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In a rapidly changing world, there are many new challenges that Europe is facing. The Foundation, a player in European debate, needs your support more than ever before !
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Tax deduction
Approved by the State by the decree on 18th January 1992 published in the Journal Officiel on 21st February, 1992, the Robert Schuman Foundation is allowed to receive donations from private persons and companies. For your information: Tax payers benefit from an income tax rebate equal to 66% of the donation amount. It is limited to 20% of taxable income (art. 200-3 C.G.I) Companies liable to income tax or company tax benefit from a rebate of 60% limited to 0.5% of their turnover. (art. 238 bis 2 CGI) Private parties who pay solidarity tax on wealth can reduce 75% of the total of their donation up to a total of 50,000 euro (art 885-0 V bis A C.G.I). Tax reductions only for taxpayers resident in France
This donation cost me 34€ after tax deduction

This donation cost me 51€ after tax deduction

This donation cost me 170€ after tax deduction

This donation cost me 34% after tax deduction
Mode de paiement
As a recognized public utility foundation, the Foundation is authorized to receive legacies. It benefits from tax approval allowing it not to pay inheritance tax and this bequest is exempt from all taxation. Thanks to this bequest, it will continue its missions of general interest in the medium and long term. For any additional information, you can contact Pascale Joannin on 01 53 63 83 00.
Security / Privacy
To ensure your payment security, the Robert Schuman Foundation uses a secured payment system via Internet managed by the CIC. If you do not want to communicate your credit card number on the Internet, you can pay by cheque. We thank you for your trust. The credit cards accepted for online payments are the following :