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1 January 1970

On 19th September next 7 million Swedes will be called to renew all of their national (Riksdag) and local (town councillors and county councils) representatives. Just one month before the elections the result remains uncertain. The most recent poll published on 20th August credits the Alliance forces (government coalition - M, C, FpL, KD) with 47.9% of the vote, the opposition parties with 46.3% (the Social Democratic Party is still Sweden's leading party with 32.7% of the vote). The gap is therefore very narrow between left and right. In addition to this the Sweden Democrats (far right) are due to win 4% of the vote and may make their debut in the Riksdag. For the time being 22% of those interviewed say they still have not decided which way they will vote. The election is therefore due to be a closely run one.

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1 January 1970

Turkey's present Constitution dates back to 1982 and no longer corresponds in the opinion of the Turkish political classes with international democratic standards. This is why the ruling party (AKP) suggested at the start of the year a constitutional reform that will transform the present Constitution into a civilian one - it will be submitted to referendum on 12th September next. According to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan this reform that matches European requirements may, if it is adopted, accelerate the EU membership process. The result is uncertain but would, whatever the result, comprise a strong sign for the party in the majority (AKP) and the opposition parties (MHP and the People's Republican Party) just one year before the general elections planned for the summer of 2011.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

The Italian Chamber of Deputies finally adopted the austerity plan of 25 billion euros on 29th July - it had already been approved on 15th July by the Senate. The text that includes "urgent measures in terms of stabilising the financial situation and economic competitiveness" aims to bring the budgetary deficit which totalled 5.3% of the GDP in 2009 down to below 3% by 2012.

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1 January 1970

According to data published on 29th July by the European Commission the confidence indicator with regard to the economic state of the euro area had risen in July by 2.3 points in comparison with the previous month (1.9 points for the entire EU). This is mainly the result of the extremely positive result on the part of Germany (+4) followed by France (+2.6), Poland (+1.9) and Italy (+1.7). Spain however recorded a decline of 2.2 points. The Business Climate Indicator also increased - a sign that the recovery in economic activity in industry will continue over the next few months.

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1 January 1970

On 5th August Greece successfully passed the first control of its accounts by the EU and the IMF three months after starting application of an unprecedented austerity plan. After a visit to Athens a group of experts from the EU, the IMF and the European Central Bank announced that the country's economy had made "significant progress" but that it still faced "major challenges". The control of the accounts aimed to assess the application of austerity measures adopted by the government in May in exchange for a 110 billion euro loan over three years on the part of the euro area countries and the IMF - the first instalment of 20 billion euros of which has already be given. The European Commission gave a favourable opinion with regard to the payment of the second instalment on 19th August - this is designed to help Greece face the crisis believing that Athens had mainly fulfilled the terms that it had been issued with and that it had implemented "impressive budgetary balancing."

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1 January 1970

France has reviewed its growth forecast for 2011 down to 2% instead of 2.5% previously according to a press release published on 20th August by the presidency of the Republic after a meeting between French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Prime Minister François Fillon, French Economy and Budget Ministers Christine Lagarde and François Baroin. The French President did however ask the government to continue the economic policy started in 2007 and said that the reduction of the public deficit to 6% of the GDP in 2011 remained the major priority.

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1 January 1970

The Danish government presented its draft budget 2011 on 24th August - this is still being affected by the crisis with a public deficit in Denmark forecast at 78.7 billion crowns (10.56 billion euros) ie 4.4% of the GDP. This deficit is due to show a slight decrease in comparison with 2010 when the government is expecting to see a public deficit of 4.6% of the GDP instead of 5.1% that was expected in a previous forecast in May. In addition to this the government maintained its growth forecast for 2010 at 1.4% but raised growth to 1.8% that was previously expected at 1.7%. At the same time it improved its expectations with regard to unemployment figures in 2010 that is due to affect around 121,000 people this year and 125,000 in 2011 whilst May forecasts announced 130,000 and 135,000 unemployed.

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1 January 1970

The financial evaluation agency Standard and Poor's decreased Ireland's debt mark from AA to AA- on 24th August giving it a negative perspective which means that it could decline again soon. It means a rise in the cost of support to the financial system for the State. "Our latest forecasts show that the public debt in Ireland will reach 113% of the GDP in 2012," explained S&P.

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1 January 1970

On 25th August the German government adopted a draft law to restructure the banking sector whereby in the future German banks will have to pay the State a share of their profits. This draft law is due to be validated by Parliament before the end of the year. The amount of the tax will be set according to the size of the establishment and the degree of risk created by its work. The sums collated, estimated at 1 billion euros each year will provide for a banking aid fund that will be created as a result. Germany hopes to convince other States to find inspiration in this measure.

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1 January 1970

On 5th August the ECB's Governing Council decided that key interest rates, main refinancing operations as well as those involving the marginal loan facility and the deposit facility would remained unchanged at 1%, 1.75% and 0.25% respectively.

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1 January 1970

The UK's GDP growth was re-assessed upwards in the second quarter of 2010. It lies at +1.2% instead of +1.1% during a previous assessment. The GDP in this period is 1.7% higher than its level in the second quarter of 2009.

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1 January 1970

Hungary will be ready to take up discussions with the IMF in the autumn after these were broken off in July said the Economy Ministry on 25th August thereby making a total change in direction after Hungarian leaders had said that the country no longer needed any help.

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1 January 1970

In a press release on 17th August the President of the European Council Herman van Rompuy and the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso said they were delighted to receive American President Barack Obama on 20th November 2010 in Lisbon on the occasion of the EU/USA Summit. In this step they see a positive sign after recent concern about the state of transatlantic relations deemed as "vital for world prosperity" and hope that this meeting will lead to "the enhancement of cooperation between the EU and the USA with regard to issues of common interest."

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1 January 1970

On 16th August the European Commission put forward proposals that are designed to enhance the supervision of the major financial conglomerates within the EU in the banking and insurance sectors. The legal structure of these allows them to avoid supervision quite easily thereby making it difficult to prevent their collapse and the effects this might have nationally or on a European level. The new rules that the Commission hopes to see enter force in 2011 will enable supervisors to be better equipped to gain information about any possible difficulties and to be able to step in in time.

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1 January 1970

Cecilia Malmström, European Commissioner for Security expressed her discontent on 6th August after the USA's decision to impose, as from 8th September 2010, a 14 dollar tax on inhabitants travelling to the USA from countries who are exempt of visa obligations. The EU, which in 2008, accepted the creation by the USA of a travel permit (ESTA) as long as this remained free of charge had already issue its reticence about any disguised re-introduction of a visa system. The Commissioner stressed in a press release that she believed the decision to be "incompatible with the commitment made by the USA to facilitate transatlantic mobility."

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1 January 1970

The reflection group on digitisation set up by the Commission in April 2010 as part of a strategy that aims to help the transition of the cultural sector over to the digital era launched a consultation on 18th August with regard to the means to encourage the on-line presence of our cultural heritage. This consultation, open until 30th September 2010 and in which private parties, companies and any other interested bodies and institutions can take part, will help to draw up recommendations by the end of 2010.

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1 January 1970

The Council of Europe, by way of its president, recently expressed its concern about the policies that are being undertaken at present in Europe, notably by France against the Roms - the European Commission already published a report on this subject in July 2008. This suggested the promotion of "joint action against the expulsion of Roms" promoting tools for better inegration of the minority that is victim in Europe to "continued discrimination" and "major social exclusion". This report notably recalled that community law banned any type of discrimination based on ethnic criteria. On 7th April last the Commission published a communication advising on the "social integration" of this ethnic minority which is the biggest in the Union.

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Bluefin Tuna

1 January 1970

EU scientists have succeeded as part of the third year of work of the SELFDOTT project, research funded by the European Union, to the tune of 2.98 million euros in obtaining viable mass eggs from Atlantic bluefin tuna in captivity, using natural means and without any hormonal induction. This experiment shows the ease of adaptation on the part of bluefin tuna after three years of domestication. Research, Innovation and Science Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn said "The SELFDOTT project is yet another example of EU funded research contributing to tackling the most important global challenges facing us today. If the results of this research can ultimately be commercialised, it can improve food supplies and contribute to economic growth and employment while also helping to ensure a sustainable management of bluefin tuna."

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1 January 1970

On 24th August the Commission issued an opinion on a proposal made on 21st May by seven Member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Spain, Estonia, Slovenia and Sweden) with regard to cooperation rules between the European legal authorities in the area of cross-border crime. The request by the States aims to highlight the importance of greater coordination in view of promoting investigations and the quest for evidence. The Commission acknowledged that there was an interest in drawing up "clear, non-bureaucratic rules" to replace the present disparate, fragmented system with a single legal framework whilst maintaining the strict respect of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and guaranteeing the protection of data. The 27 Member States are to negotiate a final proposal that is due to be approved by Parliament.

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1 January 1970

The 27 European Foreign Ministers decided on 26th July to step up sanctions against Iran whose nuclear programme represents a "deep cause of concern" for the international community. Apart from the measures already adopted by the UN, the EU is now banning any further investments, technical assistance or the transfer of technologies in the gas and oil industries. Although it is the world's fourth most important oil producer Iran imports 40% of its requirements because it lacks adequate refining facilities. The EU is also planning to toughen up on freight transport control, to make trade more difficult, to ban the activities of some Iranian banks including the ban on financial transactions over 40,000 euros and also to extend the list of people who cannot have visas or whose assets are frozen.

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1 January 1970

The 27 European Foreign Ministers decided on 26th July to extend the surveillance mission in Georgia by one year (EUMM) until September 2011. The EUMM comprising 255 civilian observers is responsible for ensuring the application of the cease-fire agreement in the rebel Georgian areas of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. This agreement came after the Russian-Georgian war in the summer of 2008 that was caused by the secession of these two regions whose independence has been acknowledged by Moscow. The Georgian authorities welcomed this decision qualifying the EUMM as a "major factor for stability in the region" whilst hoping that "it might fully accomplish its mandate" in spite of Russian resistance.

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1 January 1970

The 27 European Foreign Ministers launched the Union's new diplomatic service on 26th July - this should enable the EU to speak with one voice in the international arena. Catherine Ashton the Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the Security Policy will head this service - she presented the staff layout and how the service will be run without however making any appointments. She asked for the financial and staffing regulations together with the 2010 budget to be modified as quickly as possible to allow the EEAS to be operational on 1st December ie one year after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty.

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Near East

1 January 1970

The Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the Security Policy, Catherine Ashton declared on 20th August that the Union was encouraging the Israelis and Palestinians to work "fast and hard" to try and finalise peace negotiations within one year. This declaration follows a call by the Quartet for the Near East (USA, Russia, EU and ONU) inviting both parties to take up direct negotiations again as from 2nd September. Calling for a solution that includes two independent, democratic States "that live alongside one another in peace and security with their neighbours" she also paid tribute to the work undertaken by American President Barack Obama and his diplomacy to encourage the peace process.

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1 January 1970

French General Xavier Bout de Marnhac was appointed on 27th July as head of the Rule of Law mission undertaken by the EU in Kosovo, EULEX KOSOVO. He succeeded Yves de Kermabon and will take office as of 15th October next.

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1 January 1970

The German economy showed record growth in the second quarter. According to the federal statistics office Destatis - it recorded a quarterly growth rate of 2.2% between April and June 2010 - the highest figure in nearly 20 years. Carried along by exports but also by domestic demand German growth is due to reach at least 3% in 2010. On 19th August the German Central Bank, the Bundesbank, raised its growth forecasts for 2010 to 3% and indicated that the public deficit in Germany is due to remain below the 5% mark of the GDP. On 24th August DIW brought its forecasts up from 1.9% to 3%.

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1 January 1970

The French Budget Minister, François Baroin travelled to Berlin on 24th August to discuss with German executives in charge of preparing the two countries' budgets in 2011. After a meeting with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble he indicated that Germany and France "agreed to work towards greater convergence" quoting "company tax, the taxation of high incomes and electronic activity" but also VAT. The Auditors' Court will release a draft report on tax convergence between France and Germany at the end of the September said Mr Baroin on 25th August in an interview with radio station Europe 1.

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1 January 1970

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle set off on a tour of the Balkans starting with Croatia on 25th August where he met President Ivo Josipović and Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor. Mr Westerwelle maintains that accession negotiations may be finalised rapidly but that there would be no relaxing in membership criteria. On 26th August he travelled to Serbia where he held talks with Serb President Boris Tadic, Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković and Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić. He said that Germany supported Serbia's membership of the EU but he warned that the country had little chance of joining the EU as long as it did not adopt a cooperative attitude with regard to Kosovo. In addition to this he explained that the EU wanted to foster the launch of direct talks between Serbia and Kosovo to reach a settlement. He then travelled to Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo.

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1 January 1970

German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg declared on 23rd August that he supported a reduction in the staffing of the armed forces and the end of obligatory military service. He presented five possible models to reform the Bundeswehr to experts in defence matters at the parliament stressing that his preferred option planned for a "smaller but more effective army that was capable of undertaking various operations." According to a ministry spokesperson the model recommended by the minister plans for a reduction of around one third of the staff in the Bundeswehr that would decrease from 252,000 to 165,000 soldiers. Obligatory military service would be abolished in effect but the army would however still count on the commitment of some 7,500 young people per year who would undertake voluntary service of between 12 to 23 months according to the ministry.

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Constitutional Court

1 January 1970

The Constitutional Court of Belgium delivered a decision on 29th July which suspends the Flemish decree obliging French speaking primary schools in the suburbs of Brussels to accept Dutch speaking inspectors. These schools have enjoyed the privilege of being inspected by officials from the French Community since 1971 - a situation that the Regional Parliament of Flanders wanted to do away with. The decision by the constitutional court is a serious setback for Flanders.

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1 January 1970

Whilst Belgium is still trying to form a new government after the general elections on 13th June last and whilst it has been ensuring the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union since 1st July, Elio di Rupo, who has been asked by the king to find a compromise between the Flemish and the French speakers succeeded in obtaining an extension of his mission saying in a declaration on 18th August that he hoped to achieve results "within a reasonable time span" adding that for the last 40 days he had "tried to reconcile the unreconcilable."

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1 January 1970

Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen travelled to London on 12th August to meet his British counterpart David Cameron. They called for a reduction in the European budget: "At a time when we are reducing budgets at home I think it also important (...) for us to ask for the European budget to be reduced not increased long term. (...) We cannot ask the population to pay more in the UK and for it also to have to pay more in Europe" indicated David Cameron. With regard to the situation in Afghanistan where Danish troops are fighting alongside the British in the province of Helmland Mr Rasmussen declared that he wanted to be able to withdraw troops so that there would no longer be any need to be in Afghanistan by 2014-2015.

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1 January 1970

The National Statistics Institute in Spain (INE) announced on 26th August that the country's GDP had risen by 0.2% in the second quarter of 2010 thanks to exports and recovery measures that had stimulated household spending. The Spanish government is forecasting however a 0.3% contraction in the economy this year but it is anticipating 1.3% growth next year and 2.5% in 2012.

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1 January 1970

The Finnish government announced on 19th August that it has raised its growth forecasts for 2010 and 2011. It now expects a GDP rise of around 2% this year and nearly 3% in 2011. "Pulled along by exports and household spending, the Finnish economy has found the route back to growth after a slowing in the winter," stressed Finance Minister in a press release as he presented his 2011 budget. In terms of the budget the situation will be more difficult "because the impact of recovery will take time to spread," with a public deficit of 3.3% of the GDP forecast this year that is due to drop to 1.4% in 2011. Public debt will continue to increase and rise above the 50% GDP mark next year warned the government.

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1 January 1970

President of the French Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy undertook a visit to Andorra on 28th July of which the French heads of state have been joint princes since the end of the 16th century. This Pyrenean principality has had the reputation of being a tax haven for a long time. Since the end of September 2009 Andorra has increased work to counter this by approving a law establishing a partial lifting of banking secrets and by accepting the exchange of tax information with France. The French President's visit was made with the intention of lauding the considrable progress made in this direction and also to encourage the principality to continue its work. The President promised to support Andorra in its work to settle its relations with the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to the latest figures published on 25th August by the Labour, Solidarity and Civil Service Ministry the number of those looking for work registered in category A declined by 14,400 in July for the second consecutive month. It is the biggest decrease since February 2008. Also the rise in the number of job seekers in the ABC category slowed significantly in July, notably unemployment amongst the young in the "A category" which dropped by 2.8% in July. Long term unemployment continues to rise; +0.8% in July.

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1 January 1970

French President Nicolas Sarkozy gave a speech on 25th August as part of the 18th Conference of Ambassadors in which he set out the priorities for the months to come since on 12th November next France will take over the presidency of the G20 for one year and that of the G8 as from 1st January 2011. The president told an audience of 180 ambassadors that he wanted the reform of the international monetary system and the creation of a new tool for the international reserve to enhance the stability of the system and to put an end to the supremacy of the dollar. He also suggested the creation of a G20 secretariat and to extend the capabilities of this forum to climate development and funding issues.

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1 January 1970

The Greek Finance Minister announced on 10th August that Greece had reduced its budgetary deficit by 39.7% between January and July 2010 which is more than planned for in the balancing programme (-39.5%). This deficit now totals 12.097 billion euros for the first seven months of the year in comparison with 20.050 billion for the same period in 2009. This result is due both to a 10% reduction in spending and a 4.1% increase in revenues. It comes just as recent measures to balance the economy have not yet been applied to the full.

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1 January 1970

Silvio Berlusconi, the President of the Italian Council announced on 20th August that he would be seeking a confidence vote on the part of parliament in September with regard to a 5 point policy programme on which the leader of the Chamber of Deputies Gianfranco Fini and his supporters are said to have given their agreement. This decision comes after the latter left the PDL party at the end of July to form a dissident parliamentary group thereby depriving Silvio Berlusconi of the absolute majority he enjoyed in Parliament. In the event of failure the latter may have to resign which obviously would inevitably lead to early elections.

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1 January 1970

The Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite met the new Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski on 20th August. "We hope together with President Komorowski that relations between our two countries will be stable and based on neighbourly understanding and mutual confidence," she stressed. Preparation by the two countries for the Presidency of the EU and the OSCE were amongst the themes addressed. Agreements were made for the implementation of strategic projects with regard to transport, energy and on the coordination of national priorities and responses to give to new threats, as part of NATO's new strategic concept.

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1 January 1970

Bronislaw Komorowski took office as President of the Republic of Poland on 6th August after being sworn in before the two chambers of the Polish parliament. In his investiture speech he called on all political parties and institutions to cooperate for the good of Poland. He also recalled the country's European commitment and the importance of Franco-German-Polish relations as part of the Weimar Triangle, a tripartite cooperation forum. In addition to this President Komorowski is expected in France for his first official visit on 2nd September.

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Czech Republic


1 January 1970

Czech Prime Minister, Petr Necas made his first official visit to Germany on 19th August where he notably spoke with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Work to reduce the public debt, the issue of transport infrastructures as well as the promotion of a budgetary discipline policy within the EU were amongst the themes addressed.

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1 January 1970

On 24th August the Romanian Senate adopted a new version of the law on the Anti-Corruption Agency. The successful running of this agency, created in 2007 when the country was joining the Union was one of the conditions set by Brussels to put an end to the surveillance mechanism in terms of justice and the fight to counter corruption. This new legislative episode has reassured Romanian President Emil Boc who believes that this will be a means for Romania to recover "some of the credibility its has lost". Romanian President Traian Basescu indeed refused to promulgate a previous version of the law - out of fear of being criticised by Brussels - since it had been modified by Senators in a way that was contrary to transparency and responsibility and it also cut out the Agency's main prerogatives.

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1 January 1970

The British government announced on 29th July its project to abolish the official age of retirement (65) within the next year. The project aims to abolish the right for an employer to force an employee to retire at 65 by October 2011. This measure is part of the programme set out by the previous government in view of delaying the legal age of retirement. This may rise to 66 by 2016.

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1 January 1970

On 4th August British Prime Minister David Cameron travelled to Rome where he met the President of the Italian Council Silvio Berlusconi. Their discussions focused on the economy, trade links between the two countries as well as cooperation in Afghanistan and the peace process in the Middle East. In addition to this they spoke of the next steps to be taken for the sustainable recovery of the European economy. Mr Cameron also informed his Italian counterpart of his visit to Turkey and the two leaders agreed to continue to defend Turkey's accession to the EU.

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1 January 1970

On 25th August German Chancellor Angela Merkel was host to Slovakian Prime Minister Iveta Radicova in Berlin. During a joint press conference Ms Merkel again regretted the decision taken by the Slovakian parliament not to take part in the 110 billion euro loan to help Greece. She indicated that "if we had not had a change of government in Slovakia the Greek issue might have had a different outcome." In addition to this she added that she was "certain that we are going to cooperate very closely and in total confidence with regard to future issues."

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1 January 1970

The new centre-right government in Slovakia that resulted after the elections on 12th June 2010 presented its working programme for 2010-2014. This plan addresses economic and financial issues with the aim of reducing the public deficit. It also insists on the need to strengthen democracy and prosperity in Slovakia, the need to create jobs and to enhance social protection, to look more into educational and cultural issues as well as domestic security and the country's foreign policy. On 10th August the government won a vote of confidence with 79 votes out of the 150 members in the Assembly in in Parliament with regard to this four year austerity plan.

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1 January 1970

Croatian President Ivo Josipovic travelled to Slovenia on 13th August where he met his Slovenian counterpart Danilo Turk. The two leaders observed an improvement in relations between their two countries recently.

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1 January 1970

Switzerland and the EU came to a mutual acknowledgement agreement on AOC's (Appellations d'origine contrôlée) and IGP's (Indications géographiques protégés) with regard to several hundred products; around 20 Swiss products, including gruyère, that has just been awarded an exclusive AOC in the face of French competition; these products will see their name protected in the entire EU. Switzerland for its part will guarantee the protection of some 800 European product names. This agreement still has to be ratified by both parties.

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1 January 1970

Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey spoke on 23rd August at the opening of the Conference of Swiss Ambassadors in Interlaken. She said she believed that Switzerland's present relations with the EU were barely "satisfactory" and pondered the issue of the most effective possible defence for Swiss interests. As a non-Member State Switzerland she said was open to a high risk of discrimination and a reduction of its sovereignty which makes its position difficult. Whilst negotiations are on going in view of new bilateral agreements the minister suggested to the Federal Council that it should find a new way that will "enable a better adaptation of its relations with the EU in line with new requirements."

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Council of Europe


1 January 1970

The President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu expressed his concern on 20th August with regard to the evacuation of Rom camps and their recent expulsion from France and Germany. He fears that events such as these will increase xenophobic feeling towards this vulnerable minority; he recalled that the European Court of Human Rights regularly condemned States in which this kind of discrimination occurred and the European Convention of Human Rights prohibited any type of collective expulsion of foreigners. The PACE president will be making an official visit to Romania on 29th August and will address the issue of the Roms in Europe.

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Sustainable Growth

1 January 1970

Ban Ki-Moon, the UN Secretary General, announced on 9th August the creation of a high level committee on sustainable growth that will be placed under the joint management of the Finnish President Tarja Halonen and South African President Jacob Zuma. The committee will be responsible for looking into the means "to bring people out of poverty whilst respecting and protecting the climate and natural environments which we depend on" said Ban Ki-Moon during a press conference. The committee will deliver its first report at the end of 2011, just in time to be used as a working document at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development planned for 2012 in Rio de Janeiro.

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1 January 1970

The IMF estimated on 12th August that many obstacles remained before Latvia could adopt the euro. The country experienced its worst ever recession in in 2009 with an 18% fall in its GDP whilst its growth remains weak in 2010 (+0.1% in the second quarter). Although the adoption of the euro by 2014 is one of the Latvian government's goals the country is still far from able to fulfil the Maastricht criteria. Unemployment, the public deficit and far too feeble competitiveness are some of the main difficulties which the IMF points to - the administrative board of the latter also approved the release of part of a 1.15 billion euro loan to a total of 106 million euros granted in December 2008.

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1 January 1970

The IMF and the EU accepted on 4th August the paymet to Romania of a further part of the 20 billion dollar aid granted in May 2009. In exchange the Romanian authorities promised to adopt a drastic austerity plan notably including major cuts in salaries for civil servants and a rise in VAT. The austerity policy undertaken by the Romanian government has already brought about positive results and will, according to the IMF and the European Commission, enable it to meet the goals planned in terms of reducing the public deficit. The government is also determined to facilitate the use of these funds to counter corruption and fraud. Analysts are forecasting recovery of growth in 2011.

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World Bank


1 January 1970

During a visit to Sofia in August Robert Zoellick, President of the World Bank promised to contribute to the development of rail and road infrastructures in Bulgaria by helping it to use European funds better. On 10th August he signed a memorandum with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boïko Borissov that aimed to "step up cooperation for the development of infrastructures in Bulgaria." On this occasion the President of the World Bank declared: "Greater productivity and modern infrastructures are vital to free Bulgaria's potential for growth."

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1 January 1970

The euro area and EU GDP witnessed growth of 1% in the 2nd quarter of 2010 according to estimates by Eurostat published on 13th August. This is a clear increase in comparison with the two previous quarters (+0.1% and 0.2% in the euro area). This is even better than GDP growth in the USA which in the second quarter totalled +0.6%. German economic results where growth is at its strongest (+2.2%) explains in part this improvement which can only be temporary according to some economists.

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1 January 1970

The annual inflation rate in the euro area rose to 1.7% in July 2010. It increased by 0.3% in comparison with the month of June according to figures published on 16th August by Eurostat. In July 2009 this rate lay at -0.6%. The EU's annual inflation rate lay at 2.1% in July 2010 in comparison with 1.9% in June. A year pior to that it lay at 0.2%. In July 2010 the lowest annual rates were seen in Ireland (-1.2%), Latvia (-0.7%) and in Slovakia (1%) - the highest being in Romania (7.1%), Greece (5.5%) and Hungary (3.6%).

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External Trade

1 January 1970

According to initial Eurostat estimates for June 2010 published on 13th August the euro area recorded a external trade surplus of 2.4 billion euros (5.2 billion in June 2009). In June 2010 exports increased by 5.2% and imports by 4.3% in comparison with May 2010. The first estimates with regard to the extra-EU trade balance for June 2010 indicates a deficit of 9.6 billion euros in comparison with -4.1 billion in June 2009. In May 2010 the balance lay at -14.8 billion in comparison with -7 billion in May 2009. In June 2010 in comparison with May 2010, exports rose by 5.8% and imports 5.2%.

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Humanitarian Aid

1 January 1970

A special Eurobarometer survey on humanitarian aid reveals that there is a high rate of solidarity amongst EU citizens with regard to victims of conflict and natural catastrophes outside of the EU. 79% of citizens think that it is important that the EU fund humanitarian aid beyond its borders. However the economic and financial crisis has influenced this figure: indeed it has decreased by 9% since the last survey in 2006. Most EU citizens (58%) and a relative majority in all Member States think that humanitarian aid is more effective if it is provided by the EU via the European Commission. Around one quarter (24%) would prefer for funds to transit via the Member States.

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1 January 1970

A Eurobarometer survey undertaken in May and published on 26th August reveals that most Europeans support greater economic governance across the European Union. 75% of those interviewed believe in the efficacy of greater economic and monetary policy coordination and 72% say they support stricter control of the activities of the major financial groups. An increasing share believes that the Union ahead of the G20 and the USA is best placed to act effectively to counter the crisis.

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1 January 1970

After a meeting at the Elysee on 27th July with the Nuclear Policy Council that aimed to look into the report written by former EDF CEO François Roussely with regard to the future of the French nuclear industry the presidency of the Republic announced a strategic partnership agreement between EDF and Areva. This includes the possible participation in the capital of the former in the latter as well as an increase in Areva's capital that could total +15% by the end of 2010. This partnership agreement will cover "all areas of activity of common interest" and aim to "enhance the unity" of this sector.

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1 January 1970

The Irish Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) has published an analysis of the UK's European policy entitled "Coalition in Britain-Coalitions in Europe? An Analysis of the UK's European Policy," by Shane Fitzgerald.

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1 January 1970

The French Institute for International Relations (IFRI) has published a paper entitled "The EU's Major Electricity and Gas Utilities since Market Liberalization". Author, Christian Schülke analyses the development of the main companies in the energy sector within the EU since the start the liberalization of electricity and gas markets in the 1990's.

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1 January 1970

Paris Europlace, an organisation created in 1993 which rallies all international players in the financial market in Paris released a report in the summer pleading for the establishment by 2020 of a true European industrial policy in the area of financial markets thereby establishing goals and the means for the building of a competitive financial industry, for better funding of the European economy and to enhance its position in the world. This document was presented as a draft to Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Financial Services on 8th July 2010.

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Mostra/ Venice

1 January 1970

The 67th edition of the Mostra of Venice will take place from 1st to 11th September at the Lido in Venice. More than 80 films will be presented this year including 24 in the official selection. The jury will be chaired by American film producer and actor, Quentin Tarantino.

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1 January 1970

The Impressionism Museum in Givery is putting on an exhibition until 31st October entitled "Maximilien Luce, neo-Impressionist, Retrospective." Around 70 paintings and drawings as well as many historical documents trace the life of Maximilien Luce (1858-1941) believed to one of the best representatives of the neo-Impressionist movement.

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1 January 1970

The Federal Republic of Germany's National Centre for Art and Exhibitions is putting on an exhibition entiled "Afghanistan. Saved Treasure". The 230 objects on show, which bear witness to the wealth of ancient Bactria and which survived destruction, will be in Bonn until 3rd October.

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1 January 1970

The 12th Architecture Biennale of Venice opened its doors to the public on 29th August proposing up to 21st November a series of national pavilions and exhibitions on the theme of "People meet in Architecture." In all the Biennale will host 48 participants (architects, engineers, artists and studios) and of course around fifty guest countries. For the first time Albania, Bahrein, Malaysia, Morocco and Rwanda will be represented.

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les 6th-7th September

Informal "Energy" Council ()

les 6th-9th September

Plenary Session at the European Parliament - Strasbourg ()

Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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