Monetary Policy in an Unusual Recovery


24 November 2021 - France

The School of Management and Innovation of Sciences Po is organising a debate on monetary policy in the current time of economic recovery. The Robert Schuman Foundation is co-organiser of the event.

When ?

Starts the

Where ?

Sciences Po, 27, rue Saint Guillaume, 75007 PARIS

The School of Management and Innovation with the Fondation Robert Schuman organise A unique conference offered by Fabio Panetta, Member of the ECB's Executive Board to the Sciences Po community and specialized press on the topic of "Monetary Policy in an Unusual Recovery". Moderation by - Natacha Valla, Dean of the School of Management and Innovation - Florent Bonaventure, Executive Director of the School of Management and Innovation *** When *** Wednesday November 24th, 2021 at 11:00 am *** Where *** Sciences Po 27, rue Saint Guillaume 75007 PARIS



8 July 2024 to 8 July 2024

8 July 2024 to 8 July 2024

This online Elections Monitor panel organized by EPC, at which Elise Bernard Head of Studies of the Robert Schuman Foundation will speak, will discuss the outcome of the French legislative elections of the 30th of June and of the 7th of July as well as their potential impact on EU policies and the functioning of the EU.