The Newsletter4447 juin 2010

La Lettre

Ladan Boroumand

7 June 2010



1 January 1970

On 13th June next the Belgians are being called to ballot in early parliamentary elections that appear to be a real referendum on the country's future. 2,801 candidates from 132 lists are standing in the election at the Chamber of Representatives, the lower Chamber in Parliament and 620 candidates representing 21 lists are standing in the senatorial elections. The latest poll by TNS-Dimarso credits the N-VA with 25.2% of the vote followed by the CD&V 19%, Open VLD 13.9%, Vlaams Belang 11.5%, Groen 8.2% and the nationalist party led by Jean-Marie Dedecker 6.2% within the Dutch speaking electoral college. Within the French speaking college the PS is due to come out ahead with 33% followed by MR, 20.4%, Ecolo 17.6% and the CDH 17%.

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1 January 1970

On 12th June next Slovakians are being called to renew the 150 members of the National Council of the Republic, the only Chamber in Parliament. The electoral campaign has focused for a long time on traditional issues such as employment and social issues. But voting on 26th May by the Hungarian Parliament on an amendment of the nationality law granting a Hungarian passport to Magyars living abroad has placed the national issue at the heart of the Slovakian electoral campaign. According to the latest poll by Polis, Direction-Social Democracy (SMER-D) is due to win with 34.3% of the vote ahead of the Democratic and Christian Union-Democratic Party (SDKU-DS), 16%, the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH), 11.9%, Freedom and Solidarity 9.9%, Most-Hid 5.3%, and the Hungarian Coalition Party 5.1%.

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1 January 1970

On 4th June the Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, Jean-Dominique Giuliani hosted Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Moldova, Iurie Leanca who was on a working visit to Paris. During his interview Iurie Leanca presented his country's situation and his determination to modernise it.

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Enhanced Cooperation

1 January 1970

The 27 European Interior and Justice Ministers gave the green light for the launch of the Union's first enhanced cooperation agreement that aims to facilitate divorce procedures between international couples. In order to gain better understanding of how enhanced cooperation agreements work the Robert Schuman Foundation has published a study by Pierre Fauchon and François Sicard on "L'Europe des coopérations volontaires, ou comment donner une nouvelle impulsion à l'Europe" (Europe and Voluntary Cooperation or how to provide Europe with new impetus) in its "Notes" series. This paper is available on the Foundation's site.

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Middle East

1 January 1970

Just as last week there was aggressive confrontation between Turkey and Israel over the blockade of the Gaza Strip the Robert Schuman Foundation recently published the proceedings of a seminar on "The Middle East goes Nuclear" together with the Foreign Affairs Committee at the Senate - the paper analyses the EU policy in the Middle East.

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1 January 1970

Just as the debate over pensions is emerging in some EU countries the Robert Schuman Foundation has published a table to understand the retirement systems in operation in the 27 Member States of the EU.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

Given the economic crisis and the structural deficit that is affecting Romania the country's Prime Minister Emil Boc announced on 30th May that he would be implementing austerity measures. It engages the government's responsibility with Parliament on two draft laws that aim to bring back budgetary balance. The first project plans for a temporary reduction of 25% in salaries and 15% on pensions and social transfers. In addition to this there is a pensions project and a emergency plan to counter tax evasion. This draft law comes in a time of economic recession; Romania recorded a 2.6% decline in its GDP in the first quarter.

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1 January 1970

The governor of the Bank of Italy Mario Draghi pleaded in favour on 31st May for the enhancement of the Stability and Growth Pact and the introduction of sanctions including policies in the event this is not respected. The balancing of public accounts is a priority to emerge from the crisis but this implies increased coordination of national policies, since the crisis accentuates the full force of "the old problem of the economic governance of Europe". In addition to this according to data published by the National Statistics Institute between 31st May and 3rd June the GDP declined in 2009 by 5% notably in the industrial sector. In April 2010 the unemployment rate lay at 8.9% ie +0.1% points in March and +1.5% in comparison with April 2009.

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1 January 1970

On 2nd June the European Commission put forward measures to guarantee the security and stability of the financial system. It wants to guarantee effective and centralised monitoring of credit ratings agencies Europe wide by giving the European Financial Markets Authority the power to request information, to launch inquiries and to undertake on-the-spot inspections and to enhance competition between these agencies in order to guarantee the transparency of decisions and to protect investors. The Commission also launched a public consultation open until 1st September on the means to reduce risk taking in financial establishments. The Commission has published two reports on the implementation of recommendations on remuneration policies in the financial sector that several Member States still have to implement in full.

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European Council

1 January 1970

On 2nd June the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy insisted on the need for greater budgetary discipline, advising on strengthening the European stability pact. He said that it was a priority to "achieve greater budgetary discipline". With regard to the euro, "a fundamentally healthy currency", he said that "we need convergence in terms of economic and political development to enhance the credibility of our European currency."

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1 January 1970

According to the Polish National Statistics Office Poland's GDP increased in real terms by 0.5% over the first quarter of 2010 in comparison with the previous year. It even recorded a rise of 2.8% in comparison with the first quarter of 2009 (3% nominal value). This economic growth is mainly to be due to growth in domestic demand.

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Structural Funds

1 January 1970

To counter the economic crisis the Council of the European Union adopted a regulation facilitating access to the EU's structural funds on 3rd June in the wake of the agreement made with the European Parliament. The new regulation aims to guarantee the liquidity of the worst affected Member States in the crisis to improve the absorption of the funds with regard to certain operational programmes and to simplify the structural funds' management rules. MEPs of the European Parliament's Regional Development Committee declared the same day that more flexible access to the EU's regional fund should help the regions that have been hit by the economic crisis recover more quickly. In addition MEPs added that SME aid, professional training, R&D and industrial and rural modernisation will work towards sustainable growth and employment.

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1 January 1970

According to data published on 31st May by "Statistics Denmark" Denmark's GDP made greater progress than forecast in the 1st quarter of 2010 - 0.6% in comparison with the fourth quarter 2009. In addition to this on 1st June the Danish Parliament adopted a draft law by a wide majority putting an end to the unlimited Danish State guarantee of bank client assets which was introduced when the financial crisis was at its worst in 2008. This guarantee which comes to an end on 30th September will be taken over on 1st October by some 140 banking establishments in the country. Banks will then have to fund the deposit guarantee of 750,000 crowns (100,000 euro) per client in the event of bankruptcy, in comparison with 300,000 crowns before the financial crisis in 2008.

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1 January 1970

On 31st May 2010, in an interview with the French daily, "Le Monde" the President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet highlighted the need for a budgetary federation in the euro area. The establishment of a European budgetary policy that mirrors the monetary federation - this would enable greater control of Member States' finances. To come out of the crisis he encourages the austerity policies undertaken at present by the EU States at present - these will lead to greater household confidence. However he did point to the poor example set by France, Germany and Italy in the management of the budgetary policy.

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1 January 1970

Luxembourg's economic growth is still due to suffer some dark moments. This is what the IMF states in its annual report on the Luxembourg economy published on 3rd June. The Luxemboug economy is suffering from the world financial crisis. Indeed uncertainty dominates just as the markets are concerned about the financial situation of the Grand Duchy neighbours and international initiatives to regulate financial transactions which are affecting the growth of Luxembourg banks and investment funds.

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1 January 1970

Portugal is due to achieve its goal of bringing the public deficit down from 9.3% of the GDP in 2009 to 7.3% in 2010 without any problem said Portuguese Prime Minister José Socrates who spoke to the Assembly of the Republic, the lower chamber in Parliament on 4th June. "Between January and May budgetary performance puts us in a safe, comfortable position to guarantee the achievement of our budgetary goals this year," he declared, recalling that the increase in revenues over this period totalled 4.7% (3.5 points more than planned). This speech followed a previous one delivered on 2nd June when the Assembly was debating the adoption of additional austerity measures to restore market confidence.

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1 January 1970

On 6th June German Chancellor Angela Merkel highlighted the reduction of public spending and the balancing of finances in Europe's leading economy sorely affected by the world crisis. She initimated that training and research, believed to be "capital points" that had to be "developed correctly" would be exempt from budgetary cuts.

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1 January 1970

Finance Ministers and central bankers from developed and emerging countries of the G20 said on 5th June that they were pleased with economic recovery that was occuring "faster than forecast" whilst they remained divided over the implementation of a world bank tax. "The world economy continues to grow faster than forecast, but at an unequal pace depending on the country and the regions." However recent volatility on the financial markets reminds us that "significant challenges continue" stressed the G20 Ministers in a press release.

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1 January 1970

The Hungarian government is trying to calm matters down by announcing that the public deficit may finally be kept under control under certain conditions after alarmist declarations on 3rd June when Hungary and Greece were compared and markets fell. "The Hungarian economy has a healthy base and the goal of a 3.8% GDP deficit can be maintained for 2010 if we adopt certain measures", said Mihaly Varga, Secretary of State to the Prime Minister Viktor Orban during a press conference on 5th June. Two days earlier he had said that the public deficit could reach between 7% and 7.5% given the situation left behind by the previous govenrment "was not as good as had been anticipated."

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European Council


1 January 1970

During the 25th EU-Russia Summit on 31st May and 1st June discussions focused on security and neighbourhood issues as well as on the definition of priorities of the "Modernisation Partnership" launched in Stockholm at the end of 2009. Aiming to diversify the Russian economy and to make it more competitive this EU-Russia Summit includes the enhancement of cooperation in terms of energy, economic growth and the protection of the environment. However it did not lead to an agreement on the liberalisation of the visa system. The President of the Council Herman Van Rompuy also pointed to European concern with regard to the situation of journalists and human rights activists in Russia.

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1 January 1970

The second EU-Pakistan Summit provided the occasion on 4th June to re-initiate "strategic dialogue" as part of a five year commitment. This five year programme aims to achieve strategic political objectives with regard to security, counter terrorism, energy supplies and the fostering of peace and democracy. This new agreement focuses on Pakistan's economic development and the enhancement of its trade links with the Union.

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1 January 1970

According to data published by the European Commission on 31st May the Economic Sentiment Indicator declined in May in the EU and the euro area. In the EU the indicator dropped by 1.9 points to 100 points whilst the ESI declined by 2.2 points in the euro area to settle at 98.4 points. It is however higher than in March at 97.9. The industrial confidence indicator improved again losing only 6 points in comparison with 7 less in April and 10 less in March. The consumer inflation forecast indicator that the European Central Bank follows closely for its monetary policy decisions increased by 12 points in May in comparison with 8 in April and 4 in March.

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1 January 1970

On 1st June the European Commission adopted the Annual Action Programmes 2010 for Moldova and Georgia, funded by the European Neighbourhood and Partnership mechanism. For Moldova the programme, to a total of 66 million euro, aims to counter poverty, particularly in rural areas. Particular attention has also been given to reducing energy dependence. For Georgia the programme of 37 million euro is to be used to reduce regional disparity and to support the reform of public finance management.

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1 January 1970

On 3rd June the European Commission addressed a warning to twelve Member States who have not delivered their plans with regard to the management of their river basins (Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Spain, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia), a vital stage in view of the completion of the goal to restore European waters to a good standard by 2015. The Commission also decided to prosecute five States at the Court of Justice (Cyprus, Finland, France, Greece and Luxembourg) for not transposing rules on the sharing of geographical data relative to the environment; Belgium will be prosecuted for not having transposed legislation on ground water.

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1 January 1970

President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso met the representatives of European workers and employers organisations on 4th June. He declared that it was necessary to commit to structural reform to re-establish confidence in the economy and to boost growth thereby enabling the creation of jobs and the protection the European social model. Participants stressed the need not to neglect the social aspect of the crisis and to pay particular attention to the most vulnerable categories.

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1 January 1970

European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek met the President of the Republic of Greece Karolos Papoulias, Prime Minister George Papandreou and the President of Parliament Philippos Petsalnikos during an official visit to Greece. Mr Buzek declared that this country "is not the only one facing economic difficulties and is not the only one to set austerity measures in place." The crisis has shown that it is the euro area and the Union that need reform because "monetary union cannot be effective without coordinated economic governance." With regard to the austerity plan adopted by the Greek government Mr Buzek considers that it is "a step in the right direction", proof of responsibility on the part of the Greek authorities.

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1 January 1970

European and Western Balkan political leaders met on 2nd June in Sarajevo. After having highlighted the progress achieved by these contries as they progress towards European integration European Ministers and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Catherine Ashton, said they were determined to see the Balkan countries integrate the community. Since the financial crisis the Balkans have expressed their fears with regard to their European future. The Spanish Presidency of the European Union ensured that were no more doubts saying that the Balkans were "a leading strategic priority". The offer of integration is irrevocable but it is still subject to continued efforts on the parts of the States, notably in the reconciliation process at home and between neighbouring states.

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1 January 1970

On 1st June the 27 European Agriculture Ministers confirmed their support for a "sustainable, productive and competitive agricultural sector that will help to enable an exit from the crisis." They highlighted the need for a strong but reformed common agricultural policy (CAP) that focuses on research, innovation and competitiveness. Bugetary issues were set to one side: the UK, together with Sweden and Denmark, is demanding a reduction in agricultural subsidies but is facing resistance on the part of France and Germany, who are the two main beneficiaries of these. As for the new Member States they are requesting a rebalancing of distribution in their favour.

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1 January 1970

The 27 European Energy Ministers adopted the future energy strategy for Europe 2011-2020 based on innovation and the reduction of greenhouse gases. They looked into progress made in the establishment of new efficacy and energy saving parameters, notably in terms of reducing greenhouse gases and the promotion of renewable energies. They adopted the digital strategy for Europe, presented by the Commission - this aims to create a single, competitive digital market by developing innovation, investment in broad band networks and interoperability in order to boost growth and to improve European living standards. Ministers discussed the writing of a digital rights charter and decided that the new regulation body (BEREC) Body of European Regulators for Electronic) will be based in Riga.

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1 January 1970

On 4th June the 27 European Interior and Justice Ministers adopted the conclusions of the Commission's Action Plan which implements the Stockholm Programme on the monitoring of the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum, on the liberalisation of visas in the Western Balkans, on the European Arrest Warrant and on the facilitation of travel for EU citizens beyond the Union's external borders. They gave the green light to the launch of the Union's first enhanced cooperation agreement that aims to facilitate divorce procedures between international couples as well as the postponement until 2013 of the implementation of the Schengen Area police database (SIS II) although the delay and the necessary budgetary extension was the source of irritation on the part of several delegations. Finally ministers adopted a European pact to counter the international trafficking of drugs and an EU-USA declaration on the fight against terrorism.

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1 January 1970

According to a press release by the Federal Employment Agency (BA) on 1st June, the number of those seeking work decreased significantly in May and reached its lowest level for this time of year since 1992. Germany had 3,242 million unemployed in May ie 165,000 less in comparison with April 2010 (-45,000) and -217, 000 in comparison with May 2009. The unemployment rate declined by 0.4 points to lie at 7.7%. This fact can be explained mainly by the improvement in the economy.

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1 January 1970

On 31st May German Federal President Horst Köhler announced his immediate resignation after he made some very critical remarks about the Bundeswehr's intervention in Afghanistan. In line with the fundamental law it is the chair of the Upper Chamber of Parliament (Bundesrat), Jens Böhrnsen (SPD) who will ensure the interim. On 30th June Mr Köhler's successor will be elected by the Federal Assembly (Bundesversammlung). On 3rd June German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that her government coalition (CDU/CSU, FDP) will present Minister President of Lower Saxony, Christian Wulff as their candidate. The Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the Greens are putting forward Joachim Gauck.

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1 January 1970

On 5th June German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Dmitri Medvedev suggested to enhance cooperation with regard to security between Moscow and the EU. In a memorandum the two leaders suggested that regular consultations between Moscow and the Political and Security Committee (PSC) of the EU be held between the heads of diplomacy of the EU and Russia in the future, with the creation of a "EU-Russia Political and Security Committee". This new cooperation mechanism may establish rules "for joint operations in crisis management," of both a civilian or military nature, indicated Ms Merkel. According to the two leaders it might be tested in the region of Transnistria in Moldova.

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1 January 1970

Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme completed a tour of Croatia on 1st June which took him to several Balkan countries in view of the upcoming Belgian Presidency of the European Union. To end his meeting with Croation Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor, Yves Leterme stressed that "Belgium firmly supports the idea of the Balkans' integration of Europe and of Croatia's accession in particular. Your membership short term undoubtedly comprises an encouraging message for neighbouring countries." The Prime Minister congratulated Ms Kosor for the determination she has shown since her appointment - just one year ago - with regard to the implementation of the necessary reforms required for membership and for her management of the economic crisis which has struck the country hard.

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1 January 1970

According to figures announced by the Labour Ministry the number of unemployed in Spain declined by 76,223 people in May in comparison with April; this is the second consecutive month that the figure has declined. At the end of May the number of unemployed totalled 4.06 milion. In April the number of unemployed dropped by 24.188 in comparison with March. The number of job seekers rose continuously in Spain from August to March, the last decrease dated back to July 2009.

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1 January 1970

The Pope returned home on 6th June from a three day visit to Cyprus. It was the first time that a Pope travelled to this State and the first visit by Benedict XVI to a mainly orthodox country. The journey's purpose was to deliver a working document in view of a synod on the Middle East to the twelve member of the pre-synodal Council. Benedict XVI called for "harmony" between neighbours to settle the issue which is still pending over the island's division. He celebrated Sunday mass before the Catholic community of Cyprus calling for "urgent, concerted" international work "to settle the present tension in the Middle East, especially in the Holy Land before the conflict leads to even greater tragedy."

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1 January 1970

On 2nd June UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon announced the appointment of American Lisa Buttenheim as Special Envoy to Cyprus and Head of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus. Ms Buttenheim brings vast experience in areas such as political affairs and peacekeeping to her new post. The new Special Envoy succeeds Ethiopian Tayé-Brook Zerihoun who occupied this post from May 2008 to April 2010.

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1 January 1970

Danish Foreign Minister Lene Espersen met her German counterpart Guido Westerwelle in Berlin on 1st June. The two ministers pleaded for the European Foreign Policy to be oriented more towards European values and Human Rights. They signed a letter addressed to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy putting forward ideas to achieve this. Lene Espersen stressed that with regard to Human Rights it was up to the EU to impose an agenda on the world arena.

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1 January 1970

On 3rd June Estonia became a member of the OECD. The signature of the agreement by Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip and the OECD Secretary General is of symbolic importance for Estonia. Membership marks international acknowledgement in terms of development and reform, often recommended by the OECD and undertaken by the Estonian state, as a result the latter enters the circle of most developed countries.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 3rd June by the National Statistics and Economic Studies Institute (INSEE) unemployment in mainland France lay at 9.5% ie 2.7 million people. This remains stable in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2009 (revised figure) and lies at its 1999 level. The unemployment rate of the 15-24 year olds - the worst affected by the crisis - declined to 23% in the first quarter of 2010. At the end of 2009 24.2% of them were unemployed. This rate rises to 25.3% if we only take into account men from this age group, an absolute record since 1975.

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1 January 1970

Over the university year 2008-2009, 28,283 French students studied in another EU country thanks to Erasmus; this makes France the "new champion of student mobility" a position it had lost since 2003-2004 to Germany. In 2008-2009 French students primarily went to Spain (22.4%) then to the UK (18.7%), Germany (12.1%), Sweden and Italy (6.7%) each. The European university exchange programme Erasmus has enabled more than 2 million Europeans to study in another country on the continent since it was created - this also includes teachers and since 2007 training in companies is also part of the programme. At present it is believed that 4% of European students take advantage of Erasmus at some time in their studies.

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1 January 1970

French Prime Minister François Fillon spoke on 4th June with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. On this occasion he announced that the French government wanted to balance public finances and recover a public deficit of 6% of the GDP next year. These measures must not however impede growth said Mr Fillon; coordination between States within the G20 is vital. The G20's goal in Toronto will be to limit dangerous behaviour on the part of the banks. The French Prime Minister did however say that the measure France felt most important ie the taxation of danger banking behaviour did not meet with unanimous agreement within the G20.

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1 January 1970

Greek Finance Minister, George Papaconstantinou announced on 2nd June that there would be a series of privatisations which should bring in 1 billion euro to the State over three years. The State is due to relinquish 49% of Trainose, a sub-division of the national railway company OSE which has accumulated a total debt of 10 billion euro; the government is also due to give up a share of the capital of the Athens and Thessaloniki water companies as well as 39% of Hellenic postal serives (ELTA). All of Greek casinos are to be privatised, ports and airports likewise; public-private partnerships in the construction and use of new infrastructures will also be privatised.

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Maritime Transport

1 January 1970

The 22nd Biannual Maritime Exhibition Posidonian, the most important in the sector opened its doors on 7th June in Athens - it provides Greece with an opportunity to show the dynamism of its economic motor. This time the exhibition will bring together more than 1,850 companies from 87 countries until 11th June and according to the Greek Shipowners Union (EEE) will demonstrate that the Greek maritime industry is healthy contributing 7% to the GDP in spite of the international and national crisis.

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1 January 1970

European Commission President José Manuel Barroso received Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on 3rd June to discuss the future Hungarian Presidency of the Union in the first semester of 2011 and his country's economic situation. He asked Hungary to reduce its budgetary deficit and to commit to in-depth structural reforms to balance its economy. Struck by the full strength of the international financial crisis Hungary had to resort to the aid of 20 billion euro in 2008 on the part of the IMF, the EU and the World Bank. Mr Oban whose government entered office last month after having won a 2/3 majority in the general elections promised to keep the budgetary deficit under control. He then went to the NATO HQ to meet Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

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National Day

1 January 1970

The President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano and President of the Council Silvio Berlusconi took part in the celebrations of Republic Day on 2nd June. On 2nd June 1946 the Italians were called to choose by referendum between a monarchy and a republic - they opted for the latter. It was the first free vote after 20 years of fascism and the first national election open to women. These celebrations were abolished in 1977 when it was decided to retain 25th April only, the anniversary of the Liberation, as a national day - the national day was re-introduced in 2001. Celebrations included a tribute to the Unknown Soldier, a military parade along the Imperial Forum and military fanfares in the Quirinale Gardens that were open to the public for the occasion.

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1 January 1970

The Baltic Development Forum took place on 1st and 2nd June in Vilnius. This meeting whose aim it is to enhance the region's prosperity focused on: "Challenges for Europe, regional answers: employment, investment and sustainable growth." In her speech Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite spoke of two main issues: energy independence via the creation of a common energy market and the protection of the ecosystem of the Baltic Sea. Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip insisted on the advantages of creating a common digital market in the region. His Latvian counterpart Valdis Dombrovskis encouraged continued work towards enhanced cooperation between various political, economic and scientific players from the Baltic Sea area.

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Czech Republic


1 January 1970

On 4th June Czech President Vaclav Klaus announced that he had asked Petr Necas, Vice-President and ODS leader to undertake negotiations in view of forming a government after the general elections on 28th and 29th May. The ODS together with TOP09 (rightwing) and Public Affairs (VV, centre), enjoys a confortable 118 seat majority out of 200 in the lower chamber. These three parties agreed on 2nd June on a coalition project with the aim of forming a "government of budgetary responsibility and which respects the law."

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1 January 1970

The law to reform the National Agency for Integrity adopted mid-May by Parliament was rejected on 2nd June by President Traian Basescu. The reform law included confidentiality clauses for MPs and the end of criminal procedures for false income declarations. Mr Basescu, who believes this law might lead to a weakening in the fight against corruption, refused to promulgate it and sent it back for re-examination; he recalled that the fight against corruption in the public sector to gain greater transparency and integrity should be a priority for Romanian society.

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1 January 1970

Romanian President Traian Basescu hosted his Georgian counterpart Mikhail Saakashvili on 2nd and 3rd June. This meeting provided an opportunity to discuss Romano-Georgian relations and regional issues focusing on energy supplies and security. With regard to this Mr Basescu said that he did not support the Russian proposal of a European Security Treaty stating that this is already guaranteed by the OSCE and NATO. He renewed his support for Georgia's accession to the Atlantic Alliance. This visit also enabled the two presidents to discuss the AGRI project that aims to ensure the supply of gas from the Caspian Sea via Georgia and Romania towards the rest of Europe.

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1 January 1970

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper made an official visit to the UK on 3rd June. He met his British counterpart David Cameron with whom he discussed the priorities of the G8 and G20 summits which will take place in Canada at the end of June - they also discussed economic recovery. The two men exchanged views on the need for the reform of the financial system and trade relations between the EU and Canada.

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1 January 1970

In a letter dated 31st May and addressed to all ministerial departments British Prime Minister David Cameron announced that he wanted to make public various types of information held by the government such as that on criminal activities, hospital infections and government spending. This decision follows the numerous financial scandals that marked the previous government's term in office and meets a promise that Mr Cameron made during his campaign to guarantee government transparency for British citizens.

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1 January 1970

Slovenian voters lifted a weight from their government's shoulders on 6th June, likewise from that of Croatia and the EU as they gave the green light by referendum to the use of an international mediation agreement to settle the border dispute with Croatia. According to results that include 99% of the votes already counted and made public by the Electoral Commission in Ljubljana the "yes" for which Prime Minister Borut Pahor and Head of State Danilo Turk had campaigned won 51.48% of the vote and the "no" supported by the opposition, 48.52%.

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1 January 1970

The European Investment Bank (EIB) granted a loan of 50 million euro to Albania designed for the rehabilitation of road infrastructures in rural areas according to a press release by the Bank on 4th June. "This project is part of the framework programme enabling the re-habilitation of 1,500km of roads in the rural areas of Albania," says the press release. The total cost of this project is around 140 million euro. It is co-funded by the European Commission and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the same source added. Since 1995 the EIB has invested more than 350 million euro in Albania.

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Council of Europe

Human Rights

1 January 1970

On 1st June Protocol 14 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom which aims to improve the efficacy of the European Court of Human Rights entered into force. In a joint declaration Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe and Jean-Paul Costa, President of the European Court of Human Rights stressed that "the entry into force of Protocol 14 is a decisive stage," that will enable the court to be more effective and to improve the protection of Human Rights in Europe." Protocal 14 establishes a legal framework giving the EU an opportunity to join the Convention in the same way it committed to the Lisbon Treaty.

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1 January 1970

With the support of the Council of Europe the Moldovan government has found a solution to settle the constitutional crisis. On 3rd June the four leaders of the government coalition (Alliance for European Integration AIE) announced that a referendum would be organised at the beginning of September to establish the direct election of the president (modification of article 78 of the Constitution), and that new general elections would take place in the autumn after the dissolution of Parliament in October. Mediation on the part of the Council of Europe's Secretary General was decisive in the elaboration of this solution that may enable the settlement of the institutional and political crisis that is affecting the country at present.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 1st June the unemployment rate in the euro area rose to 10.1% in April after 10% in March. The unemployment rate lay at 9.2% a year earlier. This represents 15,860 million unemployed and a rise of 25,000 people in one month. In comparison with April 2009 unemployment had increased by 1.2 million people. Eurostat also noted that the unemployment rate of the under 25's rose to 20% in the euro area in April 2010. In addition to this the lowest levels of unemployment in the euro area were recorded in the Netherlands (4.1%) and Austria (4.9%) whilst that of Spain is the highest (19.7%). Over one year Germany is the only country within the euro area where the unemployment rate has declined (7.1% in April against 7.6% a year earlier).

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 4th June during the first quarter of 2010 the GDP in the euro area and that of the EU increased by 0.2% in comparison with the previous quarter. Over the fourth quarter of 2009 the growth rate lay at +0.1% in the euro area and +0.2% in the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to Eurobarometer results "Enterpreneurship in the EU and beyond" published on 4th June 45% of Europeans would like to work for themselves (against 49% who want to be employees), a lower percentage than in the USA (55%) and in China (71%). The preference for independent work varies from 26% in Slovakia to 66% in Cyprus. Men, young people, highly educated people and those living in urban areas are the most inclined to desire this type of work. The main reason people look for paid work is job stability and regular revenue. Entrepreneurs are seen as job creators (89%).

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1 January 1970

On 2nd June the European Environment Agency published its European inventory of greenhouse gas emissions. This inventory indicates that emissions decreased in 2008 - the year matches the start of the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. This is the 5th consecutive decline in annual emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions in 2008 show that EU emissions declined by 2% over the year in question to lie 11.3% lower than the 1990 levels.

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1 January 1970

A European Commission report released on June 1st shows that EU telecoms markets have become more competitive. As a result, citizens and businesses enjoy greater choice of services and cheaper prices. However, the report also indicates that a single EU telecoms market is still far from reality, which is why the Commission's Digital Agenda for Europe calls for swift and consistent enforcement of existing telecoms rules and indicates that the Commission intends to propose appropriate steps to reduce the cost of the absence of a Single Market in telecoms services. Problems include different national regulatory approaches to tackling competition issues, such as regulating access to fibre networks.

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1 January 1970

The German Foundation for Science and Politics (SWP) published a study on the debt crisis in the EU entitled "Die Schuldenkrise in der Europäischen Union-Schuldenabbau und Prävention durch neue Nachhaltigkeitsregel". (The debt crisis - Reducing and Preventing Debt via new sustainability rules). The study's author Ognian Hishow observes that Member States might not reduce their debts significantly before 2025. He suggests the establishment of a rule that assesses the development of the amount of debt in the light of economic growth. According to the author the control and sanction of debt should be managed by the European Commission.

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Festival Handel

1 January 1970

The main work of German composer Georg Friedrich Handel will be presented during the Handel Festival that will take place until 13th June, in Halle, his home town.

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1 January 1970

Louise Bourgeois, a Franco-American artist died in New York on 31st May. Aged 98 this major 20th century artist leaves us with her avant-garde art ranging from surrealism to minimalism. A famous sculptor she addressed themes such as the family, maternity and sexuality in an aesthetic and innovative manner. Her work is on show until 19th September at the "Emilio e Annabianca Vedova" Foundation in Venice.

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1 January 1970

The film "Mundane History" by Thai film maker Anocha Suwichakornpong won the "Transylvania Prize" in the Transylvania International Film festival(TIFF). The jury's special prize was awarded to the Dutch road movie "Last Conversation" by Noud Heerkens. The 9th edition of the Festival rallied 240 films from 47 countries in Cluj.

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Newsletter Archives

General elections 26 October in Georgia: a referendum on Europe

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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Contact Us!


The Newsletter n°444- version of 7 juin 2010