The Newsletter44912 juil. 2010

La Lettre

Magali Balent

12 July 2010



1 January 1970

On 29th June Pal Schmitt was elected President of the Republic of Hungary. The candidate of the party in power, the Young Democrats Alliance (FIDESZ) led by Prime Minister Viktor Orban won 263 of the 386 votes of the members of the Orszaggyules, the only chamber in Parliament, ie 5 votes more than the 2/3 majority required for this election. 59 MPs voted for one other candidate, the present Hungarian Ambassador in Thailand, Andras Balogh (Socialist Party-MSZP) who qualified the election of Pal Schmitt a farce - 44 others abstained including MPs from the far right party, the Movement for a Better Hungary (Jobbik). Members of the "Do Politics Differently" party (LMP) refused to vote saying that the candidates were not qualified to occupy the position of president. Pal Schmitt succeeds Laszlo Solyom and will be sworn in on 6th August.

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1 January 1970

Two Member States have just handed over power (Finland and Slovakia) to a woman: Mari Kiviniemi and Iveta Radicova. This brings the number of women heads of government in Europe up to 3. Three Member States have women heads of state (Finland, Ireland, Lithuania). On 13th July 2010 in the 27 Member States there were on average around 25.75% women ministers, 24.32% women MPs in the lower or single chambers of parliament and 34.92% of women in the European Parliament.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

On 6th July the European Commission said it believed that measures taken by the British government to reduce the country's public deficits were in line with European Council recommendations made on 2nd December 2009 with regard to the correction of the excessive public deficit. It was requested that the UK start consolidation during the tax year 2010/2011, then define a strategy designed to correct its excessive deficit by 2014/2015. The British authorities are forecasting that the budgetary deficit will decline to 2.3% of the GDP by 2014/2015.

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1 January 1970

On 7th July the IMF published two reports focusing on the world economy: the first looks into the world economic outlook, and the second into the world's financial stability. World growth in 2010 is forecast to rise. It is due to lie at 4.6%, notably thanks to high growth in Asia in the first quarter and a recovery in employment in developed economies. However some pessimistic details emerge. Growth will still be unequal between the major zones of the emerging and industrialised countries. Financial stability is also not guaranteed since it is threatened by sovereign risks which cause turbulence on the financial markets.

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1 January 1970

The German Council of Ministers adopted the 2011 draft budget on 7th July. This project comprises 11.2 billion euros in savings, 5.9 billion of which are due to a reduction in public spending. The budgetary situation as described in the project is in fact better than forecast. The new record debt expected in 2011 is due to rise to 65 billion euros instead of 80. On 7th July the German government confirmed its financial plan for the years 2010-2014 that plans for 80 billion euros in cuts over four years to help the country rebalance its public finances. The 3% GDP criteria with regard to budgetary deficit is due to be recovered in 2013 and any further borrowing by the country must be limited to 0.35% of the GDP as from 2016.

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1 January 1970

According to the National Statistics Office the price of first-hand domestic goods increased in Norway by 0.6% between May and June 2010. This price rise is due to increases in food prices which rose on average by 2.5% over that period (+15.7% for fruit and vegetables alone). However the price of electricity dropped by 1.9% offering relative compensation for the rise in food prices.

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1 January 1970

The Governing Council of the European Central Bank decided on 8th July not to change the main interest rates. The main operational interest rates on refinancing will remain at 1%. During a press conference Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB, announced that the growth of the economy in the Euro Area would occur at a moderate, irregular pace. Whilst uncertainty continues with regard to the markets, he said he was pleased with the decision to publish test results on the resistance of European banks. "I already said that we must not under-estimate Europe," he declared.

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1 January 1970

MEPs voted on 7th July in support of greater financial surveillance based on European authorities (established in Frankfurt) that have major powers of control, punishment, including the settlement of disputes and for the creation of a stability fund so that future crises can be prevented and to avoid tax payers having to pay the bill. They invited the Commission to present a proposal for a bank crisis management framework before the end of the year; this will aim to protect financial stability, encourage responsible behaviour and minimise the cost for tax-payers and savers. Finally they adopted some of the strictest requirements in the world with regard to bonuses and bankers' retirement pensions establishing limits on bonuses. The banks that benefit from aid will be the focus of specific measures and the rules governing own funds will be enhanced to cover the dangers caused by their activities.

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1 January 1970

The island of Cyprus, an euro area member, is due to recover growth in 2011 after two difficult years but it will have to work hard to reduce its deficits according to a report by the IMF published on 5th July. "Conditions have started to stabilise after the recession and the Cypriot economy is ready to return to modest growth in 2011," said the IMF in a press release. After several years of continued growth (4.4% in 2007, 3.6% in 2008), Cyprus experienced a sharp recession that was notably clear in a 16.7% decline in its tourist revenues in that year.

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1 January 1970

On 9th July the Spanish government approved the reform of savings banks, the weak point in the financial system which is the cause for concern on the financial markets - the reform modifies the way the banks are funded together with their governance.

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Air Transport

1 January 1970

On 6th July the European Commission updated the list of airlines that are prohibited in the EU; this now includes the Blue Wings Airlines from Surinam, and enhances the restrictions imposed on Iran Air. In addition to this Indonesian airlines (Metro Batavia and Indonesia Air Asia) were withdrawn from the blacklist. The latter includes four airlines that are totally banned from flying in the EU : Ariana Afghan Airlines (Afghanistan), Blue Wings Airlines (Surinam), Siem Reap Airways International (Cambodia), and Silverback Cargo Freighters (Rwanda).

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1 January 1970

On 6th July the European Commission launched a public consultation on the revision of legislation relative to the assessment of incidents on the environment. Results of the consultation will be taken into account by the Commission next year. All interested parties - citizens, all those involved in environmental assessments - are invited to respond to the consultation before 24th September next.

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Human Rights

1 January 1970

On 7th July the European Commission and the Council of Europe launched official negotiations with regard to the EU joining the European Human Rights Convention. The Council of Europe's Secretary General, Thorbjørn Jagland and Vice-President of the Commission, Viviane Reding met in Strasbourg to launch the process. After this the membership agreement is due to be settled between the 47 contracting parties in the European Human Rights Convention and the EU. Then the agreement will have to be ratified by each of the 47 Member States of the Council of Europe and the 27 Member States of the Union.

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1 January 1970

On 7th July the European Commission took two initiatives that comprise the first stage towards a global European policy with regard to international investments. A strategic document shows how new EU competences with regard to foreign direct investment can be used to stimulate competition and trade thereby fostering growth and employment. A draft regulation establishes transitory measures for guarantees on existing bilateral investment treaties - or those under negotiation between the EU and third countries. In virtue of the Lisbon Treaty the investment policy will be designed and managed on a European level giving the EU greater negotiation margin to provide all European companies better protection with regard to investments.

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Retirement Pensions

1 January 1970

On 7th July the European Commission opened a pubic debate on the means to guarantee adequate, viable, secure pensions and how the EU can improve its support of national work undertaken in this direction. In all of the Member States the ageing population weighs significantly on existing retirement regimes and the financial and economic crisis has simply increased this pressure. The greenpaper sets a series of questions inviting the interested parties to give their opinions and ideas on the way to rise to the challenge of retirement pensions - one of the biggest facing Europe and indeed a great part of the world right now - and also on the means by which the EU can help implement solutions.

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1 January 1970

The European Commission's report on car prices presented on 9th July shows that prices diminished slightly in real terms in 2009 within the EU and that they also converge. The fall in prices was particularly clear in Slovenia (-13.4%), Lithuania (-11.1%), Slovakia (-11%), Romania (-10.1%), in the Czech Republic (-9.4%), Malta (-9.2%) and in Bulgaria (-9.1%). At the same time car repair and maintenance service prices as well as spare part continue to increase at a pace that is clearly above that of inflation thereby confirming the need for stricter competition rules in the sector that have been in force since 1st June.

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Maritime Transport

1 January 1970

On 6th July MEPs approved a regulation that enhances maritime passenger rights. Operators will have to reimburse passengers and offer them a new ticket if the journey is cancelled or if the ship is over 1 and a half hours late, except in exceptional circumstances, evidence of which has to be provided. The text includes the reimbursement of three nights in a hotel and the enhancement of rights of handicapped people.

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1 January 1970

On 8th July MEPs approved 484 votes in favour, 109 against the new version of the anti-terrorist agreement on banking data transfers to the USA that they rejected in February earlier this year. In the end they succeeded in doing away with mass data transfers with the establishment of a European structure that will allow for the analysis and transfer of data with a definite terrorist lead only. Moreover Europol will be able to block the transfers if the request is not justified or the volume of data too great. The use of data which will only be kept for the duration of the investigation will be supervised by an independent group of controllers including a representative from the EU; it will have to be used in the fight against terrorism and European citizens will be able to enjoy the same compensation rights as American citizens in the event of wrong usage.

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1 January 1970

On 8th July MEPs adopted two resolutions on the European integration process of Albania and Kosovo. They acknowledged Albinia's progress with regard to reform but pointed to the need for additional work in view of consolidating democracy and the rule of law, together with the promotion of the country's sustainable development - this includes a reform of the legal system and the fight to counter corruption that is "still a major political challenge". With regard to Kosovo they said they were pleased that all Member States had acknowledged the independence of Kosovo" and invited the former to "enhance their joint approach to Kosovo."

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1 January 1970

MEPs are pleased with the idea that Iceland will join the EU as expressed in a resolution adopted on 7th July; it stresses that the controversy surrounding the reimbursement of debts to the British and Dutch governments after the bankruptcy of the Icelandic banks must be settled bilaterally. Iceland's entry will enable the EU to play a more active role in the Arctic region says the resolution that highlights the "enormous democratic culture" of this country.

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1 January 1970

On 7th July MEPs approved 639 votes in favour, 35 against and 10 abstentions the directive on industrial emissions that applies further restrictions to the latter in terms of environmental pollution. Stricter emissions limits will be introduced as from 2016 with regard to nitrates, sulphur dioxide and dust particles even though Member States will be able to use a transitional regime to allow for adaptation on the part of the major combustion installations with regard to the rules. The oldest installations will not be obliged to reach these objectives if their closure is programmed by the end of 2023. New power stations will have to respect the 2012 deadline.

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1 January 1970

In a resolution adopted on 8th July MEPs voted in support of the maintenance of the present level of the budget allocated to the Common Agricultural Package (CAP) until 2020 at least. Amongst the challenges facing the CAP are climate change, food safety, food quality and business competitiveness, stresses the resolution put forward by George Lyon(ALDE, UK) who is trying to influence the debate over the European agriculture policy as par of the next financial framework.

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North Korea

1 January 1970

On 8th July MEPs adopted a resolution condemning Human Rights infringements undertaken by the political authorities in North Korea. They demanded the North Korean government cease its repeated human rights infringements against its population quoting many acts of torture, public executions, forced labour. They demand, amongst other things, that the North Korean government allow humanitarian assistance and the inspection of detention centres by the Red Cross.

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1 January 1970

On 8th July MEPs approved Elmar Brok's report (EPP, DE), 549 votes in favour, 78 against, on the organisation and working methods of the Union's future external service (EEAS). They modified several points in the proposal. In the event of his/her absence the High Representative will not be replaced by a civil servant but by a commissioner or a Foreign Minister from the rotating presidency. The Commission maintains the control of the external financial tools as well as joint responsibility with regard to development. The EEAS staff will comprise 60% European civil servants, in order to guarantee community identity; national civil servants will have 8 year contracts and will be recruited according to merit whilst care will be taken to maintain geographical and gender balance. Parliament will have a budgetary discharge right over the entire service and a right to audition for special representatives in strategic countries or organisations.

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European Council


1 January 1970

On a visit to the Balkans on 5th and 6th July the President of the European Council, Herman van Rompuy said he believed that regional cooperation was key to the enlargement process. He said he was concerned about recent violent conflict in Kosovo. He defined three priorities for the region: integration of Euro-Atlantic structures; the need for internal and regional work to guarantee the region's peaceful transition and the respect of peace, stability and the quest for solutions to settle problems.

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1 January 1970

As part of his visit to the Balkans the President of the European Council, Hermann Van Rompuy travelled to Kosovo where he met the country's leaders as well as the EU's rule of law mission in Kosovo (EULEX). After his meeting with Roy Reeve, deputy head of the EULEX mission he stressed the successes of EULEX in developing Kosovo and expressed his support on behalf of the 27 Member States with regard to this mission that is working for European democratic values and the rule of law.

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1 January 1970

On 9th July in Kyiv the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy met Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich. During this meeting the two leaders discussed relations between the EU and the Ukraine. Mr Van Rompuy announced that the agreement between the IMF and the Ukraine should open the way to macro-financial aid to a total of 610 million euros from the EU. He also encouraged the consolidation of democratic development via the respect of Human rights, rule of the law and public freedom. The establishment of a visa free regime long term was discussed with the announcement of the implementation of a two stage action plan.

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1 January 1970

On 6th July German Healthcare Minister Philipp Rösler presented the main guidelines to the healthcare reform. The parties in the coalition came together over several measures to take in order to prevent further funding deficits of public healthcare offices that may reach 11 billion euros in 2011. The reform attempts to share out equally the effort to be made by the insured, employers, doctors, hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry. It notably plans for a rise in healthcare contributions, the creation of an additional standard fee and efforts to save on the part of the health offices, healthcare professionals as well as the pharmaceutical industry.

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1 January 1970

According to provisional figures published on 8th July by the German Federal Statistics Office (Destatis) Germany's trade surplus declined to 9.7 billion euros in May 2010 in comparison with 13.1 billion the previous month. Exports increased by 28.8% over one year (77.5 billion euros), whilst imports increased by 34.3% (67.7 billion euros).

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1 January 1970

On 7th July the German President Christian Wulff made his first trip abroad to Strasbourg where he met European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek. He then travelled to Paris where he met French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The two presidents discussed Franco-German relations and cooperation between the two countries within the EU. On 8th July the German president was in Brussels where he met European Commission President José Manuel Barroso, as well as the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy. They discussed the financial and economic crisis, the means for a better regulation of the financial markets as well as the issue of the integration of people of varying nationalities and religions. He also spoke to Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

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1 January 1970

The Federal President of the Republic of Austria was sworn in on 8th July at the Austrian Parliament in Vienna; Heinz Fischer (SPÖ), president since 2004 was re-elected on 25th April last in the first round by nearly 80% of the votes cast.

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1 January 1970

On 8th July King Albert II gave Socialist Party leader, Elio Di Rupo the job of taking political discussions forward, after three weeks of preliminary negotiations undertaken by the Flemish independence leader Bart De Wever; he asked him to undertake negotiations in Belgium in view of forming a new government. Elio Di Rupo called on 9th July for a compromise between the Flemish and the French speakers at a time when the country has reached a "key point" in its history.

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1 January 1970

In line with the Stability and Growth Pact, the European Commission opened an excessive deficit procedure on 6th July with regard to Bulgaria which has a pubic deficit of 3.9% for 2009. The goal set by the Commission is the reduction of the Bulgarian deficit under the 3% mark by 2011. Bulgaria is being invited to work on its budget and improve budgetary transparency and governance.

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1 January 1970

French Prime Minister François Fillon, on the invitation of his Croatian counterpart Jadranka Kosor, travelled to Zagreb on 9th July where he reiterated his full support of Croatia's accession to the EU. He signed a new strategic partnership agreement aiming to enhance relations between the two countries. He then went on to the fifth international conference on South East Europe in Dubrovnik.

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1 January 1970

On a trip to Strasbourg and the European Parliament on 6th July French Prime Minister François Fillon highlighted the importance of "better coordination of economic policies in the euro area." He also met all of the European Commissioners.

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Retirement Pensions

1 January 1970

On 8th July the Greek Parliament adopted on second reading 161 votes in favour of the 298 MPs present the draft law on the reform of retirement pensions of wage earners in the private sector. The law that brings the age of retirement up to 65 is part of an austerity plan negotiated with the EU and the IMF in exchange for financial aid of 110 billion euros.

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1 January 1970

On 8th July the British Foreign Minister William Hague met his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu. During their meeting they discussed bilateral relations between the two countries, the issue of the Balkans and the Cypriot issue. This meeting comes just after William Hague's speech on the main guidelines of British foreign policy delivered on 1st July in which he stressed that his country wanted to enhance diplomatic relations with Turkey given its strategic role in the Middle East, the Balkans and Central Asia.

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1 January 1970

The Slovakian President Ivan Gasparovic appointed Iveta Radicova as Prime Minister on 9th July. She is the first woman to take over government in Slovakia; she is the head of a centre-right coalition that has 79 seats out of 150 in Parliament. The government has 14 ministers two of whom are women (Prime Minister and Justice Minister).

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1 January 1970

The 2010 version of the study "Women and Men in Sweden" that focuses on gender equality in this country has just been published. As each year since 1984 this study analyses gender equality in all areas via statistical data - this enables the Swedish government to pinpoint sectors in which inequality persists.

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1 January 1970

On 11th July tens of thousands of people took part in the commemoration of the massacre in Srebrenica. This tragedy that occurred in July 1995 during which some 8,000 Bosnian Muslims died in the bloodiest massacre committed in Europe since the end of the Second World War which is qualified as "genocide" by international justice. In a message that was read out to the crowd Barack Obama qualified the massacre as "a stain on our collective conscience" and called for the arrest of former general Ratko Mladic, the Bosnian Serb military leader at the time of the massacre. In a message that was also read out British Prime Minister David Cameron guaranteed that those responsible for the massacre would "pursued unrelentingly until they were brought before the courts".

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1 January 1970

The Transport Ministers of Slovenia, Croatia, Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo met on 6th July in Zagreb to discuss the need to create a regional road network that is connected to the EU. In a joint declaration the ministers ask the European institutions to consider the creation of three roads linking the region to Western Europe as a priority in order to improve the trade and competitiveness of the region's economy.

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1 January 1970

On 9th and 10th July during the fifth international conference on South East Europe in Dubrovnik the French, Bulgaria, Polish, Slovenian, Croatian, Albanian, Kosovar and Montenegrin Prime Ministers and the European Commissioner for Enlargement, Stefan Füle, discussed the region's integration into the EU and the challenges presented by the world's economic situation. "We all have the same goal, the long term integration of the countries of South East Europe into the Euro-Atlantic political and security institutions," declared the Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor. "The EU and this meeting should address a clear message that there is a place within the EU for all of the countries in the South East of Europe, a message of optimisim and encouragement" said Croatian President Ivo Josipovic. Of the countries in the region only Serbia was not represented since it was protesting against the presence of the leaders from Kosovo whose proclamation of independence it does not acknowledge.

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1 January 1970

The arrest of Ratko Mladic accused of genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (ICTY) is necessary for "the credibility of the EU" said ICT prosecutor, Serge Brammertz on 10th July in a German daily, Die Welt. "Without the work of the courts there can be no reconciliation and stability in the Balkans will just remain theoretical," warns the magistrate. The arrest of Ratko Mladic, the former Bosnian Serb military leader "is a credibility test for the EU both internally and externally" said the prosecutor.

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1 January 1970

The UN Security Council adopted a declaration on 9th July condemning "the attack that led to the sinking of the Cheonan" on 26th March - a marine corvette from South Korea. 46 sailors were drowned.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurostat figures published on 5th July the volume of retail trade increased in May 2010 in comparison with April - by 0.2% in the euro area and by 0.4% in the EU. In April retail trade declined respectively by 0.9% and 1%. Year on year the sales index rose by 0.3% in the euro area and 0.5% in the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to data published on 6th July by Eurostat 696,000 people acquired the nationality of an EU Member State in 2008 in comparison with 707,000 in 2007. New citizens were mainly from Africa (29% in all of people have acquired a new nationality), European countries outside the EU (22%), Asia (19%) and North and South America (17%). Citizens from an EU Member State who obtained the nationality of another Member State represented 8% in all. It is in France (137,000) and the UK (129,000) and in Germany (94,000) that nationality was granted the most in 2008; these three countries alone represent more than 50% of the total nationalities granted by EU Member States.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 7th July by Eurostat in the first quarter of 2010 the GDP in the euro area and that of the EU increased by 0.2% in comparison with the previous quarter. Over the fourth quarter 2009 the growth rate lay at +0.1% in the euro area and +0.2% in the EU. Over one year the GDP in the euro area increased by 0.6% and that of the EU by 0.5%.

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1 January 1970

The Committee for Franco-German Relations Research (CERFA) and the Deutsch-Franzözisches Institut (DFI) of Ludwigsburg have published a paper by Pascal Kauffmann and Henrik Uterwedde entitled "France and Germany facing the euro crisis - in quest of lost convergence."

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South Caucasus

1 January 1970

The German Society for Foreign Policy (DGAP) has published an analysis of Germany's and the EU's policy in the South Caucasus entitled "Recalibrating Germany's and the EU's Policy in the South Caucasus". Author, Stefan Meister explains that European policy with regard to the South Caucasus should be refocused and that Germany and the EU should develop a global strategy.

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1 January 1970

The Organisation for Cooperation and Economic Development (OECD) presented the report "OECD Employment Outlook 2010" on 7th July according to which it is necessary to create 17 million jobs to recover a pre-crisis level of employment. The report indicates that unemployment has probably reached its peak in the OECD area - topping 8.6% in May 2010. "The creation of jobs must be the priority for all governments," declared OECD Secretary General Angel Gurria adding, "reducing unemployment and budgetary deficits at the same time is a sizeable challenge but it must be met head on." The OECD is calling for countries to focus their policies more on supporting employment and to try and make them more cost effective.

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1 January 1970

The "Renewable Energy Snapshots" report published on 5th July by the Joint Research Centre at the European Commission reveals that 62% of newly installed electricity production capacity in the EU in 2009 relies on renewable sources. The share of renewable energies has risen since 2008 when it lay at 57%. In absolute values renewable energies represented 19.9% of European electricity consumption last year. Hydro-electricity is the energy that contributes to these figures most (11.6%), followed by wind (4.2%), biomass (3.5%) and solar energy (0.4%).

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1 January 1970

On 7th July the World Bank published its report "Investing Across Borders 2010" in which it provides various indications that enable the reader to define more easily the state of foreign investment in the world. According to the report there are still too many legal and procedural obstacles to allow a homogeneous world expansion of foreign direct investments (FDI, which are sources of economic development.

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Central Europe

1 January 1970

The economic crisis has cost around 10 years in growth to the countries of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe said the Viennese Comparative Economic Research Institute (WIIW) on 8th July. "On average a country (in this area) will lose nearly a decade in terms of catching up with the EU level (of growth)," says the institute in its latest forecasts for the region. The study looks into the long term growth outlook for the 20 countries in the region notably including Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Ukraine and even Kazakhstan.

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1 January 1970

The Martin-Gropius-Bau Museum in Berlin is presenting an exhibition until 10th October "Teotihuacan -the Mysterious City of Pyramids". Over 450 exceptional objects offer an overview of the art, daily life and religion of these enigmatic cultures. This exhibition is taking place as part of the celebrations of the bicentenary commemorating Mexico's fight for independence in 1810.

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1 January 1970

In the new Devant-Blory Garden at Montigny-lès-Metz a dozen or so steel and mirror sculptures by contemporary artist Pierre-Marie Lejeune are on show until 25th September.

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1 January 1970

The "Impulstanz" festival in Vienna is offering shows and workshops from 15th July to 15th August focusing on modern dance, hip-hop and Bollywood dancing. Dance teachers are coming from across Europe and elsewhere to take part.

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1 January 1970

The Danish ARos Aarhus Kunstmuseum is devoting an exhibition to the Danish painter Richard Mortensen on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth. This exhibition, entitled "Grafik" will be presented until 12th September. Richard Mortensen (1910-1993) was a pioneer of abstract art.

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1 January 1970

The exhibition "Sargent and the Sea" is on show until 24th September at the Royal Academy of Arts Museum in London. For the first time over 80 pieces by John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) are on show. They were completed at the start of his career during his summer trips to the coasts of Normandy, Brittany and Capri amongst other places.

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1 January 1970

A report published on 6th July by the European Commission's directorate general for information society and the media concluded that European film heritage institutions should review their approach to the preservation and access to this heritage. The traditional model cannot guarantee the conservation or accessibility for future generations and it is believed up to 80% of silent films have already been lost. According to the report the advent of digital means should give rise to a new access model so that authors and the public can continue to enjoy European film culture. Film heritage institutions must keep up with new technologies, adopt them and take them forward to ensure that European films are protected.

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1 January 1970

The British capital is host to the 116th edition of the BBC's classical music festival "the Proms" as from 16th July. This festival will put on around 60 concerts until 11th September, notably with Placido Domingo in "Simon Boccanegra" by Verdi on 18th July.

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1 January 1970

The Cité des Papes is in theatre mode until 27th July. The 64th edition of the Avignon Festival is offering 1,092 shows that will be put on in 123 different venues.

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1 January 1970

On 11th July in Johannesburg Spain entered football history by winning its first World Cup. In spite of a difficult, aggressive match (14 yellow cards and one red), Vicente del Bosque's men won 1-0 after a goal by Andres Iniesta after the 116th minute. After its Euro 2008 victory the Roja has now achieved a dual victory. Although this success is above all a Spanish one it is also European. Indeed it is the first time that a European team has won in one of the most prestigious international competitions in football exterior to the European continent. It is also the first time that two European teams have won - within a four year time span - the world trophy. The final was 100% European.

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Newsletter Archives

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

European Defence and Russia

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°449- version of 12 juil. 2010