Seminar on the Economy of Data

1 June 2022 - France
The Foundation, in partnership with Alphalex Consult and IDFRights, is organising a seminar on the data economy on 1 June. The event, which will be held in Brussels and broadcast online, will be opened by the European Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton, and the debates will be chaired by former journalist and MEP Jean-Marie Cavada.
When ?
Starts the
Where ?
*** Location *** Hôtel Thon, 75 Rue de la Loi, Bruxelles and online
The market of industrial data is developing rapidly. For European institutions, the stake is to create the conditions for significant growth thanks to the data economy. For companies, the stake is to assess how far open data can go and to reconcile general and particular interests. The discussion will focus on European data initiatives: Data Act, Data Governance Act and their impact on access, re-use, ownership and contractual aspects of non-personal data.
Keynote speech by Thierry BRETON, European Commissioner for the Internal Market
Welcome speech: Jean-Dominique GIULIANI, President of the Robert Schuman Foundation
Introduction: Henri THOME, CEO of Alphalex-Consult
Two panels chaired by Jean-Marie CAVADA, President of the IDFRights
1. "The industry facing data sharing" with Groupe RATP, Michelin, Renault, Cosmian and European Commission.
2. "Issuers and users of data: What connection ?" with Allianz, Scope, FNSEA and Schneider Electric.
*** Agenda ***
1.30 pm: Welcoming reception
1.45 pm: Keynote speech by Commissioner Thierry Breton followed by Q&A
2.30 pm - 3.30 pm: 1st panel followed by Q&A
3.30 pm - 3.45 pm: Speech by the French Presidency of the Council (TBC)
3.45 pm - 4 pm: Break
4 pm - 4.15 pm: Speech by a Member of the European Parliament (TBC)
4.15 pm - 5.15 pm: 2nd panel followed by Q&A
5.15 pm - 5.30 pm: Greetings and conclusive remarks by Jean-Dominique Giuliani and Henri Thomé
*** When ***
Wednesday 1 June 2022, 13.30 pm - 17.30 pm
*** Location ***
Hôtel Thon, 75 Rue de la Loi, Bruxelles
and online
27 January 2025