Migration and asylum: what can Europe do?


25 February 2021 - France

The Foundation organised, together with the Catholic Institute of Paris, a videoconference on the topic of migration and asylum in Europe. Commissioner Margaritis Schinas, Executive Director of Frontex Fabrice Leggeri and Member of the European Parliament Fabienne Keller discussed the topic around a virtual roundtable. Please note that this debate was held in French.

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On Tuesday, 25th February, the Foundation organised, together with the Catholic Institute of Paris, a videoconference on the topic "Migration and asylum: What can Europe do?". The speakers discussed issues around European migration politics and the Commission's proposal of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum, the management of the Union's external borders and the solidarity between member states. *** Speakers *** - Margaritis SCHINAS, Vice-president of the European Commission in charge of the portfolio of Migration and for Promoting the European Way of Life - Fabrice LEGGERI, Executive Director of Frontex, European Border and Coast Guard Agency - Fabienne KELLER, Member of the European Parliament, Rapporteur on the Asylum Procedures Regulation The discussions was moderated by Jean-Dominique Giuliani, President of the Robert Schuman Foundation, and was held in French. *** Replay ***




27 January 2025

27 January 2025

Following the publication of a Schuman paper dedicated to Poland's Presidency of the Council in 2025, a debate  is organised to talk about the evolving role of  Poland and its potential to address the Union's leadership challenges.