The Newsletter44225 mai 2010

La Lettre

Nicolas-Jean Brehon

25 May 2010



1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation has published a study by Pierre Fauchon and François Sicard in its "Notes" series, "L'Europe des cooperations volontaires, ou comment donner une nouvelle impulsion à l'Europe." (Voluntary Cooperation and Europe or how to provide Europe with new impetus). This paper is available on the Foundation's site in paper format on PDF for 10€.

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Elections/Czech Republic

1 January 1970

According to the latest poll by CVVM, the Social Democratic Party (CSSD) is due to come first in the general elections on 28th and 29th May with 30.5% of the vote. It will be followed by the Civic-Democratic Party (ODS) with 19% of the vote; TOP 09 is due to win 14%, the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (13%) and Public Affairs (11.5%). The Green Party and the KDU-CSL are not due to win the 5% necessary to be represented in Parliament. The Citizens' Rights Party (SPO), founded by former Prime Minister (1998-2002), Milos Zeman is only due to win 2% of the vote.

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1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation is now on Twitter. So, follow us and keep up to date about topical European issues, our latest publications and our appearances in the media!

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1 January 1970

After the accidental death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski on 10th April last the Poles are being invited to elect their President on 20th June. Elected for five years the President must be aged 35 years at least. In this election each candidate had to deliver 1,000 signatures to the Polish Electoral Commission before 26th April. Their candidature was only registered after the delivery of 100,000 voters signatures before 6th May. If none of the candidates manage to win an absolute majority in the first round of the election on 20th June, a second round will be organised two weeks later ie on 4th July. Nine people are officially standing : Bronislaw Komorowski (PO), Marshall (chairman) of the Diet, Interim President since the death of Lech Kaczynski ; Jaroslaw Kaczynski (PiS), twin brother of the deceased President; Waldemar Pawlak ; Grzegorz Napieralski; Marek Jurek ; Boguslaw Zietek ; Kornel Morawiecki ; Janusz Korwin-Mikke and Andrzej Olechowski.

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

In an interview granted to the French "Le Monde", the Italian, "Corriere della Serra" and Spanish "El Pais" newspapers (19th May), German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that "solidarity and strength were inseparable" within the euro area. In a speech to the Bundestag on 19th May she declared: "I want Europe to commit to the adoption of a new culture of stability. Our culture of stability has withstood more than this test." She added, "The euro is in danger and if we do not address this danger the consequences for us in Europe will be incalculable." She said that Germany was prepared to act alone to prohibit the activities criticised as being mainly responsible for the debt crisis in the euro area. During a conference on 20th May she appealed to the German Finance Minister for greater stability in the euro area.

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1 January 1970

On 19th May the Danish government presented a plan "for economic recovery" asking the Danes to "be happy for the next 730 days with the same level of social aid as today." Unemployment benefits, study grants and retirement pensions as well as other aid for housing will be frozen in 2011 and 2012 at the 2010 level. Tax rebates on the highest income bands planned for January 1st 2011 will be delayed to a later date. On the same day the Danish Finance Minister reviewed his growth forecasts upwards slightly to 1.4% of the GDP this year and to 1.7% in 2011 against 1.3% and 1.6% respectively during a previous estimate in December.

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1 January 1970

On 17th May the Economic Affairs Committee of the European Parliament adopted its position on the managers of alternative investment funds. MEPs opted for new rules for managers and funds domiciled outside the EU, a proportionality system to regulate less risky funds more lightly, and rules on remuneration policies and short selling. They also made improvements to the directive's transparency and risk reduction rules. During a debate on 19th May MEPs called for enhanced economic governance, a tightening of the Stability and Growth Pact and sanctions against countries that do not respect their commitments or which falsify data.

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1 January 1970

Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb declared on 19th May that Europe needed strong governance and less nationalism to overcome the crisis caused by irresponsible public spending in some EU countries. He said, "At present Europe lacks political governance. No-one dares speak." He stressed the need for a joint economic policy. Finland supports the European Commission's proposal to submit the budgets of countries in the euro area to European scrutiny before presenting them to national Parliaments for adoption as from 2011.

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1 January 1970

The National Statistics and Economic Studies Institute (INSEE) has published a report on public finances. This study aims to throw light on the development of French public finances since the 1970's as well as on the obligations and risks that weigh on these mid-term, particularly over the next decade. It mainly relies on national compatibility data that provide a comprehensive, objective view of the situation in the civil services.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 18th May by the National Statistics Institute consumer prices in Austria rose by 2% in April over one year. In March Austria recorded inflation of 2% and in February 1%.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published on 20th May by the National Statistics Institute (INE) the Spanish economy grew over the first three months of the year after seven successive quarters of contraction - which officially brought Spain out of the recession. The Spanish economy progressed by 0.1% between the fourth quarter of 2009 and the first quarter of 2010. Over the last three months in 2009 the Spanish GDP declined by 0.1%. Year on year the Spanish GDP contracted by 1.3% in the first quarter.

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1 January 1970

British Finance Minister George Osborne announced on 24th May the first part of reductions in public spending to a total of £6.2 billion (7.2 billion euros) as part of a vast move to reduce the country's public deficit. Indeed the UK is facing a record deficit of over 156 billion pounds ie 11.1% of the British GDP. These budgetary cuts will affect the ministries. Only those taking care of Health, Defence and Development Aid are due to be spared since they may reinvest the savings they are going to make in vital services.

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1 January 1970

On 19th May Jean-Claude Trichet declared in an interview granted to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) "we are totally free to act and we shall not shy from our responsibility to guarantee medium-term price stability." The President of the European Central Bank believed that the institution's credibility had not been damaged by its decision to buy govenment bonds from certain Member States because this decision enables it to pursue its primary goal to maintain price stability in the euro area. Mr Trichet recalled the three responsiblities which governments have in his opinion: putting order in their own public finances; undertaking mutual surveillance within the Eurogroup; stand ready to implement the financial stability mechanism if one of them fails.

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European Council

EU/Central America

1 January 1970

The EU and the countries of Central America (Costa Rica, Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama) agreed on the signature of a free-trade treaty. The agreement includes the total opening up of trade in industrial products in both directions. For the very first time the countries of Central America will be able to export beef and rice in quantities limited by quotas.

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1 January 1970

During the 6th EU-Andine Community Summit on 19th May in Madrid the EU and four Andean countries, (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru) agreed to provide greater political support to the fight against illegal drugs so that a common position in the face of this world issue and associated crimes, such as money laundering can be maintained. A trade agreement was signed between the EU and Peru and Colombia in view of liberalising trade in industry, agriculture, fisheries, services and investments as well as in area of cooperation and political dialogue in Human Rights.

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1 January 1970

The EU and Chile decided on 17th May to improve and consolidate their relations particularly in areas of energy and trade, five years after the entry into force of the Association Agreement. This was the 4th EU-Chile Summit since the entry into force of this agreement in 2005. Both sides addressed themes of common interest such as climate change and the world economy as well as other bilateral issues such as the Association for Development and Innovation, that will lead to wider cooperation in areas such as investment, trade and education.

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Economic Governance

1 January 1970

On 21st May the 27 EU Finance Ministers agreed to step up budgetary discipline by applying, if necessary, sanctions against countries which do not respect European rules. "It clearly appeared that there is a wide consensus on financial and non-financial sanctions" if the European budgetary rules are not respected declared the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy.

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1 January 1970

The EU-Mercosur Summit took place in Madrid on 17th May. The EU and Mercosur made the resumption of negotiations that had been paralysed since 2004 official in view of the signature of a free-trade agreement between the two regions. This decision is the focus of debate amongst the 27 and a group of fifteen countries, led by France has said that the strategic interests of European agriculture could be put at risk. The Commission supported by Spain, Portugal and even Sweden and the Netherlands do not deny the difficulties for the agricultural sector but believe that the advantages brought about by such an agreement merit continuing negotiations. They say that European investments in this region are greater than those in China, India and Russia together and it is an immense market - 1,300 billion dollars - with high potential for growth.

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1 January 1970

On 18th May the Commission presented measures that aim to improve the management of biowaste in the EU and to draw from them the best environmental and economic advantages they offer. Biodegradable garden, kitchen and food waste represented 88 million tonnes of municipal waste every year and this is likely to have major effects on the environment. However they also hold significant potential as a source of renewable energy and recycled materials.

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1 January 1970

On 17th May the European Commission published the report opening discussions on fishing opportunities in EU waters in 2011. The document sets out how the Commission plans to act on scientific opinion that it receives with regard to the state of fishing resources when it puts forward catch limits and quotas for the coming year. Ms Maria Damanaki, the Commissioner responsible for Maritime Affairs and Fishing intends to bring EU capture limits in 2011 down to sustainable levels - in line with the EU's international commitments and recommendations made by scientific organisations who advise the Commission.

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1 January 1970

On 18th May the European Commission indicated that greenhouse gas emissions from EU companies that take part in the European emissions quota exchange system declined by 11.6% in 2009 in comparison with 2008. This information that comes from Member States' operational records was welcomed by the Commissioner responsible for Climate Action, Connie Hedegaard. The European Commission still hopes for a reduction of 30% of these emissions by 2020 in comparison with 1990 in spite of pressure from industrialists.

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1 January 1970

On 19th May the European Commission adopted its first settlement decision in a cartel case involving 10 producers of memory chips or DRAMS used in computers and servers. The fine totalling 331,273,800 euros includes a reduction of 10% for the companies' acknowledgement of the facts. The addressees of the decision are: Micron, Samsung, Hynix, Infineon, NEC, Hitachi, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Elpida and Nanya. Micron, however, was not fined because it revealed the existence of the cartel to the Commission. Cartel settlements allow the Commission to speed up investigations, free up resources to deal with other cases and generally improve the efficiency of its antitrust enforcement.

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1 January 1970

According to estimates published by the European Commission on 20th May the European Consumer Confidence Indicator had decreased sharply (-17.5 points) in May across all euro area countries. Confidence decreased dramatically amongst EU consumers dropping to -14.7 points in comparison with -12.3 in April.

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1 January 1970

Catherine Ashton the Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the Security Policy together with Stephane Füle, European Enlargement Commissioner made a joint declaration on 20th May with regard to the political situation in Albania. Both expressed their support for the work undertaken by Joseph Daul and Martin Schulz, chairs of the EPP and S&D groups in the European Parliament to find a solution to the crisis which has been paralysing the Albanian Parliament for the last few months.

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1 January 1970

On 18th May MEPs asked for the label "made in" to be become obligatory for clothes and other textile products that are sold in Europe. This might help European SMEs in the sector which often have to compete with countries which have lower labour costs; this will also help consumers choose on the basis of "ethicial criteria" notably with regard to the age and wages paid to workers. In their report adopted 528 votes in favour 18 against and 108 abstentions MEPs also believe that a new harmonised, obligatory labelling system is necessary.

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1 January 1970

In a resolution that was adopted on 18th May MEPs asked the European Union to help young people more by developing non-formal types of education, mobility and voluntary work and also to fight against unemployment and school drop-out rates. They also called for greater involvement of young people in the establishment of policies which concern them and the fostering of healthy ways of life, better sex education and increased awareness of all types of discrimination. Particular attention should be paid to young people who suffer handicaps or who are from poor families.

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1 January 1970

On 18th May MEPs adopted a resolution 592 votes in favour, 30 against and 36 abstentions, asking Member States to guarantee social protection including maternity leave of 14 weeks minimum to women who work independently or who help their partners on a par with women who earn a wage. It will be the Member States who decide whether this cover should be obligatory or whether it should be undertaken on a voluntary basis.

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1 January 1970

On 18th May MEPs suggested a reduction in bureaucratic obligations with regard to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to make support measures to farmers more effective and less expensive, to help them in their work and inform them of the quotas to respect. MEPs are also requesting that sanctions be adapted to the seriousness of infringements and that there are no more sanctions for small errors and faults which cannot be blamed on the farmer. Finally MEPs are asking the European Commission to withdraw superfluous legal demands in terms of animal identification.

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1 January 1970

On 18th and 19th May MEPs approved a series of legislative measures on energy efficacy. Only energy saving buildings will be built after 2020. This will help consumers reduce their energy bills and the entire Union will achieve its goal of reducing its energy consumption by 20% in ten years. Buildings represent 40% of the Union's total energy consumption and are the main source of CO2 emissions. The energy performance of existing buildings will also have to be improved via major renovation and owners will be encouraged to undertake work in this direction.

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1 January 1970

The Conference of Presidents(CdP)suggested on 20th May that a special committee be put together in preparation for the next EU pluriannual financial framework. Planned for July 2010 this parliamentary committee may define Parliament's priorities from a budgetary point of view and establish proposals with regard to the means to fund the EU's budget in the future.

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60 years/Schuman Declaration

1 January 1970

On 17th May on the occasion of the plenary session European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek, EPP Chair Joseph Daul and Robert Schuman Foundation Chairman Jean-Dominique Giuliani celebrated the 60th anniversary of the Robert Schuman Declaration on 9th May 1950 together with many MEPs at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

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1 January 1970

On 17th May the 27 European Agriculture Ministers exchanged views on the competitiveness of the European agro-food model from an international point of view and on gender equality in rural areas. On this latter point ministers indicated that gender equality is a fundamental principle of the EU which has to be respected in all policies. They pointed to the role played women in rural areas and acknowledged that women's present situation is sometimes very precarious. Ministers said that the European agro-food model matches European citizens' demands and was the source of significant social advantages.

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1 January 1970

On 18th May the 27 European Economy and Finance Ministers adopted a draft regulation on speculative funds the aim of which is to improve control over "hedge funds" accused of having worsened the crisis. They also adopted the conclusions of the national budgetary frameworks, the enhancement of the European regulatory framework for the prevention, management and settlement of crises, exit strategies for the financial sector and the funding to implement to help emerging countries face climate change.

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1 January 1970

German President Horst Köhler visited German troops stationed in Mazar-i-Sharif on 21st May on the occasion of his first journey to Afghanistan according to the German Defence Ministry. The President provided his support to the troops and said, "I am going to do everything I can so that the work you are undertaking in Afghanistan for our country, for the people here and more for the security of world is lauded in Germany."

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1 January 1970

Belgium will be able to undertake the presidency of the EU with "gusto" in spite of early elections on 13th June said Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme on 19th May since he will probably remain in office well beyond the election date.

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1 January 1970

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov travelled to Italy on 21st to 23rd May. He notably met President of the Italian Council, Silvio Berlusconi. The two men looked into possibilities for cooperation in areas such as tourism, culture and above all energy - in association with the gas pipeline project South Stream; they also looked into investments made by the Italian company ENI in the new Bulgarian nuclear power station.

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1 January 1970

On 20th May the Spanish government approved the law that brought together additional austerity measures for 2010 and 2011 to a total of 15 billion euros. These austerity measures aim to "accelerate the process" of reducing public deficits that soared to 11.2% of the GDP in 2009 and which Madrid wants to bring back down to 3% by 2013. This law includes several measures such as the reduction of civil servants' salaries by 5% on average as from June on, then to freeze them until 2011. Another measure includes the freezing of some retirement pensions in 2011. The Spanish government has therefore reduced its growth forecast for 2011 down to 1.3% of the GDP in comparison with a previous 1.8% notably due to the austerity plan.

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1 January 1970

On 22nd May the Bank of Spain undertook its second recovery operation of a regional savings bank since the start of the crisis in 2008 - it provided help to Cajasur at a difficult time when the markets are doubting the country's ability to recover as it adopts its austerity measures. Cajasur which was suffering major financial difficulties has been placed under public guardianship after the failure of a project to merge with another establishment, Unicaja.

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1 January 1970

To reduce public deficits French President Nicolas Sarkozy who chaired a meeting on the subject on 20th May at the Elysee wants to launch constitutional reform so that each government that is elected now commits to focusing on the budgetary deficit. In his opinion this measure will enable the French parliament to approve promises taken in terms of public funding vis-à-vis France's European partners. "The goal we have committed to, ie to bring the deficit down to 6% of the GDP in 2011 and to 4.6% in 2012 must be respected," he said. The French president announced a reduction in spending by the State, territorial communities and social protection.

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1 January 1970

The first part of the European loans promised to Greece to a total of 14.5 billion euros was paid on 18th May as planned to help the country meet its reimbursement deadlines. This loan comes together with the 5.5 billion euros contributed by the IMF last week. The first payment of European aid will help Papandreou's government pay salaries and pensions of civil servants until the end of June.

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1 January 1970

The Secretary of State at the Greek Cultural and Tourism Ministry, Antzela Guerekou, presented her resignation on 17th May after a scandal over tax evasion came to the fore with her husband announced a press release by the government's spokesperson.

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1 January 1970

On 20th May the Hungarian Parliament endorsed the modification of the Constitution which will lead to a reduction in the number of MPs as put forward by the FIDESZ party in power since the general elections in April. In the future Parliament will be limited to 200 members instead of 386. As from 2014 13 additional MPs - not included in the quota will represent the minorities living in Hungary. Any modficiation to the Constitution demands the approval of at least 2/3 of the MPs, a threshold which the FIDESZ achieved thanks to its 263 seats. The proposal won 306 votes in all.

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Civil Protection

1 January 1970

On 19th May Poland launched the EU's civil protection mechanism and asked for help in the face of the serious flooding that is affecting a major part of its territory.

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Helmut Kohl

1 January 1970

Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl was awarded the title of "honorary citizen" of the town of Gdansk said the Polish town council on 17th May.

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Eastern Partnership

1 January 1970

Poland has invited Russia to participate in a "group of friends" of the Eastern Partnership put forward by the EU to other former USSR countries said the head of Polish diplomacy, Radoslaw Sikorski on 24th May.

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1 January 1970

The unemployment rate in Portugal rose to 10.6% in the first quarter of 2010 against 10.1% in the previous quarter, which is a record rate since 1983 announced the National Statistics Institute (INE) on 18th May. Over one year the number of unemployed increased by 19.4%. At the end of the first quarter 592,200 people were unemployed, a figure up by 5.1% in comparison with the fourth quarter 2009.

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1 January 1970

The new British parliament met for the first time on 18th May. As tradition demands it MPs first went to the House of Lords; they then proceeded to the election of the Speaker of the House of Commons. The ceremony was chaired by the Father of the House (the longest continuous serving member). John Bercow was re-elected as Speaker.

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1 January 1970

British Prime Minister David Cameron was French President, Nicolas Sarkozy's guest on 20th May at the Elysee. It was Mr Cameron's first journey abroad since his election on 6th May. During a joint press conference the two men said they were ready to work together, notably on European issues. David Cameron also recalled that it was in the UK's interest for the euro to be a success and for "the euro area's economy and its deficits to recover." On 21st May he met German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin - he indicated that although his country was not planning to adopt the euro the UK supported a strong euro area.

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1 January 1970

On 20th May British Prime Minister David Cameron and Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg revealed their coalition government's programme. This 34 page document qualified as "historical" includes measures that aim to avoid a repetition of the banking crisis, the introduction of a banking tax and notably the establishment of an independent commission to look into the separation of retail banking and investment activities. On Europe, which is a major bone of contention between the Liberal-Democrats and the Tories, the government is promising to play a leading role in the EU but stresses that no further power will be given to Brussels in the future without a prior referendum in the UK. The government also states that the country will not consider joining the euro during this term in office in spite of initial requests on the part of the Lib-Dems who want to look into this matter in the long run.

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1 January 1970

Russian President Dmitri Medvedev travelled to Ukraine on 17th and 18th May. Five cooperation agreements were signed the biggest one of which for the Ukraine involves the delimitation of the Ukrainian-Russian border, vital for its negotiations with the EU on the suppression of visas for Ukrainians. The other agreements focused on the joint use of the Russian satellite navigation system, Glonass, as well as on cooperation in the banking, cultural and educational sectors. Dmitri Medvedev also paid tribute to the millions of Ukrainians who fell victim to the great famine of 1933-34 - and this had been a major bone of contention between Kiev and Moscow.

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1 January 1970

On 17th May the Group of Experts appointed by Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen to lay down the foundations of a new strategic concept for NATO presented its report. Recommendations advise on the organisation of military exercises in order that all of the Allies feel in security and for the Alliance to become more polyvalent to face new dangers "that emanate from sources of major geographical and technological diversity." NATO will have to step up its transformation by developing "sustainable military forces that are deployable and are interoperational", by improving its capacity to respond and by enhancing its commitment to joint funding.

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1 January 1970

NATO firmly condemned the acts undertaken by North Korea that led to the sinking of the South Korean frigate Cheonan in which 46 people died - as proven by the enquiry undertaken by a multinational team. Catherine Ashton, the Union's High Representative for Foreign Policy also reacted and denounced this heinous, irresponsible act.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 18th May in March the euro area recorded an external trade surplus of 4.5 billion euros with the rest of the world in comparison with 1.6 billion in March 2009. In comparison with the previous month exports increased by 7.5% and imports by 10.3%. However the EU recorded an external trade deficit of 7.1 billion euros in March 2010 in comparison with 9.2 billion euros the previous year.

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1 January 1970

According to figures published by Eurostat on 18th May the annual inflation rate in the euro area lay at 1.5% in April 2010 in comparison with 1.4% in March. In the EU this rate was 2% in April (in comparison with 1.9% in March). Transport (5.9%), alcoholic drinks (+4.2%) and tobacco (+4.2%) are the main elements in the annual rise of inflation. Conversely the lowest annual rates apply to leisure and culture (-1%), communications (-0.6%) and foodstuffs (-0.2%). The highest annual rates were in Hungary (+5.7%), Greece (+4.7%) and in Romania (+4.2%).

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1 January 1970

According to a report on digital competitiveness by the European Commission on 17th May, Europe's digital economy covers all economic sectors. 60% of Europeans use the internet regularly and 48% daily. In 2009 the broad band market in the EU was the biggest in the world. Nearly one quarter of EU citizens have a broad band subscription. 80% of EU broad band lines offer speeds over 2 Mbit/s, 18% of them are over 10 Mbit/s. Whilst these speeds are adequate for basic applications they are not enough for more sophisticated ones such as pay TV. The Europe 2020 strategy has established an ambitious goal for all Europeans to have access to broad band at 30 Mbit/s or more. To achieve higher speeds new generation access networks will have to be used. The EU lags severly behind countries such as Korea and Japan in terms of the development of such networks.

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1 January 1970

On 18th May the European Commission published a report on the progress achieved by Member States in terms of fighting the scarcity of water resources and drought. Although countries in Southern Europe had more rain in 2009 than in previous years the overuse of European water resources, which are limited can only be stopped and reversed if more work is done. Without an effective tarification policy, without the rational use of water and water saving measures Europe will find it difficult to guarantee a quality of water that meets both consumer requirements and the challenges presented by climate change.

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1 January 1970

The French Institute for International Relations (IFRI) has published a study by Thomas Gomart entitled "L'Europe dans la politique étrangère russe: nécessaire, mais plus suffisante." (Europe in Russian foreign policy: necessary but no longer enough). Europe is by far Russia's leading partner. However Russia is developing the discourse of an emerging country to highlight the rapid loss Europeans' hold over world affairs. The author looks into how Europe has moved from being a model to that of a political competitor.

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1 January 1970

The University Press of France PUF has published a book by Mickaël R. Roudaut on "Marchés criminels: un acteur global" (Criminal Markets: a global player). This work explains the geopolitical effects of the illicit - an original concept developed by the author with regard to developments in the world's society. This global influence is revealed via a presentation of the problems of the main criminal markets, ranging from protected species to drugs, from illegal immigration, laundering, counterfeiting, to trafficking in humans, arms or the pillage of natural resources. Some ideas for the future are also set out.

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1 January 1970

Until 13th June the Festival of the Ruhr will be hosting 46 theatre plays, musicals and choreographies and 208 performances in Recklinghausen, Germany. This year the festival pays tribute to writer and playwright Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811).

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1 January 1970

The Scala in Milan has put on line its new programme for the 2010-2011 season. On the programme: 14 operas and 6 ballets. Amongst the operas feature nine Italian titles: one by Mascagni, one by Leoncavallo, one by Verdi, two by Puccini, one by Monteverdi and a new composition by Luca Francesconi.

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1 January 1970

The Palme d'Or at the 63rd Cannes Festival was awarded to Thai Apichatpong Weerasethakul for his film "Uncle Boonmee", which tells the story of the last days in the life of a man haunted by his past to a backdrop of army repression. French actress Juliette Binoche won the prize for Best Actress for her role in "Copie Conforme" by Iranian Abbas Kiarostami. Spaniard Javier Bardem and Italian Elio Germano both won the prize for Best Actor in "Biutiful" and "La Nostra Vita". Finally the Jury's Grand Prize was awarded to French film-maker Xavier Beauvois, for his film "Des Hommes et des Dieux".

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1 January 1970

The Tate Museum of Liverpool is putting on an exhibition devoted to Pablo Picasso until 30th August - "Picasso: Peace and Freedom" brings together 150 paintings mostly created between 1944 and 1973 - a time when the world was under high political tension.

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Newsletter Archives

General elections 26 October in Georgia: a referendum on Europe

What the European Parliament should ask of future Commissioners

The European Union between the United States and China: should we choose between equidistance and following?

What future for European defence?

Europe in a fragmented global economy: making the most of the single market and competition policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°442- version of 25 mai 2010