Proud to be European


30 November 2021 - France

As part of the preparations for the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Europeum Institute organised a videoconference with Jean-Dominique Giuliani on 30 November, at the initiative of the Foundation and in cooperation with the French Institute in Prague, on the theme of belonging and the shared identity of Europeans.

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France and the Czech Republic, which hold the Presidency of the EU Council in 2022, will lead the discussions on the outcome of the Conference on the future of Europe, and therefore play a key role in defining our common projects for the years to come. But what keeps Europeans together, and how can we strengthen their sense of belonging to a community with shared values, interests and objectives? This Czech-French event is a contribution to the upcoming debates. *** Participants *** - Alexis Dutertre, French Ambassador to the Czech Republic - Jean-Dominique Giuliani, President of the Robert Schuman Foundation - Pascale Joannin, General Manager of the Robert Schuman Foundation - Zuzana Stuchlikova, Associate Research Fellow at Europeum - Jan Snaidauf, Department of Policy Planning and Analysis, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Moderation by Martin Vokálek, Europeum *** When *** Tuesday, 30 November at 2.30 pm *** Languages *** Czech and French with simultaneous translation *** Replay ***




8 July 2024 to 8 July 2024

8 July 2024 to 8 July 2024

This online Elections Monitor panel organized by EPC, at which Elise Bernard Head of Studies of the Robert Schuman Foundation will speak, will discuss the outcome of the French legislative elections of the 30th of June and of the 7th of July as well as their potential impact on EU policies and the functioning of the EU.