Presentation of the EurHope campaign results

10 November 2023 to 10 November 2023 - Europe
On 10 November 2023 in Madrid, and the Young European Federalists presented the results of the EurHope campaign, of which the Foundation a partner organisation.
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In the light of the 2024 European elections, EurHope created a unique dialogue among young citizens in 22 languages across the 27 member states of the EU.
The proposals emerging from this first phase were presented on the occasion of a conference at which Stefanie Buzmaniuk was one of the speakers.
The proposals shaped the drafting of an Agenda of Hope, set to be shared with European institutions and political actors. The Agenda of Hope aims to put young citizens’ priorities in the centre of the public debate ahead of the European elections. In a time of wars, crises and uncertainty, the upcoming elections will be a crucial moment for the EU, and Europeans expressed their wish for a positive front to reform the EU to gain back Hope.
27 January 2025