The Newsletter43215 mars 2010

La Lettre

Thomas Veyrenc

15 March 2010



1 January 1970

frs.jpg together with the Robert Schuman Foundation is organising a debate with Michel Barnier, European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Financial Services on 17th March at Sciences Po. It is obligatory to enrol.

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1 January 1970

On 11th and 25th April the Hungarians are being invited to renew the 386 members of the Orszaggyules, the only chamber in Parliament, elected for four years. Four political parties are representated in Parliament at present: the Socialist Party (MSZP) in office since 2002; the Alliance of Young Democrats (FIDESZ) led by Viktor Orban; the Alliance of Free Democrats (SZDSZ), former member of the government coalition and the Democratic Forum (MDF). Given the crisis that is affecting the country and the government's lack of popularity the MSZP is due to suffer a real collapse. But how great will the FIDESZ's victory be? According to the latest polls the FIDESZ is due to win 40% of the vote in the first round, followed by the MSZP with 15%, Jobbik (far right) 7%. 1/3 of the electorate still has not chosen how it will vote.

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1 January 1970

The Schuman Foundation is now on Facebook. The arrival of spring brings a flourish of new opportunities - come and discover our profile - "Robert Schuman Frs" on this network.

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Schuman Report

1 January 1970

The Robert Schuman Foundation has just published the fourth edition of "The State of the Union 2010, Schuman Report on Europe" with the publishing house, Lignes de Repères. This edition offers original analyses, unique maps and vital data for readers to learn everything they need to know about Europe. For example the article by Jean-Pierre Jouyet, President of the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) on the "Reform of Financial Capitalism: is there a chance for European Leadership?" explains how Europe "will be all the more credible when it has convinced all Member States of their individual interest is to accept more restrictive rules on condition that they are the same for everyone". This reference work is available in bookshops and on the Foundation's internet site. Order it!

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Financial Crisis


1 January 1970

In the fourth quarter of 2009 the GDP decreased by 0.3% in comparison with the previous quarter and by 3% in comparison with the same period in 2008 according to data published by the National Statistics Institute (Istat) on 10th March.

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1 January 1970

MEPs asked on 10th March, 536 in favour, 80 against, the establishment of a world tax designed to discourage the taking of excessive risks on the part of financial establishments and to ensure that they pay for the damage caused by the crisis. This tax would be used to support the adaptation of developing countries to climate change and to fund development cooperation. In addition to this on 8th March the Committee for Economic Affairs looked at an initial report on the resolution on measures designed to make derivated products markets safer.

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1 January 1970

The Greek Finance Minister gave his monthly report to the European Commission on 8th March on the implementation of the stability and growth programme that is designed to bring the country's public deficit of below the 3% mark in 2012. This report reviews all of the measures adopted. The next day on 9th March the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso said he believed that "these measures show the Greek government's determination to fight the country's structural problems" and indicated that "the Commission is ready to put forward a European framework for coordinated assistance." Finally acknowledging the role played by speculation in the worsening of the Greek crisis he announced that the Commission would look into the possible ban on speculative sales of derivated products on sovereign debts and that it would plead for international coordination for the regulation of derivated markets.

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1 January 1970

On 10th March ECB Chairman Jean-Claude Trichet declared that the European Central Bank (ECB) was not rejecting the idea of a European Monetary Fund for the countries in the euro area who were in financial trouble but that it was necessary to look into the matter in greater detail. "The title given to the EMF does not in my opinion seem adequate," he added. "I would say that it is more financial rather than monetary support," he indicated.

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1 January 1970

José Socrates' government revealed the main goals of its economic stability programme on 8th March; this is designed to bring Portugal's public deficit below the fatal 3% mark by 2013, as requested by the European Commission. In addition to this the Portuguese parliament adopted the austerity budget on 12th March which was presented by the government for 2010 to start recovery of public finances that have worsened greatly due to the economic crisis. The text which the entire non-socialist left voted against plans for a reduction in the deficit by one point in 2010 down to 8.3% of the GDP whilst the government has promised to bring the figure down below the 3% mark by 2013 as stipulated by the European stability pact.

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1 January 1970

On 11th March the European Commission paid out the second part of 1 billion euro of the 5 billion euro community loan granted to Romania in May 2009 after a favourable assessment of the respect of economic conditions set by the Commission notably in terms of budgetary balance. The Commission is now asking for greater work with regard to vital structural reform, notably on fiscal governance and the reform of retirement pensions.

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1 January 1970

On 11th March the EU paid out the third part of a community loan of 3.1 billion euros granted to Latvia which was decided upon in January 2009. This financial aid designed to help Latvia taken budgetary measures and the necessary structural reforms to overcome the crisis, depended on the achievement of some politicial and economic conditions on the part of the country's authority, notably in terms of budgetary balance, the reform of budgetary governance, the financial sector and structural reforms.

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1 January 1970

The unemployment rate in Iceland rose again in February to reach 9.3% of the working population in comparison with 9% in January said the Icelandic Labour Department on 10th March in a press release.

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1 January 1970

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown presented a series of measures on 14th March that are designed to give greater power to consumers and put an end to severe practices imposed by providers of financial services. He hopes that the banks and credit companies will behave in a more responsible manner, that they will be fairer with regard to their clients and that they will never encourage them to borrow beyond their means again. A monetary issues help-line is due to be established by banks nationally to help citizens choose their financial products and to help them cope with their debts.

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1 January 1970

The European Commission put forward a legislative measure on 9th March to help citizens exercise their right to a fair trial in Europe when they do not understand the language spoken during the procedure. This measure aims to establish common standards in penal affairs (right to information, legal assistance, the protection of vulnerable suspects and the right communicate with family, employers and consular authorities) to provide greater protection to European citizens in terms of their rights. More and more Europeans travel, study and work in another Member State and are therefore more likely to be involved in legal procedures. Moreover a common base of standards would encourage legal cooperation as part of the European arrest warrant.

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1 January 1970

The report "Focus on higher education in Europe 2010: impact of the Bologna process" presented on 8th March by the European Commission reveals that 46 countries which participate in the Bologna Process still encounter some difficulties ten years after the launch of the blueprint for reform of European higher education which aims to make it more compatible, comparable, competitive and attractive for students. This process has however achieved its goals: the three cycle degree system and quality standards have become the rule, although the acknowledgement of diplomas is still a problem.

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1 January 1970

On 9th March the European Commission presented a strategy to boost the fight against climate change and to implement rapidly the Copenhagen Agreement, notably with regard to the international carbon market and the rapid financial assistance mechanism for developing countries. The Union is also due to continue its work in view of a strong, legally binding world agreement by mobilising all of the main partners. The Commission believes that the Union has to take the initiative with real measures that aim to make it the most climate friendly region in the world. Forecasts given on 11th March by the Commission in terms of renewable energies which are due to rise beyond the 20% goal by 2020 augur well for the completion of environmental goals established in the Europe Strategy 2020.

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1 January 1970

Karel de Gucht, European Commissioner for Trade spoke on 9th March about the decision taken by Northrop Grumman/EADS not to answer the call for tender on the part of the American Defence Ministry to provide re-fuelling tankers. He thinks it "is regrettable that a major potential provider feels itself unable to submit an offer for a contract like this." In December 2009 the European aeronautical group expressed its concern with regard to the criteria surrounding the winning of the contract and on 8th March it finally announced that it would withdraw. The European Commission indicated that it would be "very concerned" if the terms of the contract were designed to prevent free competition," and announced that it would "follow this affair very closely."

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1 January 1970

On 11th March the European Commission adopted a recommandation addressed to the Member States on the application of measures to prevent piracy and self-protection against acts of piracy (Best Management Practices) adopted by the International Maritime Organisation in the face of the rise of this phenomenon off the coasts of Somalia. 11 ships and 183 sailors are in the hands of pirates at present. The military operation EU NAVFOR-ATALANTA, the first naval operation undertaken as part of the European Security and Defence Policy is a dissuasive force helping to prevent and repress acts of piracy. However the Commission is calling on the Member States to ensure that ships register with the Centre for Maritime Security before crossing the Gulf of Aden so that they can receive information on the zone and be monitored by the forces of operation ATALANTA.

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1 January 1970

On 10th March MEPs adopted 462 votes in favour, 140 against a resolution on the EU strategy for 2020 which should in their opinion focus on reducing unemployment, better coordination of economic policies, the finalisation of the internal market and enhance economic governance including realistic, quantifiable goals and restrictive rules. MEPs believe that the community funding must be subordinate to results and correspond to the strategy's goals. To face the problem of unemployment, notably that of young people the EU must implement an ambitious social agenda to include the fight against poverty, the reduction of school drop-out rates, life-long apprenticeship and the fight against discrimination.

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1 January 1970

On 9th March MEPs adopted, 562 votes in favour, 29 against a regulation authorising citizens from third countries with a long stay visa delivered by a Member State, students, university academics and people staying with their family in Europe to travel to other Member States for three months under the same conditions as someone who held a residence permit. This will not cause any additional security risks given the application of a control and alert system, notaby thanks to the Schengen Information System (SIS) which picks up on people who are on a search list in Europe.

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1 January 1970

On the occasion of International Women's Day on 8th March MEPs discussed the numerous challenges that still have to be met in terms of parity: violence against women, unequal distribution of wealth (women only have 10% of the wealth produced in the world), differences in pay, difficulties in reconciling private and professional life. The President of Parliament, Jerzy Buzek opened the session denouncing inequality in representation within the Parliament itself which only comprises 35% of women. MEPs also criticised the fact that the European Commission presented an action plan on 5th March with regard to the equality of the sexes, the "Women's Charter" without having consulted civil society first.

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1 January 1970

MEPs voted on 10th March on several foreign policy issues. They asked to be consulted regularly before the launch of joint security and defence missions; this also includes receiving information about their funding and applies to the appointment and assessment of the EU's special representatives. In addition to this the Union has to develop its strategic autonomy, notably with the establishment of a Defence Council, a permanent operation centre and a European External Action Service.

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1 January 1970

In a resolution adopted on 10th March 633 votes in favour, 13 against MEPs encourage initiatives that aim to protect intellectual property rights, notably by an international Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). They recall that since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty the Commission is legally obliged to inform the Parliament immediately and completely of all the stages in international negotiations and say they are ready to turn to the Court of Justice to ensure that these prerogatives are respected. MEPs are also asking that the right to private life and the protection of data be safeguarded and that no body searches be undertaken on the Union's borders. Finally they are against the disconnection of the internet as a punishment after three on-line copyrights infringements.

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1 January 1970

MEPs adopted three resolutions on 8th March with regard to the protection of consumers and the internal market. For the internal market to work European legislation has to be transposed correctly and in time by the Member States. MEPs are inviting the Commission to submit all legislative proposals to an "internal market test" and to organise an annual forum in which representatives from the Member States and other players can exchange ideas with regard to this. MEPs are calling for better promotion in the media and an enhancement of the Solvit network which aims to solve problems encountered by consumers and companies when legislation is badly implemented in the internal market.

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1 January 1970

On 11th March MEPs adopted 444 votes in favour, 88 against a resolution on the development plan for CO2 poor technologies. They are asking for greater financial investment to enable the achievement of the 2020 goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% but they admit that to do this it will be necessary to increase the resources available, both on a private and public level. These new technologies represent in effect an opportunity to create jobs and markets and would help enhance competitiveness and energy security in the Union.

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1 January 1970

On 8th March the 27 European Employment and Healthcare Ministers voted on the action to take to eradicate violence against women in the Union (notably a common toll-free telephone number - this would provide information and assistance to victims). They adopted a directive to enhance the protection of independent workers "to eliminate impediments to female entrepreneurs" and for "assisting spouses". They decided to extend the length of parental leave from three to four months for each parent with at least one month that cannot be transferred, so that fathers are encouraged to take the leave in question. In the domain of employment Ministers gave the greenlight to a micro funding programme to support small companies and help the unemployed to create their own businesses. This aid comprises a total package of 100 million euros.

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1 January 1970

The 27 Transport Ministers debated a draft regulation on 11th March with regard to investigations into and the prevention of civil aviation accidents in order to oblige airlines to reveal the list of passengers after an accident and to establish a European investigation network. Ministers anlaysed the progress in negotiations with the USA for the launch of the second phase of the so-called "open sky" agreement. Finally ministers adopted proposals for regulations to improve ship,and bus passenger rights notably in terms of non-discrimination and assistance to the handicapped, including information, complaint and compensation rights in the event of delay, cancellation or accident.

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1 January 1970

Operators with installations located close to a polluted area may be deemed to be liable for the pollution said the European Court of Justice on 9th March thereby confirming the polluter-pays principle. The Court believes that the national authorities have the right to do this - if they have "plausible evidence" to "presume the existence of a causal link between the operators and the pollution observed". The Court was consulted by an Italian court after several companies from the petrol and petro-chemical industries in the region of Priolo Gargallo (Sicily) challenged sentences they had received for having polluted the Augusta roadstead.

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European Monetary Fund

1 January 1970

During a meeting in Luxembourg on 9th March with Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, German Chancellor Angela Merkel provided her support to the idea of creating a European Monetary Fund (EMF) which will enable Europe to respond in the future in the event of difficulties of payment on the part of a euro area country. This idea was launched by German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble and found support with the European Commission. Angela Merkel believes that the partners in the euro area now share the joint responsiblity of ensuring new stability for the single currency. The Greek affair highlighted the difficulty the euro area experienced in finding answers when one of its members, heavily in debt, is facing a confidence crisis. Paradoxically the EU can help the countries which are not members of the euro area but it does not have the appropriate tools if the crisis affects one of the Eurogroup members because of a "no bail-out" clause.

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1 January 1970

Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme was in Macedonia on 8th March to meet his Macedonian counterpart Nikola Gruevski. They notably discussed the issue of asylum seekers. "My country does not give political asylum to economic refugees," declared Yves Leterme. On 9th March in Kosovo the Belgian Prime Minister indicated that the stability and integration of the Balkans will not be complete without the accession of Kosovo to the EU. He recalled that Belgium was one of the first countries to acknowledge Kosovo's independence and invited the States that still had not done so to acknowledge Kosovo.

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1 January 1970

In his report "Denmark 2020: Knowledge - Growth - Prosperity - Welfare" Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen puts forward an ambitious recovery plan notably aiming to make Denmark one of the ten richest countries in the world by 2020. This report notably establishes ten economic and social goals, which will mean development in society (life expectancy; education, gender equality, integration etc...) but also major financial effort to balance Danish finance and to rise to EU demands.

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Nordic Region

1 January 1970

On 11th March the Danish Foreign Minister Lene Espersen asked her counterparts from the other Nordic countries to commit to promoting cooperation on foreign and security policy issues between their countries. She highlighted the importance of extending cooperation to other countries notably the Baltic States and Russia and to see Nordic cooperation as "a complement to European and transatlantic cooperation." Areas of cooperation should include surveillance of maritime areas and airspace, research and rescue services and the fight against cyber crime.

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1 January 1970

The Spanish Industry, Tourism and Trade Minister, Miguel Sebastian presented the first strategic plan to promote industrial property on 9th March (Plan Pi)established by Spain. The plan is an integral part of the Strategy for a Sustainable Economy and intends to make industrial property a means to innovation, competitiveness and growth for the future of the Spanish economy. Hence the Spanish government would like to reduce the gap that separates Spain form technologically more advanced countries such as Japan, the USA, Germany, Korea and China.

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1 January 1970

French Prime Minister François Fillon travelled to Berlin on 10th March. After giving a conference to the students of the Humboldt University he held a conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He guaranteed that Paris did not "have a different opinion" from Germany with regard to the measures to implement in order to help Greece. He said that the two countries were convinced of the "need for solidarity in the euro area." Angela Merkel re-iterated her support in principle of a European Monetary Fund (EMF) to help euro area countries which were suffering financial problems, whilst saying that this would "require a review of the European treaties".

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1 January 1970

In 2009 France was the third country to receive direct foreign investment (DFI) in the world, to a total of 65 billion dollars indicated the latest report by the French Agency for International Investment (FAII). A figure that places France second in Europe in terms of foreign investments which create jobs in 2008, says the FAII. In addition to this with 199 billion dollars France was in 2008 the second country in terms of DFI emissions in the world.

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1 January 1970

French President Nicolas Sarkozy travelled to London on 12th March to prepare the European Council of 25th and 26th March. He said the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was a "convinced and convincing reformer" adding "I believe in the pertinence of an agreement between the UK and France to make Europe move and to move the world which is in such need of reform." He also spoke with the main opposition leader, David Cameron.

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1 January 1970

20% of European students are due be able to study abroad every year as from 2020 said the Hungarian Education Minister Istvan Hiller on 11th March as he inaugurated a conference that rallied 46 European Higher Education Ministers in Budapest. According to estimates 3% of European students study in a foreign university every year in the countries involved (47 with the entry of Kazakhstan) in the procedure to create a European area of higher education launched ten years ago in Bologna. With regard to Hungary Istvan Hiller wants to raise the level from 2% to 10%.

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1 January 1970

Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen welcomed the historic vote by the Northern Ireland Assembly on 9th March with regard the devolution of policing and justice powers. In his opinion it was an historic day showing that democratic institutions are working and that political determination on the part of the population to live in peace and prosperity has to be respected - and it will be. This was also a vote of confidence on the future of Northern Ireland. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown also welcomed this vote that sends out a strong message which indicates that "democracy and tolerance prevail". This vote follows in the wake of the Hillsborough Castle agreements signed on 5th February when it was decided that the government of Northern Ireland would take over power with regard to justice and the police forces as from 12th April.

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1 January 1970

Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini met the Deputy Prime Minister of Macedonia Vasko Naumovski on 11th March. He reiterated his promise to support the rapid launch of membership negotiations for Macedonia to the EU. With regard to this he expressed his hope that the issue of the country's name would be settled rapidly.

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1 January 1970

The American search engine Google and the Italian Culture Ministry signed an agreement to digitalise a million books free of copyright on 10th March in Rome - these books are from the national libraries of Rome and Florence. "Google will take on board the cost of the digitalisation of these works and will establish a digitalisation centre in Italy," declared Google in a press release saying that the work would be available on its Google Books site.

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1 January 1970

Lithuania celebrated the 20th anniversary of its independence on 11th March after having been annexed to the Soviet Union for 45 years. This 20th anniversary was lauded by many foreign Heads of State, notably the French, Russian and German Presidents as well as the President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso who pointed to the extraordinary progress that Lithuania had achieved over the last 20 years.

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Southern Caucasus

1 January 1970

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk travelled to Azerbaijan on 10th and 12th March - he also went to Georgia and Armenia. His visit to Azerbaijan was in part devoted to energy issues including the European gas pipeline project, Nabucco. In Tbilissi, after meeting Georgian President Mikhail Saakachvili, Donald Tusk took part in a seminar on regional and European policy. In Erevan he spoke with Armenian President Serge Sarkissian. A Polish-Armenian Economic cooperation agreement was signed on this occasion.

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1 January 1970

NATO has to provide itself with an effective anti-missile defence system and in the future take on board the possibility of a nuclear threat from players other than States said NATO's Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen in Warsaw on 12th March.

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1 January 1970

The Romanian government decided that the country's second nuclear power station will be built in Transylvania but its exact position will depend on the technology selected announced the Romanian Economy Minister Adriean Videanu on 13th March.

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1 January 1970

On 10th March British Foreign Minister, David Miliband gave a speech on Afghanistan at the Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT). He notably recalled that Afghanistan comprised the main threat at present to the transatlantic alliance and that the border regions with Pakistan and Afghanistan represented the main threat to Britain's domestic security. Whilst more troops have been sent to Afghanistan the Afghan government must now continue its integration into the political arena. Total, sustainable policy regulation is necessary to enhance the country's democratisation and to legitimise the Afghan government.

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1 January 1970

Slovenian President Danilo Türk travelled to Finland as part of a State visit from 8th to 10th March. He met his Finnish counterpart, Tarja Halonen notably to discuss relations between the EU and the Western Balkans. The two president noted their excellent relations and decided to enhance economic relations between the two countries.

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1 January 1970

Slovenian Agricultural Minister Milan Pogacnik resigned on 10th March the day after his arrest because of a corruption scandal. "I am resigning because of all of the pressure that is being put on me," he declared during a press conference convened jointly with Prime Minister Borut Pahor.

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1 January 1970

President of the Slovenian Republic, Danilo Türk undertook an official visit to Lithuania on 10th March. The Slovenian President spoke with his Lithuanian counterpart Dalia Grybauskaite. The Slovenian President stressed that his visit coincided with the 20th anniversary of Lithuania's independence. The two presidents discussed cooperation between the two countries which is vital for these two EU states if they are to make themselves heard. They also called for the introduction of a common energy policy for the EU and a more united attitude towards energy suppliers to reduce the Union's dependency in terms of energy.

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1 January 1970

On 11th March the Riksdag, the Swedish Parliament adopted a motion which acknowledges the 1915 genocide perpetrated by Turkey against the Armenians, Assyrians, Syriacs, Chaldeans and the Pontiac Greeks", who happened to be the Christian minorities living in Ottoman territories at the time. In spite of this democratic vote the Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt qualified it as "regrettable" on 13th March. However the massacres and deportations of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire have been acknowledged as genocide by Paris, Ottawa, the European Parliament and the American Chamber of Representatives.

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1 January 1970

Armenia may withdraw its signature from the normalisation protocols for bilateral relations signed in October 2009 with Turkey if Ankara uses the procedure for "other ends" warns Armenian President Serge Sarkissian in an interview in the French daily, the Figaro. "It is my greatest wish to establish normal relations but recent declarations by Turkey lead me to believe that they will not ratify the protocols in the near future," said the Head of State.

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1 January 1970

The President of the French Republic Nicolas Sarkozy hosted a lunch for his Armenian counterpart Serge Sarkissian on 10th March. The two men discussed the bilateral relationship between the two countries and various regional conflicts.

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1 January 1970

Ivica Dacic, Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister of Serbia announced on 11th March the readmission of 900 Serb immigrants mostly of Rom or Albanian origin who had requested political asylum in Belgium and Sweden. The number of asylum seekers increased rapidly after the procedure to free the visa system for entry into the EU between the EU, Macedonia and Serbia. All Serbs who are found illegally on Union soil must be sent back to Serbia said Mr Dacic in line with the readmission treaty that entered into force on 1st January 2008 between Serbia and the EU. In 2009 there were 2,191 requests for readmission, in comparison with 478 recorded in the first two months of 2010. According to Mr Dacic most of the readmission fees will be paid by the States who make the request.

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1 January 1970

The Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich succeeded on 11th March in forming a parliamentary coalition. This was made possible by the adoption of a controversial law on the initiative of the head of State which significantly simplifies the procedure in the creation of a parliamentary coalition. The new coalition includes 235 MPs from the Regions Party, the communists and the Litvine Bloc as well as MPs who sit as independents. The Stability and Reform coalition suggested the appointment of Mykola Azarov as Prime Minister. Unsurprisingly the Parliament validated this appointment and that of the government by 242 votes (226 were required). Former head of the taxation services and former Finance Minister Mykola Azarov succeeds Yulia Tymoshenko. The other positioins were attributed in the main to influential members of the Regions Party. Serguey Tigipko, who came third in the first round of the presidential election was appointed Deputy Prime Minister responsible for economy.

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1 January 1970

According to data published by Eurostat on 11th March the EU's current account recorded a deficit of 27 billion euros during the fourth quarter of 2009 in comparison with a deficit of 27.7 billion in the third quarter and 59.4 billion in the fourth quarter of 2008. Over the same period the balance of services revealed a surplus of 14.1 billion euros in comparison with a surplus of 21.7 billion in the fourth quarter of 2008 and 16.7 billion in the third quarter 2009.

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1 January 1970

According to estimates published by Eurostat on 12th March industrial production increased by 1.7% in the euro area and by 1.8% in the Union in January 2010 in comparison with the previous month. In December production increased by 0.6% and 0.3%. The highest increases were recorded in Ireland (+15.3%), Bulgaria (+4.9%) and in Estonia (+4.5%) and the most important decreases were in Portugal and Finland (-2.2%). On an annual basis industrial production rose by 1.4% in the euro area and by 1.5% in the Union.

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1 January 1970

According to provisional data published on 15th March by the European Statistics Office, Eurostat, the number of people employed in the euro area decreased by 0.2% in the fourth quarter of 2009 in comparison with the previous quarter and by 0.3% in the EU. In the third quarter of 2009 employment declined by 0.5% in the euro area and the EU. 2,721 million jobs were lost in the euro area in 2009 ie a decline of 1.8% in number of jobs after a rise of 0.9% in 2008. In the EU 4,021 million people lost their jobs which is equal to a decline of 1.8%. In 2008 employment grew by 0.7% in the EU.

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1 January 1970

According to a Eurobarometer survey on "The Behaviour of Europeans with regard to Tourism" published on 9th March 80% of Europeans plan to go on holiday in 2010 (67% in 2009). Favourite destinations are Spain (10.4%), France (9.9%) and Italy (9.2%).

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1 January 1970

The German Society for Foreign Policy (DGAP) has published a study by Claire Demesmay and Andreas Marchetti entitled "Frankreich ist Frankreich ist Europa. Franzözische Europa-Politik zwischen Pragmatismus und Tradition" (France's European Policy: between Pragmatism and Tradition). The French policy is marked by a concentration on decision-making power in terms of foreign policy which lies in the hands of the president and by a new pragmatic impetus which remains mainly intergovernmental in essence and which tries to enhance France's role as leader in Europe.

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1 January 1970

An arms race has brought some poor countries into conflict over the last five years - however the money devoted to the purchase of arms and fighter planes could be have been put to better use says the International Institute for Peace Studies (Sipri). In its annual report on the arms trade which focuses on the period 2005-2009 the Institute also stresses that across the world the sales of arms were 22% higher than in 2000-2004. Again on a world level "fighter planes represented 27% of the entire transfer of arms" over the period studied.

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Black Sea

1 January 1970

Pantheon Assas publishing has released a book under the guidance of Baptiste Chatré and Stéphane Delory entitled "Conflits et sécurité dans l'espace mer Noire: L'Union Européenne, les riverains et les autres" with a preface by Serge Sur. Since the fall of the USSR the Black Sea area has become a zone of conflict between the major powers. This work attempts to highlight the complexity of the intereactions which typify this region by analysing the sources of tension and conflict which are developing there but also the mechanisms which might regulate them.

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1 January 1970

The Institut für Demoscopie Allensbach published its third annual directory on 3rd March which analyses in the space of 900 pages the polls undertaken amongst the Germans by opinion specialists and studies the development in German opinion between 2003 and 2009. The director of the Allensbach institute, Renate Köcher says that the Germans are very pragmatic in terms of their relationship with politics. They are expecting their leaders to be efficient. Chancellor Angela Merkel, who presented the report, stressed that these surveys should not be used to undertake politics. In her opinion researchers must not get involved in politics and likewise surveys must not be used to justify political decisions.

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1 January 1970

Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation made a contribution to the special insert "Recomposer l'Europe. Tendances et jeu des acteurs" in the review Agir in March with an article on "De la nécessité du couple franco-allemand". This work notably reviews the Union as a global player, the effects of the Lisbon treaty on the Franco-German relations, on neighbourhood, the European economy and the future of the euro, on budgetary and fiscal policy and on the arms industry.

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60th Anniversary/Schuman Declaration


1 January 1970

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration the European-France Movement and the Young Europeans-France under the patronage of the representation of the European Commission in France is launching a competition "Invent tomorrow's Schuman Declaration". This initiative addresses European high school pupils who have been invited to write a speech as Robert Schuman did to provide a new impetus to European construction.

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1 January 1970

On 10th March Radio France Internationale (RFI) and the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) launched the first "audio-archives" of the European Gulag based on 120 eye-witness reports by survivors that were collated by European researchers in thirteen countries (Germany, Estonia, France, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Czech Republic and Ukraine). Nearly one million Europeans were deported to the Gulag, Soviet Labour Camps, or they were dispatched to isolated villages in Siberia and Central Asia. 250 hours of audio-recordings have been archived in 11 languages. The most striking of these will be broadcast during three special programmes on RFI on Sunday 14th, 21st and 28th March in "La Marche du Monde". All of the reports will be the focus of an audio-book that will be published by the end of the year.

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1 January 1970

On 9th March the European Commission launched the "European Heritage Label". This initiative aims to promote sites that symbolise European integration as well as ideals and the history of the Union. It is part of the extension of the intergovernmental project that was established in 2006 in which 17 Member States are already taking part. 64 sites have received this label as part of the existing programme. Amongst these are the Robert Schuman House at Scy-Chazelles (Moselle); it is devoted to the Statesman who was one of the founding fathers of the EU.

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1 January 1970

The biggest antiques fair in the world, "The European Fine Art Fair (Tefaf) in which 263 exhibitors participate opened its doors on 12th March in Maastricht; the high point was the sale of a painting by Paul Gauguin. Until 21st March art and antiques merchants from 17 countries will be exhibiting nearly 30,000 pictures, sculptures, furniture, jewellery, porcelain, clothes and notably precious manuscripts.

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1 January 1970

75 paintings by Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Kazimir Malevitch and other "pioneers of moden art" lent by the Hermitage Museum of Saint-Petersburg are on show in Amsterdam until 17th September. The exhbition entitled "From Matisse to Malevitch" is presenting work by artists "who were part of the first major avant-garde mouvement of the 20th century at the Amsterdam Hermitage.

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Newsletter Archives

The Italian economy and its European outlook

The challenges facing European agriculture: Crisis or opportunity for transformation?

European support to the defence industry - Mid-term review of the European Defence Fund

Greenland:a geostrategic challenge for the European Union in the age of Trump 2.0

Polish Presidency of the Council - A paradigm shift in Poland's European policy

The Editors of the Newsletter :
Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy

N°ISSN : 2729-6482

Editor-in-Chief :
Eric Maurice

Director of Publication :
Pascale Joannin

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The Newsletter n°432- version of 15 mars 2010