1.9% in comparison with the previous quarter and by 3.7% in comparison with the second quarter of 2009. The institute corrected GDP figures in the first quarter from -0.4% to 0.1%. In the second quarter 2010 the volume of exports increased by 12.6% in comparison with the first quarter of 2010 and by 6.1% in comparison with the 2nd quarter 2009. According to the September economic report by the Finnish Finance Ministry, published on 10th September GDP growth is due to be around 2% in 2010 and nearly 3% in 2011. The ministry says that the public deficit will probably rise slightly above the 3% mark in 2010 and that in 2010 and 2011 the steps leading to the consolidation of public finances will be taken. In addition to this the Finnish government announced in a press release on 10th September that it would use income tax to promote employment, household buying power and domestic demand.

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1 January 1970

Italian growth was revised upwards to 0.5% in the second quarter but figures that are as not good as forecast published on 10th September with regard to July's industrial production indicated, as forecast by the economists, that activity will slow in the third quarter. The statistics institute Istat reviewed growth upwards to 0.5% in the second quarter against the previous one against an initial estimate of 0.4%. On a quarterly basis this level of growth is the highest recorded since the end of 2006.

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1 January 1970

In a press release published on 8th September the IMF encouraged the Austrian authorities to "step up work to enhance their budgetary position, improve the strength of the financial system and increase mid-term growth perspectives via structural reforms." According to the IMF the high profile of Austrian banks in Eastern Europe, which was beneficial to the country, "also exposed the economy to greater risk, notably in the financial sector." In addition to this the IMF noted "as an open and competitive economy Austria is well placed to take advantage of the recovery in world trade although significant risks still weigh over growth perspectives."

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1 January 1970

On 9th September the OECD published an interim assessment of the world economic outlook. This study forecasts greater slowing than previously expected in world economic recovery. Hence in the G7 countries an annual 1.6% growth rate is expected instead of 1.7% as forecast previously. However this weakening should only be temporary in spite of growing uncertainty about the markets and the OECD does not fear another recession. The organisation suggests that monetary and fiscal policies should be maintained. Further monetary recovery may occur if this dip in recovery should last.

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1 January 1970

Organised by the IMF and the OIT, a conference on "growth challenges, unemployment and social cohesion" took place on 13th September in Oslo on the invitation of the Norwegian Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg. On this occasion the two organisations published an assessment of the progression of unemployment since 2007 and the policies that are being implemented to face this. Since 2007 the number of unemployed has multiplied by 7 rising from 30 to 120 million. The developed countries, that have been particularly affected, have set up policies that combine support to demand, short term compensation programmes and subsidies that aim to speed up recovery. The report suggests to continue these policies whilst adapting them to national budgetary situations. Over the next ten years 440 million jobs are due to be created to absorb new workers on the market and to do more to compensate for jobs destroyed by the crisis.

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1 January 1970

The GDP in Greece recorded a decline of 3.7% in the second quarter highlighting the economic recession. According to the Hellenic Statistics Authority (ELSTAT), this decline of 3.7% follows a decline of 2.3% in the first quarter - with the average growth rate lying at -3%. Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou declared that he was expecting a recession below 4% over the entire year. The Greek economy represents around 240 billion euros ie 2.5% of the euro area GDP.

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1 January 1970

The representatives of central banks and supervisors who met in Basel came to an agreement on 12th September on the reform of the financial sector designed to make the establishments more resistant in the face of future crises said the Bank for International Settlements. "The group of governors and the heads of the supervision authorities (...) announced the significant enhancement of existing norms of own funds," said the BIS in a press release. This series of reforms that will also introduce new standards with regard to liquidities, "will be presented during the meeting of the G20 leaders in November in Seoul," said the BIS.

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1 January 1970

Economic growth started again in the second quarter in Belgium with an increase in the GDP of 0.9% in comparison with the previous three months said the National Bank on 8th September.

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1 January 1970

High economic growth in the second quarter in Sweden was reviewed upwards on 8th September with an increase of 1.9% of the GDP in comparison with the first quarter and by 4.6% year on year announced the Central Statistics Bureau (SCB).

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1 January 1970

The European Commission clearly raised its growth forecast on 13th September for the euro area in 2010 to 1.7% whilst warning that recovery remains "fragile" and that activity is due to slow in the second quarter. Notably it reviewed its forecast upwardsfor the two leading economies of the euro area. For Germany it is forecasting on much better growth of 3.4% (in comparison with 1.2% previously) and for France it is counting on 1.6% (against 1.3%). To justify its optimism the Commission points to "a better first semester than planned" with growth "that was particularly strong in the second quarter and better provided for by domestic demand than was previously planned."

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1 January 1970

During his first speech on the state of the union on 7th September President of the Commission José Manuel Barroso defined five priorities for Europe: enhancing economic governance to emerge from the economic crisis and avoid other crises; to maintain the "Europe 2020" strategy by strengthening growth for employment; to build an area of freedom, justice and security; to put forward a European tax with the aim of ensuring the Union's own resources and to modernise the Union's budget; to support a homogeneous Europe on an international level. Reactions on the part of MEPs to this speech were divided. Remember that each year the Foundation publishes the "Schuman Report on the State of the Union."

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1 January 1970

A Roma Task Force was launched on 7th September last after the analysis of the Roma situation in France and in Europe undertaken by Commissioners Viviane Reding, Laszlo Andor and Cecilia Malmström. The Task Force's goals are firstly to asses the management of the EU's funds by the Member States for the integation of the Roma and secondly to look into the best use of these funds. In the future European Commission follow-up will be organised to assess the development of the economic and social integration of the Roma in Member States.

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1 January 1970

On 8th September the European Commission denounced the shortcomings that exist between the common norms in asylum procedures. It called the European Parliament and the Council to approve modifications to put an end to the differences between national asylum procedures. Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Internal Affairs, is notably concerned about the efficacy and fairness of the procedures employed to grant and withdraw the status of refugee within the Member States.

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1 January 1970

José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission and Olli Rehn, European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs were host to Gérard Larcher, leader of the French Senate on 9th September. The subjects mentioned during this meeting were the importance of a strong Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in support of the development of rural areas and food safety. The development of economic governance of the Union is also a priority as well as vital structural reforms to boost economic growth and reduce national deficits. The last point discussed refers to the Roma and the guarantee of people's dignity and the freedom of circulation in the EU.

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1 January 1970

During the opening of the plenary session in the European Parliament on 6th September President of Parliament Jerzy Buzek expressed his support of Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani on behalf of the European Parliament. This 43 year old Iranian has been condemned to death by stoning and 99 strokes of the lash for adultery and conspiracy to murder her husband. The European Parliament resolution on human rights in Iran, issued in reaction to the death sentence on Sakineh Mohammadi-Ashtiani and Zahra Bahrami was approved on 8th September. MEPs wearing a "Save Sakineh" tee-shirt denounced the death sentence by stoning as an unjustified and unacceptable practice. On the same day the Iranian authorities said they were temporarily suspending the sentence on Ms Mohammadi-Ashtiani. An on-line petition is available for signature.

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1 January 1970

On 9th September the European Parliament approved a resolution demanding France and other Member States suspend immediately the expulsion of Roma. This resolution written by the S&D, ADLE, Greens/ALE and GUE/NGL groups was adopted 337 votes against 245 and 51 abstentions. The taking of finger prints of Roma is deemend contrary to the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the expulsions are considered as an infringement of European law since they are associated to race based discrimination. The European Parliament also deplores the slow, reserved reaction of the Commission on this subject.

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1 January 1970

On 9th September the European Parliament accepted the review of the 2008 legislation with regard to laboratory animals. Initially the aims was to reduce the maximum number of animals used for experimentation and secondly to improve the situation of animals that are still required for scientific research.

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Court of Justice


1 January 1970

The EU Court of Justice gave a ruling on 8th and 9th September against gambling restrictions in Germany and Austria. The Court criticises Germany for the way it organises sporting bets and lotteries which it believes is incoherent and irregular in the fight to counter the dangers associated with gambling. Austria is accused of having a State monopoly over gambling since the country bans the use of casinos which have their HQ in a country other than Austria. The two decisions taken by the Court are part of the legislation governing the free provision of services.

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Foreign Affairs

1 January 1970

On 10th September the 27 European Foreign Ministers agreed to take up negotiations once more on trade policies with China and Malaysia. Negotiations with China will focus on agreements for the protection of geographic indications with regard to wine, liqueurs, agricultural products and foodstuffs. Malaysia may enter the area of free trade with the EU. They also came to agreements with regard to the European framework for investments from abroad.

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1 January 1970

German Chancellor Angela Merkel met Lithuanian President, Dalia Grybauskaite on 6th and 7th September as well as the Latvian President and Prime Minister, Valdis Zatlers and Valdis Dombrovskis. She said that she supported the Baltic States determination to reduce their energy dependency with regard to Russia and that she hoped to integrate them more within the European network. In addition to this she said she was pleased with the economic recovery in Lithuania and took advantage of the occasion to point to the importance of reducing public deficits and the strict respect of the European Stability and Growth Pact. She welcomed the "clear, extremely restrictive policy" that Latvia is implementing to counter the economic crisis.

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1 January 1970

On 26th August the German Federal Constitutional Court confirmed a decision delivered by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) that dates back to 2005 (Mangold decision) in the sense that the German Constitutional Court plans to check on the decisions delivered by the ECJ only if they are "clearly" contrary to its competence. From now on the German Constitutional Court can intervene if the ECJ's decisions lead to major incoherence in the structure of competences between Member States and the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to the Report on World Competitiveness 2010-2011 by the World Economic Forum presented on 8th September Germany is the most competitive country within the euro area and that it lies fifth on a world scale. The German Economy Minister Rainer Brüderle said that Germany's good position could be seen via its favourable growth forecasts after the crisis. According to the IfW and the HWWI institute growth may rise to 3.4% this year. Experts are forecasting 1.7% growth this year and unemployment below the 3 million mark. In July exports increased by 18.7% and imports by 24.9% in comparison with July 2009 indicated the German statistics institute, Destatis on 8th September.

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1 January 1970

Germany's leading bank, the Deutsche Bank announced on 12th September the biggest increase in capital in its history, at least 9.8 billion euros, designed to help it take over the private bank, Postbank. "With this increase in capital we want to guarantee the capital required to take over the Postbank," indicated the head of the bank, Josef Ackermann in a press release.

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1 January 1970

The Spanish Parliament adopted the reform of the labour market on 9th September. The law makes the market more flexible against a backdrop of unemployment that has risen to above 20% of the working population. The reform aims to make the Spanish labour market more competitive by making economic dismissals easier to undertake. In response to Parliament's decision unions called for a general strike on 29th September.

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1 January 1970

The President of the Republic of Finland Tarja Halonen made a State visit to Italy between 6th and 9th September. During her visit with the President of the Republic of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, they spoke of bilateral relations between Finland and Italy and also European and international issues. The Finnish President met the President of the Council Silvio Berlusconi, the leader of the Italian Senate and the Mayor of Rome. She delivered a speech to the Academy of Science and visited the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. This event came in response to the visit made by the Italian President to Finland in September 2008.

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1 January 1970

The European Air Transport Command (EATC), the result of a project started in 1999 by the Franco-German couple was inaugurated on 1st September 2010. This command based in Eindhoven (Netherlands) will help participating armies (Germany, Belgium, France, Netherlands) to share the air transport capacity. Its command will be able to programme and undertake transport missions as from 31st December 2010. German general Jochen Both will head the EATC for a two year period.

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1 January 1970

Astrium and Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) announced on 9th September the signature of an agreement for the launch on the market of Falcon 1e in Europe. This agreement will enable Astrium and SpaceX to market the launch capabilities of Falcon 1e to the various space agencies and other institutional clients in Europe and to improve the monitoring and programming of these launches.

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1 January 1970

The new Greek Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas made an official visit to Cyprus on 8th and 9th September where he was guest to Cypriot President Dimitris Christofias, the leader of the Chamber of Representatives Marios Garoyian and his Cypriot counterpart Markos Kiprianou. The Minister also met the Archbishop of Cyprus Mgr Chryssostomos. He invited Turkey to withdraw its occupation forces from Cyprus qualifying the Cypriot issue as "one of invasion and occupation", and to answer positively to proposals such as the restitution of Famagouste.

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1 January 1970

On 7th September Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou reshuffled his government to guarantee economic recovery. Nearly one year after the socialist majority came to power the government now comprises 49 members and 17 ministers. George Papaconstantinou maintains the key post in Finance and is responsible for financial recovery. Mr Papandreou gave his righthand man and Minister of State Haris Pampoukis "the responsibility of investments". Alternate Foreign Minister, Dimitris Droutsas suceeds Mr Papandreou as Foreign Minister. Another government mainstay, Michalis Chrysochoidis has been appointed Minister for the Economy and Competitiveness.

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1 January 1970

On 9th September Bulgarian President Gueorgui Parvanov and Greek President Carolos Papoulias inaugurated the new border post Ivaïlograd-Kiprinos. For a long time this border could not be crossed. The two countries thereby marked the 130th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Greece and Bulgaria.

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1 January 1970

On 10th September the IMF completed its review of the results achieved by Greece as part of the economic programme defined in May last. Major structural reforms have been accomplished ahead of the deadlines set by the economic programme. The budgetary strategy is on the right path and has to be continued. However more remains to be done for growth and particular attention has to be given to the banking and financial sectors. These encouraging results led to IMF to authorise the immediate payment of 2.57 billion euros that come in addition to the 5.71 billion previously paid out. The IMF's three year economic programme represents a total of around 30 billion euros out of a 110 billion euro package that was set up with the euro area countries.

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1 January 1970

Italy refused to sign a free trade agreement between the EU and South Korea on 10th September. Belgian Foreign Minister Steven Vanackre said he hoped to finalise the agreement "in view of signing on 6th October at the latest". Italy announced that it would use its veto except if modifications were made with regard to the automotive sector or if the States accepted to delay the application of the agreement by at least one year. The agreement, the most important one ever negotatiated in terms of bilateral trade by the Union, would enable the abolition of customs duties applied to exports from the EU towards South Korea. It would also lead to the elimination of non customs barriers which includes regulations and norms in the automotive and electronic sectors. Italy and its car manufacturers are strongly against the agreement which they believe would support the import of cars to be sold at "unfair" prices.

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1 January 1970

On 10th and 11th September Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker travelled to Poland. He met the new Polish president Bronislaw Komorowski. Discussions mainly focused on the EU's financial and economic situation as well as on the preparation for the European Council on 16th September.

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The Netherlands


1 January 1970

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands has said that she wants the creation of an enlarged government coalition in order to emerge from political deadlock. In a press release published on 7th September she announced that she was giving the mediation mission to Herman Tjeenk Willink who has already undertaken negotiations of this nature. A recent poll shows that no coalition, neither right nor left would obtain the majority if new elections were organised - and that this would benefit primarily the PVV (far right) which is promoting the ban on all non-Western immigration, the ban of the Coran and the expulsion of Muslims from the country.

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Czech Republic


1 January 1970

Karel Schwarzenberg, the Czech Foreign Minister, travelled to Paris on 6th September. He was guest to his French counterpart Bernard Kouchner; they addressed the Franco-Czech strategic partnership signed in June 2008. They mentioned the 2011-2012 roadmap that includes a certain number of new proposals, such as the Franco-Czech Forum that is designed to bring civil societies in both countries closer together and a joint working group on energy. The Ministers spoke of topical European issues, notably the preparation of the European Council of 16th September, the establishment of the European External Action Service, the situation in the Western Balkans, EU-Russian relations, the development of real projects as a part of the eastern partnership as well as the situation in Afghanistan.

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1 January 1970

The Polish Foreign Minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, visited his Romanian counterpart, Teodor Baconschi, on 6th September. They discussed many bilateral subjects including the regional and energy security policy. In addition to this discussions focused on the Moldovan referendum on 5th September that was invalidated. From this part of view the two ministers called the government to continue reforms in the country. During the visit Mr Sikorski met Romanian President Traian Basescu and the leader of the Senate Mircea Geoana.

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1 January 1970

Stephen Green, chair of Britain's leading bank HSBC was appointed on 7th September as Secretary of State for Trade within David Cameron's government. He will occupy the post which has been vacant since the new government came to power. The Secretary of State for Trade in the previous government was Lord Davies - also a former banker. A deacon of the Anglican Church Mr Green has adopted a stance on several occasions with regard to the moralisation of the business world and against excessive remuneration. He set the example by giviing up his bonuses during the crisis. He is due to leave the chairmanship of the HSBC group before the end of the year to take up office at the start of 2011.

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1 January 1970

On 9th September the Slovenian government delivered its draft law for the reform of the retirement system including a progressive transition from 63 to 65 as the age of retirement. Prime Minister Borut Pahor stressed that this was one of the government's leading reforms. This law is encountering the opposition of the unions and some of the members of the coalition in power. At present the legal age of full retirement is established at 63 for men and 61 women with the possibility of taking retirement as from 58 on condition of having contributed for 40 years. The new regulation is due to enter into force in 2021 for men and in 2026 for women.

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1 January 1970

On 7th September the European Parliament granted a subsidy of 90 million euros to Moldova. Financial aid is being granted to counter the crisis. The subsidy will be used to cover the deficit in payments and budgetary requirements. This sum completes financial aid granted up until now by the IMF, the World Bank and other partners, such as the Rethink Moldova programme which involves Moldova's development priorities 2010-2012.

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1 January 1970

On 12th September Turkey organised a referendum for the revision of the constitution. The victory of the "yes" by 58% is a comfort to the Prime Minister and his political party, the AKP. The Prime Minister presents this result as a victory for Turkish democracy in the face of "the supporters of military putsches" whilst the secular opposition led by the People's Republic Party, declared that he feared the AKP's control of the courts. The reform affected 26 extremely different points including a reform of the legal system - at present reputed to be a secular bastion and hostile to the AKP. In Brussels the European Commission announced on 7th September that it supported the rewriting of the legal system but accused the authorities of a lack of real public debate before the referendum.

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1 January 1970

On 7th September the President of the Helvetic Confederation Doris Leuthard and Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey as well as the Bulgarian Minister for the Management of European Funds, Tomislav Donchev and Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Baconschi signed bilateral framework agreements. They are managing the implementation of the enlargement contribution given by Switzerland to Bulgaria and Romania. The first projects are due to be selected and implemented by the end of year. Until 2014 programmes and projects are supported to a total of 181 million Swiss francs (140 million euros) in Romania and 76 million Swiss francs (59 million euros) in Bulgaria. Payments will be made over a six year period.

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1 January 1970

During a State visit to Switzerland on 8th and 9th September by German President Christian Wulff the chair of the Helvetic Confederation Doris Leuthard stressed that this visit offered an opportunity to highlight the close cooperation and friendship that has united Germany and Switzerland for a long time and to address sensitive issues from this point of view, such as tax and transport issues. In addition to this innovation and technologies were important issues discussed during the visit on the part of the German president.

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A strong EU?

1 January 1970

Hillary Rodham Clinton, American Secretary of State was guest to the Council of Foreign Relations on 8th September. In her interview Ms Clinton spoke of enhancing bilateral and multilateral relations with the EU and the USA and recalled the importance of a stronger EU, which is beneficial both for her country and the world. "And there is no doubt that a stronger EU is good for America and good for the world."

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1 January 1970

The General Assembly of the UN adopted a resolution on 9th September on Kosovo common to Serbia and the EU - it called on Belgrade and Pristina to come to "dialogue". The resolution is pleased with the EU's availability to facilitate the dialogue process between Serbia and Kosovo believing that this dialogue will be a "factor of peace, security and stability in the region," says the text. "This dialogue would support cooperation and the achievement of progress along the path to the EU and it would improve populations' lives," indicates the resolution. The EU High Representative for Common Foreign Affairs and Security, Catherine Ashton declared on 10th September that she is satisfied with the adoption of this resolution that marks the start of new dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade - a factor of peace, stability and security in the region.

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1 January 1970

On a visit to Georgia on 8th September OSCE Secretary General Marc Perrin de Brichambaut stressed the need to promote dialogue between the various players in the region. During his visit the Secretary General also lauded the work of the EU mission that is operating there as part of the surveillance mechanism and for the prevention of conflict set up by the Geneva discussions. Established in response to the Georgian crisis of 2008 and co-led by the OSCE, the EU and the UN these discussions should lead to the re-introduction of security in the trans-Caucasian region.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 7th September by Eurostat 31.9 million foreigners were recorded to be living in 2009 in the 27 EU Member States ie 6.4% of the total European population. Of these 31.9 million foreigners, 11.9 million were citizens from another State other than the EU. In 2009 most foreign citizens were in Germany (7.2 million people), Spain (5.7 million), UK (4 million in 2008), Italy (3.9 million) and France (3.7 million). Amongst the Member States in the EU Luxembourg hosts the greatest share of foreigners (44% of the population).

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1 January 1970

The 14th statistics yearbook "Europe in Figures - the Eurostat Yearbook 2010" has just been published. This yearbook presents a wide selection of statistical data available to Eurostat together with explanatory texts. Moreover it describes developments in key EU indicators, the euro area and the Member States. The yearbook also includes data about candidate and EFTA countries, the USA and Japan when these are available.

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1 January 1970

The German Society for Foreign Policy (DGAP) has published an analysis on "Westbalkan: EU-Erweiterung in der Krise" (Western Balkans: EU Enlargement in the Crisis). Authors Natasha Wunsch and Julian Rappold plead for the EU's support in the Western Balkans to counter the destabilisation of the region in a context of economic and financial crisis.

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1 January 1970

The British Centre for European Reform published a study on Turkey and the enlargement of the EU entitled, "Turkish politics and the fading magic of EU enlargement", written by Sinan Ulgen.

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1 January 1970

Chatham House has published a study on Anglo-French cooperation in the area of defence and its implications for European and Euro-Atlantic security and defence entitled "Britain and France: Dialogue of Decline?" written by Julian Lindley-French.

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1 January 1970

The Italian International Affairs Institute (Istituto Affari Internazionali) has published an analysis by Stephanie Locatelli: "Balancing Diversity and Efficiency in the EU's Language Regime: E Pluribus Tres for the EU Patent?".

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1 January 1970

The Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS) has just published a new paper on its site entitled "Turkey-Russia: a new world strategic partnership."

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1 January 1970

The European Central Bank (ECB) has published a report written under the management of Tom Kokkola: "The Payment System - Payments, Securities and Derivatives and the Role of the Eurosystem".

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1 January 1970

The World Economic Forum has published its annual report on competitiveness. The most striking element in this study is the decline in the position of the USA which drops from second to fourth, after Sweden and Singapore whilst Switzerland is still in the lead. As for the Europeans - Germany, lying 7th last year and now 5th - is the leader in the euro area. The Nordic countries are still well placed with three of them, Sweden, Finland and Denmark amongst the first ten. The UK, Norway and France run neck and neck and occupy 12th, 14th and 15th place.

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1 January 1970

Yves Bertoncini and Thierry Chopin, Studies Director at the Robert Schuman Foundation have published a book entitled: "European Policy. States, power, citizens in the EU." Aiming to provide a better understanding of the EU the book offers a wider political vision of its genesis and how it is run via three main approaches: relations between the States and the EU; the exercise of the various powers the EU enjoys; the relations established between the integration of Europe and its citizens.

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1 January 1970

On 1st September former British Prime Minister Tony Blair published his autobiography, entitled "A Journey" (publisher: Random House). In his work Tony Blair notably reveals the vital decisions he had to take to reinvent his party, the peace negotiations in Northern Ireland, major reforms that he undertook in the civil services as well as relations with world leaders.

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Festival/San Sebastian

1 January 1970

The 58th edition of the cinema festival in San Sebastian will take place between 17th and 25th September. 18 unique films are competing against each other. This year American actress Julia Roberts will receive the Donostia Prize for her contribution to the 7th art.

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1 January 1970

The Speyer museum of history is hosting an exhibition until 13th February 2011 entitled "Amazons, Mysterious Warriors" which presents the scientific research results with regard to warrior women who lived according to Greek mythology on the banks of the Black Sea.

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1 January 1970

The Staatliche Kunsthalle of Karlsruhe is presenting an exhibition until 28th November entitled "Journeys to Italy. Artists' journeys 1770-1880" illustrates the attraction exercised by Italy. This exhibition rallies 150 sketches, drawings, water colours and oil paintings, large prints, paintings by French and German painters, including Jean-Honoré Fragonard, Joseph Anton Koch, Carl Blechen, Anselm Feuerbach and Johann Wilhelm Schirmer.

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Capital/Culture 2015

1 January 1970

The Czech town of Pilsen was selected on 8th September to become the European cultural capital 2015. The formal appointment by the Council of Ministers is due to fall in May 2011. Pilsen will share the title with the Belgian town of Mons, chosen in February. It is the second Czech town to have been chosen as cultural capital, ten years after Prague which was appointed in 2000.

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Heritage Days

1 January 1970

The European Heritage Days, created in 1984 by the French Cultural Minister will take place on 18th and 19th September this year on the national theme of "Great Men: when men and women make History". At the same time as works of civilian and religious architecture, parks and gardens are also on show together with archeological sites, furniture and literary, river and military heritage. Since 1991 the Heritage Days have taken on a European dimension: with the encouragement of the Council of Europe and the EU 49 countries are now organising similar events. Cross-border operations involving several European countries are also being organised on the occasion of the European Heritage Days.

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13th September

"General Affairs" Council of the Council of the European Union "Foreign Affairs" Council of the European Union ()

15th September

Informal meeting of EU Transport Ministers ()

16th September

European Council ()

18th and 19th September

Europe Heritage Days ()

19th September

General Elections -Sweden ()

20th and 21st September

Informal meeting of the EU Agricultural Council ()

From 20th to 23rd September

Plenary Session of the European Parliament ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

Any questions or suggestions?
Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°454- version of 13 sept. 2010