Breakfast Debate with Jean-Dominique Giuliani

15 June 2023 - France
The European Parliamentary Association in Strasbourg is organising a breakfast-debate with Jean-Dominique Giuliani during which he will present the Schuman Report 2023 which has just been published by Marie B, Lignes de Répères.
When ?
Starts the
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On the occasion of the publication of the Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union 2023 (published by Marie B, Lignes de Répères, April 2023), Jean-Dominique Giuliani is invited by the European Parliamentary Association to present the book during a breakfast debate.
*** When *** Thursday 15 June 2023 at 8am
*** Where *** 76 allée de la Robertsau Strasbourg *** Admission by invitation ***
27 January 2025